My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Better Together: The Black Force Shadowbolts (2024)


  • 1 Disclaimer
  • 2 Chapter 1: The DVD Encounter
  • 3 Chapter 2: The Opening Logos
  • 4 Chapter 3: The Menu
  • 5 Chapter 4: The Weird/Odd Intro
  • 6 Chapter 5: The Shadowbolts Finally Get Their Butts Looking At The Sky
  • 7 Chapter 6: Spike Gets Burned
  • 8 Chapter 7: The Mane Seven Are Surrounded!
  • 9 Chapter 8: The Principal Loses Her Power
  • 10 Chapter 9: Bye Bye, Principal Cinch!
  • 11 Chapter 10: The Dazzlings’ Last Song
  • 12 Chapter 11: The Trains Are In Trouble Now!
  • 13 Chapter 12: A Dark Montage
  • 14 Chapter 13: The School's Deathly Fate
  • 15 Chapter 14: The Trains Are In Trouble Once Again
  • 16 Chapter 15: A Terrible End
  • 17 Chapter 16: The Closing Logos Get Too Scary
  • 18 Chapter 17: The Aftermath and a Visit from the 9 Lalaloopsies And Bang


(Narrated by everyone’s favorite little blue engine from a HiT Entertainment Show and will be based off of elyjah's story “Blue's Clues: Black Forces”)

Chapter 1: The DVD Encounter[]

So i was doing my usual thing, when the Steam Team, and Sir Topham Hatt called me down.

I then followed the orders that they gave me and I saw that there was a DVD that they were holding.

It was a My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Better Together DVD.

The cover in question had Sunny Flare, Twilight Sparkle, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap in a background of Crystal Prep Academy with text above them saying “Best Of The Shadowbolts” and there were the logos on the bottom.

”You wanted to show me this? Bust my buffers!” I spoke.

”Yeah Thomas, we wanted to show you this!” James said.

We then saw a note which read the following: “The Shadowbolts Had Been Controlled by the black forces and they are out for blood!”.

”Cinders and ashes! What does that note mean?” I asked.

”It’s probably just a prank.” Emily said.

”Forget about that. Let’s watch it!” Toby said.

Sir Topham Hatt placed the disc in.

Chapter 2: The Opening Logos[]

The DVD began with The Lionsgate, Hasbro and assemblage logos, but they were off.

The Lionsgate logo had the space sky blood red, the music was demonic, the clouds were dark grey and the text was in a demonic font and also black.

The Hasbro Studios logo had the background red, the logo was black, when the firework exploded, a scream was heard.

The Assemblage logo had the logo greyscaled, the background was black, and the “A Hasbro Company” text was in a Creepsville font.

Chapter 3: The Menu[]

After those weird logos, it showed the menu.

The menu had the same one as the cover.

Sir Topham Hatt pressed Play All.

The only episodes (which were interesting) were:

1: Dance Magic

2: Friendship Games (Movie)

After both of these episodes, a warning came up which said:

“WARNING!: We hate to stop the fun with the Shadowbolts here, but we have to warn you that this next Episode was made by clenny brown, this was rejected by DHX Media for it being too disturbing, WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK!”.

”Cinders and ashes!” I gasped.

Chapter 4: The Weird/Odd Intro[]

The intro placed, except it was off.

The backgrounds were in shades of grey, the sky was black, but The Mane Seven and Spike didn’t notice it.

The logo came up, but the background was black, the logo was red tinted and The Mane Seven and Spike remained normal.

Chapter 5: The Shadowbolts Finally Get Their Butts Looking At The Sky[]

The title card came up and it read out “The Black Force Shadowbolts”.

It had the 5 girls scared with a black lightning bolt before it faded to the Crystal Rainbooms and Spike looking at the black sky, like in the theme song.

”Is it just me or did the sky turn black?” Twilight asked.

”Well, it’s because we need to find a way to change the sky back to normal.” Sunny said.

“Do y’all know who’s responsible for this?” Applejack asked.

”I don't know?” Fluttershy said.

”We should look for something to change the sky back. Spike, lead the way!” Rainbow Dash said.

”Okay!” Spike ordered.

Spike then lead the away as the Crystal Rainbooms followed him in Canterlot High School.

All of a sudden, a black lightning bolt zapped the 5 Shadowbolts.

They were screaming as they were being zapped, as they were being zapped, their clothing were now black.

Just then, a demonic voice said “Black Air Force Activity Activated.”.

