Do Cheat Day Meals Help or Ruin Your Fitness Goals (2024)

Oh, the infamous ‘cheat day’. Even if you don’t identify as a gym rat, you’ve likely heard of crazy fit celebrities, like The Rock, participating in cheat day festivities. Just one look at his Instagram feed will take you down a drool-worthy rabbit hole of inhuman portioned platters of sushi, cookies, burgers, fries, and most recently his famous French toast layered with syrup, coconut, and whipped cream, made from his very own secret recipe which he’s coined ‘Rock Toast’.

The Rock is inarguably shredded, which begs the question, should you partake in a cheat day meal? And what space do they have in your diet if you have specific weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance goals? To answer these questions and more, I sat down with Sunny Trainer James King III to get his perspective on how cheat days should fit into your nutrition plan. His answers may surprise you.

What is a Cheat Day?

A cheat day or cheat meal is essentially when you stick to a nutritious, clean diet majority of the week, and indulge in an unhealthy meal a few times a week. The idea is after a long week of fueling your body withwhole foodslike lean protein, healthy fats, and carbs - you set a specific day or meal where anything is on the table.

What exactly could be a part of your cheat meal? Dream big! That loaded platter of nachos? A big stack of blueberry pancakes? A thick slice of deep-dish pepperoni pizza? All of it could be yours with a well-implemented cheat day plan as a part of your diet.

But are cheat days harmless - or do they completely cancel out all the hard work you’ve been putting into yourSunny workouts? According to James, “Cheat days can definitely be a part of a healthy eating plan.” However, while it can be a part of a healthy diet, determining if a cheat day deserves a space in your routine is up to you. No one knows you better than yourself.

Is it Okay to Have a Cheat Day Meal?

Absolutely! If you’re healthy, your body knows how to regulate itself after a cheat meal. Aside from feeling bloated, less active, and a temporary increase in water weight (excess sodium in many processed foods means you’ll hold on to more water) a cheat here or there won’t do much harm.

From a psychological, sustainability, and practical standpoint ‘cheating’ on your diet is inevitable. You’re a human, not a robot. It will serve most people to be consistently good instead of sporadically perfect.

Special occasions and events will pop up, and when they do it’s nice to have the flexibility to embrace the human experience. Life is meant to live, right? Being able to share those moments with others is an essential part of building a maintainable healthy lifestyle.

According to James, he doesn’t even like to use the word ‘cheat’ meals. “I like to use the word ‘treat’ meals because I think they’re that special,” he shares. James is a pescatarian, so when he does treat himself, he likes to enjoy a steak and dessert, something he wouldn’t normally eat. Other go-to treats for him include Oreos and growing up in Chicago he’s a huge fan of Vintner’s hot crunchy curls.

How Often Should You Have Cheat Days?

For cheat days to be a part of a healthy diet, you can’t just have a cheat day every single day. I don’t think I’m alone in wishing that could be the case. However, you can indulge in a treat meal more often than you might think, and still maintain general health while continuing to see progress towards your fitness goals.

James recommends reserving 80% of your meals for healthy, nutritious foods, and setting aside 20% of your meals for cheat days each week. If you eat 3 meals a day, that’s 21 meals a week - which comes out to about 17 healthy meals, and 4 cheat meals.

Feel free to stack your cheat meals as you like, creating one big free-for-all treat yourself a day, or spread them throughout the week. James recommends giving yourself something to look forward to by spreading them throughout the week. Plus, it’s much easier to hop right back into your routine after one snack or meal than it is after a whole day of indulgence.

Do Calories Matter on a Cheat Day?

When it comes tocounting caloriesor portion sizes, always track what you’re eating, and try not to go too far out of your norm. Track your food by keeping a food journal or taking pictures of your meals throughout the day. As James points out, “You should know which meals are healthy and which meals are ‘unhealthy’.”

If you do go crazy, whether it’s healthy or unhealthy, your track record will be a good indicator of where you went wrong if you aren’t seeing the progress you expected. As James points out, “make sure you’re tracking, not guessing.”

Can You Have a Cheat Day Meal if You Want to Lose Weight?

Yep! Believe it or not, you can have cheat day meals, and still, achieve your weight loss goals. James recommends starting your weight loss diet by taking one portion of carbs away from one meal each day. That could look like limiting a side of potatoes at your dinner or cutting out the croutons on your salad at lunch.

From there, check in on your weight loss over seven days. Are you losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining weight? You can adjust your intake from there, maybe you need to cut out one more portion, or take out a snack in the afternoon. Remember, the adjustments should be small. Always take time to evaluate the success of your changes before making more.

