Partners – ZeroTier (2024)

Unlock New Opportunities: Partner with ZeroTier and Propel Your Business into the Future with Modern Virtual Networking

Who Should Partner With ZeroTier?

All types of service providers benefit from ZeroTier. For example, hardware and software companies interested in embedding or integrating the ZeroTier platform within their service offering, as well as enterprise-facing channels including Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Resellers, and Systems Integrators.

What ZeroTier Offers

ZeroTier revolutionizes network connectivity by offering a groundbreaking, enterprise-grade Modern Virtual Networking solution. By becoming a ZeroTier partner, you can enhance your product portfolio, cater to your customer’s diverse needs, and open new revenue streams. Not only does this opportunity enable you to provide a top-tier networking solution to your downstream customers, it also allows you to position yourself as a forward-thinking solution provider in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

What Are The Benefits?

  • Secure Networking: ZeroTier creates a secure and encrypted peer-to-peer network over the public Internet, ensuring data privacy and protection.
  • Scalability: With ZeroTier, you can easily scale from small teams to large enterprises without the need for complicated infrastructure upgrades.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: ZeroTier is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and many more. Connect your devices, wherever they are.
  • Easy Integration: ZeroTier can be seamlessly integrated into your existing applications and systems, simplifying the deployment process.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Eliminate the need for expensive, dedicated hardware and reduce your overall networking costs.

Take the first step towards a more connected future. Complete the Partnership Inquiry Form below to get started. Your journey towards network transformation begins here. We look forward to partnering with you.

Join the ZeroTier Partner Program Today

Learn how you can partner with us

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Partners – ZeroTier (2024)


What is ZeroTier used for? ›

ZeroTier is a way to connect devices over your own private network anywhere in the world. You do this by creating a network and then joining two or more devices to that network. You can use ZeroTier to play games, connect to remote business resources or even as a cloud backplane for your enterprise.

What platforms are supported by ZeroTier? ›

ZeroTier can run on Linux, macOS, iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, and Windows. It is designed to operate in under 16 megabytes of memory in most cases. It can run on Intel x86, x64, ARM, and MIPS chips.

Does ZeroTier hide my IP? ›

ZeroTier is not a “Privacy VPN.” It does not hide physical IP addresses and makes no attempt to. Any and all data sent over the network is encrypted and can't even be decrypted by us. ZeroTier is designed to make an reasonable attempt to establish direct peer to peer connection to nodes to optimise performance.

Is ZeroTier a VPN? ›

ZeroTier is one of the easiest VPN services to configure and it's completely free for up to 100 devices. The entire process, from start to finish, should only take a few minutes.

Is ZeroTier any good? ›

ZeroTier and Tailscale are both outstanding alternatives to the traditional VPN, and both have great potential use in modern corporate environments.

Is ZeroTier free to use? ›

Networks are free. For some users with multiple networks, this may amount to a limit increase. If you are over the limit, your networks and the nodes already authorized on them will still work, but you will need to purchase node packs to add new nodes. Node packs are only $5.00/month for packs of 25 nodes.

How do I connect my device to ZeroTier? ›

Network connection
  1. Run ZeroTier One app.
  2. Click on + to add a new connection.
  3. Confirm the privacy policy.
  4. Enter your network ID and click Add Network.
  5. Confirm adding the new VPN configuration.
  6. Connect to the VPN network by sliding the network activation slider.

Where is ZeroTier installed? ›

The working directory location is:
  1. Windows: C:\ProgramData\ZeroTier\One.
  2. macOS: /Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One.
  3. Linux: /var/lib/zerotier-one.
  4. FreeBSD/OpenBSD: /var/db/zerotier-one.

How do I know if ZeroTier is working? ›

To check if/how zerotier is running, use sudo zerotier-cli status. As enable/disable (eg. sudo systemctl disable zerotier-one ) to stop automatically running Zerotier apparently do not work, you need to use sudo systemctl mask zerotier-one to stop launching Zerotier in the background.

What protocol does ZeroTier use? ›

To support the use of ZeroTier as a high performance SDN/NFV protocol over physically secure networks the protocol supports a feature called trusted paths. It is possible to configure all ZeroTier devices on a given network to skip encryption and authentication for traffic over a designated physical path.

What are the minimum requirements for ZeroTier? ›

Minimum System Requirements​

It typically consumes less than 16 MB of memory, only about 1 MB of storage, and even has a low-bandwidth mode for IoT applications. It supports 32-bit ARM (arm32) , 64-bit ARM (arm64) , 32-bit Intel (x86) , 64-bit Intel (x64/amd64) , MIPS , and s390x .

Does a VPN disguise your IP? ›

A VPN encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address. As a result, it also hides your location, browsing history, searches, downloads, and any other activities, such as gaming or streaming. A VPN hides this information from bad actors, ISPs, websites, and even oppressive governments.

What can I do with ZeroTier? ›

ZeroTier Remote Access​
  1. Remote Access Without Port Forwarding.
  2. Setting up Remote Access During a Crisis.
  3. Stratospherix FileBrowser - How to access your files from anywhere.

What port does ZeroTier use? ›

If your computer has a local firewall, allow traffic to and from UDP port 9993. In some cases (such as the Windows built-in firewall) ZeroTier does this automatically if installed with one of our installation packages.

What is the safest VPN type? ›

OpenVPN is the most secure VPN protocol and the safest choice thanks to its near-unbreakable encryption, which keeps users' data private even when using public Wi-Fi. Because it's open source, users can check the source code for vulnerabilities and reassure themselves that there are no weaknesses in its security.

Does ZeroTier affect Internet speed? ›

even if we reset the router/modem the internet slows down when zerotier is on. yes, other things connected to the network will get slowed down internet.

How to connect using ZeroTier? ›

Network connection
  1. Run ZeroTier One app.
  2. Click on + to add a new connection.
  3. Confirm the privacy policy.
  4. Enter your network ID and click Add Network.
  5. Confirm adding the new VPN configuration.
  6. Connect to the VPN network by sliding the network activation slider.

How much data does ZeroTier consume? ›

ZeroTier is lightweight, portable, and compatible across all major platforms and architectures. It typically consumes less than 16 MB of memory, only about 1 MB of storage, and even has a low-bandwidth mode for IoT applications.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6281

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.