”Bust my buffers!” I gasped. “I can’t believe those Shadowbolts are controlled by the black forces!”

Chapter 6: Spike Gets Burned[]

It then showed spike and the Mane Seven who was waiting for the Shadowbolts.

”I sure hope nothing happened to the Shadowbolts…” Twilight muttered.

”Are they unaware that they were hit by black lightning?” James asked.

Just then, This music then started to play in the background once they heard james.

The Mane Seven and Spike turned to us and gasped.

”You’re Joking… R-Right?” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“WAIT WHA- How did you hear me!?!” James gasped.

”Well, its because we he-

Before Twilight could finish her sentence, a lightning bolt was zapped on spike, he was screaming as he was being zapped until he turned to ashes.

“Spike, NOOOO!” Twilight screamed.

”Ok, are you gonna be next or are you gonna run?” I asked.

“Your right!” Pinkie Pie said. “EVERYONE RUN!”.

The Mane Seven then started to run.

Chapter 7: The Mane Seven Are Surrounded![]

It then cut to the Mane Seven still running, until the Shadowbolts teleported in front of them.

”Give it up! We got you surrounded!” Indigo berated.

”Wait, WHAT!?!” Twilight gasped. “You can’t do this to us!”

“Sorry, time to say goodbye!” Lemon berated.

The 5 Shadowbolts began to zap the Mane Seven with their black lightning powers as they screamed in agony.

They then laughed evilly.

“No one’s gonna stop us now, girls!” Indigo said.

”Oh, the dignity!” Gordon gasped.

”We gotta warn everyone!” Sir Topham Hatt reminded.

Chapter 8: The Principal Loses Her Power[]

It then showed Principal Celestia in her office.


Just then, Principal Celestia nodded and ran, until the Shadowbolts appeared in front of her.

”Your time is up, principal!” Sunny berated.

Sunny then got out an axe and smashed Celestia with it.

She let out a scream of mortal pain as she was being killed.

Chapter 9: Bye Bye, Principal Cinch![]

It then showed Principal Cinch in Crystal Prep Academy.


Just then, Cinch gasped at what he had heard from me and ran.

Just then, the 5 girls teleported in front of her.

”Sorry, principal, you cannot escape from the black forces!” Indigo said.

”Please! You can’t do this!” Principal Cinch pleaded.

The girls didn’t listen and began to slice her with a katana.

She screamed in pain as this happened.

Chapter 10: The Dazzlings’ Last Song[]

It then showed the Dazzlings getting ready for their song.


Just then, the Dazzlings gasped at what we had told them.

”They are!?!” Adagio gasped. “Let’s make a run for it!”

The 3 began to run, but the Shadowbolts were somehow too late to catch them.

”Dang it!” Lemon muttered. “We were too late to catch them!”

“Don’t worry girls.” Sour reassured. “We’ll catch them!”

The 5 girls began to run towards the Dazzlings and used some force to stop them.

”Not so fast!” Sugarcoat berated.

”I wonder who caused the mischief of making one of our victims run away?” Sunny wondered to herself.

”Deal with them, i will find out who did this!” Indigo announced.

”Okay!” Sunny ordered.

Just then, the rest of the Shadowbolts walked away from the scene.

Chapter 11: The Trains Are In Trouble Now![]

Indigo then started to think.

”Maybe it’s a blue one.” Indigo thought. “But, who could that be?”

She then started to wonder for 8 seconds, until she turned towards the screen staring down our souls.

Just then, Indigo then started to speak this in a demonic voice:

” トーマス…このクソ野郎!”

”Hey can someone translate that?” I asked. “I don't know what that said!”.

Sir Topham Hatt then translated it and this is what it said: “Thomas… YOU f*ckING sh*tHEAD!”

”How did you know my name!?!” I gasped.

Just then, she let out a demonic roar, scaring everyone.

”What was that?” Emily asked, getting scared.

Indigo then dragged me into the TV and I got beaten up by her.

”That’ll teach you a lesson.” Indigo said angrily. “Never interfere with our plans again!”

I then went back to Sodor and the Steam Team and Sir Topham Hatt saw me beaten up.

”Oh dear!” James gasped. “Thomas, are you okay?”

”I'm fine…” I said. “But how was that possible? I was on the rails!”.

”I’m not sure, but let’s pick up where we left off.” Toby said.

We then went back to watching the episode.

The 4 girls had the Dazzlings surrounded.

