MODE: HEAT - Chapter 27 - lewd3veryone - 외모지상주의 (2024)

Chapter Text

It's really depressing. He feels as though everything is covered in a solemn black and white filter, and he is powerless to break free of it. His melancholy was accompanied by a sort of gnawing wish to return to the bastard he was before Daniel entered his life and jolted him out of his conceit. Zack felt as though there was nothing left to stop him because the man who served as his anchor had abandoned him.

He had no idea how much his life had revolved on relying on Daniel to save him from becoming the thug Mira detested. Because of their falling out, he fears that, in order to compensate for the absence of friends, he will revert to the pathetic, lazy bully he was in the past—obsessively picking on those who even slightly irritate him in order to build a circle of so-called friends. A company of insincere dipsh*ts who were only with him because they were afraid of him.

These unpleasant feelings were only added when Zack was attempting to relax by scrolling through his social media. For some reason, Daniel's visage was plastered everywhere, including NewTube, Pacebook, KakaoTalk, and Twitter, where he was lauded for his face, body, and extraordinary flexibility. It's as if the entire South Korean population had it out for him, humiliating him shortly after his platonic breakup.

Each body area they complimented with thinly veiled perversion caused the boxer to flush scarlet with instinctive sexual excitement. Their comments presented a brazenly detailed image of what they intended to do to his topdog. All of which Zack is intimately familiar with since he's done most firsthand.

Subsequently, the realisation that they've had the worst split ever eats away at him, spoiling his mood and driving him insane. It had him in tears all night, leaving him weary. Obviously, those were manly tears; Zack didn't cry like a bitch; he merely held in some sobs here and there and sniffled a lot while covering his face in the fluff of his pillow.

Now, every step closer to the source of this agonising sensation made him tremble, his fist tightening around his school bag to relieve his anxiousness. Zack didn't want to go to school today since he felt like he was walking on thorns trying to face Daniel after what happened, but Mira persuaded him to attend so he could continue trying to make up for whatever he had done to Daniel and win his friendship back.

It made him want to chuckle in a self-deprecating way. Which friendship is that? The one with sexual benefits? Because when they share their bodies and enjoy each other's embraces, that's when they can be considered friends the closest. At least that's what Zack felt when his topdog told him he never deemed them friends.

It still echoed and roared in his ears, cutting like razor blades right through his head, making him feel incredibly emotional. Daniel told him that he was never Zack's friend, and that everything they'd built up until yesterday was just a silly imagination Zack made up to make himself feel better or whatever. At least that's what he took out from their fight.

TL;DR: he was only a friend in Zack's thoughts; he was nowhere near being one in reality.

He finds himself sitting at his desk, staring blankly. He wanted to collapse into his arms and take a nap out of instinct, one part due to exhaustion, the other because he was waiting for Daniel to arrive so he could secretly trace his eyes over the attractive man. He couldn't help wanting to do such a thing out of reflex, he did every morning after they first had sex. It was like a lucky charm to start the day with.

When Zack sees Daniel's attractive face, he always feels more confident flirting with Mira, and thinks that his relationship with her will blossom and become everything he has always wanted it to be. Until now, he had never thought about why this is.

It was presumably due to their physical relationship. Every instance in which Daniel experienced intense pleasure to the extent of tears gave Zack confidence that he isn't a horrible sexual partner and that Mira would benefit in dating him as well. In some ways, it's similar to a job application when the interviewer says, "Hey, what are you good at if we hire you?" It contributed to the advantages of being with him, which were an ego boost.

But he can't do that anymore. Daniel didn't even want to sit alongside him; what made him think things would return to normal and he could continue to silently envy the looks bestowed upon his topdog? What gave him the impression that he was entitled to make love to the same body he so desperately wanted to be his own and to kiss that very same face he adores? He can't even hold Mira close and call her his own, promising her a future he's longed to build together. It was impossible for him to even hold Johan's hand and comfort him, telling him that Zack would be able to handle everything for them and that he should stay.

Memories of Johan broke him down completely. This circ*mstance was so similar to his and that particular ex-friend, it was making him even more anxious. What if Daniel also ended up totally withdrawing from his life? What if the topdog starts treating him like how Johan did?

He'll start ghosting Zack, even fighting him until he completely dominates the status quo, just like how Johan had suddenly screwed Zack over for first place in the boxing championship. He didn't even grab the prize and was just there to show off his might to his former childhood friend! Afterwards, Daniel will leave him with a crippling sense of loneliness that he will have to endure the rest of his life, much like a jigsaw piece that is missing a quarter of itself and will never be able to show the picture it has.

Their friendship is doomed. There's nothing he can do.

Weak. He must be the weakest friend anyone has ever had. So pitiful. The most pitiful man on the planet was Zack.

A tap on the shoulder startled Zack out of his pitiful state just as the self-loathing was taking a terrible turn for the worse. One look to his left revealed Mira, who smiled gently, soothing Zack, who she could tell was struggling from a mile away.

In fact, everyone had picked up on the infamous former boxing champion's depressive state. He was weak-looking, with watery eyes, shaky limbs, and a pale complexion. It's challenging to ignore it.

Though the students gossiped to one another, in the end, they were more entertained by larger matters than the personal grudges their topdog and previous topdog held against each other. The subject of their chatter swiftly shifted from Zack's pathetic manner to the most recent rumours in the constantly shifting realm of politics, celebrities, and trends. In the grand scheme of things, where scenery fluctuates with the speed of light, what seemed to be an issue that would permanently damage his social life turned out to be insignificant.

"Are you alright?" With a gentle coo, Mira ran her slender fingers over Zack's disheveled hair. He had worried all night, and he was so stressed and exhausted that he hadn't gelled it today.

He had continued to try to remember every detail of his time with Daniel, staying up late to do so and even missing his regular boxing session in the morning to continue his reverie. Still, nothing came up. To him, Daniel suddenly became irrationally upset, becoming so antagonistic that they ended their friendship with no explanation.

He gave Mira a sad look and then retreated into the darkness that was his own aura. It spread everywhere, expanding almost like eerie tentacles due to how dense the blackness was around him. He said, haltingly, "I'm... okay," and felt like letting out the merest sigh of relief when Mira reached over and gently stroked his nape.

It seemed as if she was scratching the back of a dog, lulling him into relaxation with her soft strokes and subtle massages. Zack would only ever allow her to console him. No one else can do it. Unless… maybe Daniel…

"No, you're not," she said, her grin faltering as Zack turned away and no longer met her eyes. She frowned for a split second, disliking his messy appearance and obvious depression in the wake of what had transpired. The worst part was that she knew Zack was probably to blame for the whole thing and that it was only just for him to repent, even if it meant being reduced to the lump of grief he is now.

Someone as percipient as Mira can easily deduce that Daniel would never initiate a fight with his friends. Even when things get tough, he's not the type of person to do so.

Others may not have noticed, but Mira could see Daniel cleary, pushing away his anger and discomfort for those closest to him, doing his best to ignore the problems and let them go. He had a tendency to justify his bad companions, just as he did when people discovered that he was hanging out with that depraved playboy Samuel.

If that type of individual was pushing Zack away, it must have been a terrible mistake on Zack's behalf. She calls it a mistake because, despite his best efforts, her foolish childhood friend is unable to figure out what went wrong.

Every time she or Zoe tries to make a claim, he fiercely defends himself, assuring them in a very protective manner that he would never do or say anything like that to Daniel. He didn't bully Daniel, he never hit Daniel or his friends, he doesn't talk badly about him nor did he exploit Daniel for his money. Zack didn't appear to be lying; his worry when they came to all of those horrible conclusions was too evident not to be genuine, and Mira knows him best.

"You didn't text him or anything?" Suddenly, another voice joined in. With her chin resting on her palm, Zoe sat down in front of Zack, her huge doe eyes wide with curiosity and annoyance.

She sympathised with the man, but, to be honest, Daniel had it worse. Zack made their topdog cry first, emotionally ruining him just because Zack didn't know how to keep his mouth shut and get to the point. Mira had explained the whole scene to Zoe while Zack had chased Daniel out of the class, so she knew most of what had happened and what had been said between the two. The part that left her baffled most was how hard it was for Zack to keep his filter on and not stray from the argument just so he can verbally abuse Daniel out of anger.

This argument may be similar to their previous one, which suggests that the boxer—rather than Daniel—is the antagonist. Daniel might have had every right to become so enraged that he cut Zack out of his life, and Zoe will stand by him through it all.

The only thing she objected to was that he had stupidly turned around and been put in a choke hold by a witch who was not all that different from the short fused wolf he had just escaped. He jumped from the frying pan into the fire, and all Zoe could do was helplessly watch since she didn't think she was close enough to him to stop him from going to Yui.

Which is why she was hoping Zack or Jay would go and save him. But here was the annoying wolf, crying like a little child after Daniel had beaten him. Meanwhile, Jay was acting like a sheep, too domesticated by Daniel to even try to grow a pair and argue with their topdog over anything.

That blonde prince gave it a shot, and when he didn't succeed, he gave up right away. He's currently standing by, waiting for Yui to finish shattering Daniel's heart before he comes over to comfort him.

They're both unreliable!

"Yes, I texted him." With a feeble grumble, Zack sank onto his desks, his arms hanging low by his sides. “But he didn't reply. If he knew how to block me, he'd probably have done it. Ah, he's so out-of-date with the times… he probably doesn't even know how to delete texts, now he's definitely annoyed that he'll have to see my messages every time he goes in his Kakao. He's so stupid. Aish,” he said, his voice growing quieter until it was only Mira who could understand his incomprehensible grunting.

With a defeated sigh, Zoe closed her eyes. She muttered, "I would've asked if you tried calling him but he probably didn't pick those up either," and then she turned to face Jay. The blonde could be seen in the distance, tinkering with his phone on a desk by the window. He appeared restless as he typed a lot of words quickly. He must be trying to get Daniel to come around and forgive Zack too, Zoe surmised. " two are idiots." She can't hold back her deep disappointment.

Mira felt sorry for Zack who was being picked on nonstop by her friend, so she decided to butt in. “Zoe, how has your livestreaming been? I heard you started doing it a few days ago and got a lot of fans,” she swiftly questioned, directing the discussion away from Zack and Daniel's dispute so her childhood friend's mood doesn't get dampened any further.

He sounded like he was about to go insane if they kept nitpicking the details; he was on the edge of bursting into incoherent rants now. While she was sweating bullets attempting to keep Zoe from making him snap, Zack was still rambling incessantly about all the meaningless details regarding their topdog's routines, appearing thoughtless in his own world.

“Oh, it's going fine. There were some weird requests I got, but I managed to kind of deflect them. Live Streaming pays really well. You should get into it, Mira. Looks like yours would fetch hundreds of dollars!" Zoe perked up as she scanned the other girl from top to bottom. Although Mira doesn't flaunt her beauty with makeup and high-end brands as much, she is still one of the most visually pleasing students in their high school. Her sweet, Christian girl attractiveness made men feel compelled to contaminate her innocence.

“Hell no!” That's when Zack yelled, frightening the two. “Don't listen to this demon, Mira! Perverted f*cks are all over the internet! You'll turn into one of their victims if they see you," He proceeded with bloodshot eyes, slamming his fist on the table, terrifying the girls even more.

"Zack, language!" Mira shouted first, causing Zack to pinch his lips ridiculously tight before retreating and burying his face behind the table.

Zoe, meanwhile, had gotten over her initial astonishment and yelled back at him, “Hey! Who do you think you are to stop Mira from what she wants to do!? It's her life to live, not yours, stupid, so let her do whatever she wants to do! Just defend her if you're so afraid that perverts will hunt her down!”

Hearing the boisterous conversation, a certain girl approached with a little, business-esque smile on her shining, light pink lips. After arriving a minute ago, she heard Zoe chatting about live streaming, a subject that interested the girl who had been thinking about the PaprikaTV ranks since the previous evening. Zoe's rise from the bottom to the top tiers intimidated her more than she dared to acknowledge, and she wanted to put out the burgeoning flame sooner than later.

"Zoe~ can we talk in private?" Yui Kim approached the conversation with a skip in her steps, revealing none of her privately resentful demeanour towards Zoe. She exuded such joy that it was tough to discern her intention to deprive another woman of her self-confidence and value. It's astounding how easily she could fake her behaviour and make it appear immaculate to others.

A feeling of dread ran down Zoe's spine, and she tensed instinctively, guarding herself more around the other woman before grinning in a similar, businesslike manner. “Hm? What is it, Yui? Can't you just say it here~?”

Yui's brows twitched in irritation when she prodded, her strained, fake-cute voice showing a hint of wariness. It revealed that she had a notion she knew what Yui was up to, which compounded matters. If she's like this, it's tough to lure her away and into the lonely corridor where she can be broken up in private. Yui doesn't want her good girl cover to be blown, so she was planning on dealing with Zoe without the scrutiny of her friends, especially Daniel, laying on her.

Well, Yui is more than willing to comply if Zoe is determined to play it this way. Actually, Yui will make an even bigger fuss out of this, guaranteeing that Zoe is socially devastated and will never rise to intimidate her again. Given that Zoe is keen on staying under the watchful eye of the public in order to avoid Yui, she will just use the public to humiliate Zoe in another way.

"Umm… No, I just think you'll be uncomfortable if I say it in front of your friends." Yui smirked, crossing her arms on her chest, and her lashes fluttered playfully at the apprehensive woman seated in front of her. “It's very personal. I really can't stress it enough… but if you insist, i don't mind saying it in front of everybody~” Her tone fluctuated a lot, becoming more and more sarcastic by the middle of the sentence as she looked around the room, drawing attention from her peers.

Zoe gulped and backed away, like a threatened cat. She was so nervous about this weirdly terrifying conversation that the hair on the back of her neck stood up, and she wanted to grip her fist so tightly that it would scratch her own palm. ‘What is she planning…?’ When Zoe looked up to see Yui's full lips teasingly smirking, her huge round eyes shimmered with fright.

Zack detected tension between the two women, but couldn't pinpoint why. He felt compelled to intervene, but with what? They're just talking, not throwing fists at each other. It's challenging to tell why he feels a flare of protectiveness, as if something horrible is occurring or would happen to Zoe. If it's not Mira, Zack is a little slow to save people from ambiguous situations like these.

Zoe felt sweat run down her cheeks but was also determined to face the ominous premonition regardless. She can't let herself look like a complete wuss in front of Yui; what would Daniel say? He certainly wouldn't want to be in the presence of a damsel in distress; it would embarrass someone with his reputation. “I d-don't understand, haha—”

She tried to laugh it off when Yui suddenly cuts in, her crescent-shaped eyes narrowing even more when the smile on her lips broadened. “What don't you understand? That you're copying everything I do on PaprikaTV and waving it off as your own thing? You're such a thief, Zoe,” she accused, immediately making heads turn.

The two of them could feel it, the way the atmosphere grew dark and eerie and how the people around had turned into dark shadows ready to throw judgement towards Zoe. Their eyes seemed to glow red, a sharp contrast to the dim atmosphere around them, and their expressions intermingled and became one, a large, hideous grin that mocked Zoe.

Murmurs turned up in her ears like a piercing ring as she looked up at Yui like a deer in headlights. Her fists clenched on her skirt and she felt her heartbeat stop for a long moment out of shock, confusion and fright.

Yui was pointing fingers in such a sudden manner that Zoe couldn't cognitively catch up with the swirling sensation that made her head throb and bones shake. She knew she'd get in trouble for copying almost everything the top streamer did in order to quickly rise to the top, but she didn't expect Yui to expose her so early on and in real life. She had imagined that the other woman would be the type to discuss these types of topics discreetly, in their PaprikaTV messages or at most, if she was very upset, on Kakaotalk.

Unable to control herself, Zoe retaliated, saying, "But a lot of other girls do the same thing you do!" Even if she's scared, she has no reason to accept Yui's disrespect! She had their topdog by her side anyway, Zoe isn't afraid to talk back to some meanie like Yui! “Why aren't you arguing with them too? Nevermind that, you're not the one who created those aegyos. It started from idols!” her pitched voice as she yelled made Yui roll her eyes.

‘Why are you fighting back so hard?’ She thinks to herself, her previously playful expression turning slightly solemn. She looks at Zoe's defiance with annoyance, mocking her attempt to shield herself from the crowd's gaze. As if anyone cared; all they wanted was drama and someone to blame, both of which Yui eagerly anticipates serving up on a silver platter.

"But they didn't try to push me out of first place; I've been there for almost a year now, you should know that; it's a tacit rule not to use their own techniques and methods to overthrow the top-ranked person. It's basic courtesy, actually, and you just broke it," Yui said evenly, her slim figure almost towering over Zoe, who felt as if the latter was an impenetrable wall about to crush her into minced meat.


“Give it up and just admit it, Zoe Park. You like getting attention so much that you would gladly thief out my style just to gain some praise. You’re doing the same thing with our topdog, hogging a man like that who could easily play with every girl here just so you can feel a little special,” She went on with the same smile she had from when they first started chatting. Friendly and innocent, not at all the type of smile one would see on a mouth expressing such filthy words. “You're an attention whor*, and nobody faults you for it lol. Everyone knows that you're a slu*t for men.”

Murmurs proceeded to become louder and Zoe couldn't budge an inch from her seats. Her breathing quickened and her pupils dilated as she did her best to hold back an uncontrollable cry. The stress level is too high. This confrontation makes her look so bad that calling it anything other than atrocious would be an understatement.

Yui's friendly demeanour added to the whole situation, making her appear normal and Zoe the style thieving villain. And all of this was due to her following a few moves. The worst thing was that, despite Zoe's best efforts to explain herself, nobody would listen since, in addition to the fact that many students detested her in the first place, some of what Yui stated was true, even though Zoe had moved past that stage of her life after meeting Daniel.

Girls would always complain about her getting the interest of men and being able to plainly chase all the nice looking ones because she wasn't shabby herself. In the meantime, boys would make fun of her given that they felt insecure because, contrary to what the rumours said about her—a man-needing bitch—not only would she not pursue them, but she would also turn down most of them and only show affection to attractive men.

Even with her own set of unfavorable rumors, Yui has so effortlessly put her in a tight spot and proven that she is a talented actor. Zoe can only stutter helplessly before giving up, clinging to her own uniform and lowering her head to demonstrate her defeat and her acceptance of her role as the antagonist. What else could she do? Copying content from others and then shamelessly getting into the ranks of those she stole from was the epitome of biting the hand that feeds them. Zoe is unquestionably at fault; Yui only sprinkled in a couple more of her other crappy habits.

This sucks.


At the time Mira was discreetly soothing Zack with gentle pats to compensate for Daniel's absence from his day, Daniel had just arrived and was being coddled by Eli, who had been waiting for him in the corridor near the Fashion Department.

Daniel had gone to school with Vasco earlier, but Jace had taken the Burn Knuckles leader away for some reason relating to their members bullying the principal again and making a big mess of stuff.

On the other hand, Eli had given the trio that had been buzzing about the Fashion Dept topdog a little glare and successfully scared them away. Furthermore, they had openly denigrated Eli in front of Daniel, calling him girly and other derogatory terms, so they received an extra scare from their own topdog.

Eli looks at Daniel and sighs, "You left me so quickly yesterday." He caresses Daniel's face and then moves his hand down to his neck and chest. “I thought you'd stay over again. Did I frighten you off?” He grinned somewhat as Daniel accepted his stroking, easing his irritated sentiments. "I already apologised," he said.

Daniel averted his sight before focusing on Eli's hair. By now, the purple has mostly gone and turned into highlights, exposing the sharp contrast of black hair. “You forgot to dye your hair," He flicked a finger at Eli's fringe, dodging the round of interrogation from the latter.

Eli was quiet, his eyes searching for Daniel like a maze, before breaking into another kind expression. “No, I didn't forget,” He replies gently, "I just got tired of the colour," and then he grabs the hand that was flicking his locks and pulls it down. “...Daniel, why didn't you come over last night?” His voice was a little less generous and more authoritative this time. Daniel was offended by it and wanted to walk away from the man, but his conscience prevented him from doing so.

He still owes Eli a lot. Daniel was just troubled by the obsessive mentality, but he can try to suck it up and deal with it. Like he always did with many things in his life.

Eli's hold tightened on Daniel's hand, as if he expected the other to try to pull away. Then, for a brief moment, gentle lips touched Daniel's brow and then settled on the corner of his mouth. “I know it's your choice to come or not but Yenna misses you. Her sadness makes me sad as well," he adds, drawing his body closer to Daniel, shielding them both from any prospective bystanders for what he was about to do next. Since classes start in a short while, the corridor was already empty, but there's no harm in being extra cautious.

"I can't promise anything," Daniel mumbled, stiffening his fists but not denying it when Eli brought their lips together.

They had a lengthy, passionate kiss that seemed to last for minutes as Eli's tongue found its way inside his mouth. Their saliva naturally blended and went down their throats, leaving a lasting flavour of each other's toothpaste.

The sound of their tongues squishing together, mingled with their occasional, skillful gasps to catch their breath while kissing, reverberated through the deserted hallway. It was a motley assortment of sounds that would make almost anybody flush and want to run the other direction from secondhand embarrassment. But the two men didn't appear to care, Daniel more than Eli, as the Beauty Department's topdog's blood flowed straight down to his groin as his ears caught the lewd sounds of their appendages exploring one another's throats, while the other hardly twitched throughout the kiss.

Once they could no longer go on with only occasional gulps of oxygen, Eli gives Daniel a brief nibble on the top lip while they keep their hooded eyes fixed on each other's, as if to warn him of what will happen if he doesn't stay the night, before letting go. But a quick lick over the slight sting that followed demonstrated that he'd understand if Daniel couldn't make it today either.

Unfortunately, the Fashion Department's topdog did not buy into Eli's benevolence, knowing full well that something was wrong with the man after only one day without Daniel in his arms. This was demonstrated by Eli's hardly contained aggression.

Beneath that outward façade of kindness, there lurked a sinister promise that resembled shackles rattling back and forth, ready to imprison Daniel again. The exhausting sensation of their interweaving from almost two nights ago made him tremble involuntarily, despising the vulnerability it imposed on his weary self.

It seems that Daniel's intuition has become more keen after getting to know a wide variety of partners. At least now he could detect when someone was going to be difficult to deal with and didn't stupidly believe that the problem would go away on its own. He can't run away or avoid this trouble, but he can see it coming.

When Eli attempted to make out with him again, Daniel tilted his head to the right, keeping an eye out for the boundaries he'd established in their relationship to ensure that Eli didn't go overboard. It was like teaching an animal, or in Eli's case, a savage beast barely restrained by rusty ropes that is fighting desperately to hang on.

Doing this, no matter how small of an action it was, eliminates the notion that Daniel would allow Eli to be entitled to anything he does to him.

A message unfolds between them: there are limits between them that are unseen outside of Eli's house, and only in the confines of his home will Daniel give in to his wants. Outside of it, regulations apply, and Daniel is free to decline everything and anything. This meant that Eli needed to exercise more self control and accept defeat.

Eli pursed his lips, realising that he has used up his permissions for today, and nothing will make Daniel budge unless Eli forced himself on the man. He reluctantly settled on caressing Fashion Dept topdog's delicate face with his fingertips.

Lust is a nauseating tempest to control, especially for Eli, who is often frustrated by the distance between him and others he cares about strongly. Besides, he can't help but be clingy because it's been so long since his last romantic adventure.

He shot a beseeching glance at Daniel, who wasn't even paying attention to him, then pecked the corner of his left eye. He was quite unhappy that Daniel would not give in to Eli's urgency for him to be handsy and affectionate. But fortunately, for at least three or four more days, maybe a week if he can muster up the will, the craving for the other's warmth is still within the bounds of his tolerance.

He wanted to murmur, ‘I miss you more than my daughter. Your voice, your body, your presence taking up space. I miss it all. I beg you to come home — our home.’ but changed his mind. That's too far-fetched; it'll sound absurd, and Daniel will be disgusted. Instead, he said, "I hope you'll at least visit. I'll see you later."

He chose to make things simple for them both before heading directly to his department, a frustrated expression on his beautiful face. When he entered his class at the far end of the corridor, he was instantly encircled by women from the Beauty Department, greeting the cries of the tireless females with a cheerful face but a listless attitude.

‘Finally…’ Daniel blew out the harsh look in his face, brushed back his fringe, and turned around once he was left on his own. Not a single pity graced his features for the pleading Beauty Dept topdog.

Eli has become such a pain to deal with that it's almost unbearable to be around him anymore. Daniel can only hope that the man will eventually stop acting in such an emotionally reliant manner. ‘It's too much, seriously. The change is giving me whiplash… I feel like I'm going to get an incurable headache if he keeps being like this…’

Where has that nice and modest Eli Jang gone? Who took the person's place? Daniel is nervous about this Eli; he wants that side of him back. Sigh, if he didn't owe anything to the Beauty Dept topdog and hadn't formed such a strong bond with Yenna, he could have gotten out of this by now. So much overcomplicated fuss over such minor issues.

While he was mulling, Daniel simply needed to take 10 long steps to reach his classroom's rear entrance, where he made his presence known with the typical sparkle that adorns his ravishing look and designer attire. Even though he appears to be primarily dressed in the winter version of J High's school uniform, which consists of a yellow vest and midnight jacket combination, his trousers and every other thing on him were blatantly branded, demonstrating to everyone their sky-high value.

There was a loud blast as soon as he walked in, shocking him and his peers. With furrowed brows, he peered up and searched for the source of the commotion. Daniel didn't need to look very far around the classroom to get a good idea of what was going on because of the way everyone was arranged along the very edge of the space, encircling the few people who were seated or standing in the middle.

In front of him was Zack's back, his fist firmly buried in the desk. Mira was beside him, hesitantly holding his left arm, as if silently asking him to settle down. Yui, on the other end, was shivering in astonishment, her face pale, and terrified, after Zack hammered his knuckles into the table, leaving holes where his fist had struck.

"You bitch!" Zack yelled, almost lunging for the woman if not for Mira, who pulled him back with all her strength. Zack could have easily wrenched himself from her desperate grip, but he would never intentionally hurt his own crush; that would be ridiculous. His eyes burned crimson, as if flames had burst inside the black of his pupils, and he stayed as still as he could, shaking in her grasp.

“What the hell is going on here?” Daniel frowned at them all and moved into the clamor at once as soon as he saw Zack swearing at Yui. He said, "Zack, step away," and approached them, eyes still stuck on Zack, before joining Yui. He gazed down at his ex-friend with contempt and judgment, aggravated by Zack's belligerent expression and violent manner toward the girl he likes.

When Yui saw him, her heart leaped and her ego burst into life. His eyes went over her, and she jumped over to hang onto him immediately, playing the victim for a moment before smiling menacingly at Zoe, who remained sat and watched all of this with watery eyes.

