Beef Gelatin vs. Collage Protein: Which Should I Choose? (2024)

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By Jillian Levy, CHHC

February 22, 2021

Beef Gelatin vs. Collage Protein: Which Should I Choose? (1)

Beef gelatin is a powdered supplement made mostly from bovine hides (thenatural, unbleached skin and hair of cows). It’s specifically sourced from bovinecollagen, which is a structural protein that’s also found in the human body and essential for overall health in many ways — considering it helps form our joints, ligaments, skin, bones, lining of the gastrointestinal tracts and more.

Both gelatin and collagen supplements are made up of amino acids, including glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine, which have benefits for digestion, wound repair, joint support and beyond.

In addition to being a great source of protein, beef gelatin can be used as a thickening agent when cooking or baking. It’s considered a “texturizer” and “stabilizer” in recipes due to how it absorbs liquid and forms a gel or jelly consistency, such as in gummies,jams, jellies, puddings and marshmallows.

What Is Beef Gelatin?

Gelatin is defined as “a virtually colorless and tasteless water-soluble protein prepared from collagen and used in food preparation as the basis of jellies, in photographic processes, and in glue.”

If you were to make bone broth at home, you’d notice that gelatin was the “gelatinous” component of the animal parts that aren’t usually consumed nowadays, including the animal’s skin, bone marrow and tendons.


Beef gelatin becomes “bouncy” and jelly-like once mixed with hot liquid. It’s almost tasteless, which means it can be used in variety of recipes.

It works a bit differently than collagen powder because it needs to be dissolved in hot water or other hot liquids, such as coffee.

How do manufacturers make beef gelatin? Does beef gelatin have beef in it?

Powdered beef gelatin supplements do not actually have any beef in them, but they are called beef gelatin because they are sourced from collagen found in cows.

Some of the best-quality beef gelatin supplements that are now available are sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine collagen. Collagen is then cooked and heated, which isolates the gelatin.

Extraction of gelatin in food manufacturing is usually done using hot water and acid solutions to hydrolyze collagen into gelatin. Then certain filtration, clarification and sterilization processes usually take place to form the dried, final product, depending on how it’s sold.


Gelatin is considered a “pure protein” because it hardly contains any fat, fiber, sugar, carbs or other vitamins and minerals. It’s made up of about 98 percent to 99 percent protein by dry weight.

One tablespoon of beef gelatin powder has about:

  • 35 calories
  • 0 grams fat, sugar, sodium or carbs
  • 9 grams protein

The primary reason that gelatin is consumed is for its protein/amino acids. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of protein, and gelatin contains several in relatively high amounts that can be hard to get from other food sources.

These amino acids include glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine. Gelatin is especially rich in the amino acid glycine, which has benefits for joints, sleep, cognitive health and much more.

The amino acid composition of gelatin is approximately:

  • 21 percent glycine
  • 12 percent proline
  • 12 percent hydroxyproline
  • 10 percent glutamic acid
  • 9 percent alanine
  • 8 percent arginine
  • 6 percent aspartic acid
  • 4 percent lysine

Collagen protein powder (also called hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides)isunflavored and dissolves in both hot or cold liquids. Once hydrolyzed, collagen protein is easy to digest since the protein is broken down into smaller, absorbable units.

Some consider collagen to be “faster-digesting” than gelatin and recommend it over gelatin pre- or post-workout. Overall, however, hydrolyzed collagen and gelatin are very similar, since they contain the same amino acids and have comparable benefits.

Beef Gelatin vs. Collage Protein: Which Should I Choose? (3)


1. High in Absorbable Protein

As mentioned above, gelatin is derived from collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the human body. Collagen protein and gelatin contribute tothe infrastructure of connective tissues found all over.


Consuming these proteins regularly helps repair and take care of your gut, skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, bones and joints.

Benefits of consuming more gelatin and protein in general include:

  • Support for joint health, comfort and mobility
  • Support for gut health and digestion, due to the role that amino acids play in promoting gut lining integrity
  • Promotion of muscle mass
  • Reductions in hunger
  • Support for bone health
  • Assisting in blood sugar control
  • Support for cognitive functions, including memory and learning
  • Help with exercise performance and recovery
  • Help maintaining healthy, youthful skin
  • Promotion of healthy hair and strong nails
  • Promotion of quality sleep

2. Supports Gut Health and Digestion

Gelatin powder is considered to be an easy-to-digest form of protein that is suitable for people following a variety of diets, such as the Paleo diet, keto diet, autoimmune diets, GAPs diet and more. (However, it’s not suitable for vegans or vegetarians since it’s derived from cows.)

For those with sensitivities to dairy or who have a hard time breaking down fatty cuts of meat due to various GI issues, gelatin has the advantage of being free of common allergens and digestive irritants. It can even help keep blood sugar levels steady and reduce one’s appetite naturally, offering benefits to diabetics and those looking to lose weight.

