Elite Pirate (2024)

!This is a rare creature/object. It may only be scanned in one or few encounters.
This article is about the Elite Pirates in Metroid Prime. For the Elite Pirates in Federation Force, see Space Pirate (Metroid Prime).

Elite Pirates are Phazon-enhanced Space Pirates. They are incredibly strong, armored, and well-armed. They are very potent foes, having a powerful Wave Quake Generator to produce shockwaves, bayonets in their wrists, and an energy siphon system that absorbs beam shots. The shots are then used to fuel their massive Plasma Artillery Cannon. Due to this system, they are vulnerable to concussive weapons. The Plasma Cannon is particularly vulnerable and can be targeted separately by switching to the Thermal Visor. They are very effective at both close combat and at long range. However, their immense size can be a weakness, along with their sluggish speeds, allowing their opponents to easily evade their attacks.[1]


  • 1 History and locations
  • 2 Official data
    • 2.1 Official website
    • 2.2 Logbook entry
    • 2.3 Pirate Data (Elite Pirates)
    • 2.4 Scans
    • 2.5 Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
    • 2.6 Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
    • 2.7 Metroid Prime Official Strategy Guide
    • 2.8 Metroid Prime Official Perfect Guide
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 References

History and locations[]

Samus encountered three Elite Pirates in the Phazon Mines on Tallon IV, where they were contained in Cryosleep Tanks due to their short lifespans. They were a product of Project Helix, a program where Space Pirate embryos were infused with Phazon.[2] Initial results were horrific; most died, and the few that survived their infanthood suffered severe psychotic breakdowns as juveniles, killing anything within their zone of perception.[3] However, the Space Pirates saw how powerful a force of Elite Pirates would be, and hoped that one day they would make an army composed of them.[4]

When Samus encounters them, they spontaneously break out of their stasis tanks and immediately set their sights on her, briefly clenching their large fists together as they do. Their energy siphon systems prevent them from being damaged while the shield is out, though their shockwaves can easily be avoided with either well-timed Space Jumps or by reaching an elevated location (if present). Should Samus stray too far from a monstrous Elite, it will fire off a grenade directly at her unless she destroys the equipped Plasma-Artillery Cannon. If she gets too close to one, it will unleash a powerful swipe combo, glowing with Phazon energy as it does. As far as weaponry goes against an Elite Pirate, both the Charge Beam from the Power Beam and Super Missiles can stun it while the Ice Spreader will freeze it for a few quick seconds. Firing off a Missile while it is frozen will result in the creature being briefly stunned. Enough continuous damage from the Wavebuster will also cause an Elite Pirate to be briefly knocked back.

The Space Pirates also created a Phazon Elite, a Space Pirate infused with energized Phazon, and the Omega Pirate, a very powerful Elite Pirate.[5]

Elite Pirates are found in Elite Research, Elite Control, Omega Research, Quarantine Access A, Metroid Quarantine A and Dynamo Access. In total, Samus encounters and defeats three of them (five if both the Phazon Elite and the Omega Pirate count).

After continued Phazon research it is believed that the Elites were replaced by the more advanced Berserker Knights and Berserker Lords.

Official data[]

Official website[]

Elite Pirate (1)

"Homeworld: Unknown

Civilization Type: Mercenary

Elite Pirates are bio-enhanced Space Pirates. They are incredibly strong, armored, and well-armed. Elite Pirates are potent foes. Their energy siphon system absorbs Beam weapon shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. Well armed, the Elite Pirates are equally effective in close combat and at long range. Their massive size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for evasion and quick attacks."

Logbook entry[]

Elite Pirate (2)Elite Pirate (3)


Elite Pirate

Metroid Prime

Temporary scan

Morphology: Elite Pirate
Phazon-enhanced Space Pirate. Incredibly strong, armored, and well armed.

Logbook entry

Elite Pirates are potent foes. Their energy-siphon system absorbs Beam weapons shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. Well armed, the Elite Pirate is effective in close combat and at a distance. Their massive size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for evasion and quick attacks.


Pirate Data (Elite Pirates)[]

"Initial Project Helix experiments with Space Pirate embryos were disastrous. The Phazon-infusion process degenerated brain tissue even as it augmented muscle mass. None of what we have termed 'Elite Pirates' lived to maturity: the few that survived their infanthood suffered severe psychotic breakdowns as juveniles, killing anything within their zone of perception. Research from team Sclera made a recent breakthrough, in which parasite studies with a Phazon strain code-named 'Vertigo' were highly successful. Since then, we have fused Vertigo Phazon with Space Pirate DNA with great success. The latest batch of Elite Pirates have reached maturity successfully and are ready for field testing and training."