Zoe pulled her gaze away from Yui, tears streaming down her cheeks, before immediately standing up, causing the chair to clatter to the ground and fleeing while hiding her face. When they noticed her sobbing gently, the whispers continued, becoming louder and interspersed with occasional giggles. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. It's too pathetic! She wants to be left alone!

Mira pursued her, leaving Zack to fight for himself in front of Daniel, who was protecting Yui, the offender. He would never beat women; all he intended to do was yell at Yui to teach her a lesson, but his ferocious state of mind and the punch mark on his desk did him no service in front of Daniel, who was already expecting the worst from him.

“...Zoe–” Daniel was alarmed to see Zoe suddenly running away. He didn't even notice her presence because he was preoccupied with Zack and Yui, who appeared to be having a dispute. He became so up in arms by the name-calling that he lost track of everyone else.

He kind of wanted to follow after her, because it seemed like she was saddened because of him. The hint of hurt in Zoe's eyes demonstrated that, and he was all too familiar with the expression of betrayal. However, Yui's grasp on him prevents him from going after his friend, forcing him to remain motionless next to her, deterring him from reaching Zoe to offer her any form of consolation.

Zack cut short Daniel's thought process, causing the other to flinch and give him a wary glance. "Daniel, stay away from her, she's the one who made Zoe run off like that. She's a lying witch," He still has too much hatred for Zack to even contemplate the man's statements, but he had an instinct that Zack might be telling the truth.

But it's strange. Why was Yui arguing with Zoe in the first place?

Daniel initially believed Zack was the one attempting to criticize Yui because he was staring her in the face and baring his teeth. Now that he's involved in the chaos, he understands that Yui was just three steps away from Zoe's seat, and that it was they—not Zack—who were facing one another. It appeared that Zack had interrupted the women at the last minute.

“No, I didn't do anything! I was simply telling Zoe that she did something wrong and should apologize, but she got upset, and now Zack is going to hurt me!" Yui defended herself furiously, crying as she buried her face in Daniel's bicep. "I swear, I have no idea what I did so wrong for them to act this way!" She continued to tremble as if she were extremely afraid as her grip on his arm tightened.

Daniel, instinctively seeking to comfort people he regarded as close to him, gave her a side hug. Since he was patting and shushing her like a toddler having a public tantrum, Yui almost broke her character and raised an eyebrow. It was unexpected for someone as wild as him to act so maternal. Shouldn't he be trying to act like a lover? Where's the nosing and tight embracing?

Zack strikes the desk again, and this time it sounds like even the metal holding the wood cracks beneath the force of his blow, drawing everyone's attention back to him. He looked even more infuriated now, fueled even more by the fact that they were behaving all lovey-dovey right in front of him after that bitch messed with Zoe, Mira's friend. “Daniel! You dumbf*ck! Stop being such a wuss for her and snap back into the real world! She's the problem! She's no innocent girl with pink flowers surrounding her like what you're probably seeing— she publicly shamed Zoe!”

"No I didn't!" Yui shouted back and jolted forward, maintaining her teary-eyed charade as she held onto the Fashion Dept topdog like a leech. “That's what you assumed! I didn't say anything bad! Zoe was just too sensiti-” BANG! “—eek…!!!”

"You lying little sh*t, can't you just shut up for once!? I punched this f*cking table three times now and you still can't keep yourself quiet! Do you want me to actually punch you next!?" By then, Zack's desk had fallen to the floor of the classroom. He was really ticked off by Yui's self-centered, false victim attitude. He was furious that Daniel was still allowing her to suck up to him, hugging close as if there was no other space around them for her to stand in. Everyone had literally left an entire space open for them! Why won't she just go away from Daniel? Better yet, Zack hoped that Daniel would just shove her away.

But instead of any of that, Daniel, who has had enough of Zack and his ridiculous name-calling, packs him back with a stomp to the chest. Before Yui starts to perceive him as dead weight, he has to defend her at some time. It's a common anxiety a man experiences when he's interested in a woman; he has to project strength and dependability to avoid losing her favor and possibly being rejected.

Zack groaned, and the other students gasped and cringed as his back was propelled against the desks to his right. He staggered and then leaned all the way into the furniture, causing it to clatter to the floor before he was able to regain his balance. In pain, he fists one hand onto his chest, feeling the wind knocked out of him and subconsciously fearing that his topdog had fractured something in there like yesterday.

Daniel was about to lash out at Zack even more when he heard a familiar voice, and he instantly pulled away. It's as if he was caught doing something pointless rather than studying like he promised his older sister. He couldn't help but bite his lip and draw his neck down, staring guiltily at the ground.

“Is it always this loud when it comes to you, Daniel Park? Yesterday you were barking like dogs at each other, and now you're going to do it again,” At one point, Crystal had turned to face them instead of fixedly staring at the whiteboard that no teacher was currently using to write on. Her brows were furrowed as usual, dissatisfaction and a hint of fury filling her words. She was already nauseated from working all day yesterday; now she has to deal with loudness at school too? “Can't any of you show some maturity and give up? Are you three not aware that the other kids are starting to turn you all as their spectacle? Quit making a fool of yourself; you're all eighteen years old and about to turn nineteen.”

They all glanced aside, like naughty children being reprimanded nonstop. The only one who didn't play coy was Zack, who was still huffing in the ground with one arm caught between the fallen desks and chairs. He was nursing the section of his chest that had been trampled on while glaring up at Daniel. There was a sort of redness in his eyes, as if he was debating with himself whether to make a serious decision to fight back, as hard as he could, or remain silent.

Upon meeting Crystal's gaze, Daniel muttered, "...sorry," causing a number of students to groan in frustration.

As they thought… Daniel Park would naturally bend over backward for Crystal Choi. Why wouldn't it happen with J High's wildest student if it had happened with the frightening third-floor seniors? She's beautiful and wealthy; any man would go to great lengths for her, they reasoned.

Still, it's sad that Daniel, of all people, would curl up and comply with her demands. They wished that maybe he'd at least show the slightest bit of defiance. Boys will be boys…

The remaining students eventually got around to restoring the classroom to its original state when the dispute had subsided. It was inconvenient, but it was one of the few things that were basically required for regular students like them once the bigshots had finished bickering.

Daniel continued to console Yui in the background, as Zack wobbled towards the back exit, hoping to get checked out at the infirmary. The fracture in his rib from yesterday had obviously not healed yet, so being booted so violently had worsened it to a severe degree. To keep it from swelling and troubling him the rest of the day, he needs to apply an ice pack.

Regardless, when the topdog is with Yui, he can't bear to be in the same room with Daniel. It's best to get away from this repulsive sight as soon as possible before he loses it and begins beating the ever living sh*t out of Daniel because of resentment or a violent breakdown. His sadness over losing the man as both a friend and a f*ckbuddy was still unbearably deep and was just waiting to explode in their faces as a coping mechanism.

Yui only let up most of her act and resumed her blatant flirting with Daniel after Zack had fled, acting as though she had nothing to do with the turmoil that had ensued. Friends who knew her best sneered at her lack of guilt before bursting into soft chuckles. They had no idea how these men she chased continued missing this negative aspect of her nature, especially when she was playing them like a fiddle so brazenly.


Wobbling down the corridor, Zack with one hand palming at the walls for support, kind of hoped that Mira and Zoe were done using the power of friendship to push through their emotional issues so that they could come back and meet him midway. It's pretty shameful to be walking in such pain like this without a friend, he looks like he just got brutally bullied.

He sighed and wiped his feverish face with a rough palm. The lack of sleep, the aching in his bones, and the sweating are all taking their toll on him right now. It seemed as if he had just survived being hit by a truck; the pain was severe in every way possible. He was so dizzy that he wanted to collapse on the floor and faint straight away to compensate for his lack of sleep the night before.

A few steps ahead of him, he could hear a shuffling. Zack blinked slowly, both curious and confused, as a big shadow lingered close by. Who else is out and about already this early in the morning? Was there a conflict in the other class as well? After all, it wasn't unusual for disagreements at this school to turn physical; perhaps someone else also needed to go meet the nurse?

“That's an awful look you've got there, Lightning Fist. Did your boy sweetheart give you the finger?” The shadowy figure laughed, his voice so familiar Zack wanted to beat the hell out of him the moment he heard it. A few weeks ago, the manwhor* provoked Daniel that led to Zack and the Fashion Dept topdog’s first-ever argument!

He gave the Science Dept student a menacing growl, letting him know that he didn't think highly of him and that if he continued to say pointless things to agitate Zack, he would be dealt with severely. He may appear feeble right now, but if the need arises, he will stop at nothing to make a dent in Samuel's hardheaded skull.

“Go away. Wasn't it enough that you bothered Daniel? Now you want to pick a fight with me, too?" Zack rasped out before letting off a few short breaths. His chest feels like it might burst, wow. It wouldn't happen, but the phantom sensation of it was painful, causing him to wince sometimes when words and actions exacerbated the invisible wound.

“So feisty,” Fixing his glasses and folding his hands across his chest, Samuel leaned against the closest wall, indifferent to Zack's predicament. Samuel ignored his taxing gasps and looked to the wall in front of him before continuing. “I've already tasted Daniel. Don't worry, I won't bother him again," he says, flashing the other a phony, courteous smile. "I'm here to help you."

"Help?" Zack scoffed and tried to roll his eyes at Samuel, but he winced. “You aren't even lending me a hand now, when I look like I'm only a second away from fainting right in front of you. What makes you think I'd believe you would help me?” In an attempt to withstand the excruciating pain a little bit longer, he too made the decision to press his side up against the same wall that Samuel had taken to resting his back on. “And I know that you've slept with him. Daniel doesn't care enough about you to keep your sexual desperation for him a secret. Pft– You're such a pathetic deviant.”

Zack grinned when he saw Samuel give him the side-eye, glad that the student in the Science Department wasn't too fond of the jokes. “You practically begged to nest that nine-inch in my topdog— chasing him around like a bitch in heat, even with so many women to choose from. Do you realize how absurd that sounds? Someone like you doing that? I bet you looked like such a dog, kneeling and sh*t just to have Daniel do it with you,” He continued, hoping for a more furious response from Samuel to stroke his ego and demonstrate that he had no compunction about disrespecting a douchebag, even if Samuel was a year older than him. "And then all that just for him to confess to me that he'd rather I f*ck him instead of you," He exhaled, his face pallid but his lively, amused eyes sparkling.

"-And where did that land you?" Samuel grinned, his fingers curling just a little harder into his own shirt as he held back his fury. “It seems like he's the one who's been f*cking you. Look at how he abandoned you. I'm curious what you did that caused someone who said he'd rather have you pleasure him than me to suddenly turn around and start abusing you,” He gives Zack an arrogant snicker, amused as the other bit his tongue, unable to say anything back. “I think now, if I offered Daniel sex between you and me, he'd jump right into my arms without even thinking about it. Heh. Do you want to see how slu*tty your boyfriend looks while bouncing on a nine-inch instead of an average like yours?”

Zack's imagination ran wild without him even trying and he turned beet red at the thought. Agh! Not the time…! “Damn pervert! I'll f*cking kill yo—!”

"Enough," Samuel unfolded his arms and reached inside his white jacket to get a neatly rolled stack of paper. There were at least ten pages of material, most of which consisted of pictures of different affairs used as proof. “Here, this will help you get on better terms with Daniel. Honestly, after conversing with you, I don't feel like wanting to give it anymore, but it's on my crewhead's order so I dont have the authority to make my own decision.”

Without waiting for an answer, he threw the paper to Zack, who snagged it with lightning-fast precision. Fortunately, the documents Samuel gave were clipped together, so none flew around and made Zack's life more difficult than it already was. While Samuel whistled at the speed of his hand, Zack quickly skimmed through the pile to see what the manwhor* had given him and why he was so certain that it would revive his relationship with Daniel.

What he saw left him with the feeling of elation mixed with honest perplexity. First, everything in the papers was an in-depth explanation of Yui's sh*tty personality before moving on to a lengthy exposé of her having a boyfriend. Following the fifth page, a sequence of images demonstrated Yui's relationship status and her mistreatment of those she believed to be unimportant in enhancing her reputation.

Second, why the hell is Samuel assisting him? That caught Zack's eye the most.

He wasn't gullible enough to believe that he was just randomly receiving such wealth of information without any justification. Zack was only wondering what his position was in Samuel's huge scheme to exploit him in the future, and if there was anything else he needed to do to reciprocate this extremely generous gesture. He's scared that it'll be too illegal, making Mira loathe him forever.

He could get behind reasonable violence, maybe some retributive beatdown or guarding job, but drug muling or anything that entails hurting innocent people will be out of the question for him. If he hadn't met Daniel and gotten beat up for being a prick, he might have been more willing to do such things, but Samuel was a little late if he wanted that from him now.

“There's no catch. At least not directly. You won't have to lift a finger. So don't look at me like I'm going to force you into becoming a murderer,” Samuel laughed, raising his brows and waving his hand as he turned to walk away.

As soon as he turned his back on Zack, he made the ugliest grimace he could muster, venting his indignation through his expressions. These kids and their disrespectful attitude… that suspicious, narrow-eyed look Zack gave really made Samuel want to click his tongue and smack him. His mouth had nothing pleasant to say either, giving Samuel an insatiable desire to crush the other's jaws.

'That was less emotional than I expected...' Zack pondered, oblivious to Samuel's mental raving as he watched the latter casually leave and return to his own department, which was at the far end of the building. Zack expected a few blows here and there, possibly more back-and-forth sh*t-talking until full-fledged cursing began, but none of that occurred, and Samuel stayed surprisingly civil.

Now… Zack refocuses his attention on the roll of paper in his palm. He wondered when he'd be able to show Daniel this, and whether the man would even listen to him. Maybe he'll try to find time during recess to talk things out in a secluded setting, like at the back of the school.

He had half the heart to take Daniel to the restroom instead, where he could have plenty of opportunities to get intimate with his topdog. But if he didn't play his cards well and entice the man, Daniel, who isn't in the mood for anything sexual right now, wouldn't tolerate even the slightest physical contact. It carries too much danger because the tone wouldn't be appropriate given the serious nature of the subject. Ultimately, the first location is better.


Following the mayhem, Daniel was dragged to sit next to Yui, who gave the rationale that she was still terrified Zack would return and harm her. Daniel was understanding and consented, but he had another concern and hoped to sit near to Jay to ask him about the true nature of the incident.

Though he despised and distrusted Zack, he didn't feel that way towards Zoe. For her to go away crying like that, Zack's claims about her and Yui had to have some truth to it.

However, he was unable to move from his position at all, as Yui would frequently pull him back in and force him to listen to her nonstop chatter about her hobbies and other irrelevant topics. Even though he didn't mind and thought getting to know her was important, he was just very scatterbrained after that morning. Her topdog didn't notice that she was subtly hinting at Daniel, almost pleading with him to give in and declare their relationship official because they are already spending so much time together.

If it weren't Yui, her classmates would encircle him, questioning him about everything and discussing when he would conquer the rest of the school, which would include Johan Seong and those attractive exchange students from China and Japan. They were quietly eyeing one another, hoping that they would eventually get the opportunity, however small, to flirt with those stunning male students and experience what they had to offer not only in a relationship but also in bed.

"You streamed?" Yui gasped with her peers when Daniel admitted to using PaprikaTV. The shock in their expressions and voice made Daniel raise a brow, wondering if it was such a big deal.

"Yeah, I tried it because I was curious. I wanted to know how you worked,” He said casually, shrugging his shoulders while they all pondered. “It was demanding,” He turned to glance at Jay once more, wondering when he would get the chance to sit next to the blonde who appeared to be occupied with tapping on his phone. "I got told to do so many things and then I got bored.”

Inquisitive, Yui switches on her phone to see if any livestreaming clips of Daniel are available. If there are a lot of requests, it means there will be a lot of people recording the entire thing or at least some of it. She's interested in learning how the public has responded to Daniel's unexpected arrival on the livestreaming scene. Though she wouldn't be surprised if they were overjoyed with his debut, he's so irresistible that everyone would definitely want him to stay.

‘The reactions must be pretty good,’ she thinks as she searches through her Naver for any news about Daniel's recent broadcast. It wouldn't hurt to have a partner who shares her interests or profession; having two big livestreamers dating would provide entertainment for the audience. Actually, after she and Daniel started dating, shouldn't she just change her channel to a couple's channel? There was no need for them to be separated, and uniting their identities would allow Yui to better manage the man, causing him to stick to her at all times.

While thoughts were popping up in her head, she was taken aback almost immediately when she viewed all of the most recent entries on Naver. All throughout the page was Daniel this and Daniel that, and not only that, but all of their debate was quite vulgar, and the photographs that accompanied their remarks didn't make it any better.



> Entertainment > livestreaming > PaprikaTV



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posted by: 99Økoshe


what the hell are they feeding highschoolers these days ∑( ̄□ ̄;) his abs are so defined !!!

[streamer stretches and accidentally flashes bread tummy.gif loop.AVI]


ha_haha: AGKHHHHH TOO HANDSOME! *all seven orifices are bleeding ㅜㅜ

16wuching: i want to eat such bread but I'll probably get stomachache ㅋㅋㅋ this is raw dough… so pale…

gojessica: isn't this the same guy from the j high annual festival? The singer everyone was into??

locklue reply to [gojessica]: was? Im still into him kkkk



posted by: f5vemakoto


no words… so dirty. Leaves nothing to the imagination…..

[photos of streamer doing yoga and showing off slim figure.png]


qunen_: this is a good time for him to release private videos. He'll get a ton of money

avocado7: isn't he a student!? ㅇ_ㅇ student = minor = still a baby = private video is illegal!

u_so_cutez reply to [avocado7]: dont worry i checked and he's a j high senior ㅋㅋ meaning he's eighteen

avocado7: oh!

avocado7: then don't mind me!! I also want him to post uncensored masturbation videos!🥳 he must be very big!!!

deathbrain_yo reply to [avocado7]: …

KONI reply to [avocado7]: …

uta69 reply to [avocado7]: …



posted by: be00mmm


wow so handsome kekeke my favorite topdog keke there's so much to see, is this heaven?

hi fellow Daniel Park fans, this is your good-looking admin and fanclub leader with friendship privileges (members who are close with Daniel keke). Welcome back to my post where i will go on a tangent going through every little detail this particular stream has with care and precision

Warning~ 60k words~~

starting off,


Read more…


nawiie: no but what the hell is this ㅇㅈㄴ

popi005005: Incredible. Its actually over 60k

jelly_bull: most of the content is gibberish

welovedanielpark: thank you for your service, leader… ㅜㅜㅜㅜ *bows a million times


Daniel slyly dashed off to go and take a seat next to the Fashion Department Prince while she was busy getting stunned with her companions who had been peering over her shoulders in tow. He rested his head on Jay's to grab his attention, and he brushed his side on the blonde right away in greeting.

"Jay~ You didn't even say good morning to me today, what's up?" He imitated a whining voice, pouting while doing so. But as soon as he caught Jay's focus, the blonde went nervous and slid his phone into his desk in an apparent hurry to hide it. Daniel noted the movement and thought of something mischievous to do.

With a glint in his narrowed eyes, Daniel flashed the apprehensive Jay a smirk before his swift hand reached for the phone. Why is Jay being so jittery? Today Daniel was especially inquisitive and wanted to know everything!

When Jay noticed Daniel's immediate action to swipe his phone away, he silently freaked out and grabbed his wrist to stop him, sweating bullets as he did so because he probably had an extra guilty look now. Ah, but Jay didn't want to make Daniel feel uncomfortable around him; this is too personal.

'Huh, he's fast,' Daniel thought, his previously cheeky eyes widening with amazement. He had no idea the latter was capable of fighting, and even if he had, he would not have expected Jay to be as quick as him, so this came as a surprise. Daniel may have slowed down a little in order to get the phone because he wasn't sure exactly where Jay had placed it—it was positioned quite deep—but at that speed, the blonde shouldn't have had an opportunity to step in so spontaneously.

However, no matter how fast Jay is, Daniel will always be the fastest, and he will make that fact clear. He enjoyed a good challenge, but it also made him a bit angry because, deep down, he knew that it meant he still wasn't strong enough.

Without saying anything, Daniel maintained eye contact with Jay before using his other hand to retrieve the blonde's hidden phone, his pace now at the quickest pace he could manage, mirroring Gun's because the third-floor senior was his current limit.

Jay barely noticed Daniel's right hand move, and by the time he did, it was already clasping his phone with its long fingers. There was more important stuff on the phone that he needed to attend to, so he didn't have time to marvel at Daniel's swiftness. He swore to keep it a secret from his topdog! He can't let Daniel know!

"Got it!" he teased playfully, eyes huge with mischievous glee, as he promptly unlocked the phone and kept Jay away by pushing on the other man's face. Now let's see what's got Jay's panties in a twist! Does he have a girlfriend and is shy to tell anyone about it? Hehe, then Daniel will be the first to find out~ She has to be really adorable! Jay seems the type of guy to be into cute girls—possibly ones with big doe eyes and short hair, a la Deer!

His interested countenance darkened with regret as he realized the necessity for passwords, but he thought of another method to make this work. For an instant, a half-smile appeared on his face as he glanced at the blonde thrashing next to him.

Then, out of nowhere, he lost all sense of humor and threw the phone back to Jay, causing the blonde to fumble a little more to get it to land safely into his hands. “Hey, I thought we were close enough to not be keeping secrets from each other anymore… But well, you can probably keep it all to yourself if you don't want to tell me that badly,” Daniel then gave the phone a dejected glance before wiping the look away with a bland expression. "It's your privacy," he said.

Jay shook his head rapidly, feeling like he had just wronged the love of his life as he noticed Daniel's sad expression. They are very close! Jay appreciated the fact that they were closer than everyone else! Ugh… "..." Jay scowled and silently considered whether he should confess or not. If he doesn't, Daniel will most likely become distant out of sadness, and if he does, Daniel may become distant out of unease instead!

There's no winning!

Whatever then, agh! Anything for Daniel…!

Jay begrudgingly unlocked the phone again and inputted the password, missing Daniel's triumphant expression. All he could hope was that this was the right choice out of the two, and that Daniel wouldn't detest him too much for what he was about to witness.

“Is my birthday your password?” When Daniel glanced at Jay typing, he arched an eyebrow incredulously, causing the blonde to blush and pout before nodding slightly. “Ohh,” Daniel merely hummed and replied, "That's cute," without really thinking about it. He made the astute assumption that close friends might occasionally use one another's birth dates as passwords as a self-reminder. He ought to do this as well—he tends to forget things easily.

A second later, his closest friend's screen displayed a sequence of photographs, screenshots, and videos of Daniel from the previous night's livestreams. They were stored in a specific gallery, presumably for safekeeping. In another app, Jay discussed funding several influential individuals to assist him in eradicating Daniel's online traces connected to the broadcast.

For most, the texts just looked like a bunch of emoticons and maybe a word or two here and there being spouted for seemingly no reason while the other party was answering to each strange texting style with long, essay worthy messages in turn, but Daniel could make everything out clearly. He was fascinated, but overall, there was nothing to worry about. What's making Jay so worried? He didn't see any issue. Also, the other person on the phone was 100% not a girl; he could tell who that kind of texting was from anywhere: Jay's butler.

“Jay, I don't give a damn,” Daniel put his face on his hand and assured, "You know i don't." He had an intensely confused expression on his face.

“Look at photos and videos of me all you want. Honestly, look at me in real life all you want too. Why should I care when you've already f*cked me for hours and seen everything? You licked my asshole more than once, man, seriously,” he sighed. “I don't understand why you're so worried about this," he continued, unconcerned about how sleazy his remarks sounded, which made Jay blush a deep scarlet and embarrassed him even more.

The blonde flailed his arms frantically, attempting to explain why this was unusual, given that he was essentially using Daniel as jerk off material without consent. He was frightened that Daniel would detest him for doing such a bizarre act, which is immoral, and Jay knew that it was. He didn't explain why he was trying to remove all of the images and videos put online so that other people wouldn't utilize Daniel in the same way; he assumed Daniel would get the essence of it without explanation.

Regretfully, the apple of his eye is a complete moron. He laughed, not understanding at all, "What part of that can be used as your go-to material for masturbating?” Can Jay really get an erection from this alone? Wow, is he horny all the time? "I'm completely dressed. During yesterday night's stream, all I had on display was my face. Haha! Is that all it takes to get you excited?” He made fun of Jay, causing the redness to spread throughout his entire face and body.

No, stop!!! Now Jay's absolutely mortified! Not only was Daniel not getting it, he was also making Jay look even more perverted! How is that even possible!?

“Nevermind that. masturbat* all you want to it, even though I don't understand the whys or hows,” Daniel placed the phone aside, eager to get to the meat of the matter. He was merely pestering Jay to relieve tension between them, in case Jay didn't greet him today because he was upset that Daniel was growing closer to Yui, which was against what he had been told not to do. “Hey, did you know what happened earlier? This morning, Yui and Zoe had an argument and Zack said it was Yui's fault it happened. Is that true?”

Just as Jay was ready to launch into another argument with Daniel about his alarming perspective on perversion, the blonde suddenly stopped to consider, co*cked his head up a little, and put a finger under his chin. He nodded after a little while, indicating that Yui was the one who had pushed things too far. He didn't pay attention since he was too preoccupied with deleting Daniel's smutty moments online, but he did hear her indicating, subtly, that others should start mocking Zoe.

"She did?" Daniel couldn't believe it, even though it came straight from Jay's perspective. Of course, the latter is biased because he has already stated that he dislikes Yui, so Daniel believes it is only appropriate for him to accept Jay's statements with a grain of salt. "...She's… Sorry, it's unbelievable because- God, she's my first love…” Daniel admitted with difficulty when Jay frowned and asked why he could not comprehend that Yui was a nasty person, massaging his head from the nausea that had set in.

Jay knew his sweetheart had romantic feelings for her, but hearing it firsthand made him grit his teeth and want to pretend he hadn't heard anything. He harrumphed, silently reminding Daniel that the man can think whatever he wanted of the incident if he was so set about not seeing the reality, before turning away to furiously stare out the window, watching the birds teach their youngs how to fly before winter.

“Jay, come on… don't be mad,” he attempted to persuade Jay to look at him again, but the prince refused, choosing to pout and stare out the window. "Jay~" Daniel tried a cuter approach, nudging Jay and squeezing his uniform before going closer. But Jay was stubborn and refused to give him even a fraction of his interest.

Daniel sighed, resorting to a more intimate means when aegyo didn't get him what he wanted. “Jay…" Daniel's hand quietly touched the blonde's thigh, rubbing slightly beneath the desk, while his lips brushed against Jay's shoulder, gradually rising upwards to give wet kisses on Jay's exposed neck. As soon as he was near Jay's ear, he whispered, "Jay Hong, look at me," giving the poor fellow a chill and making him gasp.

