6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (2024)

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6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (1)

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (2)

The biggest trend in the food world shows no signs of slowing down. Here are the six realities behind the labels.

Published: November 2014

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Diet plans 6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (3)

 Eighteen months ago, Ahmed Yearwood decided to go gluten-free. "A few years earlier, I'd given up processed foods and felt great," the 41-year-old business owner recalls. "I figured cutting out gluten would make me feel even better. Everyone told me I'd have more energy and lose weight." He lasted less than a month. "Everything was rice this and rice that—it was way too restrictive," he says. "And I didn't feel any different healthwise than I did before." Yearwood reverted to his former eating habits. "Some of the grains I eat have gluten, but I still feel amazing."

Just as fat was vilified in the 1990s and carbs have been scorned more recently, gluten—a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye—has become the latest dietary villain, blamed for everything from forgetfulness to joint pain to weight gain. "Gluten free" is a claim you see on everything from potato chips to bread to hummus—and even on cosmetics and laundry detergent. Some people must avoid the protein because they have celiac disease—an autoimmune condition in which gluten causes potentially life-threatening intestinal damage—or gluten sensitivity. But less than 7 percent of Americans have those conditions.

According to a recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, 63percent thought that following a gluten-free diet would improve physical or mental health. About a third said they buy gluten-free products or try to avoid gluten. Among the top benefits they cited were better digestion and gastrointestinal function, healthy weight loss, increased energy, lower cholesterol, and a stronger immune system.

Yet there's very limited research to substantiate any of those beliefs, notes Alessio Fasano, M.D., director of the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Unless you have celiac disease or a true gluten sensitivity, there's no clear medical reason to eliminate it, Fasano says. In fact, you might be doing your health a disservice. "When you cut out gluten completely, you can cut out foods that have valuable nutrients," he says, "and you may end up adding more calories and fat into your diet." Before you decide to ride the wave of this dietary trend, consider why it might not be a good idea.

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (4)

1. Gluten-free isn’t more nutritious (and may be less so)

A quarter of the people in our survey thought gluten-free foods have more vitamins and minerals than other foods. But a recent Consumer Reports review of 81products free of gluten across 12 categories revealed that they're a mixed bag in terms of nutrition. "If you go completely gluten-free without the guidance of a nutritionist, you can develop deficiencies pretty quickly," warns Laura Moore, R.D., a dietitian at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Many gluten-free foods aren't enriched or fortified with nutrients such as folic acid and iron; the products that contain wheat flours are.

And it may come as a surprise to learn that ditching gluten often means adding sugar and fat. "Gluten adds oomph to foods—wheat, rye, and barley all have strong textures and flavors," says Angela Lemond, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Dallas and a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Take it out of food that usually contains it and you might find that extra fat, sugar, or sodium have been used to compensate for the lack of taste. For example, the Walmart regular blueberry muffins we looked at had 340calories, 17 grams of fat, and 24grams of sugars. Gluten-free blueberry muffins from Whole Foods had 370 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 31grams of sugars. Thomas' plain bagels had 270calories and 2 grams of fat; Udi's plain gluten-free bagels had 290 calories and 9 fat grams. We found similar differences in all 12 food categories. It may not seem like much, but a few grams here and there can add up. A gluten-free bagel for breakfast and two slices of gluten-free bread at lunch means 10 to 15additional grams of fat.

Gluten may actually be good for you. There's some evidence that the protein has beneficial effects on triglycerides and may help blood pressure. The fructan starches in wheat also support healthy bacteria in your digestive system, which in turn may reduce inflammation and promote health in other ways. One small study found that healthy people who follow a gluten-free diet for a month have significantly lower levels of healthy bacteria.

