Maintaining your sourdough starter (2024)

How's your sourdough starter doing?Fresh sourdough starter is a wonderful resource. Bread, pancakes, waffles, cake... there are so many delicious directions you can take with sourdough. The key: maintaining your sourdough starter so that it's healthy, happy, and ready to go when you are.

Once you've successfully created your starter, you'll need to feed it regularly.

If you bake a lot of sourdough treats, you may want to keep it on your counter, at room temperature. While this means feeding it twice a day, it also means your starter will be ready to bake with at the drop of a hat (er, oven mitt).

However, many of us don't want the commitment of twice-a-day feedings. If you're a more casual sourdough baker, it's possible to store your starter in the refrigerator, feeding it just once a week.

Let's take a look at both methods.

But first, a word of advice. Sourdough baking is as much art as science. This method for maintaining sourdough starter is just one of many you might choose to follow. It might not exactly match what you read in your favorite online bread forum, or what your neighbor down the street does.

And that's OK. If you have a process you've successfully followed before, then hey, stick with it. Or try this one and compare. All good.

Maintaining your sourdough starter at room temperature

Room temperature is the best environment for the yeast and lactobacilli that inhabit your starter, and you can learn a lot about your starter by observing a twice-a-day feeding regimen with the starter at room temperature.

If you're willing to maintain your starter at room temperature by feeding it twice a day, here's how.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (1)

Stir the starter well and discard all but 1/2 cup (4 ounces, 113g).

Maintaining your sourdough starter (2)

Add about 1/2 cup (4 ounces, 113g) room-temperature water (hereafter known simply as "water") and a scant 1 cup (4 ounce, 113g)King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour (hereafter known simply as "flour") to the 1/2 cup of starter.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (3)

Mix until smooth, and cover.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (4)

Your starter will bubble and grow until it's doubled (or more) in size...

Maintaining your sourdough starter (5)

...then will gradually sink as it awaits its next feeding. Repeat this feeding process every 12 hours.

This whole process will take anywhere from a couple of hours to all day, depending on the health of your starter and the temperature of your house: the colder the environment, the more slowly your starter will grow. If the normal temperature in your home is below 68°F, we suggest finding a smaller, warmer spot to develop your starter.

The ideal solution is a folding bread proofer, which can be programmed to exactly 70°F, sourdough starter's favorite temperature.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (6)

Absent that, I like to set starter in my cold oven with just the oven light on. Over time, the light will raise the oven's temperature to 90°F. Since I don't want it quite that hot, I'll turn the light off after an hour or so —however long it takes to reach 70°F — then turn it back on again if necessary.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (7)

Caveat emptor: If your starter's resting in the oven, put a reminder over your oven controls lest you inadvertently start preheating it with the starter inside! Been there, done that...

Other options: Set your container of starter atop your water heater, refrigerator, or another appliance that might generate ambient heat, or near a heat source (baseboard heater, etc.). Or place it on a folded dish towel laid atop a heating pad on its lowest setting.

Maintaining your sourdough starter in the refrigerator

For most home bakers, daily feeding is impractical; so you'll need to store your starter in the refrigerator and feed it once a week.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (8)

Take the starter out of the fridge. If you're feeding it weekly, it will probably appear a bit frothy. There may be a bit of light amber or clear liquid on top. Either drain this off or stir it in, your choice; it's alcohol from the fermenting yeast.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (9)

Remove all but 4 ounces (113g) starter. Use this “discard” to make pancakes, waffles, cake, pizza, flatbread, or another treat.

Or, simply give to a friend so they can create their own starter.

Add 4 ounces (113g) room-temperature water and 4 ounces (113g) flour to the remaining starter. Mix until smooth, and cover.

Allow the starter to rest at room temperature (preferably about 70°F) for 2 to 4 hours, until it shows signs of life; this gives the yeast a chance to warm up and get feeding. Once it's started to bubble, refrigerate it.

