15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (2024)

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (1)

Do you always feel hungry, even after polishing off a tasty meal? Do you always snack at 3 p.m.?

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone: some people experience hunger pangs more frequently. And while there are occasionally medical reasons for this—a thyroid issue, for instance, or taking certain antidepressants that increase hunger— the culprit is likely your diet or lifestyle. That means the problem can be fixed. How?

Check out these 15 common causes of hunger pangs, and find out how small lifestyle tweaks can make you feel satisfied for longer.

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You're not sleeping enough.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (2)

Lack of sleep may disrupt appetite-regulating hormones, ultimately increasing hunger, according to a 2016 report by the American Heart Association. Ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger, increases when you’re sleep-deprived. Leptin, the hormone that signals satiety, decreases. In addition, the more hours you spend awake, the more likely you are to nibble something from the refrigerator.

Aim to sleep about seven hours each night, and remember that blue light from your devices can negatively affect sleep. Make a rule: Screens in bed, like breakfast in bed, should be a special occasion.

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You're Drinking Your Meals

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (3)

Most packaged “meal replacement” shakes or fruit smoothies won’t keep you satiated for long. So, if you start every morning with a protein shake, that could explain why you're always hungry.

The reason is because liquids empty out of your stomach in less than an hour, says gastroenterologist Scott D. Levenson, M.D., director of the Digestive Care Medical Center in San Carlos, California. By comparison, solid foods take two to four hours. Second, blending foods pulverizes their fibers, so your body breaks them down faster, reducing satiety.

Listen to Mom and chew your food. A 2015 review of studies found that higher levels of “oral processing” (otherwise known as chews per bite) at a meal affect the gut hormones linked to reduced hunger and increased feelings of fullness. Try nuts in your morning Greek yogurt, jerky with your afternoon cheese snack, and al dente vegetables as a dinner side.

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You're not really eating.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (4)

Maybe you’ve never liked breakfast. Or your work schedule pushes meetings through lunch. Or you just “forget” to eat. It’s time to prioritize consistent meal times. People who don’t eat regular meals have poorer diet quality, and skipping breakfast is associated with a higher intake of added sugars, according to a 2017 study published in Circulation. The same research found that eating breakfast also reduces impulsive snacking.

When you’re awake, your stomach takes about four hours to empty after a meal. If you’re hungry before then, you didn’t eat well at the preceding meal (more on that soon). If you frequently forget to eat, set a phone alarm or calendar alert.


You're drinking too much soda.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (5)

Need another excuse to cut soda out of your diet? Sodas, iced teas, and other sweetened beverages are chock full of high-fructose corn syrup, which has been linked to lower levels of satiety, according to a study conducted by Yale University.

That's because consuming fructose blocks our brain's ability to process signals from the hormone leptin, the “satiation hormone” that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat, essentially tricking our brains into craving more food, even when we’re full. So put down that ginger ale and pick up a tall glass of carbonated water instead.

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Your dinner came out of a can.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (7)

Many plastic food and beverage containers contain the chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA. The Food and Drug Administration says the low levels of BPA we're exposed to are safe, but studies have shown that BPA can affect our waistlines. According to a study from 2014, BPA changes the levels of hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger and satiety. A spike in these hormone levels can lead to food cravings.

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You didn't have a big enough breakfast.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (9)

Your mom was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A cup of coffee to kickstart your day just isn't going to do it.

According to a long-term study by University of Cambridge researchers, people who ate just 300 calories for breakfast gained almost twice as much weight as those who ate 500 calories or more. The reason: Eating a big breakfast makes for smaller rises in blood sugar and insulin throughout the day, meaning you have fewer sudden food cravings. (Pro tip: adding protein to your meal by having a side of, say, turkey sausage with your eggs, also helps.)

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You don't eat enough salad.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (11)

Leafy greens are high in vitamin K, an insulin-regulating nutrient that helps quash cravings. Guys should get at least 120 micrograms of vitamin K a day, which is equal to about one cup of kale.

