3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (2024)

Did you know that cryptography will play a fundamental role in the current digital era?. Explore here the complex world of cryptography in our comprehensive guide. Get to know 3 different types of encryption, from Symmetric to Asymmetric, AES to RSA. Understand their differences, uses, and which provides the highest level of security.

Table of contents:

  • 1. Understanding the Basics of Encryption
  • 1.1 Definition and Historical Background
  • 1.2 Why is encryption necessary?
  • 2. Common Types of Encryption
  • 2.1 Symmetric Encryption
  • 2.2 Asymmetric Encryption
  • 2.3 Hashing
  • 3. Deep Dive into Specific Encryption Algorithms
  • 3.1 AES Encryption
  • 3.2 RSA Encryption
  • 3.3 Three Way Encryption Algorithm
  • 3.4 Other notable encryption algorithms
  • 4. Understanding Encryption Standards
  • 5. SealPath, Advanced Encryption for Sensitive Data
  • 6. Conclusion

1. Understanding the Basics of Encryption

Understanding the basics of encryption and why it is so important in the digital age will give you an insight into the scope and crucial role it plays today and will play in the future in keeping individuals and organizations secure.

1.1 Definition and Historical Background

Encryption, in simple terms, is the transformation of readable information, known as plaintext, into an unreadable format, termed ciphertext. This process is crucial for securing sensitive information, and ensuring that it is safe from unauthorized access, especially during transmission over the internet. Its origins trace back to the ancient Greeks, with their device called ‘Scytale’, used to cipher text.

Every time we make a transaction online, send an email, or even just surf the web, some form of encryption is at work. Understanding it is not only essential for cybersecurity professionals or IT experts but also benefits anyone using digital technology. Coming to its functioning, in an encryption process, distinct algorithms and encryption keys are applied to the plaintext. The resulting ciphertext can then only be interpreted back into plaintext using suitable decryption keys.

1.2 Why is encryption necessary?

A cornerstone of digital security, encryption safeguards information integrity and privacy, at rest in use and in motion. Understanding encryption is foundational in maintaining the security and trustworthiness of our digital world. It’s like a robust lock safeguarding your secrets in a busy public square. Without encryption, anyone can view or tamper with our messages, sensitive information like credit card numbers, or even our identities. Over 90% of online traffic is encrypted in the majority of nations.

Its importance becomes crystal clear considering the rise in data breaches, cybersecurity trends, identity theft, and cybercrime. Encryption offers a proven defense by ensuring only authorized individuals can access and understand the data being transferred. Moreover, not only does it protect private individuals, but it also safeguards national security, corporate data, and critical infrastructure systems. The encryption of data in companies prevents information leaks, but we should establish who will encrypt the data in the company. A world without encryption would be a world without privacy, something unthinkable in our modern, interconnected era. Businesses can save an average of $1.4 million per attack by implementing robust encryption and cybersecurity measures, as analyzed by the Ponemon Institute.

2. Common Types of Encryption

There are different types of encryption techniques, but the following three are the most common and widely used: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, and Hashing. Let’s take an in-depth look at each type of technique.

2.1 Symmetric Encryption

Detailed Overview

Of all encryption types, Symmetric Encryption is one of the oldest and most common. Symmetric Encryption, also known as Secret Key Encryption, follows a simple premise: one key to encrypt and decrypt data. The key is typically a random string of bits generated by a computer, that interchangeably serves both processes. Let’s imagine this key as a specific set of instructions to create a secret language. For instance, replacing “A” with “Z”, “B” with “Y”, and so on, until the whole alphabet has been flipped. When you write a letter (plaintext), you use this secret language, flipping each letter as per your key. That’s your encryption process – turning a readable message into something unrecognizable. But, if your friend knows your secret language (if they possess the key), they can flip each letter back to its original form.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (1)


An easy-to-understand analogy would be a locker service. You store your belongings in a locker and lock it with a key. Only with that same key can you open the locker and retrieve your items. This is the simplicity and strength of Symmetric Encryption. Impacting daily life, Symmetric Encryption secures mundane tasks like browsing the internet, online banking, and even satellite TV.

