How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (2024)

Nutrient Needs in Corn Production

The yield potential of modern corn hybrids continues to increase, as does the quantity of nutrients removed from the soil as grain leaves the field. A long-term, sustainable fertility program maintains current and future high grain yields. Fertility management decisions include what nutrients to apply, how much of each nutrient to apply, and when to apply these nutrients. Fertilizers must be applied appropriately to support high grain yield, create a profit, and responsibly steward the land to minimize nutrient loss to neighboring waterways and other non-target land areas. The process starts with proper soil testing to determine quantities of available nutrients and then adding fertility to support desired grain yields.

This Crop Insights article will view nutrient uptake from a corn plant’s perspective, exploring how the corn plant regulates nutrient uptake to maintain nutritional balance during the corn plant’s life cycle. Ideal nutrient ratios change as corn growth progresses from germination to maturity. It will also consider nutrient removal as grain leaves the field and suggest a starting point for a fertility program to sustainably maintain high grain yields in future years.

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (1)

Sources and Quantities of Nutrients

Sixteen nutrients are essential for corn growth (Table 1). Two of these nutrients, carbon and oxygen, are extracted from the air. Hydrogen is extracted from soil water. Corn plants split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is consumed and incorporated into organic compounds such as sugars, starch, proteins, and cell wall materials. Oxygen is either consumed by mitochondrial respiration in the corn plant or is released as molecular oxygen into the atmosphere.

The remaining thirteen nutrients are extracted from soil. These are the nutrients that must be considered as part of a fertility management program. The three primary macronutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – are called primary macronutrients because the corn plant requires hundreds of pounds of these nutrients per acre for maximum yield. The three secondary macronutrients – sulfur, calcium, and magnesium – are called secondary macronutrients because the corn plant consumes tens of pounds of each of these nutrients per acre to make yield. The seven micronutrients – boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc – are consumed at rates of ounces per acre for corn grain production.

Table 1. Sources of sixteen nutrients essential for corn production.

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (2)

Corn ears contain all thirteen of the soil-supplied nutrients in harvested grain (Heckman et al., 2003) (Table 2). The second column in Table 2 shows nutrient contents on a per bushel basis. Although grain yields vary widely across different environments, nutrient concentrations change very little on a pound/bushel basis. The third column shows amounts of nutrients that leave the field when a 300 bushel/acre yield is harvested and transported for grain. To figure removal rates for other yields, multiply nutrient contents in pounds/bushel times the bushels/acre of grain yield. The fourth column shows nutrient ratios with copper as the base unit of one. For example, for every pound of copper removed in grain, 4100 pounds of nitrogen are also removed.

Table 2. Nutrient content per bushel of corn grain, removal by a 300 bu/acre crop, and nutrient amounts in corn grain as a ratio relative to copper (Heckman et al., 2003).

per Bushel
(15.5% moisture)
300 bu/acre
to Cu

The remaining three essential nutrients – carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen – are also present in grain. The corn plant’s chemical composition consists of 44% carbon, 45% oxygen, and 6% hydrogen along with the thirteen soil-supplied nutrients (Latesha and Miller, 1924). For a 300 bushel/acre yield, approximately 6,300 pounds of carbon, 6,400 pounds of oxygen, and 850 pounds of hydrogen are transported as grain. The organic matter composition of this amount of grain contributes about 25.9 million calories of energy to food and feed chains as this grain is consumed in different feed, fuel, and industrial products.

Regulation of Nutrient Uptake In Corn

In order to understand how the corn plant regulates nutrient uptake, it is necessary to first understand some basic corn anatomy. Figure 1 shows two different views of a corn root.

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (3)

Figure 1. Two different views of a corn root cross section.

The outermost layer of cells – the epidermis – is in direct contact with surrounding soil. Just inside the epidermis, represented by the green ring, is the cortex. The cortex is several cell layers thick. One of its functions is to temporarily store nutrients as these nutrients move from soil to corn roots. Initially, when nutrients enter corn roots, these nutrients are retained in “non-living” spaces between cortical and epidermal cells. Nutrients enter the “living portion” of the corn root when they cross a cell plasma membrane (represented by the black circle). These nutrients are now in the central core or stele of the corn root. Once inside the stele, nutrients move into xylem vascular tissue and translocate as needed to all parts of the corn plant such as the stalk, leaves, ears, and grain.

