Can you be tracked with a VPN? (2024)


  • What does a VPN hide?
  • Who can track me online?
  • Can I be tracked if I use a VPN?
    • Can you be tracked if you use a free VPN?
    • Can you be tracked if you use a VPN and it disconnects?
    • Can the government track you if you’re using a VPN?
    • Can Google track me if I use a VPN?
    • Can an employer track me while I’m on a VPN?
  • How can you tell if someone is using a VPN?
  • How to do a simple VPN detection test
  • How can your VPN be traced?
  • How can I be untraceable?
  • Which VPN to choose to prevent tracking

What does a VPN hide?

When you connect to a VPN (or virtual private network) server, your IP address changes, and the data traffic on your device gets encrypted. It creates a private network between your device and the VPN server (hence the name, virtual private network).

Changing your IP changes the location that’s associated with you online: if you’re using the internet in Australia, but connect to a VPN server in the US, you’ll appear online with an American IP address. Meanwhile, encryption scrambles data, making it look like gibberish to anyone who tries to read it. If you’re using a trustworthy VPN service, your browsing activities become illegible to snoopers.

However, this doesn’t mean a VPN user is entirely untraceable online. Internet service providers (ISPs), websites, and even governments can determine whether you’re using a VPN. They might not know what you’re up to online, but they will have no difficulty with VPN detection. So, how can a VPN be traced?

Who can track me online?

When online you can be tracked by:

  • Internet service providers. ISPs can see what you do online and even curb your traffic. However, a VPN hides your IP, encrypts your internet traffic, and protects your online privacy.
  • Government agencies and other similar entities. They can approach ISPs or online service providers to obtain data about you or just use their own tracking methods.
  • Cybercriminals. They can track you and steal your data by intercepting your traffic via public Wi-Fi. However, a VPN protects you from this by encrypting your data. Even if the Wi-Fi you’re connecting to is compromised, your data will still be protected.

Here are some of the ways you can be tracked online even when using a VPN:

  • Cookies. Tracking cookies are small pieces of code that are downloaded and stored on your device or browser when you visit a website. This is done so that a website can keep track of your requests — cookies are the reason your online shopping cart doesn’t clear each time you refresh the page. Third-party cookies are usually used for advertising and can track you across different platforms.
  • Browser fingerprinting. The browser you’re using can reveal quite a lot about you: the extensions you have, your screen resolution, the operating system you’re on. This type of data can form a unique identifier, but it won’t reveal personal information about you on its own.
  • Malware or spyware. If you accidentally download malicious software, it can track your online behavior and steal sensitive information directly from your device. Stalkerware can also be installed on your device by someone you trust.
  • Data collecting websites and services. Most services we use collect our data or track our behavior in one way or another. Social media and search websites such as Google or Facebook contain a great deal of info about use and our online habits.

Can you be tracked with a VPN? (1)

Can I be tracked if I use a VPN?

No, your web traffic and IP can’t be tracked if you use a reliable VPN service. However, if you use a poor quality VPN, you could still be tracked. A premium quality VPN encrypts data and hides your IP address by routing your activity through a VPN server; even if someone tries to monitor your traffic, all they’ll see is the VPN server’s IP and complete gibberish. Beyond that, you can only be tracked with information you provide to sites or services you log into.

Can you be tracked if you use a free VPN?

Free VPNs need to make their money somehow, and that’s often done by selling your data to third-parties. Some free VPN providers will keep connection logs, monitoring and recording your general connection information. This includes your IP address, the IP address of the website you’re trying to visit, the connection time, and the amount of data transferred.

As you can see, tracking this information pretty much gives away everything you’re doing online anyway, and offers no privacy – making the point of a VPN useless. We recommend opting for a reputable VPN service provider instead.

Can you be tracked if you use a VPN and it disconnects?

Yes, you can be tracked if your VPN disconnects, because your data becomes exposed again. Your ISP will be able to see what you’re doing online, as well as the websites you’re visiting. Premium VPNs come with a kill-switch feature which immediately takes all of your devices offline, if your connection to the VPN suffers.

Some VPNs may accidentally reveal your actual IP address through DNS leaks. NordVPN prevents DNS leaks by exclusively using our own DNS servers.

Can the government track you if you’re using a VPN?

No, the government can not track you if your VPN provider has a no-logs policy and no backdoor for the government. But it all depends on the VPN. If the VPN has a no-logs policy, even if the government approached the VPN provider, the provider wouldn’t be able to hand over your activity logs because they don’t have any to begin with.

Some VPN services agree to install backdoors for the government, allowing agencies to monitor user traffic. For example, government-approved VPNs are allowed to operate in China. However, considering the country’s tendency to control all online communications, a “legal” VPN in China is very likely to have backdoors.

As mentioned before, governments can determine whether you’re using a VPN service. For example, the so-called Great Firewall of China uses DPI and other methods to recognize and block VPN traffic. Fortunately, NordVPN’s obfuscated servers help address some of these VPN detection methods, so they’re great if you’re connecting from a region with strict censorship. They hide your VPN connection by making it look like regular internet traffic.