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (5)

2. You’ll probably increase your exposure to arsenic

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (6)

About half of the gluten-free products Consumer Reports purchased contained rice flour or rice in another form. In 2012 we reported on our tests of more than 60rices and packaged foods with rice (such as pasta, crackers, and infant cereal). We found measurable levels of arsenic in almost every product tested. Many of them contained worrisome levels of inorganic arsenic, a carcinogen. We've done more testing to see whether there are some types of rice we can recommend as lower in arsenic than others, and whether other grains (gluten-free ones like quinoa as well as bulgur and barley) contain significant levels of arsenic. We've also done additional analyses of data from the Food and Drug Administration to determine arsenic levels in packaged foods that have rice.

A 2009-10 study from the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 17percent of an average person's dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic comes from rice. That may be an underestimate, especially for people on a gluten-free diet. It's getting easier to find gluten-free foods that don't contain rice, but the majority of them do. "If you don't have to give up gluten, the likelihood that you'll consume a significant amount of arsenic following a typical gluten-free diet should give you pause," says Michael Crupain, M.D., M.P.H., associate director of Consumer Safety and Sustainability at Consumer Reports. In a 2014 Spanish study, researchers estimated the arsenic intake of adults with celiac disease. They devised a daily menu that assumed someone would eat rice or a rice product high in arsenic at every meal and snack. A 128-pound woman following such a diet would get 192micrograms of inorganic arsenic per week from rice and rice foods alone. For a man weighing 165pounds, it would be 247micrograms. "These levels are close to 10 times the amount of inorganic arsenic we think consumers should get in their diets on a weekly basis," Crupain says.

3. You might gain weight

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (7)

More than a third of Americans think that going gluten-free will help them slim down, according to our survey. But there's no evidence that doing so is a good weight-loss strategy; in fact, the opposite is often true. In a review of studies on nutrition and celiac disease published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers said that a gluten-free diet "seems to increase the risk of overweight or obesity." The authors attributed that to the tendency for gluten-free foods to have more calories, sugars, and fat than their regular counterparts.

People who have celiac disease often gain weight when they go gluten-free, Fasano notes. That's because the damage gluten does to their small intestine prevents them from digesting food properly. Their digestive system heals after they have given up gluten and they're able to absorb key vitamins and nutrients from the foods they eat, including calories. In a study of 369 people with celiac disease, 42 percent of those who were overweight or obese lost weight after almost three years on a gluten-free diet, but 27 percent of them gained weight. In another study, 82 percent of those who were overweight at the start of it gained weight.

What about those who say they got rid of their belly when they ditched the wheat? There's no evidence that it was due to cutting gluten. "If people lose weight on a gluten-free diet, it might be because they're cutting calories, eating less processed food or sweets, or cutting portions of starchy foods like pasta and bread," says Samantha Heller, R.D., senior clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone Medical Center. "Instead of a cookie, they're eating an apple. Instead of pasta, they're eating a high-fiber, gluten-free whole grain like quinoa. Eating more fiber helps satiety and may aid in weight loss."

For information on healthy ways to lose weight, read our diet plan buying guide.

4. You’ll pay more

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (8)

Our research found that in every category except ready-to-eat cereal, the gluten-free versions were more expensive than their regular counterparts, about double the cost, and in some cases considerably more. For example, brownies made from the Duncan Hines regular mix cost about 8 cents per serving; Betty Crocker's gluten-free mix cost 28 cents per serving. The per-serving cost of Nabisco's Multigrain Wheat Thins is 31 cents; it's 57 cents for the company's gluten-free Sea Salt & Pepper Rice Thins. DiGiorno's Pizzeria Four Cheese frozen pizza is $1.38 per serving; Freschetta's Gluten Free Thin & Crispy Four Cheese frozen pizza is $2.50 per serving.

Why are foods without gluten more expensive? "One factor in the price dif­ferential may be attributed to the added costs incurred by the manufacturer to meet certification and labeling regulations," explains Andrea Levario, executive director of the American Celiac Disease Alliance, a nonprofit group.

5. You might miss a serious health condition

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (9)

If you're convinced that you have a problem with gluten, see a specialist to get a blood test to check for certain antibodies associated with celiac disease. You need to be eating gluten when the test is done to get a proper diagnosis, notes Peter Green, M.D., director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University's medical school. If it's positive, then you should have an endoscopic biopsy of your small intestine to check for damage.

