How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (2024)

Achieving the right consistency to your frosting is important. This will ensure the frosting is easy to pipe and holds its shape when piped. If the frosting is too soft, it will not hold its shape and will slide off your cupcakes or cake layers.

Frosting that is too thin can make it difficult to pipe with a piping bag or use to fill a cake, leaving you with a lackluster-looking cake. Luckily, there are tips and tricks to save your homemade frosting and achieve the right consistency!

Interested in making your own homemade frosting? Try my Dark Chocolate Buttercream, Oreo Frosting, and Salted Caramel Frosting recipes.

How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (1)

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What causes thin frosting?

Frosting is an essential finishing touch to any cake or cupcake. And it is surprisingly easy to make your own at home. This allows you to customize the flavor and texture so that you can make the perfect frosting for your dessert.

On the other hand, frosting that is too thick or stiff will be difficult to pipe or spread. Thinning out frosting is pretty simple, though! It just requires adding a bit more liquid.

But what happens if you find yourself with frosting that is too thin? How do you thicken homemade frosting to achieve the right texture for piping, spreading or using as a filling?

There are a few different causes of thin frosting. It is helpful to understand where the process went wrong to figure out how to fix it.

First, the issue may be that your kitchen is too warm making for warm frosting that is loose and runny. Because frosting is primarily comprised of oil or fat, it can easily become runny and thin at higher temperatures.

How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (2)

Temperature of butter can affect frosting consistency

Similarly, if your frosting recipe contains butter and the butter was too warm when it was added, this can result in a runny buttercream.

The temperature of your butter is one of the keys to success in making smooth, delicious frosting. I recommend removing it from the fridge at least an hour or more before you begin making the frosting.

I like to leave my butter on the counter overnight. This ensures you will not have cold butter, which tends to leave chunks of butter throughout the frosting.

If the temperature of your kitchen is very warm though, you may end up with melted butter, which will yield soupy and/or greasy frosting. You want butter that is soft but not melted or greasy.

If your frosting is not thin due to the heat, it could be a result of too much liquid. Double-check your recipe to see how much milk is called for in the ingredients. If you accidentally added too much, this could be why your frosting is thin. Luckily, there are some easy fixes!

How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (3)

Methods of fixing thin frosting

Whatever the cause of your runny frosting, you have a couple of options to fix it and achieve the thick and creamy frosting you are looking for. We will discuss below the common causes of runny icing and different methods of saving your hard work.


If you suspect that your frosting has gone thin because it is too warm, the best way to fix it is with some time in the refrigerator.

If your frosting has been at room temperature, or your kitchen is warm from the oven, simply cover the top of the mixing bowl with plastic wrap, and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

When you remove the frosting from the fridge, beat it with a hand mixer or stand mixer until it has a smooth consistency. This is an easy way to fix a whipped cream frosting, or one with a butter base, as those are typically the frosting types most impacted by a hot kitchen.

Add More Dry Thickening Agent

The temperature of your icing may not be the cause of it being runny. It may be that there is too much liquid in your mixture or not enough dry ingredients.

Liquid ingredients may include whole milk, nondairy milk, heavy cream, vanilla extract or other extracts. A great way to fix this is by adding more thickening agent.

Powdered Sugar

Most frostings are made with powdered sugar (otherwise known as confectioners' sugar or icing sugar), which contains cornstarch to prevent it from caking. Adding more powdered sugar can be an effective way and the easiest way of absorbing too much liquid to achieve thicker frosting.

Be careful when doing this though, as adding too much additional confectioners' sugar to the runny icing can alter the taste of your frosting, making it too sweet. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk at a time, making sure to whisk or mix with an electric mixer in between each tablespoon to check the consistency.

If you accidentally make the frosting too thick, add a small amount of milk (or a dairy-free alternative like coconut milk). The most important thing is to move slowly to avoid this so you do not get stuck in a cycle of trying to get the perfect texture.

More Dry Thickening Agents to help thicken homemade frosting

Cocoa Powder

If you are making a chocolate frosting, adding more cocoa powder is a great option for thickening it.

The technique is basically the same as if you were thickening with powdered sugar, but you want to use a smaller quantity of cocoa powder than icing sugar. Try adding just 1 to 2 teaspoon at a time. Any more and it may become too thick or bitter.


