How to get a Work Permit and Visa for New Zealand | InterNations (2024)

  • Serhat Ahmed

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While you may read that there are over 80types of visasto work in New Zealandalone,most of those arecountry-specific.This means the amount and type of visas approved as well as the requirements vary depending on the country of origin.In this section you will find only the most relevant aspects ofapplying for a New Zealand visa, so you can starttheprocessimmediately.

You should know that somevisas will costmore than others, the Entrepreneur work visa being especially costly.Most applicationsalsorequire you to pay an immigration fee.

The majority ofNew Zealand visasfollow the same process of applying online, and somerequirementsare the same for all visa types. Just keep in mind thatsome visascan have a very shortapplicationtimeframe, andonce open, vacancies tend to be filled within the first few days.Some visas in New Zealand are also subject to animmigration point systemcalled“Point Scale.”

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Work Permits and Employment-Based Visas

If you wish to get awork permit or employment visato be able to work in New Zealand, this guide gives you an overview of the different kinds ofworkingvisas and coversthe most commonoptionsin more detail. If you wish to know about other types of visas in New Zealand, you can check theNew Zealand Governmentimmigration website for:

New Zealand’s Work Visa Requirements

Differentwork visa typesmay have differenteligibility requirements, application forms,costs, orprocesses. In general, toapply for a work visa in New Zealandyou need:

  • Proof of identity (passport or certificate of identity and two acceptable visa photographs);
  • Proof of good health (completed health questionnaireand chest x-ray and a medical examination after arrival);
  • Proof of good character (completed character questionnaire, Police Certificates from your country of origin and any country where you’ve lived at least five years since turning 17);
  • Proof of being bonafide.

Every document you provide needs to be the original document or a certified copy.

When applying for a visa, you will typically find a guide on the official website that corresponds to each visa type. You are advised to read through this document beforehand to make sure you are on top of every requirement. Then,you want to have each document with youandready for submission before beginning your application process.

If your visa is subject to a pointsscale, you can typically find a simulation on the immigration website that allows you to test if you meet the required points to apply. Keep in mind that only an immigration officer can award you points during the assessment of your visa.Read more about this below.

Difficulties Obtaining a New Zealand Visa

In general, it may be difficult to get a work visa in New Zealand due to limited spots or tight deadlines for application. If your country has a set quota, that means applications will open on a specific day. Typically, you will have 59 days from the application date to apply, but this timeframe may depend on your nationality and the country where you are currently residing. But even with this interval, you can expect vacancies to disappear quickly.Be precise and follow the deadline that applies to you.

Once the quota is reached for each country, you can only apply again the following year. For some countries, the quota is as low as 50 people a year while for others the quota is unlimited (Canada, the UK, Japan, etc.). You can check a complete list of work visas for the conditions that apply to your country.

Work Visa Application Process and Form

Much of the process for visa applications is done onlinethrough New Zealand’s Immigration website. This online process is easyand fast, and it should not take more than 15 minutes to complete the online form. Alternatively, you can submit the application form that corresponds tothetype of visayou choseas well as all the necessarysupportingdocuments,to the corresponding receiving center.

Dependingonthevisatypeyouappliedfor, you will be notifiedwhetheryou need to send in your passport oryou are going to receivean eVisa. This is an electronic visa held in the immigration electronic system that replaces the physical sticker or stamp on your passport. ThiseVisaapplies to the following visa types:

  • Student Visa
  • Work Visa
  • Visitor Visa
  • Business Visitor Visa
  • Group Visitor Visa
  • Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa
  • Dependent Child Resident Visa

To receive aneVisa, you will need to create an online account on the immigration website and continue the application processthere. You are advised to print theeVisaletter, and to keep it with you when in the country.

Types of Temporary Work Visas

It is important to know that all work visas in New Zealand are temporary, even the specific visas that can lead to a permanent residence which are covered further in this guide. When talking about a temporary work visa in New Zealand that means these types of visas are not geared towards getting permanent residence.

There aretwomaintemporarywork visas in New Zealand:

  • Essential Skills Work Visa, which allows you to stay between 1 and 5 years depending on your level of skill and the duration of the employmentcontract;

Essential Skills Work Visa

The Essential Skills Work visa is for skilled workers whose job is listed on the Essential Skills in Demand List. It allows you to work in the country for up to five years, but the duration may depend on your skill level. For a foreigner to fill a job position with this visa, the employer must prove that they could not hire a New Zealander.