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You don't drink enough tea.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (13)

According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who drank one cup of black tea after eating high-carb foods decreased their blood sugar levels by 10 percent for a few hours after the meal, which means they stayed full for longer.

Need yet another reason to switch from coffee to tea? A 2017 study from UCLA had similar results, with researchers hypothesizing that sipping on black tea can lead to changes in the gut microbiome that can help with weight loss.

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You're not drinking enough water.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (15)

Dehydration often mimics the feeling of hunger. That's because the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates hunger and thirst, can send you mixed messages when you're super thirsty, leading you to think that you need a snack even though you really just need a glass of water.

If you’ve just eaten a big meal and still want more, drink a glass of water before grabbing a second helping. You'll likely find that you don't really need that extra helping of mashed potatoes after all.

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You're bored.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (17)

Yup, seriously: boredom is a major contributing factor to weight gain. In fact, a 2015 study found a link between susceptibility to boredom and overeating. To test yourself to see if you're truly hungry, imagine a huge, sizzling steak. If you’re truly hungry, the steak will seem appealing. But if that doesn’t seem tempting, chances are you’re in need of a distraction, not another meal.

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You're hitting up happy hour way too often.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (19)

We already know that alcohol is bad for your waistline. But in addition to being full of empty calories, booze could be tricking your brain into thinking you're hungry when you're actually not.

In a 2017 study, researchers fed mice alcohol and found that it triggered specific brain neurons that causes a desire to eat. That said, since the study was conducted on animals and not on people, scientists are still trying to determine if it has the same effect on humans.

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You're stressed as hell.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (21)

Having an incredibly stressful day at work? That could have a huge impact on your desire to eat (that's why stress eating is such a thing). When the day's worries weigh you down, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which can cause cravings for sugary, fattening or salty foods so you have the fuel to handle whatever threats come your way.

Luckily, you can tackle these cravings by keeping healthy snacks on hand and exercising to reduce anxiety.

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You spend too much time looking at food p*rn.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (23)

All that time ogling fattening foods on Instagarm could be the cause of your cravings. A review of studies from 2016 published in the journal Brain and Cognition posited that food p*rn on social media could be making us "visually hungry." In one study analyzed in the review, researchers found that obese people's brains reacted more powerfully to food photos, even if they weren't currently hungry, compared to people who were at a healthy weight. So if you're predisposed to wanting that juicy burger, it's probably not a good idea to look at pictures of it.

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You're not eating enough protein

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (25)

Pick up a breakfast wrap or two from the drive-thru and you’ll stay full till lunch, right? Nope. Though they have some protein, most fast-food breakfast wraps are empty carbs. This is also why you can slam an entire order of pad thai at lunch and still be hungry after eating.

At every meal, aim to eat about 30 grams of protein—a quantity that will increase satiety (your body’s feeling of fullness post meal), according to Purdue University researchers in 2015.

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You're not eating enough fiber, either

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (26)

Fiber also boosts satiety at meals. Ideally, you should consume at least 10 grams per meal. “That amount of fiber will slow emptying from the stomach and contribute to satiety,” says Levenson.

15 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry (2024)


What causes constant hunger? ›

Polyphagia (hyperphagia) is a feeling of extreme, insatiable hunger. It's a common sign of diabetes, but it can have other medical causes, such as hyperthyroidism and atypical depression. It's important to see a healthcare provider if you're experiencing polyphagia.

What can be mistaken for hunger? ›

The truth is, most people confuse thirst and hunger, often mistaking the former for the latter. Clinical studies have shown that 37% of people mistake thirst for hunger because thirst signals can be weak.

Should I be worried if I'm always hungry? ›

But if your stomach has a constant rumble, even after a meal, something could be going on with your health. The medical term for extreme hunger is polyphagia. If you feel hungry all the time, see your doctor.

