French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Caramelizing the onions slowly in butter until they're rich golden brown (but not so dark as to taste bitter) produces the sweetest, most flavorful results.
  • If you don't have homemade beef stock, the recipe's suggested homemade or store-bought chicken stock substitutions are better than most store-bought beef stock.
  • Asian fish sauce, cider vinegar, and sherry add depth and complexity to the broth.

In my very first test for this French onion soup recipe, I had a realization: There's no good reason why so much bad French onion soup exists in the world.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (1)

The thought arrived after I had caramelized a variety of onions in butter, then added somehomemade chicken stockand let it simmer for a while. Aside from salt, I had put nothing else in the pot. And yet, despite being such a bare-bones version, the soup tasted like one of the best French onion soups I'd ever had.

It made me reflect on all the crappy French onion soup I've been served in my life. Bowls upon bowls of thin burnt-onion tea, the sharp flavor of caramelization gone wrong—something no amount of melted cheese can hope to correct. With nothing more than onions, stock, and salt, it's possible to make one of the most delicious broths in the world. So why are good versions so rare?

The answer lies right there in the question: In the case of such a simple soup, its success or failure comes down to the onions and the broth. Do them right, and you have a masterpiece on your hands. Do them wrong, and it's all lost. Sure, there are things we can do to elevate the soup even further, but they can't stand in for a good base. And the croutons and melted cheese—a requirement forsoupe à l'oignon gratinée, and what most Americans think of when we think of French onion soup—should be a bonus, not a crutch.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (2)

One of the most common beliefs surrounding French onion soup is thatthe onions must be cooked to a deep, deep, dark, dark mahogany brown. I'm going to start off by calling BS on that premise. It's not that I think it'swrongto caramelize the onions darkly; I just don't think it's necessary for great results. I also think there's a big risk in going very dark: Unless you're exceedingly careful, it's very easy to introduce unpleasantly bitter flavors to the onion—one of the culprits in so much of the bad French onion soup out there.

In test after test, I found that great French onion soup can be made with more lightly caramelized onions. The deep, sweet flavor that we want arrives long before they turn the color of dark chocolate. And, as I researched other French onion soup recipes, I discovered I wasn't alone in this realization. In fact, some of the people I trust most on this topic have said exactly the same thing.

Here's the acclaimed chef André Soltner in the preface to the onion soup recipe in hisLutèce Cookbook:

"Do not think for a minute that this is the notorious soup you get in Paris workingmen's cafes at five o'clock in the morning.... In those soups the onions are sautéed until they are black, and the soup is dark and bitter. Some people like it that way—which I can never understand."

He then proceeds to instruct us to cook the onions until golden brown. Julia Child, inMastering the Art of French Cooking, meanwhile, says to cook the onions until they're an "even, deep, golden brown." As far as I can tell, an even, deep, golden brown isnotthe same as a deep, dark brown. And inThe Paris Cookbook, Patricia Wells shares the recipe from Paris's Brasserie Balzar, and makes a point of not cooking the onions nearly as dark as so many other recipes insist upon. Interestingly, her recipe aims only for a pale golden color, even lighter than what I think is the sweet spot.

While Soltner's quote makes it clear that many versions of this soup are indeed made with intensely dark onions, part of me wonders whether some of the trouble has been a result of poorly chosen words that have then become gospel. Takethis recipeandthis videoof Jacques Pépin as examples. In the recipe, he says to cook the onions until "dark brown," but then gives a cooking time of only 15 minutes—an impossibly short time for that level of browning. And in the video, he tells Julia Child to cook the onions until dark, but one look in the pot and I think we can all agree that they're much closer to a rich golden brown, still a ways away from reaching the deeply dark stage many recipe writers call for.

"So what do we really want from the onions? We want them incredibly soft, with a deep, sweet flavor and a color that's a rich golden brown."

So what do we really want from the onions? We want them incredibly soft, with a deep, sweet flavor and a color that's a rich golden brown. Some folks may not agree with this—sometimes the way we've grown accustomed to a food becomes the only way we can imagine it. That's fine: You're free to cook the onions even more if that's what you prefer. What I want to stress, though, is that you don'thaveto, and you may well discover, as I have, that you find the soup even more delicious when you don't cook the onions to a deep, dark brown.

This still leaves open the question of the caramelization itself. But before I get to that, let's talk onion types.

Choosing Onions for French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (3)

One of the first things I wanted to figure out was whether the choice of onion itself mattered much for French onion soup. To find out, I caramelized four different varieties to a rich golden brown: sweet onions (such as Vidalia), red onions, yellow onions, and shallots.*

*Okay, technically not an onion, but a close enough relative to make it worth trying out.