”Your trapped now!” Indigo said as she walked in the shot.

”P-please!” Sonata pleaded. “Don’t hurt us!”

The 5 girls didn’t listen and summoned a portal to hell and kicked the Dazzlings inside.

They screamed as a fiery explosion was heard.

”This night will last forever!” Lemon declared evilly.

Chapter 12: A Dark Montage[]

It would then show a montage of the shadowbolts killing everyone else, im talking Timber Spruce, Zephyr Breeze, Flithy Rich, Delivery Pony, Gloriosa Daisy, Micro Chips, And The Rest.

Chapter 13: The School's Deathly Fate[]

After the montage, it showed the school which was now destroyed and almost burned up, just then without warning, it burst into flames as volcanos started emerging from the ground as the screen started to shake, also, the screams of characters the Shadowbolts had killed played.

Also a distorted music box played the theme song in the background.

It then showed the Shadowbolts looking at the burning school.

Chapter 14: The Trains Are In Trouble Once Again[]

”We did it!” Sunny cheered.

”Wait, we're missing someone!” Indigo said.

”Wait, who?” Sugarcoat asked.

”These Trains!” Indigo said.

Indigo then pointed right at the screen.

”Oh okay, thanks!” Lemon said.

”What did we do?” Percy asked.

”You interfered with our plans!” Sunny said. “You also made one of our victims run away!”

”There’s no way… There’s no way you don’t know us in person!” James said, unafraid.

”Oh really?” Indigo asked. “Let me tell you!”.

Indigo then got out a computer and started to say this:

”Your name is Thomas, You Live In Sodar, You have friends named Edward, Henry, Gorden, James, Percy, Toby, Spencer And Emily!”

”Bust My BUFFERS!” I yelled. “How did you know that!?!”.

”We know everything, you gullible blue train.” Indigo stated. “We also addressed the same thing to the creator of this DVD!”

”You know the creator of the DVD?” Percy asked.

”Yep!” Sunny said. “Even we killed him!”.

”You see, he goes by the name of (NAME) where he was found missing after the show ended!” Sugarcoat explained.

”Also, he created the episode where you went on a crushing spree after the loss of your dead coaches!” Sunny explained.

”What? You know acknowledge of that!?!” I gasped.

”ENOUGH OF THAT, we are now gonna exit your screen and tear apart all of your metal until you can't handle it anymore!” Indigo said.

Just then, the 5 girls ran towards the screen.

”Quick Sir, Grab The Remote!” James said. “THEY'RE GONNA KILL US!”.

Chapter 15: A Terrible End[]

Sir Topham Hatt pressed a button on the remote and skipped all the way to the credits, they were tweaked.

The background was red, but the text was black, there was blood splatters on the screen, and the music was replaced with creepy music box by shane keen.

Chapter 16: The Closing Logos Get Too Scary[]

The logos then came up, but they were also off.

The DHX Media logo came up, but its background was a dark crimson color, the border was extremely damaged with bloodstains on it, the text was black, and the audio was distorted.

The Allspark Animation logo came up, but the background was red, the text was black and in a demonic font, and the “A Hasbro Company” text was broken.

The Hasbro Studios logo came up, but the sky was red, the logo was black and broken, and once the firework exploded, a scream was heard.

It then showed a black screen.

Before Sir Topham Hat Could Grab The Remote, a jumpscare appeared.

The Jumpscare was an edited picture of the Shadowbolts and Principal Cinch from “Friendship Games” where they were noticing that Twilight was transforming into Midnight Sparkle, But their eyes were black with red pupils and they were crying blood, with the Jeff the Killer scream heard in the background and the screen was flickering was crazy.

This scared us.

After the Jumpscare, it took us back to the menu.

Chapter 17: The Aftermath and a Visit from the 9 Lalaloopsies And Bang[]

We were shocked after what we had saw.

As Sir Topham Hatt ejected the disc, we saw the 9 Lalaloopsies and bang come over.

”Buffing boilers! Who are you 10?” Henry asked.

”They are the 9 Lalaloopies And Bang!” I explained.

”What brings you 10 to the Island of Sodor?” Sir Topham Hatt asked.

”We heard that you encountered an episode of MLP: EG: BT Episode where the Shadowbolts were controlled by the black forces!”

”Also Thomas, why do you look beaten up? Were you attacked by rabid animals?” Jewel asked.

”Oh well, One of the members decided to drag me in to the tv and decided to beat me up, i dont know how that was possible but im ok!” I explained.

