How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (2024)

Want to stay anonymous on the internet? It might not be easy these days, but with our 21+ internet anonymity tips, you’ll be able to improve your privacy in no time.

In 2022, it can really feel like everyone’s after your data:

  • Your internet service provider (ISP) keeps tabs on all your entire internet activity.
  • Social media companies mine your data and target you with ads.
  • Websites you visit use cookies to follow you around the internet.

Want to win back your privacy and become nearly anonymous on the internet?

In this guide, we’ll teach you how you can do that with our 21+ tips from the world’s leading cybersecurity and online privacy experts.

Let’s dig in.

Tip #1. Use a VPN

A VPN is a must-have tool if you’re serious about finding anonymity on the internet.

The right VPN allows you to:

  • Hide your IP address, making it harder for your online activity to be traced.
  • Protect yourself from network cyberattacks, including unauthorized MITM, fake Wi-Fi networks, and several others.
  • Encrypt your data, ensuring that even if hackers are spying on your online activity, they can’t decrypt it and see what you’re doing.

Tip #2. Avoid Social Media

Most social media companies mine your personal data and use it to target you with ads, and the amount of your data they have can be pretty alarming.

Want to know what kind of data social media companies have on you? For example, here’s how you can view all the data Facebook has on you:

Head over to your privacy settings and click “Download Your Information.”

How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (1)

Facebook then prepares a file with all your data and makes it available to download.

And a lot of this data can be very personal – pretty much everything you’ve ever done through Facebook:

  • Messages with your friends.
  • All the posts you’ve ever made.
  • Ads you’ve interacted with, and much more.
How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (2)

So, if you want to stay anonymous on the internet, stop using most social media platforms (or at least minimize your activity).

Tip #3. Block Trackers

Most websites you visit use trackers to follow you on the internet and keep tabs on your activity.

And yes, this is extremely common. The average website you visit has from 10 to 20 trackers on it, logging whatever you do on (and sometimes off) the website.

Want to avoid this? You can use a tool like Privacy Badger to block these trackers.

Keep in mind, though, that by disabling trackers, Privacy Badger can interfere with the code behind specific online applications, making them impossible to use.

If you want to avoid trackers without wreaking havoc on your online experience,use a VPN.

Tip #4. Delete Cookies

Cookies are small text files with some specific type of data, such as:

  • Your username and password for the given website.
  • How you’ve interacted with the website.
  • Which web pages you visited on the website.

Usually, cookies are harmless and only exist to make your internet experience smoother. For example, if you save your username/password on a website, it’s saved through a cookie. So whenever you log in to a website automatically, your browser extracts the data from the cookie.
Sometimes, albeit rarely, some cookies can be harmful: they can be used by the website to track what you do on the internet, even after you’ve left the website.
So, it might be a good idea to occasionally delete all cookies on your system. To do this easily, you can use a tool like CCleaner.

Tip #5. Use TOR

TOR (or Tor, short for The Onion Router) is open-source software that enhances your privacy on the internet.

It works a bit like a VPN, but with some key differences. While a VPN connects you through a single server that routes your traffic, Tor routes you through three servers.

With Tor, whenever you load a website, your data is transferred to a random server on the Tor network. Your data is then routed through two other servers, finally arriving at the destination (as in, the website you’re trying to access).

How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (3)
How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (4)

This provides you with another layer of anonymity on the internet.

However, there are many issues with using Tor, including:

  • Safety risks from relays and bad exit nodes.
  • Significantly slower internet speed.
  • Inability to download files or stream videos.
  • Restricted access to some specific websites.

So, overall, you’re better off using a VPN.

Want to learn more about the differences between VPN vs Tor? Check out our article.

EDITOR’S NOTE:Keep in mind that you should use Tor at your own risk. While it does provide some anonymity, it’s often used for illicit purposes on the deep web.

Even if you’re using it to remain anonymous on the internet, your computer might be used as a relay by someone else for illegal actions.

Tip #6. Install HTTPS Everywhere

You’ve probably noticed how some websites on the internet have this lock icon here:

How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (5)
And others don’t.
The lock icon usually means that the website is using HTTPS, which is a secure version of HTTP.
HTTP, which stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used for communication over the internet. The ‘S’ in HTTPS stands for ‘secure’.
When you visit a website with HTTPS, your connection is encrypted. Your connection can’t be intercepted by hackers trying to steal your personal information.
Most websites today use HTTPS, but not all of them. Luckily, you can install HTTPS Everywhere, a small nifty plugin from the Electronic Frontier Foundation that uses an HTTPS connection for every website you visit.

