Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (2024)

Table of Contents
Thousands have used my free Keto Egg Fast Diet Plan to break stalls and kickstart their weight loss on keto! This 5 day egg fast plan also includes 2 additional transition days, to prevent you from gaining the weight back when your keto egg fast is done – then move on to one of my other free keto weekly menu plans to continue losing weight and reach your goals! What is the 5 Day Egg Fast Plan? Scroll down or use the link in the table of contents to go directly to the free egg fast plan. Table of Contents Does the Egg Fast Plan Really Work? How? How do I Transition Off of the Egg Fast Plan? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the Keto Egg Fast Plan How Much Weight Can you lose on the Egg Fast Diet? Can I have heavy whipping cream (HWC) on the egg fast plan? Do I need to be in ketosis already to do this keto meal plan? Can I drink alcohol on the egg fast? Can you drink coffee on the Egg Fast? What can you drink while on the keto egg fast plan? Can I drink diet soda on the egg fast? Should I take vitamins or supplements on the keto egg fast diet plan? Is any cheese ok on this egg fast diet plan? What kind of fats should I be eating on the egg fast? I’m dairy free, can I still do the 5 day egg fast diet plan? Can I develop an intolerance to eggs from eating too many of them? Will doing the Egg Fast Plan raise my cholesterol? More Keto Egg Fast Recipes 7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan Day One Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 – last official day of egg fast plan before transition Day 6 (transition day) Day 7 (transition day) Keto Egg Fast Diet Prep List Be sure to let us know how you do in the comments! You’ve got this!!!! FAQs

Thousands have used my free Keto Egg Fast Diet Plan to break stalls and kickstart their weight loss on keto! This 5 day egg fast plan also includes 2 additional transition days, to prevent you from gaining the weight back when your keto egg fast is done – then move on to one of my other free keto weekly menu plans to continue losing weight and reach your goals!

Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (1)

If you’re interested in trying an Egg Fast plan to break through a weight loss plateau and want more details about what it is, and why it works, you can check out my more detailed postWhat is an Egg Fast?

What is the 5 Day Egg Fast Plan?

Basically on an egg fast, or as some like to call it the egg diet, you are consuming eggs, butter (or other pure and healthy fat like olive oil or coconut oil), and cheese, with a few exceptions for low carb condiments like hot sauce, mustard, etc.

The keto egg fast plan rules are to eat 1 tablespoon of fat for each egg consumed andup toone ounce of cheese for each egg consumed. It is normal to eat 6 – 10 eggs per day, but if you are a man or especially active, you might eat even more to ensure you are getting enough protein and calories.

I would say you need a minimum of 4 – 6 eggs per day along with the corresponding 1 tablespoon of fat and up to 6 ounces of cheese per day.

This is NOT a calorie reduction diet – which might seem counter-intuitive, but it works similarly to a typical high fat, moderate protein, ketogenic diet whereby you use fat for fuel in the absence of carbs.

The egg fast plan is very restrictive and so is usually considered a short term plan. It’s not recommended to do it long term, because you will be robbing your body of other essential nutrients if you only eat eggs, fats, and cheese for too long.

Scroll down or use the link in the table of contents to go directly to the free egg fast plan.

Table of Contents

  • What is the 5 Day Egg Fast Plan?
  • Does the Egg Fast Plan Really Work? How?
  • How do I Transition Off of the Egg Fast Plan?
  • How Much Weight Can you lose on the Egg Fast Diet?
  • Can I have heavy whipping cream (HWC) on the egg fast plan?
  • Do I need to be in ketosis already to do this keto meal plan?
  • Can I drink alcohol on the egg fast?
  • Can you drink coffee on the Egg Fast?
  • Can I drink diet soda on the egg fast?
  • Should I take vitamins or supplements on the keto egg fast diet plan?
  • Is any cheese ok on this egg fast diet plan?
  • What kind of fats should I be eating on the egg fast?
  • I’m dairy free, can I still do the 5 day egg fast diet plan?
  • Can I develop an intolerance to eggs from eating too many of them?
  • Will doing the Egg Fast Plan raise my cholesterol?
  • More Keto Egg Fast Recipes
  • 7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan
  • Keto Egg Fast Plan Pantry and Shopping List
  • Keto Egg Fast Diet Prep List

Before I go any further I should make it clear that I am not a doctor, nurse, or even a nutritionist. This is just me telling you what I’ve done, what the results were, and what my opinions are regarding the egg fast diet and why it works for many people.