”Oh no!” Rosy gasped. “Don’t worry Thomas, I’ve got some bandages!”

My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Better Together: The Black Force Shadowbolts (2024)


How many My Little Pony Equestria Girls movies are there? ›

In addition to the Hasbro toys, Allspark Animation (previously credited under Hasbro Studios), a subsidiary of Hasbro, has commissioned animated production tie-ins, including four films, eight television specials, and several series of animated shorts.

Is Equestria Girls over? ›

The series ended its run following its second season on June 23, 2020, after DHX Media Vancouver (now operating under its current name, WildBrain) had left its production in 2019.

Was Equestria Girls successful? ›

Equestria Girls is by far the most successful spin-off of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and is a powerhouse of a toybrand in of itself.

Who is the villain in My Little Pony Equestria girl? ›

The Dazzlings are the main antagonists of My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks and minor antagonists in the special Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass. They are a musical trio of magical Sirens, consisted of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk.

Who does Twilight Sparkle marry? ›

Prior to Luna's death in Silver Shoals and Celestia's return to Canterlot, Twilight becomes happy and worried at the same time. Twilight's mixed feelings catches the attention of a Royal Guard Flash Sentry. They got married after two years, and they had a mare foal Sparkling Armor, and a stallion named Starknight.

Why did my little pony turn human? ›

In these films, Twilight Sparkle is transformed into a human when she travels to a world populated by humans with multicolored skin and colorful hair. While there, she meets human counterparts of her pony friends, and other humans who strongly resemble ponies living in Equestria.

Who does Rainbow Dash marry in Equestria Girls? ›

Rainbow Dash (O&C)
Cutie Mark:Blue-yellow-red lightning bolt with cloud
Current Status:Living in Cloudsdale with her husband and son
Family:Soarin (husband) Gust (son) Rainbow Blitz (father) Unnamed mother Unnamed uncle Cloud Chaser (cousin) Applejack (cousin-in-law) Apple Storm (cousin-once-removed)
14 more rows

Is sunset shimmer an adult? ›

As Celestia has the mirror moved to her throne room, Sunset Shimmer emerges in the human world as a teenage girl.

How old is fluttershy in Equestria Girl? ›

Considering in Equastia girls they are in high school, I would place thyr ages btwn 14 & 18. According to several fan sites Fluttershy is 1 year older than Pinkie Pie. So, I'm guessing Fluttershy would be 16 roughly.

Is Equestria Girls good or bad? ›

Good animation/soundtrack but terrible plot and character development. It perpetuates a sexist view of both genres (boys play rock & roll, girls put on their make-up) and it was made to sell new merchandise, so yeah, not really a good movie, even though I love My Little Pony.

How old are the Mane 6 Equestria Girls? ›

Their humanoid counterparts appear to be in highschool. Assuming Canterlot High is based around American highschool, I would say they would be between 15 and 18 years of age at the beginning of the year. So, the Canterlot High Mane Six is approximately 16–18 years of age.

Why is Queen Chrysalis evil? ›

She is the former queen of the Changelings who sought to feed her subjects' hunger for love and expand her rule across Equestria in the process. She is also the arch-nemesis of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer.

Are the Dazzlings sisters? ›

Aria Blaze is one of the three sisters that make up The Dazzlings singing group. She is the younger sister to Adagio Dazzle, but older sister to Sonata Dusk.

Why are the dazzlings evil? ›

Their Evil Ranking

Once they realized the magic has been brought into the Human World (due to Sunset Shimmer theft of the Element of Magic) and that their own power return as a result in possession of their magical abilities, they decide to take over the Human World, starting at Canterlot High, the source of the magic.

Is there a 5th Equestria Girls movie? ›

There was originally meant to be a fifth Equestria Girls movie that would continue right after the events of Legend of Everfree, but Hasbro decided to scrap it to make way for the following specials and web-series, making Legend of Everfree the franchise's final feature-length installment.

What is the 4th Equestria Girls movie? ›

Films (2013–2016)
1My Little Pony: Equestria Girls73 minutes
2My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks73 minutes
3My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games72 minutes
4My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree73 minutes

What is the first Equestria Girl movie? ›

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, known simply as Equestria Girls or EQG (sometimes as Through the Mirror), is a 2013 animated fantasy musical film which is the first installment of Hasbro's toy line and media franchise of the same name, which is itself an anthropomorphized spin-off of the 2010 relaunch of the My Little ...

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.