Pros and Cons

Despite its simplicity and speed (being faster than other types), the strength of encryption inherently relies on key secrecy. If you need to share the key for decryption, its transmission must be secure to maintain data confidentiality. If the key is compromised, so is your data protection, making Symmetric Encryption less ideal for situations involving many users or remote communications. In essence, while Symmetric Encryption has its limitations, its combination of agile speed and simplicity provides innate value, making it a staple in the encryption world.

2.1 Asymmetric Encryption

Detailed Overview

Unlike Symmetric Encryption, which employs one key for both encryption and decryption, Asymmetric Encryption uses two keys. One key for encryption (public), and a different one for decryption (private). Imagine a door with a different key to lock (public key) and unlock (private key). To lock the door, you might need to turn the key right, press the door handle, and push the door shut. Anyone can do this. But to unlock it, you must follow a specific sequence: insert the key, turn it left, and pull the door. Only you, the keyholder, can perform this action. Advanced mathematical functions play a key role, making a pair of related, yet distinct keys. These algorithms, like RSA or ECC, generate two keys in such a way that a message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with its corresponding private key, and vice versa.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (2)


Consider the mailbox as an example. An easy-to-understand analogy can be drawn from it. Anyone can drop a letter into the mailbox (public key), but only the person with the specific key can unlock it to retrieve the letters (private key). Asymmetric encryption or public key cryptography is indeed widely used in many areas such as Secure Web browsing (“https” – where https stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure), which indicates that the website connection is encrypted. Email security is another field of application. Technologies like “Pretty Good Privacy” (PGP) and “S/MIME” (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) leverage asymmetric encryption to secure email communications.

Pros and Cons

The beauty of Asymmetric Encryption is that the public key can be shared openly, allowing anyone to send secured messages to the key owner. However, only the receiver has the private key to decrypt these messages – an ingenious solution to the key exchange problem in Symmetric Encryption.It has proven vital in secure peer-to-peer network communications and overcoming the challenging key distribution problem in Symmetric Encryption.

However, the extensive calculation required for key generation and data transformation means Asymmetric Encryption is slower than its Symmetrical counterpart. This is where Symmetric Encryption steps in, as it is frequently used to send the actual data, while Asymmetric Encryption securely sends the symmetric key. Despite being more calculations intensive, Asymmetric Encryption’s inherent secure key exchange value and significant role in multiple encryption protocols testify to its vital importance in the secure digital space.

2.3 Hashing

Detailed Overview

Hashing is a unique process of transforming any data—regardless of size—into a fixed length, unique output known as a hash value, or simply, a hash. Think of this process as creating a unique identifier for a book. No matter the script’s length or content, each book is provided with a unique ISBN to readily identify it. Similarly, hashing algorithms produce a distinct output (hash) for each unique input data. It accepts an input – be it a one-word email or a library of ebooks – and processes it through a series of complex computations to produce a unique hash. It’s worth emphasizing that even the smallest change in input—like a single character alteration—generates an entirely different hash.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (3)


Hashing is widely employed for data retrieval, password storage, data integrity checks, and digital signatures. A well-known application is within search functions. For instance, when you search for a book online using its ISBN, the system uses a hashing algorithm to locate and quickly retrieve the information. When you create a password for a site, it’s hashed and stored. Each time you log in, the entered password is hashed again and then compared to the stored hash. The actual password is never stored, contributing greatly to secure password management.

Pros and Cons

A crucial aspect of hashing is its ‘one-way’ nature. You can create a hash from an input, but you cannot retrieve the original data from the hash. You can’t retrace the specific ingredients of a dish from its recipe card, nor can you reconstruct the original input from its hash. However, hashing comes with some challenges. A hash collision arises when two unique inputs result in the same hash output. Although highly unlikely due to the vast possible outputs of a good hashing algorithm, it remains a possibility and, hence, a concern in hashing.

Despite these challenges, the promise of data integrity, efficient data retrieval, and secure password storage enshrines hashing’s indispensable value in the digital realm. Its silent, yet powerful operations work as the dependable watchdog of data integrity, ensuring our digital interactions remain safe and authentic.