Elite Control
"A shipment of military-grade Plasma Artillery Cannons is en route to Tallon IV. The Egenoid Star Marines we 'acquired' them from were letting them sit in a warehouse. Our Elite Pirates, on the other hand, will put them to good use very soon."
"Test results from Battle Simulation 'Samus Aran' are promising. Elite units report a 74% success ratio against Aran in testing. High Command is pleased, but expects a higher ratio by project's end."
"Facility Command's request for Elite Pirate transfer to security forces granted. Prepare units EPG-8644 and EPG-8656 for field duty at once."
Dynamo Access
"Cryosleep Tank. Unit CS-4468R. Unit modified for Elite Pirate storage."
Elite Research
"Recommended battle systems for Elite Pirates are as follows: shoulder-mounted Plasma Artillery Cannon, Repulsion Shield, Wave Quake projector, energy-siphon system, and retractable Wrist Bayonets."
Central Dynamo
"An entire shift of Dynamo workers have been transferred following bouts of Phazon madness. Units have reported to Science Team for use in laboratory studies and the new Elite Pirate program. Their dementia will make them adequate training adversaries for the Elite team."
Metroid Quarantine A
"Scans indicate decreased aggression between Elite Pirates and irradiated Metroids. Science Team believes the infusion of Phazon in these units may be forming a type of symbiosis between them. Further studies are under way."
Omega Research
"Increased aggression levels observed in latest Elite Pirate units. Increasing Phazon feed by .07% per Science Team mandate."
"Phazon-infused fungal harvesting continues. Replacement of deca-triticale with Phazon-infused fungal matter in Elite Ration Mix has been authorized."
"Security requests deployment of Elite Pirates in Metroid Quarantine areas. The high casualties suffered by standard Pirate units deployed in Metroid areas is not acceptable."
"Security requests deployment of Elite Pirates in Metroid Quarantine areas. The high casualties suffered by standard Pirate units deployed in Metroid areas is not acceptable."
"Increase Phazon portion of Elite Pirate Ration by 18%."
"Unit ident-code EPG-8702, batch 01, field designation 'Elite Pirate'."
"Unit ident-code EPG-8701, batch 01, field designation 'Elite Pirate'."
"Our enemies will tremble before the might of our Elite forces."

Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide[]

Elite Pirate
"Space Pirate research into Phazon applications resulted in Elite Pirates. They attack with an electric wave by slamming their fists into the ground. When they aren't attacking, they hold their left hand out to absorb any beam weapon attacks. Double jump over their wave attacks and quickly blast them in the face with a Charge Beam while their defense is down. These are really easy battles once you get the timing down."
Elite Pirate
Found In: Phazon Mines
Recommended Weapon: Power Beam, Charge Beam
"Elite Pirates are well armored and well armed. Watch for them to pound on the ground, sending a wave of energy toward you. Double jump over this wave and fire your Power Beam or missiles at it. When it is not pounding the ground, the Elite Pirate holds up its hand and absorbs any beam weapon you fire at it. Avoid firing at it during this time and just charge your next shot. With just a little bit of practice, you'll be able to eliminate these creeps without much of a battle."

Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"The Elite Pirate is a by-product of Phazon experimentation run amok. As soon as the beast breaks out of its tank, scan both it and the Plasma Cannon on its back. Next, switch to the Thermal Visor and hit the cannon with Super Missiles. That should be enough to blow the cannon to pieces.
After the cannon is eliminated, target the Elite Pirate and let fly with a pair of Super Missiles. If you hit it in the head, the battle will be over in no time. If the monster traps you in a corner, use the Morph Ball to escape."

Metroid Prime Official Strategy Guide[]

"The Elite Pirate is a Phazon-enhanced Space Pirate. It's incredibly strong, well-armored, and heavily armed. Elite Pirates are potent foes. Their Energy Siphon system absorbs Beam weapon shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. The Elite Pirate is effective in close combat and at a distance. Their massive size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for evasion and quick attacks."
"The key to dealing with Elite Pirates is to take advantage of their sluggish nature. Move quickly around them using the Dash ability and use concussive weapons such as Missiles to attack them. They can also be frozen with the Ice Beam and hit from a Missile salvo for an extra punch."

