Moving to Skye from down south advice | Mumsnet (2024)

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211 replies

AmilyChestnut · 04/06/2023 07:16

Good morning all, this is my first post! We have wanted to move to The Highlands for the longest time, and my partner has just had a transfer request approved for Skye! We have never been to Scotland, but need to buy a house and put 2 of our children into school. We want the remote rural living, as we live in a busy town centre and we are both hermits at heart.

I've read about buying a house up there, but it still baffles me, could someone please explain how one goes about making an offer on a house, as it's offers over for the most part..

My partner will be working out of Portree, but needing to travel all around the island and the highlands. We don't want to live more than an hour from Portree but don't want to live somewhere busy, any recommendations please?

What's the market like at the moment? At what speed are properties selling? We live 11 hours by car, or a flight away, we aren't sure how we are going to manage viewings and such yet.

The secondary school.. there is only one and from what I can figure out there are buses, does anyone have children who use this service already?

We want to come and add to the island, we will be working there and making a life there, we aren't trying to make money off the island, we just want to enjoy the peace and quiet, beautiful views and space for our children and dogs.

Any advice greatly received, and anything else I should know is too. Thank you in advance to anyone who replies!

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Whyohwhyohwhy123 · 04/06/2023 07:27

if you haven’t visited Scotland I suggest the first thing you do is visit Skye.
What happens if you visit and hate Skye?

The practicalities phone the school and talk to them. The school buses will pick up and drop off at set times and places. The journey times can be long. I don’t know the info specifically for Skye.
You probably need to contact a local solicitor about the house buying process but offers are binding in Scotland so you cannot offer on a house until you have exchanged contracts in England.


Mentionitismethinks · 04/06/2023 07:28

Wait, you've never BEEN to scotland but think you want to LIVE there??


Midlander01 · 04/06/2023 07:35

You will need a Scottish solicitor to buy in Scotland. Houses are in very short supply across the Highlands and you can expect to pay well over market value. All houses are sold with a Home Report which gives a market valuation, condition of the house and EPC.

Depending on your budget you might be better looking on the mainland around Kyle of Lochalsh.

The education system in Scotland is completely different to England and moving high school age. Children can be tricky depending what stage they're at. Pupils in Scottish high schools start their next academic year at the start of June. The age cut off is different to England too. There are school/service buses that provide transport.

But before you do anything you need to visit, and see if you like it. Skye is beautiful but very very busy in the summer which isn't for everyone. Small Communities rely on volunteer effort so being hermits may be more difficult than in a city - you're much less anonymous in a rural area!


JamMakingWannaBe · 04/06/2023 07:36

Try posting on the scotsnet board. There are posters on there who live on Skye and have made the move you are proposing. From what I understand there are very few properties to rent or buy. What is the date of your DH's transfer?


XVGN · 04/06/2023 07:37

Everyone knows Ken, but he's not who you think he is.


INeedFridayNow · 04/06/2023 07:38

I would suggest you rent instead of buying. It will be a lot easier to manage when you move back South



Thebigblueballoon · 04/06/2023 07:39

Offers over in Scotland is very different to England. And houses in Skye are in large demand, so take this into consideration when making your offer. You’d be wasting your time to simply offer the initial asking price. Also, be mindful that once you make an offer in Scotland and it’s accepted, it’s binding.


VerbenaGirl · 04/06/2023 07:41

My husband has family who relocated to Skye after early retirement. They really threw themselves into being part of the community and were very happy. It is a remote lifestyle (30 min drive from Portree), particularly challenging when the weather was bad, but certainly has its charms.


Bobbybobbins · 04/06/2023 07:41

Personally I would rent for a while do you can take your time finding the area/house that suits you.


NotMeNoNo · 04/06/2023 07:56

We know Skye well and parents in law lived on the island a while. It's a real commitment to live so remote and not like the mainland/England at all. I would not go for a croft halfway up a mountain. I'd suggest rent a family house in Portree or a bigger village so you and your DC have a chance to get to know people and not spend a quarter of every day driving just to the co op or school. It will not be urban!

It is really really busy with tourists in summer and quite dark and cold in winter. You definitely need to visit first.

I'm sure the community will benefit from families moving up rather than endless retirees but the lifestyle is not for everyone even outdoorsy quiet life types.


determinedtomakethiswork · 04/06/2023 07:59

Do your children want to live like that? Would you not just consider living in a village instead?

You realise you will have to ferry your children around to absolutely everything? If you want to live remotely there, they won't live near their friends. It's one thing you and your husband wanting to do it but would you put your children through that?