The plasma membrane (plasmalemma) and Casparian strip (represented by the black line in Figure 2) are impermeable to water and nutrient penetration. Holes in the plasma membrane, called plasmodesmata, allow the transport of water and nutrients across the plasma membrane. Regulatory proteins located in the plasmodesmata determine how much of each nutrient crosses the plasma membrane.

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (4)

Figure 2. The Casparian strip, plasma membrane, plasmodesmata, and regulatory proteins form a system to regulate water and nutrient uptake.

Two types of regulatory proteins – called HATS and LATS – are located in plasmodesmata (Figure 3) (Glass, 2002). HATS stands for high affinity transport system proteins. These proteins select nutrients that are present in very low concentrations in the outer portion of the corn root and transport these nutrients across the plasma membrane. HATS proteins supply sufficient nutrient to keep the plant alive if the concentration of a nutrient in the soil is very low. However, HATS proteins cannot transport enough nutrient to meet demands for high grain yields. Corn plants stay alive but may still show nutrient deficiency and potential yield loss because nutrient supply does not meet nutrient demand. LATS (low affinity transport system) proteins supply the biochemical power to transport sufficient nutrients across plasma membranes to meet demands for high grain yields. LATS proteins are most efficient when nutrient concentrations are relatively high in soil.

According to our current knowledge, specific HATS and LATS proteins tend to bind selectively to particular nutrients. There is a specific type of protein that matches each of the nutrients; however, not all proteins are entirely nutrient specific. For example, the chemical structure of a regulatory protein binds semi-selectively to calcium (Ca2+). However, other divalent cations such as magnesium (Mg2+) or zinc (Zn2+) may also bind to and be transported by this same regulatory protein. This lack of complete specificity may partly explain why nutrient concentrations tend to have a range of values in harvested grain or why some nutrients are present in “luxury quantities” in the corn plant.

Uptake of each nutrient is regulated independently. If a soil has high nitrogen fertility but is low in sulfur, LATS proteins will efficiently take up and transport all of the nitrogen needed to support grain yield. However, in a low sulfur soil, there is insufficient sulfur for the LATS to work efficiently. HATS proteins therefore conduct the majority of sulfur uptake and transport. These HATS proteins supply whatever sulfur they can to support growth, but they cannot meet the high demand to support maximum growth. The end result is the corn plant will express sulfur deficiency.

(Click here or on the chart above for a larger image.)

Figure 3. Regulatory process for nutrient uptake to support corn growth. Review letters below for more information on each step.

  1. Nutrients (colored circles) leave the soil solution and enter into “non-living tissues” surrounding cortical cells.
  2. Regulatory HATS and LATS proteins (colored rectangles) selectively transport nutrients (correspondingly colored circles) across the plasma membrane.
  3. Transport processes of regulatory proteins stop if nutrient concentrations in the center of the corn root become too high (feedback inhibition).
  4. Once inside the central portion of the corn root, nutrients are transported via the xylem to wherever they are needed in the corn plant.
  5. The process continues until corn growth is complete.

Ratios of Nutrient Uptake Change During The Growing Season

HATS and LATS regulatory proteins adjust amounts of nutrient uptake and nutrient ratios during the entire growing season. As the corn plant matures, rates of uptake of some nutrients are faster than for other nutrients, thus changing the ideal nutrient ratio for corn growth at different growth stages. Scientists at the University of Illinois have published research showing how nutrients accumulate during the corn life cycle (Bender et al., 2013) (Figure 4A-4G).

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (6)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (7)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (8)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (9)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (10)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (11)

How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (12)

Figure 4. Relative amounts of nutrients acquired by the corn plant at different growth stages.