Your symptoms may also be a reaction to something other than gluten in your diet. "We commonly see patients who go on a gluten-free diet and feel better for a week or two," explains Joseph Murray, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic. "It may be the placebo effect or simply because they're eating less. For some, their symptoms come back, so they decide to drop another food group, and then a few weeks later, when they're still not feeling any better, they make an even more drastic change, like going completely vegan. By the time they enter my office, they're on a severely restricted diet and still have symptoms." The reason? It often turns out their condition wasn't celiac disease or even gluten sensitivity at all, but another condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Some people may benefit from something called the low-FODMAPs diet. The acronym stands for fermentable oligo-di-monosaccharides and polyols. They're the carbohydrates fructose (found in fruit and honey); lactose (in dairy); fructans (in wheat, garlic, and onions); galactans (in legumes) and polyols (sugar-free sweeteners); and stone fruit like apricots, cherries, and nectarines. The diet is complicated, however, and you might need to work with a GI specialist or nutritionist to help you figure out which foods to eat.

6. You might still be eating gluten, anyway

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (10)

A recent study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at 158food products labeled gluten-free over three years. It found that about 5 percent—including some that were certified gluten-free—didn't meet the FDA's limit of less than 20parts per million of gluten. The products were tested before the FDA's rule went into effect last summer. Still, that standard doesn't stipulate that manufacturers must test their products before making a gluten-free claim. "Cross-contamination can occur," Levario explains. "Gluten-free products may be manufactured on the same equipment used for wheat or other gluten-containing products." That can also happen when wheat is grown next to other grains. For example, oats are often grown in or near fields where wheat has been grown. As a result, wheat finds its way into the oat harvest and contaminates its subsequent products.

There's no way to completely protect yourself, but you can call manufacturers. "They should be transparent about what tests they use to determine whether a product is gluten-free," says the study's author, Tricia Thompson, M.S., R.D., founder of Gluten Free Watchdog. "If they insist that it's proprietary information, that should set off an alarm."

Another concern is that some products, particularly chips and energy bars, that carry a no-gluten claim contain malt, malt extract, or malt syrup, which are usually made from barley. As the study notes, "some manufactures mistakenly believe that the only criterion for labeling a food gluten-free is that it tests less than 20 ppm gluten." The FDA also stipulates that the food can't contain an ingredient derived from a gluten grain that has not been processed to remove the gluten. For people with celiac disease, inaccurate claims can be damaging. As always, it's best to read the ingredients list.

A commonsense way to go gluten-free

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (11)

If you must cut out gluten, be sure to do it the healthy way:

Get your grains. Whether you're on a gluten-free diet or not, eating a variety of grains is healthy, so don't cut out whole grains. Replace wheat with amaranth, corn, millet, quinoa, teff, and the occasional serving of rice.

Shop the grocery store perimeter. Stick with naturally gluten-free whole foods: fruit, vegetables, lean meat and poultry, fish, most dairy, legumes, some grains, and nuts.

Read the label! Minimize your intake of packaged foods made with refined rice or potato flours; choose those with no-gluten, non-rice whole grains instead. Whenever you buy processed foods, keep an eye on the sugar, fat, and sodium content of the product.

Editor's Note:

This article also appeared in the January 2015 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (12)

6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (13)

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6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports (2024)


6 Truths About a Gluten Free Diet- Consumer Reports? ›

If you cut all gluten out of your diet, there's a risk that you could miss out on nutritious whole grains, fiber and micronutrients. Getting enough whole grains in your diet is especially important if you're at risk for heart disease or diabetes.

What is the downfall of gluten-free diet? ›

If you cut all gluten out of your diet, there's a risk that you could miss out on nutritious whole grains, fiber and micronutrients. Getting enough whole grains in your diet is especially important if you're at risk for heart disease or diabetes.

What are the criticism of gluten-free diet? ›

For example, gluten-free processed grain products (e.g., breads, cereals, and crackers) are often lower in fiber, iron, zinc, and potassium (29). The gluten-free diet also may increase the risks for nutritional deficiencies, especially in B vitamins, iron, and trace minerals (30).

