How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (2024)

This update has been a long time coming. Over the past two years, I’ve been perfecting my sourdough bread recipe, and I finally feel like I’ve got it. And OMG, is it a lot easier than the last recipe I shared. Like…so much easier. If you find yourself with some sourdough (or are toying with the idea of growing your own starter), then you are going to want to keep this single loaf sourdough bread recipe in your back pocket. It makes one perfect sourdough loaf, and it’s my go-to recipe for sourdough bread every single week. No joke.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (1)

At this point, I can’t really imagine my life without sourdough. I loved the challenge of growing it in early 2020 (pre-pandemic people, call me a trendsetter)—even if the months it took to mature my starter were absolutely excruciating…with so many failed loafs of sourdough along the way.

Now, my baby June (the name I gave my stater, it’s a sourdough thing), has given birth to many sourdough babies that are all around the country. Friends and family collected a little extra sourdough and now have their own starters at home. Some right here in Brooklyn, one in Missouri, one in Florida, one in Connecticut, one in Virginia. It’s fun to spread the sourdough love.

Plus, I’ve grown fond of sourdough discard recipes. When I’m not baking this loaf, I’m making sourdough muffins, crepes, shortcakes, and of course, these delectable sourdough cinnamon rolls with orange glaze.

But the real winner, my friends, is this beautiful loaf of bread.

Ingredients for one sourdough bread loaf

Just four ingredients—easy peasy.

  • 500 grams of bread flour
  • 330 grams of lukewarm water
  • 50 grams of active starter (fed)
  • 9 grams of salt

You don’t need a ton of supplies, but if you’re just starting out, here’s a list of supplies I currently use. Alright, let’s bake some bread.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (2)

First, whisk together the water and starter. Once whisked, add in the flour and salt. Mix together with a spatula until just combined, making a shaggy dough like how it’s pictured above. Hot tip—do this an hour before you go to bed the night before baking. Trust me.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (3)

Cover up your sourdough with plastic wrap and let it sit for 45 minutes. This is a little tip I learned from a friend—it prevents the top of the dough from developing a small crust during the rise.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (4)
How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (5)

Next is the stretch and fold technique. As pictured above, you are going to grab a corner of the dough and fold it over on the top. Do this with all four “corners” of the dough (aka only do this four times at different parts of the dough), and it will form into a little ball as such:

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (6)

Cover up the sourdough with plastic wrap again and let it rise overnight. This process should take 8 to 10 hours—just enough time for you to get in a good night of sleep.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (7)

Your dough should look like this! Bubbles on top and fluffy. Remove the plastic wrap and grab yourself a bench scraper.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (8)

Remove the dough with the bench scraper or rubber spatula to a cutting board that you pre-floured. Let it rest for five minutes.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (9)

Shape the loaf! It was kind of hard for me to picture how I shape it, so here’s a video tutorial I love to follow that will make it easy for you. Cover it again with that plastic wrap and let it sit for 45 minutes. At this point, you’ll also want to preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (10)

After that small second rise, flip the loaf over onto a piece of parchment paper. Using a bread scorer (like this one) draw a little design! This will create those breaking points when the bread rises in the oven. The design you see above is pretty much my go-to right now. It always comes out so beautifully.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (11)

Place the parchment paper with the loaf into a dutch oven. Another thing I learned? You don’t have to preheat your dutch oven! Unlike my previous tutorial where I told you to do so, I found out that you don’t actually have to do that in order to create a successful sourdough loaf. Yay for not having to burn your arms placing the bread in!

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (12)

Cover the dutch oven with the lid and bake for 20 minutes. After, remove the lid and it should look like the above image.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (13)

Bake for another 30 minutes. Your bread will become nice and golden brown and crunchy, like this! You’ll probably hear some popping noises from the crust.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (14)
How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (15)

Let the bread sit for 1 hour before slicing. I know, I know! Patience, grasshopper. It will be easier to slice if you wait. But I won’t judge if you slice off a small part of the end and eat it with butter and jam right away.

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (16)

While I do love to enjoy fresh slices of bread, I’ll be honest with you—I don’t finish a whole loaf in just a few days time! Instead, I freeze slices and pop them in the toaster when I want them. So after the bread sits, I slice it all up using my bread saw for perfect-shaped slices, lay them out on a sheet pan, and freeze. Once frozen, I put the slices in a Ziploc bag for storing in the freezer.

And there we have it, my sourdough friends. I hope you like this single sourdough loaf recipe better. I know I do!

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (17)

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5 from 1 vote

One Single Sourdough Loaf

Make the perfect single sourdough loaf with minimal effort—and a long rise overnight while you sleep!

Prep Time2 hrs

Cook Time50 mins

Rising Time10 hrs

Total Time12 hrs 50 mins

Keyword: sourdough, sourdough bread

Servings: 12 slices

Calories: 158kcal


  • Dutch oven

  • Plastic wrap


  • 50 grams sourdough starter active, fed
  • 330 grams lukewarm water
  • 500 grams bread flour
  • 9 grams salt


  • Whisk together the water and starter in a large bowl.

  • Once whisked,add in the flour and salt. Mix together with a spatula until just combined, making a shaggy dough

  • Cover up your bowl with plastic wrap andlet it sit for 45 minutes.

  • Grab a corner of the dough and stretch it up until it gives, then fold it over on the top.Do this with all four “corners” of the dough (aka only do this four times at different parts of the dough), and it will form into a little ball.

  • Cover up with plastic wrap again and let it rest overnight for 8-10 hours

  • The next morning, remove the dough with the bench scraper or rubber spatula to a cutting board that you pre-floured.Let it rest for five minutes.

  • Shape the loaf!Here’s a video tutorial I love to followthat will make it easy for you. Place it in a bread banneton to rise a second time.

