Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (2024)

Several loquat benefits may persuade you to eat this exotic fruit. Loquats (Eriobotrya japonica) are native to China and are packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, and essential nutrients.

Loquats (also called Chinese plums) have a round or pear-shaped body and yellow skin. Their flavor is similar to apricots and cherries. This fruit is commonly consumed raw and processed into jams, jellies, and juices.

Loquat leaves, seeds, and fruit have a wide range of medicinal properties. Evidence suggests that loquats may contribute to heart health, reduce cancer risk, and prevent diabetes. They may also help reduce neurological stress, inflammation, and lower blood cholesterol levels.

This article discusses the benefits of loquats, their nutritional profile, and any potential side effects. Keep reading.

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (1) Know Your Ingredient: Loquat

What Is It?
Loquat is a sweet fruit with floral undertones and a flavorful taste combination of apricot, plum, and cherry.

What Are Its Benefits?
Loquat helps to treat diabetes, reduces the risk of cancer and also reduces neurological stress.

Who Can Consume It?
Anyone, especially people looking to lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health

How Often?
You can eat this fruit daily.

Loquat seeds are filled with poisonous cyanide chemicals, which can be fatal since they prevent the body from using oxygen.

In This Article

What Are The Benefits Of Loquat Fruit?

1. Promotes Heart Health

Loquat is rich in potassium. The mineral acts as a vasodilator and reduces strain on the blood vessels (1). Potassium may also lower the blood pressure and protect the heart (2). The magnesium in the fruit is also essential for regulating blood pressure and boosting cardiac function (3).

The phenolic compounds in loquats may prevent cellular damage and reduce inflammation, thus improving heart health (4), (5). These phytochemicals exhibit antioxidant properties that may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Studies have also found that foods rich in antioxidant effects may reduce the risk of heart disease (6), (7). Carotenoid concentrations in foods also reduce the risk of several heart problems (8).

2. May Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

Animal studies state that extracts of leaves and seeds of loquat possess anti-cancer properties (9), (10). Methanol extracts of loquat were found to help prevent the spread of human breast cancer cells (11).

A study conducted by Okayama University found that polyphenols showed cytotoxic activityi A process or the ability of a substance to damage or eliminate living cells, including cancer cells. against human oral tumor cell lines (12). Loquats contain chlorogenic acid that may suppress cancer growth (9), (13). The acid prevents the spread of human colon cancer cells and leads to their death (14).

Loquats contain beta-carotene. A study conducted by the Zhengzhou University found that beta-carotene might have anti-tumor effects (15).

3. Helps Treat Diabetes

Research shows that the extracts of loquat leaves and seeds may have an anti-diabetic activity. They may help in the control and prevention of type 1 and 2 diabetes (9). In a study conducted by the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology on mice, loquat could lower blood sugar levels (16).

Another study conducted by the Siebold University of Nagasaki on rats and mice found that loquat seeds exhibited hypoglycemic activityi A state that develops when blood sugar drops below normal and reaches a potentially dangerous level. (17).

4. May Offer Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Loquats possess anti-inflammatory properties. Diseases such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disordersi A group of conditions caused by progressive death of the nerve cells and affect brain functions. are associated with inflammation (18), (19). Loquat juice was found to have preventive effects on inflammation (20).

In mice studies, fruit extracts of loquats were found to reduce inflammation caused by a high-fructose diet (21). More long-term research is needed to understand the effects of loquat on inflammation.

5. May Reduce Blood Cholesterol Levels

Loquat contains pectin, a type of fibre that may lower cholesterol levels. A study conducted by Maastricht University found that pectin reduces total cholesterol concentrations in humans (22). However, limited research is available in this regard.

6. May Reduce Memory Impairment And Neurological Stress

Loquat extracts reduce memory impairment and help prevent neurological stress. The carotenoid antioxidants in loquat combat the oxidative stress caused by free radicals. A study conducted by the Yonsei University College of Medicine found that loquat had neuroprotective effects. The fruit may act against memory impairment and oxidative stress (23).

7. Aids Digestion

The leaves of loquat are traditionally used for soothing the digestive system (24). The pectin in loquat can act as a digestive aid. A study conducted by the Shiga University of Medical Science on rats found that pectin might increase the amount of intestinal mucosa (25), (26). Dietary fiber can stimulate peristaltic motion (wave-like contractions) and promote regularity of bowel movements.

In addition, the intake of loquats may help enhances immunity system function, improves eyesight, and boosts respiratory health (27). Many anecdotal evidence suggests that they may aid in weight loss, boost metabolism, and detoxification. Whereas, the leaves of loquat possess excellent anti-aging properties (24).

8. Relieves Sore Throat

Loquats may provide comfort for sore throats. A study on the anti-inflammatory qualities of fruit and vegetable juices, including loquat, observed that loquat juice showed potential anti-inflammatory effects (28).