Metroid Prime Official Perfect Guide[]

"When the Elite Pirate uses his bizarre Energy Siphon attack, anything you blast at him will be absorbed; target, wait until he executes the Wave Quake Projector attack, and fire a Super Missile - it only takes two to destroy him."


  • The Elite Pirate's battle theme is also used for the Chozo Ghosts and during Metroid infestations in Prime, and in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Phazon Metroids, with the name Metroid Battle Theme.
  • The last encountered Elite Pirate in Dynamo Access doesn't wear a Plasma Artillery Cannon, and scanning it does not update the Logbook in any way. The scan has also been edited to remove the line referring to an Elite's Plasma-Artillery Cannon.
    • This scan was reused in Metroid Prime Trilogy for all Elite Pirates fought. Because of this, their scan no longer mentions the Plasma-Artillery Cannon, making it seem unknown if the energy-siphon system fuels the Plasma-Artillery Cannon.
  • Two of the Elite Pirates in Omega Research are never fought throughout the course of the game.
  • Though the Elite Pirates were not present in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, hacking of the game has revealed unused data for them. They were likely replaced by the very similar Ingsmashers.[6]
  • In the GameCube version of Prime, it is possible for one of the Elites fought to become stuck near a tunnel, allowing Samus to hide under it and attack it without damage.
  • Due to a bug in their AI programming, both the Elite Pirates and the Phazon Elite can be exploited to not attack Samus if she stays on the periphery of their field of view.
  • Unlike other enemies, a frozen Elite Pirate can still adjust its head to face Samus's position.
  • It is possible to skip the two Elite Pirates utilizing Plasma Cannons. The first one can be avoided if Samus uses a series of Space Jumps on certain platforms. The second one only will trigger after obtaining Power Bombs, which can be skipped if Omega Pirate is defeated and Samus takes another way out of the Mines bypassing the Elite Pirate's room (meaning early Power Bombs is needed to get the X-Ray Visor for this skip to work).
  • "Elite Pirates" appear in Metroid Prime: Federation Force. However, these are not the same Elite Pirates from Metroid Prime. They instead appear to be stronger, standard Space Pirates.


Elite Pirate (4)

Concept art

Elite Pirate (5)

Concept art

Elite Pirate (6)


Elite Pirate (7)

An Elite awakens and tries to escape containment

Elite Pirate (8)

An Elite Pirate attempts to escape its stasis pod.

Elite Pirate (9)

A scan of an Elite Pirate

Elite Pirate (10)

Samus fights an Elite in the New Play Control! version of Metroid Prime.

Elite Pirate (11)

An Elite challenges Samus.

Elite Pirate (12)

The first Elite encountered has its Cannon destroyed.

Elite Pirate (13)

An Elite dies, causing a large electric wave to sweep the area.

Elite Pirate (14)

An Elite Pirate irraidiates with Phazon energy as it assaults with a close range swipe combo.

Elite Pirate (15)

An Elite Pirate unleashes its Wave Quake Generator.

Elite Pirate (16)

An Elite Pirate frozen by the Ice Spreader.

Elite Pirate (17)

Unused scan images seen in concept art.

Elite Pirate (19)

An Elite Pirate utilizing its Wave Quake Generator in Metroid Prime Remastered.

Elite Pirate (20)

Elite Pirate (21)

Character Gallery model in Remastered.