3. Deep Dive into Specific Encryption Algorithms

Let us now take a look at the most important and widespread algorithms: AES, RSA, and Three-way Encryption, as well as others of lesser relevance.

3.1 AES Encryption

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) represents a significant advancement in the encryption sphere, elevated to a standard by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in the United States. Essentially, AES is a symmetrical encryption algorithm, which means it uses the same key for both encrypting and decrypting information. Imagine a padlock that opens and closes with the same key – that’s AES for you but with a robust and complex structure.

AES operates on fixed block sizes of 128 bits with keys that can be 128, 192, or 256 bits long. This flexibility allows a balance between speed and security, depending on needs. Real-world applications of AES are vast. It secures sensitive but unclassified material by U.S. government agencies and banks securing transactions worldwide. It’s also implemented in various software and hardware to encrypt sensitive data, providing both individuals and organizations with a proven, cost-effective solution.


  • Robust Security: With AES, encrypted information is virtually impervious to attacks, thanks to the complex algorithmic structures.
  • Speed and Efficiency: It is designed for fast and efficient performance on a variety of platforms, from powerful servers to mobile devices.
  • Widely Accepted and Tested: AES is the accepted standard for various industries and has been exhaustively tested and trusted globally.


  • Complex Implementation: For users without technical expertise, implementing AES correctly can be challenging and requires a solid understanding of cryptography.
  • Resource Utilization: Particularly with 256-bit keys, AES can be resource-intensive, although this is becoming less of a concern with advancing technology.

3.2 RSA Encryption

RSA is an asymmetric encryption system, meaning it utilizes a pair of keys: a public key, which anyone can use to encrypt a message, and a private key, which is kept secret and used to decrypt the message. Imagine sending a secure message in a clear container locked with a padlock. You send the unlocked padlock (public key) out into the world, where anyone can use it to lock the container. Once locked, only you have the key (private key) to open it, safeguarding the message inside.

RSA’s usage is broad. It protects sensitive data transfers, authenticates identity with digital signatures, and secures communication in web browsers.


  • Proven Record: Above all, RSA encryption claims prestige in a proven record of secure data transmission over multiple decades.
  • Key Distribution: It provides a secure method for key distribution, with public keys freely distributed and used to encrypt information.
  • Digital Signatures: RSA is valuable for creating digital signatures, authenticating the source and integrity of the data.


  • Operational Speed: Due to algorithmic complexity, RSA encryption operates slower compared to symmetric encryption methods.
  • Resource Intensive: The processing power needed for encryption and decryption scales with key size, placing significant computational demand on systems for larger keys.
  • Algorithm Vulnerability: While overwhelming in practice, theoretically, if a powerful-enough computer could factor large prime numbers, it could break RSA encryption.

3.3 Three Way Encryption Algorithm

The Three Way encryption algorithm is a symmetric key block cipher designed by Joan Daemen. It operates with a fixed block size of 96 bits and a key size also of 96 bits. This might seem unusual when compared to the more common block sizes of 128 or 256 bits, and indeed this is one of the points that make the Three Way algorithm distinctive. The name “Three Way” stems from its structure, where each round of encryption or decryption employs three layers of non-linear transformations. Just like other symmetric key algorithms, the sender and the receiver use the same key for encryption and decryption, much like having a single key to lock and unlock a chest.

In terms of practical application, the Three Way algorithm is beneficial in limited-resource environments like smart cards or minimalist hardware devices. These settings value small, efficient algorithms like the Three Way, due to its concise block and key sizes.

RSA’s usage is broad. It protects sensitive data transfers, authenticates identity with digital signatures, and secures communication in web browsers.


  • Efficient: The Three Way Algorithm is compact and efficient, perfect for applications where computational resources may be limited.
  • Equal Key and Block Size: A key feature that simplifies operations and requires no additional key schedule computations.


  • Less Common Block Size: Its unusual 96-bit block size may pose compatibility issues with systems designed for the more standard 128-bit block.
  • Lower Security: In contrast to algorithms like AES or RSA, with larger key sizes, the Three Way algorithm offers less security, presenting an easier target for computational attacks as system resources expand over time.