"!!" Jay flinched back and gave Daniel a flushed look as he spun around, one hand holding his now slightly moist neck as if to protect it. The scene became fairly comical as the exclamation and question marks seemed to be nearly jumping out of him.

He fumed a little as Daniel laughed at him, cheeks pink with amusem*nt while racing away. When Jay realized how much this little gesture from Daniel had roused his lower area to life, he became even more dissatisfied and ashamed and was compelled to press his thighs together and rest his hands on the table until he managed to calm his thoughts with images of winter.

It's bad enough that he had constant wet dreams last night after the stream, touch-starved for his topdog's glossy body and white skin, and now he has to go through this as well!? His beloved is too cruel; it's hazardous!


Outside of school hours, on his way home, Daniel had stopped by to feed Inu, the dog he shared with the girl who had been consistently disciplining him these past several days. "Here, grow big so you can be strong for your babies."

A small circular metal bowl clattered next to the mixed golden retriever dog, containing only the highest grade dog food available. Another dish of dry food was placed directly beside it not a second later, a complete contrast to the wet food that was initially offered. Daniel wasn't done yet; he put in a platter with an assortment of pricey cuts of meat, eggs, vegetables suited for dogs, and so on, all contributed by Crystal Choi, PaprikaTV CEO and top company, and HNH Group's only daughter. Finally, Daniel saved the dog bone treat he purchased with his own savings for later, which was a medium-sized gift for Inu.

Apparently, the original owner named the dog Inu. Crystal discovered this after speaking with the kind old grandma across the street, who had always pitied the dog and given it food and water, allowing Inu to live as long as it did today. Well, she'll live a lot longer after Crystal had taken it to a vet— with some more bites being taken, a necessary self-sacrifice on her part.

“She's such an irresponsible young woman! How did she find time to get pregnant while she was guarding this ruined house so vehemently!” Crystal patted Inu's head and complained lightheartedly, only to have Daniel bandage her hand for the umpteenth time that day after her entire hand got bit.

“Let her be. It was probably a forceful male dog making its move on her. You should be more angry at the to-be deadbeat dad,” Daniel said, disinfecting the cuts and huffing when Crystal exhibited no emotion to the excruciating pain it must have left all across her wounded flesh. She's probably become so accustomed to it that her arms are numb all the time by now. “It's shocking that I have to be the one to remind you of this. I thought you'd be the first to bring up and talk crap about her man.”

Crystal side-eyed him before snapping her head away, emitting an audible 'hmph'. She's too haughty to concede it should be the case, but she's also not proud enough to deny that Daniel was correct. Daniel deserves some credit; he's a good man.

She hesitated and said, "Sorry then," as she saw Inu eat quickly two steps away from her while hiding in the improvised dog house that she and Daniel had made. “How many pups do you think she's expecting?”

With a furrowed brow and a dramatic pout, Daniel wrapped the gauze over her palm and said, "Closest one to the real number later gets three meal coupons?"

“Nevermind then. You wicked, discount-hungry bastard,” Crystal pulled her hand away immediately before closing her eyes, not wanting to give Daniel any reactions to show just how unamused she was. “Instead of pointless coupons with only a 10% discount, I'll invite you to an all-you-can-eat buffet at one of my workplace events. You'll be responsible for clearing up all the unfinished food. Pig out all you want," she answered without pause, letting Daniel know she was serious.

“Yes, ma'am! I'll even eat the plates and chopsticks so it's extra clean!” Daniel gave a joking salute before breaking into a giggle, while Crystal used the back of her hand to hide a little, entertained smile.

They've realized they had rather decent cooperation with each other ever since they feverishly worked together for hours yesterday to provide food, drink, and shelter for Inu. Although it may have taken Crystal a little longer to warm up to Daniel, in the end she didn't mind because he truly didn't have any bad bone in him. That is, to her. This was further backed by Daniel's honesty, since he only bought what she told him to for Inu after she handed him complete authority over her black card.

They had become slightly more than just acquaintances who kept running into each other at random given that they felt comfortable enough to crack jokes now and again. Their relationship was less tense than it had been; instead, they exuded a lively sense of humor when they were together.

Though it may not seem like it, when Crystal feels at ease in the company of someone, she can become a little rambunctious. She was as adept at teasing others as she was at becoming upset with conceited attractive people, e.g, men. This made Daniel always want to rile her up, loving it most when she isn't so uptight all the time.

The topdog never took the joke beyond words though, as when he tried to playfully wrestle with her out of reflex when they got too rowdy, Crystal has shown him more than once that she wasn't the kind to be easily messed with. Whatever maneuvers she executed on him resembled that Gun guy a lot, and they consistently floored Daniel.

He didn't give it much thought as to how she learned it because he knew that, as one of her bodyguards, Gun would undoubtedly impart some self-defense tips because he couldn't always be there for her, like he was right now— Uh… Actually, Crystal is almost always alone and without her bodyguards, what's up with that?

And Goo has the audacity to claim that he was utterly bored with this 9–5 job. He wasn't even here!

“–You should teach me more about that Aikido thing,” Daniel said after bathing Inu, which resulted in numerous scratches and bite scars. They needed to get rid of the fleas that had taken up residence on her so that her pups wouldn't have their blood sucked from them, making them turn sickly later.

Crystal flashed him a short glance before continuing to clean her arms with a thick white towel. She received the same injuries as the other, especially because she couldn't help herself from getting sidetracked and pinching Inu out of adoration for how cute she is. “Forget about it. You're strong enough as it is; you don't need to learn any new skills," she said, making him blow up his cheeks in displeasure.

“Come on, Crystal! Just that one move you pulled on me at least. I really want that. Pleaseeee?” He whimpered insistently, only to receive an irritated tongue click in response. He was like a toddler asking his sister for his share of candy, squirming around shamelessly. If he could, he would have collapsed to the floor and begun rolling around, screaming loudly and swinging his fists like a real child. “It's easy! Hit me as hard as you can with that move so I can have it!”

“Quit it. I'm not giving you it and that's final,” Crystal was indifferent, uninterested in teaching Daniel anything. It wasn't her place to give away those moves in the first place; it was Gun's legacy, his decision, and since he isn't here to allow her, she isn't going to be a brat and teach Aikido to just anyone.

Daniel chose to drop it and bring up the topic at a later time after some more back-and-forth that nearly resulted in him being kicked in the ass. That suplex Crystal almost pulled on him was freaky, it could've broken his neck. Instead, they were crouching near Inu, looking at her as they discussed something else.

They could go home now that their daily quota for caring for Inu had been met, but neither wanted to leave the other's company. Crystal, who has never had friends outside of DG, has long yearned for something similar—a lengthy, stress-free chat with a person her own age. Meanwhile, Daniel simply had to be near to her because she said so. Crystal had repeatedly encouraged him to remain longer so they could talk more because she knew she would feel quite alone when working later.

Daniel was moved by her sorrowful tone and forlorn expression. How sad must her job be to have turned her into such a lonely figure? It makes sense why she is always aggravated by many things. It's unfortunate that a woman in her prime would appear to be emotionally and physically burdened all the time.

"Is this dog growing fatter or is it just me?" Daniel prodded Inu's stomach, causing her to snarl at him. Even though he could readily heal from the injury, he gave her a treat to sate her bloodthirsty craving to bite the sh*t out of him. The loss of blood made him groggy, and he honestly can't be bothered washing himself up after Inu bites him.

“Duh, she's a pregnant lady. Of course, she'll look bigger. Plus, we've been feeding her a lot; I'd be more concerned if she wasn't gaining weight," Crystal sarcastically responded, smacking Daniel's hand away from Inu. “Stop poking her, it's rude.”

“No, I meant like… Inu is getting rounder in a chubby kind of way, not just from her babies and us. She looks like someone else has been feeding her a lot too," Daniel observed, returning his hand to Inu and receiving another swat to keep him away.

“Maybe the grandma fed her? Just be happy. She's healthy sized now," Crystal said, dismissing his questions as pointless because Inu's growth was not a bad thing. It's a good deed of kindness from whoever has been feeding her alongside them.

There was a brief period of silence after that as the two had discussed every possible subject. They only became friends yesterday, so it's not surprising that they can't talk all day yet. In the quiet, Crystal hid the bottom half of her face in her arms as Daniel watched Inu bite into the bone he gave her with a blank expression, growing hungry as he saw her enjoying the treat and fantasizing about dining in the modest luxury of his own house.

"Hey idiot, can you... um," Crystal said, blushing a little as she realized she was having trouble expressing one of her true feelings out loud.

“Hm?” Daniel merely gave her a soft nod, signaling to her that he was listening, to encourage her without putting any pressure on her.

“Wanna eat with me during lunch tomorrow? I mean– you don't have to, if you dont want to. I was just asking 'cause it's basic courtesy to, or whatever. I have plenty of other friends, so it's not like I really want you there or anything. Like, y'know… a normal teenager, haha. I'm totally popular and have a ton of friends my age, and it's not just you, seriously. So don't— Actually, forget about i-”

“Okay. I'll eat with you,” Daniel grinned at her, making her frown at how carefree he appeared, even though she felt like her coronary artery was about to burst from how rapidly her heart was beating. "So stop going on an anxious rant," Daniel said. She could feel her cheeks flushing crimson to the point that smoke was flowing out of her face; she was humiliated, and Daniel laughed.

She continued to speak with the topdog of the Fashion Department for a little while longer, making him receive a lot of flak for being so carefree and accidentally making her look foolish, until she left to go to work before 4 p.m. Daniel eventually received a discount coupon for a high-end homemade pizza business Crystal had previously visited and obtained from the owner's son, who had instantly fallen in love with her a couple weeks ago.

After bidding Inu farewell, Daniel made the decision to head to the closest convenience store to pick up some more bone treats for her.

In addition to the seller's claim that it is beneficial for a dog's dental care, she seemed to like it. For them, it's said to be similar to toothbrushes.

In other news, he is dying for some spicy ramen and possibly a big helping of fried chicken to go with the noodles. Daniel could taste the soft chunks of beef dipped in buldak sauce and the creamy, spicy broth just by picturing it. He could also smell the exquisite fragrance of everything. Ahh.. Even thinking about it makes him drool; he needs to eat it right away.

Soon after, after being approached by a few perverts along the road that he had managed to ignore because he was so hungry, Daniel arrived at a convenience store that sold ramen packs and dog treats. (Although they were still avoidable and Daniel was unaware of their advances, he sensed that the environment surrounding him felt more ‘crowded’ than normal today. There seemed to be a lot more blatant perverts than usual.)

Inside, there was a very poor air conditioner whirring insistently on the ceiling sides, and an already fatigued cashier who straightened up at the sight of him, having recognized him from someplace on the internet. There was also a new Coca-Cola flavor being offered, quietly waiting in the store's freezers.

These were the only things Daniel saw as he made a beeline for the new drinks, fisting two in one go before speed walking directly up to the noodles department, where the ramen was on display, susceptible to the taking of a monster as gourmand as Daniel Park. He loomed from a distance, malnourished, like a shadow with piercing, burning red eyes. If food items could sweat, the pack of ramen would undoubtedly have.

He didn't hesitate to take three entire packs, each with a distinct flavoring, before placing them on the counter, where the surprised cashier was now standing. The cashier glanced down at the junk food with a pale, bluish expression, as if they were alive and moving, quivering like leaves after the customer's crushing hold around them had been released.

"Wait, I want chips too…" Daniel excused himself, not noticing the man quietly photographing him, intending to reveal what the most viral man online this week was consuming to preserve his figure. The sheer amount of junk food this appealing man was consuming while still looking so hot made his spine quiver and his brow pucker with unmistakable envy.

It took Daniel over ten minutes to return with his arms full of chips, cookies, and the like. They formed a little hill on the countertop, awaiting for their eventual end in the handsome customer's toned stomach. Meanwhile, said customer was huffing and puffing at the sight of them like a predatory animal that had been famished for weeks, which was an unsettling spectacle to say the least. However, his good looks overshadowed the creepiness of his food-related conduct, causing the cashier to become even more jealous.

‘Fresh dew flowers and sparkles surround him despite his strange aura. Really, life isn't fair…’ The cashier pondered, smiling tightly to himself while openly displaying his genuine feelings of failure and inferiority toward the exceptionally attractive customer. He felt like ripping his face off and ramming himself against the other, hoping to merge with Daniel and stop living as the less-than-average-looking bastard he was today.

While Daniel patiently waits for the teary-eyed cashier to finish ringing him up, the bell makes a sound behind him, signaling the entrance of another customer. He didn't bother taking a look at who had entered, too preoccupied with planning how he's going to serve himself the batch of food he had just bought later. That is, until someone pulled him by the shoulder, had him spin around, and then pressed him up against the counter, as if they were worried he would bolt the moment he had the opportunity.

Daniel could not see much because one of their hands covered most of his face, and their legs cleverly entwined with his to prevent him from fleeing as decisively. This demonstrates that the person he would be facing has a great deal of experience and is suitably prepared for an unexpected street brawl like this. The person could be a local Yongsan-Gu thief or a trained kidnapper. In either case, they are likely to be accompanied by someone, which increases the risk.

“What the—!?” Daniel didn't think to use any of his might until he knew who in the world would dare to assault him from behind like this, and in a convenience store on the outskirts of the city no less. If he did, he'd wind up killing them all in one hit. So he wriggled a little to get a good look at their face, and then groped their back to find out which gender he was battling with. "Get off me!" When he saw it was a man, he kicked and elbowed him in the back, making sure each hit was hard enough to break bones.

By now, the cashier had wisely fled out the back with the intention of hiding inside the storeroom and calling the police to help the handsome fellow and diffuse the situation outside. But, at the same time, the cashier had some hopes that the bad guy would beat the customer to a pulp, permanently destroying their gorgeous face and making him as average as the next South Korean male out of envy.

Back at the convenience store, with things tossed to the ground as their roughing continued, Daniel gained the upper hand in the brawl, choking the man between his armpits while their legs became even more entwined, allowing neither to escape the other's attacks. “Cough! Wait! Hold up! Daniel, let me go!” The man gasped, finally sound enough to realize that maybe this way of getting Daniel's regard wasn't a very good one after all.

“Dammit, Zack Lee, do you not know how to be a decent human being for once!? All of that sh*t you pulled and now you're attacking me like a coward!” Daniel yelled, having already figured out who had fallen over him after groping them for a bit. Since they've been fighting all over the countertop for the past three minutes, Zack's distinctive body and aroma were sure to draw attention.

Zack's hand swung across the counter, trying to break free from the chokehold, but as the pressure around his neck intensified, more objects dropped to the ground and he spat. “If– ugh..! If i didn't do this, you wouldn't have even looked at me! Much less have your hands anywhere on me like this!” Breathless, he argued. The lack of oxygen was slowly turning his face purple, and he thought bubbles could burst from his mouth if this continued.

He didn't plan for this to happen; his previous plan was thwarted by the extent of his injuries, which required extensive care and left him sequestered in the infirmary until the end of the school day. Mira and Zoe subsequently discovered him there, with Mira's sense telling her that there had probably been a fight after she chased Zoe, and Zack would undoubtedly end up getting a scolding from the nurse.

She was correct, as it turns out.

The girls helped him keep the bag of ice on his damaged chest the entire time, trading places whenever one of them felt their arm tiring. Then, when Zack tried to get up and leave so he could get Daniel to come to the back of the school with him, the girls shoved him back down on the infirmary bed and told him that if he moved, their hard work would be for nothing. Zoe even punched him squarely on his fracture, forcing him to stop being so stubborn and listen to their advice, which was more of an order.

“Yeah? Then i'll put you into a coma this time for sure. I'll make sure I don't have to see or touch you till next month!" Daniel growled, tightening on his choking even more, even when Zack managed to get up, releasing their legs from one another from pure adrenaline.

“You already f*cked up my ribs, dude! I’m no match for you so stop! You're killing me here!” Zack felt saliva drip down his chin as he spun around the room with wobbly feet, forced to carry Daniel while having the living sh*t strangled out of him. Daniel's long legs wrapped around his waist, holding him in place like a koala clinging to a tree, and his head was wedged into Daniel's bicep.

Unluckily, a nearby rack was positioned too close to where they were fighting, so Zack instinctively pushed his front into its metal, thinking the blow would loosen Daniel's chokehold. It tipped over, clattering jars of pickled vegetables and other canned goods all over the floor with a high-pitched groaning sound. Somehow, no liquid leaked from the multiple cans of food, indicating that it did not explode and was still good stock.

The awareness that if they kept bickering like this, the entire place would fall apart, prompted Zack to devise a different strategy for convincing Daniel to let him go. “Kghh— I have proof… cough…! I have proof that Yui is a horrible person who has been ly- lying to you– ungh! Cough! Please…! Let's just talk this out…!!” He quickly took the rolled-up paperwork from his waist, disclosing the contents as best he could to Daniel, who was still dead set on making him lose the light in his eyes.

He flipped it exactly to the portion where Yui was caught being lovey-dovey with another man, who was clearly her boyfriend. The photographs were clear enough to be seen even with a quick glance, so they should be enough to cause his top dog to hesitate. Zack had glanced over the entire thing several times so he knew exactly which page to open, allowing him to present Daniel the evidence before he was knocked out.

At first, Daniel was unwilling to confront it, writing off the documents as just another of Zack's lies. However, he stopped in disbelief when he unintentionally glanced at them and saw Yui caressing the cheek of a man whose ginger hair was slicked back. The photo was taken from a higher perspective, as if the photographer ascended to a rental property across the street and zoomed in from there.

Despite wires, unused hangers, and a spider web covering ⅔ of the view, Daniel plainly saw a woman with long hair, Yui, with her face visible and highlighted, in the arms of another man. The snapshot was taken not even a day ago, and whomever took it was very quick and competent at uncovering people's hidden secrets.

“T-this doesn't prove anything!” Daniel shouted in denial, but even so, he couldn't keep his grip strength anymore and had to let Zack go. “Let me see that!" He fell to his feet and rushed to steal the papers away from Zack, who was busy gulping in oxygen and soothing the headache that was making his brain throb like crazy.

Pages after pages of detailed information portrayed everything about Yui's personal life that contradicted Daniel's moral stance. She smoked, scammed, mocked other girls who disagreed with her, and, most disturbingly, she bullied others based on their appearance. There were a couple of photographs in the document that demonstrated how harsh she is to ugly people, particularly those who are overweight. No matter how Daniel tried to spin the story to make it less adversarial, the document managed to deflect and force him to return to viewing the reality of things, the reality of Yui, who isn't precisely what she had projected to him.

She isn't a wonderful, loving, caring woman who only has the sweetest thoughts for other people. She is essentially the perfect example of a modern witch—a cunning individual who cheated on her partner in favor of Daniel and who also possessed a deeply nasty nature. She's insufferable!

"There's no way... This cannot be real...! There is just no way!" Daniel felt his gut churn and his heart pinch in misery. The girl who taught him that love can be nuanced, the first girl he's ever heard say that all people are equal regardless of appearance, and the first girl he's ever fallen in love with… she had such a side to her…?

So Zack and Jay were right all along? Daniel tried not to be blinded by love, but with the slightest push of fury, he ended up holding onto Yui with his entire heart, leaving him devastated as he battled to keep himself from experiencing a familiar type of breathlessness. A panic attack was building up, so similar to whenever he got his nightmares. His lungs burned and his breath was erratic as the anguish spread from his heart to his brain. He doesn't want it to be true, and so, he decides it's not.

Perhaps that man was her brother, or he was a friend with whom she was close enough to be affectionate with. The other stories must have been made up, and the images are there to make Daniel misinterpret her, making her character terrible despite her being far from it. Yup, that's it. That must be it.

“Who the hell do you think I am? A f*cking idiot?” Zack was startled when Daniel balled up the papers and tossed them back at him, hurting his nose. “You just don't like me being close to someone who's actually sincere to me. You only want to keep me away from people who genuinely care about me so that you can take advantage of me!” He cried out, gritting his teeth afterwards, knowing deep down that he was just spitting gibberish at this point and was unable to handle it. "I'll get distant and you'll be left with no one to hold!" he exclaimed.

“Goddammit. Daniel plea–” The bell rang for the third time that evening, signaling that more people were arriving, before Zack could say anything else. He and Daniel hesitated and froze, feeling like street cats who had just been flashed by a shopkeeper's light while battling over the fish they'd stolen.

They automatically gazed around the area with guilt, their hearts laden with remorse as they observed the mess left by their arguing. Scattered cans, food, candy, pens, and papers—it was as if the zombie apocalypse had struck this helpless convenience store. Even the damn racks had been pushed aside like a kid-made jungle maze; one had even collapsed to the ground, perhaps crying and yelling if it had been a living thing.

The air took on an unpleasant, dirty feeling, similar to what it would be like to stand in the middle of a beggar's neighborhood. The appearance of the bird's nest was further hampered by the layer of dust that covered the entire area as a result of numerous objects falling over. Daniel felt obligated to pick up a broom and begin sweeping; meanwhile, Zack felt compelled to jump and crash against the mirror walls before fleeing into the distance in shame.

However, as soon as they realized who had entered the building, they simultaneously suppressed their inclinations. The two fell silent at the sight of the familiar figure of a man with short ginger hair and a girl from J High next to him. They both remembered a variety of recollections, the majority of which came from the pictures on the documents used as proof.

The couple who had just entered the convenience store was undoubtedly Yui and her boyfriend, which surprised Daniel and Zack. What were the chances that they'd meet the two just after Daniel had been presented proof pointing to them as the main villains? It was so bizarre, they didn't know what else to do but stare with big eyes.

“Move away, turds," The boyfriend assumed they were simply run-of-the-mill thugs throwing a hissy fit and pissing on each other like a bunch of teen dingus, and clicked his tongue in frustration at them. "I gotta buy important stuff here," he said. Yongsan street around here is full of these delinquents, it was such a pain in the ass to see. The man could firmly assert that these brats have never witnessed the violent side of adulthood and that if they were exposed to that aspect of the life of a gangster, they would run screaming for their mothers.

Yui was behind him, absorbed in her phone and completely unaware of anything going on around her. It was too much work to deal with her easily irritated lover. She'd rather waste her time chatting with friends or shopping online than confronting an obnoxious jerk like him. Her beautiful face will wrinkle from constant sadness, and she won't be able to market herself online. Beauty is everything; money is god.

Zack scowled at the classmate who was taking advantage of Daniel for her own gain as well as the boyfriend. But then his worried gaze fell on Daniel, who was fixed on Yui, staring with the most pitiful doe eyes he had ever seen on a guy. At that moment, he appeared vulnerable, his lips slightly parted as he observed the entire event in silence, much like a fly on a wall.

In his thoughts, he was still attempting to ignore the facts and convince himself as best he could. ‘They must be siblings. They must be best friends. They're not lovers! They're not!’ But he was unable to turn away or even speak to her. He can't imagine mustering a grin and saying hi in this situation, pretending nothing has changed between them and that he isn't devastated to the point of having a panic attack.

“Where's the f*cking cashier? Hey! You lazy bum! Your store’s turned into a sh*tshow; get your fat ass here and fetch some new condoms for me, would you!?" The guy shouted loudly, making a racket even though there were two strangers around to hear. “Ya hear me, bro!? Come out front, slow moron! I gotta give my girl dick!” It was a power trip for him, as the ranting allowed him to release some of his everyday rage. If he was telling the truth, it was a better alternative than sex.

“Tone it down, asshole…” With a sigh, Yui murmured and eventually placed her phone down, tucking it into her sweatpants pocket. He's going to make her look bad. She doesn't need anyone to know that she's having an affair with such a repulsive man, ew. Gosh, she needed a well-deserved smoke. This place looked wrecked as is; it shouldn't matter if she got a little brazen and puffed one out in here, right?

Then she felt her heart sink as she spotted a certain attractive face as he looked up just as she was ready to ignite the cigarette she had retrieved from her pockets. Her topdog, with a face struck with a mix of dread and defeat, remained there, transfixed like a man transformed into a statue. It was abundantly apparent why he was so dismayed, and Yui flung the cigarette and lighter to the floor, acting innocent out of instinct even though she knew it was pointless.

“D-Daniel…! Why are you here?” she began, proclaiming with a weak smile as she tried to walk over to the man, hoping that he wasn't angry with her yet and would still be open to a talk. She had to set things straight! She was aware that Daniel detested this kind of thing, and that he ought to have heard what her partner had to say, which made it apparent that Yui was also a cheater amid all of the deception and bad habits. “It's not what you think!”

Hearing the noise behind him, the boyfriend looked back with a puzzled expression on his face, wondering what was all the fuss about. Then, what he saw made his vein pop: this painfully good-looking man staring wide-eyed at his girlfriend, who was currently screaming and mumbling about him having to listen to her or something. The boyfriend didn't appreciate the intense eye contact between them, whatever was going on.

“Hey, what? You got a problem with my girl?” With a confident gait befitting a short fused man like him, Yui's lover puffed up his chest and walked over to the other. “Don't f*cking look at her, bro. Or else I'll show you what a real man's punch is like— right on that girly ass face of yours!” Once he was within arm's reach, he grabbed onto the still-shocked Daniel's uniform collar and used all of his strength to pucker his lips into an awful, provocative frown.

Zack quickly intervened, snatching the boyfriend's wrist and glaring at him, snarling, "Don't you dare touch him."

Daniel refused to move, despite being virtually dangled by Yui's lover. He was still struggling to accept his naivety after being catfished by his first love. Zack could only sigh with pity at his lackluster response and opted to assist him in handling the boyfriend while he got over the whole ordeal.

“What? Another brat? What's with you bunch? Do kids these days not respect their elders anymore or something?” The boyfriend raised an eyebrow at Zack, taunting him.

"Hmph, says the man barely a year older. We could've been classmates if you weren't such an asshole to the point that no school wants you," Zack scoffed, knowing practically all of the man's personal information by heart, the contents of the evidence having become ingrained in him.

This guy's name is Yong Lee, he's a 19-year-old high school dropout and a chronic fraudster in this area. He is unable to get work for a variety of reasons, the most serious of which being his criminal record, which includes numerous allegations of battery and assault. He was only a free man at this point because the women he typically dated were well-off and was able to pay his bail. They were also the only source of income he had other than scamming.

He's a leech, less than a man, but acts like he's the sh*t. Zero conscience.

"Besides, we aren't interested in your girlfriend. She's all yours. But I guess if a damn public school with a 100% acceptance rate doesn't want you, neither does your own girl. She's out here flirting with my friend day after day, at class and in her Kakao at home, begging to get with him,” Zack suddenly drops the bomb, sending Yui into a panic and causing Yong to blink in shock. “She probably f*cks around with him, going all up over him right under your nose. Have you ever wondered why she's suddenly gifting you so much random designer sh*t?” Zack flicked his gaze downward, taking note of the Gucci wallet in his palm and the branded slacks he was currently wearing.