Additionally, it’s beneficial for digestive and gut health because the amino acids it contains help repair the gut lining, supporting nutrient absorption and helping prevent issues such as leaky gut syndrome. Keep in mind that about 75 percent or more of your immune system is located in your gut, which means that a healthy gut also contributes to a healthy immune system.

3. Helps Support Healthy Joints

The amino acids in gelatin and collagen help hold the body together, acting as an internal “glue” by forming connective tissues, including the joints, cartilage and ligaments.

Unfortunately as we age, our bodies’ natural production of collagen slows down, which is why consuming more collagen and gelatin is recommended to help keep joints and cartilage in good shape.

A higher intake of certain amino acids such as glycine can contribute to healthy joint strength and functionality, while reducing joint pain and symptoms tied to osteoarthritis. A diet with adequate protein is also important for building muscle mass, keeping bones strong, and supporting exercise performance and recovery, contributing to overall comfort and mobility.

Dosage and How to Use

Gelatin can be homemade, much the same way that you can make bone broth, or bought pre-prepared in powder form.

How much should you use or consume each day?

A general recommendation is for adults to consume about one or possibly two servings of gelatin supplements per day. Each serving is typically about one scoop of powder, providing about nine grams of protein, which can be combined with eight to 16 ounces of liquid (usually hot liquid that is 170 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter is needed to fully dissolve the powder).

What’s the best way to use it?

Some people even use it in cold water like smoothies or juices. When looking to buy it in grocery stores or online, you’ll likely come across gelatin in the form of sheets, granules or powders.

Using gelatin in recipes helps add volume and smooth texture without adding many calories. It also increases the protein content, giving the recipe more nutritional benefits.

Additionally, it’s a natural thickener, stabilizer and texturizer.

Most beef gelatin powders need to be soaked in cold water first, then dissolved in warm or hot water. This helps the gelatin swell up or “bloom” and then blend into liquid without forming clumps.

Once it’s dissolved in hot liquid, you can chill the mixture to help it form a jello-like texture.

Where can you find beef gelatin?

Look for beef gelatin powders in health food stores, some large supermarkets or online. Wherever supplements are sold, gelatin and collagen protein are likely to be found.

For the best quality, opt for gelatin that is sourced from grass-fed bovine hides and that contains no fillers or additives.


You can use gelatin in a variety of sweet and savory recipes, especially those that have a jelly-like, creamy or velvety texture. Some ideas include adding gelatin powder to homemade bone broths or making recipes such as:

  • protein gummies
  • fruit-based jellies
  • jello
  • cough drops

You can also add some to soups or stews or use some in baked goods and treats, like pudding, mouse, custard, cream cheese, oatmeal or even pie crusts.

While most brands are flavorless, some people find that gelatin leaves an unpleasant or off-putting taste in their mouths. In this case, adding powdered beef gelatin to soups or smoothies can help mask the flavor and make it much more tolerable.

Here are some ways you can try using beef gelatin in recipes:

What is a substitute for beef gelatin?

Collagen powder is the most obvious substitute for gelatin. However, collagen won’t give recipes the same jelly consistency. The benefit of using collagen is that it dissolves in any temperature liquid.

In vegan/vegetarian recipes, other thickeners that can be used as gelatin substitutes include agar agar (or agar powder), arrowrootor tapioca.

The best substitute depends on the specific recipe you’re making. Most find that agar powder gives the most similar texture to gelatin in recipes such as jello or mouse.

Risks and Side Effects

Gelatin is usually very well-tolerated, even by those with digestive concerns. It’s best to start with a low amount each day, such as one serving or one-half serving, and gradually increase your intake to make sure you can tolerate it well.

For the least risk of consuming a contaminated product, it’s recommended that you purchase gelatin and collagen products made from animals that have been grass-fed or pasture-raised, since these animals are healthier overall and are not raised using artificial hormones or antibiotics.

An organic, non-GMO gelatin is also a smart option, since this ensures that the cows did not eat a diet that consisted of GMO grains or crops sprayed with chemicals.


  • Beef gelatin is a protein supplement sourced from bovine collagen (derived from the skin and hair of cows). It’s a great source of absorbable protein, contains a valuable mix of amino acids, and is low in calories, sugar, fat and carbs.
  • Beef gelatin benefits can include offering support for joint and bone health, muscle building, gut integrity and digestive health, skin and hair health, and more.
  • Recipes to use gelatin in include gummies, jellies, marshmallows, mouses, puddings, smoothies, soups and pie crusts.
  • If you’re a vegan, gelatin substitutes can include agar powder, arrowroot or tapioca. Collagen protein powder makes a good alternative for those who don’t avoid all animal products.
Beef Gelatin vs. Collage Protein: Which Should I Choose? (2024)


Beef Gelatin vs. Collage Protein: Which Should I Choose? ›

Collagen may be a better fit if you're looking for a nutritional supplement. In contrast, gelatin is great when preparing desserts and dishes that require a thicker, gelatinous texture.