Flour can only be used for heated frostings, as raw flour must be cooked. But if you will be warming your frosting on the stovetop, you can add 1-3 teaspoon of flour to give it a thicker consistency.

Be sure to remove the frosting from the heat as soon as it has reached your desired consistency so that it does not separate. This means the fat (butter or oil) pools at top and the flour settles to the bottom. Instead, the frosting should be even in consistency with the fat and flour mixed well together.

Meringue Powder

Meringue powder is another dry ingredient that can help you make your frosting nice and fluffy. Mix in about 1 tablespoon of meringue powder per cup of frosting being careful to work slowly. A

Adding too much meringue powder may decrease the sweetness or flavor of your frosting. If you need to make your frosting sweeter after adding meringue powder, you can add a dash of sugar.

Add Moist Thickening Agent

​Cream Cheese

If you need to thicken your frosting but are worried about it becoming too sweet, you can add cream cheese to balance the runnyness and achieve the perfect consistency.

This method is most helpful is you are already making a cream cheese frosting, but can also be used to add tanginess to other types of frostings.

Your frosting will mix best if the cream cheese is already softened or at room temperature. Add just 1 oz at a time and mix with a stand mixer or hand mixer on medium speed in between additions.

You do not want to add too much at once, or you risk making the texture too thick or adding too much tanginess to your frosting.

Heavy Cream

Making a frosting that is sturdy enough to beat with an electric mixer and that can be chilled? Try thickening it with a bit of heavy whipping cream.

You can add up to ¼ cup of heavy cream, depending on how much you need to thicken it. Then whip the frosting until it fluffs up.

Heavy cream also works if the recipe instructs you to heat the frosting. Add the heavy cream on low heat on the stovetop, and the heavy whipping cream will reduce, helping the frosting to thicken.

Peanut Butter

Making peanut butter frosting? Simply add more of this ingredient to thicken the frosting. Like the other thickeners, start with 1-2 tablespoons more and add more as needed, making sure to mix well in between additions to check the consistency.

How to tell if your frosting is the right consistency

There's a quick trick you can use to tell if your frosting is the right consistency. I learned this from Chelsweets, the cake queen!

After you have finished mixing the frosting, dip a rubber spatula straight into the middle of the frosting and pull it straight out. Hold the spatula right side up. The frosting should create a small curl at the tip that's coming off the spatula.

If the frosting is sticking straight up without that curl, it's a bit too stiff and needs a bit more liquid such as milk, cream, or extract.

If the frosting flops over and doesn't have that curl, it's too loose and needs a bit more dry thickening agent such as powedered sugar, cocoa powder, flour or meringue powder.

How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (8)

Homemade frosting recipes


Dark Chocolate Frosting

Smooth and fluffy chocolate buttercream is such a classic. And this basic recipe has that rich chocolatey flavor you're looking for!

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Quick Oreo Cookie Crumb Buttercream Frosting

The perfect frosting for the cookies and cream lover in your life! You simply can't go wrong with Oreo pieces mixed with butter and sugar. This takes any cake or cupcake to the next level!

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This salted caramel frosting is just what you need to compliment all of your favorite cakes and cupcakes. The salted caramel flavor perfectly balances out the sweetness of buttercream for a perfect finishing touch to any baked good.

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Cream Cheese Frosting

Cream cheese frosting pairs great with so many types of cakes like red velvet, chocolate and carrot cake. Plus it's super simple to make. A great staple to know how to prepare to add the finishing touch to your favorite sweet treats!

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How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (13)

Dairy-free Buttercream Frosting

If you are looking to make a nice and fluffy buttercream, minus the dairy, try this dairy-free buttercream frosting recipe. Simply swap in vegan butter and dairy-free milk and you're all set!

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How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker (2024)


How to Thicken Homemade Frosting - Kickass Baker? ›

Try thickening it with a bit of heavy whipping cream. You can add up to ¼ cup of heavy cream, depending on how much you need to thicken it. Then whip the frosting until it fluffs up. Heavy cream also works if the recipe instructs you to heat the frosting.

How to make homemade frosting thicker? ›

How do you fix frosting that is too runny? Add small amounts of ingredients like powdered sugar, cornstarch, gelatin, heavy whipping cream, or cream cheese to make your frosting less runny. For flavored frostings, ingredients like cocoa powder and peanut butter can also work.

Will cream cheese thicken frosting? ›

Note: Full-fat, brick-style cream cheese is essential for thick frosting. Whipped, low-fat, or spreadable cream cheese will make the frosting runny.