Tip #7. Use a Privacy-Focused Search Engine

Most popular search engines track your search data and use it to personalize your experience on the internet and to target you with tailored ads.
Google (or any other search engine you use) knows everything you’ve ever searched on the internet.
Want to avoid this? Try DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo is a privacy-first search engine. They don’t track or keep any of your search data and don’t target you with ads, either.
But be warned: there is a tradeoff to using a search engine that doesn’t know what you might look for. Your search results won’t be as relevant as with Google. Since DuckDuckGo doesn’t track your data, there’s no way for them to tailor your search experience to your interests.

Tip #8. Use a Privacy-First Browser

Most web browsers are not privacy-focused. Some of them track your online activity and use this data to target you with ads.

If you want to avoid this, we recommend using a privacy-first browser, like Brave.

Brave is a free and open-source web browser with a very strong focus on privacy and security. It comes with a built-in ad blocker, tracker-blocker, and several other essential features.

For more recommendations, check out our list of secure browsing alternatives.

Tip #9. Use a Proxy

A proxy is a bit like a VPN.

Your traffic is routed through a proxy server and your IP address is hidden from any website you visit. As such, a proxy helps you stay anonymous on the internet.

It is, however, not as secure as a VPN, because the connection is not encrypted.

Want to get both a VPN and proxy? At IPVanish, we offer a free SOCKS5 proxy for all of our VPN subscribers!

And yes, there are more differences between a VPN and a proxy besides encryption. Check out our article on VPN vs Proxy to learn more.

Tip #10. Go Incognito

Most internet browsers in 2022 come with the incognito (or private browsing) feature.

When browsing in private mode, your internet browser does not keep track of your activity (browsing history, cookies, etc.).

While this ensures your browser doesn’t track your online activity, it doesn’t protect you from anyone else that might be spying, including:

  • Websites you visit. They can trace back your activity back to your IP and clearly see your interaction with their website.
  • Your employer or school, if you’re using their internet network.
  • Your internet service provider (ISP).

We recommend using incognito mode in tandem with the other security measures we’ve covered in this post.

Want to learn more about how incognito browsing works? Check out our article ‘Is Incognito Private?’

Tip #11. Use an Email Provider That Offers Encryption

Most popular email providers aren’t too privacy-friendly.

Gmail, for example, has been caught secretly reading the emails of their users. While they’ve since stopped, sometime in 2018, they admitted that they still let their partner companies read or mine your email data.

Want your inbox to be truly private?

We recommend you try one of the following secure email providers:

Tip #12. Use an Email Encryption Plugin

Alternatively, if you don’t want to switch email providers, you can use a browser add-on like Mailvelope to encrypt your existing email.
Mailvelope encrypts all your outgoing emails and makes sure that only your recipients can read your emails.
However, keep in mind that Mailvelope encryption only works if the recipient also has the same plugin. Otherwise, they won’t be able to decrypt the email.

Tip #13. Use Disposable Emails

Alternatively, you can also use disposable emails like Mailinator, Temp Mail, and EmailOnDeck.

All of these websites allow you to create a one-off email, which you can use for whatever purpose.

If you’re signing up on a slightly shady website, for example, you can use Temp Email to create a disposable email address for use with the website. This way, they won’t be able to get their hands on your real email.

Here’s how disposable email websites work:

  1. You come up with a random email address, and input it on the website.
  2. The website instantly creates an inbox for the corresponding email.
How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (6)

Then, you can use this temporary email to sign up for a website, confirm your account, and never use the email again.

Tip #14. Use a Password Manager

In 2022, data breaches happen more often than ever before.

If you’re registered on a website that gets breached, there’s a good chance that your login credentials get leaked online.

And since the average person reuses the same password for 14+ websites, hackers can use the same email/password combo to hack into most online accounts the person uses.

Once some of your accounts (especially your main email account) are compromised, there’s no limit to the damage a hacker can do.

So, how do you protect yourself if you can’t memorize different sets of credentials?

You use a password manager tool.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You sign up for a password management tool.
  2. Then, whenever you create a new account, the password tool generates an automatic, random password.
  3. Whenever you visit a website, the password management tool automatically logs you in.

This way, you have a completely random password for every single website you visit. Even if hackers breach one or two of these websites and your password gets leaked, they won’t be able to access your other accounts.

Some password manager tools we recommend are:

Need help selecting a secure password? Try the free IPVanish Password Generator.

You might be wondering: what happens if a password manager tool gets hacked?

It likely won’t. Password managers use powerful security protocols & cybersecurity policies to prevent hacking.

Tip #15. Install an Antivirus

Getting hacked isn’t just bad for your security. It’s also a privacy nightmare.

When a hacker manages to compromise your device, they can:

  • Steal access to your accounts (social media, email, online banking).
  • Hold your data captive for blackmail with a ransomware virus.
  • Install a backdoor to your device, giving them complete control over your computer.