Here are my tasting notes on the caramelized onions:

  • Sweet onion:mellow and sweet, with a brightness right at the end.
  • Red onion:deeper flavor, with a slightly bitter edge and less sweetness.
  • Yellow onion:lots of bright flavor, very mild bitterness, and a sweetness backing it up.
  • Shallot:really good balance of sweetness, with both bright flavors and deep, rich ones, and just a hint of bitterness.

It's possible that different samples of each of these onion types might have produced different results, but what's key is that the variation exists in the first place: Some onions will be more bitter, some more sweet, some brighter, some deeper and more complex. Much like withmy fresh tomato sauce recipe, mixing them together produced the most well-rounded and complex flavor of all.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (4)

The bottom line is that none of the onions were bad, and you can make great soup from any one of them.** And yet I can't help but think,why not get more bang for your buck by using a blend of varieties?I won't go so far as to say that using multiple onion varieties is a requirement of great French onion soup, but I do think that if you're shopping around and have options, there's no harm in mixing it up.

**Red onions take on a bit of a dull gray color compared with the other types when browned, but this doesn't bother me much once they're simmered in the broth.

If not, inexpensive yellow onions are probably your best bet.

Caramelizing the Onions

Caramelization can be a wildly inconsistent process. Different pots and pans, batch sizes, and fats all change how (and how quickly) onions caramelize.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (5)

Let's start, though, with one immutable fact: Contrary to almost every recipe I've read, onions do not caramelize in 15 minutes. They also don't caramelize in 25 minutes. And, unless you're cooking a very small batch, you'll be lucky if they're done in 45 minutes.

Yes, over high heat, onions can brown on the surface very quickly, especially in a pan that's not crowded. But the goal of caramelizing onions isn't just to brown the surface; it's to transform the onions so that they're soft and sweet to the core. Try to rush it and all you'll end up doing is burning them. Here's the skinny: Caramelizing onions, even to the lesser degree I'm advocating here, takes at least an hour, sometimes two. In the oven it took me about three hours at 375°F (190°C), though the oven requires less frequent stirring. (It's also more likely to produce over-browned bits as the onions reduce and their residue scorches on the side of the pot, which makes it a method I'm less enthusiastic about, though not completely opposed to.)

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (6)

What about all those other variables? In my tests, I found that butter not only produces much more delicious caramelized onions than oil, but also kicks off the browning reactions more quickly, thanks to the propensity for the milk solids in butter to brown.

As for cooking vessels, I had the best results incast ironandcarbon steel, withstainless steelcoming in a close second.Enameled cast iron, on the other hand, didn't perform as well. For some reason, the onions are much slower to brown in an enameled pot.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (7)

In the enameled pot, the enamel surface turned more and more brown while the onions remained white; I had to keep adding water to scrape up the browned bits before they burned, while waiting for the onions to transform. Adding water isn't inherently problematic—sometimes you have to deglaze, especially in stainless steel, to avoid burning thefondduring the caramelization process—but enamel made it necessary to deglaze constantly. Of all the pot materials, cast iron and black steel required the least deglazing, possibly because their seasoned finishes provide a nonstick surface that keeps the sugars off the pan and on the onions.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (8)

One technique I wanted to test was using baking soda to speed up browning reactions, which works by raising the pH—foods brown more quickly in alkaline environments.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (9)

But even at minimal levels of a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in one and a half pounds of onion, it turned them an unappealing green-yellow color, reduced them to mush, and gave them an unpleasant flavor. I don't think it's worth it.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (10)

Sugar is another ingredient that is commonly added to onions to help speed up their caramelization. I did side-by-side batches, and, while sugar definitely helps, I found that even in small amounts, it boosts the onions' sweetness to candy levels. Some people like this, but then again, some people have much sweeter teeth than I do. In most cases, I find that onions have more than enough of their own sugars to caramelize and sweeten deeply and in a balanced way; additional sugar risks taking them over the top. As with tomato sauce, I'd rather use sugar only when it's necessary to correct a particular batch of onions that isn't sweet enough, rather than think of it as a required ingredient.

Where does that leave us? Actually, at a very classic place. To my taste, the most delicious caramelized onions are cooked slowly in butter the old-fashioned way. It takes time and is free of cool tricks, but I think it delivers the best results. This is somethingKenji has written about before when describing his shortcut method of caramelizing onions: While there are ways to speed the process up, for a dish as reliant on great caramelized onions as French onion soup, the best method is taking your time to do it right.

Best Broth for French Onion Soup

With the onions caramelized, the next step is to add the liquid and simmer it all together. I start with some sherry, since I love that nutty, oxidized flavor with the caramelized onions. You could also use vermouth or white wine, and some folks even use red wine or port. Take your pick; they're all good.

