10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (2024)

January 12 2018

Most people live inafast-paced world, always inarush with barely enough time tocarefully follow ahealthy diet. Asaresult, wemindlessly stuff our bodies with foods that cause alot ofharm and put pressure onour organs. Itmight beworking for now, but itwill definitely come back tohauntus one day.

Here is alist ofhealthy foods you can easily incorporate into your daily diet that will naturally detox and cleanse your body from the toxins weare exposed todaily. How many ofthese doyou already have onyour menu?

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (1)

10. Beetroot

This highly beneficial root contains iron, calcium, and atype ofantioxidant called betaine, which isaplant pigment responsible for the distinctive red color. Betaine improves cell structure and repairs andregenerates the cells inour liver(the body’s main detox center). The liver defends your body from all the toxins you are exposedto, soadding anatural detoxifying vegetable will help alot.

Tip:Steam orboil the reddish bulb with its skin tokeep all the vital nutrients. Baking and roasting are also delicious options for aside dish. Using raw beets for ahealthy smoothie isbecomingmore populararound the world. You can also grate them (raw) for asalad.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (2)

9. Onion and Garlic

Both contain flavonoids that help inthe production ofglutathione, one ofthe liver’s strongest antioxidants. They stimulate the liver toproduce detoxification enzymes that filter toxic residues from the digestive system. Inaddition, they take some ofthe burden off this hardworking organ and have powerful antibacterial, antiparasitic, and immune-boosting properties.

Tip:Any detox diet must include these 2ingredients. Raw orfried garlic can beagreat addition toasalad. Ahomemaderoasted garlic spreadwith ahealthy cracker isagreat detoxifying snack for your busy day.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (3)

8. Greens

Dark leafy greens give your digestive tract adetoxifying boost ofchlorophyll. This plant pigment isresponsible for the consumption oflight inthe process ofphotosynthesis, which creates energy. But besides this, ithas the ability toconnect with toxins and other free radicals toturn them into neutral materials. Italso cleans the heavy metals that accumulate inour body.

Chlorophyll also has anti-inflammatory properties, and theyalkalize the bodytohelp get rid ofthe acidity ofbodily fluids.

Tip:Modern foods are high inacidity, somake sure your kitchen isfull ofspinach, kale, wheatgrass, and other organicdark leafy greens. Add wheatgrass toyour smoothies orjuices. Make adelicious spinach soup orroast kale with olive oil and spices for yourpizza kale chips.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (4)

7. Lemon Water

Citrus fruits are great for your digestive system because they are full ofvitaminC and are rich inantioxidants. This powerful compound activates liver enzymes tohelp convert toxins into awater-soluble form and gives akick tostagnant bowels. This means that all contamination can beeasily washed out from your body.

Tip:Start your morning with aglass oflukewarm water mixed with the juice ofone lemon orlime, apinch ofsea salt, and alittle honey ormaple syrup. Drink this mixture onanempty stomach toboost your energy level for the day and get better bowel movements and better skin.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (5)

6. Seeds and Nuts

Ifyou can’t help munching onsnacks, make sure they are healthy ones. Always keep handy abag ofnuts and seedslike almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, orsunflower seeds.

  • Aregular intake ofalmonds will help you get rid ofall the fatty deposits that build uparound your liver.
  • Walnuts hold high levels ofthe acid arginine, which helps the liver todetoxify ammonia. They are also great for helping your brain tofunction better.
  • Flaxseeds boost your mood. When ground, they provide fiber tohelp flush out toxins from your intestinal tract. Inother great news, flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps with weight loss.
  • Sunflower seeds provide magnesium, amineral which keeps blood pressure levels normal, helps maintain asteady heartbeat, and boosts lipolysis (the process through which the body releases fat from its stores).

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (6)

5. Yogurt

Yogurt isfull ofprobiotics, and they supply healthy bacteria tofortify the tract’s natural flora,helping digestionand boosting the body’s immune responses. Basically, yogurt brings good bacteria into your gut tokick-start digestion and help you get rid oftoxins.