How do you fix runny buttercream frosting? ›

To thicken your buttercream when you've added too much liquid, simply add more powdered sugar, 2-3 Tablespoons at a time, until the desired consistency is reached. If it's more of a matter of the kitchen temperature being too warm, pop your buttercream into the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.

How to fix runny cream cheese frosting without cornstarch? ›

Add 2 tsp (5.2 g) of arrowroot powder if you want a flavorless thickener. Arrowroot is similar to cornstarch but it has very little flavor, which makes it perfect for adding to frosting. Measure the arrowroot powder into the frosting and then mix it with a spoon until the mixture is thoroughly combined.

What can you add to store bought icing to make it thicker? ›

Store-bought frosting can be too thin for piping frosting onto your cake. You'll need to thicken the consistency. Empty a can of frosting into a bowl and mix in 1 tablespoon of confectioner's sugar with a mixer, adding more sugar 1 tablespoon at a time until you reach the desired consistency.

How thick should homemade frosting be? ›

It is perfect when my finger is slightly covered but not completely (see photo below!). If it's too thick, add more water, one teaspoon at a time. If it's too thin, you will want to add more powdered sugar, 1/4 cup at a time. Notes: This buttercream can be refrigerated for up to 1 week in an airtight container.

What is the secret ingredient that will improve your frosting? ›

But, there are ways to make it more interesting; one such way is to hit it with a shot of vinegar. Don't worry, the icing won't taste sour or like vinegar at all, but the acid will help balance out the sweetness, making it taste more pleasant.

Can you thicken frosting with butter? ›

Try putting the frosting in the fridge to see if it will thicken up on its own, or add other ingredients like sugar, butter, or cornstarch to thicken up the buttercream frosting. If you're adding more of an ingredient to the frosting, always use small amounts and mix it in thoroughly for the best results.

How do you thicken cream for frosting? ›

With electric mixer on low speed, drizzle liquid gelatin into the cream. Slowly increase speed to medium/high then continue to beat until you have reached stiff, fluffy peaks. Immediately pipe or ice cake or cupcakes as desired, or use as desired in place of store-bought whipped cream!

How do you fix soupy buttercream frosting? ›

If the buttercream is thin enough to run off a spoon, refrigerate the whole bowl for 20 minutes, just until the frosting begins to harden around the edges. The middle will still be soupy, but that's okay: The two will balance out in about four minutes as you whip them together on high speed.

How do you fix runny French buttercream? ›

If your buttercream seems too runny, your butter could have been too soft. Refrigerate for 10 minutes then rewhip. If your buttercream seems too stiff or lumpy, your butter could have been too cold. Microwave the buttercream in 10 second increments, beating after each increment, until the proper consistency is reached.

How do you fix runny and grainy frosting? ›

One easy fix is to re-whip the frosting, preferably with the paddle attachment, on medium speed until it becomes smoother. (You can let it go for quite a bit!) If the buttercream is still grainy, you can try warming it up over a double boiler or adding a little bit of heavy cream.

What to do when cream cheese frosting is too runny? ›

Cream cheese frosting too runny? Try adding up to 1/2 cup of cornstarch into the runny frosting. Cornstarch helps to thicken the frosting without altering the flavor by absorbing excess moisture.

What to add to cream cheese frosting to make it thicker? ›

There are a few ways you can increase the stability of this frosting or make it a bit thicker. – Add in more icing/powdered sugar (if you don't mind a little extra sweetness). Add in a tablespoon at a time and taste test as you go. – Secondly, you can add in some cornstarch to thicken up the frosting.

How to make frosting stiffer? ›

If the frosting has not reached your desired thickness after chilling, add a few tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar to help your buttercream stiffen.

How do you make whipped frosting thicker? ›

Cornstarch is a common ingredient for thickening and is sometimes recommended for whipped creams. If you do use it, you should cook the cornstarch. As I mentioned above in the Whip-It recipe, starch granules, unless modified, require heat to break open the starch granules and thicken.

Can you whip frosting to make more? ›

Empty the canned frosting into a large mixing bowl. Whip the frosting using an electric mixer (either hand mixer or stand mixer) for 2 to 3 minutes until fluffy and doubled in size. It's ready! Decorate twice as many cupcakes, cakes, and cookies with ease thanks to this canned frosting hack.

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