The most straightforward way to keep your device clean and free of threats is to use an antivirus.

All you have to do is install antivirus software, which will automatically scan your device for threats on a regular basis.

Whenever it finds something, it will quarantine the virus before it causes damage.

Simultaneously, an antivirus also scans everything you’re installing on your computer, ensuring that it’s not infected.

Not sure which antivirus to try? We recommend VIPRE, a best-selling, lightning-fast antivirus solution. VIPRE even checks for security patches from the software on your computer, so you’re always up-to-date with the safest builds.

Tip #16. Secure Your Phone

To maintain strong anonymous internet layers, don’t stop at securing your computer.

Your unique activity can be tracked across devices, so don’t ignore your mobile electronics. Implement all the security and privacy measures we’ve covered for your phone and tablets too. Some of the most important things you can do include:

  • Install a VPN.
  • Install an antivirus.
  • Use a password manager.
  • Browse incognito.

Tip #17. Make Payments with Cryptocurrency

Want to make your internet payments anonymous too?

You can try using cryptocurrency. Keep in mind though, that not all cryptocurrencies provide anonymity.

Some of the most popular cryptos that come with serious encryption and security standards are:

  • Monero: conceals both sender and receiver’s information plus the amount of the transaction.
  • Dash: allows you to choose whether you want to send an anonymous internet payment or not.
  • ZCash: essentially the HTTPS of cryptocurrency.

Tip #18. Use an Encrypted Messaging App

Most popular messaging apps are a threat to your privacy. Facebook Messenger, for example, uses your texting data to target you with ads.

Even Telegram, a messaging app famous for being safe and anonymous on the internet, has some serious flaws.

If you want a safe, privacy-first messaging experience, we recommend using one of the following tools:

All three of these apps come with top-of-the-line security and encryption protocols.

Tip #19. Check Your App Permissions

Whenever you install a new app onto your phone, it asks your permission to use specific hardware features or personal information on your device.

This includes things like:

  • Viewing your photo albums.
  • Connecting to your contacts list.
  • The ability to make or receive calls.
  • Access to your microphone.

While most apps only ask for permission for features and data they need (e.g. Instagram needs access to your camera to take pictures), some apps often try to ask for unnecessary privileges to access your personal data.

We recommend you review the permissions each of your apps have and evaluate if they are necessary for the app to work.

Tip #20. Use an Adblocker

Most ads on the internet are pretty harmless.

Ads on social media websites like Facebook or Reddit, for example, are always vetted for not containing malware.

However, some websites run very shady ads. And these ads take you to virus-infected websites that install malware or spyware.

These types of ads can be an even bigger threat if you have a young child who doesn’t know how to use the internet safely (and doesn’t know how to avoid such ads).

In order to minimize your chances of clicking a questionable ad, you can use an adblocker to block online ads altogether.

And if you find legitimate ads on the internet to be useful, you can always whitelist specific websites.

Tip #21. Use a Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is an operating system inside your operating system. It’s a great way to open questionable files without taking the risk of catching a virus.

Let’s say you want to download a file that you think might have a virus. To avoid the risk, you can download and open it through your virtual machine.

Even if the virtual machine gets infected, there’s no way for the virus to transfer to your real OS.

To install a virtual machine, all you have to do is download a tool like VirtualBox.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to go through the hassle of using a virtual machine every time, you can install anantivirus.

Tip #22. Pick a Security-Focused Operating System

Some operating systems are more secure than others. Linux, for example, is famous for having few security flaws.
But you will only take this step if you value your security and privacy over user experience. Many of these operating systems can’t run most applications that run on Windows or Mac devices.

Tip #23. Disable Javascript

Most websites on the internet use javascript to provide a user-friendly browsing experience for their visitors.

While javascript is mostly harmless, it can be used by a malicious website to infect your computer with a virus.

Disabling javascript also makes it harder for websites to track your data, which can be another positive aspect.

For 99% of people, disabling your javascript is overkill. It will interfere with your online experience, as it will clutter website layouts and prevent you from viewing media (images, videos, etc.) on websites.

How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: Key Takeaways

And that covers our top internet anonymity tips!

Now, let’s do a quick recap of the most important ones:

  1. Use a VPN to protect your real IP privacy and make it harder for your online activity to be traced.
  2. Avoid social media, as most of the platforms track much of your personal information.
  3. Use an antivirus to protect yourself from cyberattacks.
  4. Use a password manager to protect yourself from security breaches.
  5. Install HTTPS Everywhere to ensure that all of your browsing activity is encrypted.
  6. Install Tor for an extra measure of online anonymity. Keep in mind, however, that Tor will significantly slow down your internet experience.
How to Stay Anonymous on the Internet: 21+ Expert Tips | IPVanish (2024)


Is it possible to be 100% anonymous on the internet? ›

Being fully anonymous is next to impossible—but you can significantly limit what the internet knows about you by sticking to a few basic rules. On the internet, everyone wants to know who you are. Websites are constantly asking for your email address or trying to place tracking cookies on your devices.