Those were things she tried to give Daniel to win his favor a while back, when they weren't as close. Daniel rejected her outright, being the casual guy that he is about these kinds of things. She finally stopped when she tried to offer him the pants because he had denied her a second time, claiming he would have to buy another wardrobe if he accepted this since he already had a wardrobe full of the same items at home.

Zack had sneered at her everytime she did this, calling her a moron inwardly. Did she not see that Daniel was practically holding hands with the Fashion Dept Prince? If their topdog gave Jay even a single wanton glance, he would scramble to get Daniel anything just to satisfy that needy look. He'd buy a f*cking sh*t ton of the same $500 product she got him with a wave of his hand.

Their topdog does NOT need such materialistic gifts. Not with someone as wealthy as Jay smitten with him. She'd have a better chance of getting him to accept if she offered him a homemade lunchbox or something, even if it looked or/and tasted like crap.

“Don't listen to him!” Yui screamed, covering her ears, as if not hearing it meant it didn't happen and everything was fine.

Observing his partner's increasing irrationality, Yong concluded that Zack was being honest. He's always suspected Yui of being a cheater; she wouldn't be giving him so many expensive gifts without a cause. She had been smiling at him all day recently, and while he was relieved to receive such positive attention from her for once, it also increased his suspicions. She was usually a pain in the neck, constantly irritated and dissatisfied with him, furious at whatever he did that bothered her.

When he gives it some thought, isn't this the ideal opportunity for him to attack her and let out all the pent-up frustration he's been holding about her attitude for a while? A personal punching bag— sweet! “I've always wanted to beat you. You were annoying at best. A cheater should get what they deserve,” he yanked himself away from Zack and cracked his fist before he hovered over the anxious woman, relishing the prospect of punishing someone as fussy as her. Maybe this experience will finally make her obedient to him, hmph.

Yui just stood there, quivering in terror as she watched her boyfriend's height appear to expand in front of her, towering over her weak frame. She felt like she was drowning in his shadow, unable to breathe, and mandated to stay rooted to the floor because she was intimidated. Recollections of this very similar situation occurring, albeit for very different motives, overloaded her already frazzled head. She is crushed by trauma when she feels Yong's violent hands pressing down on her once more.

Ah… she should've just stayed in her lane. Maybe then, this sh*tty situation wouldn't happen.

“Hey, stop it. Men shouldn't treat women roughly. She's done some wrong but hitting her like a loser isn't going to make things right. Don't you love her?” Zack obstructed Yong once more, this time defending Yui, whose eyes gleamed at the valiant gesture. She couldn't believe he was shielding her, and Yong was clearly appalled by his unsupportive standpoint.

Even more shocking, the man of the hour, who was at the center of this drama and hadn't moved an inch in a while, joined Zack. Daniel was visibly still in pain from what Yui had done to him as he stood next to his former friend. “I don't support violence against girls. Even if she made me feel like sh*t.”

She felt his words go straight through her like a spear, causing her to lower her head in shame. Even though she had lied to him and caused him great pain, he chose to be the bigger man and chose to set aside his negativity in order to keep her safe. Even at the very end of their relationship, he was still the same pure soul he's always been and Yui was only seeing it now. It's unfortunate that she was so consumed by her want for notoriety and renown that she failed to recognize the true nature of her topdog, thereby costing her the greatest chance of her life.

There was a standoff until Yong clenched his teeth and erupted in a furious fit of wrath. “Then go to hell with that cheater!”

Zack hit him first—and not just once, but five times at once—before he could even strike a blow. His lightning fast speed made Yong not even notice just how damaged he already was from the first second, making him still want to persist despite how threatening the blows on him looked like.

Then, just as his knuckles were ready to collide with Zack's guard, Daniel lunged from behind him, swiping his heel for a clean blow on the abusive boyfriend's jaw. When his kick connected, it made a loud, terrible sound, causing Yong to lose a couple teeth on top of the now fractured ribs he had after Zack struck him.

The ginger-haired man didn't start to feel misery until more than five seconds had passed since the two J High students' initial round of attacks. His mouth hurt beyond words, a horrific feeling that could not be put into words. He coughed up blood, palms flying to his stomach as if that would stop the pain. ‘W-what in the world…!? These guys are actually good at fighting!?’ He thought, tearing up as his body buckled under the combined weight of the two as they chose to crush him at the same time.

Daniel embarked on elbowing him from behind, hitting his spine, while Zack delivered a powerful right hook that exacerbated Yong's existing pain and caused more teeth to fall out. The only reason the regular guy survived the duo's onslaught was because Zack and Daniel didn't go for a real fight, instead choosing to keep their strength at a minimum and use it to teach Yong a lesson.

The guy was reduced to a bloody mess on the convenience store floor in only two minutes. Not strong enough to repel even a small portion of the two men's blows.

It was a difficult sight to bear for those who are normal, but there are far more horrific cases in Yongsan, so this was nothing significant. After all, Yong only suffered a few broken bones and the majority of his teeth fell out. These are all treatable wounds.

"We worked well together," Zack decided to mention now that the hardship has come to pass. He gave Daniel a quick shove with his shoulder and grinned smugly when Daniel looked up. Zack felt Daniel still had some resonance with him, despite all of his violent efforts to break their bond. "...Still sad?" He touched his topdog's arm, but Daniel hunched his shoulders and looked down, crestfallen, not responding to Zack's playful, arrogant demeanor.

Zack was moved to give him a kiss as soon as he saw how depressed he was; he didn't care whether he did it in front of Yui. He reasoned that since Daniel had finished his phase with Yui, their quarrel had also ended, so it was time to get personal with him. He missed Daniel's warmth so badly that it was almost eating him up from within. In addition, he wished to demonstrate to Yui to whom precisely Daniel belonged so she would never attempt anything like this again.

Just as his palm touched Daniel's cheek and he was ready to angle his head to better press his mouth against the other's, the sound of a police cruiser, accompanied by red and blue lights, startled them all. It wasn't too close yet, so Zack acted instinctively, having done this several times before.

He grabbed Daniel's wrist first, treating him as the most important person present, before leaping over the counter with him. Resembling a rag doll, Daniel did not refuse the assistance, allowing Zack to do as he pleased without uttering a word.

He perked up briefly and turned around to address Yui, who had fallen to her knees now that the episode had passed and she was theoretically free from her cruel partner. "Tell the police what he did to you. I noticed you didn't look good when he almost got you. I understand how you feel, so fight back now by involving the police," meaning that she should exaggerate what had transpired in order to portray her boyfriend as the bad person in the witness testimony.

She was aware of it as well; the Yongsan police are notoriously lethargic when it comes to fixing things. There were so many gang-related crimes in Yongsan that this one, which only had one victim, was insignificant. She gave a slight nod, and Zack continued pulling Daniel away, into the thankfully unlocked back exit, then to a location far from there that was private enough to be utilized as a hiding place.

She was alone when she felt true calm for the first time, with the sound of police sirens blasting, the red and blue lights blinking constantly in the background, and Yong, the regret of her life, all curled up on the floor like a snapped twig.


The sound of lips meeting could be heard echoing in a lonely, pitch-black alleyway.

Daniel gasped and panted, taking a momentary break from their intense kissing to catch his air. His wrists were held to his sides. "Ngh," Zack proceeded from his lips to his neck, and Daniel groaned softly as he bit and sucked on the area with a ferocity befitting a man who had been crying and struggling to get any sleep at all for this very moment.

Daniel tried to walk away as soon as they found a good location to hide, expecting to contemplate the events off at home or, if he was feeling really lonely, do an impromptu sleepover at Jay's penthouse. But Zack didn't like the fact that Daniel wasn't honoring the significant part he had played in reigning in his misguided romance and fleeing, so he pinned Daniel to the building walls, preventing him from returning home. Then, before Daniel could argue, Zack smashed his lips against the other, resulting in the passion unfolding in the present.

"Zack... ugh," When Zack released his grip on Daniel's wrists and slid one hand beneath the pale yellow vest, running his finger across Daniel's nipple from behind the white button-up layer, Daniel bit his bottom lip and turned away. “Ah-! Hold on!” Down below, Zack had jutted his knee in between Daniel's legs so he could massage his leg on Daniel's bulge to stimulate him while his hand skillfully worked with Daniel's chest.

Up and down, the motion of his knee made Daniel buckle and let out a shaky breath. The man receiving let out reluctant mewls from his swollen lips as Zack briefly pressed deep, adding more pressure to his topdog's developing erection and throwing in some pain amid the barrage of pleasure he was determined to deliver. “-unghh..!” Daniel closed his mouth, suppressing a high-pitched moan as Zack pinched his nipple particularly hard and masterfully rolled the hardening bud between his pointer and thumb.

He didn't say anything throughout, burning a bright crimson as he continued to give Daniel all the carnal love he could possibly imagine. He enjoyed the sound of Daniel's moans, his breath hot against the tip of his ear, sending jolts of pleasure right to his co*ck, and the way Daniel looked, all screwed up when they had only just begun.

He wanted to see more, to elicit a stronger reaction. And to do so, Zack had to penetrate the other, push through the tight flesh, and rub into Daniel's anal till his manhood poked into the attractive man's prostate. It would feel f*cking amazing around his co*ck, that delicious tightness that happens every time he hits Daniel's insides the right way.

The thought of that heavenly sensation he sorely missed caused his heart rate to spike and his blood to flow more quickly. Zack lets out a wanton grunt and feels his pupils dilate with an urgency he's never felt before—only during sex with Daniel.

Zack slid his free hand down into Daniel's slacks, slipping deeper below his topdog's branded boxers to be able to caress his supple ass, all the while his mouth was serving Daniel's again and his left hand was busy giving Daniel's now hardened pink buds the devotion they needed.

Haa… you're so soft and round down here, it's the best,” He complimented, squeezing the meat of Daniel's asscheek before grabbing a fistful to demonstrate his point, eliciting a shocked yelp from his topdog. “I can't wait to f*ck you… its been so long, I was close to going crazy. Hehe, maybe Yui should've been a dude, then she'd at least get the chance to f*ck you before you drop her. She's missing out on this,” Zack whispered during their kiss, making Daniel blush and scowl with shame.

“Shut up, you talk too much…” Daniel mumbled back between clenched teeth, his free arms surrounding Zack's neck as the latter leaves his nipple to carry one of Daniel's legs so that he could better manhandle his partner. “Akh—! It hurts–! Wet your fingers first, dumbass!” Daniel cried out when he felt Zack's middle digit worm its way into him dry, making scratching motions as it struggled to insert itself fully.

“Ah, f*ck, sorry. I keep forgetting,” Zack hastily apologized, blushing even more—but not from enthusiasm this time, but rather from shame. He became too eager and nearly hurried things, almost hurting Daniel when he should have been making him feel better after his first heartbreak.

Daniel grumbled and gave Zack a grimace as the finger left his hole. “Put them in my mouth," he instructed curtly, making Zack race to do as he was told, wanting nothing more than to gratify Daniel.

When his fingers touched Daniel's tongue, his topdog sucked in every single digit without hesitation. He clamped his plump reddish lips around Zack's fingers and rolled his tongue all over them, wetting them as much as he could till squelching sounds arose inside his mouth.

Zack stared with genuine excitement and want, feeling every twitch of Daniel's wet appendage moisten his fingers. It was hot, damp, slightly sticky, and it tickled. A mixture that made Zack's dick twitch with anticipation, hoping to get the same sensation from Daniel's luscious lips sucking around it. That or… Zack swallowed and cast a pointed glance below, admiring Daniel's lower half and fantasizing about how phenomenal it would feel to get inside it.

After a couple seconds, Daniel released the latter's digits with a wet pop. He had used so much spit to wet them that his saliva was flowing down Zack's fingers in globs, slowly trickling down to the floor. It's torturous how Daniel constantly makes everything appear so very sensual.

Zack gritted his teeth to keep himself from pouncing to take him right then and there. Daniel, on the other hand, didn't give it any thought. He licked his lips to retrieve the spit that wasn't on Zack's fingers before raking his bangs back with half-closed eyes.

As far as Zack could tell, he appeared honestly unconcerned about most things at the time; he was going with the flow, not bothering to fight back even after his getaway had been thwarted. Based on the instability of their relationship, the other would be beating the heck out of Zack right now. Perhaps after letting go of Yui, he's experienced a change of heart? Was she the problem all along?

But then, just as Zack was about to put his hand back into Daniel's pants, he noticed his partner narrow his eyes, jaws tightening, and then look away, as if in pain when he sees Zack. “What's wrong?” Ah, he knew it. How could Daniel, who had become so vicious out of a grudge, forget it so easily? He didn't have a change of heart; he meant every word he declared when he discarded their friendship.

“You gave me a weird look. Just tell me what's up,” Zack wasn't going to tolerate Daniel's unpleasant response and was determined to get Daniel's feelings expressed in words.

He wanted to be more attentive, he doesn't want to upset his bed partner anymore. That, and he wanted to encourage Daniel to talk his thoughts more when they f*cked; Zack isn't a mind reader, so if something went wrong on Daniel's end, he wouldn't be able to know with only a few indications.

Unfortunately for him, Daniel did not speak, opting to give Zack the silent treatment as his gaze shifted to their hard-ons, beckoning for them to continue. He feels conflicting emotions about having sex with Zack, but he was too tired to fully explore them as he had just had a breakdown regarding Yui a short while earlier. It's best to let this moment pass him by like another trivial memory that he'll forget later.

But when Zack didn't move and instead stared at him with piercing, inquiring eyes, Daniel concluded, 'f*ck it, if he wants to know so much then I might as well cut to the chase.’

"Everything's wrong. Get off me," Daniel shoved Zack away, but his strength could hardly move a small stone, let alone Zack. It seemed as if his arms were burdened; anybody could tell he didn't really want to drive Zack away. “I wanna go home. I don't want– no. I hate you, Zack. We aren't friends anymore, so we can't do this. Let me go,” he tried again, but the push was still weak, and Daniel sank, putting his forehead on the crook of his ex-friend's shoulder and letting out a long, drained sigh. “Just let me go…”

Zack's countenance darkened, but he tried to calm himself down before hugging Daniel and allowing him to rest his head on his shoulder. “I still don't understand. What did I do so wrong that made you dump me and act so violently? Your hostility was so unexpected; I really don't get it,” He let out a sigh, furrowing his brows and nosing into Daniel's hair to smell the sorrow that virtually oozed from his top dog. "I know you don't actually hate me," He said, noticing Daniel's quiver at being exposed. “...Can you tell me why? Stop making me figure it out on my own.”

Daniel remained silent once more, offending Zack, who was doing his best to understand and discuss this without resorting to aggression. Well, if talking isn't an option, Zack will gladly go violent, but only in 'this' way.

Pinching Daniel's chin, he tipped his head up and brought their lips back together till their tongues melded in tandem and saliva spilled down the corners of their mouths. He went back to what he had been doing, delicately massaging his erection against Daniel's as he pressed one finger inside his snug aperture.

Haa… mph- ngh..” Daniel snatched his head away from the make-out to take a deep breath, involuntarily tensing up as the sensation of his asshole being readied hit him. “Slow down…” he murmured, his tone whining, as he felt a second finger go in after the first had thoroughly sheathed itself inside him.

"Tell me why you're pissed off at me," Zack snapped viciously, taking the chance now that the other was finally speaking. When Daniel did not respond, he performed scissoring strokes inside his hot, fleshy walls, causing his topdog to squirm and moan in his grip.

“AH! There–!” Daniel's warm breath felt damp against Zack's body, making his shoulder feel wet as he moaned unashamedly when the latter discovered his prostate. “Ah– ah..! Sto— uhh…! Zack, too much! Zack..!” A tear welled up in Daniel's firmly closed eyes as Zack slammed a third finger into his topdog's hole without warning, twisting his digits forcefully inside as his other hand quickly unzipped both of their pants, freeing their rock-hard members so that he could rub them together.

“Why are you pissed off at me?” Zack repeated, wincing before letting out a delighted groan as he brought their dicks together in one fist. He continued to finger Daniel on the other end, sighing, "C'mon, Daniel, tell me," right before he began biting Daniel's neck. He wanted to mark Daniel as much as possible so that when he woke up the next morning, at least a couple would still be there, reminding him of this night.

“Hngh— agh! Ah! Don't! Not there..!” Overstimulated when Zack stuck a fourth finger into him and stroked their dicks together, he was unable to even hear what Zack had said. His climax was approaching; he could feel his abdomen squeezing and his co*ck twitching, fattening up significantly for his upcoming release.

It only took another five pumps, front and back, before Daniel abruptly bursted. He bit into Zack's shoulder when he did, leaving a large, slightly bleeding bite mark there while his whole body twitched as he ejacul*ted. The thin fabric of the white garment bled pink from the drool and blood that seeped through. Meanwhile, thick white soiled another part of Zack's school uniform, and because they were so near to each other and Zack instantly forced him for a kiss, their fronts collided, and Daniel's vest became dirty too.

Now that he didn't have to satisfy Daniel's dick, Zack tightened his grasp on his leg, pushed down his slacks until they hung tight around his thighs, and then raised the limb until the knee almost brushed the wall, allowing him to delve deeper into the other's ass.

With this position, he could see what he's doing so much better down there for Daniel's entrance. He twisted his arm repeatedly, hitting Daniel's g-spot essentially with every thrust, until the guy tossed his head back and rolled his eyes from how intensely pleasurable it felt. He was so sensitive following his org*sm that each stab into his anus felt like nirvana on earth.

Zack bit his lower lip, narrowing his eyes as he pressed his quivering co*ck against Daniel's meaty globe before feverishly thrusting his hips. An excited moan erupted from deep within his chest as he noticed a trickle of wetness escaping the corners of Daniel's entrance; after all that foreplay, he was so loose that Zack knew he could shove his length in right away if he wanted to.

But he had to be patient first, he'll nut right against the other's hole before pushing himself inside, making sure that his cum would work as extra lube to ensure utmost comfort for his partner. With this in mind, Zack hurried to reach his peak, rushing his tempo and unintentionally moving his fingers in time with his fast rhythm.

Daniel felt himself twitch back to life and rapidly began to plump up for another shoot of white, drooling all over himself as he made his nails dig into Zack's back. The fast movements made Daniel dizzy with bliss.

Within a minute, Zack finally reached his climax, groaning loudly as he tugged his digits off Daniel's anal so he could guide his member towards his topdog's twitching hole and give himself a couple strokes to ensure his sperm sprang out properly. A thick collection of his load splashed rudely against Daniel's ass, slightly entering the topdog's entrance, which had been stretched out so far that it was loose enough to reveal the trembling red of his insides.

The sticky sensation that immediately drenched Daniel's backside, caused him to purse his lips and tremble, as a cramp formed within his gut right after. ‘I can feel Zack's cum kind of entering me… it's so warm… He came so much,’ he was sensitive enough as is, the heat of his partner's seed going into him a little made his lower half flinch.

Everything had turned so intense, raising his adrenaline and making him delightfully overstimulated to the point of excruciating discomfort. He couldn't take it anymore; he's going to cum again!

Hnghh~!” Daniel org*smed a second time, startling Zack before he could even move his waist to meet his topdog's seductive entrance and start f*cking him. A burst of white streaked across their clothing and brushed against their faces; the volume and intensity of the surge suggested that Daniel had relished Zack's fingering and how he'd abused Daniel's overstimulated state without stop or care.

The way Daniel's muscular torso arched higher and how the strings of sperm poured out of his full, red-hot co*ck was an artistic expression of its own. His wide back against the wall, his figure forming a semi-arc, his garments rustling as he moved, tightening about his waist and chest— It was stunning, and Zack felt an unbearably large wave of pride knowing that he was the one who had set off such a powerful and overwhelming emotion.

Once Daniel was done releasing everything in store, they heaved and huffed, both trying to catch up to their respective highs right after cumming. Throughout, their gazes remained riveted on each other, one filled with contentment and the other with even more sexual aspirations, already obsessing about what else he might do with Daniel and what sounds he could coax out of the handsome man.



Their exhales warmed each other's faces as they breathed back to back.

"There," Zack said, beaming mischievously at Daniel, pleased with himself for making his topdog appear so untidy and filthy with his own climax while Zack’s was on his pretty little butthole. “Still pent up?” He asked smugly before reaching down to put chaste kisses from Daniel's Adam's apple to his collarbone, which was slightly exposed above his shirt collar.

After a moment, Daniel broke out of his dazedness and said, "That's enough," getting his bearings so he could straighten his clothes. At that moment, Daniel properly pushed Zack away, causing the latter to stagger in shock while he tucked away his now-soft member, adjusted his pants, and zipped up his fly.

“Are you still mad at me?” Zack hurriedly sought out, widening his eyes as he grabbed Daniel's shoulder and forced him back against the wall to prevent him from leaving. “If you're still mad, you know I can give you something so much better than just my fingers. You like screwing around with me the most right?” Wanting to pull Daniel's pants down again, he tugged at the edge. "At least more than someone like Samuel," He was so desperate to get Daniel back in the mood that he even started kissing his topdog's neck, which he had previously made full of hickeys, in a frenzy.

Before Zack could begin using his hands, which had been sneakily attempting to slink beneath his vest to touch his chest, Daniel grabbed Zack's hair and dragged him off. "Ngh.. Tch," he said without answering. His face wrinkled in disapproval.

“Daniel, please…! You're so, so loose down there, I did so much work to get it like that!” Zack sulked, reaching down to caress his partner's behind, spreading his cheeks repeatedly over the covering of fabric to emphasize his point. He knew Daniel could feel the way his asshole stretched as he squeezed and pulled on his plump rear. “I'll do all the work. You don't even have to stand up, okay? I'll carry you the entire time we f*ck!”

Daniel pulled Zack away from him angrily, "We're not on friendly enough terms to be f*cking," which caused Zack to whine and whimper even more. “Where did you get the evidence against Yui by the way? You and I know you're not smart enough to investigate that all by yourself. I don't think you'd be smart enough to pay a private investigator either,” he added, discarding Zack's neediness for him in favor of the subject.

Zack found it annoying that Daniel took him for granted so much. Actually, he would have paid for a private investigator! Well, after Mira gave him the go-ahead to do so, but still! He's intelligent enough, at least, to ask Mira for her opinion on the situation!

“Hey! Don't act like you would have hired a private investigator, you'd end up just like me. And I got it from that f*cker you hate so much," He crossed his fists and muttered as he made the decision to lean against the other wall of the small alleyway. “The guy you said was too big for your liking. Said something about his crewhead ordering him to do it, or whatever,” Zack revealed after Daniel gave him a deadpan look that said, ‘Motherf*cker, are you kidding me? Describe them properly! Say their name!’

Crewhead… hmm… the only one who has said that they are working under someone that Daniel knew of is Goo and Samuel. Goo wouldn't have helped; instead, he would have been happy to watch as everything became worse over time and laugh at Daniel when the topdog eventually discovered the truth about Yui. The best he could do for Daniel was probably console him with memes and babytalk him in a mocking way while they hugged one-sidedly.

This leaves Samuel.

Daniel furrowed his brows and cast a confused glance down at the filthy floor. Daniel still views him as a friend despite all the crap he did, and it appears Samuel felt the same way? He wasn't really certain because it wasn't as though he had voluntarily decided to start a private investigation with the Fashion Dept topdog's wellbeing in mind. At the very least, he remembered all of Daniel's moral beliefs, because the dossier he had given Zack detailed everything about Yui that would upset Daniel personally.

‘Crewhead told him to, huh?’ He grimaced, remembering something Eli had said a while back that he had dismissed. It was that Samuel was constantly being puppeteered by his crewhead, basically his employee but of the same age. He was essentially a god's servant, depending on his crewhead's words for almost everything.

But it didn't mean he was content with it. He doesn't want to be controlled, as far as Daniel was aware.

Daniel knew that the Prestigious Science Department student wasn't exactly fond of his crewhead because Samuel had also given him most of his backstory. Seeing the situation at the abandoned hospital as them both being forced changed Daniel's outlook on the experience significantly. He had been thinking about it a few times, after all; he was past the fact that he had been sexually assaulted, especially since someone else was controlling Samuel's behavior at the time.

He was conflicted mostly because even though he knew Samuel was also forced, he was still the aggressor, meaning, it didn't feel like they were victims of equal hardship. Furthermore, Daniel's PTSD response to being strapped down with wires in a surgical bed is too particular for his crewhead to have known about. That was all Samuel's decision; he was ready to take advantage of such a delicate weakness to deprive Daniel of his strength and tip the scales in his favor.

That really irritated Daniel, as it stoked his feelings of weakness and helplessness, similar to the day he was abducted and imprisoned. Since Samuel seemed to be actively trying to avoid him based on the fact that he seldom ever attends school anymore, Daniel wasn't sure how to approach him about this. However, now that he has an excuse, Daniel can go find Samuel and confront him freely.

After all, Samuel was the one who ultimately managed to get rid of Yui, so it was only fitting to hear his thoughts on the conclusion. Some violence would be completely appropriate too, as it would allegedly just be Daniel's dramatic reaction to having his romance disrupted. There was more than enough justification for them to get together again without Samuel's crewhead snooping around. Daniel seeks closure for what transpired back then.

Just as he was about to quietly step away and make his way out to give Samuel a call, a pair of hands encircled him from behind and a face plastered itself against his nape. "Please don't abandon me," Zack's voice echoed quietly behind him, and his grip tightened a bit. "Don't just leave without saying anything like this; you're acting like ‘him’. Please talk to me."

Daniel didn't respond, just glared and stood still as Zack scooted closer, pressing his front hard against his back. “You're seriously my only friend," there was some quiet, incomprehensible mumbling before the other heard:'very important' and 'like Mira'.

"...Honestly, I don't know what you could do to get my forgiveness," Daniel folded after a while, receiving pecks and Zack's cheek rubbing against his skin as incentives for finally speaking."If you really don't know what you did, I'll give you a hint," he breathed, tilting his head slightly to get even more fleeting kisses from Zack on his face, as if doing so would already earn him Daniel's forgiveness.

“What did I do?” Zack mumbled, genuinely curious. He genuinely can't remember, so at this point, any hint would be really helpful.

"You misled me. And... and it made it possible for you to take advantage of me sexually," Daniel admitted, covering his face with one hand to conceal the furious look that appeared on his face as soon as he thought back to all the times he had validated Zack's deviant actions and demands as ‘repayment’. “I thought you knew what you were doing and that you're only pretending to be innocent. Anyway, it hurts me to know that I've wasted time on you when you never even did anything comparable to what I've sacrificed for you.”

“I would never take advantage of you! And I never did!” Zack immediately defended himself, getting a rather pitiful look from Daniel who figured that that would be the reaction his ex-friend would have. He couldn't just trust Zack; merely stating those words meant nothing.