Next comes the stock, which is the second most important component of the soup. Traditionally, the stock of choice for French onion soup is beef stock, but beef stock is very time-consuming to make at home. Store-bought versions, meanwhile, are so terrible, they're not worth considering unless you happen to buy your beef stock from a butcher or other store that sells the good stuff.

The very best option is to make beef stock at home using a pressure cooker. Thanks to the higher heat that a pressure cooker allows, the traditionally time-consuming and laborious task of making great beef stock at home becomes much more practical.

While homemade beef stock is the very best option, there's no reason to turn your nose up at chicken stock, which is without a doubt the most versatile of all stocks to keep on hand in the kitchen. A great homemade chicken stock will produce an absolutely phenomenal French onion soup, and a good store-bought brand can still make a more than good enough version. Take a look atour chicken stock taste testfor some recommended brands.

A few sprigs of thyme and a bay leaf elevate the soup even more, but I take it a step further, adding a splash of fish sauce for complexity and depth—don't worry, it won't taste fishy—and a hit of cider vinegar to balance some of that oniony sweetness.

Finishing French Onion Soup

With our building blocks in place, the final step is fixing up the bowls for serving.

I start by buttering warm croutons and rubbing them with garlic.

Then I spoon a little of the soup into each (oven-safe) bowl. I set a crouton on top and top that with cheese.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (12)

Then I ladle in the bulk of the soup, nearly filling up each bowl. I add another crouton on top of that.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (13)

And finish it with a very generous grating of Gruyère cheese. I broil the soups until the cheese is melted and browned in spots, then top each one off with a garnish of minced chives, for a little hit of fresh onion flavor to play off the deep sweetness of the cooked onions.

Each spoonful should be a mix of melted cheese, broth, tender onions, and bread. Aside from the time it takes, it couldn't be easier, or more satisfying.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (14)

January 2015

Recipe Details

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe

Prep0 mins

Cook2 hrs

Active90 mins

Total2 hrs

Serves4 servings


  • 6 tablespoons (90g) unsalted butter, plus more for bread

  • 3 pounds (1.4kg) yellow or mixed onions, sliced 1/8 inch thick (see note)

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, divided

  • 1/2 cup (120ml) dry sherry (such as Amontillado)

  • 2 quarts (1.8L) homemade beef stock orhomemadeor store-bought low-sodium chicken stock

  • 2 sprigs thyme

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1 teaspoon (5ml) Asian fish sauce (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon (5ml) cider vinegar

  • 8 bowl-size slices rustic bread, toasted until crisp

  • 1 medium clove garlic

  • 1 pound (450g) Gruyère cheese, grated

  • 2 tablespoons freshly minced chives, for garnish


  1. In a large stainless steel saucepan, or in 2 large stainless steel or cast iron skillets, melt butter over medium-high heat until foaming. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 8 minutes. Lower heat to medium-low and cook, stirring frequently, until onions are very sweet and a rich golden-brown color, 1 to 2 hours. If browned onion juices on bottom of pot threaten to burn, add 1 tablespoon (15ml) water, scrape up browned bits, and continue cooking. Season with salt and pepper.

    French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (15)

  2. Add sherry and bring to a simmer, scraping up any browned bits. (If using 2 skillets, divide sherry between them, then scrape onions and liquid from both pans into a pot or Dutch oven to continue.) Cook until alcohol smell is mostly gone, about 3 minutes. Add stock, thyme, and bay leaf; raise heat to medium-high; and bring to a simmer. Lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

    French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (16)

  3. Add fish sauce, if using, and cider vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Discard thyme sprigs and bay leaf.

    French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (17)

  4. Preheat broiler and adjust oven rack to top position. Butter toasts and rub with garlic clove until fragrant. Spoon a small amount of broth into the bottoms of 4 ovenproof serving bowls, then top with half the toasts. Sprinkle some grated cheese on top of toasts, then spoon more soup and onions on top, nearly filling bowls. Set remaining 4 toasts in bowls, pushing to nearly submerge them. Top with remaining grated cheese and set bowls on a rimmed baking sheet. Broil until cheese is melted and browned in spots. Garnish with chives and serve.

    French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (18)

Special Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet, large stainless steel or cast iron saucepan


Yellow onions are your best all-purpose bet for this soup, but a mix of yellow, sweet (e.g., Vidalia), and red onions, as well as shallots, produces an even more complex flavor.

  • French
  • Onions
  • Soups
French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée) Recipe (2024)


How do you deepen the flavor of French onion soup? ›

A few sprigs of thyme and a bay leaf elevate the soup even more, but I take it a step further, adding a splash of fish sauce for complexity and depth—don't worry, it won't taste fishy—and a hit of cider vinegar to balance some of that oniony sweetness.