Getting ready to bake

If your starter has been refrigerated, you’ll want to raise its activity to a more energetic level. You can do this by giving it a series of feedings at room temperature, anywhere from a couple over the course of a day to two feedings a day for several days, depending on how healthy it is.

Take the starter out of the fridge, discard all but 4 ounces (113g), and feed it as usual with 4 ounces (113g) water and 4 ounces (113g) flour. Let it rest at room temperature for about 8 to 12 hours, until bubbly.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (10)

Repeat as necessary, every 12 hours, until you notice the starter doubling or tripling in volume in 6 to 8 hours. That means it’s strong enough to leaven bread.

For the final feeding, make sure you add enough flour and water to use in your recipe, with a little left over to feed and maintain the starter for the next time you bake.

For instance, if your recipe calls for 1 cup (about 8 ounces, 227g) starter, add 4 ounces (113g) each water and flour. If your recipe calls for 2 cups (about 16 ounces, 454g) starter, add 8 ounces (227g) each water and flour.

Once the starter is bubbling and vigorous, remove what you’ll need for the recipe and set it aside. Feed the remaining starter with 4 ounces (113g) flour and 4 ounces(113g) water. Mix until smooth, and allow the starter to work for about 2 to 4 hours at room temperature, until it shows signs of life, before putting it back in the refrigerator.

Adjusting your starter's flavor

If your starter lacks acidity

Feed with half whole-rye (pumpernickel) flour or whole wheat flour for a few days. The extra nutrition in the bran and germ can increase the starter’s acidity.

Be sure your starter has a chance to ripen (develop) fully before it receives another feeding; before you use it in a recipe, or before refrigerating it. An ideal feeding regimen for a starter kept at room temperature (in the low 70s) is two feedings a day at 12-hour intervals.

If your sourdough is too acidic

You may be letting the starter ripen too long before using it. Once your starter is bubbling and vigorous, it’s time to make bread, feed it again, or refrigerate until its next feeding. Don't let it become bubbly, rise, and then fall and start to "calm down;" that's adding acidity to its flavor. Reduce the duration of ripening as necessary.

Also, try ripening your starter in a slightly cooler area, so it doesn’t digest its meal of flour and water too quickly.

Reviving a dormant or neglected starter

Sometime you may find yourself with a starter that’s gone far too long without a feeding.Covered in a clear, dark liquid (alcohol, a by-product of yeast that's been deprived of oxygen), the starter will lack bubbles or other signs of activity, and will have a very sharp aroma.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (11)

The starter may even have dry skin on top, usually gray or brown in color. Skim off and discard the skin; it's not harmful, but will discolor your starter. Although at this point the starter appears lifeless, its microflora will spring into action again as soon as they get a few good meals.

Stir the liquid back into the starter. Discard all but 4 ounces (113g), and set the bowl or crock on the counter; you’re going to be leaving it at room temperature (at least 70°F) for awhile.

Feed the starter 1/2 cup (4 ounces, 113g) water and a scant 1 cup (4 ounces, 113g) all-purpose flour twice a day, discarding all but 1/2 cup (4 ounces, 113g) of the starter before each feeding.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (12)

It should soon become healthy, bubbly, and active.

Sourdough starters are hearty, and easily resist spoilage due to their acidic nature. The pH of a sourdough starter discourages the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

However, living creatures sometimes get sick, be they humans, pets, or even sourdough starter.If your starter turns ominously pink, orange, or red; shows signs of mold growth, or smells decidedly putrid, throw it away and begin again. Luckily, in our experience, this rarely happens. But for more information see our post, Sourdough starter troubleshooting.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (13)

OK, after all of that — how about baking some sourdough bread? Our Rustic Sourdough Bread is a great place to start.

Or for "true" sourdough, without any added yeast, try our Naturally Leavened Sourdough Bread.

Want to make your own homemade starter from scratch? Read our post on creating your own sourdough starter. And for easy access to just about everything we've learned about sourdough baking here at King Arthur Flour (and are eager to share with you), see our sourdough baking guide.