Tip:Avoid “fat-free” or“low-fat” yogurts asthey contain alot ofsugar. Choose yogurts with live oractive cultures.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (7)

4. Dandelion orGreen Tea

Dandelion helps the liverbystraining and filtering toxins and waste from your bloodstream.Green teaismuch richer inantioxidants compared toblack oroolong teas, despite the fact that they all come from the same plant. The caffeine contained ingreen tea gives this energizing drink adiuretic effect, which helps toalleviate bloating bycounteracting water retention.

Tip:Pick dandelions from your garden oronyour next hiking trip. Brew them tocreate asimple and detoxifying tea that will keep you warm and healthy oncold days.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (8)

3. Ginger

Ginger isacommon ingredient that lessens bloating, keeps the colon working properly, and frees itfromwaste and bad toxins. Itisgood for gas and nausea associated with parasite die-off. Ginger helps and improves stomach acid production, which, inturn, kills parasites and protects our bodies from infections. Italso makes the digestive juices flow, which helps your digestive system bemore efficient. This magic root boosts your metabolism and supports liver functions all day.

Tip:There are thousands ofways you can use ginger. Try ginger tea with honey and lemon, oradd ittoyour smoothies, salads, soups, oranything else you cook orbake!

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (9)

2. Carrots

Carrots are rich inglutathione and are one ofthe mostpowerful detoxing vegetables. They are also packed with beta-carotene and vitamin A.Carrots have great cardiovascular benefits and help improve your overall immune functions.

Tip:One way todetox your body istostay away from any processed food for aday or2. Munching oncarrots and other raw vegetables and drinking fresh vegetable juice afew times aday will help you wash out plenty oftoxins. Add green ordandelion tea tothis, and you are good togo.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (10)

1. Cucumbers

Cucumbers rarely get the attention they deserve, even though they are full ofbenefits. One such benefit isdetoxification ofthe bodyasthey support the digestive tract and cleanse the liver. They helpus stay hydrated and are anatural diuretic food, which means they help the body produce more urine towash out toxins and waste from the blood and guts.

Tip:Cucumbers also reduce bloating and uncomfortable water retention, which isagreat reason tohave afew after anight ofsalty food oralcohol.

Sourced from Brightside.

10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group (2024)


10 Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Body - Geelong Medical & Health Group? ›

The fastest way to detox your body is to drink water, get enough sleep, exercise, lower sugar intake, and eat probiotic foods. In recent years, "detox" has become somewhat of a buzzword. It mainly applies to using certain products or following a specific diet to remove toxins from your body.

What is the fastest way to flush your body of toxins? ›

The fastest way to detox your body is to drink water, get enough sleep, exercise, lower sugar intake, and eat probiotic foods. In recent years, "detox" has become somewhat of a buzzword. It mainly applies to using certain products or following a specific diet to remove toxins from your body.

What to drink to flush out the body? ›

7 Healthy Detox Drinks You Can Easily Make At Home
  • Lemon and Mint Infused Water. Start your detox journey with a classic yet revitalizing option. ...
  • Green Detox Smoothie. ...
  • Cucumber and Ginger Cooler. ...
  • Berry Antioxidant Detox Water. ...
  • Turmeric Detox Tea. ...
  • Pineapple and Coconut Water Elixir. ...
  • Herbal Detox Infusion.
Aug 11, 2023

What fruit is best for detox? ›

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit are best known for their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C supports your immune system to help keep colds and other bugs at bay. Citrus fruits are also rich in flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and promote liver detox.

How to clean out bowels quickly? ›

To cleanse the colon, experts recommend drinking 6 to 8 cups of warm water per day. In addition, you should also eat plenty of foods with a high water content, including fruits and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery.

