Best Alcohol For Weight Loss (2024)

Best Alcohol For Weight Loss

By: Julie Mancuso, Founder of JM Nutrition, personalized nutritional counselling service by registered dietitian and nutritionists

In this post:

  • What does 1 drink of alcohol look like?

  • How much alcohol is safe to drink every week?

  • Alcohol and weight loss

  • Rules for selecting alcohol for weight loss

  • Examples of best alcohol for weight loss

Alcohol For Weight Loss: Introduction

Many cultures around the world are steeped in alcohol, so to speak. None more so than ours, the western culture.

The French and the Italians have their wine, the Scottish and Irish are known for whisky (or whiskey in the latter case), the Poles and the Russians pride themselves on their vodka, while the Germans and the Czechs form the quintessential lands of beer.

We, North Americans, have our own interesting medley as have inherited many of our customs, alcohol included, from these old world cultures and combined them with new ones.

The fact is that for hundreds of years we have been consuming alcohol invast quantities without few, if any, misgivings. In recent years, however, things are taking a new turn.

As health consciousness and general public awareness of the side effects of alcohol use grow, people are increasingly looking to find ways to still be able to enjoy alcohol without having to sacrifice their health and wellness goals.

Is there such a thing as the best alcohol for weight loss?

In short, yes. There are alcohol drinks that are more weight loss-friendly.

According to a recent global study, moderate alcohol consumption may protect against heart disease. With this consumption, however, come other risks of which the habitual drinker must be aware.

For the most of us it’s difficult or near impossible to give up alcohol altogether, especially when we grew up in a culture where alcohol is at the forefront of social gatherings and celebrations.

So for those who are not ready to kick the alcohol habit for good, this guide is for you.

Alcohol can be consumed and enjoyed in moderate amounts at least without a disregard for your weight goals or caloric intake. This can be accomplished by simply following some basic rules.

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What does one drink of alcohol look like?

But before we get into the specific rules of choosing healthiest alcohol, let’s look at what one drink of alcohol looks like.

One drink of alcohol:

  • 12-ounce (341 ml) of beer, vodka cooler or cider (5% ABV)
  • 5-ounce glass of wine (12% ABV)
  • 1.5-ounce shot of distilled alcohol (hard liquor, 40% ABV)

Source: Government of Ontario

Recommended alcohol intake per week

How much alcohol is safe to drink every week?

Although these guidelines vary slightly from one health regulatory body to the next, and from one country to another, a good rule of thumb is as follows:

  • Men & Women: 2 drinks per week (Government of Canada)

Learn more about alcohol guidelines in the frequently asked questions from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Alcohol and weight loss

So what alcoholic drinks are the best for weight loss?

To answer this question we need to look at alcohol in a little more depth.

It is widely known that the consumption of excess alcohol can contribute to weight gain or difficulty in losing weight because it is highly caloric. The daily surplus of calories that accompany people who drink a great deal of alcohol contribute greatly to this problem. This is the one of the reasons why it is recommended that alcohol consumption be limited in a weight loss counselling program.

Learn more about how alcohol affects weight loss

In fact, alcohol contains around 7 calories per gram. This number may not mean much in and of itself, but if you compare it to carbs, protein and fat, things become more clear.

Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

Protein: 4 calories per gram

Fat: 9 calories per gram

Source: USDA: National Agricultural Library

As you can see alcohol’s caloric count is closer to that of pure fat than it is to the caloric content of protein and carbs.

Furthermore, the issue is compounded by the fact that our bodies are unable to store alcohol like they can carbs, protein and fats.

As a result, our bodies prioritize the burning off of alcohol. This means that carbs, protein and fat burn off takes a back seat and it’s not burned off the way it would have been had alcohol not been ingested.

For this reason, it is critically important for those looking for weight loss to consider reducing alcohol consumption or eliminating it altogether.

Best alcohol for weight loss rules

Here are some simple rules and guidelines to help you select healthier alcoholic drinks if weight loss or weight maintenance are on your mind:

Rule 1: Drink it neat

If you can handle the heat, drink alcohol neat (straight) or on the rocks, and you will no doubt ingest fewer calories and considerably less sugar.

On average, one drink (1.5 ounces) of whisky, vodka, tequila or gin, have 70-90 calories.

That’s significantly lower than most beer. A light beer’s calories hover around 100 calories, while a regular 5% beer can easily reach 140-150 calories–that’s per 12 ounces of beer (341-355 ml). Keep in mind: the higher the alcohol by volume percentage, the higher the calories.

In addition, many co*cktails or mixed drinks–particularly the creamy ones– have too many calories to form a part of a wholesome and healthy diet. What’s more, they should never make an appearance in the diet of anyone looking to drop some weight.


For a real-life example, let’s take a look at a margarita–definitely not one of your healthier alcoholic drinks.