Toapply foran Essential Skills work visa, you will need the following documents:

  • A jobofferfor a full-time position, and a copy of your employment agreement.
  • Your employer to prove that a New Zealander could not be hired for the position.
  • An“Employer Supplementary Form”describing your job offer (completed by employer).
  • A document proving the necessary qualifications (original or certified copy).
  • Occupationalregistration (if applicable).

You also cannot be subject to a stand-down period (the period when you are required to spend 12 consecutive months outside of New Zealand).

Although this type of visa only intends to fill temporary skill gaps, you may still apply for residence if you gain enough points to qualify for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category.

Other Work Visa Types

To know all the types of visas for working in the country, you can check the complete list of all work visas in New Zealand. If you are unsure which type of work visa is right for you, New Zealand’s immigration website offers a detailed online service which allows you to see your options based on your age, the country where you are from. Besides showing all the options that apply to you, you can also compare up to three types of visas side by side.

Who Qualifies as a Skilled or Highly Skilled Worker in New Zealand?

Your qualifications, skills, and experience will fall on one of five categories defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

You are considered a skilled worker if:

  • Your occupation is listed in ANZSCO as level 1, 2 or 3, it matches the description for that occupation, and you are paid more than 25 NZD (16 USD) an hour or more (or the equivalent annually).
  • Your occupation is listed in ANZSCO as level 4 or 5, it matches the description for that occupation, and you are paid more than 50 NZD (24 USD) an hour or more (or the equivalent annually).
  • Your occupation has no corresponding description, but you are paid 50 NZD (24 USD) an hour or more (or the equivalent annually).

How Much Does a Work Visa Cost in New Zealand?

Typically, there are two types of costs associated with work visas: a visa fee, and an immigration levy. However, some countries have higher fees than others, and some may have a fee-waiver agreement with NewZealand, so always check your specific requirements. The visa can be paid online through a Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard).

The visa fee will be different if you are coming from one of the Pacific Countries. No matter which visa type you apply for, the immigration levy equates to 55 NZD (37 USD).

Work Visa TypeVisa Fee NZDVisa Fee USDPartnership/Work to Residence Work Visa580390Entrepreneur Work Visa3,3102,230Working Holiday Visa190130Working Holidaymaker Extension Visa190130Other Work Visas440300

Self-Employment Visas

You may only be self-employed in New Zealand if you have the right to live in the country permanently or have been granted oneof News Zealand’sself-employment visas.

Typesof Visas that Allow for Self-Employment

  • Working holiday visa
  • Entrepreneur Work Visa
  • Investor’s Visa
  • Post-Study Work Visa (for new graduates who recently completed a qualification in New Zealand)

Partners of New Zealand citizens also have an option to work as self-employed in the country. Keep in mind you can’t be self-employed in New Zealand if you are staying in the country with a Student Visa or a Visitor’s Visa.

The most common visa types to do business in New Zealand are the Entrepreneur Work Visa or Investor Resident Visa. We cover therequirements,application process, andcostsfor these New Zealand self-employment visas below.

Entrepreneur Work Visa

The Entrepreneur WorkVisa is for those who wish to buy or set up their own business in the country. Youare allowed tostay and work in New Zealand for a total of three years: one year during the startup phase and then two more years after proving you have set up your business.

To apply for this visa, you will need to meet all the general visa requirements mentioned previously, as well as the following conditions:

  • Invest at least 100,000 NZD (65,000 USD) on a business.
  • Meet the minimum of 120 points on the Entrepreneur PointsScale.
  • Provide a detailed business plan.
  • Set up your business within 12 months.
  • Take part in an evaluation of the entrepreneur Work Visa Category.

Beware that this visa type can be expensive. Most visas for New Zealand tend to cost from 200 to 600 NZD(130 to 390 USD) overall, but the Entrepreneur Work Visa for most applicants costs3,365 NZD(2190 USD) in totalin fees on top of the 100k NZD (65k USD) you need to invest in the country

Visa for Investing in New Zealand

There are two types of visas that allow you to invest in the country, which will also grant you residence:

  • Investor 1 resident visa: If you invest 10 million NZD (6,5 million USD) in the countryover the courseof three years, you and your family can live in New Zealand indefinitely.
  • Investor 2 resident visa: If you are under 65 years of age and you invest 3 million NZD (2 million USD)over thecourseoffour years, you and your family can live in New Zealand indefinitely. However, there is a quota of 400 people for this type of visa.