It may or not be for you – and only you can make that decision. If you have previously existing health conditions, it’s probably wise to consult with your doctor before undertaking an extremely low carb plan like this one.

If you start and are really feeling poorly (beyond the typical keto flu side effects)– don’t ignore any danger signs or red flags – stop immediately. It’s not worth risking your life over – if your body doesn’t respond well to this, I’m sure there are other things that will work for you – keep experimenting until you find “your” thing.

Does the Egg Fast Plan Really Work? How?

So I did some additional research this week to try and figure out why this keto egg fast plan works, and tt seems that egg yolks are extremely high in Choline, which as it turns out is critical to our liver being able to metabolize fat.

In fact, when Choline is deficient (as it is in much of the modern US population), it can lead to Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease – this means your poor, fat, lazy liver can’t even handle it’s own business – let alone helping rid the rest of your body of excess fat!

Also important to helping your liver metabolize fat are Casein (present in cheese and other dairy products) and an amino acid called Methionine. Guess what food has the highest amount of methionine in it? Egg whites! So between the massive amounts of Choline in the yolks, and the bounty of Methionine in the whites, eggs are pretty much the perfect liver food – add some Casein in the form of cheese, and you’re in business!

And by the way, this trifecta of liver superstars are pretty much cancelled out in the presence of excess glucose from food or alcohol – which an egg fast plan also eliminates. Genius.

So there it is. My theory on one reason the Egg Fast Diet works so well is that it gives your liver everything it needs (and cuts out everything it doesn’t) to get it’s butt in gear and start cleaning house! So whether you plan to undertake an egg fast or not, if you’re having trouble losing weight – especially on a ketogenic low carb diet, then you should seriously consider upping your intake by a couple of eggs per day to your eating plan!

Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (2)

How do I Transition Off of the Egg Fast Plan?

Based on my anecdotal research, it seems that the people who continue to eat 2 meals of eggs the first couple of days off the plan have the best success at not gaining any weight back after an egg fast. For that reason, I recommend eggs for breakfast and lunch on the 2 days off plan while you’re transitioning back to a regular keto diet.

Ok, so this egg fast plan is not the only way to go about the keto egg fast diet – it’s just one suggestion as to how you might structure your week. There are 5 days on the egg fast plan and two days of transition to come off the plan – hopefully without gaining all the weight back.

Here are a few notes on why I put this keto egg fast diet menu plan together the way I did:

I know that if you’ve been following IBIH and have seen the yummy egg fast recipes I’ve been posting lately, that you’re thinking “bring on the snickerdoodle crepes and fettuccini alfredo” on Day One! NO.

The first and second day of the keto egg fast plan are when you will be most likely able to tolerate eggs in their basic form. By day 3 you will be getting sick of them, by day 4 you will probably eat less simply because the idea of eating another egg makes you want to hurl, by day 5 you will wish no chicken on the planet would ever lay another egg EVER, and I can pretty much guarantee that you will be seriously miffed at eggs in general, yourself for ever thinking an egg fast was a good idea, probably me for suggesting it, and every poor, pathetic soul who crosses your path. (Or maybe that was just me.)

Seriously though, you need to trust that by Day 3 you’ll be looking forward to eating at least one meal a day that doesn’t feel like eggs. We’re saving the best til last – you’re going to need it to get through this if you’re doing all five days of this egg fast plan.

Now if you’re only doing 3 days, feel free to skip day 1 and 2 and start on Day 3 of the plan. Or mix and match days to your own preference – just don’t say I didn’t warn you, and be sure not to overeat the cheese or skimp on the butter/mayo/other fats. Remember 1 egg – 1 Tbsp fat – UP TO (but I recommend less) 1 oz cheese per egg.


How Much Weight Can you lose on the Egg Fast Diet?

Typically people will lose between 5 – 7 pounds on the keto egg diet. Some will lose, more and some may lose less. If you transition into a regular keto diet after the egg fast you shouldn’t gain much if any back, and will continue to lose weight – just at a slower pace.

If you jump straight back into eating lots of carbs, the glucose will immediately cause your body to retain water and the scale will show it. Still, unless you are really over-eating calories, you should maintain some weight loss from the egg fast even then.