What is the most secure way to browse the internet anonymously? ›

Anonymous browsing: How to stay anonymous while browsing the web
  • Download a VPN. If you want to stay anonymous online, the VPN will be your best friend. ...
  • Use incognito mode or a private browser. ...
  • Stay anonymous on your search engine. ...
  • Be selective with your email. ...
  • Protect your privacy on the internet.

How do people stay anonymous online? ›

Connect to a VPN, which will hide your IP address and browsing history. Use Tor as your browser, which hides your IP address and your web activity.

Does using a VPN make you untraceable? ›

No, a VPN cannot make you anonymous. They help secure what you're doing, but your ISP still knows when you're using the internet.

Do VPNs really hide your identity? ›

No, a VPN does not make you anonymous. In fact, no internet privacy tool can completely hide your online presence. A VPN can encrypt your data, shield your IP address, and even protect you from online trackers, but full anonymity isn't possible.

Which browser cannot be tracked? ›

Which Browser Is the Most Private? Brave and Tor have the most effective protection against tracking among the browsers included here. Brave was the only browser for which the EFF's Cover Your Tracks test reports strong protection and a randomized fingerprint.

Which browser has 100% privacy? ›

Endorsed by Edward Snowden, Tor is arguably the best known privacy-focused browser. It prevents unauthorized snooping with the help of its built-in hidden relay servers, comes with pre-configured security features, and can run from a USB flash drive.

What browser is totally private? ›

The best private browser is Tor because it is open source and free, and has triple encryption for maximum privacy. Which browser does not track? The DuckDuckGo browser extension does not track through cookies, although it will save your search history in an aggregated and anonymized fashion.

How do I browse secretly? ›

Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press Ctrl + Shift + n. Mac: Press ⌘ + Shift + n.

How can I hide my identity from the internet? ›

How To Protect Your Privacy Online — And in Real Life
  1. Clean up your privacy settings online. ...
  2. Don't link accounts unless necessary. ...
  3. Avoid using public Wi-Fi. ...
  4. Always use a virtual private network (VPN). ...
  5. Always check out as a “guest.” When you purchase something online, do so as a “guest” whenever possible.
Nov 30, 2023

What is the most private way to use internet? ›

Private browsers are great way to reduce your digital footprint, but they're not enough. To make your online sessions more private, I recommended using CyberGhost VPN together with a private browser. Subscribe to CyberGhost VPN. It's fast and easy!

How do I disappear completely from the internet? ›

This article contains :
  1. How to remove yourself from the internet completely.
  2. Delete or deactivate old accounts.
  3. Delete social media.
  4. Remove yourself from data broker sites.
  5. Google content removal request.
  6. Delete old email accounts.
  7. Clear your browser.
  8. Review apps and file-sharing tools.
Oct 20, 2023

How do I not be traceable online? ›

How To Stop Being Tracked Online
  1. Use ad blockers and anti-track tools.
  2. Try a data privacy-focused browser.
  3. Turn on Google's “Do Not Track” feature.
  4. Hide your browsing history with a VPN.
  5. Regularly clear your cache and cookies.
  6. Adjust your device-level privacy settings.
  7. Browse in incognito mode.
Feb 6, 2024

How to keep a website anonymous? ›

Steps to host a website anonymously
  1. Create an anonymous email. ...
  2. Register a domain anonymously. ...
  3. Purchase a hosting plan from the right host. ...
  4. Create your website content without revealing your identity. ...
  5. Uploading your content to the website anonymously. ...
  6. Always pay via Cryptocurrency.
Mar 11, 2022

Is it possible to have an anonymous website? ›

Yes, it is possible to create a fully anonymous website. However, you'll need to be very vigilant about it. Each internet activity creates an information trail leading back to the person who initiated the activity. This trail can be traced by hackers, government agencies, and ISPs.

Can a person count on anonymity online? ›

It is virtually impossible to remain anonymous on the Internet. As a consequence of the protocols used for Internet communication, some details of your device's setup are communicated to your Internet service provider, and often to the site or service you are using.

Is anonymous mode really anonymous? ›

The terms “private search” and “incognito mode” sound great. But while your history is erased on your device, it's still visible to the outside world. Even when you're in incognito mode, websites, your ISP, and your network can still see your IP address and browsing history.

Can anonymous be traced? ›

Yes, Low Cost Detectives can successfully trace the sender of an anonymous message using digital forensics and specialized software designed to analyze digital fingerprints, metadata, and patterns within the message content and timestamps.

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