You may also apply for other types of visas that allow you to invest in the country (e.g., a temporary retirement visa), so check the complete list of visas that allow you to start a business or invest.

Residency Permits: Temporary and Permanent

In general, all visas in New Zealand are temporary and automatically grant you residence for its duration. If you wantto become a permanent resident in New Zealand, you will first have toapply for a temporary residence permitand only later, apply for permanent residence in New Zealand.Beware, that only somevisasallow you to bring yourspouseand immediate family with you.New Zealanddoes not have afiancevisain its migration law.

However, not all temporary visas can lead to residence—there are specific visa types that can be extended and eventually lead to residence. These types of visas are explained below, as well as all the necessarytemporary residence permitrequirements, steps, benefits, andfees.

Typically, to become a permanent resident you must be 55 or younger and have worked in New Zealand for two years on a temporary visa.

Temporary Visas that Lead to Permanent Residence and How to Apply

Skilled Migrant Category Resid**e**nt Visa

Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

  • You may apply for this visa ifyour employer’s business moves to New Zealand.

Talent (Accredited Employer) WorkVisa

  • You must have relevant skills and talents needed in New Zealand.
  • You should be under 55 and have a job offer for a full-time position for two years that pays 55.000 NZD (35.000USD) a year. Your employerhas tobe accredited by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

Entrepreneur WorkVisa

Long Term Skill Shortage ListWork Visa

  • This visa is for those who have skills and talents needed in New Zealand.
  • You must be 55 or younger and your occupation is on the skillshortage list.
  • This visa does not come with the option of a family visa.

The application process for each temporary visa type may vary, but, in general, you will need to put in an expression of interest which includes a score point based on your age,work experience, qualification, and the job offer (if applicable). If you are selected, you can then make a full application. Applications are chosen only once a month.

New Zealand Permanent Residency Benefits

As a permanent resident, you have the benefit of being able to live, work, and study in New Zealand, and to travel to and from New Zealand without restrictions. You can also include your partner and dependent children on your visa applicationifthey were included in your original residence application.

How to Get Permanent Residency in New Zealand

Whataretherequirements forpermanentresidency?To obtain permanent residency you must live in New Zealand for two years under a residence visa. You must also meet the following requirements:

  • Prove your identitywith an ID andtwo acceptable photos.
  • Be considered of good character.
  • Show evidence that you have met the conditions on your current resident visa.

Show Your Commitment to New Zealand

You can show your commitment to New Zealand in one of five different ways:

  • You have spent enough time in New Zealand, for which your travel records will be checked.
  • You have New Zealand tax residence status, for which you will need a statement from Inland Revenue and a completed confirmation of tax resident status.
  • You have invested in New Zealand, for which you will need evidence such as bank documents or property deeds.
  • You have a business in New Zealand that is successful and benefits the country.
  • You have established a base in the country (e.g., by owning a home, creating employment, being self-employed, etc.).

Permanent Residence Application Process and Fees

The application process and fees for a Permanent Residence Visa may vary depending on the country you are from, and whether you are applying in your country of residence or in New Zealand.

In general, you will have to fill the application formfor a Permanent Resident Visa, and send it along with the required documents to the correct receiving center. You can find this by entering your nationality and country of residence on the official immigration website.

Permanent residence visas cost 210 NZD (140 USD), plus an immigration fee that varies by region. You may also have to pay the receiving center fees and courier fees for your passport to be sent back to you if you cannot collect it yourself.

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How to get a Work Permit and Visa for New Zealand | InterNations (2024)


How to get a Work Permit and Visa for New Zealand | InterNations? ›

Work Visa Application Process and Form

Much of the process for visa applications is done online through New Zealand's Immigration website. This online process is easy and fast, and it should not take more than 15 minutes to complete the online form.

Is it hard to get a work permit in New Zealand? ›

Work Visa Application Process and Form

Much of the process for visa applications is done online through New Zealand's Immigration website. This online process is easy and fast, and it should not take more than 15 minutes to complete the online form.