HeiXiong · 04/06/2023 08:04

Repost on Scotsnet for local knowledge. Where are you moving from?

you’ll need to have some your English house before buying in Scotland so need to factor in a rental period. Skye is lovely but touristy and midgy in summer and cold and dark in winter

island communities are small and politics can be tricky - you won’t have those anonymity of a city. Rural living might be more intrusive than you expect


AmilyChestnut · 04/06/2023 08:04

So we haven't visited yet.. my partner will be starting work there and getting to know the area to make sure it's definitely what we want.

If I was to move to Kyle of lochalsh how far is that from Portree?

Hermits was a bit of an exaggeration, we want to get involved for the children's sake, but not have to see people we know every time we go for a walk.

Renting is a good idea actually, I will speak to him about that.

We aren't naive, we know it's a huge lifestyle change, and we want to be realistic about it which is why I am asking for help. We are in the countryside down south, lots of houses within a few miles that are secluded. We just don't want to be here and this is a great opportunity for us

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Midlander01 · 04/06/2023 08:08

not have to see people we know every time we go for a walk

Don't move to an island then!

Renting is a very good idea - but rentals are like hen's teeth on Skye unfortunately.

You can use Google maps to find out driving times from Kyle to Portreee. The nearest high school is Plockton, which has an excellent reputation.


CurlewKate · 04/06/2023 08:11

Can I respectfully suggest that you might not have thought this through?


Kentkittypie · 04/06/2023 08:11

Personally I find Skye a bit of an ominous feeling island - i always. Though the Cullin are impressive I find them a bit scary and something about Skye fills me with foreboding. I think it's also because as well as looking so dramatic it is such a long car journey to Glasgow or Edinburgh that I feel a bit trapped there. Never felt that way about any other scottish island and I've been to lots.

Please don't relocate if you've never spent any time in Scotland.


MelonsOnSaleAgain · 04/06/2023 08:12

We moved to a small hamlet in NE england a couple of years ago with primary aged kids and it is a massive change but it can work if you’re committed to ferrying your kids around, which we are. We’re 15-20 mins from most things (although do have a co-op 6mins away)

It is still challenging even in mainland UK getting things to the house, tradesmen etc etc. So bear that in mind if you choose to be remote.

We literally just got back from a camping break on Skye and it’s glorious. There were for sale signs about but not a lot of them and Rightmove suggests it’s quite expensive.

I do think the advice to rent before you buy with such a big move, and the change to the Scottish house buying system, would be wise.

But good luck! And go and have a trip away there.

(What field of work is your DH in that he’s based in Portree? pure nosiness)


AmilyChestnut · 04/06/2023 08:12

Midlander, much appreciated. Maybe I do have more to think about.
Our only option is for dh to work out of the Portree branch of his company, otherwise it's Inverness and he works in the busy cities around us at the moment (he's in utilities) and doesn't want that any more.

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aweegc · 04/06/2023 08:12

Congratulations on your DH's new job.

I'm Scottish and suggest that you don't move until you've visited in winter. Skye is beautiful, as are lots of places up there, but it's not comparable to England, even rural England. The days in winter are far shorter, which is miserable when it's windy and raining. Well, at least it is for me and I grew up in the central highlands which is south of Skye!

You can go up in the summer and see how busy it is, but the winter is something quite different.

It may be an idea to rent your home out and then rent yourselves up there for a year, to see how it goes. Of course, that's not easy with schooling.

It would be lovely if you went and loved it and your kids loved it, but it's a big change - in some ways it's really like moving to another country from where you are.


AmilyChestnut · 04/06/2023 08:15

I really appreciate everyone saying we haven't thought this through, we have and researched as much as we can without having been there.

Does anyone live in Inverness and surrounding areas? Is that more obtainable?

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aweegc · 04/06/2023 08:15

Just seen your update. Inverness isn't a busy city! In fact it's probably a much better option for you then Skye! Find some EasyJet flights and go and have a look. It's beautiful and the Highlands are on your doorstep. It's also busy in the summer with tourists, but it's a much better option for you than Skye.

Winters are also dark and wet/cold but not as isolated as Skye.


toomuchlaundry · 04/06/2023 08:18

Why haven’t you been there? How do your DC feel about it?


AmilyChestnut · 04/06/2023 08:18

Aweegc thank you, I think that's what we will do, visit Inverness and go from there

Are houses easier to buy and rent in Inverness?

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Moving to Skye from down south advice | Mumsnet (1)

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Kentkittypie · 04/06/2023 08:19

Inverness would be a much better choice. On a mainline train and airport. You could live rurally easily. The black isle has a micro ( sunny climate). You can have a rural and beachy lifestyle in the villages east.

