Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (2024)

Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (1)

Private Browsing Mode is a neat privacy feature for Safari users who want to easily hide their browsing histories. However, that’s where its privacy protection ends. You can still be tracked even if you use Private Browsing. Not all is lost, though: we’ll tell you what to do to prevent your private browsing from being traced on an iPhone.

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    What is Private Browsing?

    Private Browsing is Safari’s implementation of private browsing mode present in all modern browsers. Here’s what it does:

    • It prevents your browsing from appearing in the History on your iPhone.
    • Your Private Mode tabs don’t appear on your other connected Apple devices.

    Here’s why it exists:

    • To give you search results that aren’t biased by your previous searches.
    • To hide your browsing history effortlessly – otherwise, you’d have to go into History and delete every offending entry yourself, then clear out the cookies, and so on.

    But while you no longer have to worry about someone discovering your search history by taking your iPhone, that’s where the privacy functions end.

    How do you turn on Private Browsing on an iPhone?

    Here’s a short guide on how to enable Private Browsing on the Safari browser:

    Step 1. Open Safari on your iPhone (or iPad);

    Step 2. Long tap (read: hold your finger while pressing) the Tabs button at the bottom right;

    Step 3. Tap either on Private or New Private Tab option, and you’re done.

    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (2)

    Since now you’re browsing somewhat privately, let’s look at how to exit Private Browsing:

    Step 1. Long tap the Tabs button;

    Step 2. Tap [number] Tabs, and you’re done.

    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (3)

    While we’re on the topic of private browsing, let’s discuss how to turn on and off the Incognito mode when browsing Chrome on your iPhone (or iPad).

    To enable Incognito mode:

    Step 1. Open Chrome;

    Step 2. Long tap Tabs (the square with a number in it) at the bottom right corner;

    Step 3. Tap on the New Incognito tab option, and that’s it.

    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (4)

    To exit Chrome Incognito mode, follow these steps:

    Step 1. Tap the Tabs;

    Step 2. At the top center, choose the Tabs;

    Step 3. Pick the tab you want to return to.

    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (5)

    Bump your Safari privacy up – hide your IP from trackers and more

    Apple provides Safari users with extra privacy settings to keep user tracking at bay. Remember that these security measures don’t hide your IP from the websites you visit – they only hide it from trackers (and building your online profile is probably the simplest thing that people can do with your IP address). Also, the IP hiding only applies to Safari. However, these benefits are still great to have.

    To find these options go to Settings, choose Safari, and then Privacy & Security. There, you’ll be able to turn on (or off) any of the following:

    • Hide IP address: Safari has a database of known trackers, so keep this on to hide your IP from all of them while browsing with Safari;
    • Block all cookies: while on, prevents visited websites from adding cookies to your iPhone;
    • Prevent cross-site tracking: to maximize privacy, keep this one on – it makes Safari limit third-party cookies, and as it says in the name – makes you less traceable across different websites.

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    Is Private Browsing mode really private?

    Private Browsing is only private within the context of your iPhone. However, browsing the internet means going beyond the bounds of your device and using an online infrastructure that you don’t control.

    Therefore, you can still be tracked. Here’s how:

    • The website knows that you visited it (especially if you logged into your account) because it needs that data to reply to you.
    • Your ISP can see that you’re using their infrastructure to access a website just from the data required to make the connection.
    • Whoever runs the local Wi-Fi can see that you visited it because they act as a lighter version of the ISP.

    Private Browsing can’t protect against things like that.

    6 ways Private Browsing can be traced on an iPhone

    Yes, there are multiple ways to track you by your:

    1. IP address

    Every house has an address, and every online device has an IP (Internet Protocol) address. If the website you’re trying to reach doesn’t know it, it won’t know where to send the website data. This includes merely going to the website, as the text, fonts, and images have to be sent to your device. As such, a website can log when it was accessed, by what IP address, and for how long.

    1. Account activity

    If you log into your Facebook account on Private Browsing, Facebook still knows that it’s you. In fact, logging into your account is the #1 way to make any privacy protection methods you use pointless.

    1. Wi-Fi router logs

    The router, well, routes your data to the internet. As such, it needs to know what device is trying to access what website or service. Those logs can be kept and pulled up to see any activity.

    1. ISP

    Read the previous entry about routers, and replace the word with ISP. After all, their infrastructure still needs to know where the data is going, and such actions can be logged. And if you’re an American, it can then be sold to data brokers.

    1. Malware and plug-ins

    Active plug-ins can track you if they’re switched on during Private Browsing. Similarly, malware doesn’t care what private browsing feature you’re using.

    1. Browser fingerprinting

    Browser fingerprinting can identify your device even without cookies. For example, HTML5, the base code for modern websites, allows the website to identify you via the combination of your browser, OS, and hardware. You can’t reach and delete this data.