A 12-ounce (355 ml) margarita can pack several hundred calories, hardly making it a healthy alcohol drink.

Three or four of these frosty Mexican goodies in one sitting and you have just ingested a whole day worth of calories, provided you’re total daily calories intake hovers around 1800-2000 calories. It’s staggering when you look at in this way.

And it’s not just margaritas you need to worry about. Pina Colada, White Russian and the holiday season favourite, egg nog, can also quickly derail your weight loss program.

Rule 2: Avoid mixers

Avoid mixers, especially creamy ones. Mixers are often loaded with sugar, teeming with calories and packed with additives that should not find their way into the diet of someone who has good health or weight loss on the mind.

Sure, mixers enhance the taste of your chosen ‘poison’, but they will enhance your waistline, too, if you’re not careful.

To bring this point home let us consider your average Pina Colada mixer.

A 3 fl. oz. (90 ml) serving of Pina Colada mix can contain anywhere from 150-200 calories and 25 grams of sugar. And let’s be honest, when is the last time you had a 90 ml glass of Pina Colada?

Let’s do some math now.

A small glass will usually carry 250 ml of liquid. If you were to fill it up with Pina Colada mix, it would contain 420-550 calories and 69 grams of sugar. And what’s worse, we haven’t even added the alcohol yet.

With or without alcohol, this coconut-pineapple tropical delicacy punches well above its weight in calories and sugar, and therefore, it is not one of the healthier alcoholic drinks and hardly conducive to weight loss.

Consume in very small amounts and only on the rare occasion, if you must at all.

Rule 3: Start with vodka

Moving on from what you should avoid drinking to what you should turn to instead, if weight maintenance is a priority.

In this case, vodka should be one of your first go-to drinks, followed by gin, rye whiskey, scotch, bourbon, tequila and brandy. These are the best alcoholic drinks for weight loss.

Why turn to these distilled alcohols first?

Simply put, they carry a much lower caloric load than most beer, creamy co*cktails or vodka coolers, thereby making them more healthy alcoholic beverages, at least as far as weight maintenance or weight loss are concerned.

If you find that hard liquor just too strong to be consumed on its own, try adding some water or ice to dilute the bite.

You can also try adding some club soda because it has no sugar and zero calories, helping that weight loss goal of yours.

Be careful with tonic water though because it’s packed with sugar.

Rule 4: Red, red wine

Red wine is your bff, if you’d like to indulge in a little alcohol while keeping one eye on your waistline.

Wine does have some health benefits, according to WebMD. Not only does wine carry iron, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants, it also contains less sugar than some sweet white wines, rendering it the more healthy, waistline-friendly option.

With that said, low-sugar white wines exist (more on that later), so check the sugar content on the liquor store price labels and choose accordingly. These days, you can also access this information quite easily by hopping online and Googling it.

Unfortunately, red wine does contain sulphites and tannins, so consume sparingly if you’re prone to tannin-induced headaches.

As a general guideline, use this rule: the more dry the wine, the less sugar it contains.

Dry red wines to consider:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Merlot
  • Shiraz
  • Montepulciano
  • Rioja
  • Cotes du Rhone
  • Beaujolais
  • Bordeaux
  • or one of my favourites, Pinot Noir

Rule 5: White wine

If you don’t like to drink red wine, turn to white. White wines can be delicious and refreshing on a hot summer day or as an aperitif.

Be wary of the ones brimming with sugar. Although some wines may look similar in colour when sitting on the liquor store shelf side by side, their sugar and calorie content can differ greatly.

Remember, the more dry the wine, the less sugar it contains.

Low-sugar white wine choices:

  • Chardonnay
  • Sauvignon Blanc
  • Verdejo
  • Muscadet
  • Vermentino
  • Pinot Grigio
  • Champagne and Prosecco are great choices as well

Another option is to mix white wine with sparkling mineral water to make a wine spritzer, which will reduce the sugar content.

Many liquor stores now list sugar content, along with other information, on the price tag or label. You can also pull up this information very easily online.

As a general guideline, choose dry white wines with 5 grams of sugar per litre or less (ideally), and keep your distance from those that contain more than 10 grams.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the higher the alcohol content of the wine, the higher the calorie count. Ideally, select wines that have an ABV of 9-12%.

Here’s a more detailed look at both, red and white wine:

Rule 6: Avoid Red Bull and soda

Stay away from Red Bull, sodas such as co*ke, Sprite or Ginger Ale, and Tonic Water (as I mentioned earlier) as mixers for your co*cktails.

All of these pack sugar and calories by the spoonful, which will make it difficult to keep the weight down. These are definitely not your healthier alcoholic drinks, especially when combined with alcohol.

If you must use a mixer, turn to soda water or club soda—a much better alternative for weight loss seekers as it contains no sugar.