Can I have heavy whipping cream (HWC) on the egg fast plan?

No. This plan doesn’t use heavy whipping cream. If you want to risk it and can’t stand to drink your coffee any other way, then go ahead and try it – if you’re not losing weight, the first thing to go should be the HWC and see if that makes a difference. If you do it with HWC and lose a bunch of weight, please let us know in the comments so others will know it’s possible.

Do I need to be in ketosis already to do this keto meal plan?

You don’t need to be in ketosis already to do the egg fast, but it will be easier if you are. The detox symptoms of getting into ketosis can be rough already on first timers – doing something as extremely low carb as the egg fast right off the bat will be much harder.

I recommend easing into the egg fast plan with my 3 Day Keto Kickstart Plan if you’re a complete newbie to any low carb plan. If you’re really desperate to get started on the egg fast though – go ahead and give it a shot, you’ve been warned.

Can I eat fruits and vegetables on the keto egg fast plan?

This is a late addition to the FAQ’s based on the comments. The answer is NO. That being said, if you want to experiment with a handful of spinach here, a few romaine leaves there, some chopped onions and peppers thrown into your eggs, etc. then that is completely up to you, and you might still have great results.

I’m not the boss of you and neither is this egg fast plan.

Here’s the problem – looking for loopholes and making eggceptions (sorry, couldn’t help myself and I should get credit for holding out this long with no egg puns by the way – it wasn’t easy, ya know!) with a little of this and a little of that is a slippery slope. If you want to do the egg fast plan the way it was intended by the originators – you don’t eat any fruits or vegetables. The end.

Why didn’t you post the nutrition info and calories on this egg fast menu plan?

Each person will eat a different amount, making it hard to calculate for this keto menu plan. Also, egg fasting is hard enough without trying to calculate everything that goes into your mouth. Focus on eating until you’re full and no more. That may even mean eating more than this egg fast plan calls for – especially in the first couple of days.

You’ll find that you’ll eat a lot less as the week continues – you won’t need to worry about the calories. Also I lost the most on the days that I ate the most calories – when you start to restrict calories in order to maximize the results, I think it can actually have the opposite effect. All the nutrition info is available for the recipes in those posts, if you really must know you can easily figure it out on your own based on the quantities you are actually eating.

Where can I go for support and help while on the egg fast diet?

In addition to posting questions and your progress here in the comments, you can join our IBIH Egg Fast Group on Facebook to get support and encouragement from others doing the egg fast plan!

Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (4)

I like the menu for Day 4 of the Keto Egg Fast Meal Plan, can I just eat that all five days?

Sure, go nuts.

Can I drink alcohol on the egg fast?

No. Alcohol impedes liver function and you need your liver focused on metabolizing your fat – otherwise what’s the point of putting yourself through this egg fast plan?

Can you drink coffee on the Egg Fast?

YES. You can drink black coffee or bulletproof coffee on the egg fast plan. As mentioned above, heavy whipping cream is not allowed, so the best way to get a creamy egg fast coffee is to make bulletproof coffee.

If you have never heard of it, bulletproof coffee is coffee made with MCT oil (or coconut oil), and grassfed unsalted butter. It has thermogenic (fat burning) properties, and gives you ridiculous amounts of energy. Plus it tastes amazing.

How do you make bulletproof coffee?

Combine 6-8 ounces of coffee with 1 Tbsp unsalted butter (I use Kerrygold), and 1 Tbsp of MCT oil (coconut oil works if you can’t get MCT oil). You can also add sugar free sweetener – I make Mr. Hungry’s with Splenda (he prefers it) and cinnamon – it’s yummy.

The key to good BPC is that you emulsify it. I use this battery-powered, hand-held frother thingy and it works great. Others make it in a magic bullet or blender and blend for 20 seconds or so. You can’t just stir it in with a spoon or you’ll have a gross oil slick on top. Ewww.

Try bulletproof – you’ll never want to go back to heavy cream again – or at least we didn’t!

What can you drink while on the keto egg fast plan?

Water – and lots of it! Aim for100 ounces per day.

Can I drink diet soda on the egg fast?