3.4 Other notable encryption algorithms


Firstly, let’s talk about Blowfish. Created in the early 1990s, Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher that encrypts data in 64-bit blocks with a variable-length key up to 448 bits. This makes it exceptionally effective for encrypting data on a smaller scale where advanced threats are less of a concern.

Pros of Blowfish:
  • Speed: Blowfish is known for its swift performance, especially in software implementations.
  • No Licensing Fees: It is a cost-effective solution as it is free to use without licensing restrictions.
Cons of Blowfish:
  • Block Size: With a 64-bit block size, Blowfish may be vulnerable to certain attacks, making it less ideal for encrypting large streams of data.
  • Successor Algorithms: More contemporary algorithms like AES have largely surpassed Blowfish in terms of security and efficiency.


Next is the Twofish algorithm, a successor to Blowfish and a finalist in the Advanced Encryption Standard contest. Twofish is distinguished by its balance of speed and security, encrypting data in 128-bit blocks and supporting key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.

Pros of Twofish:
  • Security: Twofish is a well-regarded algorithm that provides a high level of security.
  • Versatility: It is adaptable to diverse platforms, from low-end smart cards to high-speed networks.
Cons of Twofish:
  • Complexity: Implementation of Twofish can be more involved, requiring a nuanced understanding of cryptography.
  • Adoption: It hasn’t achieved the same level of widespread adoption as AES.


Lastly, we examine Serpent. This algorithm was also an AES finalist and operates with a block size of 128 bits and supports key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.

Pros of Serpent:
  • Top-Tier Security: Serpent is designed to offer strong protection and was recognized for its defense against various attacks.
  • Open-Source: Like Blowfish, it’s available without cost, making it accessible for a variety of applications.
Cons of Serpent:
  • Speed: It’s generally slower than both Twofish and AES, particularly on hardware that is not optimized for its use.
  • Complexity: Because of its layered structure, Serpent can be complex to implement properly.

4. Understanding Encryption Standards

Encryption Standards provide a foundation for secure communication in our digital world. They are protocols that have been scrutinized and authenticated by experts, ensuring that they offer a reliable means of securing data. Let’s explore some pivotal standards in use today.

The first is AES, which we have already discussed in detail in the previous section. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is widely recognized in the world of data security. It became the encryption standard through a rigorous selection process by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). AES is utilized by the U.S. government and numerous other entities to protect classified information.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (4)

SSL protocol Introduced by Netscape in 1995, SSL initially provided security to financial transactions on the web. SSL 3.0, the last version of SSL, is now obsolete due to vulnerabilities, but its concept and method live on in TLS.

TLS is an updated, more secure version of SSL. Currently, we’re primarily using TLS 1.2 and 1.3, approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Both SSL and TLS function similarly. They start with a “handshake” process to establish a secure connection, followed by data transfer via a secure connection. They verify the server’s identity and encrypt the transmitted data, bloc, by block.

5. SealPath, Advanced Encryption for Sensitive Data

SealPath stands at the vanguard of data protection, providing advanced encryption tailored for the safeguarding of sensitive information. At its core, SealPath facilitates robust security protocols to ensure that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical data are unwaveringly maintained.

SealPath employs state-of-the-art encryption algorithms in line with established industry standards. Our offering is complete with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the otherwise complex process of securing documents and digital assets across various platforms. This intuitive design combined with powerful encryption capabilities underpins the reliability and effectiveness of SealPath’s solution.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (5)

A notable aspect of SealPath’s approach is its emphasis on granular access controls. Such precision ensures that data access is stringently regulated, and sensitive information only reaches authenticated and authorized eyes. Moreover, SealPath’s flexible policy management adapts to specific use cases, providing customized data protection that aligns with organizational workflows and compliance requirements. Learn more about the solution here.

6. Conclusion

As we conclude our journey through the fascinating landscape of encryption, remember the pivotal points we discussed:

  • Encryption Standards: Our exploration began with understanding Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) standards. AES provides robust, efficient security for data while SSL/TLS ensures safe internet transactions.
  • Encryption Methods: We unpacked Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encrypting and decrypting data. In contrast, asymmetric encryption delivers more robust security by using a pair of keys: one public for encryption and a private one for decryption.
  • Advanced Concepts: We dove into hashing, an essential tool enhancing password security. Hashing converts data into a fixed-size character string, making it far more secure.

