Frequently Asked Questions - The Fast 800 (2024)


The Fast 800 multivitamin has been designed to safeguard your nutritional requirements whilst following the Very Fast 800 with real food.

The vitamins included in the Multi-vitamin are based on a recent study conducted in Perth, WA, which found all participants were deficient in vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium.

The Fast 800 Multivitamin contains all of these essential nutrients, along with others that the Perth scientists didn’t test for, including selenium and iodine. People living in the UK have some of the highest rates of iodine deficiency in the world; iodine is vital for a healthy thyroid gland, which in turn helps control your metabolism. Iodine deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland) which often leads to weight gain.

Please note, while we do recommend taking a high quality multivitamin when doing the programme, particularly on the 800 calorie plan, in order for extra nutritional support, particularly on fasting days, there is no necessity for this to be ours specifically – we wanted to simply provide this as an option.

Energy Supplement:

The Fast 800 Energy supplements are designed to support those following The Fast 800 way of eating, especially those following the Very Fast 800 approach. During fasting or times of stress, energy cycles can ebb and flow, which is why ensuring you have an adequate intake of B vitamins and iron is essential for reducing tiredness and fatigue.

Immunity + Bio-Cultures Supplement:

Good health and an improved mood are the foundation for progressing well on The Fast 800, and gut health is an essential component of both these factors. The Fast 800 Immunity + Bio-Cultures supplement is designed to bolster your immune system, as well as supporting serotonin production to support an improved mood.

Vegan Omega-3 Supplement:

Designed specifically for vegans and vegetarians, who are often deficient in omega-3, The Fast 800 omega-3 supplement is sourced from flax and algae: free from animal products. Omega -3 and its components assist with cell function, heart and brain health, as well as reducing the risk of developing insulin resistance, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions - The Fast 800 (2024)
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