Diet soda is inherently unhealthy for you. However, I did have a few Diet co*kes while on the egg fast plan. It helped clear my palate and made me not want to kill myself when we were at people’s homes and everyone else was eating and drinking things I wished I was having. Limit it to special occasions though if possible. If it makes the difference between staying on the plan or giving up – a diet soda won’t kill you. I also had some sweetener free sparkling water while on the plan, which helped break the monotony. Make sure you’re getting most of your liquid from regular water though and avoid the diet sodas if you can.

Should I take vitamins or supplements on the keto egg fast diet plan?

If you’re already taking vitamins or supplements, continue as long as they are mostly sugar free. Don’t stop taking any medications! If you aren’t already supplementing with magnesium and potassium (lite salt added to your food works best), then you should start. Be sure to get plenty of sodium as well. These three things will help you avoid getting cramps, headaches, and help regulate your fluids to avoid lightheadedness, heart palpitations, etc. as you release any retained water (which you should be drinking A LOT of) during the fast.

But what about fiber? How will I stay “regular?”

Magnesium is a mild laxative and will help with constipation if you’re supplementing (as you should be.) As a side bonus, magnesium helps you sleep so the best time to take it is typically about an hour or two before bedtime.

In addition, because you are eating so much fat, it should help keep things running smoothly. Bulletproof coffee is your friend.

Is any cheese ok on this egg fast diet plan?

Any full fat, less than 1g net carb per ounce type of cheese should be ok. (cream cheese, mascarpone, cheddar, mozzarella, brie, monterrey jack, etc.)

What kind of fats should I be eating on the egg fast?

Aim to avoid vegetable oils and highly processed fats and stick to healthier fats like grass-fed butter, avocado oil, olive oil, bacon grease, duck fat, etc.

That being said, I love Duke’s mayonnaise with my eggs and it’s something I’m not giving up without a fight.

I’m dairy free, can I still do the 5 day egg fast diet plan?

Yes – but most of my egg fast recipes will not work for you. You’ll have to stick to eggs and another pure fat like olive oil or coconut oil. It will be monotonous but you can still get results. Cheese substitutes made with nuts or soy are not recommended – but you can always try it and see what happens.

I don’t like or am allergic to eggs, do you have any suggestions on how I can modify this keto egg fast menu plan to be egg free?


Can I have toast with my eggs if I put butter on it? (True story)


Can I develop an intolerance to eggs from eating too many of them?

Allergies can come on at any time and any age – but they are not caused by overeating a certain food. You may notice an intolerance that wasn’t obvious previously if you start eating more of something you already have an issue with. If eggs make you feel funny, stop eating them for sure and see an allergist to get tested.

Will doing the Egg Fast Plan raise my cholesterol?

There is a lot of research out there about the effects of a high fat keto diet on your cholesterol – way too much to go into detail here. The short answer is no – not the bad cholesterol anyway.

Eggs were long vilified because they contain cholesterol, but the theory of dietary cholesterol increasing your blood cholesterol has been debunked.

If you are concerned, I recommend doing some research, and a great book about keto and cholesterol is Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore.

I’m scared to do the keto egg fast because it will make me hate eggs forever…

I can’t say for sure that it won’t happen, but it’s unlikely. I couldn’t stand the thought of another egg by Day five. Had two fried eggs with butter this morning – still delicious. The plan is designed to keep you from getting sick of eggs by varying the form that you eat them in and mixing up sweet and savory. I think you’ll be ok. If you already love eggs, then you might be looking forward to some variety by the end of the fast, but you’ll be back to enjoying them again soon after. That being said, if you hate eggs forever after doing this plan, I take no responsibility – you knew the risks.

Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (6)

Got a question that’s not in the FAQ’s? Please feel free to post it in the comments!

BEWARE: Questions posted in the comments that are clearly already answered here in the post make you look like a doofus, and make me really annoyed. DON’T BE “THAT GUY” – READ THE FAQ’S BEFORE COMMENTING! Failure to do so will result in merciless mocking and possible atomic wedgies.

Great – you ready do do this? Can’t wait to hear your results – be sure to keep us all posted on how you’re doing through the week!

Join our exclusive Official IBIH Egg Fast Facebook Group to get support!

More Keto Egg Fast Recipes

The two recipes below were created after I made this plan – you can substitute them for any of the recipes in the egg fast plan below.