Encryption pervades our daily digital life—every time we log into our social media accounts, send an email or shop online. Given the increasing digital interdependence and the unparalleled rise in cyber threats, encryption stands as an imperative defense. It’s integral to protect sensitive information, uphold privacy, and ensure the integrity of data exchanges. So, let’s ensure we utilize the benefits of these proven and effective encryption methods for preserving data security, as they yield a more secure future for all of us in this ever-evolving digital realm.

3 Types of Encryption - Detailed Guide with Pros & Cons (2024)


What are the three types of encryption? ›

There are different types of encryption techniques, but the following three are the most common and widely used: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, and Hashing.

What are the 3 major components of encryption system? ›

The main components of an encryption system are: (1) plaintext (not encrypted message), (2) encryption algorithm (works like a locking mechanism to a safe), (3) key (works like the safe's combination), and (4) ciphertext (produced from plaintext message by encryption key).

What are the 3 common database encryption methods? ›

There are several data encryption approaches available to choose from. Most internet security (IS) professionals break down encryption into three distinct methods: symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing.

What is encryption of data pros and cons? ›

What are the pros and cons?
  • Added security. Your company's data is extremely sensitive and therefore requires the most extensive protection. ...
  • You choose authorised personnel. ...
  • Maintain data integrity. ...
  • Encryption security across multiple devices. ...
  • Vulnerable data in transit. ...
  • Time consuming data management. ...
  • Expense.

What is level 3 encryption? ›

Level 3: Hardware must feature physical tamper-resistance and identity-based authentication. There must also be a physical or logical separation between the interfaces through which critical security parameters (CSPs) enter and leave the module.

What is 3 layer encryption? ›

Layer 3 encryption operates at the network layer (IP layer) and encrypts IP packets, providing security for data transmitted between different networks. Layer 3 encryption focuses on protecting data in transit across networks, such as when using VPNs.

What are the three main types of cryptography? ›

Although hybrid systems do exist (such as the SSL internet protocols), most encryption techniques fall into one of three main categories: symmetric cryptography algorithms, asymmetric cryptography algorithms or hash functions.

What are the 3 common wireless data encryption standards? ›

WEP, WPA, and WPA2 are Wi-Fi security protocols that secure wireless connections. They keep your data hidden and protect your communications, while blocking hackers from your network. Generally, WPA2 is the best choice, even though it consumes more processing power to protect your network.

What are the three pillars of encryption? ›

Confidentiality — You need to know your data is protected from unauthorized access. Integrity — You have to be able to trust your data. Availability — You need to be able to access your data.

What is the strongest encryption method? ›

The algorithm provides 128-bit block encryption and has been designed to supports key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits. AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today.

What are the basics of encryption? ›

At its most basic level, encryption is the process of protecting information or data by using mathematical models to scramble it in such a way that only the parties who have the key to unscramble it can access it.

Which three types of encryption are asymmetric? ›

Common Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms. Common asymmetric encryption algorithms are essential in secure communication and data transmission. Examples of these algorithms include RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).

What are the types of encryption? ›

There are two types of encryption in widespread use today: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The name derives from whether or not the same key is used for encryption and decryption.

What is hardware encryption pros and cons? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hardware Encryption

The Use of a dedicated processor reduces the burden on the rest of the device, making the encryption/decryption process faster and does not affect the performance. The encryption can never be stopped by malware, or end-users at it always remain on.

What is one major disadvantage of encryption? ›

While encryption can be an important tool to keep data secure, it also comes with a few cons. The primary downside of data encryption is cost. Encryption requires advanced hardware and software to be implemented, and this can be expensive.

What are the three main types of wireless encryption? ›

WEP, WPA, and WPA2 are Wi-Fi security protocols that secure wireless connections. They keep your data hidden and protect your communications, while blocking hackers from your network. Generally, WPA2 is the best choice, even though it consumes more processing power to protect your network.

What is the strongest type of encryption? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today.

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