What's better, collagen or gelatin? ›

The Bottom Line. Collagen and gelatin are almost identical in terms of amino acids and health benefits. Since hydrolyzed collagen is easier for your body to digest than normal collagen peptides and gelatin, it's a better choice for reaping the full range of health benefits.

Is beef gelatin better? ›

Beef gelatin powder is particularly beneficial in assisting gut health as it promotes gastric acid secretion and seals the colon so that nutrients are more effectively absorbed. Additionally, beef gelatin coats the small intestine as it digests which can reduce gut irritation when consuming foods.

What is the difference between collagen and beef protein? ›

Collagen is a complex protein made up of amino acids, the most common of which are glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. On the other hand, beef protein is a form of protein that, as the name suggests, is obtained from beef cattle. It is a complete protein, meaning it has every necessary amino acid the body needs.

What is the best form of gelatin to take? ›

For those looking to incorporate the nutritional benefits of both forms into their diet, hydrolyzed gelatin is the more user-friendly. Of the two, hydrolyzed gelatin makes it easier for the body to absorb and digest amino acids. It's also much simpler to combine with everyday meals due to its texture.

Which form of collagen is most effective? ›

Collagen peptides are usually considered the best form of collagen for ingestion. Hydrolyzed collagen should be taken if a person wants to take a collagen supplement. Hydrolyzed collagen means the collagen has been broken down into small peptides, which are easy for the body to digest.

Can I take gelatin and collagen together? ›

In short - balance your muscle meats and eggs with either gelatinous cuts of meat or add in gelatin and collagen powders. You can do a combination of both, which is what I find is easiest...and tastiest!

Is beef gelatin a complete protein? ›

Gelatin is 98–99% protein. However, it's an incomplete protein because it doesn't contain all the essential amino acids. Specifically, it does not contain the essential amino acid tryptophan (7).

Is vital protein beef gelatin good for you? ›

Just like many other Vital Proteins products, our Beef Gelatin is packed with collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is a key constituent of all connective tissues. It provides the infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system. As we age, the body's ability to produce natural collagen declines.

Does beef gelatin heal gut? ›

Being rich in glycine, gelatin helps repair the gut lining by strengthening and protecting the mucous membrane layer of the stomach and is a key ingredient in helping to restore a leaky gut.

Is collagen protein the best protein? ›

If your primary goal is muscle and mass growth and recovery, Whey Protein might be right for you. If you're looking for more of an all-rounder protein supplement with a multitude of health benefits, collagen could be your best bet.

Is collagen protein good or bad? ›

Is taking collagen every day good for you? You can safely take 2.5-15 grams of collagen peptides per day. Studies show no side effects, and it may contribute to the health of your skin, joints, and muscles.

Is beef collagen anti inflammatory? ›

Collagen is a nutritional supplement made from animal or fish materials. It's rich in amino acids that play an important role in the building of joint cartilage and it may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Is gelatin healthier than collagen? ›

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, and gelatin is a degraded form of collagen. Therefore, they have virtually identical nutritional profiles and may both improve joint, skin, gut, hair, and bone health.

Is beef gelatin good for joints? ›

Both gelatin and collagen supplements are made up of amino acids, including glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine, which have benefits for digestion, wound repair, joint support and beyond. In addition to being a great source of protein, beef gelatin can be used as a thickening agent when cooking or baking.

What type of gelatin is healthier? ›

Whole-protein gelatin is better for improving gut health. It helps carry fluid through the intestines and can even coat the lining of the digestive tract as a soothing and protective layer. This is the type used to make gummy snacks and desserts and must be mixed into warm liquids.

Who should avoid gelatin? ›

Gelatin is an animal product and so is not suitable for people with vegetarian or vegan diets.

Can gelatin regrow hair? ›

Research shows that taking gelatin can also improve hair thickness and growth. One study gave either a gelatin supplement or a placebo for 50 weeks to 24 people with alopecia, a type of hair loss. Hair numbers increased by 29% in the group given gelatin compared to just over 10% in the placebo group.

Is gelatin good for your skin? ›

Gelatin is a protein that may promote skin, joint, hair, nail, and gut health. It also provides essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, which can provide potent health benefits. The protein and amino acids in gelatin can help the body build more collagen, a vital element in healthy skin.

What are the side effects of taking gelatin? ›

When taken by mouth: Gelatin is commonly consumed in foods. It is possibly safe when used in larger amounts as medicine, short-term. But taking high doses of 15 grams daily might increase the risk for side effects, including sore throat, swollen gums, and mouth sores. Gelatin comes from animals.

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