How much apple cider vinegar do you drink to detox your body? ›

Once you've got the go-ahead, you might try a recipe similar to this one:
  1. 1-2 tbsp raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
  2. 8 oz drinking water.
  3. 1-2 tbsp organic honey or maple syrup.
  4. 2 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
  5. 1 tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  6. ¼ tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
  7. Dash of cayenne pepper (optional)

What is the best detox water for belly fat? ›

5 Detox Drinks To Lose Belly Fat
  1. Lemon Water: Rich in antioxidants and catechins, green tea can increase fat burning and promote weight loss. ...
  2. Green Tea: Slice cucumbers and mint leaves and let them infuse in water overnight. ...
  3. Cucumber Mint Detox Water. ...
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink. ...
  5. Beetroot Juice.
Feb 14, 2024

How do I draw toxins out of my body? ›

Read on to learn about lifestyle changes that help support your body's natural detox processes.
  1. Care for Your Skin. ...
  2. Consider Taking Prebiotics. ...
  3. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods. ...
  4. Get Good Sleep. ...
  5. Get Moving. ...
  6. Stay Hydrated. ...
  7. Swap Added Sugars for Foods Rich in Antioxidants. ...
  8. Take It Easy With Alcohol.
Nov 28, 2023

How do you know if your body is full of toxins? ›

Some signs that your body has a toxin buildup include:
  • Brain fog.
  • Hair loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Brittle toenails.
  • Bad breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight gain.

What should I drink before bed to detox? ›

Here are some of the most popular drinks that you can take at night for detoxification and sleep.
  • Chamomile and Lemon Tea. ...
  • Turmeric-infused Golden Milk. ...
  • Berry and Hibiscus Infusion. ...
  • Lavender and Mint Tea. ...
  • Cinnamon and Vanilla With Warm Milk or As Tea. ...
  • Minty Pineapple Cooler. ...
  • Vanilla Chamomile Latte.
Dec 30, 2023

What is the best drink to flush your stomach? ›

Squeeze two to three lemons into a liter of water. You may add a pinch of pink salt for taste to it. Grate some ginger into the lemon water and drink it. Vitamin C is heat-sensitive, so make sure the water is not hot.

What is the best home remedy to flush your system? ›

Recommended Dietary Guidelines for At-Home Drug Detox
  1. Fruits like lemons, oranges, and limes.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Leafy greens like kale, spinach, alfalfa, and chard.
  4. Green supplements like spirulina, wheatgrass, and blue-green algae.
  5. Garlic.
  6. Seeds and nuts.
  7. Healthy fats and omega-3 oils.
  8. Coconut and olive oils.

Do bananas detox your body? ›

Pectin in Bananas may help detoxify the body:

Research has shown that pectin can limit the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin can also help regulate blood sugar levels.

What foods to avoid during a detox? ›

Most detoxification programs recommend removing highly processed foods and foods to which some people are sensitive, such as dairy, gluten, eggs, peanuts and red meat. They also recommend eating mostly organically grown vegetables, fruit, whole non-glutenous grains, nuts, seeds and lean protein.

What food removes toxins from the body? ›

Our Top 9 Detoxifying Foods
  • Onions. Layered with many health benefits, onions contain allicin, quercetin, and several other polyphenol antioxidants. ...
  • Crucifers. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Green Tea. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Flaxseeds. ...
  • Soy.
Aug 13, 2021

How can I detox my body in 24 hours? ›

10 ways to detox your body in 24 hours
  1. What is a detox? ...
  2. Start your day with lemon water. ...
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Clean up your diet. ...
  6. Enjoy a cup of tea. ...
  7. Try twisting to relieve tension — and aid digestion. ...
  8. Do some breathing exercises.

What foods to eat for a 3 day detox? ›

For the three days of the detox, you could eat just whole foods, grains, fruits, and vegetables, and ingest no stimulants in order to give your body a break, relax the liver, detox the kidneys and adrenals, and enhance digestion. If you eat meat, you might want to try a vegetarian or vegan diet for a few days.

How do I fast to cleanse my body? ›

One of the simplest fasts you can do is a water fast, where you consume nothing but water for a certain period of time. Drink one to two quarts of water per day, spaced out during regular meal times. You can supplement it with a slice of lemon. Your fast should not be very long, preferably under 72 hours.

How to completely detox your body from sugar in only 7 days? ›

7 tips to detox from sugar
  1. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast with proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber-rich foods, and healthy fats can keep blood sugar balanced and prevent sugar cravings throughout the day.
  2. Start small. ...
  3. Eat more healthy fats. ...
  4. Add protein. ...
  5. Snack on fruit. ...
  6. Swap your drinks. ...
  7. Stay hydrated.
Apr 23, 2021

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.