Can Google track me if I use a VPN?

Yes, Google can trace your online activities back to you if you surf the internet while connected to your Google account. Since a VPN changes your virtual location, it might look like you’re accessing the websites from a different region, but Google will still be able to determine it’s you.

Let’s say you log in to your account when you’re connected to a VPN server. You go to YouTube and watch some adorable puppy videos. The next time you go to the website while not connected to a VPN, you may still see cute dogs in your suggestions.

There are some other ways Google can track you online. For example, cookies and browser fingerprinting can also trace your activities back to your account. However, you can minimize tracking by using privacy-oriented browsers and cookie blockers.

Can an employer track me while I’m on a VPN?

No, your employer can’t track you if you are using a commercial VPN. But business VPNs function differently. If you’re connected to a business VPN provided by your employer, they would probably be able to monitor you. Most business VPNs log employees’ activities and do not guarantee anonymity from your employer.

But let’s say you use a commercial VPN. If your workplace monitors employees’ online behavior, a VPN might not be enough to shield you entirely. However, they would need to have monitoring software installed on your work device to see what you do online. For example, if your company has installed keyloggers directly onto your computer, a VPN service won’t be able to hide what you type on your device from your employer.

Check out our brief video on this topic below.

Can you be tracked with a VPN? (2)

How can you tell if someone is using a VPN?

If you know what to look for, it’s easy to find out if someone is using a VPN. With a VPN, all the user’s traffic is routed through a single IP address of the VPN server they’re connected to.

Without a VPN, the traffic will show that it’s being routed through many different IP addresses, based on the different websites the user visits. Their VPN-assigned IP address will also be different from their real IP address, which you can inspect against known VPN IP addresses.

PRO TIP: You can hide the fact that you’re using a VPN with NordVPN’s obfuscated servers function, which conceals the VPN metadata so no one can see that your device is connected to a VPN server.

How to do a simple VPN detection test

You can perform a simple VPN test by comparing your real IP address with the one given to you by your VPN. Here’s how:

  1. Note down your real IP address, which our IP lookup tool will instantly show you.
  2. Turn your VPN on.
  3. Review your IP address with our IP lookup tool. It should now show a different IP address and the country your VPN is connected to.

Connect to NordVPN and you’ll never have to worry about your IP leaks again. Moreover, its Dark Web Monitor function will notify you if your credentials linked to your email address are exposed to the dark web.

Can you be tracked with a VPN? (3)

How can your VPN be traced?

The best VPNs will not allow your IP to identify you. However, there are ways to identify VPN traffic:

  • VPN IP address. The IP addresses of VPN servers aren’t difficult to recognize — there are even databases specializing in VPN detection, that try to determine whether an IP belongs to a particular provider. When you access a website with a VPN on, it may be able to identify that you’re using a VPN using your IP. However, this doesn’t mean the website will know the identity of the person behind the IP address — just that they are using a VPN.
  • Port number. Some VPN protocols use specific port numbers to establish a connection. For example, OpenVPN (UDP) usually uses port number 1194, while OpenVPN (TCP) typically uses 443. So, the port number can give away the type of VPN connection you’re using.
  • Deep packet inspection. DPI is a process that involves inspecting the structure of each passing data packet. It has many useful applications, like blocking spam or malware. However, it can also be used to identify VPN traffic. This is what the government of China uses to block VPNs.

How can I be untraceable?

Staying completely anonymous online is virtually impossible. However, there are ways you can minimize your digital footprint:

  • Be careful about what you post online. The information you reveal about yourself can be a goldmine for snoopers.
  • Ditch Google for more private search engines.
  • Use privacy-oriented browsers.
  • Use a VPN.
  • Regularly clear your cache and cookies from your devices.
  • Use a secure operating system.
  • Use disposable email addresses.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Use encrypted messaging apps.

All in all, if someone’s hell-bent on tracking you online, you’ll need to be very careful and thorough to remain anonymous. If you choose a VPN service carefully, it can still protect your data from ISPs, criminals, and government surveillance. NordVPN has a plethora of security-oriented features to ensure your privacy online, no matter what device you’re on.

Which VPN to choose to prevent tracking

While a VPN protects you from tracking, you should also be careful when choosing one.

Here are a few other aspects to pay attention to when choosing a VPN provider:

  • Obfuscated servers function. It hides the fact that you use a VPN, so no one can block your connection if they find you doing this. It is especially useful when operating from areas where VPN connection is restricted.
  • Kill Switch. This function terminates your online connection if a VPN service is down. In this case, your online activities won’t be exposed accidentally.
  • Strong encryption. Make sure a VPN uses the most up-to-date encryption protocols with no backdoors or vulnerabilities.
  • DNS leak protection. Make sure a VPN sends all your DNS queries through a secure VPN tunnel to keep them private at all times.

