Simple Past Tense Passive Voice: Explanation with Examples (2024) - EnglishCentral Blog (2024)

Verbs are words that are used with a subject to say what something/someone does or what happens to them, or simply to inform the observer about their state of being. These verbs can be used with various tenses depending on the time that the action happens. The simple past tense is one of these tenses which is used to refer to actions that are completed in a period of time before the present. The passive voice of simple past tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb “was/were” and the past participle of the main verb. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

How to Make Simple Past Passive Sentences

The passive voice of simple past tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb “was/were” and the past participle of the main verb. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. To form a sentence in passive voice of simple past tense, we use the following rules:

We convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We use the auxiliary verb was/were according to the subject of the Passive Voice sentence.
We use the past participle form of the verb.
We then use the word “by”, to show the doer of the action.
Then we convert the subject of the Active Voice Sentence into the object of the Passive Voice sentence.
We add the remaining words if there are any in the Active Voice Sentence at last.

Simple Past Positive Passive Sentences

The passive voice of simple past tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb “was/were” and the past participle of the main verb. To form a positive sentence in passive voice of simple past tense, we use the following rules:

We convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We use the auxiliary verb was/were according to the subject of the Passive Voice sentence.
We use the past participle form of the verb.
We then use the word “by”, to show the doer of the action.
Then we convert the subject of the Active Voice Sentence into the object of the Passive Voice sentence.
We add the remaining words if there are any in the Active Voice Sentence at last.

The structure formula is:

Object of Active Sentence + was/were + past participle of main verb + by + Subject of Active Sentence

ObjectAuxiliary verbMain VerbBySubject
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByI
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByYou
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByWe
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByThey
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByHe
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByShe
ObjectWas/werePast participle of the verb (V3)ByIt

Active voice: I (Subject) + bought (V2) + two sandwiches (Object).
Passive voice: Two sandwiches (Object) + were (Auxiliary verb) + bought (V3) + by me (By + subject).

Simple Past Tense Positive Passive Examples:

Here are some positive sentence examples in Simple Past Tense Passive voice.

Active voice: I wrote an amazing book.
Passive voice: An amazing book was written (by me).
Active voice: I helped Jim a lot .
Passive voice: Jim was helped a lot (by me).
Active voice: She bought two apples.
Passive voice: Two apples were bought by her.
Active voice: My mother baked the food.
Passive voice: The food was baked by my mother.
Active voice: The teacher read the book.
Passive voice: The book was read by the teacher.
Active voice: I prepared pizza for everyone in the house.
Passive voice: Pizza was prepared for everyone in the house (by me).
Active voice: Luke bought a bike recently.
Passive voice: A bike was bought recently (by Luka).

Simple Past Tense Negative Passive Sentences

We use Simple Past Tense Negative Passive Sentences to deny situations that occurred and finished in the past. To form a negative sentence in passive voice of simple past tense, we follow these steps:
We convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We use the auxiliary verb was/were according to the subject of the Passive Voice sentence.
Then we add “not” in order to make the sentence negative.
We use the past participle form of the verb.
We then use the word “by”, to show the doer of the action.
Then we convert the subject of the Active Voice Sentence into the object of the Passive Voice sentence.
We add the remaining words if there are any in the Active Voice Sentence at last.

The structure formula is:

Object of Active Sentence + was/were not + past participle of main verb + by + Subject of Active Sentence

ObjectAuxiliary verbMain VerbBySubject
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByI
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByYou
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByWe
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByThey
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByHe
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByShe
Past participle of the verb (V3)ByIt

Active voice: I (Subject) + did + not + buy + two sandwiches (Object).
Passive voice: Two sandwiches (Object) + were (Auxiliary verb) + not + bought (V3) + by me (By + subject).

Simple Past Tense Negative Passive Examples:

Active voice: I did not write an amazing book.
Passive voice: An amazing book was not written (by me).
Active voice: I did not help Jim a lot.
Passive voice: Jim was not helped a lot (by me).
Active voice: She did not buy two apples.
Passive voice: Two apples were not bought by her.
Active voice: My mother did not bake the food.
Passive voice: The food was not baked by my mother.
Active voice: The teacher did not read the book.
Passive voice: The book was not read by the teacher.
Active voice: I did not prepare pizza for everyone in the house.
Passive voice: Pizza was not prepared for everyone in the house (by me).
Active voice: Luke did not buy a bike recently.
Passive voice: A bike was not bought recently (by Luka).

