Host a Chili Cook-Off (2024)

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Created January 10, 2017

The Betty Crocker team is a competitive bunch. With the passion for great tasting food, we created a chili cook-off at work. Entries included family favorites... adventuresome ingredients (chocolate, beer and soda) and pure heat.

Host a Chili Cook-Off (1)

Our chili cook-off was such great fun and easy to do, we thought we’d share how to host a competition of your own.

Pre-Chili Cook-Off Planning

  • Invite guests to bring their best chili in a slow cooker, hot and ready to serve. Encourage a variety - meatless, spicy, white, or surprise ingredient.
  • Borrow bowls and spoons or buy disposables so everyone can have a separate bowl for each chili.
  • Make Chili Name Tags with the name of each chili and a rating for heat level.
  • Make enough ballots so each guest has a ballot for each chili.

Chili-Tasting Set-Up

  • Just before the guests arrive, set up a Chili Toppings Bar—offer a variety of chili toppings and “go-withs “. Include shredded cheese, chopped onions, tomatoes, olives, bell peppers, sliced jalapenos and sour cream for toppings. You can get these ready the day before. Just cover and refrigerate until needed. Great go-withs include crackers, corn bread, tortillas and corn chips.
  • You may need to spread the slow cookers out among several outlets, so you don’t blow a fuse.
  • Offer a variety of drinks and a tossed green salad to round out the meal. A pan of Betty Crocker® brownies adds a special touch too.

Rules of the Cook-Off

  • Keep the cook of each chili secret—as to not throw the vote!
  • Invite your guests to taste a spoonful of each chili and fill out a ballot for their favorite before eating it as a meal. Have them clean their palate between tastings with a little water or soda cracker.
  • Have guests rate each chili on the ballot. The chili with the most points wins!
  • Announce the maker of each chili and then announce the winner.
  • Award prizes – grand prize, hottest, most creative, or easiest for just a few ideas.

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Host a Chili Cook-Off (2024)


How to host a successful chili cook-off? ›

Top 8 Tips for Planning the Ultimate Chili Cook-Off
  1. Narrow your chili varieties. ...
  2. Consider raising money ahead of time. ...
  3. Ask cooks to bring crockpots. ...
  4. Make sure it's anonymous. ...
  5. Use small cups or bowls for testing. ...
  6. Don't forget your palate cleansers. ...
  7. Have live music or entertainment. ...
  8. Announce and award the top chef!
May 18, 2019

What do judges look for in a chili cook-off? ›

Consistency – Chili must have a good ratio between sauce, meat, beans, and/or other ingredients. It should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy. 4. Taste – Taste is the most important factor.

What to serve at a chili cook-off? ›

Great go-withs include crackers, corn bread, tortillas and corn chips. You may need to spread the slow cookers out among several outlets, so you don't blow a fuse. Offer a variety of drinks and a tossed green salad to round out the meal.

How do you win a chili cook-off contest? ›

Rumi Spice's top tips for making chili:
  1. Brown the Meat.
  2. Don't Forget Vegetables.
  3. Elevate with Extra Flavor.
  4. Only Add Flavorful Liquids.
  5. Opt for Dried Beans.
  6. Season Early and Often.
  7. Add Some Acidity at the End.
  8. Top It Off.

How do you stand out in a chili cook-off? ›

Ingredients like tomato paste, cinnamon, coffee and liquid smoke can all add flavor hints that will make your chili cook-off entry unique. Roast your vegetables and use broth or beer instead of water for even more flavor in your pot.

What's a good prize for a chili cook-off? ›

Eat Local - Treat the winner to a night out at a local restaurant. Go Gourmet - Award the winner a gift card to a cooking store or for cooking lessons. Chili Themed - From chili pepper necklaces to stress toys, gift the winners some spicy swag.

How to cleanse your palate for chili cook-off? ›

Use a clean, new spoon for each chili. Clear your palate between each chili. Use water or saltines. Each chili will be assigned a number.

What are the basic chili cookoff rules? ›

Judges will vote for the chili they like best based on the following major considerations: (a) Presentation and Color: The chili should look appetizing; (b) Aroma: The chili should smell good (this also indicates what is in store when tasted); (c) Consistency: The chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat (it ...

How to host a chili party? ›

Organize an assembly line for the easiest flow.

Think about the way your guests will assemble their bowls and organize the chili bar to flow with that. Start with bowls on the left, followed by the chili and all of the toppings, and then leave the spoons and napkins at the end for everyone to grab before they sit down.

What are good ideas for a cook-off? ›

Competitive Cook Offs

BBQ, grilling, and chili are the most popular culinary competition ideas. Other cook off contest ideas that may work for your event are desserts, movie night, Mom's best recipes, southern style, local favorites, and soul food.

What side dishes go well with chili? ›

Chilli side dishes
  • Baked potatoes. A star rating of 4.7 out of 5. ...
  • Tomato & avocado salsa. A star rating of 4.9 out of 5. ...
  • How to cook rice. Learn how to cook basmati rice and get perfect, fluffy results with our tips and video guide. ...
  • Sweetcorn salsa. ...
  • Guacamole salsa. ...
  • Ultimate tomato salsa. ...
  • Soured cream.

What is the best way to judge a chili cook off? ›

Chili should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy, but just good and smooth. off to a good taste. Chili should have a pleasant taste after swallowing. After taste should not be bitter or metallic.

How do you describe a chili cook off? ›

A chili cook-off is a social event, similar to a barbecue, in which competitors prepare their own particular recipe for chili con carne and submit it for taste testing.

What are the rules for a chili cook off? ›

All cooking is to be done in a sanitary manner. Suspicion of failure to comply will lead to disqualification for that team. Each individual or team is responsible for cooking no less than two quarts of chili and turning in one pint of chili for judging. Judging bowls will be supplied.

What is the secret to amazing chili? ›

Here Are Our Six Secret Ingredients for the Best Chili
  • Canned Puréed Pumpkin. You already use this to make pumpkin-infused quick breads and waffles, but did you know you can add it to chili too? ...
  • Cocoa Powder. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Maple Syrup. ...
  • Pepperoncinis (Plus Liquid) ...
  • Root Beer.
Sep 2, 2022

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