Egg Fast Caramel Cheesecakes

Egg Fast Ice Cream

Click here to download a printer friendly version of the egg fast plan!

7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan

Day One


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad(and no, you can’t have the bacon shown in the photo on that egg salad recipe during this egg fast plan)
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


1 serving Buffalo Omelette (if really hungry you can eat the entire omelette, even though the serving size in the recipe is shown as only 1/2)

Day 2


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


2 (or more) Snickerdoodle Crepes

Day 3


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


1 Cream Cheese Pancake, 1 Tbsp sugar free mayonnaise, 1 deli slice cheddar cheese

(spread the mayo on the pancake, top with cheese, roll up and eat like a wrap)


2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)


1 serving Buffalo Omelette

Day 4


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


2 Snickerdoodle Crepes


2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)


1 – 2 servings of Salted Caramel Custard

Day 5 – last official day of egg fast plan before transition


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter), (sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)


1 serving Salted Caramel Custard


1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese


1 serving Fettuccini Alfredo

Day 6 (transition day)


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper


1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)


1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper


6 – 8 classic buffalo wings, celery sticks, 2 Tbsp blue cheese dressing

Day 7 (transition day)


Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter


1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper


1 serving Fettuccini Alfredo


1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper


1 serving No Chop Chili
2 Tbsp sour cream
1 Tbsp chopped cilantro (optional)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Check your Pantry for…

ground cumin (chili)
ground coriander (chili)
garlic powder (chili)
onion powder (chili)
dried oregano (chili)
ground cinnamon (crepes)
sugar free sweetener of choice (splenda, stevia, swerve, etc.)
mayonnaise (sugar free)
hot sauce (I like Frank’s Red Hot)
green tobasco sauce (for the deviled eggs)
blue cheese dressing (1g net carbs per serving or less)
parmesan cheese

Keto Egg Fast Plan Shopping list

(Go organic when and if you can)


2 avocados (you won’t need these until day 6 and 7)
1 bunch of celery (you won’t need this until day 6)
1 bunch cilantro (optional for chili on day 7)


4 oz sour cream (for day 7)
8 oz cream cheese
3 dozen eggs (or more)
8 oz package of string cheese
8 oz deli sliced sharp cheddar cheese
1 lb butter
1 lb unsalted butter (if making bulletproof coffee)
4 oz mascarpone cheese (for the fettuccini on day 5)


lite salt (half potassium half sodium)
caramel extract (for the custard)
MCT oil or coconut oil (if making bulletproof coffee)


1 small package of raw chicken wings (for dinner on day 6)
1lb ground beef (for the chili on day 7)



Keto Egg Fast Diet Prep List

Notes: Most of these recipes in this egg fast plan are easy and quick to prepare, and taste best when made fresh just before eating. The few exceptions are listed below for you to make ahead. The Fettuccini Alfredo and Buffalo Omelette are best made right before serving.

  1. Make 1 batch of Simple Egg Salad
  2. Make 1 batch of Easy Deviled Eggs
  3. Make 2 batches of Salted Caramel Custard on the evening of Day 3 so that they are chilled and ready to go by Day 4 and Day 5 when you’ll be eating them.
  4. Make 1 batch of Cream Cheese Pancakes to have on hand for Day 3 lunch that uses one, and the others as a backup for when you need something quick and don’t have time to cook.

Be sure to let us know how you do in the comments!

You’ve got this!!!!

Keto Egg Fast - 5 Day Meal Plan with 2 Transition Days - FREE PLAN (2024)


What is the egg fast transition menu? ›

Transition periods consists of 2-3 days of eating a typical egg fast breakfast, lunch, & snacks, but for dinner add in another protein besides eggs. On the third day, eat a typical egg fast breakfast and snacks, change up lunch and dinner a bit with a different protein. Leave off veggies and fruit for those 2-3 days.

What are the rules for the keto egg fast? ›

You must eat a whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up. You must eat an egg-based meal every three to five hours. You must eat a meal even if you're not hungry. You can eat up to 1 ounce (28 grams) of full-fat cheese per egg consumed.

Can you drink coffee on an egg fast diet? ›

Only eat one ounce per egg. Grass-fed butter — Eat one tablespoon of butter (or oil) per egg. High-quality oil — Extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil, coconut oil, or any other healthy oil for keto. Zero-carb, unsweetened drinks — Water, coffee, and tea.