Maintaining your sourdough starter (2024)


What is the easiest way to maintain a sourdough starter? ›

Discard a portion of the starter and feed it with fresh flour and water every 24 hours. Twice-Daily Feeding: In warmer environments or if you prefer a faster fermentation process, you can feed your starter twice a day, approximately every 12 hours. This helps maintain a more active and vigorous starter.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

With each sourdough starter feeding, you'll be discarding some to avoid it from becoming overly acidic. Most will compost or trash this discard, but you can save it and use it in other recipes!

How do you make sourdough starter and keep it alive? ›

Leaving it out on the counter, it will need to be fed equal parts water and flour every 12-24 hours. Warmer homes or frequent baking will require more frequent feeding (around every 12 hours), while colder homes every 24 hours. Storing your sourdough starter in the fridge will require feeding around once a week.

How often should you change your sourdough starter jar? ›

How Often Should I Clean My Sourdough Starter Jar? Use the same jar daily and keep it as clean as possible.

What happens if I forgot to discard the starter before feeding? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

How hard is it to keep sourdough starter alive? ›

If you don't bake every day, you can keep your starter in the fridge. It can stay there for a week or two without feedings. Once you need it, you take it out, feed it and give it time to get active.

Can I just keep feeding my sourdough starter? ›

Once you've successfully created your starter, you'll need to feed it regularly. If you bake a lot of sourdough treats, you may want to keep it on your counter, at room temperature. While this means feeding it twice a day, it also means your starter will be ready to bake with at the drop of a hat (er, oven mitt).

Why do I keep killing my sourdough starter? ›

A warm starter will rise quickly, but it can also collapse quickly because the gluten content breaks down more quickly in warm temperatures. What temperature will kill my starter? If your starter reaches a temperature of 130F/54C, the yeast cells will die off.

How to tell if sourdough starter is bad? ›

Typical signs of food spoilage and mold include pink, orange, or green colors, white fuzzy spots, or sometimes areas that are darker with white areas on top. If you see any of these signs, I would recommend throwing your starter away and creating a new one.

Can you keep sourdough starter in a Mason jar? ›

Any non-reactive container can hold sourdough starter. We have heard of bakers keeping sourdough in ziplock bags and plastic to-go containers. Mason jars and old sauerkraut jars are popular favorites. Crocks are very traditional.

Can I use tap water for sourdough starter? ›

*If making sourdough is new for you, do not be discouraged if you starter takes longer to get active than mine – stick with it, it will happen! *Tap water is usually fine, if you are not sure, use boiled and cooled water, you can use it at room temperature or cool; do not use distilled water.

Should I put a lid on my sourdough starter? ›

You'll want to cover your sourdough starter, but only to stop things from falling into it and to keep it from forming a skin on top and drying out. Otherwise, remember that your starter is alive and needs to breathe a little bit. A lid is fine, so long as it's not completely air-tight.

How do you maintain a sourdough starter without a scale? ›

Take ¼ cup sourdough starter from the refrigerator and add ½ cup flour, and ¼ cup water to a clean glass jar with a loose fitting lid. Give it a stir. Feed the sourdough this way every 12 hours until it is bubbly and active, then it is ready to use.

What is the best flour for maintaining sourdough starter? ›

All-purpose flour works great for feeding starter, but adding a little whole grain flour can help give it a boost if needed.

Is it better to keep sourdough starter in the fridge? ›

Sourdough starter can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge. If you're feeding and making bread with your starter regularly (once a week or so) you can leave it out at room temperature. If you're going away for a bit or if you don't use it that often (once a month or less), store it in the fridge.

How long can you keep sourdough starter on the counter? ›

I wouldn't go more than 24 hours without feeding a very young sourdough starter (it may survive longer than this unfed however you will leave it open to the risk of mold). Mature sourdough starter aged more than 6 months old should be able to survive unfed on the counter for around 3-4 days without any risk of mold.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.