“Well, prove it. Hah… you don't even understand what you did wrong, how can you prove it? Zack, just forget about it,” He made the decision to take a neutral stance, saying, "We should move on with our lives and maybe I'll start to forgive and forget with time."

Daniel had considered their long days of hanging out and how they had developed trust with one another over time. Had Daniel not discovered that Eli was the rightful recipient of his repayment, perhaps their friendship would have flourished. How unfortunate. Perhaps in another universe.

Zack was not happy about that; he wanted to be friends with Daniel no matter what. “I'll make it so that I actually do earn every bit of that relationship we had,” With a wounded expression on his face, he spoke in the past tense and accepted their temporary separation until he could make amends and win Daniel's pardon. "What did you sacrifice for me?" he asked, encircling Daniel tightly in his arms and pressing his lips to his black hair, admiring how silky Daniel's locks are despite having just been intimate a short while ago.

Before Daniel carefully removed Zack's hands from his body, leaving him cold, a chilly breeze blew by them. There's no room for affection if Zack hasn't earned it back yet.

Daniel turned to walk away, regretfully stating, “My dignity.”


Samuel Seo, his hair still in disarray and his black button-up half open from the top, sat in his car, staring blankly ahead as he drove recklessly along the road. He didn't care that he almost hit several citizens while driving, nor did he care that they yelled at him to slow down.

The space was a pale gray color, with the window barely rolled down to prevent smoke from depleting the car's oxygen supply. The air conditioner was cranked on high, removing the smoke from the interior of his vehicle considerably faster. He grasped his fourth cigarette in one hand, occasionally taking long inhales to prepare for what was to come later, once he was face-to-face with someone he had missed a lot.

When Daniel called him at six o'clock in the evening, he had just finished work. At the time, he was preparing to take a long steam bath to wash away the day's tiredness. As usual, he had completed a decent deal of work and was curious about when he would be able to use his vacation time. Cuba had sounded quite appealing, and the prospect of spending a week close to the beach there was ideal.

However, he considered spending a week in a hotel with the Fashion Dept topdog instead, spending every moment of his leisure time indulging in Daniel's porcelain smooth body and tight hole, when he noticed Daniel's name flashing on his ringing phone. No white sand on any beach could ever compete with the color of Daniel's skin, and no coastal heat could ever satisfy him in the same way that embracing the man would. Sigh… He still harboured feelings for Daniel, which surprised him.

He thought that maybe he would have moved on by now, given the number of days—now approaching weeks—that had gone by. But it appears that it is simply in his nature to cling onto such feelings, even if he does not want to. It was similar to how he felt about Jake, that bastard. Even now, Samuel had low-level spies stationed in Big Deal to check his well-being; it was embarrassing how much he cared about the guy.

On the phone, there was stillness for a moment before a firm "Meet me" interrupted, and the call abruptly ended. Samuel gave a wry, half-smile of amusem*nt at what he heard; it was such a Daniel Park thing to do— awkward and full of attitude.

Samuel didn't even bother to get dressed before seeing the younger man; instead, he left his house right away, bringing only his car keys.

Back in the present, he stroked the ends of the cigarette in between his fingers, gazing up expressionlessly at the decaying karaoke bar Daniel used to think was his favorite place to hang out in. Samuel hadn't cleared up his misunderstanding yet, so it wasn't surprising that he still thought that way. How cute, really. He tossed the crushed cigarette butt aside absentmindedly on the way into the building.

There weren't many people around because most were occupied in the local red light district. Aside from that, a number of cheating spouses were having fun in the hotel next to the abandoned karaoke venue, and the loud noises they were making made it perfectly evident that this was a place with no need for tension or security.

The rickety door was already slightly ajar when he walked in, revealing a dirty counter in front and a row of rooms lined up on the left. Most of the place was shrouded in darkness, it made for an unsettling sight for those who believe in fairytale ghost stories. Clearly, tonight's stopover was waiting there, patient as an angel, in the one with lights on at the very end.

If only his aim was as adorable— there will undoubtedly be a lot of bloodshed to come… And if Samuel was right, a whole lot of f*cking as well. He was looking forward to that part of their meeting the most, his eyes narrowing slightly with anticipation.

He had purposefully slipped a small hint to Zack about being asked by someone to hand over the documents so that this exact scenario could occur. As a bright young man, Daniel would have recognized Samuel's point and reached out to him with the intention of completely tearing him down. This would have given Eugene the impression that their relationship would continue to spiral out of control, but in reality, they were merely patching the hole in Daniel's friendship and faith towards Samuel.

Though this didn't mean that Samuel was out of the woods just yet. The only thing that will change is that, in addition to taking a serious pounding from the Fashion Dept topdog, he will also reap some form of reward.

Samuel had braced himself for tonight's ‘therapy’ session with Daniel, to obediently become the object of the younger male’s abuse. He was going to give his body over voluntarily to the other and suffer to the extent Daniel thought was appropriate.

Daniel's mental health would surely benefit greatly by beating the prestigious science department student to a pulp, which would also serve as a fitting conclusion to the rape he suffered. Then, in order to reclaim the control he had lost in the circ*mstances back at the abandoned hospital, Daniel would definitely decide to dominate Samuel during their upcoming intercourse. A logical chain of events that reflected his impetuous disposition.

"Did you go to the hospital at first?" Samuel grinned as he walked into the final room and saw Daniel sitting peacefully at the slightly shabby old maroon fur couch, looking at the few selections of music the establishment had on the tab that oddly enough was still functional. The tab was fastened to the top of the sleek black, square coffee table so no one could take it.

When the topdog side-eyed Samuel at the door, examining his form from top to bottom like a predator would, the numerous sounds of barely audible music playing in the loudspeaker across from Daniel came to a halt. “Yeah. But apparently, someone had paid for the building to get knocked down. So it's just a pile of rubble left there,” the younger male said bluntly, shifting his gaze away and back to the tab, resuming the song he was playing.

Because of the venue's antiquity, the music was classic South Korean pop, with no current tunes on standby. The most recent song was uploaded approximately two years ago.

Samuel was quite ‘helpful’ in saying, "We bought that area," and then he finally made his way inside. His huge body immediately filled up forty percent of the space, leaving little room for a third person to enter.

In order to protect their privacy, he used the functioning lock to close the door with a click after grabbing the metal door handle behind him. The door was already rotten on the inside, so he didn't think this would do much, but he knew Daniel would like it. “I didn't think you'd like the idea that the place where you were raped was still there, so I got rid of it as soon as possible,” He went on to explain, scrutinizing Daniel's face for any sign of a reaction. “Doesn't that make you happy?” The couch lowered at the other end as Samuel took a seat, bringing them closer together.

Daniel half-spokenly said, "I could've used it as a symbolic way to get back at you," his face twitching with ill-advised disappointment. The direct use of the word 'rape' made him scowl; he didn't appreciate being labeled as a victim of rape, even if it was true. Then, with a broad smile, he turned to face Samuel, whose visage was now just a few inches from his. “Well? What are you waiting for? Undress.”

Samuel was barely phased by the order, merely giving him a long look and a wry smirk. It's been a long time since he's seen the smaller man's lovely face like this; it's only natural for him to adore it up close now, even with such antagonistic tension rising between them, primarily, if not entirely, due to Daniel.

“Or…” Daniel fluttered his eyelashes playfully, but an unmistakable sadism grew heavy within those dark brown eyes of his. “Do you think it's sexier if you've got blood all over your expensive clothes?”

"I think as long as we're entangled, anything would be sexy," Samuel shamelessly jabs back just as a left hook lands on his cheek, knocking him to the floor. The boom of the slam was amazing; one could have thought someone was playing baseball in the karaoke room.

Daniel was on the latter in milliseconds, not relenting as he began assaulting Samuel in the most physically severe way possible. This was no place for mercy. His eyes became wide with lunacy as he continued to move his fists, timing each hit with the rapidity of his heartbeat.

Out of reflex, Samuel attempted to stand up, but Daniel held him down by the waist with his powerful thighs and shifted all of his weight onto the larger man, making it harder for him to even try to sit up. Although Daniel isn't heavy at all—far from it, in Samuel's opinion—the way he laid over the larger man made it challenging for the party positioned below to smoothly move around.

Samuel clenched his teeth and let out a grunt, having to keep his mouth tight to prevent his jaw breaking from the relentless onslaught of attacks. Given how dangerous Daniel is, he had to defend himself even though he didn't want to. His innate instinct to do so outweighed his desire to obey.

He was able to move a few times, twisting and slithering away swiftly, before Daniel clamps him back down to the dirty, dust-covered carpet floor. Then, Samuel's visually pleasing face was further bruised as punishment for even considering quitting Daniel's torture session.

The black of the floor effectively concealed the deep scarlet of thick blood, as Daniel had managed to make Samuel's nose literally rupture from the inside, causing a lot of red to splash from there. He also managed to hurt the insides of Samuel's cheeks, as well as cause the older guy to bite his tongue by accident when Daniel kneed him particularly hard in the mouth once after he had successfully sat up and escaped Daniel's tight grip for a moment.

Then, tired of seeing Samuel sprawled to the floor, Daniel grabbed his shirt roughly and pulled Samuel to his feet. The eldest of the two staggered forward, unable to straighten his steps from the combination of discomfort and vertigo. He could barely see what was ahead of him, his world whirling with such velocity that he collapsed again when Daniel casually shoved him.

Irrespective of whether he had caused the Prestigious Science Department student to strike his vertebrae with the tab protruding at the middle, he hurled Samuel on the table next. “AGH!!” The sound of Samuel's anguish was music to his ears, an arrangement that complemented the present fast-paced old-fashioned music blasting from the small space. This felt like a film, a particularly nasty one.

Daniel had resorted to crouching on top of Samuel again, claiming the high ground with a crazy smile spreading over his mouth, while Samuel writhed pitifully on the coffee table, hands instinctively reaching behind to try to ease the pain on his back. "That feels good, doesn't it, bitch?" He pulled Samuel's hair tauntingly, licking his own lips while jerking Samuel's head back to see the bigger male's current, deeply hurt visage.

His pale yellow vest was splattered with scarlet and drool, while Samuel's black shirt was almost completely covered with his own blood. It was a memorable sight that made Daniel hum with admiration, his one hand sliding up to palm at Samuel's blood-soaked body, smelling the heaviness of metal oozing from the latter with an unusual delight.

“D-Daniel…” He croaked, clutching into Daniel's arm when the other decided it would be fun to choke him with one hand while jabbing Samuel's kidney and stomach with his right.

His organs felt as though they might burst from within, and it was insanity to him that his intestines were being played with. What was he? A lab rat? A dog's chew toy? He's fortunate that he has more than enough muscle mass to fundamentally defend himself against the impact, preventing him from essentially dying.

Samuel spat a mixture of blood and drool as his eyes rolled back, the lack of air catching up with him after only a few minutes of this seemingly endless suffering. f*ck, this hurts so bad. When is his reward coming? All he feels is pain, pain, pain. Worst of all, he can't fight back at all! It's miserable!

At the last second, Daniel released his hold, causing Samuel to see dancing blackness in his eyes and to feel the veins that had went up all over his neck and face gradually quiet down. He gave a loud cough, wriggling beneath the smaller male like a worm being drenched in salt.

"I feel like I'm about to f*cking die…" He rasped out weakly when Daniel paused for a second to rake back his bangs, which had fallen to cover his eyes and block his field of vision. The topdog was obviously having a great time because a tiny flush was tinting over his cheek and he had a sh*t eating ear-to-ear grin on.

Ah, but honestly… as crazy as he looked right now… Wow. He was still as handsome as ever— Samuel didn't know what else to think. He truly adores Daniel, so much that even in this situation, it's impossible not to approve of him.

“Good. That means I'm punishing you right,” Daniel smiled toothily before giving Samuel a harsh slap on the face without warning. “Try tying me up in wires and disrespecting me again and I'll make sure you meet our maker. Today was a trial run. You got that, Sammy?” He seethed before lifting his fist again, scaring the snot out of Samuel, whose body had adjusted to Daniel's strength and was perpetually braced for another strike.

The flinch made Daniel chuckle before he puts his fist aside, causing Samuel to breathe a sigh of relief. But right after the sigh, Daniel slams his upper body down almost immediately. Hard. Headbutting Samuel till he became nauseous and briefly fainted. The moment he woke up, he thrashed his hands, clutching his forehead, shouting inwardly, ‘This crazy bastard!’

At the same time, he couldn't help but smile a little at what was happening to him. This is absurd. Daniel is really bonkers.

There comes a moment when an assault of suffering can shatter someone's mentality, filling them with adrenaline just like their torturer. This rang especially true for Samuel. He's not a masoch*st, but witnessing the younger male get so worked up was exhilarating in its own way. The intensity was infectious.

The topdog's forehead turned bright red, but he didn't mind the pain—instead, he was extremely satisfied with how he had turned his body into a weapon. See, this is how things would have turned out if the latter hadn't resorted to unethical tactics; Daniel could have easily defeated Samuel without batting an eye.

He sat up and leaned back to regain his breath, his eyes glossed over with fulfillment, as if all of his emotional issues had been resolved. His mental condition was so restored by this that it felt as though the stress he had been experiencing weeks earlier had vanished from him. This is what he wanted: to guarantee that they were both victims of equal obstacles, and that Daniel was not the only one who was physically injured.

Now that Daniel was no longer attacking him nonstop, Samuel gingerly reached up to grasp the other's narrow waist, vibrating with needy eagerness. His fingers rubbed against the covered flesh, enjoying how small Daniel's waist looked in his hands when he squeezed to show its contour beneath the double layer of vest and shirt. “I'm flirting with you,” He was direct in his statement, "I want to f*ck," just in case Daniel was still as simple-minded as ever and missed the memo.

Daniel just arched a brow at him, casting an indifferent glance that said more than words. “Did my headbutt lower your intelligence? I just screwed you to hell and back, and you still want to have sex with me?" he questioned incredulously, to which Samuel reacted with a half-smile, moving his palms downward to grope the topdog's ass.

He still had the energy to joke, "I miss this guy," caressing the plump pair vigorously in anticipation and receiving a small grimace in response. "After f*cking you, I went on and played around with a few girls, but none of them could ever top what we had. I also tried other men, but as soon as we were naked together, I thought ‘f*ck, this is repulsive’,” He admitted honestly, "I guess this feeling is only for you and I'm not really gay," he added as he let out a heavy sigh. It would have been easier if he was interested in all men, but he only wants to have sex with Daniel.

“And it hurt like a bitch but, heh, you looked so good enjoying yourself. The entire time you folded me, I wished my dick was inside you," he acknowledged, now sliding his hands to carefully unzip Daniel's slacks, as if making sudden movements might cause Daniel to react negatively. "I bet you tightened up down here every time you hit me. I really want to feel it."

Scoffing, the man on top of him rolled his eyes and scowled slightly as he watched the Prestigious Science Dept student show the erection hidden beneath his dark gray Calvin Klein boxers. There was no embarrassment on his face about being exposed; he got turned on while dealing with the older male, so what? Now what he was seeking for after all that labor was other forms of satisfaction, and fortunately for him, Samuel is more than willing to provide him with just that.

"As expected, you got hard too," Samuel teased, slowly massaging the tip of Daniel's bulge till a small wet patch appeared on the fabric of his underwear. “It's like you're ready to cum. Your dick is so swollen,” he commented with half lidded eyes while his thumb poked its nail into what should be the topdog's urethra.

Daniel let out a little whimper at the touch, which made Samuel smile widely with relish. How he missed such sweet sounds coming from the younger.

After garnering some more, small, reluctant moaning, Samuel began properly rubbing Daniel's member, and the topdog's frenzied expression softened to reveal a burning sort of want. He said, "Satisfy me," just before he pressed his hands into Samuel's shirt and fisted into the fabric. With no effort, he yanked his hands back, ripping Samuel's garments apart and stunning Samuel into silence.

His buttons flew all over the room, landing not just on the floor but also in the crevices of the remaining furniture. The clatter reverberated in Samuel's ears as a blush crept up his neck and over his face, followed by a grin. Oh, it's showtime.

He swiftly grabbed Daniel's wrist and switched places. Samuel slammed the younger male back first on the square table, keeping an eye on the protruding tab, before landing on all fours on top of him. The slam was so powerful that the LED around the table sparked to life, miraculously repairing itself and glowing a different sequence of neon colors every twenty seconds. Blue, red, yellow, green, purple, and repeat.

But maybe getting the LED light on the desk to work wasn't a good idea, because the warm orange hues that had illuminated up the entire space went out practically immediately after it was fixed. The loudspeaker also got more incomprehensible, becoming muted in the backdrop as if all of its power had been sucked away. Favorably, the two couldn't care less about the changes in their surroundings, even though their sights were met with a stark dimness only enlivened by the neon tones.

As dark as it is, the lust in their eyes is considerably deeper than the pitch black surrounding them. They could see the silhouette of each other's bodies, touch its shape soaked in blood and sweat, and that was sufficient.

Despite the excruciating pain in his muscles and bruises, Samuel was able to ignore it because of his intense arousal. His actions spoke of strength, similar to what Daniel had used to fling him around seconds before, and his speed remained constant regardless of the sting. He'd be damned if he let a few stretched joints and throbbing flesh stop him from getting his dick wet by THE Daniel Park.

Daniel lay there with a huff, taking the slam like a champ, until his slacks and briefs were violently yanked off of him. He grimaced as the material scraped up against his thigh to his ankle, and his look became even more uncomfortable when the room's chill hit his exposed skin. With his knees spread wide to allow Samuel's bulky frame to slide in between and press their bodies together, he silently drives his nails into Samuel's shoulder and bicep, penetrating the skin until blood forms.

"You're as hot as I remember," The bigger of the two smiled as he gestured to how saliva inducing Daniel looked with practically all of his clothes off and his bare ass exposed. “And I guess someone else thought the same? Your hole is sticky and it feels fresh,” His brows shot upwards as he reached down to inspect Daniel's entrance, missing its heat and finding instead the damp warmth of something else.

“Zack prepped me and came on my ass,” The topdog gave a lazy, indifferent reply. "Tch, are whor*s typically this nosy?” Daniel remarked, "Just do the only thing you do best and shut the hell up, Samuel Seo," earning an angry glance from the older man who was using his thumb to gauge Daniel's extent of looseness.

"How kind of him to prepare you for me," He narcissistically answered, hooking his thumb into the flesh of Daniel's anal and yanking on it, eliciting a howl of pain from the smaller, who quickly curled up on himself, clamping his eyes shut. “whor*, huh? You're as slu*tty as they come, Daniel Park," he mumbled, seeing Daniel ball up in discomfort as he thrust a second finger in to join his thumb in taunting him. “Your asshole was just toyed with one second ago, and now you're running to have it messed up even more by me. Should I also mention that you were beating me up while another man's children were smeared across your buttcrack and dripping down your legs? You're more of a whor* than me. At the very least, I would have cleaned myself up before my next woman.”

“Uh.. Nghh… There…” Daniel didn't take Samuel's criticisms seriously; if he hadn't been focused with the sensation in his hole, he might have given the older male an eye roll. Given that Samuel's current role is to cater to him sexually, why would he even listen? All of his words are meaningless babble. It would be better if he sucked Daniel's dick with that obnoxious mouth of his.

“Here?” To be sure, Samuel pokes that one spot once again, and in response, he gets a very contented groan. The filthy sound caused him to let out a snort. “Someone like you has the gall to mock me, hah… shameless. But I guess that's one of the things that makes me like you so much,” Samuel's eyes crinkled into crescents, and he leaned down to kiss away the other's sweat before joining their lips to gulp down Daniel's moan.

With one hand languidly jerking Daniel off and the other used to further stimulate his passage, it didn't take long for Daniel to choke up a long, drawn-out mewl and spill all over himself. Daniel, who had found his release three times in close succession tonight, collapsed instantly, his taut body weakening to a slouch and his eyes narrowing with tiredness. With all of his vitality gone, he lay there, his hands now spread out on the tabletop and his chest rising and falling quickly.

He wanted to sleep, but he knew he wouldn't be able to because his vest had been flung to the side and his button-up had been rapidly snatched off him, becoming caught around his arms due to the haste. "Don't rush, I'll kill you if any of my clothes are ruined," he said between heavy gasps, glaring up at the larger man. Even though his body was splayed across the desk, plainly exhausted, he still had the audacity to act in control.

Samuel gave him a not-so-reassuring smile that revealed more of his irritation than anything. "I think you've already ruined them; you came so much on your own clothes, see?" To emphasize his sardonic comment, he brushed his fingers across Daniel's cheek, smearing the topdog's own sperm across his eye-catching features.

“Ah! Don't put it on my face, dammit! Ugh, now it's gonna dry up there…” With a pout, Daniel turned his head to the left, rubbing his own seed against the desk underneath him to remove the sticky residue. The scene made Samuel give an amused, 'in your face' sneer.

“Having it on your face suits you,” he muttered casually before getting up from the desk and pulling Daniel's thighs with him. When Daniel's ass met his hips, he paused and returned to propping his weight over the smaller male. With the intent to tease, Samuel cheekily rubbed his covered bulge against Daniel's hole, stimulating a few thrusts and making the button catch on the topdog's reddish rims.

Daniel grumbled, annoyed by the prickly sensation on the very edge of his quivering insides. He's tired of being teased, but he also didn't want to make a fool of himself by pressuring Samuel to insert his dick into him right away. He didn't want Samuel to get arrogant knowing that he'd spurred Daniel’s libido to the point of unrest.

The younger man's expression, complete with clenched teeth and furrowed brows as he controlled his own desire, was adorable. Samuel was so infatuated with Daniel that he had to give him another kiss, forcing his tongue deep into his throat, smothering that adorable look.

“I'm going to enter you," Daniel gave him a little grunt of acknowledgement when Samuel whispered into the kiss, shocked that the Prestigious Science Dept student would even warn him. He imagined Samuel would pierce into him without saying anything to vent his enmity.

Daniel hadn't been the best listener after all; since they reunited, he'd been all take, take, take, with no regard for the latter. He's deeply damaged Samuel by depriving him of his pride, literally beating the ever living sh*t out of him, and then demanding that he do all of the work in sexually gratifying Daniel. How he hasn't at least struck back once was beyond Daniel's comprehension, even though it's only appropriate that he remain helpless and turn into a submissive punching bag in order to win the topdog's forgiveness and mend their friendship.

While Daniel contemplated Samuel's patience with him, the latter quietly unbuttoned his pants, showing his enormously swelled co*ck, begging to be satiated by something wet and tight. It was a deep red color with veins showing here and there, and its size complemented the aesthetic of his huge figure.

He gave himself a few gentle strokes, as if to settle the twitching length, and looked up to see Daniel's hole, his delectable prize. The gorgeous little thing fluttered, as though sensing his hunger, tempting him to fill it urgently. To fill Daniel.

"I won't make you wait anymore, pretty," Samuel muttered under his breath, narrowing his eyes and licking his lips at the sight. He positioned his tip over Daniel's twitching opening, lingering above the damp heat before digging his nails into the topdog's thighs to keep him still. Then,


“AKKH—!!” When Samuel giddily pounded into Daniel in one go, a surge of pain shot up the other's spine. The punishing harshness of the sensation causes him to arch his back high and anxiously grip the table's edges. “S–Sa- Ah!! Ahh!!! You b-bastard…!!” He was compelled to stammer and scream, his pupils constricting as his tongue lolled out and his body trembling violently as it tried to swiftly acclimate itself around Samuel's massive, pulsating hot manhood.

“sh*t. Fuu…” The older of the two let out a breath and cringed as Daniel's meaty walls constricted significantly, drawing his length farther into its trembling moisture. He could feel Daniel clinging to his co*ck instinctively, his thoroughly fingered passage welcoming him with spasms and contractions, servicing every inch of him so good it made Samuel's abdomen cramp up. “Yeah, haha, I really f*cking missed this,” With his clawing hunger finally appeased, he couldn't help but chuckle. This feels just as amazing as he remembered. Truly, a hole superior to any woman he has slept with. “God, you're so tight… ahh…”

“Hurts.. Hurts- ah.. It hurts so much…” Daniel sobbed, his face distorted into one of agony as he wrapped his arms and legs around the larger male. He needed relief from the terrible sensation, and he couldn't think of anything else to do than embrace Samuel close, even if he was the source of the pain. “It hurts– unghh…. Samuel… it hurtss…” He whimpered, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, feeling his insides try to pull Samuel farther into themselves—disregarding the fact that Daniel detested it.

“It hurts? But you're sucking me in so greedily though?” Samuel offered the smaller male a lopsided smile, amused. “Even if I try to pull away, your ass clenches to keep me there. Act like your body and stop lying," he chastised before helping himself to Daniel's silky skin. He sighed when he noticed that another man—possibly Zack—had already left hickeys all over the place.

As Samuel started prodding in and out of Daniel, trying to locate his prostate, he continued to cry and sniffle even more. “Hurtsss… hic– you shoved all the way in all at once…! That hurts… do you even know how big your dick is? Hngh.. It's so painful… hic- do me nicely, sh*thead.. Ah, ouch, ow! S-stop! Make it comfortable for meee..!” He carried on complaining, clenching his fists and repeatedly striking Samuel in the back, until the latter eventually stopped with a sullen sigh and chose to take his suffering seriously.

“Fine, stop hitting me, brat,” Samuel made a face, provoking a scowl from Daniel, who instantly attempted to wipe away his irritated expression by clawing at him. But beneath the tattooed man, he grimaced and twitched helplessly as a twinge of pain from his ass cut off his attack.

Seeing Daniel in such a pathetic state made Samuel feel a little guilty. The kid could barely punch him now. “Shh, relax. You're doing well. You feel so good for me, Daniel; don't stiffen up so much,” Okay, maybe doing that in one go wasn't the best decision, even though it made him feel good as f*ck. "Hold on tight," he muttered, eliciting goosebumps and more cries from the younger male, who gripped him as tightly as possible.

Samuel dragged Daniel up by his waist and re-adjusted him once he stood up. The small bounce when Samuel slipped his hands down from around his waist to clasp his asscheeks caused Daniel to moan pitifully, his pursed lips trembling as Samuel thrust deeper into him. So big… He had almost forgotten how huge Samuel is. The man's co*ck had occupied every bit of him that it was miserably unpleasant.

Samuel shushed him the entire time he carried Daniel, praising him for being so good, till he sat down on the fur couch, Daniel on his lap. “You're still in control, Daniel. Today you're supposed to punish me, remember? Calm down. Look here, beautiful, I'm not going to move anymore; so do anything you want, baby," he murmured, bringing his hand up from Daniel's backside to brush the other's bangs aside, revealing the dizzy, distressed expression he was wearing. Their skin was covered in darkness and neon colors that changed constantly.