Inverness is not the metropolis I think you may think it is!

Easy to get to Skye of weekends and the beautiful ares like Lochinver.


NotMeNoNo · 04/06/2023 08:20

If you lived on Skye you would visit Inverness anyway as it's the nearest "big place".



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Moving to Skye from down south advice | Mumsnet (2024)


Is Skye a good place to live? ›

Skye is beautiful but very very busy in the summer which isn't for everyone. Small Communities rely on volunteer effort so being hermits may be more difficult than in a city - you're much less anonymous in a rural area!

Is it expensive to live in the Isle of Skye? ›

"The cost of living in Isle of Skye, is relatively high compared to other parts of the UK, mainly due to its remote location. Housing is one of the most significant expenses, with property prices being quite high due to the demand from both locals and outsiders looking for holiday homes.

Is it worth staying on Skye? ›

The stunning view of the region is frequently included in lists of the world's most beautiful natural wonders. Local fishing communities, award-winning dining, and several recreational pastimes, including plenty of Munro-bagging opportunities, can all be found on the Isle of Skye.

What is the alternative to Skye? ›

The Small Isles – the four main islands in order of size are Rum, Eigg, Canna and Muck – are a brilliant alternative to Skye, or you can cover Skye and the Small Isles on an extended trip. So would you like the Small Isles? The answer is yes if you love hiking, biking and messing about in the Great Outdoors.

Where is the best home base for the Isle of Skye? ›

Skye's best home base is Portree, with a picturesque harbor area but no real sights.

Does it rain a lot in Skye? ›

Rainiest months on the Isle of Skye

This is from the end of August to the end of March. January has the most rain, with an average monthly rainfall of 150 mm. The drier months are from April to the middle of August. May is typically the driest month of the year with an average of 55 mm!

What is Isle of Skye like in winter? ›

Outdoors on the moors, hills, coastline and sea

While it can be chilly, and certainly changeable, the weather is not as relentlessly cold and wet as popular myth suggests. The hills, moors and coastline are of a constant, changing beauty that you will most certainly want to get actively out and about to experience.

How much do you get paid to move to the Isle of Skye? ›

May 31, 2022

The Scottish government will offer the £50,000 (approximately $87,000 Australian) in bonds to 100 people, costing more than £5million. Many of the 93 Scottish islands are often voted some of the most beautiful in the world, including Orkney and the Isle of Skye.

What is the life expectancy of the Isle of Skye? ›

Male life expectancy in Skye South (81.7 years) and Skye North West (83.1 years) is statistically significantly higher than the overall Highland rate (77.9 years) in this time period. For females, Lochalsh (85.6 years) had a significantly higher life expectancy than the Highland average (82.9 years).

Are midges bad on the Isle of Skye? ›

Living and walking a lot on Skye we find that tales of midges do tend to get a bit exaggerated. As long as there is a breeze the midges will not bother you too much so best advice is to head up a hill. They are worst in damp, humid weather and they tend to hang around water and heather.

What is the average age in Skye? ›

Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire : Political and Demographic indicators
IndicatorSeatAll GB
Average Age49.549.5
Good Education37%49%
16 more rows

Do you need a car in Skye? ›

Public transport is poor on Skye and a car is almost essential to see all the sights. If you are an experienced driver you will have no difficulty driving in Scotland. Getting around Skye will be difficult without a car. Even getting to Portree, the main town on Skye, without a car will take planning.

What do you call a person from Skye? ›

For customers from further afield, a 'Sgiathanach' is a person from Skye.

What is Skye like to live in? ›

The people are friendly, traffic not congested and you can hear the roosters and other wildlife easily. The blocks of land are usually of a generous size also which gives you a little room to move. there are also some great parks around, especially the one in the Skye Valley Estate.

Why is Skye so popular? ›

Skye is most celebrated by the lovers of wilderness. At any time of the year it is possible to find your own isolated beach, mountaintop or loch with only a small amount of imagination and effort.

How expensive is Skye? ›

A one week trip to Isle of Skye usually costs around $1,029 (£800) for one person and $2,058 (£1,601) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. A two week trip to Isle of Skye on average costs around $2,058 (£1,601) for one person and $4,116 (£3,202) for two people.

Does Skye get a lot of snow? ›

It's not uncommon to see snow on the Isle of Skye due to how north it is. You can usually expect to see snow between the months of December to February. In milder winters you can just expect to see a lot of rain so make sure you come prepared.

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