  • Cover it againwith that plastic wrap andlet it sit for 45 minutes.At this point, you’ll also want topreheat your oven to 450 degrees.

  • Flip the loaf over onto a piece of parchment paper.Using a bread scorer (or a sharp knife), score a design on top of your loaf.

  • Move the sourdough loaf with the parchment paper into a dutch oven. Close the lid.

  • Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

  • Remove the lid and bake for another 30 minutes.

  • Carefully trasnfer the bread to a cutting board or cooling rack. Let it sit for 1 hour before slicing!


You can pre-freeze slices to toast up later! Just slice and freezer on a sheet pan for a few hours, then store in a plastic Ziploc bag.

Pin this for later!

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (18)

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (19)

How to Make Sourdough Bread (One Loaf Recipe) | Kiersten Hickman (2024)


How much sourdough starter to use for one loaf? ›

Ingredients for one sourdough bread loaf
  1. 500 grams of bread flour.
  2. 330 grams of lukewarm water.
  3. 50 grams of active starter (fed)
  4. 9 grams of salt.
Dec 9, 2021

What is the best ratio for sourdough bread? ›

So, a sourdough feeding ratio is the relative amount (referring to weight) of old sourdough compared to fresh flour and water. Typical feeding ratios are 1:2:2 or 1:3:3 (old sourdough: fresh flour: water). However, even extreme ratios like 1:50:50 would still work.

What is the 1 1 1 method for sourdough starter? ›

A good rule of thumb is to maintain a ratio of 1:1:1 (equal parts sourdough starter, water, and flour). The amount can be increased or decreased as needed. It is nice to keep a small amount when you are not intending to use it for baking as then there is less discard waste to manage.

How much does it cost to make one loaf of sourdough bread? ›

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Loaf of Sourdough Bread? At its most basic calculation, a loaf of sourdough bread costs between $1 and $2 to bake at home (depending on the type of flour you use). If you add in your time/labor, as well as energy costs, you could be looking at anywhere from $5 to $20 a loaf.

What happens when you use too much sourdough starter in bread? ›

GENERAL RULE: The less starter you use, the slower your dough will ferment - often resulting in a more sour flavored loaf. And you guessed it..the more starter you use, the faster your dough will ferment - resulting in a less sour loaf. Using less starter in your recipe will help slow down the fermentation process.

What is the best percentage of starter in sourdough bread? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

Does sourdough need two rises? ›

Final Proofing is the step after final shaping. Final proof is also known as the “second rise” where you let the dough continue to ferment and rise after shaping and before baking. In final proofing, the yeast is past its peak and the rise will tend to be slower and less visible than in bulk fermentation.

What temperature to bake sourdough bread? ›

Shape the dough into a round (boule) or oval (batard), then place the dough in proofing baskets. Cover proofing baskets with reusable plastic and seal shut. Then, place both baskets into the refrigerator and proof overnight. Preheat your oven with a baking surface or combo cooker/Dutch oven inside to 450°F (230°C).

What is the secret to a good sourdough starter? ›

Tips and Tricks To Making A Sourdough Starter

Consistent feedings of the starter at the same time every day will ensure proper starter growth. Temperature control the environment and the water for feeding. A moderate 80°F (26°C) is optimal. Be persistent!

Why discard half of sourdough starter? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

Is plain or strong flour better for sourdough starter? ›

If you do not have whole wheat flour, just use all purpose flour instead. The starter will be fine. I switch to all purpose flour for the feedings because it's reliable, inexpensive and practical for everyday baking (remember, a portion of your starter is removed, discarded, or used for something else).

How much of my starter should I use for a sourdough loaf? ›

As with any sourdough recipe, before you start baking bread, you want to make sure that your sourdough starter is as strong as possible. My basic sourdough recipe uses just 50g of starter for 500g of flour (so just 10% of starter).

Is it cheaper to buy bread or make it in a bread machine? ›

Making bread from a machine is marginally cheaper than buying it, as long as you eat bread frequently enough to offset the cost of the appliance. Specifically, I see this as an investment that's smart for households that go through bread quickly, like large families or homes with multiple roommates.

Is it cheaper to make your own loaf of bread? ›

In a nutshell, if you're buying basic, cheap sandwich bread, it's probably cheaper than you can make it at home. But if you compare two loaves similar to what you could make at home — one made with high-quality ingredients as opposed to one made with lesser quality ingredients — home baking becomes much cheaper.

How much starter do I need to feed sourdough? ›

The most common feeding ratio is 1:1:1 (sourdough starter: flour: water). This is also known as a 100% hydration starter. For example, let's say you have 40 g of sourdough starter in a jar. To feed it, you'll add 40 g of flour + 40 g of water.

How do you calculate sourdough starter? ›

Baker's Percentage of Sourdough Starter
  1. Fermented Flour to Total Flour: = (400/2)/(800+200) = 200 / 1,000 = 20%
  2. Fermented Flour to Non-Fermented Flour = (400/2)/800 = 200 / 800 = 25%
  3. Total Starter to Total Flour = 400 / (800+200) = 400 / 1,000 = 40%
  4. Total Starter to Non-fermented Flour = 400 / 800 = 50%
May 4, 2023

How much dry sourdough starter to use? ›

In a small bowl or jar, mix 5 grams of dehydrated sourdough starter with 15 grams of 80 °F water. Allow the starter and water to sit for about 2 hours, or until the dried starter dissolves. Stir in 15 grams of flour. Cover and put in the Sourdough Home or Proofer at 78 °F overnight, or for 12 - 14 hours.

How much sourdough starter to use instead of yeast? ›

How much sourdough starter equals a packet of yeast? As a general rule, 100g of sourdough starter can be used to replace one packet of yeast (a packet usually contains 5-7g of commercial yeast).

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.