    How to avoid being tracked on Private Browsing

    We can offer you a few bits of technical advice on what to do to not be tracked in Private Browsing Mode:

    Don’t use your real account

    If you need to log in to an account on Private Mode, have a throwaway account that you don’t care about getting tracked. Doesn’t really help if you want to check your existing social media accounts or email inboxes, but if you’re doing that on Private Browsing, be aware that the websites can track you.

    Don’t give out your personal data

    If you post your photos or mention your name or do anything of the sort online, no amount of private browsing can keep your data safe. Even if that data isn’t tied to your accounts or IP, it’s still out there.

    Disable extensions

    This only applies if you’ve enabled all your regular extensions for the Private Mode; go back and disable them to prevent tracking. This applies doubly to extensions tied to your email, social media accounts, and so on.

    Update your software

    Prior to iOS 11, you could check Private Browsing data via Website Data lookup. We’re at iOS 15 now, so make sure to update your stuff. See? There is a point to software updates, after all.

    Check if your smartphone is hacked

    Most (if not all) ways to look up Private Mode history on an iPhone require someone with access to your phone to install specialized monitoring software (which is different from malware and thus may not be detected by antivirus tools). Check your phone for it. That’s one of the ways to know your phone has been hacked.

    Remove malware

    Malware can bypass many privacy tools as they are not designed to fool them. It’s always good practice to check your device for viruses and other malware, so run that check now.

    Use a search engine that doesn’t track you

    Google tracks you because they want to show you ads, and so do many other search engines. So why not use a privacy-oriented search tool like Surfshark Search to avoid that?

    Or, you can trust DuckDuckGo to secure your privacy while browsing since the browser was built to keep trackers at bay. DuckDuckGo automatically connects you to the encrypted versions of websites wherever it’s possible, doesn’t track your searches, and blocks internet trackers. You can find it on the App Store.

    There’s also the TOR browser – designed to make internet access as anonymous as possible. The onion router (TOR) masks your IP by running your internet traffic through three random nodes across the world and uses multiple layers of encryption. However, it’s a privacy solution made questionable by people lurking on the dark web. Its drawbacks are – reduced browsing speed and your internet service provider (ISP) seeing you use TOR.

    Use iPhone privacy functions

    iPhone now has a Hide IP address function, though it only works against trackers. You can also reroute your data by using the iCloud Private Relay, but that’s a half-measure. If you want to get serious about hiding your IP, follow the next step.

    Get a VPN

    To avoid being tracked on Private Browsing, use a VPN. All your device data will be encrypted and routed via a VPN server. So your workplace or ISP will only see an encrypted connection to the server, while the services you’re accessing will see the server’s IP.

    Using a VPN on an iPhone also hides your data from Wi-Fi router-based snooping. So, why not try Surfshark? We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can take this time to test our VPN and all of its features. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, simply ask for a refund within 30 days and get your money back. All in all, absolute anonymity is impossible online, but following the best practices outlined above can make you a lot more private.

    You CAN make private browsing private on your iPhone

    Can Private Browsing be traced on the iPhone? Yes. The feature has its appeal, but its functions are limited. It mainly serves to prevent other people from messing with your smartphone by looking through your browsing history. So, you have to take other steps to make it private. And, if you want to start by finding a privacy-focused search engine, Surfshark Search can definitely help you with that. And while you’re at it, why not hide your real phone number with a phone number generator?

    Surfshark Search comes packaged with Surfshark VPN

    Get Surfshark


    How do you check the Private Browsing history on an iPhone?

    You can’t check Private Browsing history because it gets deleted after you finish the browsing session. However, if you install specific apps, you might be able to check it.

    Can Private Browsing be tracked by the police?

    Yes. The police can get a warrant to make your internet service provider give up your connection logs. Since Private Browsing Mode doesn’t hide anything from the ISP, they will see what IPs you were connected to and when.

    Is iPhone private browsing really private?

    It gives local privacy, meaning that once you finish the private browsing session and close the tab, none of the search history will be visible to other device users. It also stops third-party tracking.

    Can iPhone Private Browsing mode be tracked?

    Yes, it can. In fact, the Wi-Fi administrator, usually the person who owns the router, your internet service provider, and Apple can see your data traffic no matter if you’re using private browsing or not.

    How do I know if Safari is in Private Mode?

    In Private Browsing Mode, the Safari search/URL bar becomes dark.

    Why can’t I find Private Browsing on my iPhone?

    The most likely cause is that the Screen Time parenting app is at work, which can block Private Browsing from being an option.

    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark (2024)


    Can private browsing be traced on iPhone? - Surfshark? ›

    Your private browsing can be seen by interested parties via your digital traces: Your IP address is still visible. All internet devices have an IP address — this is how the World Wide Web infrastructure knows where to send data. So if your IP is 142.68.