Daniel looked at him, disoriented and unsure of where to begin, so he decided to lend some guidance. "Move your hips slowly," he said. “Ugh… Yeah, like that. You're doing so well, huff.. good boy,” He felt his entire body tighten as he held back from moving as Daniel did as he was told, turning around to watch his own lower body move back and forth against Samuel's crotch. The crude sight of that enormous dick sliding in and out of his round ass made him flush bright crimson.

‘Wait… this feels pretty good,’ he thought, turning to face Samuel again. The sight below made his heart race. Samuel was biting his lip, eyeing Daniel's hole swallowing up his length with each bounce, blushing and sweating. His damaged formal shirt was still half-clinging to him, but much of his tattooed body could be seen; his pecs were bulging, and his torso was wider than Daniel's broad back. A man this large was beneath him, shaking and grumbling for more— and Daniel could see it all so clearly. ‘This position is hot…’

In addition to being on top of his bed partner and having control over the pace, he doesn't feel like a defenseless prostitute who can only whimper and sulk. This position requires him to work much more, but given the perks, putting in some effort isn't too bad. “Mm.. Ah, ah, a-ah.. i- i kinda like this. Sitting on top of you,” He confessed without guilt, continuing to bounce his ass to his preferred beat. "Makes it look like you're my bitch, mnn.." he moaned, pressing himself down on the latter's thighs and twisting his hips slightly so Samuel's co*ck pushed against his g-spot.

“You a rider, huh?” Samuel winced, appreciating how Daniel's passage compressed around his co*ck when he was stimulating his prostate, treating Samuel as a mere toy for his ass. “I've heard that riding makes dominant girls feel like they're the ones doing the f*cking. I guess it works for guys like you, too," he smirked, reaching up to squeeze and play with Daniel's perky pink nipples.

“Ahh—!” When his buds were teased, the topdog flung his head back, the electric feeling causing his mind to figuratively dissolve into mush. It took him a second to refocus and maintain his hips’ motion. “Uh-huh, ngh.. It's like I'm the one putting it in you, for sure. Haa… squeeze your hand around my dick, I'm g-gonna pretend your palm is that virgin ass of yours,” He laughed, an insane expression on his face, as he continued to move himself up and down the older male.

Samuel grinned broadly, enjoying the glimpse of Daniel's more carefree side. He probably thinks that he's been given some form of invulnerable power over Samuel, a concept that turned his sad*stic character on. To think that only a moment earlier, the same man was whining like a brat. Tsk, tsk. “f*ck me as much as you want then, Danny boy~ Show me how much of a bitch you can turn me into," he urged as he let one hand go down to clench around Daniel's manhood, giving it periodic squeezes to imitate how his own co*ck felt, nestled deep inside the smaller male's rectum.

Haa.. Haa… ah- mngh….!” The fur couch creaked loudly every time Daniel went from springing on Samuel to pacing his waist back and forth to ram his member into Samuel's hand. This feels so amazing, he's on cloud nine. It truly aroused him to think of himself as the top rather than the latter. “Your— ha- ah! Your tight ass feels so damn good, f*ck..!” Daniel mewled, feeling his release close in with each stroke Samuel delivered and each thrust into his prostate Samuel's massive dick supplied.

“Oh yeah? Huff… Then go faster. Make me so loose that I'll never tighten it up again. Screw me until my asshole turns sore. f*ck me harder! Harder!” Given how twitchy Daniel's length had gotten and how swollen it felt in his hold, Samuel gladly egged him on, knowing how close Daniel is to reaching an org*sm. “Don’t give a crap about me. f*ck my virgin hole until it rips!” his strokes got faster, skillfully giving stimulus to Daniel's tip, the topdog's precum becoming lube for its speed.

“G-gonna cum— ungh..! Gonna plug you up..!” Daniel rambled, saliva streaming down his chin, leaning slightly and supporting his own weight with his palms against Samuel's inked tummy. His tempo intensified, and his legs stretched wider, allowing him to f*ck himself onto Samuel's co*ck with greater ease and speed. The sound of his plump asscheek smacking against Samuel's thighs grew louder, practically echoing in the dark area, a dirty noise that would give anyone shivers.

“Go ahead and—” The older male's hold became unbearably tight, and with his free hand, he quickly drove his blunt nails into Daniel's hip, ready to give a sharp thrust directly into the other man's prostate. “—cum right into my gut!” The sound of his flesh meeting Daniel's reverberated throughout the hall outside.

When he spilled, Daniel choked back a scream and ejacul*ted a thick ribbon of creamy white into Samuel's hand—so much so that it slipped through the fingers of the Prestigious Science Department student. The leak splashed across his face and exposed chest, but he could care less. With his eyes closed and mouth clenched, Samuel was too busy dealing with his own climax, shooting up ropes and ropes of practically endless cum right into Daniel's stomach.

It took nearly five seconds before either of the two could relax. Their now jelly-like muscles quivered, unable to return to normal as postnut clarity overwhelmed their heads, reducing their thoughts to nothing more than loud buzzing, like a broken old TV.

First to come down from his high was Samuel, his lethargy causing a stinging headache as he panted heavily under the smaller male's weight. Samuel felt a very pleasurable kind of comfort from Daniel's tight anal, which was twitching frantically from his climax, keeping his wet co*ck warm inside of him. His length continued to pump more into Daniel's hole, undoubtedly covering everything inside with his sperm.

Once he feels that he's completely emptied himself into the other, he closed one eye because he was still a little overwhelmed and took some time to regain his breath before thinking, ‘That was the best org*sm I've ever had.’

Daniel, on the other hand, had come crashing down against Samuel's front, his eyes muddy from the otherworldly peak he had just experienced, causing him to heave as if he had just completed a 100-kilometer marathon. He's shocked he didn't have a heart attack because his heart was pounding so much.

Small moans were pulled out of his mouth as he lay there, feeling the sensation of being constantly filled from behind, blushing slightly at how flooded his insides were, drenched with Samuel’s juice. He tightened his walls around the pulsating member, hearing a spurt as it sent more of its hot substance into him. By the end of it, Daniel's tummy felt full, as if he had just eaten. He inhaled and felt like burping.

After some while, Daniel naughtily slinks his hand across to seize one of Samuel's chests that he was lying on, feeling the originally supple muscle stiffen under the influence of his hold. "Double D cup boobs~," he teasingly said with a dreamy smile, earning a look of distaste and annoyance from the other person.

"I'll hit you," Samuel threatened, only to find his pec squeezed and abused even more, treated carelessly like a stress ball in Daniel's hands.

Two minutes later, Samuel huffed after allowing the younger male to fondle his chest, slobber still falling from his lips as he glanced at nothing in particular. Daniel looked very much out of it, dazed beyond words. Samuel found himself wondering if Daniel had yet to break free from his after-org*sm lucidity. “Do you still want to ride me?” He inquired, stroking upward to brush his fingertips over the topdog's spine, causing him to shudder, and then putting a hand over Daniel's ass to give the elastic fat there a pinch.

"I don't wanna anymore. Tired," Daniel shook his head, his eyes closing as he continued to press his palm into Samuel's chest, occasionally running his fingers across the latter's nipple. The touch naturally turned Samuel on, causing him to groan and stand up, prompting Daniel to follow suit as he was still on his lap.

When Daniel was raised, a whimper escapes his lips, and the co*ck that had been so securely packed inside his rectum slips out, creating a mess as Samuel's release rushes forth. The floor, the maroon fur couch, and Samuel's lower half were all implicated in the mess, with thick cum that had come out of Daniel's anus spewed on or against them.

After Samuel saw it, he was so proud of himself for ejacul*ting that much inside Daniel that he couldn't help but whistle. “I came a lot,” He quipped, "No wonder you looked so disoriented; I wouldn't be surprised if some of it shot into your brain," setting Daniel on the couch with his belly facing up and then immediately encasing the topdog. He repositioned his tip against Daniel's gaping, dripping wet hole as his hands brought Daniel's legs up and rested them on his shoulder. “Don't fall asleep yet, brat. I'm going to keep feeding this cute asshole of yours all I have, and I can't wait to see your reaction every time I fill it."

Daniel hissed, reaching up to lodge his claws in Samuel's scalp, furrowing his brows and letting out a deep moan as the latter reentered him. “I'm going to– ngh, mn— ah, hn- ah-! I'm going to end up sh*tting cum all week if y– mngh– do t-that..!” Every time Samuel thrusted into him, he squeaked, making his words nonsensical and cut short.

"I'd love that," The older of the two chuckled, striking Daniel's prostate hard once and pulling a shout from Daniel's throat. “I'll help you pull out every bit of what I shoved into you. It'll probably take hours before your ass is fully cleaned. Until then, let's dirty your body as much as possible, hm?" he said, forcing Daniel's legs to descend until the knees nearly touched the couch under him. He then accelerated the pace, viciously banging the smaller man in an attempt to recapture the mind-numbing high he had just had. Every climax with Daniel always left him craving for more.

Sex with Daniel is the absolute best.


Tucked away in a run-down neighborhood pushed up against the very outskirts of the district, in a neighborhood sandwiched by hundreds of alleyways and dubbed as the decaying corner of Yongsan-Gu, stood the residence of the craziest tyrant in history.

Dozens of mafias and delinquents run amok here, serving as fantastic security dogs for this one and only mad bastard. Their sole responsibility was to maintain both actual and metaphorical cleanliness of the streets. Alright, so looking back, there are two things that need to be done there, but whatever.

His crucial task is to remain motionless in front of the tyrant's front door as one of the lowest echelon members of a mafia lackey. All of these are routine security duties, but the target of his typical guarding technique is not only a high-risk but also a high-reward target—the Mafia's golden goose.

Daniel Park, known as Yongsan-Gu's Tyrant in the neighborhood, is one of the most attractive students in J High, if not the most attractive student in all of Seoul, excluding the rest of the country. Since he typically beats up all the thugs in the city to relieve stress, he's become quite the celebrity. If you ask any high school dropouts who used to pick on people a lot about him, they'll scramble and flee first, horrified by the very thought of the mad man.

‘Apparently, he's famous for being a monster elsewhere too. The stories of him there are so much more scarier… Out of jealousy, I previously made a blog on Naver disclosing negative information about him. Then I removed it a week later and sought the kid's forgiveness afterwards,' he reflected as one of the delinquents assisted an elderly grandfather in the distance, wearing an affable countenance despite his ragged, bad boy appearance. ‘The tyrant fortunately could care less. He didn't even listen to me properly when I kowtowed to him… well, that's one good trait he has… in certain situations…’ He breathed, relieved and defeated at the same time, an inexplicable combination of emotions.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Since last night, he had been standing here, and Daniel had not shown any signs of coming home. By now, the lackey should have been rushing into the stores downtown to grab Daniel anything he wanted. Sigh… It was serene, but more than anything, the immobility wore him out. He'd rather get a kick from the tyrant than stand there idly, watching others engage in activities while he was fated to remain still as a stone.

He took on this labor not only because as a low-level member, he felt obligated to do so, but also because he wanted to see Daniel get his hands dirty more. His fighting style never ceases to excite him; he enjoys seeing idiots go and bother him, only to have their asses handed to them in seconds. Furthermore, the lackey hates to admit it, but Daniel was really visually appealing. Watching him in action was like seeing a professional movie actor perform in real life. It's cool.

Haish…….. He's so bored…

“Hey, sh*thead! Move! We're gonna cave that sissy's head today!”

Ah? Maybe it won't be as boring today after all.

A group of men, their bodies and faces still somewhat scarred from the last visit, strode toward the tyrant's modest residence, their emotions twisted to the breaking point in pure fury. Bloodthirst was evident on every face, making their already hideous looks even more hideous—at least in the eyes of the mob lackey.

“You weakass runts again?” He gave them an unpleasant expression, masking the fact that he was secretly kind of glad that these goons were ruining his dull day. ‘Yes! Finally!’ Like a small child seeing his favorite cartoon figure in real life, his inner monologue exclaimed, cheeks flushed pink. “Lemme see which bitchy group y'all are from— Agh, it stinks!” He purposely angered them by stepping closer, only to whip his head away and pinch his nose. “I know that dog piss smell anywhere! Big Deal, you insufferable bunch.”

That surely hackled the collection of guys, making them tighten their teeth and clench their fists, barely holding onto a strand of sanity from beating the lackey up to a pulp. “Don't take the name of our crew lightly! We'll cast you into a ditch with your hellspawn master if you dare to ridicule us again!” The individual at the front yelled, receiving background support from equally boisterous crewmembers.

With a snort and a roll of his eyes, the lackey waved them away, behaving as if they were annoying flies. “Yeah, yeah. You lot pull that dialogue outta yer’ ass every other business day, it's tiring. C'mon here and let's get to fighting already, I'm damn bored,” He groaned as the other mafia members and delinquents who surrounded the location rounded the site, arriving from dark corners and giving the Big Deal crewmembers a grim look.

A thundering sound from afar proceeded, lasting little more than two hours before thinning out and vanishing completely. The neighbors who live close to Daniel didn't even bother to come out and witness the pandemonium of martial arts meetings and weapons clanging; they'd grown accustomed to the chaos because it felt like it was happening every day. Why should they worry if it isn't about their own safety?

Because the mafia and criminals in this area had a generally good attitude toward them and tried to help them as much as they could despite their intimidating image, not a single homeowner there considered calling the police. If this was their everyday pastime, they didn't mind too much. As long as they don't turn that uncompromising aggression on them, they'll remain silent, like a flock of sheep, watching the guard dogs rip apart the other animals around them, unseeing and unhearing.

The group of mismatched individuals, some of whom were more injured than others, took their time to enjoy some sweet respite when the Big Deal crewmembers left with their tails between their legs. Playing games of checkers, chess, and cards, they pretended to gamble against one another with pennies in place of tokens. Some of the delinquents are too young to be gambling, even if it's just pretend play. Since Daniel detested it when the adults gave the minors bad influence, they threw some board games and a few boxes of warm apple juices their way, treating them like kindergarteners even though they had just engaged in a pretty violent battle side by side.

The kids sulked and spit, but none of them had the courage to start a dispute or complain. They will have to face Daniel's ire if they oppose them, even if a few of them are far stronger than the adults. The tyrant lectured them like a distressed mother would her child, long and without stop, before beating them up and assigning them house chores to do while they reflected on what they had done wrong. None of them wanted to be humiliated like that; additionally, because the majority of them were mommies' boys, they unconsciously considered Daniel as their mother when he did that, which made them feel horrible for upsetting him.

“Hey, step aside! We're here to show that monster who the real boss is!”


After barely thirty minutes of idle chatter, a fresh group of people is already seeking to challenge their tyrant? Daniel sure has a lot of enemies…

The mafia members shrugged; they, too, had a number of adversaries, and Daniel's addition to the fray wasn't a huge problem. It's not like the people opposing him were all that impressive; they were just a swarm of ants pretending to be a bunch of bears in front of the dragon. The delinquents were more intimidated than them, but they were thinking along the same lines. Daniel wouldn't even need to focus while he put these losers back to their places.

“Is it the people from Ansan?” With a disinterested expression on his face, the lackey stationed outside Daniel's door inquired as he munched on a mooncake and squeezed his fingers around a Chinese chess piece. He was sitting on a little circular table that was placed close to Daniel's house's door, along with a delinquent who was at least twenty years old. In the absence of anything better to do, the lackey agreed to the delinquent's request to learn about Chinese chess and receive helpful gambling advice relating to it.

Despite the scratches he had from battling in the previous combat, he was not at all concerned as he turned his head to give the new group of idiots even a fleeting glance. It's like working in a restaurant and seeing the regulars—he recognizes a lot of their faces. Ansan gangs were another everyday opponent around here.

There's that dude with a huge scar over his chin, there's the asshole with no front teeth, over there is a kid with a blind eye, an unfortunate outcome for a young lad, and at the very back in the right was one of the few women who got into the thug life; she looked a lot like a twink, short hair, flat chest and all. Man– He has seen these individuals more often than he has seen his own parents and siblings, to be honest. The mafia lackey reckons that they could become friends if they weren't so rigid about getting even, avenging their pride, and other such things.

Alright, let's toast to a somewhat interesting day.


Another round of roaring followed, and the two groups collided. Clangings reverberated the alleyway, and blood was splattered about, but not even cats would run away, having heard and witnessed such a spectacle so many times before. Butterflies happily settled on a neighboring wild flower, sucking on its deliciousness as their black, beady eyes reflected the landscape immediately next to them. A person strikes another person, and a wooden plank is pounded on their backs before someone else joins in to give them a taste of their kickboxing style.

So serene and yet so hectic all at once. Everything about the scenario was nearly picturesque, as if it were a work of art fit for a museum.

The Ansan people were a little tougher to handle because they were all armed, so the noise continued for a while. If it wasn't visible, they would conceal it in their shoes or clothing, making it difficult for their attackers to find time to unwind during battle and quickly sort them out. Everyone was kept on high alert, and every twitch of their muscles was meticulously evaluated. It was exhausting. At least Big Deal crewmembers had the decency to settle the score solely by fist fighting, as there was a motto in their group about it, romanticism or uh… um.. something along that lines.

It had taken two more hours to successfully destroy this hoard. No ambulances were dispatched because although both sides were nearly equally damaged, none required urgent medical attention. By far, the only time they needed to go to the hospital was when Daniel is the one giving them a beating.

"What a busy day that was," The low-level mafia lackey said while wiping sweat, dirt, and blood off his face with a towel that he and at least six other people are sharing. His companions, who were panting and sipping water, nodded and agreed with him.

"Between Big Deal and Ansan, Ansan puts up more of a challenge," one of the younger men among them said, downing an entire bottle of water after speaking.

“Big Deal has more determination though. They sabotage themselves for the sake of their battling principles; that's the only thing holding them back." An older mafia member lowered his western-style cap and rested against an electrical pole, appearing cool.

“Zip it, old fart,” The youngest one spat, his dyed brown hair bouncing as he hopped to mend his damaged shoes, "Get rid of that stupid hat and stop trying to act like this is the wild west." He attempted to act tough, but one glare from the mafia guys caused him to clench his lips shut. The elder mafia member and the lackey each gave him a blow to the head, leaving two round bruises there.

"If they attacked at the same time, they could've bagged a win," a young man with narrow eyes entered their conversation, the towel that had been on the mafia lackey's hand now in his own. “But they're just egoistic morons. You can't cure stupidity like that,” he shook his head and threw his hands up, mocking them to elicit huffs of amusem*nt from the others.

A little later, they were back at their round tables; some had gone to the nearby houses to use their shower and eat their food. They essentially lived here by this stage, thus it was almost inevitable that they would take advantage of the legitimate inhabitants. Basic necessities include food, a shower, and shelter.

The tyrant had told them not to make the citizens' lives difficult, therefore the mafia was exclusively responsible for paying the water bills, electric bills and even the house owners themselves, because they were brave enough to open the doors for their members. The residents, seeing them carrying a bag full of cold, hard, yellow Korean cash, happily let them in whenever they like.

To be ready to answer to Daniel's every whim, the mafia members would often spend the night in the neighboring tenants' houses. Meanwhile, delinquents, particularly those under the age of twenty, were pushed to return home before sunset. Compared to their mafia colleagues, the delinquents were not given as many privileges for guarding the tyrant. They only stayed for this long because they assumed Daniel wanted them to, as after beating them to hell, they were now an extension of his troops, his properties.

And then the day went back to normal. Everyone, even the mafia lackey on watch duty, returned to their regular duties after members had finished covering each other with bandaids and bandages. Every now and again, he would yawn and return to watching the world revolve around him. While everyone else continued living their lives, he remained motionless and stood erect like a deity, gazing down at the movements of human civilization. Unfortunately, one of the few things he could do to stay awake was to watch the people and animals in this manner.

Suddenly, from afar, a man with black hair, a scar on the side of his mouth, a black coat, and a white shirt entered, accompanied by two other males. They appeared exceedingly frightening, as if there was an atmosphere of intimidation seeping from their bodies. Everywhere they went, their steps exuded a sense of darkness. Hell, even in the bright early light, their faces were shadowed. The lackey couldn't get the sensation that he'd seen something similar on their tyrant, implying that this newcomer and his comrades would be a formidable force to contend with.

The lackey, who had never seen these guys before, watched them with one eyebrow raised, wondering who they were. They were certainly not regulars here, especially in this area of the neighborhood; other than Daniel, he really had never sensed anyone with such a heavy atmosphere of dread around them like this. But their tyrant was more of a lone wolf, a crazed bastard acting on emotion with little to no thought, a maniac. On the other hand, witnessing this person is like watching a natural-born leader; his unnerving charm is absurd. Hm. Curious.

Then, not even a moment later, he noticed another group of people walking at the same pace as this menacing band of men. This time, there was an individual with blonde hair in the middle of them, clearly the leader, comparable to the person with a scar on the side of his mouth. His youthful appearance and luxury clothes suggested that he led a lavish lifestyle, but the slight frown on his chapped lips and the scars all over his right hand revealed otherwise.

A man with no shirt under his wide-open white jacket and a guy who seemed no older than 15 and had wavy dark brown hair walked a step behind, side by side. Their faces were all shadowed as well.

Both frightening squads paused in the center, with their bodies facing Daniel's house and their eyes meeting. The looks they exchanged were so intense that the lackey could almost see the lightning bolt that zapped between them. They didn't seem to know each other, and they'd already decided they didn't like each other's company. The air became so unbearably tense that not even a knife could penetrate it and release the pressure.

What the hell is going on…?

The mafia lackey gulped and took a step back, sweat trickling down the side of his face as he watched the two leaders fight silently through their eyes. He wasn't sure how to react. Should he confront them and drive them away? Or maybe they're come to discuss business with their tyrant? ‘if so, if I behave badly, it would be a horrible look on Daniel Park,’ It's challenging to make a decision if he is unfamiliar with the opposition.

“You the guy who's been beating our people?” The leader with a scar on the side of his mouth asked nonchalantly, turning to gaze at the mafia lackey, startling him. “You look like a pretty rough man. You must be him,” he said, looking the lackey up and down with interest. He stopped to study the mafia lackey's wounds, both new and old.

This was Big Deal's Jake Kim, his sword, Jerry Kwon, and his loyal follower, Lineman. After more than a month, all three have finally shown up in front of the man who has been tormenting their crew members.

They came here after their men returned with bruises and cuts for the tenth time that week. After his guys assured him they were alright and had only sustained scratches, Jake had chosen to dismiss it for a considerable amount of time without taking any concrete action. However, today he was unable to maintain his casual demeanor. In addition to being concerned for his team, Jerry has been nagging him to find out who this [Yongsan-Gu Tyrant] was. The guy was yearning for a fight to test his strength, and Jake had been depriving him of his curiosity for too long. Lineman just followed Jake because, in the end, he was his dependable, constant friend who wished to support his leader in any manner that he could.

Following in the footsteps of his crew members, Jake and his two companions, his sword and his friend, inevitably landed onto this portion of the area. "This is the place where the insane fighter that everyone has been talking about lives." Lineman took a cursory scan of the entire neighborhood, noticing how awful this area appeared in comparison to the rest of it. Is the tyrant the poorest of the poor?

With his massive build and height, Jerry could hardly squeeze into the alleyway leading to Daniel's dilapidated home. He murmured, “He's smaller than I expected…” as he bent his head slightly to avoid hitting the rusted roofs of the tiny, run-down houses, and he pressed his bicep against the electrical pole to his left to give Jake and Lineman space to stand beside him. "And older too," he said, glancing at the mafia lackey's wrinkles beneath his eyes, the frown lines in his ashy light complexion, and his 2 week old unkempt beard.

Lineman continued, "They said he looked handsome and full of energy," noting how old and tired looking the mafia lackey is in contrast to what their guys had reported. “But, this…” He gave Jake an uncertain expression as he extended his hand in the lackey's direction. Something unspoken and most likely quite offensive was exchanged between them.

'It's because I'm approaching my 30s, you cruel runts!' The mafia lackey let out a quiet cry. Being called old is like getting a poison arrow shot straight to his heart. He had tried his hardest to maintain his appearance! Please refrain from making such dissatisfied and perplexed comments about it!

Meanwhile, the boy with wavy hair whispered to the blonde in the center, periodically pointing at the mafia lackey, chuckling and looking him up and down. “—Do we even need to fight him? He looks close to dying on his own. He must be forty years old or older. Should we be respectful?” The kid's muttering were audible to the lackey, and when he heard them, an additional arrow was shot directly into his back, causing him to slobber in shame.

Oh god, maybe he should've invest in plastic surgery like his peers back in the day. Now he's getting bullied!!!! He understands that Daniel is captivating, vibrant, and all that, but drawing such a harsh comparison will make him feel ashamed to the point of heat stroke! “You folks...," He made an attempt to speak up, if only to partially justify himself, but…

"Ahjussi, I'm sorry to bother you, but instead of picking on the younger generation, maybe you should just go rest?” With a look of genuine concern imprinted on his face, Jake folded his arms over his chest and murmured, "You don't look so good."

They traveled from the west of the Han River to this location in order to investigate the commotion, but all they find is an elderly guy who appears to be quite exhausted and who, for some reason, is dressed in a suit. He must be formidable, for him to be able to beat so many people all at once but… uhh… it feels like his crew members are the ones at wrong for picking on a guy who looks like this.

“This old, ugly and poor as sh*t dude is the bastard who gave our guys a hard time? Is our people just weak af?” The man next to the blonde who didn't have an inner shirt lifted his brow and made a frown, his mouth twisting downward in an unattractive way. “Wtf… and here i thought we'd get to fight some bigshot. What the hell is this?”

'I am going to kill myself!' The lackey felt like gently dissolving into sand and disappearing from the face of the Earth, only to be embraced by nature and finally feel at peace again. This feeling is so… ah… he wants to die. Seriously…

His environment has gone stark white, and his body casts a dark shadow all around.

The rest of the young men to his left and right didn't appear to notice his pale complexion or the way his soul seemed to fly out of him because they were too busy scratching their heads and wondering if the descriptions they'd acquired from their members were incorrect. Perhaps they misheard it.

The group opposite Big Deal was the crew from Ansan, known primarily as Ansan Public. They are mainly composed up of three persons, but due to their very extensive region, they have a little under a hundred men working under them to keep things in order. The crew is led by Hudson Ahn, the man with the blonde hair and white clothes; Jacky Lee, the second member with the wavy hair; and Channing Choi, the last person with a jacket on and his front bare and flaunting his abs.

Hudson stared at the humiliated mafia lackey for a long time, pondering something before reaching an abrupt conclusion. His words were audible to everybody, "I don't think he's the one we're looking for," which caused Big Deal to refocus their attention on them. The leaders of the two units met eyes again, and wariness crossed their expressions.

"And what do you mean by that?" Jake inquired carefully, wondering who this person was.