How much does a New Zealand work visa cost? ›

How Much Does a New Zealand Visa Fee Cost?
Visa TypeOnline ApplicationPaper Application
Specific Purpose Work VisaNZD $735NZD $620 — $745
Supplementary Seasonal Employment Work VisaN/ANZ $630 — $750
Student and Trainee Work VisaNZ $735NZ $630 — $800
New Zealand Working Holiday VisaNZD $455N/A
50 more rows

Can I get a NZ work visa without a job offer? ›

The first thing you need to know is that you cannot apply for a New Zealand work visa without first having a job offer from a New Zealand employer. This job offer must be in writing and must be for a full-time position.

Can US citizens work in New Zealand? ›

Apply for a work visa

If you're planning to work in New Zealand and you're not a citizen or permanent resident of NZ or Australia, you'll need a visa that lets you work.

Who is eligible for a working visa in New Zealand? ›

Working holiday visas are available to young people, usually aged 18 to 30, but 18 to 35 in a select few countries. They let you travel and work in New Zealand for up to 12 months. If you are from Canada they let you travel and work for up to 23 months, and for up to 36 months if you are from the United Kingdom.

How can I be eligible to work in New Zealand? ›

What you need to apply
  • Identity. You must provide proof of your identity. ...
  • Character. You must be of good character. ...
  • Health. You must be in good health. ...
  • Genuine intentions. ...
  • New Zealand job offer. ...
  • Availability of New Zealanders. ...
  • Qualifications and experience. ...
  • Occupational registration.

How much bank balance is required for a New Zealand visa? ›

New Zealand tourist visa requirements
Number of PeopleFunds in NZ $Funds in Indian rupees
1$ 10,000Rs. 5,00,00
2$ 12,000Rs. 6,00,00
3$ 14,000Rs. 7,00,00
4$ 16,000Rs. 8,00,00

How long does New Zealand work permit take? ›

What Is the Processing Time for a New Zealand Work Visa?
Work visaProcessing time
Long Term Skill Shortage List Visa5 months
Post Study Work Visa34 days
Recognized Seasonal Employer Limited Visa9 days
Specific Purpose Work Visawithin one week
8 more rows

What is the age limit for work permit in New Zealand? ›

To get a work permit visa in New Zealand, one must be: Aged 55 years or under. Have a minimum salary of NZ$55,000. Have a job offer that covers a minimum of 30 hours of employment per week for 2 years or more.

Can I move to New Zealand without a job? ›

This is likely to depend on how long you want to stay, whether your skills are in demand in New Zealand, and if you are moving with your family. You'll likely need a job offer before applying for your visa.

Can I look for a job with a tourist visa in New Zealand? ›

You cannot work with a New Zealand Visitor visa. If you want to work in New Zealand, you must apply for a NZ Work visa.

Can you move to New Zealand if you are over 55? ›

The age cut off age for residency in New Zealand is 55 and under, therefore, if you are 56 or older you will not be able to apply for residency. Also, even if your occupation is on the Green List, you are still required to work for two years before you are eligible to apply for residency.

How hard is it for an American to get a job in New Zealand? ›

New Zealand's job market has been strong over recent years, with many people from the USA finding good jobs and careers here.

Is it expensive to live in New Zealand? ›

The cost of living is a hot topic in New Zealand, with food and housing prices in particular having shot up a lot since 2020. The cost of living in New Zealand, for one person in Auckland, Wellington or Queenstown is around $3500-4000.

Is it worth it to work in New Zealand? ›

If you want to move abroad and find exciting new job opportunities, you may wish to consider relocating to New Zealand for work. The climate is mild, the wages are competitive and the communities are uncrowded. Working in New Zealand also offers access to some excellent career opportunities.

How long does it take to get a work permit in New Zealand? ›

What is the application process and how long does it take? You apply online. Immigration New Zealand has said it takes 20 – days (on average) and up to 44 working days to process the visa application.

How hard is it for a foreigner to get a job in New Zealand? ›

New Zealand offers a range of easy-to-get jobs, making it an attractive destination for job seekers looking for quick opportunities. Whether you're a traveler on a gap year or a newcomer to the country, these jobs require minimal experience and often provide immediate start options.

How hard is it to get a job in New Zealand as an American? ›

New Zealand's job market has been strong over recent years, with many people from the USA finding good jobs and careers here.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.