What are the disadvantages of the egg fast diet? ›

Following any low-carbohydrate diet can result in some unsavory side effects, including constipation, fatigue, bad breath and headache. And those who are eating several eggs every day may ingest more than the recommended amount of saturated fat, which may have a negative effect on heart health.

What to eat coming off an egg fast? ›

For 2 days after the fast, continue to eat eggs for 1-2 meals per day. The easiest method is usually to have eggs for breakfast and lunch, and have a regular keto dinner. After 2 days, transition back to your everyday low carb to keto diet.

How to not gain weight after egg fast? ›

Based on my anecdotal research, it seems that the people who continue to eat 2 meals of eggs the first couple of days off the plan have the best success at not gaining any weight back after an egg fast.

How much cheese can you eat on egg fast? ›

Eat an egg-based meal every three to five hours, even if not hungry. Eat 15 grams (g) (1 tablespoon) of butter or healthy fat per egg. Eat up to 1 ounce (28 g) of full-fat cheese per egg.

How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks on the egg diet? ›

Experts have a few insights into the diet, which promises to help people lose up to 25 pounds in just two weeks.

How many eggs a day is okay on keto? ›

It's totally fine and safe to eat up to 6 eggs a day while on the keto diet. You can consume even more eggs per day occasionally, as long as you make sure that you eat your greens, healthy fats and proteins from other sources.

Can I eat chicken on egg fast? ›

It's important to note that even though this diet is called an “egg diet”, you can also consume other foods. This includes: Lean proteins (fish, skinless poultry, lean beef, lamb, pork)

Can I have cottage cheese on egg fast? ›

Here's a table that provides the nutritional profiles for several types of fat that you may wish to include in your keto egg fast. Food (Tbsp.) Note: Cottage cheese — a favorite among many dieters — is not recommended for a keto egg fast. It's relatively low in fat but high in protein and carbs.

What fats can you have on an egg fast? ›

For every egg eaten, a tablespoon of fat must be consumed with it. The fats on the fast can be anything from butter to cheese, though it's recommended to choose healthy fats like olive oil. The daily total on the fast is at least six eggs and six tablespoons of fat.

Why do you lose weight on an egg fast? ›

A Keto egg fast contains practically zero carbs. And when you don't eat carbs, your body starts burning fat and producing ketones for energy. This fat-burning state (called ketosis) is linked to many benefits like: Cognitive health.

Can you drink tea on egg fast? ›

You can drink water, black coffee, black tea, unsweetened herbal teas, sparkling water, flavoured sparkling water (no sugar), and diet sodas (Dave had a soda a day, but I found I didn't need any).

How many boiled eggs should I eat a day to lose weight? ›

What Is the Boiled-Egg Diet? The boiled-egg diet focuses on eggs, particularly hard-boiled eggs. You eat a minimum of two to three eggs per day, and you don't even have to incorporate them into every meal.

What is the egg only diet for 2 weeks? ›

14-Day Egg Diet

If you choose this two-week version of the egg diet program, you'll consume three meals daily. Snacks and drinks with calories are not allowed. Each day, eat one meal with eggs. The remaining meals can be built around other sources of lean protein, such as chicken or fish.

What is the 10 day egg challenge? ›

Now a new trend gaining traction on the site — the 10-day egg diet — has some nutrition experts worried it's encouraging people to take a highly restrictive approach to losing weight. The trend promotes a diet that involves eating eggs for three meals a day — and barely anything else.

What is the egg diet trend? ›

The typical daily meal plan in the boiled egg diet resembles a low-carb eating pattern. A standard day on this diet might look like this: Breakfast: At least two eggs and one piece of fruit (with the option of including a low-carb vegetable or protein). Lunch and dinner: Eggs or lean protein and low-carb vegetables.

What are the egg choices? ›

This eggcellent guide to the different types of egg dishes covers everything from simple egg dishes, breakfast egg dishes, and everything in between.
  • Scrambled Eggs. ...
  • Sunny Side Up Eggs. ...
  • Basted Eggs. ...
  • Poached Eggs. ...
  • Over Hard Eggs. ...
  • Fried Eggs. ...
  • Baked Eggs. ...
  • Deviled Eggs.

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Article information

Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6361

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.