Make Your Own Rock Candy (2024)

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Make Your Own Rock Candy (1)

Rock Candy isn’t just delicious, it’s chemistry! Sweets like Rock Candy are made through a process called crystallization.

Sugar crystals form when you create a supersaturated solution of sugar and water — that just means there's more sugar than can be dissolved in the boiling water — and let it cool. Depending on how you handle the solution and how long you let it cool, sugar crystals can form in many different sizes and shapes. For Rock Candy, we let the solution cool for several days to form large sugar crystals.

In the scientific method, you always start with a question. For Rock Candy, you might ask, what affects the growth of your sugar crystals? What can I do to control the way my Rock Candy grows? Can I change the color? Can I add flavor? When you think about your question, ask yourself what you want to learn from this experiment.

After you have your question, you can head to our Learn page to study up and form your hypothesis — which just means what do you think the answer to your question will be?

Now it’s time to test your hypothesis!

Prep Time

  • 30 minutes

Tools & Materials

  • Clothespin or long clip
  • String & pencil, wooden skewers, or swizzle sticks
  • Wooden spoon
  • Small saucepan
  • Wax Paper
  • Paperclip or washer (if using string)
  • 4 – 6 clean, narrow glasses (must be glass)
  • 2 cups water
  • 4 cups granulated sugar + extra for dipping string or sticks
  • Food coloring
  • Natural flavoring (this is optional, but you can try peppermint, strawberry, cherry, orange or any flavor you like — this is your experiment!)


Step 1

Add 2 cups of water to a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Slowly add 4 cups of granulated sugar, about ½ a cup at a time, and use the wooden spoon to stir during each addition of sugar. Once the sugar is completely dissolved and looks clear, bring it to a vigorous boil. Remove from heat and cool for 15-20 minutes.

Step 2

Get creative! Add food coloring to the mixture or, if using a natural flavoring, add a couple drops at this time. Once the solution has cooled, pour it into the clean glass jars. A tall and narrow glass works best. Fill the solution close to the top and cover with a piece of wax paper to keep it clean while you move to the next step.

Step 3

Prepare the string, wooden skewers or swizzle sticks. If you have all three, try a batch with each and compare the final results!

If using string:
Tie one end of the string (twine or cotton) to the middle of a pencil and let it hang. Look at the glass and cut the string to roughly 2/3 of the depth of the glass (you want to give your Rock Candy room to grow, so make sure it doesn’t touch the bottom of the glass). Tie the paperclip or washer to the bottom of the string to work as a small weight. Carefully dip string into the sugar solution. When fully saturated, remove the string and roll it in the extra sugar. Lay string flat to dry on wax paper for about 5 minutes, making sure it’s nice and straight.

If using wooden skewers or swizzle sticks:
Carefully dip the wooden skewers or swizzle sticks into the sugar solution. When fully saturated, remove the skewers or swizzle sticks and roll it in the extra sugar. Lay skewers or swizzle sticks flat to dry on wax paper for about 5 minutes.

Step 4

Next, if using string:
Dip the sugary string into the glass with the pencil laying over the rim of the glass and the string with paperclip or washer hanging into the solution.

Next if using wooden skewers or swizzle sticks:
Place the dried skewers or swizzle sticks into the center of each glass. Once in place, clasp the clothespin or clip to the top of the wooden skewer or swizzle stick. Make sure the stick is in the center of the glass and raised so it doesn’t touch the bottom.

Step 5

Now it's time to let science do its work! Once you’ve completed the steps above, gently move the glasses to a place where they will be safe. Allow them to sit for up to 2 weeks or longer, depending on how big you want your Rock Candy to grow. During that time, be very careful not to move the glasses so the Rock Candy doesn’t break.

Step 6

When the Rock Candy reaches your desired size, set aside another piece of wax paper. Carefully crack the sugar on the surface of the glass and remove the string, wooden skewer or swizzle stick. Set it on the wax paper and allow it to dry before taking a crunchy bite.

Draw Your Conclusion

Examine how it worked: What worked? What didn't work? What could you change next time to alter your results? Will you try again?

Share your results below!