What is the difference between onion soup and French onion soup? ›

What is the Difference Between Onion Soup and French Onion Soup? French onion soup is always made with beef stock. Other onion soups can be made with chicken, vegetable, or beef stock. Additionally, French onion soup typically contains wine or sherry, which isn't typical or necessary in other onion soups.

What is soupe à l'oignon made of? ›

French onion soup (French: soupe à l'oignon [sup a lɔɲɔ̃]) is a soup of onions, gently fried and then cooked in meat stock or water, usually served gratinéed with croutons or a larger piece of bread covered with cheese floating on top.

What broth is French onion soup made of? ›

What Is French Onion Soup? French onion soup, or soupe à l'oignon gratinée, is a classic French dish made with caramelized onions and beef stock or broth. The soup is topped with bread and cheese, then gratinéed to rich, gooey perfection. It's traditionally served in a ramekin or a ceramic crock with a handle.

How do you doctor up canned French onion soup? ›

Fresh or dried herbs can also help elevate your French onion soup, with bay leaves, sage, and thyme all being typical additions. You may also want to add a smidgen of salt if the soup is too bland or even some sugar to better simulate the caramelized quality that those canned onions probably lack.

How can I make my French onion soup better? ›

If you want your French Onion Soup to have the absolute best flavor, follow these tips:
  1. Don't rush through caramelizing the onions. Cook them low and slow until they become dark brown and jammy in texture (see reference photos below). ...
  2. Use a good quality beef broth. ...
  3. Use good bread. ...
  4. Don't use pre-shredded cheese.
Nov 28, 2020

Why is French onion soup so expensive? ›

First, French onion soup calls for a ton of onions. While onions aren't expensive, there's a lot of labor involved in halving, peeling, and slicing 10, 12, 50, or one billion onions (I don't know how much soup you make).

Why does French onion soup taste so good? ›

French onion soup is the ultimate comfort food. Onions get slowly cooked until sweet and caramelized, then simmered in rich broth until they're practically falling apart. To finish it off, toasted bread is added to give it that lovable crisp-gone-soggy texture and a generous amount of Gruyère cheese is melted on top.

How do you thicken French onion soup? ›

The easiest way to thicken your French onion soup is with flour. You can also use cornstarch if you don't have any flour. Remember to never add the flour or cornstarch directly to the soup – otherwise you run the risk of it clumping.

What is the best wine to use for French onion soup? ›

Wine is optional to deglaze the pan and add flavour to the soup. I recommend a dry white or red wine, such as a good quality Pinot Grigio/Gris, Sauv Blanc, Sémillon, Chardonnay, Merlot or Pinot Noir. Generally, if you can't drink it, don't cook with it.

Why do French people eat French onion soup? ›

The Onion Soup, a traditional and warming dish

It has even become a trendy dish that tourists are eager to try to experience French gastronomy. However, onion soup is in fact not part of French people's daily meals. It was originally meant to be eaten after a family reunion in the middle of the night to cure hangovers

What is the bowl called for French onion soup? ›

restaurants serve French onion soup in a Lion Head soup bowl made of porcelain, because of the style and also, because it is an oven-safe bowl.

What alcohol is good in French onion soup? ›

Myriad forms of booze can be incorporated into your favorite French onion soup recipe — from white wine, to sherry, to stouts — but brandy, with its full-bodied, slightly sweet flavor, truly takes the dish's flavors to the next level.

What's the difference between French onion soup and American onion soup? ›

Is there a difference between onion soup and French onion soup? Onion soup usually requires a combination of a variety of onions. French onion soup is traditionally made with yellow onions. Also, French onion soup is always made with beef stock while onion soup uses any type of stock or broth.

What ethnicity is French onion soup? ›

The classic French onion soup gets its name from its country of origin: France. After making its debut in the 18th century, it has become a national treasure. During ancient times (and still today), onions were cheap and easy to grow, and hence, readily available.

How to make French onion soup less bland? ›

Umami is the fifth basic taste and can greatly enhance the flavor of any dish, including French onion soup. Consider these umami-rich ingredients to boost the taste: Add a splash of soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce to the soup. These condiments are packed with umami and will add depth and complexity to the flavors.

How do you add depth of flavor to soup? ›

"If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. These ingredients add umami flavor and depth to broth," she says. The choice of ingredient depends on the recipe, though.

How do you make soup taste stronger? ›

Perk up a Bland Soup With Simple Pantry Staples

Add a splash of vinegar (any kind!), or a squeeze of citrus. Chances are, you could use a little more salt. Go ahead—it's ok. Salt perks up flat flavors and helps balance out bitter-tasting ingredients.

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.