  1. ^ Inter-Stellar Network — Pulse Bombu. Metroid.com. Retrieved on 2007-08-19. (dead link)
  2. ^ Space Pirate Data "Phazon Infusion": Confidence is high regarding Phazon applications. We know enough about Phazon now to begin combining it with Space Pirate DNA. The code name for this venture will be 'Project Helix'. Preliminary studies indicate that Phazon infusion could produce radical new Pirate genomes. Benevolent mutation levels are high in current test subjects. Phazon madness is a concern, but refinements in the infusion process should reduce or neutralize the odds of mental degeneration. Retro Studios. Metroid Prime. Nintendo. English. 2002-11-15.
  3. ^ Space Pirate Data "Elite Pirates": Initial Project Helix experiments with Space Pirate embryos were disastrous. The Phazon-infusion process degenerated brain tissue even as it augmented muscle mass. None of what we have termed 'Elite Pirates' lived to maturity: the few that survived their infanthood suffered severe psychotic breakdowns as juveniles, killing anything within their zone of perception. Research from team Sclera made a recent breakthrough, in which parasite studies with a Phazon strain code-named 'Vertigo' were highly successful. Since then, we have fused Vertigo Phazon with Space Pirate DNA with great success. The latest batch of Elite Pirates have reached maturity successfully and are ready for field testing and training. Retro Studios. Metroid Prime. Nintendo. English. 2002-11-15.
  4. ^ Space Pirate Data "Special Forces": As we continue to observe the development of Project Helix's Elite Pirates, it becomes increasingly obvious that these warriors will usher in a new era of Space Pirate dominance. They are incredibly resistant to damage, and their ability to transport and wield so many weapons at once makes them the ideal mainstays of our ground forces. Though they are not as quick as typical Pirates, it makes little difference. With a platoon of Phazon Elite Pirates in the vanguard of an army of normal and Flying Pirates, we will have a near-indestructible backbone that should turn the tide in any engagement. Retro Studios. Metroid Prime. Nintendo. English. 2002-11-15.
  5. ^ Space Pirate Data "Omega Pirate": Elite Pirate Upsilon's propensity for Phazon has enabled our research team to infuse it far beyond our safety restrictions, and the results have been extremely encouraging. Its constant Phazon diet has increased its mass exponentially, but it has retained all mental faculties and shows dexterity with all Elite weaponry, including Plasma Incendiary Launchers and the Chameleon Manta issued for cloaking purposes. Elite Pirate Upsilon exhibits miraculous healing abilities: when injured, it seeks out Phazon deposits and coats itself in the substance, which instantly mends the creature's wounds. The subject, which we are code-naming Omega Pirate based on these developments, shows potential to be a new standards for our armies. Our only concern at this point is its potential overdependence on Phazon. Retro Studios. Metroid Prime. Nintendo. English. 2002-11-15.
  6. ^ http://tcrf.net/Metroid_Prime_2:_Echoes
Elite Pirates
CharactersEPG-8644 and EPG-8656EPG-8701 and EPG-8702Experiment 7526Omega PiratePhazon Elite
TechnologyChameleon MantaEnergy-siphon systemOmega Pirate Absorption SystemPlasma Artillery CannonPlasma Incendiary LauncherRepulsion ShieldWave Quake GeneratorWrist BayonetCryosleep Tank
Bosses in the Metroid Prime series
Metroid PrimeParasite QueenHive MechaPlated BeetleIncinerator DroneFlaahgraSheegothThardusElite PirateCloaked DronePhazon EliteOmega PirateMeta RidleyMetroid Prime
(Unused: KraidSabergauth)
Metroid Prime HuntersCretaphid (v1, v2, v3, v4) • Slench (1, 2, 3, 4) • KandenSpireWeavelSyluxNoxusTraceFire SpawnArctic SpawnGorea
Metroid Prime 2: EchoesAlpha Splinter / Dark Alpha SplinterAlpha Sandigger / Bomb GuardianJump GuardianDark Samus (1, 2, 3, 4) • AmorbisDark Missile TrooperBoost GuardianAlpha BloggGrapple GuardianChykkaSpider GuardianPower Bomb GuardianCaretaker Class DroneQuadraxisEmperor Ing
(Unused: Mad AI)
Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionBerserker LordMeta RidleyRundasKorakkMogenarSteamlordDefense DroneGhorHeliosGandraydaMetroid HatcherMining cannonPirate CommanderOmega RidleyDark SamusAurora Unit 313
Metroid Prime: Federation ForceIce Hopper NestGeneratorSawkenRohkor BeetleCyranonPirate WarshipMainframeSamusMaster Brain
See also: Bosses in the Metroid series
Phazon Organisms
Native to PhaazeHyper Grapple blockerLeviathanLeviathan wombLeviathan InfantPhazon CorePhaz-IngJelsacLiquid PhazonMawPhazon GrubPhazon Leech
Phazon FungusPhazon tendrilPhazon vineGlow StemAazelionTangle WeedMassive TentacleParasitic fungusFungusProtozoanSeed platform
Missile BlockerEyeballBlocker
Corrupted CreaturesPhazon HopperPhazon NightbarbPhazon ShriekbatPhazon PufferPhazon Pillbug
Space PiratesAurora Unit 313Elite PiratePhazon EliteOmega PirateBerserker KnightBerserker Lord
Phazon MetroidsClass I Energy HarvesterTallon MetroidHunter MetroidFission MetroidMiniroidPhazon MetroidHopping MetroidMetroid Hatcher
Leviathan Core GuardiansMetroid PrimeEmperor IngMogenarHeliosOmega Ridley
Born of PhazonPhaazoidRed PhaazoidIngDark Samus
Space PiratesBombuClass I Energy HarvesterElite PirateMegaroidMetroidsMimicOmega PiratePhazon ElitePreedPuffer Mine
Galactic FederationCyborg ZebesianNightmareQueen MetroidSuper ZebesianUnfreezable MetroidX Parasite (desired)SA-X (desired)
RelatedBioweapon Research CenterProject Metroid WarriorsSpecial-forces unit
Elite Pirate (2024)