To indulge in treat days during your weight loss diet, follow the 80/20 rule: eating healthy, nutritious meals 80% of the time, and treating yourself about 20% of the time. If you hit a plateau and you’re struggling to see more results, you can try bumping it up to 90/10, and you will usually see changes from that adjustment.

Can You Have Extra Cheat Day Meals if You Want to Gain Muscle?

Unfortunately, bulking doesn’t mean you can eat all the cheat day meals you want. If only! Maintaining an 80/20 balance is important for your health too. So be mindful that you’re also fueling your body with healthy foods about 80% of the time to get your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

If your bulking goal is physique-based - maybe you’re looking to add more muscle or get shredded for a show - keeping your diet healthy most of the time will ensure you’re gaining lean muscle and not fat.

To get started with increasing your muscle mass, James recommends adding just one portion to one meal of the day - it can be carbs, healthy fats, or lean protein. Just like with weight loss, if you’re looking to bulk up or gain muscle, you’ll want to keep track of changes to your diet and progress over time.

Again, track by taking photos of your meals throughout the day or keep a food journal of what you’re eating. After tracking, it’s also important to reflect on your methods, and the progress you’ve made from the changes in your diet. You can determine what to do next based on the results.

Do Cheat Day Meals Ruin Your Fitness Progress?

Slip-ups are inevitable. You’re human, and no one expects you to be perfect. As James puts it, “the difference between people who can reach their fitness goals and those who struggle, is how you recover and react after a slip-up.”

If you’re able to plan for a slip up on your healthy diet, you can plan to get back on track too. He notes, “The important thing is not letting that lapse turn into a relapse, turn into full-on unhealthy eating. The best thing you can do is get right back on track.” He recommends immediately getting the ball rolling, rather than waiting until the next day: “Take action at that moment, don’t wait.”

Cheat day meals don’t have to ruin your fitness progress. It’s all about where you end up after a cheat day. Do you let a cheat day take control of your life by eating unhealthy food for days and days, only to feel guilty after? Or do you let yourself enjoy it, and then get right back on track? The decision is yours. Plan now and a cheat day won’t ruin your fitness progress, it’ll help you enjoy a beautiful, balanced life.

Tips for Approaching Your Cheat Day

So, are you ready to embrace cheat meals and make them a part of your regular training schedule? Below I’ve listed 3 key tips to treat yourself like the king or queen you are.

1) Find a Sustainable Schedule for You

Plan and track it. Having a cheat meal isn’t permission for a free-for-all, it’s a controlled but indulgent celebration of life and the hard work you’ve been putting into your workouts. My suggestion? Put it on the calendar. If you know you’re going out to dinner Saturday night with the girls, look at the menu in advance, and get excited about enjoying yourself.

2) Treat Yourself to the Best of the Best

Treat yourself to the best of the best. Don’t get yourself a stale donut from the grocery store, get the best donut in town. Don’t waste your cheat meal on something that isn’t worth it. If you’re going to treat yourself you want it to be worth it, so seek out something that will be a real pleasure to sink your teeth into.

3) Make it Memorable

Do you find yourself going to town on treats curled up in a ball in a lonely corner in front of the TV? We’ve all been there! And there’s a time and a place for that…maybe? For your cheat meal, envision something grander. Make your treat a social, memorable experience.

Part of the human experience is enjoying life with friends and being social, your social health is a big part of a healthy lifestyle too. Plan to indulge in a treat in a social setting where you’ll be able to soak in the best of the best with the people you love.

In Closing

Giving in to a cheat day doesn’t have to derail your fitness progress. It is possible to indulge and still reach your goals. Looking for a good way to celebrate your cheat day? Treat yourself to some of Sunny’s favoritecheat day recipesyou can make in your kitchen! And let us know in the comments below how you like to treat yourself.

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Do Cheat Day Meals Help or Ruin Your Fitness Goals (2024)


Do Cheat Day Meals Help or Ruin Your Fitness Goals? ›

These indulgences can help you stick with your healthy eating plan. A study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology that found that giving in to an impulse to eat something naughty can help a person stay motivated and stick to long-term goals.

Will a cheat meal ruin my progress? ›

While your metabolism may go up in the immediate aftermath of a splurge, it doesn't stay that way for long enough to make a significant difference. “Cheat day calories can add up fast and bring your weight loss progress to a screeching halt — or even reverse it,” Taylor warns.