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Make Your Own Rock Candy (2024)


What is the solution of rock candy? ›

Sweets like Rock Candy are made through a process called crystallization. Sugar crystals form when you create a supersaturated solution of sugar and water — that just means there's more sugar than can be dissolved in the boiling water — and let it cool.

What is the equation for rock candy? ›

Chemical Equation- The chemical equation for rock candy is C12H22O11(aq)--> C12H22O11(s). This is true because sucrose, table sugar, is an aqueous solution of sugar dissolving in water, and is formed into a solid of sugar molecules.

What is a good hypothesis for rock candy experiment? ›

The hypothesis is that if sugar water is left to evaporate, sugar crystals will form on a string or stick, creating a rock candy treat.

What is the ratio of sugar to water for rock candy? ›

You can start with a 1:2 water/sugar ratio, but we've had better luck just shy of a 1:3 water sugar ratio. So if you have 4 cups of water, you'll need between about 10 cups of sugar to make the perfect sugar syrup. Scroll to the bottom for some frequently asked questions for making rock candy.

Why didn't my rock candy get hard? ›

The simple answer is that there is too much moisture in your candy.

What makes rock candy grow faster? ›

Dip the coated string/stick in granulated sugar and set aside on a plate for a moment. This process is important, because you are giving the sugar crystals a rough surface to cling to and allow for rapid growth!

What is the solute when making rock candy? ›

When you mixed the sugar with the water and then heated and stirred the solution repeatedly, you created a supersaturated solution. This means there are far more dissolved particles of solute (the sugar) than the solvent (the water) can normally dissolve and hold at a given temperature.

How much citric acid to use in rock candy? ›

What You Need
  1. 3 tablespoons confectioners' sugar.
  2. 1½ teaspoons baking soda.
  3. ¼ cup plus 2 teaspoons citric acid, divided.
  4. 2 cups granulated sugar.
  5. ⅓ cup honey.
  6. ⅓ cup water.
  7. Gel or liquid food coloring (your choice of color)
Dec 21, 2020

What is the chemistry behind rock candy? ›

A supersaturated solution is unstable—it contains more solute (in this case, sugar) than can stay in solution—so as the temperature decreases, the sugar comes out of the solution, forming crystals. The lower the temperature, the more molecules join the sugar crystals, and that is how rock candy is created.

Does the amount of sugar affect rock candy? ›

I also found out that sugar crystals grow faster with higher sugar to water ratios. In other words, the more sugar is in the water, the faster the crystals grow. My prediction about higher amounts of sugar slowing down crystal growth was incorrect.

What is the dependent variable in a rock candy experiment? ›

Experiment for Growing Sugar Crystals Variables Dependent Variable: amount of sugar crystals collected Independent Variable: The independent variable is a part of the experiment that if changed could affect the dependent variable.

Why won't my rock candy grow? ›

It fails if you live someplace where the air is so humid that evaporation is very slow or if you place the container in a location where the temperature fluctuates (like a sunny windowsill) so that the sugar stays in solution.

How do you make hard rock candy soft? ›

How do you soften hard candy? The only way to soften it is to put it in water and let it melt.

What is a solution in candy-making? ›

In general, candy is made by dissolving sugar into water to create a solution. Granulated sugar, the most common type used in candy-making, is sucrose, a disaccharide molecule made up of glucose and fructose.

What is rock sugar solution? ›

Rock sugar, is a type of confection composed of relatively large sugar crystals. This candy is formed by allowing a supersaturated solution of sugar and water to crystallize onto a surface suitable for crystal nucleation, such as a string, stick, or plain granulated sugar.

Is rock candy a saturated solution? ›

In the rock candy, the liquid is water and the compound is sugar. A solution is saturated when the liquid holds as much of the compound dissolved in it as possible. For example, when making rock candy, you dissolve as much sugar as possible in water to make a saturated solution.

What is the solute in rock candy? ›

When you mixed the sugar with the water and then heated and stirred the solution repeatedly, you created a supersaturated solution. This means there are far more dissolved particles of solute (the sugar) than the solvent (the water) can normally dissolve and hold at a given temperature.

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