What should I eat if I'm always hungry? ›

8 Super Filling Foods You Should Be Eating If You're Always...
  • Oatmeal. Prospective short term studies suggest oatmeal consumption helps lower body mass index and body weight. ...
  • Beans. Toss them into salad, use them in soup, or puree them into a dip. ...
  • Non-starchy vegetables. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Greek yogurt. ...
  • Brothy soup.
Jul 7, 2019

What is the disease that makes you hungry all the time? ›

A classic sign of Prader-Willi syndrome is a constant craving for food, resulting in rapid weight gain, starting around age 2 years. Constant hunger leads to eating often and consuming large portions. Unusual food-seeking behaviors, such as hoarding food, or eating frozen food or even garbage, may develop.

How do I get rid of constant hunger? ›

Natural appetite suppressants
  1. Eat more protein and healthy fats. Not all foods satisfy hunger equally. ...
  2. Drink water before every meal. ...
  3. Eat more high fiber foods. ...
  4. Exercise before a meal. ...
  5. Drink yerba maté tea. ...
  6. Switch to dark chocolate. ...
  7. Eat some ginger. ...
  8. Eat bulky, low calorie foods.
May 1, 2024

What illnesses are hunger related to? ›

Severe hunger can often cause anemia, hypertension, premature births, miscarriages, and low birth weight, and in extreme cases, it may lead to maternal death. Furthermore, children born to mothers who are malnourished are likely to experience developmental and growth issues both in early and later life.

Is hunger a symptom of anything? ›

Constant hunger could be a sign of health conditions including diabetes, hyperthyroidism, depression and pregnancy. It's important to rule out medical conditions while addressing those hunger pangs. Looking for more nutrition advice and want to make an appointment with a registered dietitian?

What condition mimics hunger? ›

We often confuse dyspepsia with hunger because you may feel shaky, slightly nauseated, or weak, and eating food makes the symptoms disappear. They go away because food stimulates the stomach to empty.

Why am I so tired and hungry lately as a female? ›

Your symptoms can be due to several different conditions such as diabetes, an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), or congestive heart failure. Depression and mood disorders can sometimes also cause physical symptoms such as these.

Why am I never full? ›

Takeaway. Excessive hunger may be a sign that your body needs more food. However, it may also be caused by some lifestyle and dietary habits, such as eating a low nutrient diet, eating too quickly, and being stressed. Some medical conditions and medications may also cause frequent hunger.

What triggers hunger in the brain? ›

Ghrelin levels increase during food deprivation in animals and prior to meals in humans, and may serve as a critical signal to induce hunger during fasting. Peripheral or direct administration of ghrelin into the brain stimulates feeding [26].

What food keeps you full all day? ›

What are the most filling foods?
  • Boiled or baked potato.
  • Pulses.
  • High-fiber foods.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Summary.

Why am I suddenly hungry all the time? ›

There are many reasons you may always feel hungry. These include a drop in your blood sugar, a lack of sleep, or medications that increase your appetite. If you still feel hungry after eating a meal, this could be because you aren't eating the right amount or type of foods.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

What is the number one cause of hunger? ›

Poverty. Poverty is the greatest cause of hunger around the world – in both higher-wealth and low- to middle-income countries.

Why am I tired and hungry all the time? ›

Your symptoms can be due to several different conditions such as diabetes, an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), or congestive heart failure. Depression and mood disorders can sometimes also cause physical symptoms such as these.

Does hypothyroidism cause constant hunger? ›

For many, one of the most-frustrating signs of hypothyroidism is weight gain. Weight gain can occur because an underactive thyroid affects your metabolism. Without the energy it needs, your body may tend to store more fat. Plus, you may be hungrier with hypo, contributing to potential pounds gained.

What to do when you're hungry but have no food? ›

Pouring yourself a big glass of water and drinking it may help to quell any cravings or hunger. To stay hydrated, women should consume 2.7 liters and men should consume 3.7 liters of fluids daily. If you don't want to drink plain water, you could add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint.

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.