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Can you be tracked with a VPN? (2024)


Can you be tracked with a VPN? ›

Can you be tracked with a VPN? You can't be tracked using a VPN because it encrypts your data. As a result, your ISP or bad actors can't get any information out of your traffic. They only see the VPN server's IP address, while your real IP and online activities stay hidden.

Does a VPN make you untraceable? ›

No, a VPN does not make you anonymous. In fact, no internet privacy tool can completely hide your online presence. A VPN can encrypt your data, shield your IP address, and even protect you from online trackers, but full anonymity isn't possible.

Can the police track a VPN? ›

Whether police can track VPN traffic is a common concern among users seeking online privacy. The truth is: the police can't monitor encrypted VPN traffic. However, they can ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide connection or usage logs through a court order, which can lead them to your VPN provider.

Which VPN can not be tracked? ›

Nord VPN because it does not track or collect users' data. It provides the best security through its algorithm that is encrypt the data sent or received. P2P VPN helps to prevent a user from ads and malware. It is best for Android devices and iPhones, not for windows or desktops users.

Can my parents see my search history if I use a VPN? ›

Anyone who can access your computer can see your search history, and there's nothing a VPN can do about that. Therefore, if you want to hide your search history, the best solutions are to clear your browser's history manually and to use private browsing.

What happens if you get caught using a VPN? ›

In some cases, you can lose your internet connection or receive a fine. In the most extreme cases, using a VPN in a country where it is banned can lead to jail time.

Can I be traced if I use VPN? ›

Can you be tracked with a VPN? You can't be tracked using a VPN because it encrypts your data. As a result, your ISP or bad actors can't get any information out of your traffic. They only see the VPN server's IP address, while your real IP and online activities stay hidden.

Can the FBI find you if you use a VPN? ›

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies cannot track encrypted VPN traffic, even if they have a court order.

Are using VPNs illegal? ›

Are VPNs legal to use? Yes, VPNs are legal in most countries around the world, including the US, Canada, and most of Europe. However, you might risk heavy fines or even imprisonment for using a VPN in a country that bans it, for example, North Korea or Iraq.

Does VPN hide illegal streaming? ›

As long as you're not doing anything illegal when streaming with a VPN, the only repercussions may be from the streaming service. However, if you're downloading illegal content or torrenting with a VPN, there may be more serious repercussions if you're caught.

Can you be identified when using a VPN? ›

No. Your data is encrypted, so your ISP can't see its contents. This includes DNS requests , which are sent through the VPN tunnel and resolved by the VPN provider. Your ISP can see the IP address of the VPN server you're connected to, but it can't see any connections made after that.

Why do criminals use VPNs? ›

In addition to masking their IP address and bypassing security systems, hackers also use VPNs for other malicious purposes. One such purpose is to launch a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. This type of attack floods a targeted system with traffic, overwhelming its resources and causing it to crash.

How do I hide that I'm using a VPN? ›

You can, however, use additional tips and tricks to make yourself as close to undetectable as possible:
  1. Switch VPN servers.
  2. Change your VPN protocol.
  3. Use obfuscated servers or a stealth VPN.
  4. Get a dedicated IP address.
  5. Change ports.
  6. Change your DNS settings.
  7. Send your VPN traffic through a proxy.
  8. Swap to mobile data.

Are VPNs really private? ›

How Secure is a VPN? Using a reliable virtual private network (VPN) can be a safe way to browse the internet. VPN security can protect from IP and encrypt internet history and is increasingly being used to prevent snooping on by government agencies. However, VPNs won't be able to keep you safe in all scenarios.

Can my wife see my incognito history? ›

Yes. An incognito browser only hides searches from the local device it is installed on. The WiFi owner has access to the admin panel from the WiFi router, meaning they can see the browsing information performed on their WiFi network. Additionally, your ISP can also see all traffic, regardless of the browser being used.

Does VPN mask your location? ›

A VPN can hide your online identity by masking your IP address. It encrypts your location and the data you send and receive, helping protect your personal identifiable information (PII). This data can come in the form of your bank information, as well as Social Security and driver's license numbers.

Can VPN be detected? ›

VPNs can be detected through simple mechanisms like comparing the actual browser timezone with the target server's exit node or by using databases that store information about whether a given IP address belongs to the VPN.

Does VPN really hide your location? ›

A VPN encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address. As a result, it also hides your location, browsing history, searches, downloads, and any other activities, such as gaming or streaming. A VPN hides this information from bad actors, ISPs, websites, and even oppressive governments.

Is there a truly anonymous VPN? ›

No, as a truly anonymous VPN is impossible — or near impossible — to achieve. However, major players in the VPN market, like Surfshark, put in a lot of effort to make you as private as possible: Payment options like paying in crypto help you keep your identity secret from the VPN company.

Can an employer track location with a VPN? ›

If you use a corporate VPN

Regarding your location, your employer can determine it based on the IP address assigned by your ISP or cellular provider. However, the accuracy of the location can vary depending on the provider, ranging from a specific street to just a general area.

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