"He does not match the description of [Yongsan-Gu's Tyrant]. I believe he's a bodyguard of some sort,” Hudson closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, this time making sure his body was correctly facing Jake and the rest, a confrontational tone wrapping around his next remarks. “In fact, I think it's more believable if you're the tyrant," he said, taking a step closer to Jake, causing the other's sword and friend to size him up and prepare for a fight. “Handsome, young, and strong. I can see and feel it. You don't seem crazy, but maybe you only display that aspect of yourself during a conflict.”

Jake remained motionless even as Hudson approached him. The blonde with a side buzz was certainly measuring him up, wanting to see how sure Jake is in his own strength and if he was smart enough to realize that the latter isn't simply another idiot that he, no, the enigmatic [Yongsan-Gu Tyrant], could easily deal with. That's all well and good, but there's one small issue: Jake isn't the tyrant; rather, he's here to track down the ‘crazy guy’ as well.

“What's that supposed to mean!?” Jerry moved in front of Jake, pushing Hudson away. “Stand behind me, Jake. I think this one is a lunatic; he's making stuff up on the fly," he said, allowing his body to bulge and become Jake's shield.

“Yeah. Who the hell are you anyway?” Lineman scoffed and became extremely ill-mannered toward Hudson upon realizing that the blonde was starting to act aggressively at their leader.

Jake simply stood there, taken aback and unsure of how to respond. Because of how ridiculous the latter's notion of him was, he thought that no response could adequately express how bewildered, shocked, and intrigued he was. The idea of him being the tyrant boggled him, but Hudson did describe him as handsome, youthful, and strong, so perhaps a touched reaction would be more appropriate in this case.

Then it dawned on him, and his dark eyes opened as if a lightbulb had flared to life behind them. He is left dumbfounded by this discovery, and he can't help but sharpen his expression as he begins to treat Hudson with greater respect. He can only weakly confess, "You... You're smart," which causes his two crew members to stare at him incredulously, trying to figure out what he meant to say. “They didn't tell me that you'd be the cunning type,” Jake snorted, vanity sweeping him up as he scratched his nose and closed his eyes to revel in his own ingenuity. "Heh, but your ploy won't work on me," he said. “I know that you're [Yongsan-Gu's Tyrant]!” He pointed at Hudson with confidence, causing his team members to gasp in wonder as it clicked for them as well.

That's right! Why didn't they think of that too? Hudson might have been attempting to divert their focus and disorient them in order to ambush them unexpectedly! It's possible that Hudson was the notorious insane tyrant all along!

“Like you said, attractive, youthful, and a madman. That's you, right? If you're crazy enough to label me a tyrant, you might be a tyrant yourself!" Jake winked to further accentuate his brilliant appearance while grinning. ”You lot were playing the long game this whole time!” He emitted a glimmer that struck Hudson and his guys in the head that then bounced off, leaving them completely unimpressed.

Cheers echoed all around him, evoking awe and reverence. "You are a genius, boss! Truly a blessing for Big Deal!" — "Jake, you should apply to Harvard, they'll definitely take you in!"

“What's a Harvard?”

“A famous foreign university, sir.”



Channing and Jackey exchanged glances, lifting their brows at Big Deal, while Hudson concentrated attentively on Jake, no longer certain that he was the tyrant. One of the Ansan men he summoned to look into the situation claimed that the [Yongsan-Gu Tyrant] was a brilliant man, evil in intelligence, a lone wolf, a sad*st with no pity in his bones. This guy with the scar on the side of his mouth simply seemed like a normal moron. It's also inaccurate to characterize him as a lone wolf because of his leadership style. His crew mates seem to appreciate him a lot, thus he is obviously a trustworthy person. Hudson didn't think the true tyrant would have a crew at all, let alone any members.

But...they can't really linger on the topic now because another issue appears to be rising, trying to swallow them into a flood of disarray.

“It seems that neither of us is the tyrant,” Hudson said, scanning the crowd of individuals dressed in suits or typical thug streetwear that surrounded them. “Nobody here is particularly happy to see us,” he pointed out, as they clenched their teeth and growled, like guard dogs that had been disturbed. Some had weapons, some posed to strike with their favorite martial arts, while the remainder remained calm, their hands deep in their pockets as they stared down at Big Deal and Ansan Public.

"Huh... it seems so," Jake said as he turned to glance around. Lineman and Jerry were standing by, protecting their circle and covering Jake's blind spots. “But then who are you and why did you come here?” He inquired, casting a fleeting glance at Hudson and observing with curiosity as Hudson brings out his scarred hand. That must be his weapon. A puncher? What martial art mangled his knuckles to that extent?

"Now you guys are doomed! Get these runts!" The mafia lackey in front of them roared and motioned for everyone to attack at the same time while maintaining a shaky, somewhat pained smile. Since it is now clear that they are not Daniel's friends, there is no reason why they can't all be maimed. He's not going to let these douchebags get away with saying all that garbage about him!

"Better focus on the battle first, Jake," Hudson repeated the name he heard the other crew member had called, shocking Jake. “But since we're both looking to put a stop to the tyrant, I guess a little info wouldn't hurt. Ansan Public, remember that crew name. We might meet again in the future, maybe with the actual tyrant with us then,” He remarked, his serious facial expression never wavering even as five people circled him, each prepared to beat him, only for him to wipe them all to the floor with his right fist.

Only six steps away, fighting his own battle, Jake smiled, seeming to be amicable about the prospect of them seeing each other again. “Sounds good,” He delivers an uppercut to a mafia member who had rushed to him and a left hook to a delinquent before saying, "He's been picking faults with my men, you see. So the tyrant will probably already be dealt with by me the next time we meet. That kind of thing cannot be tolerated. My friends are my members, and I consider them to be family.”

Without expressing any emotion, Hudson decided to utterly demolish a mafia who was holding a metal rod against a wall, rendering the unfortunate man unconscious and keeping him there till tomorrow at the latest. "I wouldn't put too much stock in that. He should be fairly strong based on the intel,” Hudson continued, "He fights your men and mine back to back almost every day. He should pose quite the threat. To you… and to me, " Behind him, Jakey back flipped around a mafia member wearing a West style hat, while Channing was viciously attacking a young man with dyed brown hair.

Jerry didn't have to do much but wander around, fighting carelessly in his enormous state. It was like watching a big animal slap a bunch of little critters around; heartless. Lineman was moving his tongue and utilizing trickery while fighting, decreasing the enemy' morale and weakening their guard so he could ambush them with his assaults. Despite his modest strength, his wordful tactics consistently impair all of his adversaries, making them easy prey.

They continued fighting, occasionally speaking while surrounded by their opponents. It's basically a walk in the park for them, and the mafia lackey watching could only swallow, helpless against their might. They were unlike any crew members who had ever visited this place before—the gap in strength were like heaven and Earth. His intuition regarding their strength was spot-on; he should've listened that tingling gut feeling!

AHH!!! They're so done!

‘Daniel Park, where are you!?’ He shouted quietly, nearly shrieking, as Jakey, who had suddenly appeared from somewhere in the crowd, punched him firmly in the nose.


Blood, spit, and something else were also constantly spilled in a certain area of Yongsan District. The destroyed fur couch was full of bodily fluids, half twisted because someone had humped into their partner too hard and broken it, and even the walls had some white streaks on them. There was a pool of dampness on the floor, and beside it, a door had been ripped off its hinges.

Not content to stop there, the area beyond the little karaoke room was adorned with claw scratches and proof that someone had punched the wall hard enough to leave an indented imprint. Even the reception desk at the front of the store was unsafe, as it was used as a bed by the couple who couldn't even take a moment to properly walk out the door without f*cking like their lives depended on it. Splatters of various liquid adorned its front, side, and top surfaces.There was even a lengthy smear of fresh red running from the reception desk to the entrance, indicating that someone had gone out with a gash on them and was shedding blood as they left.

Lust, violence, and an aura of lunacy unlike any other had tarnished the entire building, leaving it filthy from a combination of many overwhelming activities.

It was early in the morning when Daniel felt the weight drop beside him, signaling that someone had sat on the soft material he was on. His bare body was enveloped in a thick duvet that felt fluffy and cold on his flesh. A searing feeling all around, especially from his bottom half, jolts him awake as he even slightly regains consciousness, causing his eyes to slowly open.

He growled first, his body tensing up reflexively as the stinging sensation raced straight up his spine and gave him a brief headache. He held out one hand, wanting to hold his disoriented head in his palm. Then he growled even harder, feeling as though he had suddenly managed to shift a boulder that had been pressing his wrists downward. With a blink, he detects a mixture of green and yellow around his wrists, a trace indicating that he has been gripped around there firmly and for a very long time.

“You awake?” A hazy sound echoed behind him, like a faint murmur. “You woke up earlier than I expected,” It felt like he had tinnitus, but without the piercing whistle that normally comes with it. He wanted to turn around, or at least be able to piece together a cohesive picture of who it might be, but the air conditioner's wind was making it difficult for him to concentrate. In an attempt to keep the cold off, he kept pulling the quilt closer over him, ignoring the voice.

After a few seconds of Daniel wriggling around and straining with the quilt, an arm wrapped around him and pulled him to a large, thick surface. It was evident how much of a size difference there was between them as the latter's bare chest was touching the very edge of Daniel's shoulders and his abs were pressing against his upper back to his tailbone. The smaller of the two relaxed, allowing the man's hand to sweep over his front, caressing his chest before settling on his tummy, leaving consoling goosebumps along the way. Daniel felt somewhat warmer from the spooning than from the quilt; this was partly because of the heat that naturally emanated from the other man's skin.

Daniel finally summoned the energy to acclimate to his new surroundings after taking a minute to relax his mind from the ache that was running up and down his entire body. That's one thing: they were most obviously not in the karaoke room anymore.

This must be a motel, and a somewhat inexpensive one at that, based on the fabric of the quilt and the décor surrounding them. Well, not exactly, Daniel would describe it as average, if not a little higher-end. But the last hotel Samuel had brought him to smelled and looked nicer, and it felt much more comfortable. Hm… did he pass out? He remembered lasting a lot longer last night than normal though… but it's like the more endurance he had, the more sexual energy Samuel was getting.

Recalling bits and pieces of last night, Daniel remembered kicking a huge fuss after their fifth round, calling Samuel all sorts of names when he didn't want to stop having sex. He was complaining because at one point, Samuel became very engrossed in pounding Daniel into the fur couch, literally smashing the old furniture and breaking the poor thing in two. Daniel's back hurt so much from that particular thrust—and possibly from the two other times Samuel did something similar—that he felt like a bent empty soda can. He somehow emerged from that with no shattered bones, just some strained joints.

Obviously, after that, Daniel was understandably exhausted. Not to mention the fact that he had been milked to hell, so his dick hurt and his ass was beginning to ache real bad. Oh, and he was really mad at Samuel for hammering into him like that because he considered it to be disrespectful. Like, who would just slam themselves into their partner like that? It literally crushed the couch in half!

After a tousle, Samuel banged him against the door, and when Daniel still didn't stop taunting him out of pettiness, mocking him for every little thing, like how he was a bitch and can't f*ck properly, Samuel quite literally pounded into Daniel again to shut him up. Like a wrecking ball to a brick wall, that pounding f*cking broke the door.

Now that Daniel thinks about it, that second moment amazes him. It was a mystery how Samuel hadn't ruined his intestines by now. God forbid, with a dick like that combined with such heedless, vicious thrusts, how in the world did the younger of the two steer to avoid becoming paralyzed from the waist down? Or maybe he did get a critical injury but his state-of-the-art healing had fixed him.

Following that... Daniel remembered getting carried away and fighting over whether they should f*ck more or rest first. Daniel only offered the option of 'Just stop it already, dickhe*d!' But Samuel distorted that singular demand into, 'Rest a little before more sex, or just keep having sex?'

In an attempt to stay put and prevent Samuel from moving to a more comfortable place to keep doing it so they could just wrap it up already, the topdog practically drove his nails into the wall and tore into the wallpaper. He tried to latch onto any of the concrete surfaces the best he could, to the point that he could still feel the ache in his nails lingering until now. But Samuel refused to back down and found delight in his disobedience. More verbal arguing happened before Daniel was abruptly pummeled in the ass while in Samuel's tattooed arms.

He remembered being unable to stop moaning, virtually screaming his lungs out with each thrust because the older male was driving into him so deeply that he could feel his insides changing in real time to accommodate Samuel's co*ck. It was so severe that Daniel thought he might have a third hole down there by the time they're done.

Even though he was still getting nailed, he pushed Samuel against the wall and delivered some strong punches to inflict pain on the prestigious science department student who had been treating him so harshly. At least, he tried to. Only one found its way towards Samuel, with all of his remaining power dedicated to it, but that punch was evaded and implanted into the wall, creating a fist-shaped crack.

After that, Daniel had no energy left and was quickly dragged away, with a co*ck the size of a common water bottle still wedged deep in his rectum. Subsequent to that, Daniel lost all memory of what had happened, but as he was getting thrusted into at the front desk of the karaoke club, he did sort of recover his cognitive thinking. The man had said something so f*cking ridiculous it made him angry, and he vaguely remembered seizing hold of Samuel's hair. Then he slammed the Prestigious Science Dept student into the table with such force that two of Samuel's teeth fell out.

If memory serves him correctly, it was due to something like this: Samuel, enraged that the younger male had tried to genuinely punch him, decided to rail Daniel on the front desk several times, finding pleasure in the fact that they were literally twenty steps away from the entryway and that anyone curious enough could stumble upon them, upon Samuel sexually subjugating a monster made of nightmares like Daniel.

Imagine them seeing me all the way in you, breeding you again and again. It's really exciting. It doesn't matter if they know who you are or not because I know you, I know that you're strong, a lunatic and damn sad*stic. And someone like you is moaning and convulsing beneath me, having more org*sms than I can count, and loving my dick,” he said, giving Daniel a hard thrust that caused him to roll his eyes back and his length to quiver, spitting out the last of his load onto his own stomach.Haa.. f*ck, look at you, taking me like such a good boy… ngh…

His audacity ticked Daniel off. Did Samuel already forget that Daniel had almost murdered him an hour or two ago? How dare he even think that there's a chance on Earth that he can think he's the one in control.

The onslaught that accidentally targeted the bigger male's mouth caused blood to pour all over the desk. With one hand over his jaw to contain the crimson stream, Samuel had given him a very astonished face. It was such a delight to witness that fleeting, sweet look of panic erase the conceit in his expression.

Daniel remembered how proud and satisfied he felt when he saw the damage he had caused. He was greatly aroused by the sight of the blood and fear, but regrettably, his member was against having another erection, its had enough.

After receiving such a beat down, Samuel realized he might not be able to take much more of Daniel's reckless and vicious brutality during sex, so he inevitably reached the decision to stop and look for a location for them to spend the night and rest.

Also, he needed to stop the bleeding, since he mumbled something about feeling woozy and how it could be the blood loss; it wasn't just his teeth that were leaking scarlet everywhere like a busted water pipe. Besides his previous injuries, more than a dozen scratch wounds were left deep in his back, most likely scarring him till next month; if Samuel is unlucky, they will leave a trace for years to come.

Before leaving the room, he covered Daniel's bottom half with the remnants of his ripped up black shirt to 'save' the younger man from embarrassment because his hole was actually spurting sperm every second, dribbling lewdly down between his legs. For whatever reason, the dumbass didn't just grab Daniel's discarded school uniform in the karaoke room, but looking back, Samuel probably did it to get back at Daniel for causing him to lose a few back teeth.

Daniel passed out in Samuel's arms as soon as his co*ck was pulled out and his ass could relax from the tension. Now he's awake in an unknown motel.

After his flashback was over, Daniel snarled at the man spooning him and struck Samuel hard with his elbow, receiving a pained groan in return. “You could've killed me! You broke two things last night! Two! And both from dicking me down too hard! Are you mental!?” He roared at the older man, his pupils contracting because he was so angry.

"Look who's talking," Samuel sighed, patting his stomach to ease the pain. He was still hurting everywhere from last night; it felt like hellfire on his skin at the time. He didn't need Daniel to add to his injuries. “You nearly broke me, brat. I lost teeth because of you, now I have to get dental implants. My back has several cuts deep enough for a surgery to be done on too– ugh!” he grumbled, suffering as Daniel knocked his head on his chin, as if he was trying to keep the latter from back hugging him.

“You deserved everything I had you endure. Also, f*ck off! You haven't even cleaned me yet!” Daniel thrashed and turned around to catch Samuel in a chokehold, squeezing him tight until Samuel wheezed and attempted to tap out. Daniel was not going to stop anytime soon, no matter how hard he tried; this isn't a combat ring, there’s no referee to help him here. “My ass is sticky everywhere! At least wipe my buttcheeks, you bastard! Agh, so damn gross!”

Samuel was able to tear Daniel's hands away from him, albeit with some level of difficulty, despite the smaller male being in a rather weak position. “Calm down, Daniel Park! You crazy little sh*t! Why do you always resort to mindless violence!?” He yelled and sprang on top of Daniel, grasping his wrists with one hand to pin him down. Samuel's other hand rushed to pinch Daniel's cheeks, causing his lips to bulge out so he would quit screaming and cursing at him. “Shut up right now or else I'll make you suck me off and cum all over your face next," he threatened as Daniel prepared to bite a new gorey wound into the hand that was forcefully squashing his face.

That caused the topdog to almost immediately settle down.

His dark brown eyes looked down, peeking into the quilt, staring directly at the flaccid co*ck that was currently touching his thigh, his throat drying and constricting automatically at the thought of having to put something as large as Samuel into his mouth. It would definitely clog his throat, which would be uncomfortable. And having Samuel spurt ji*zz all over his face? That would be super irritating! He was very grossed out by the prospect of his face, especially if it got on his lashes or hair, being sticky and wet with sperm.

“...awi bi yo dig owf…(I'll bite your dick off)” With his face still squeezed firmly together, he protested feebly.

Samuel's reply was prompt: "I'll f*ck you until this bed breaks if you do."


Samuel lets Daniel go and gets off the bed after realizing that he had nothing else to say and that his thrashing hands and legs had ceased. “I haven't cleaned you yet because I just finished fixing myself up first. I'll do it now so don't whine so much. Can you stand up?" he said, massaging the minor ache in his back away as he straightened up. Daniel just then noticed the numerous bandages encircling the larger male's body. Red blotches darkened and discolored a few areas, demonstrating how deeply Daniel had clawed into his back.

The topdog turned his head away and harrumphed, beaming proudly at the state he'd left Samuel in. Serves him right.

Daniel then attempted to test the waters by sitting up first. The residual climax that had not yet dried inside him flowed out of his loose hole and made him cringe, so much that he squeezed his legs together in sheer frustration. He still feels a lot of pain and is really stretched out down there… “I think I can, but my legs hurt like sh*t. When did you stop?" Daniel inquired, his stomach churning strangely as he carefully stretched his legs beneath the quilt, allowing more of Samuel's moist seed to exit his lower half and settle on the mattress.

"It's 6am now, so it should be around 4 hours since we stopped f*cking," Samuel informed him, looking at the round-shaped clock on the wall near the top of the bedframe. "Why?" He then dropped his head down to stare at Daniel, closely observing the younger of the two make various expressions of discomfort while his legs moved occasionally under the cover of the brown comforter.

‘Bastard—he's speaking in plural,’ Daniel noticed and gave Samuel the stink eye. ‘I already had enough a long time ago, you were the one who kept going,’ Daniel inwardly grumbled, returning his whole attention to his behind. Four hours ago, really? It had not been very long. It made sense why everything still aches so much.

He reached down, spread his ass, and dug into it with two fingers. He wanted to quickly get rid of at least half of everything that has been rammed into him before attempting to stand up since it's too nasty.

Seeing Daniel ignore him to toy with himself under the quilt, sticking his tongue out and blushing slightly, occasionally twitching, Samuel was inquisitive. He didn't want to raise suspicion, so he stepped around first, standing at the foot of the bed, pretending he hadn't noticed Daniel's attempt to hide a subtle wiggling and some slight whimper.

“Are you in the mood for breakfast? I'll get room service for us,” He mentioned this while seemingly walking in the direction of the cabinet with the big-screen TV hanging on top. A worn old phone sat silently there. Samuel, who has been accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle since Workers took him in, scowled at the dust on the object. He supposed it can't be helped. Samuel knew the hotel was really low-quality, and the only reason he booked a room—the best one they had, mind you—was that it was nearby.

Daniel answered, his voice a little unsteady as he continued to feel inside for the thick wetness. "Do.. Mn– do whatever," came his murmurs. “Actually, I'm starving,” He suddenly declared, halting his movements down there to think, "Get everything on the menu."

He hasn't taken a single bite in hours, an entire day, basically. Inu and Crystal were his priorities yesterday afternoon, Zack got in the way in the evening and Samuel took up all of his remaining time at night. Pleasure would obviously take up energy, especially if he was given it so many times, and so, he could quite literally eat a whole horse right about now, that's just how starved he is.

“And you know who's paying, right?" He glared at the older male, prompting Samuel to smile with tightly squeezed eyelids.

“You're the boss,” Samuel agreed with a shrug before he clicked on the dial, allowing the sound of its beeping to fill the area. “You're one of the cheapest f*cks I have ever had. A pitiable breakfast in exchange for your body, heh. Typically the girls I'm done with would persuade me to get them designer items worth hundreds of thousands of dollars," He jabbed, making the topdog sound like a street prostitute, and Daniel was ready to yell at him again if it hadn't been for the clicking sound on the other end of the phone, signaling that the receptionist had been reached.

Daniel made the decision to return to taking care of his own affairs as Samuel was now occupied in a flirtatious conversation with the female receptionist. He aggressively thrusted his fingers into himself, biting back many vulgar moans and grimacing before jerking his fingers out, allowing as much of what was within to stream out. When the cum dribbled out of his hole, Daniel flung his head back and let out a trembling exhale, his insides tingling with bliss as that glue-like sensation departed. There's still more inside. He wants it all out—every drop.

Samuel became a little upset when he noticed that Daniel was not giving him much attention—not even bringing up the fact that, immediately after their recent intercourse, he was flirting with someone else in front of him. Even if it was just for a brief moment, he wanted to see the topdog act cute and become envious, but it seems that he wasn't just unconcerned but also preoccupied with something else.

However, whatever Daniel was preoccupied with was causing him to purr and mewl, softening his look and giving it a familiar smuttiness that easily turned Samuel on. ‘Is he...?’ The more Samuel peered to see how the smaller man's hickey-covered body twisted just a little, how he clenched his jaw to keep from making a sound, wrinkled his brow, and pinched his eyes shut, his imagination became soiled. The Prestigious Science Department student bit his lower lip, feeling an erection coming the more he watched and listened.

His curiosity is becoming too much for him to suppress. Samuel wants to know what in the world Daniel was up to.

Without warning, as soon as he puts the phone down, he snatched the quilt off of the younger male, exposing a display so vulgar; liquid accumulated in his mouth instantaneously, making his tongue feel burdened down. “What are you doing, beautiful?” He smirked, a hint of red on his cheek, and narrowed his eyes at the tense Daniel, his ass spread and his fingers knuckles deep in himself.

“Cleaning myself, what else does it look like?” the topdog hissed, pulling his fingers out, making cum race to leave his reddened hole just as Samuel got back into the bed, crawling straight towards him. “Go away,” Daniel tried to kick Samuel off but his ankle was promptly grabbed and his legs were spread wide to make way for the bigger man to settle in between his thighs.

“On the bed? More like you wanted to seduce me.” Samuel raised a brow, still smirking as he pressed his hardening member against Daniel's round backside. “You're good at it, being sexy. Seriously… You little slu*t, fingering yourself so innocently like that while I'm still in the same room,” he grinded his manhood against the other's soft, swollen rim, making Daniel scowl and want to hit him again.

"Impulsive idiot. What if the receptionist overheard you moaning like that?” He leaned down to murmur beside the topdog's ear, and the warmth of his breath made Daniel shudder and make a little noise. The smaller male's belly clenched in anticipation as Samuel slipped his hands down the other's ankles to the back of his knees, a certain indicator that he was lined up to place himself against Daniel's entrance. "You're so wet here," Samuel smirked, rubbing the underside of his dick against the creamy white still trickling down from Daniel's entrance before inserting his tip directly into the puffy opening.

The fact that it was his own org*sm that had planted so deeply in there made him happy. He's enjoying Daniel all to himself for once, without any other man taking a turn with him beforehand.

“Obviously! Every time you came, you kept making sure to release it inside! Why wouldn't I be wet!? Do you know how gross this feels!?” The other yelled, his palms against Samuel's chest, creating a small space between them so that the tattooed man wouldn't crush him under his tremendous weight.

“Can't help it. You react so cutely whenever I do. Maybe if you stop rolling your eyes back and arching like you love it so much, I'll stop cumming inside,” He snickered, observing Daniel's attempt to put space between them and quickly choosing to be a brat and squish the topdog even more until both of their fronts were pressed tightly against one another. There was another round of mocking until Samuel made out with Daniel, silencing his caustic answers.

Their tongues deftly played with one other, causing saliva to stream down their mouths, before Daniel coughed and ended their intense kissing. Panting, their half-lidded gaze connected, depicting each other's growing passion.

The younger male's sultry expression caused Samuel's heart to pound hard against his ribcage. He swallowed, reaching up to gently caress Daniel's handsome face, noting how silky his pale skin was and how swollen his lips had become from their kiss. The crimson puffiness around his eyes from weeping so much last night had faded, which was sad because the Prestigious Science Dept student liked it on him; it was pretty.

Then, satisfied with examining Daniel's visage, Samuel immediately sank his half-hard co*ck into the warmth he'd left only hours before, without a word being exchanged between them. A long, drawn-out moan exited his voice as he relished the feeling of the younger man's succulent, swelling wall of flesh massaging his length. Daniel gasped beneath him, his toes curling at the way Samuel's dick instantly filled him to the brim. They both sighed heavily as their bodies came together again and became one.

“H-how the hell do you still have the energy for more? ungh…” Daniel furrowed his brow and automatically reached out to hold Samuel's shoulders for leverage. He arched his back a little when Samuel deepened into him, inching inside even more until he took the Prestigious Science Dept student's penis to the hilt. “Hngh.." Daniel murmured, "Slow down, my ass.. kh- might still be bruised," and received butterfly kisses all over his collarbone to the bottom of his jaw, tactile appreciation for taking Samuel so well.

“You're so good for me, Daniel, hahh.. Good boy, taking me so well… Ahh— this always feels so damn amazing." Samuel whispered, pressing his eyes tight and grunting, eager to quickly start thrusting in and out of the other. It was addicting to watch as his hole pulled him in and twitched all over his member. Samuel nearly lost himself in the pleasure that only Daniel's body could give him before he finally snapped back to reality. “You won't notice the pain once I f*ck into your prostate, don't think too much about it,” he smiled before straightening himself and adjusting his posture so he could begin moving. "Relax, Danny boy; you'll be alright. If you tense up so much, you'll only hurt yourself," he said, drawing a grimace from Daniel, who was pushing his nails into the bandages surrounding Samuel.