Does eating gluten-free really make people healthier? ›

There is no compelling evidence that a gluten-free diet will improve health or prevent disease if you don't have celiac disease and can eat gluten without trouble.

What are the long term effects of a gluten-free diet? ›

Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks of Gluten Free Diets

Hyperglycemia and an increase in insulin resistance and obesity has been reported as well. These diets are also not recommended for a pregnant woman.

What happens to the body when you stop eating gluten? ›

It's common to feel constantly hungry during your first several weeks without gluten. You may want to eat all the time. Your body hasn't been able to absorb food properly for a while. So once it can, it'll try to make up for the deficit.

What are three cons of gluten-free? ›

A gluten-free diet is based on the products which have a high glycemic index and are devoid of dietary fiber. These foods contain many simple carbohydrates and fats. These factors can give rise to nutritional deficiencies, constipation, and the development of the metabolic syndrome [82].

Does your body need gluten? ›

“There's a lot of confusion about gluten being an evil food. Gluten isn't inherently bad for most people,” says Rajagopal. “We, as humans, have consumed gluten for as long as people have been making bread. For centuries, foods with gluten have been providing people with protein, soluble fiber and nutrients.”

Does gluten cause inflammation? ›

Gluten exposure may cause inflammation in those with gluten sensitivity. This inflammation may result in widespread pain, including in your joints and muscles ( 51 ). People with gluten sensitivity also seem more likely to experience arm and leg numbness.

What is gluten belly? ›

Gluten belly, also known as wheat belly, is a common phrase that refers to stomach swelling after eating gluten as a result of bloating. Along with bloating, one may also develop symptoms such as stomach pain, flatulence, or irregular bowel movements.

What foods surprisingly have gluten? ›

Foods Containing Gluten
  • Beer, ale and lagers.
  • Bouillon cubes.
  • Brown rice syrup.
  • Candy.
  • Chips.
  • Communion wafers.
  • Couscous.
  • Deli meats.
Aug 7, 2020

What are the first signs of being gluten intolerant? ›

Here are some of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity:
  • "Brain fog." This is the most common characteristic of gluten sensitivity. ...
  • Headaches or migraines. ...
  • Dizziness.
  • Acne or rashes. ...
  • Joint pain or numbness. ...
  • Diarrhea, gas or constipation.
  • Distended stomach or bloating.
Apr 12, 2016

What are the positive effects of not eating gluten? ›

A gluten-free diet is also popular among people who haven't been diagnosed with a gluten-related medical condition. The claimed benefits of the diet are improved health, weight loss and increased energy, but more research is needed.

What damage can gluten do to your body? ›

It affects the small intestine – the part of the digestive system responsible for absorbing nutrients. If you have coeliac disease, eating gluten – a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats – causes damage to the lining of your small intestine. It also causes inflammation in other parts of your body.

Why is gluten bad for your gut? ›

Gluten activates zonulin, the regulator of intestinal permeability. Several studies have shown that gluten can increase intestinal permeability and cause an immune response in the body ( 11 ). The immune system responds to substances it recognizes as harmful by causing inflammation.

How cutting out gluten changed my life? ›

My energy improved, my weight went back to normal, and my hair stopped falling out. I felt better than I had in months. And nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy! Taylor was thrilled that perhaps she too had found a way to change her health for the better.

What are the side effects of coming off gluten? ›

7 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Go Gluten-Free
  • You might experience frequent constipation. ...
  • You'll be hungrier. ...
  • Your "brain fog" could go away. ...
  • You might have withdrawal symptoms. ...
  • Your energy levels will spike. ...
  • Your other food allergies could disappear. ...
  • Your weight might yo-yo.
Dec 8, 2020

Why everyone should stop eating gluten? ›

Gluten has been linked to autoimmune, digestive, and other health conditions. While people with these disorders must or should avoid gluten, it's still unclear whether a gluten-free diet benefits those without an intolerance.

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