    Does Surfshark track your browsing history? ›

    We never track, log, or store your browsing history, data transfers, or anything else you do online, so you can rest assured that your personal information remains private and secure.

    Can iPhone private browsing be tracked? ›

    One of the first questions people ask is, “Can private browsing be traced on an iPhone?” The short answer is yes, private browsing history on an iPhone can still be tracked. If you log into any site in incognito mode, those sites and advertisers will still record the login and add it to your user history.

    Can private browsing be tracked with a VPN? ›

    So, when you browse online using a VPN, the VPN server becomes the origin of your data. This makes it impossible for your ISP or any other third-parties to see what websites you are visiting or what information you are entering.

    How secure is iPhone private browser? ›

    While ISPs cannot see the websites you visit or the searches you conduct during a private browsing session, they can still observe your internet connection, know that you are using private browsing, and monitor your overall internet activity.

    Can you be tracked with Surfshark VPN? ›

    A strict no-logs policy

    To be private means to be private from everyone, including your VPN provider. Surfshark never tracks what you do online, meaning that no connection logs are kept aside from what is needed to keep your VPN tunnel up.

    Can your search history be seen if you use a VPN? ›

    Though using a VPN hides your search history from your ISP and third parties, it doesn't hide it from the websites you visit. Search engines like Google or Bing can still see, track, and log your search queries if you're logged in — even if you're using a VPN.

    Can police track Private Browsing? ›

    Digital forensic experts can also often find “artifacts” on a person's computer that indicate recent web history, even in private browsing mode. These can include file downloads, bookmarks and other tiny bits of information indicating web use.

    Can you recover Private Browsing history on an iPhone? ›

    Once you close the private browsing session, all your search data is deleted from your iPhone without the possibility of recovering it. If you need to keep a record of your browsing history, the best way to do that is by using regular browsing mode.

    Is Safari Private Browsing really private? ›

    In essence, while Safari Private Browsing offers a degree of privacy by not storing your activities on your device, it doesn't guarantee complete anonymity or protection from all potential threats. To enhance your online privacy and security, consider using additional tools.

    Can police track VPN users? ›

    The good news is that there is almost no way to track live, encrypted VPN traffic. Law enforcement can only obtain data, if available, about websites visited and so on. Otherwise, hackers and snooping government agencies are generally blocked by the fact that the data is encrypted.

    Does a VPN make you untraceable? ›

    Does a VPN make you anonymous? No, a VPN does not make you anonymous. In fact, no internet privacy tool can completely hide your online presence. A VPN can encrypt your data, shield your IP address, and even protect you from online trackers, but full anonymity isn't possible.

    Is there a way to see someone's Private Browsing history? ›

    Yes, incognito mode does leave a data trail. It doesn't hide your browsing activity from your ISP, employer, or other websites. They can see your browsing history, location, and any personal data you may be sharing along the way. Incognito mode hides your activity only from other people who share your device.

    Can private browsing be traced on an iPhone? ›

    Can private browsing be traced on an iPhone? Private Browsing Mode is a neat privacy feature for Safari users who want to easily hide their browsing histories. However, that's where its privacy protection ends. You can still be tracked even if you use Private Browsing.

    Is a private browser trackable? ›

    Incognito mode only deletes your local search and browsing history — just the content on your computer. Websites, search engines, Internet service providers, and governments can still easily track you across the web.

    Does private mode on iPhone hide IP? ›

    When iCloud Private Relay is turned on, the traffic leaving your iPhone is encrypted and sent through two separate internet relays. This prevents websites from seeing your IP address and exact location while it prevents network providers from collecting your browsing activity in Safari.

    Is Surfshark search private? ›

    Surfshark Search is an ad-free, private search tool that allows you to see organic results without tracking or interference.

    How to stop WiFi owner see your history? ›

    You can prevent routers from logging your data by using a VPN, or virtual private network. Even if your router doesn't keep extensive Wi-Fi logs, your ISP almost certainly does. Your ISP can view all the traffic that passes through your router, regardless of whether it's saved on the router's hardware or not.

    Can someone see my search history if I delete it? ›

    Does deleting history really delete it? No, only on the surface. Your internet provider collects and stores this information for a period that depends on data retention laws (often 6 months/1 year). The best way to protect your data is to prevent them from seeing your search history at all.

    Do ISPs look at your history? ›

    ISPs are still able to track your browsing history and see which websites you visit. The websites you visit can also still track activity with cookies and IP tracking. Network administrators who have access to your device can monitor your web browsing.

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    Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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    Author information

    Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Birthday: 2001-01-17

    Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

    Phone: +813077629322

    Job: Real-Estate Executive

    Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.