Samuel squeezed the elastic meat on Daniel's thighs, ensuring that the topdog did not move from his position, smiling lopsidedly with glee as he began to move at a slow speed, in and out, again and again. Their loud huffs, grunts, and groans blended with the sound of his heavy balls hitting Daniel's ass. It didn't take long for the room to get heated, with the aroma of sex filling every crevice like a scented candle.

Apart from the pain in his back, Daniel handled each hump rather well. He didn't even once whine, even though he had to strain to curl in on himself when Samuel folded him in half to increase the pace of his motion.

When he became overwhelmed, he would whimper and mewl, his nails creating fresh cuts on Samuel's arms and shoulders. He occasionally hiccuped and sobbed, saying, "That hurts," but that was only because Samuel would occasionally become mean and would pummel into him severely.

The older of the two couldn't help it. Daniel was so cute getting railed into, it's like all of his bite had mellowed in the face of sex. It's so cute that Samuel periodically grew hostile, either unknowingly or purposely.

"On your knees, baby," Samuel muttered, one hand gripping Daniel's arm and swiftly flipping the topdog around to flatten his face on the pillow. Daniel, fatigued, did not try to protest as he lay down on the mattress like a puppet without a string.

Samuel's view was the smaller male's smooth and slender back; most of the hickeys he left there have faded considerably. The latter took offense at how quickly it vanished; he had never left such traces on any of his previous sexual partners, just Daniel, and he saw it as a means of asserting and expressing his romantic feelings. So watching them vanish in the few hours he left the expanse of milky skin alone upset him; he longed to repeat them all, add more, and put his mark on what he was interested in.

He nibbled into Daniel's nape, leaving a semicircle outline of his teeth before sucking a few bruises down his back and embellishing the pale hues with red blotches of his making. If blood formed in any of the hickeys he left, Samuel would lick it away, causing Daniel to squirm under the damp sensation of his boneless appendage.

"Mn… nghh.. Samuel…" He whimpered softly, one hand grabbing the mattress and the other clenching into a fist inside Samuel's iron-clad clasp. Sweat trickled down his brow, leaving his skin glossy. Even when stimuli punched into his g-spot, his dick stayed flaccid the entire time, exhausted beyond description and unable to sustain an erection. “Samuel, don't- don't release it inside- ah, ah– i- it's gross, i just— urgh..! I just got a lot out from there, don't add any m-more, haa… hngh— uh-! ah..!” He twitched, feeling the girth of Samuel's co*ck electrifyingly stroking against every area of his anus as it fattened inside him. The bigger male was undoubtedly close to reaching his peak.

“Samuel— Sa- agh! Ah! Ah..! Samuel..! Don't!” Daniel felt tears rush down his cheeks, involuntary crying, as the Prestigious Science Dept student accelerated to a terrible pace, forcing the bed to creak loudly and his ass to feel the searing pain of Samuel's pelvis slamming against it. “No! Don't cum in me..! Ngh-! Haa—! Ahh!” Samuel simply smiled, admiring Daniel's gorgeous expression as he wailed, his body twisting artfully to suit the punishing brunt of Samuel's accelerating thrusts.

When Samuel felt a thrill down his spine, he clenched his jaw and drove Daniel down by putting his hands against the smaller male's back. The weight of his body kept Daniel from writhing and held him in place for Samuel to pound into mercilessly. The thought of that pleasant, refreshing condition after org*sming was igniting his passion and energy, and he began racing for it, each thrust threatening to shatter the topdog like brittle glass.

Daniel lets out a few short, chopped-up cries as Samuel bangs into him in a hurry, making him drool freely and causing him to stick out his tongue, his mind in a state of disarray. It aches — but it also feels so good. Obviously, someone as promiscuous as Samuel was adept; even in his haste, he made sure to target Daniel's prostate with each stern push in.

“Agh- ah- haa..! Ngkh—! Nh- ah!” So unbelievablly intense that he can't stop moaning; it's as if he's fighting to breathe as intended, his high-pitched voice competing with his ardor for oxygen. The fact that he could breathe via his nose had slipped his mind. The larger of the two was literally f*cking him stupid.

“Don't cum in me, don't— haa.. Haa..! Please… Samuel!” With the last of his remaining power, he desperately grasped one of Samuel's wrists in an attempt to push it away and release the pressure on his back. His right palm clenched into the pillows, tearing the material until white cotton balls spilled across the bed. There's no way out of this, he had no choice but to accept Samuel's impending climax, whether he liked it or not.

Samuel let out an energetic groan, as if he was in heaven. He stiffened up and drove his member as deep into Daniel as he could, ejacul*ting inside the other and filling Daniel's gut with his hot seed. The quick clamp around his still twitching co*ck, milking him for all he's worth, made him smile, blushing slightly with satisfaction and pleasure. So good… his org*sm was really good this time too. He was served so wonderfully by the topdog's ass, as usual.

Haa… haa… huff… You never fail me,” He gasped, his stomach rising and falling as he unloaded himself into the other.

Daniel's knees trembled, and the only reason he still had his lower half jutting up so high was because Samuel was pressing into his upper body so hard that he couldn't move at all; even splaying all over the bed wasn't an option with the way he was practically compressed under the latter's weight like this, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He felt disoriented, as if his world was crumbling around him, but a blink and some much-needed heavy breathing brought his vision back to normal. Soon after, the burning discomfort spread throughout his entire body, reminding him that it was not a smart idea to have sex with such brutality so soon after only a few scant hours of sleep. ‘Ah, I'm in pain now… I hate it. I hate this…’ He groaned silently, a tear falling from his right eye to his open mouth. The flavor of salt stretched across his palate.

Fresh sperm flooded every inch of his insides, lathering his rectum in a creamy sensation he was all too used to. It didn't feel nice when it mixed with the dry residue in there; it felt like he was being jammed full of gooey paste, one smoother than the other. In addition to the fact that he was already incredibly tired and had strained muscles all over his body, the idea of fingering himself as deeply as he could to get them out was exhausting in and of itself.

It wasn't long before Samuel plopped down next Daniel, deftly manhandling the topdog so that he was now on his side, with the older male behind him. Daniel's pulse raced with fear and incredulity as Samuel began rubbing his front and caressing his flaccid genital in an attempt to arouse it. With a steady tempo, the member lodged in his anal started to move once more, causing Daniel to lurch and scowl.

Daniel wheezed, "Pull out," suppressing a groan as Samuel pulled his long leg up to make it easier for him to shove his still very fat co*ck into him. “P-pull out—” He gave it another go, staring at the wall in front of him with a depressing sense of futility in his dark colored eyes. “I'm tired, ah- mhh… I'm so tired…”

“Just one more round, beautiful… haa.. I'll make you cum too, okay? Let me play with you just one more time,” Samuel grunted, resting his cheek on Daniel's silky black hair and placing his chin atop his head while he continued to move his hips. “I love your hole so much. So f*cking good for me, agh– I just want to use it over and over again,” he whispered sensually, enjoying the way Daniel's walls constricted around his dick without warning when he managed to make the other hard after a few skillful twist of his wrist.

After one hour and twenty-nine minutes, even the old air conditioner's freezing cold couldn't combat the room's build-up of humid heat. The stench of sweat from furious intercourse became even stronger, almost becoming a part of the bed's materials, soaking into the very thread that it was composed of.

Pillows strewn about, half ripped off with its cotton innards pouring to not only the queen-sized bed but also the floor, and entangled in the brown quilt dirtied with wet stains from a mix of sperm and drool— Samuel was making a great mess of Daniel on top of the mattress. The latter, ever faithful, continued his movements over the other and thrusting at a speed appropriate for his own demands, staring at Daniel with lust and affection so big, it would make most people feel embarrassed and self-conscious.

For the student in the prestigious science department, this was a private moment that was absolutely priceless and worthy of all of his most sincerest feelings. This is what life could and should have been.

"Daniel Park, you're beautiful," he sighed, leaning in close to the topdog, listening to Daniel's broken, choked up moans with closed eyes, savoring the varying pitches, and guessing the tone Daniel used everytime he got to the younger male's sweet spot. It showed that the topdog was enjoying it as well, despite his complaints and orders to Samuel to stop. “So beautiful… huff— I want to have another go,” he kissed Daniel's collarbone before sinking his teeth in, leaving a mark to join the many he's previously left.

The pang of pain mixed with the pleasure that kept going endlessly in his ass made Daniel's breath hitch. “This- you've played with– ah! Ah- ha- ah..! You've been p-playing with me for four rounds now..!” When Samuel came into him again, causing an overflow down there and leaving Daniel gasping for air, he shouted out and his whole body jolted. His peak followed the tattooed man closely, getting even more filthy as he splattered all over his own stomach. “Stop! ah! I can't take it anymore! Stop!!” Are they really going to spend the whole day having sex? Luckily, Daniel won't be missing any studying because it's the weekend.

“Hm,” As he sat up to stretch his back and glance at the little pool of white beneath Daniel's ass, which was emerging in large numbers from the swollen red hole he was currently filling with his throbbing co*ck, Samuel muttered, "It's spilling out.”

He carefully stroked his palm up from Daniel's sputtering manhood to his abdomen, feeling Daniel's chest expand and contract with each laborious breath and how it stopped for a brief second when Samuel let his nails tickle the inflamed bud on his left pec. So cute. “...That's too bad. It's packed down here. I think… I should start making use of your mouth next, maybe?” Grinning, he looked up at Daniel, who was still struggling for breath.

"No blow j*bs," Daniel quickly refused, whipping his head away reflexively at the mere suggestion. “I'll choke to death. If you want to be sucked off so badly, get a woman to sleep with you, not me," he growled, just before Samuel captures one of his nipples in his mouth, toying with the swollen, oversensitive thing in between his teeth and eliciting a yelp from Daniel.

"I don't want to sleep with anyone else," Samuel whispered almost incoherently, sucking the scarlet nub firmly into his mouth till Daniel convulsed beneath him. "I only want you."

Daniel took a deep breath, settling the twitches all over his body as he moved, rustling the quilt they were both entwined in and fluttering the cotton around the bed. Peering down, he watched Samuel lick his nipple, nipping them every now and then before he proceeded on to the other pair, sucking there. Their eyes met then, skepticism and tiredness was reflected on Daniel's while overpowering lust was embedded deep in Samuel's.

“...Does that mean you care about me?” The smaller male inquired, a glint of hope in his pupils as he searched for any evidence of what he was hoping to find in Samuel's dark stare, other than his sexual desire for Daniel. “Will you betray me again for your crewhead?”

The latter stopped sucking on his chest when he heard that, he got up a bit, caging Daniel who looked so pitiful under his shadow. He eyes the topdog carefully, sensing his vulnerability, how weak he truly is when it comes to his own psychology. “I'm not going to lie to you and say I won't,” Samuel decided, making Daniel's hopeful look dim into one of sadness and disappointment.

"Then move," He mumbled under his breath, using as much of his remaining vitality to shakily sit up and try to put his legs together, keeping Samuel away from what seemed to be the sole thing he liked most about Daniel. “I don't want to have sex with a stranger. Move," he felt his eyes sting, and tears welled up again, but not from the overpowering pleasure. Only pain—emotional pain. “Pull out of me, douchebag," he sniffled, easily forced back down on the bed and choking back a drawn-out moan as Samuel pressed his length farther into his rectum, trapping him in place.

"Let me finish first, brat," the larger male lifted his brow, tenderly caressing Daniel's face and wiping his tears. "I can't go against what my crewhead has planned since, as his employee, it will get me fired. I've already done too much for him; I can't throw it all away, even if it's for you," he explained, making circles with his hips to keep pressing his member into Daniel's prostate in an attempt to calm him down. "But I will try to do anything he orders me to do in a roundabout way," he murmured, his voice blending with the younger's little groans whenever he touched his g-spot. Samuel's eye twitched briefly as he felt Daniel's anus grasp him tightly, the thick, swollen walls pulsing around his shaft.

"I'm not going to hurt you like that again anytime soon. And even if I have to one day, I want you to have confidence in me and understand my motives for doing it." He then pulled his manhood out of the topdog's hole, causing cum to stream out instantaneously and wet the bed. Daniel shivered, biting his lower lip and forcing his eyes shut, his abdomen feeling strange as everything Samuel had forced into it surged out. It caused a strange tingling sensation all throughout his body, and he couldn't stop flinching.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Samuel on top of his upper torso, with his balls touching Daniel's chest and his length close to Daniel's mouth. The odor of sweat, cum, and sex hits Daniel's nostrils like a tidal wave, accompanied by a scent of tangy masculinity drifting from the Prestigious Science Dept student's co*ckhead.

Samuel rubbed himself a few times before carefully guiding himself to press against Daniel's plump, reddened lips. “Let me use your mouth, baby, hm? I extend my care to every bit of you. I'm not just saying nonsense so I can keep having your ass,” he raked the other's fringe back, coating his digits with sweat that had made Daniel's hair turn wet. “I trust you a lot, putting my most fragile bit against your mouth like this. What if you bite it? You're crazy, you can do that without even thinking,” he continued, his thumb now hooked on the side of Daniel's mouth, opening it a bit to show the younger male's white teeth. “I just want to show you how much faith I have in you.”

“Could you also have that much faith in me?” Daniel's eardrums rumbled as he spoke in a low baritone.

Samuel's thighs felt heavy on Daniel's torso, and the size of his co*ck was comparable to the length of the smaller male's neck. If it got inside his mouth, its longueur and diameter would undoubtedly cause it to pass through all the way down his throat, completely clogging it. He hates discomfort more than anything else, but on this particular occasion, he accepted Samuel's member hesitantly into his mouth, accepting that the relationship they have would now be on a bumpy path that isn't intended for friendship to flourish without its flaws.

Daniel only allowed Samuel to f*ck him for a prolonged period of time because he continued to consider the older man to be a friend—one with whom he is close enough that such crude intimacy is acceptable. One that he permits to harbor lustful feelings for him. After having so many like minded close friends, he believed it was inevitable for arousal to arise between them. He lacked the knowledge capacity to recognize what a catastrophe the friendship he was about to maintain with Samuel was; he couldn't see how disgusting it is in retrospect.

Samuel prioritized his objectives slightly over his feelings for Daniel. If they continue, Daniel's emotional and bodily safety will be jeopardized whenever he is in the presence of Samuel. The latter was aware of this and had already calculated his losses and wins, but Daniel was unaware; the naive topdog simply hoped that he would not lose Samuel as the dependable friend he had grown to admire.

"Ukh-" the younger of the two coughed, choking around Samuel's dick when he reached half of its size to nest in his humid mouth. To make himself more comfortable, he gripped onto Samuel's hips and used the tattooed man's body as leverage to propel his head forward when necessary.

Daniel's tongue felt the constant pulsation of Samuel's manhood, which was quite warm to the touch. It twitched sometimes, enjoying the wetness and heat from Daniel's mouth and wishing for more. It was an odd sensation, Daniel gulped, experimentally sucking around its girth only to flinch as it grew even larger, aroused.

Samuel looked at the display beneath him with half-lidded eyes, finding the scene very appealing. How a small face was doing its best to fit his nine-inch boner into an equally small mouth. He had been fighting to survive under the same young man just the night before, and now that monster, who had almost killed him, was submissively sucking his dick and using his tongue to wet every vein on his member. Samuel exhaled blissfully, the thought, sight, and feeling satisfying him. This is what true pleasure is all about.

The moist, squelching sounds Daniel produced as he sucked made Samuel feel a surge in his already intense need. He didn't want to disrupt Daniel's concentration on taking him with his lips, relishing the adorable grimace he wore with a smile, so he didn't say anything. But accolades were due when they did, and Samuel delivered them with the utmost sincerity.

“You're so cute, Danny boy. Such a doll for me. I'm filling your cheek up nicely, it looks good,” he said, poking a finger at the potrusion in Daniel's handsome face, delighted to receive his first blow from the reluctant topdog. “Should I move, beautiful? Or do you want to do this at your own pace? Really… aren't you just the prettiest little thing. I can never get bored of you.”

Ring ring~

“Breakfast order for room 26.”

A string of digital chimings sounded from the door just as Daniel reached the very hilt, his lower lips touching the twin roundness attached to Samuel's large penis, eyes watering, his face contorted just by having it all in his mouth to the depths of his throat. He gagged around the pulsating length, watching Samuel's cranky glance at the door through glassy dark brown eyes. Daniel wondered if Samuel would disregard the servers and continue their obscene behavior; after all, his co*ck was now snuggled all the way within Daniel's mouth, and he's not the kind to give up such pleasure, especially after waiting so patiently for the topdog to finally have him tip to base in there.

After the fourth ring, Samuel unwillingly pulls away, slowly releasing his shaft from the heated confines of Daniel's wet mouth and tight throat to deal with the servers. When it bounced out of the other's lips, it made a squelching sound and left a thick track of saliva behind its hard flesh. Between them, the younger one coughed and hurried to breathe in and out, his weary expression persisting as he gazed up at the ceiling.

Daniel groped tiredly for the quilt, placing a section of it above his semi-hard dick before he slowly sat up and backed himself to lean against the bed frame, while Samuel stepped off the bed and grabbed a brown bath robe that had been hung on a chair.

With a loud clack, the door opened, and Samuel's tall figure in their hotel's bathrobe met the two servers—a man and a woman—right away. The two stared up at Samuel, noting how sweaty he is and the way their noses stung because he reeked of sex, an extremely passionate one too, no doubt. When they lowered their heads down to hide their awkward expressions, they unintentionally came face to face with the massive bulk jutting out of the tattooed man's covered crotch. Did the couple stop midway because they rung the door? That only made them feel more humiliated, as the tips of their ears turned bright red and they exchanged uncomfortable looks.

“S-sorry for the delay sir… we had to cook everything on the menu so it took us some time,” The female server stuttered, attempting to clutch at her dark brown waistcoat, hoping to make the tense atmosphere more bearable by making superfluous movements. Samuel just grunted, feeling grumpy, and ordered them to leave the hostess trolley at the entryway, and he'd call them back when they were finished eating to take the dirty plates away with the trolleys.

The female server nodded a few times before instructing her coworker to swiftly bring in the trolleys. He quickly did as instructed; he could tell the enormous man with a full body tattoo wasn't pleased with them coming in here with their food; they had most likely intruded on an exceedingly special moment. The male server wondered who his partner could be; the atmosphere of a criminal permeated every inch of him, but he was quite attractive.

Out of morbid curiosity, he allows his sight to wander for a fleeting second when he enters the room, cart full of varied breakfast selections in hand. The damaged pillows, the torn-up mattress, and the drenched bundle of fabrics—especially the brown quilt—almost made him gasp in fear. Then, he just so happened to see a very attractive young man, half hidden by the filthy comforter, brushing back his bangs while drowsily seeing the array of vibrant and tasty dishes arrive.

He was unable to take his eyes off of Daniel; he was gorgeous beyond everything a man could ever hope to be and sensual in every sense of the word. His immaculate pale skin was a mass of ugly bruises, a testament to how roughed up he'd been by the big, scary guy who'd opened the door for them earlier. His mouth is swollen, red like a rose in full bloom, and watery from unwiped drool. His eyes are glassy from unshed tears, and his nipples are plump and inflamed with bite marks and more. He looks so sexy in this state that the male server swallows, his sudden desire to devour the attractive man the same way Samuel did intensifying.

Daniel stirred slightly when he smelled the delectable aroma of cooking, his stomach churning, craving for nourishment after all that exhausting intimacy with Samuel. Gosh, he's starving. "Move it closer here," he said, his voice hoarse, motioning for the male server to bring the trolley to his side of the bed. He wasn't ashamed to be naked; he had gotten used to being naked since he was kidnapped; it was natural. The fact that he's in a very smutty state after sex doesn't bother him either; he lacks such conscience.

The male server complied, his eyes glazed over with open fervor for Daniel, looking him up and down and letting his crude stare descend to catch a view of the attractive man's round buttocks poking out from beneath the tangle of quilt. The little puddle of sperm beneath Daniel's body caused the male server to tremble with shock and perverse compulsions. So even after a long period of doing it, the scary guy wasn't satisfied? To be honest, the server couldn't blame Samuel; if it had been him and he had so much energy, he would have enjoyed this exquisite angel until next week.

"Get a move on; you'll never get the chance, so don't even think about it. He's mine." Suddenly, as he was busy ogling Daniel's creampied ass and attractive face, the voice of the frightening tattooed man sounded from near him, causing him jump up in surprise and terror. The man stood right behind him, arms crossed over his own chest, clearly glaring down on the male server. ‘You've seen the size that I can provide for this person, and you still have the audacity to think you can pleasure him the way I did? Don't kid yourself.’ was what the Prestigious Science Dept student's disdainful face expressed.

"Right...! I’m sorry, sir; I didn't mean to!" The male server immediately cowered under Samuel's massive shadow, hastening to do his task before racing out the door and closing it tightly behind him before fleeing and returning to where he belonged downstairs.

Once he was gone, Samuel sighed jadedly and turned to face Daniel, who was busy helping himself to all of the food provided. “Can you even finish all of this?" He inquired incredulously, looking at the two trolleys full with food. There were five different varieties of drinks, each placed in a jar large enough to support a portion of a group. The remaining meals that have been made, which 100% would've served a large gathering of people, weren't even included in that. Though Daniel wasn't little by any means, he shouldn't have a stomach large enough to hold all of these at once in comparison to Samuel.

"I can swallow everything here, including you," he angrily said, jabbing a fork menacingly into a piece of cooked thick bread drenched in egg.

“Oh, I bet you can,” Samuel chuckled, causing them to both glance down at his still-erect co*ck. That made Daniel make the ugliest expression he could in disgust.

“Watch out, I'll rip that thing apart," he seethed, aiming the fork directly at Samuel, its tips still plunged deep into his meal, causing oil to splatter everywhere. What use is it for him to keep things tidy when everything in this room is already a mess? “The next time you put it anywhere near my mouth, I'm going to crunch into it like its corndog.”

Samuel instantly raised his hands in surrender, offering Damiel a smile and apologizing halfheartedly. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Eat up, Danny boy. Yeesh, so violent,” he laughed before reaching over to light a cigarette from the pack he had left on the nightstand drawer, beneath the lamp. He took his time recharging himself with nicotine while Daniel ate on the bed as if there was no tomorrow. Before long, the majority of the meal had been gobbled in fast succession, leaving little for Samuel to nibble on, not that he would have been allowed to because Daniel had no intention of sharing with the older male.

There was a nice, serene hush between them while they did their separate things. Samuel watched Daniel calmly, looking at him with affection and imagining how they would have to struggle in the future to remain such close companions.

He huffed and said, "We'll have to hide from my crewhead a lot from now on." For a few brief seconds, the gray that came out of his mouth colored the scene in front of him. “Neither you nor I are free to encounter one another,” He continued solemnly, "We can only find opportunities in the future to hang out like we did back then," to which the other person, who was guzzling down an entire jug of orange juice, responded with a lengthy slurp.




Glug, glug, glug— haaa. Burp.

"Are you even listening to me?" Samuel clicked his tongue, eliciting additional gulping noises from Daniel before finally gaining some of the smaller male's attention.

Daniel rolled his eyes and returned all of the now-empty dishes to the trolley before plopping down unceremoniously on the bed, his stomach round and stuffed from all the food. “I'm listening. I just don't care,” he said, massaging his full tummy and yawning until his eye teared up, super sleepy. "I can knock your crewhead off our tail. He sounds like nothing more than a burden. Also, clean me; your awful stuff is drying inside, and I don't like it," he said as an afterthought, spreading his legs for Samuel to see and pointing to the slimy white still seeping out of his hole.

“Shameless slu*t. Don't just show your asshole like that; how many times will you make the same mistake before you learn to be sensible?" Samuel stroked his own face, massaging the bridge of his nose, as he extinguished the flame on his cigarette by pressing it against a nearby ashtray. “I'm still hard, remember?" He proceeded towards the other, loosening his bathrobe until his front was uncovered, revealing his rock-hard erection, which had been standing proud for more than twenty minutes by then.

“What!? I thought you'd have cooled that down by now!” Daniel was astonished, his eyes widening as he exclaimed. “Aish! Get off me! Uh— ahh..! Samuel!” He didn't even have time to sit up and crawl away before Samuel grabbed his ankle and had him on his knees on the edge of the bed, receiving the latter's dick back inside the swelled heat of his anal.

“You can't beat my crewhead. Not only is he powerful, but he's also my only ticket to getting what I want. My ambition is priceless and unfortunately for us, he's the only one who can put a price and buy it,” Samuel said with a slight groan, adjusting himself within the topdog and receiving whines in response. “Daniel, stop trying to wiggle away, I want to start moving.”

“Why are we still f*cking!? Are you crazy!? Get out of there! I'm done!” When Samuel persisted in trying to tuck Daniel under him so he could begin thrusting more comfortably, Daniel screamed and struck his side with his hand. “I don't wanna! Don't wannaaaaa!!” Thrashing his legs as hard as he could, he let out a childish cry and made it difficult for the older man to have sex with him satisfactorily without his member slipping out every second.

In an attempt to soothe him, Samuel rested his chin on the smaller man's damp hair and gave him a kiss on the nape. “Stupid, we won't get another opportunity to be this close and goof around for a while,” When he began rubbing his thumb and fingers over one of Daniel's nipples, he eventually got Daniel to calm down and listen to him. "Let's make the most of this time and enjoy ourselves to the fullest before we're separated again," he remarked. “We have no idea when we might part ways. What if I have to do something hurtful to you again when we next meet? Alternatively, I might be sent abroad and compelled to engage in external business activities,” That caused the topdog's mind to spin, a feeling of loneliness growing at the prospect of either never seeing Samuel again or having to be betrayed by him once more.

Samuel smiled at Daniel's worry; he liked how much he cared about him. Maybe his feelings isn't so one-sided after all. “I'm being the most authentic version of me right now; my crewhead isn't in charge.”

His crewhead isn't in charge… Daniel ruminates over that notion for a while. That's right. Thus, rather than with the puppet who sexually assaulted him, he is spending time with the Samuel Seo who is capable of making his own decisions at this moment. This is rare and they have a limited amount of time. Maybe… maybe for just today, Daniel should let Samuel have his way with him…

Enjoy themselves to the fullest, huh? He looked down, furrowing his brows at the mattress soiled by their bodily fluids, and then yielded; the man above him grinned in satisfaction at his willingness to comply. He now gets the other all to himself, at least until the end of this week, granted, if his silver tongue held up that long.

The absence of squirming finally allowed Samuel to start thrusting his hips, smacking his pelvis against Daniel's backside, and picking up where they left off a couple minutes ago.

MODE: HEAT - Chapter 27 - lewd3veryone - 외모지상주의 (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.