Further, loquat leaves contain essential oils that have expectorant and antiasthmatic properties which help relieve coughs, sore throats, and hoarseness. This therapeutic effect is due to anti-inflammatory chemicals present in loquat leaves such as ursolic acid (UA) and hawthorn acid (29). While research is still limited on its effectiveness in the treatment of sore throat, loquat, its leaves and other loquat substances do offer certain benefits that may help relieve it.

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (2) Trivia

There are more than 800 varieties of loquats available around the world, and China is the world’s leading producer of loquats.

In the following section, we have extensively covered the nutritional profile of loquat.

Loquat Nutrition Facts

Loquat is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. It also contains monounsaturated fats like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The fruit is also low in cholesterol and calories as it hardly contains any lipids. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one cup (149 grams) of loquats contains (30):

  • Energy: 70 kcal
  • Protein: 0.641 g
  • Carbohydrate: 18 g
  • Fiber: 2.53 g
  • Calcium: 23.8 mg
  • Folate: 20.9 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg

Additionally, loquats contain small amounts of vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin, copper, iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

These promising benefits and nutrition facts of loquat may have left you wondering how to have it. Check out the next section to know more.

How To Eat Loquat

You can consume the fruit in different ways. We have included a couple of simple recipes.

Loquat Tea


  • 2 to 4 inch loquat leaves
  • 2cups of water


  1. Mince the leaves and combine them with the water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat, cover, and let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain and serve hot, or allow to cool and serve iced.

Loquat Juice

  • 10 loquats
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black salt (optional)


  1. Peel the skin of loquats and discard the seeds. Add all the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend for a few minutes.
  3. Add ice and blend for a few more seconds.
  4. Serve immediately.

Jared Rydelek, a YouTube blogger, tried loquat and shared his experience of this delicious fruit. In his vlog, he states, “They are kind of interesting because if you eat like a lot of loquats there is a mild sedative effect…. There are some discrepancy on whether or not you should peel it or not peel it, some people peel it…. The skin is a little difficult to eat…. The texture’s a little bit soft and very juicy…, inside it’s got several like 3 or 4 of these seeds right here. The flavor is, it reminds me a little bit like the Ya pear [Japanese pear] of all things, it’s just like really really mild and juicy…. It tastes little bit like a pear, maybe with like a very mild peach or plum flavor to it (i).”

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (3) Trivia

Loquats are also called Chinese or Japanese plums and are widely used for making wine. Its wood is used for making rulers and drawing tools.

Though loquat is generally safe for consumption, it does have a few side effects that you need to keep in mind. Check them out in the following section.

What Are The Side Effects Of Loquat?

Excess consumption of loquat may cause toxic myopathy. Limited information is available to conclude if the fruit may have any other side effects.

Toxic Myopathy

In a study, a patient with hypertriglyceridemia (high levels of triglyceridesi A type of fat circulating in the blood, and the body uses it as a primary source of energy. ) who had ingested 2 litres of loquat leaf tea in two weeks saw a remarkable decrease in triglyceride levels. However, he also experienced inflammatory myopathy (a muscle disease leading to muscle weakness) (31).

No other documented adverse effects have been identified yet.

Infographic: 5 Good Reasons For Eating Loquat

Loquat is a popular pear-shaped yellow fruit in China. Other than adding sweetness to your favorite dishes, this fruit is rich in antioxidants and several nutrients that help boost digestion and reduce cholesterol levels. Check out the infographic below to know how loquat can improve your overall health and well-being.

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (4)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Loquat’s benefits can be attributed to its antioxidants, flavonoidsi A group of naturally occurring antioxidants in fruits and vegetables which protect the body from diseases. , and other beneficial nutrients. This exotic fruit can promote cardiovascular health, aid in digestion, and reduce cancer risk, memory impairment, and neurological stress. It also helps in managing diabetes and cholesterol levels. To reap its benefits, you can have the juice of the fruit directly, or the tea made with its leaves. However, excess consumption of loquat may trigger undesirable side effects like toxic myopathy. Hence, caution is advised.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are loquat leaves poisonous?

The young leaves of the loquat could be slightly poisonous. They contain cyanogenic glycosides that release cyanide into the system upon digestion.

Can you be allergic to loquat fruit?

Loquat fruit may cause allergies in some people. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this point.

Are loquat seeds edible?

No, the seeds and young leaves of the loquat are not edible. They could be slightly poisonous due to the presence of glycosides. They are unsuitable for human consumption.

How do you know when a loquat is ripe?

A ripe loquat has a yellow-orange color at the top of its stem with no green. The loquat fruit needs to ripen on the tree itself.

What do loquats taste like?

The fruit tastes sweet when ripe and the flavor is a blend of citrus, plum, and apricot.

Should loquats be refrigerated?

If you want to store them longer then they should be refrigerated.

Are loquats related to mangoes?

No, loquats are not related to mangoes.