What is an Elite Pirate? ›

Elite Pirates are special Lv. 1750 Enemies in Third Sea. They spawn every 8 minutes and 30 seconds after the previous one has been defeated and have around 60,000 HP. Currently, there are three Elite Pirates in the game: Deandre uses Awakened Magma Diablo, uses Awakened Dark Urban, uses Awakened...

How to defeat an Elite Pirate? ›

"When the Elite Pirate uses his bizarre Energy Siphon attack, anything you blast at him will be absorbed; target, wait until he executes the Wave Quake Projector attack, and fire a Super Missile - it only takes two to destroy him."

Where are elite pirates? ›

They appear in various Third Sea locations, including Floating Turtle island. The Pirate Raid event, happening every 75 minutes, might affect their spawn frequency.

Do elite pirates count as bosses? ›

This document provides information on the Elite Pirates in Blox Fruits, which are special level 1750 boss NPCs that spawn every 10 minutes on various islands. Each Elite Pirate uses an awakened fruit ability and has 60,000 HP.

What is the most feared pirates? ›

Blackbeard or Edward Teach (c. 1680-1718) is one of the most infamous pirates to have ever lived. Known for his fearsome image and daring acts on land and sea throughout the West Indies and along the North American East coast, his legacy has been the inspiration for many depictions of pirates throughout history.

What is the pirate hierarchy? ›

The principal officers of a pirate ship were the captain, the quartermaster, the pilot, the boatswain, and the master gunner. On some ships these positions were all elected by an equal vote of the crew and on others the captain picked the crew members he wanted to serve in the positions.

Where are pirates still active? ›

Piracy in the 21st century (commonly known as modern piracy) has taken place in a number of waters around the globe, including the Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Strait of Malacca, Sulu and Celebes Seas, Indian Ocean, and Falcon Lake.

What are elite bosses? ›

Elite Bosses are stronger variants of Normal Bosses.

Where are the most pirates located? ›

In modern times, maritime experts call the strongest zones of pirate activity hot spots: 1) Northwest Africa, the Gulf of Guinea and the Niger River delta; 2) Red Sea, Somalia, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean; 3) Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Malay Strait, South ...

How to get God human? ›

To get God Human in Blox Fruits, you'll need 400 mastery in Dragon Talon, Superhuman, Death Step, Electic Claw, and Sharkman Karate. Gather your materials. You'll need the following materials: 20 Fish Tails, 20 Magma Ore, 10 Dragon Scales, and 10 Mystic Droplets, as well as $5,000,000 and 5,000 fragments.

What does praying do in blox fruits? ›

Praying at a gravestone.

It's located in the Haunted Castle and you can only use it at night. As well as getting the God's Chalice, you'll also get a Hallowed Essence, $100,000, 1,000 bone fragments, and "The Devil's Luck" title. You can only pray at the gravestone once per night.

What is the lowest pirate rank? ›

Swabbies - Were unskilled members of the crew who usually 'swabbed' the decks. Cabin Boys - These were young boys who acted like servants and were among the lowest ranks, not without chance for promotion. They carried out the most humblest of tasks.

How many elite pirates for Yama? ›

To get the Yama sword in Blox Fruits, you need to kill 30 Elite Pirates in the Third Sea.

Is it possible to get Yama without elite kills? ›

You need to have completed at least 20 Elite Hunter quests and/or Player Hunter quests to have a random chance to pull Yama at the Secret Temple. You can get a guaranteed chance to pull it by completing 30 quests.

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