Will one cheat day make me gain weight? ›

In order to gain a pound of fat, you would need to add about 500 calories a day on top of your normal diet, every day, for about 7 days. This makes gaining any significant amount of fat from even the craziest all-out cheat days extremely unlikely.

Is it okay to have cheat days when working out? ›

Cheat on a Training Day

Nutritionists agree that you should indulge in your cravings, but if you do, do it on the day of an intense workout. Even better, choose a meal that's high in protein to rebuild muscle mass and satiate hunger.

Is one cheat day a week ok? ›

Studies have shown that as long as your are following your diet 90% of the time, you can enjoy a cheat meal every week. The 22nd of September marks National Fitness Day! A day to celebrate the important role physical activity plays in helping us all to lead healthier lifestyles.

Will a cheat meal ruin gains? ›

If you're healthy, your body knows how to regulate itself after a cheat meal. Aside from feeling bloated, less active, and a temporary increase in water weight (excess sodium in many processed foods means you'll hold on to more water) a cheat here or there won't do much harm.

Does a cheat day reset your metabolism? ›

Cheat meals can boost your metabolism and ward off feelings of deprivation, allowing you to not only lose the weight you want but also stick to your diet plan and continue on your fitness journey.

What is the 80/20 rule diet? ›

The 80/20 rule is simple. Eat nutritious, healthy foods 80% of the time and enjoy foods considered less healthy 20% of the time. It's a more flexible approach to eating, which encourages a balanced diet and indulging in moderation rather than restrictive dieting.

How much is too much on a cheat day? ›

How many calories should I eat on a cheat day? 'There is not an exact number of calories that you can eat on a cheat day but a good guideline to follow is to not consume more than 150 per cent of your regular calorie intake/limit,' according to Bodies by Byrne, run by a nutritionist and fitness instructor.

What are the benefits of a cheat day? ›

Cheat Meals While Losing Weight

Cheat meals are purported to bring a dieter psychological relief, a temporary boost in metabolic rate, and replenishment of glycogen stores so that they may resume the diet again afterward.

Why did I lose weight after a cheat day? ›

Leptin regulates hunger and signals to the body that it's full. As you cut calories and body fat begins to dwindle, some research suggests that leptin decreases as well. Those studies suggest that cheat days can help restore leptin.

Are cheat days bad for abs? ›

While the single meal can be beneficial if well timed…the day's worth (or too many cheat MEALS in a week) is going to swing the balance quickly from progression to regression and will shut down your body's ability to get to those sub 10% body fat levels that really reveal your abs and hard work.

What do athletes eat on cheat day? ›

It might come as some surprise, but elite athletes are allowed a cheat meal from time to time -whether it's pancakes, brownies, or steak!

Can one cheat day ruin progress? ›

So, yes, a single cheat day can completely negate your efforts to lose weight during the week if you're not careful.

Should I fast after a cheat day? ›

Oftentimes after a cheat day or a binge, people think that they need a “reset” so they decide to restrict food the next day. However, fasting after a binge can backfire and perpetuate the binge-restrict cycle. It can lead to intense cravings and an obsession with food.

Can I eat pizza on cheat day? ›

In general, if you're not working a particular “cheat food” it into your post-workout meal (more on that below), find another way to fit it into your diet. But try and do so in moderation. If you're craving pizza, don't go eat an entire large pizza by yourself.

How often is it okay to cheat on your diet? ›

While a good diet is crucial for health, bending the rules on occasion probably won't hurt. A tip you can try is the 90-10 rule. "Eat a healthy diet 90% of the time and splurge 10% of the time," McManus says. "Eating three meals a day for a week means 21 total meals: avoid splurging for more than two of those meals."

How long into a diet can you have a cheat meal? ›

The concept emerged around the same time as 'clean eating', and is based on the idea that a dieter can 'cheat' for one day a week as long as they eat to their diet plan for the remaining six days. Social media has increased awareness of these days off, notably among those dieting to gain muscle.

How often can you have a cheat meal without gaining weight? ›

How Often Should Be Your Cheat Day? Since every weight loss program is unique, there is no conclusive response to this issue. However, most people recommend having a cheat day once a week. This will allow you to indulge without jeopardizing your diet or weight reduction objectives.

How many calories can I eat on a cheat day? ›

However, it's recommended that you shouldn't exceed 150% of your usual calorie intake for the day. It's suggested that you would have to overeat by 500 calories a day to gain one pound of fat a week, meaning your occasional cheat day really shouldn't make too much of a difference to your goals overall.

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