Can you eat loquat skin?

Yes, you can eat the loquat fruit skins.

What is the difference between kumquats and loquats?

While loquats belong to the family as apples, pears, and peaches, kumquats belong to the orange family.

Is loquat good for your liver?

Possibly yes. Loquat contains polyphenols, which have potent antioxidant activities. These beneficial compounds may help protect the liver from fructose-induced fatty liver (21).

Key Takeaways

  • Loquat tea and juice are powerhouses of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Loquat promotes heart health, neurological health, and good digestion.
  • It reduces inflammation, the risk of cancer, lowers cholesterol and diabetes, and reduces memory problems.
  • Excessive consumption of loquat may lead to toxic myopathy.
Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (5)

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team


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Kelly MulhallDIP NT, mBANT, mANP, mGNC

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (9) Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (10) Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (11)

Kelly is a science-based nutritional therapist with 5 years of experience. She uses natural methods to balance the body, mind, and soul. She believes in creating realistic and non-restrictive nutrition plans that easily fit in with your lifestyle and work towards your health goals.

Read full bio of Kelly Mulhall

Loquat: 7 Potential Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects (2024)


What are the side effects of loquat? ›

Consuming loquat fruits in moderate amounts does not cause any health issues. However, excessive intake of raw or ripe loquats can trigger digestive issues in the stomach, intestines, kidney problems and in some cases, hampers and weakens muscles – a condition known as toxic myopathy.

What are the medical benefits of loquat? ›

The loquat leaf, seed, and fruit have been shown to reduce inflammation, the body's over-reactive response to an irritant like germs or allergens. Chinese medicine has been using loquat leaves for centuries to treat diseases caused by inflammation such as bronchitis and asthma.

Is loquat good for the kidneys? ›

For patients having excess uric acid, kidney stones, renal dysfunction, and gout loquat fruit are strongly recommended as it helps in removing excessive uric acid particles by promoting urine production along with maintaining mineral content. ...

Do loquats make you sleepy? ›

Loquat leaves also provide a naturally occurring sedative effect, wonderful for sleep aid and nervous system relaxation.

Is loquat high in sugar? ›

The results revealed that fructose and glucose were the abundant soluble sugars in loquat pulp as compared to sucrose contributing 45.31%, 41.95% and 12.74%, respectively.

Can you eat loquats raw? ›

They are the perfect fruit to eat fresh off a tree. I don't bother to peel them. I split them in half, remove the lovely bead-like seeds, peel off the inner membrane and enjoy the juicy, sweet, slightly acidic flavor.

Is loquat a superfood? ›

Loquats are indeed delicious and a great source of nutrients including minerals and vitamins. Vitamins include folate and vitamin A and C. Minerals include potassium, phosphorous, calcium and magnesium.

Are you supposed to eat skin on loquat? ›

The skin of loquats is edible but isn't where the flavor lies, so feel free to remove it before enjoying the tasty fruit.

When should I eat loquat fruit? ›

Look for ripe loquats that are yellow to orange in color. The fruit should be firm but slightly soft when pressed.

What is loquat fruit called in English? ›

There are always several meanings for each word in English, the correct meaning of Loquat in English is Loquat. Noun: A small evergreen tree, Erionotrya Japonica, native to China and Japan, cultivators as a ornamental and for its yellow, plum like fruit. Also called “Japanese Plum".

Is it safe to eat loquat seeds? ›

Answer: According to the Food Security Office of the agriculture ministry's Policy Planning Division, the seeds of the loquat and other similar fruits contain toxic cyanide compounds.

Is loquat good for cholesterol? ›

Promotes smooth digestion and lowers elevated cholesterol and blood sugar. B vitamins are necessary to encourage the breakdown (catabolism) and buildup (anabolism) of compounds in foods and vital nutrients needed for healthy function, respectively.

Does loquat cause constipation? ›

Properties and benefits of loquat, also called Japanese plum: They are very low in calories. High in soluble fiber (pectin) helps fight constipation and protect the lining of the colon. It is very good diuretic due to its potassium and organic acids.

Is loquat high in potassium? ›

It is a large evergreen shrub or a small tree, grown commercially for its yellow fruit, in addition to being an ornamental plant. It can also be used to make light wine by fermentation. Being low in saturated fat and sodium, and high in vitamin A, dietary fiber, potassium, and manganese, it is a nutritious fruit.

Is it safe to eat loquat? ›

Loquat is generally considered a safe fruit to eat. Intact seeds are generally not a hazard, but the kernel inside the seed contains the poisonous compound cyanogenic glycoside. 13 People should avoid eating a large quantity of cracked seeds.

What does loquat do for your throat? ›

Loquat leaves: Amygdalin in loquat leaves can be metabolized into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde, which can relieve cough and has anticancer and analgesic effects. The essential oils of loquat leaves have expectorant and antiasthmatic effects.

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