The corn plant accumulates up to approximately 11% of its total nutrient uptake between germination and V6. Between V6 and V10, nitrogen, potassium, and boron uptake increase more rapidly than other nutrients. Nutrient uptake during vegetative growth is most rapid during V10 to V14. At V14, the corn plant has accumulated approximately two-thirds of the total nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, boron, and manganese. By VT, the corn plant has acquired approximately 70% of its total uptake of these five nutrients while acquiring only 40% of total carbon. At VT, the corn plant has achieved maximum vegetative growth. Additional nutrient uptake after VT supports ear growth. Today’s corn hybrids devote about 50-60% of total dry matter accumulation to ear growth.

The corn plant acquires very few nutrients during pollination, probably because the corn plant is devoting the majority of its resources to support successful pollination and fertilization of embryos. Nutrient uptake during reproductive growth is most active between R2 and R4. The corn plant accumulates a substantial portion of its total carbon, sulfur, boron, manganese, and copper during this growth phase. In addition, the corn plant moves some of the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and zinc from vegetative leaf and stalk matter to the developing grain.

Between R4 and R6 (maturity) the corn plant acquires nearly 20% to almost 40% of the total carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and copper during late-season grain fill. Accumulated carbon during R4 to R6 is deposited in the kernels. Grain fill during R4 to R6 accounts for approximately 25% of the increase in total weight of the corn plant at maturity. Figure 4G also illustrates what percent of the total nutrient acquired by a corn plant during the growing season is present in the grain. As this grain leaves the field approximately 80% of phosphorus, 62% of zinc, 58% of nitrogen, 57% of sulfur, 34% of potassium, 32% of magnesium, and 30% of copper also leaves the field and is no longer part of your future soil fertility program.

Building A Nutrient Management Plan

A successful nutrient management plan is one that assures there is enough of every nutrient in the soil to support corn growth at each developmental stage to meet the targeted grain yield. Maintaining adequate fertility levels of all nutrients during the entire growing season is more important than fertilizing for specific nutrient ratios because HATS and LATS regulatory proteins continuously adjust nutrient uptake to provide maximum yields allowed by the growing environment.

The optimal fertility management program will depend, in part, on soil type. High CEC soils may require relatively few fertilizer applications with greater amounts of fertilizer applied at each application, while low CEC soils may need substantially more applications to “spoon-feed” specific nutrients depending on the corn growth stage.

Additionally, a successful nutrient management plan needs to be sustainable and consistently support high yields in future years. A fertility program will include replacement amounts of nutrients that leave the field as the crop is harvested and will also include additional fertility to increase soil reserve fertility levels as your budget allows. A place to start when calculating replacement amounts of nutrients is to multiply the nutrient contents listed in pounds per bushel (Table 2) by the most recent corn yield. This information, in combination with soil test values helps to define a profitable and sustainable fertility program.

Nutrients most likely to show deficiency first are the macronutrients, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, followed by the secondary macronutrients, sulfur and magnesium, and then followed by the micronutrients, zinc and copper, because corn grain removes relatively large amounts of these nutrients as grain leaves the field. Other nutrients may show deficiency under specific soil environments.


  • Bender, R.R., J.W. Haegele, M.L. Ruffo, and F.E. Below. 2013. Nutrient uptake, partitioning, and remobilization in modern, transgenic insect-protected maize hybrids. Agronomy Journal 105(1) 161-170.
  • Glass, A.D.M. 2002. Pages 571-586 in “Plant Roots, the Hidden Half”, Y. Waisel, A. Eshel, and U. Kafkafi, (eds.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Heckman, J.R., J.T. Sims, D.B. Beegle, F.J. Coale, S.J. Herbert, T.W. Bruulsema, and W.J. Bamka. 2003. Nutrient removal by corn grain harvest. Agronomy J. 95:587-591.
  • Latesha, W.L. and E.C. Miller. 1924. Elemental composition of the corn plant. Journal of Agricultural Research 27:845-860.
How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake (2024)


How Corn Plants Regulate Nutrient Uptake? ›

HATS and LATS regulatory proteins adjust amounts of nutrient uptake and nutrient ratios during the entire growing season. As the corn plant matures, rates of uptake of some nutrients are faster than for other nutrients, thus changing the ideal nutrient ratio for corn growth at different growth stages.