Rule 7: Make it clear

A good rule-of-thumb to follow: The clearer the liquor, the better for your waistline.

Simple. Vodka rules the roost here. Gin can also be considered. In terms of calories, these are your best alcohol selections for weight loss.

Rule 8: Keep it simple and classic

Try a Martini, classic, a la James Bond–definitely one of the best alcoholic drinks for weight loss.

Avoid Martinis with all sorts of sweet goodies, syrups and mixes to ward off those extra calories.


There you have it, the best alcohol for weight loss. Now you can rest easy, hit the town, pull up a stool, order a drink and let the good times roll… in a more reasonably healthy, guilt-free way, of course.

Bottoms up!

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Best Alcohol For Weight Loss (2024)


Which alcohol puts on least weight? ›

Some of the lowest-calorie alcohol includes gin, wine, and vodka, all of which have about less than 100 calories.

Which alcohol is bad for belly fat? ›

Wine belly versus beer belly

Wine belly and beer belly are basically the same things — no matter what alcohol you drink it still contains calories that can cause weight gain. But, studies have shown that red wine drinkers have less stomach fat.

What is the healthiest alcohol to drink? ›

5 healthier drink options
  • Dry red wine. Lower in sugars and higher in antioxidants. ...
  • Dry white wine or champagne. Pretty much the same reasoning as above, just without the extra antioxidants.
  • No-fuss co*cktails. ...
  • Light beer. ...
  • Hard kombucha.
Oct 20, 2023

What should I drink when trying to lose weight? ›

The best drink for weight loss is water since it has zero calories and can keep you hydrated. Other weight loss drinks include coffee, green tea, vegetable juice, and smoothies. If you're trying to lose weight, avoid high-calorie, sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice.

What alcohol does not give you a belly? ›

Tequila, vodka, gin and whiskey are the best alcohols for weight loss, with only 60-70 calories for one drink.

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9 Lowest Calorie Alcoholic Drinks
  • Vodka soda. A vodka soda is a classic drink made by combining vodka with unflavored club soda. ...
  • White wine. ...
  • Hard seltzer. ...
  • Tequila with lime. ...
  • Light beer. ...
  • Gin and diet tonic. ...
  • Dry martini. ...
  • Paloma.
Sep 9, 2021

Which alcohol is good for slim body? ›

Rule 1: Drink it neat

On average, one drink (1.5 ounces) of whisky, vodka, tequila or gin, have 70-90 calories. That's significantly lower than most beer. A light beer's calories hover around 100 calories, while a regular 5% beer can easily reach 140-150 calories–that's per 12 ounces of beer (341-355 ml).

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3 Worst Types of Alcohol for Weight Loss
  • Sugary co*cktails (500 Calories per 8 oz Serving) Fancy mixed drinks might sound tasty, but they're often loaded with calories. ...
  • Frozen Beach Drinks (280 Calories per 5 oz Serving) ...
  • Craft Beer (170 Calories per 12 oz Serving)

What alcohol is easiest on the liver? ›

Take a look at this list of the least-damaging alcoholic drinks from Legends at White Oak to help you drink consciously.
  • Red Wine. ...
  • Light Beer. ...
  • Tequila. ...
  • Gin & Rum & Vodka & Whiskey.
Mar 7, 2021

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10 alcohol alternatives
  • Nonalcoholic beer.
  • Nonalcoholic cider.
  • Nonalcoholic wine.
  • Club soda with bitters.
  • Virgin Bloody Mary.
  • Mocktails.
  • Kombucha.
  • Sparkling water with flavorings.
Mar 28, 2023

What alcohol is easiest on your stomach? ›

Alcohol can cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain, even if you don't have a digestive condition. Dry red wines, wine spritzers, light lagers, vodka, and gin may have less impact on your stomach.

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When choosing a better beverage, our No. 1 drink pick for weight loss is green tea. Although all teas offer potential health benefits, here is why green tea wins out.

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They cleanse

Ever since Beyoncé admitted to losing 20 pounds on the Master Cleanse -- a fast that usually involves at least 10 days of sipping nothing but an elixir of maple syrup, lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper -- Hollywood has been buzzing about the weight-loss technique (also called the lemonade diet).

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Moving on from what you should avoid drinking to what you should turn to instead, if weight maintenance is a priority. In this case, vodka should be one of your first go-to drinks, followed by gin, rye whiskey, scotch, bourbon, tequila and brandy. These are the best alcoholic drinks for weight loss.

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Alcohol can cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain, even if you don't have a digestive condition. Dry red wines, wine spritzers, light lagers, vodka, and gin may have less impact on your stomach.

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Dry wines, such as red or white wine, are a good choice for intermittent fasting because they are low in calories and sugar. For example, a 5-ounce serving of red or white wine typically contains around 120-125 calories and only a few grams of carbs, which makes it easier to fit into your eating window.

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