About – ZeroTier (2024)

ZeroTier is a secure network overlay that allows you to manage all of your network resources as if they were on the same LAN. The software-defined solution can be deployed in minutes from anywhere and empowers your team to create global private networks that connect your devices directly to each other, no matter where they are in the world.

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About – ZeroTier (1)

Adam Ierymenko

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

About – ZeroTier (2)

Marc Patterson

Chief Operating Officer

About – ZeroTier (4)

Angelo Rodriguez

VP of Sales and Services

About – ZeroTier (5)

Joseph Henry

Senior Software Engineer

About – ZeroTier (6)

Grant Limberg

Director of Service Engineering

About – ZeroTier (7)

Sean O'Meara

Director of Infrastructure Operations

About – ZeroTier (8)

Steve Norman

Director of Sales

About – ZeroTier (9)

Anthony Alvarez

Director of Commercial Sales

About – ZeroTier (10)

Brenton Bostick

Software Engineer

About – ZeroTier (11)

Monica Moniot

Software Engineer

About – ZeroTier (12)

Dani Timko

UI/UX Engineer

About – ZeroTier (13)

Lizzie Ferguson

Sales Development Representative

About – ZeroTier (14)

Hakeem Animashaun

Sales Development Representative

About – ZeroTier (15)

Aaron Johnson

Data Engineer

About – ZeroTier (16)

Celeste Kinswood

Director of Product Marketing

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About – ZeroTier (2024)


What is the purpose of ZeroTier? ›

ZeroTier is a smart programmable Ethernet switch for planet Earth. It allows all networked devices, VMs, containers, and applications to communicate as if they all reside in the same physical data center or cloud region.

Can you trust ZeroTier? ›

Security. ZeroTier aims to be a “zero trust” networking solution. Packets are end-to-end encrypted and can't be read by unauthorized parties. Every peer on VL1 possesses a globally unique 40-bit ZeroTier address, but, unlike IP addresses, these are opaque cryptographic identifiers that encode no routing information.

What is better than Tailscale? ›

Netmaker offers more customization options than Tailscale, allowing users to create custom networks with private IP segments, providing greater flexibility and control over their network configuration.

Is ZeroTier worth it? ›

We've been using it at our company for about 6 years (about 130 laptops and 60 servers - Windows and Linux). It works really well and is very inexpensive (they have a free plan too). It's a cross between a VPN and a software-defined-network.

Is ZeroTier a VPN? ›

ZeroTier is one of the easiest VPN services to configure and it's completely free for up to 100 devices. The entire process, from start to finish, should only take a few minutes.

What protocol does ZeroTier use? ›

To support the use of ZeroTier as a high performance SDN/NFV protocol over physically secure networks the protocol supports a feature called trusted paths. It is possible to configure all ZeroTier devices on a given network to skip encryption and authentication for traffic over a designated physical path.

Who is the owner of ZeroTier? ›

Adam Ierymenko

Does ZeroTier affect Internet speed? ›

even if we reset the router/modem the internet slows down when zerotier is on. yes, other things connected to the network will get slowed down internet. like other laptops and phones.

Is ZeroTier free to use? ›

Networks are free. For some users with multiple networks, this may amount to a limit increase. If you are over the limit, your networks and the nodes already authorized on them will still work, but you will need to purchase node packs to add new nodes. Node packs are only $5.00/month for packs of 25 nodes.

Is ZeroTier traffic encrypted? ›

ZeroTier is not a “Privacy VPN.” It does not hide physical IP addresses and makes no attempt to. Any and all data sent over the network is encrypted and can't even be decrypted by us. ZeroTier is designed to make an reasonable attempt to establish direct peer to peer connection to nodes to optimise performance.

Is ZeroTier self-hosted? ›

ZeroTier Inc runs controllers with a web UI and API at ZeroTier Central. You can self-host controllers, but we don't currently offer the web UI for self-hosting. You'll have to use the json api. The controller is open-source.

Is ZeroTier open source? ›

ZeroTier belongs to this class of open source projects: those backed by companies founded by their creators, bootstrapped with angel and VC capital, and sustained by revenue.

Is ZeroTier safe? ›

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information.

Why is ZeroTier lagging? ›

Consider network congestion: If you're experiencing slow speeds during peak times, it could be due to network congestion. Try using the VPN during off-peak hours to see if the performance improves.

Is Tailscale really safe? ›

End-to-end encryption: Tailscale encrypts all network traffic end to end, ensuring that data is protected from eavesdropping and tampering. Authentication: Tailscale uses public key infrastructure (PKI) to authenticate devices and users, ensuring that only authorized devices can join the network.

What can you do with ZeroTier? ›

Get a direct two-way connection with IoT devices in the field, no matter what internet connection they use or where they are in the world.
  • Device-centric architecture is optimized for IoT deployments.
  • Lightweight agent is easy to install on just about any device.
  • Unique network structure makes last mile connection easy.

What are the requirements for ZeroTier? ›

ZeroTier can run on Linux, macOS, iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, and Windows. It is designed to operate in under 16 megabytes of memory in most cases. It can run on Intel x86, x64, ARM, and MIPS chips. If there is a device you'd like us to support please let us know.

How to use zero tier one? ›

Network connection
  1. Run ZeroTier One app.
  2. Click on + to add a new connection.
  3. Confirm the privacy policy.
  4. Enter your network ID and click Add Network.
  5. Confirm adding the new VPN configuration.
  6. Connect to the VPN network by sliding the network activation slider.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.