What nutrient does corn uptake? ›

For some nutrients (e.g., N, K, Mg, Mn, B, and Fe), as much as two-thirds of total uptake occurs during vegetative growth (Figure 1). Of critical importance is supplying N to meet corn's peak needs of 7.8 lb N/day from V10-V14.

How do plants regulate nutrients? ›

Plant roots absorb nutrients to be used in plant functions. There are many variables that affect nutrient uptake, including rainfall, pH, temperature and organic matter, which means monitoring your soil's nutrients is imperative. These elements are divided into two categories – micronutrients and macronutrients.

How does corn transport nutrients? ›

The corn plant transports nutrients from these internal root cells via the xylem to other portions of the plant to support growth. Xylem and phloem vascular tissues are closely associated with parenchyma cells that now contain higher concentrations of essential nutrients.

What are the nutrients needed for corn plant? ›

A 200-bushel corn crop will take up about 265 pounds of N per acre, 115 pounds of phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅), 265 pounds of potash (K₂O), 65 pounds of magnesium (Mg) and 33 pounds of sulfur (S).

Does corn prevent nutrient absorption? ›

Corn has antinutrients, which are compounds that keep your body from absorbing nutrients as well as it should. Soaking your corn can help remove many of them.

What 3 nutrients does corn need the most of? ›

A season-long supply of P, S, Zn, and Cu can help maximize the yield potential of corn products.

What is plant nutrient uptake? ›

Uptake of nutrients by a plant root is an active process. As water is taken up to support transpiration, nutrients may be moved to the root surface through mass flow. But they are not taken directly into the root. The plasma membrane of the endoderm blocks the movement of ions into the root.

How to increase nutrient uptake in plants? ›

Temperature, light, relative humidity, and soil water and nutrient supply and availability are some of the environmental factors involved in crop nutrient uptake and utilization. Critical plant factors include plant age, internal nutrient concentration and the different stages or phases of crop growth and development.

How do plants regulate their growth? ›

Plant growth and development is regulated by many internal and external signals particularly, photoperiod, temperature, light quality and intensity, and planting density [11–13].

How does corn give you nutrients? ›

It consists primarily of insoluble fiber, which makes it a low-glycemic index food. This means it is a food that is digested slowly and doesn't cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. It also contains many B vitamins, as well as essential minerals, including zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese.

Does corn put nutrients back into the soil? ›

Second, cutting down stalks and dispersing them throughout your field also allows soil microbes to access them, which can increase the rate of decomposition and cycle nutrients back into your soil. Corn stalk provides the soil with phosphate, potash, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and micronutrients.

What is the best fertilizer for corn plants? ›

Equal amounts of Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium work well, but use a light touch so the seeds and sprouted plants do not burn from over-fertilization. Use a fertilizer with an NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) ratio of 20-20-20. This is a balanced start for sweet corn.

What nutrient is deficient in corn plant? ›

Nitrogen (N) deficiency (pictures on front-page) causes pale, yellowish-green corn plants with spindly stalks. Because nitrogen is a mobile nutrient in the plant, symptoms begin on the older, lower leaves and progress up the plant if the deficiency persists.

What nutrient makes corn grow tall? ›

Nitrogen: Nitrogen is essential for corn growth and development. It is a component of chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis and is also a key component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

How to tell if corn needs nitrogen? ›

If environmental conditions are right, corn plants can grow more than 4 inches per day. A nitrogen shortage at this stage of corn development can result in a significant and permanent yield loss. Look for yellowing corn leaves and any aborted kernels on the ear tips as symptoms of a nitrogen deficiency.

What does the body absorb from corn? ›

That's why the casing of the corn kernel passes through your system looking fully intact. The inside of the kernel, however, does break down in your stomach and intestines. That allows you to absorb nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C and magnesium from the corn you ate.

What nutrient is missing in corn? ›

Zinc (Zn) deficiency in corn causes interveinal, light striping or a whitish band beginning at the base of the leaf and extending towards the tip. The margins of the leaf, the midrib area, and the leaf tip usually remain green.

What nutrients are in maize uptake? ›

Macronutrient uptake by maize

Over half of the required nitrogen, phosphorous and magnesium, and 80% of potassium, is taken up before the crop reaches the generative growth stages.

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