baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? (2024)

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Home » baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste?

There are several methods to choose from when cooking tofu, including deep-, pan-, and air frying, baking, grilling, steaming, and mixing it into stir-fries, soups, or curries. Baking and frying are the two most common methods used to prepare tofu. While all methods can result in a delicious flavorful tofu product, each has its own pros and cons. We have laid out both the differences in flavor as well as nutrition for frying, air frying, and baking tofu.

baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? (1)

Frying your tofu adds calories

Frying tofu can give it a crispy texture, but comes at a cost – it can be high in calories, up to three times more than baked or air-fried tofu. This is because frying requires added oil as a heat conductor, which cooks the tofu evenly but also makes it absorb more oil, resulting in more fat and calories. While this may be helpful for those looking to bulk up, most people prefer to keep their calorie consumption in check. If you want to reduce the calorie content of your dishes, baking or air-frying are better options.

baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? (2)

Air-frying is an excellent alternative to traditional frying methods, as it delivers the same delicious flavor and crispy texture without the added oil. This results in a product that is much healthier, containing significantly less fat and calories. In fact, air-fried foods can contain up to three times fewer calories than those that are deep-fried.

baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? (3)

Baking tofu is an excellent way to relish its delicious taste while keeping the added fat and calories to a minimum. The mild flavor and firmer texture of baked tofu surpass those of both air-fried and deep-fried tofu. Although it may not be as crispy, you can still achieve a similar crunchiness with some recipes. Besides, baking tofu is one of the simplest ways to cook it. While air-frying tofu might appear to be as calorie-rich as baked tofu since it doesn’t require additional oil, it isn’t the case. Air-frying extracts a lot of moisture from the tofu, resulting in a much smaller final product than baking tofu. As a result, air-fried tofu is much more calorie-dense.


When it comes to cooking tofu, there are various methods to choose from. Air-frying offers a crunchy texture and delicious flavor without the added fat and calories of traditional frying, but it can leave the tofu calorie-dense due to the extracted moisture. On the other hand, baking tofu is a healthy alternative to frying, with much lower fat and calorie content, although it doesn’t offer the same crispiness. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

Sources used:

Rd, K. M. (2023, June 7). Why Are Fried Foods Bad for You? Healthline.

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baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? (2024)


Baked vs fried vs air-fried tofu: What are the differences in calories and taste? ›

Frying tofu can give it a crispy texture, but comes at a cost – it can be high in calories, up to three times more than baked or air-fried tofu. This is because frying requires added oil as a heat conductor, which cooks the tofu evenly but also makes it absorb more oil, resulting in more fat and calories.

Is tofu better baked or fried? ›

Baking is my go-to method for how to cook tofu. It yields flavorful, firm cubes that are perfect for adding to a stir fry, salad, or bowl!

Does air frying taste better than baking? ›

And boy does it get crispy! Straight from the air fryer, these foods truly do taste super close to fried. Personally, I love cooking in my air fryer (I have this Cuisinart combo-oven; a few other people on the team have the Phillips model). I like that foods get crispier in my air fryer than in my oven.

What's the difference between bake and air fry on an air fryer? ›

the difference is just the default time and temperature. Air Fry is 18 minutes @ 400 degrees F. Bake is 30.

Is an air fryer more calories than an oven? ›

But rather than being just an over-hyped fad, leading experts insist trendy air fryers really are better for you than ovens. Chicken thighs, chips and banana bread contain half the calories that they usually do when air fried, compared to when cooked using traditional methods.

Is fried tofu high in calories? ›

Frying tofu can give it a crispy texture, but comes at a cost – it can be high in calories, up to three times more than baked or air-fried tofu. This is because frying requires added oil as a heat conductor, which cooks the tofu evenly but also makes it absorb more oil, resulting in more fat and calories.

Why is my baked tofu not crispy? ›

2) Squeeze out as much moisture as possible.

Water-logged tofu never gets super crispy. The key here is to slice the tofu into pieces before pressing it.

Why are people getting rid of air fryers? ›

People getting rid of air fryers in favour of kitchen appliance that's cheaper to run. Households are shelving their air fryers in favour of another kitchen appliance that is cheaper to run, and just as healthy.

Why does my air fryer make my food taste weird? ›

If you don't properly clean out the air fryer before using it, it can add a plastic taste to your food. Make sure to do this in a well-ventilated area to allow the bad odor to dissipate.

Is air frying or baking healthier? ›

The evidence so far suggests that air frying is healthier than deep-frying, but it's not necessarily healthier than pan frying or baking in an oven. What really matters is your overall dietary pattern and the quality of the food you're eating.

Can you put aluminum foil in an air fryer? ›

Aluminum foil can be used in an air fryer, but it should only go in the basket. Acidic foods react with aluminum, so avoid using foil when air frying tomatoes, peppers, or citrus. Using parchment paper or a bare basket is better because it won't interfere with cooking.

Is chicken better in the oven or airfryer? ›

The air fryer allows you to cut out excess oil while retaining ultra-crispy skin or delicious caramelization on chicken cuts. It's fast: Compared to an oven, chicken cooks quite efficiently in the air fryer. Typically, you'll shave off about 30 percent to 40 percent of the cooking time by using an air fryer.

Can you cook rice in an air fryer? ›

Boil the kettle and set the air fryer to preheat at 200°C for a few minutes. Once your rice is sufficiently strained (and the water is clear), pop it into the cake tin and add your boiled water and salt. Tightly cover the dish with aluminium foil, stick it in the air fryer and cook for 25 minutes.

Is there a downside to air fryers? ›

Air fryer health risks

Studies show that using an air fryer can increase the levels of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) in fish. COPs are linked to an increase in heart disease, cancer and other medical conditions.

Is there anything unhealthy about air fryers? ›

Air-frying equipment is not known to cause cancer, but the process of air frying does result in the formation of certain compounds, like acrylamide, that are linked to cancer development. Acrylamide is classified as a probable human carcinogen.

Does air frying lessen calories? ›

Are Air-Fried Foods Better for You? By most measures, air frying is healthier than frying in oil. It cuts calories by 70% to 80% and has a lot less fat. This cooking method might also cut down on some of the other harmful effects of oil frying.

What is the best way to cook tofu? ›

Pan-fried tofu gets a nice crisp texture outside, but stays soft inside," she says. Gently press the tofu, marinate, and coat in cornstarch (see above). Add to a wok or pan preheated with cooking oil and let fry for one to two minutes so it crisps on the bottom. Flip and let cook for another one to two minutes.

What is the healthiest way to eat tofu? ›

Healthier - For starters, broiling tofu is a healthier method of cooking than frying, and it requires less oil to create crispier cubes. Easy - It's also really easy to make.

Is baked tofu good for you? ›

Compounds in tofu appear to protect against illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. In addition, this soy food may promote brain and bone health and have several other benefits. As such, tofu makes a great addition to a well-rounded diet.

Is tofu still healthy when fried? ›

Despite the nutritional benefits of tofu, fried tofu is not a healthy food choice. The problem lies in the frying cooking method. Although tofu is naturally low in calories and fat, frying adds tons of fat grams to the tofu and drastically increases the dish's calorie count.

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