Passive Questions in Simple Past Tense

To form passive questions in simple past tense, we can follow these steps:
We use the auxiliary verb was/were according to the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We use the past participle form of the verb.
Then we use the word “by”, to show the doer of the action.
Then we convert the subject of the Active Sentence into the object of the Passive Voice sentence.
We then put the remaining words if there are any.
At last, we use the sign of interrogation “?”.

For example:
Active: Did she eat the burger?
Passive: Was the burger eaten by you?

Auxiliary verbObjectMain VerbBySubject
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByI
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByYou
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByWe
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByThey
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByHe
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByShe
Was/WereObjectPast participle of the main verbByIt

Simple Past Tense Passive Interrogative Examples:

Here are some positive passive interrogative examples in Simple Past Tense:

Active Voice: Did they stop him there?
Passive Voice: Was he stopped by them there?
Active Voice: Did you drink cold tea?
Passive Voice: Was cold drink drunk by you?
Active Voice: Did she light two torches?
Passive Voice: Were two torches lit by her?
Active Voice: Why did he not invite her to the party?
Passive Voice: Why was she not invited by him to the party?
Active Voice: Did they fire him at night?
Passive Voice: Was he fired by them at night?
Active Voice: Did she divorce him?
Passive Voice: Was he divorced from her?

Negative Passive Interrogative Sentences in Simple Past Tense

To form passive questions in simple past tense, we can follow these steps:
We use the auxiliary verb was/were according to the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence.
We use “not” to make the sentence negative.
We use the past participle form of the verb.
Then we use the word “by”, to show the doer of the action.
Then we convert the subject of the Active Sentence into the object of the Passive Voice sentence.
We then put the remaining words if there are any.
At last, we use the sign of interrogation “?”.

For example:
a) Active Voice: Didn’t you eat a sandwich?
b) Passive Voice: Was the sandwich not eaten by you?

Negative Passive Interrogative Sentences

Auxiliary verbObjectNot + Main VerbBySubject
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb
Past Participle of the verb

Simple Past Tense Negative Passive Interrogative Examples:

Here are some negative passive interrogative examples in Simple Past Tense:

Active Voice: Did they not stop him there?
Passive Voice: Was he not stopped by them there?
Active Voice: Didn’t you drink cold tea?
Passive Voice: Was cold drink not drunk by you?
Active Voice: Didn’t she light two torches?
Passive Voice: Were two torches not lit by her?
Active Voice: Why did he not invite her to the party?
Passive Voice: Why was she not invited by him to the party?
Active Voice: Did they not fire him at night?
Passive Voice: Was he not fired by them at night?
Active Voice: Did she not divorce him?
Passive Voice: Was he not divorced from her?

Short Answers in Simple Past Tense Passive

To form short answers in simple past tense passive voice, we we can follow these steps:
We use “yes” or “no” according to the question.
We use the needed subject.
We use “was” or “were” according to the subject of the sentence..
We use the past participle form of the verb.

Positive Answers:

Confirmation wordSubjectAuxiliary Verb

Was the burger eaten by you? / Yes, it was.
Was the homework done by him? / Yes, it was.
Was the letter sent? / Yes, it was.

Negative answers:

Denial wordSubjectAuxiliary verb
No,IWas / Were
No,YouWas / Were
No,WeWas / Were
No,TheyWas / Were
No,HeWas / Were
No,SheWas / Were
No,ItWas / Were

Was the burger eaten by you? /No, it wasn’t.
Was the homework done by him? / No, it wasn’t.
Was the letter sent? / No, it wasn’t.

Wh- Questions in Simple Past Tense Passive

To ask for more specific information, we can include question words in our passive voice questions. These question words include “who, what, where, when, how etc.”. To ask a passive question in Simple Past Tense with these question words, we need to follow this simple formula:

Wh- word + object + was/were + past participle form of the verb (V3) + by + subject + ?

Question WordObjectAuxiliary VerbVerbBySubject
Who, what, where, when, howObjectWas/WereV3ByHe/She/It

Here are some examples of Wh- question sentences in Simple Past Tense Passive:

What was eaten by you?

What was drunk by him?

Who was seen ?

Who was beaten?

Why were you kicked?

Frequently Asked Questions About Simple Past Tense Passive Voice

What are some examples of Simple Past Passive Voice sentences?

Here are some examples for Simple Past Passive voice sentences:
This was never done before.
An amazing book was written.
The bananas were eaten.

What are some examples of negative Simple Past Passive Voice sentences?

Here are some examples for negative Simple Past Passive voice sentences:
Math was not taught by Laura at high school.
He was not invited by them.
I was not helped.

What are some examples of interrogative Simple Past Passive Voice sentences?

Here are some examples for interrogative Simple Past Passive voice sentences:

Was the burger eaten by you?
Was the homework done by him?
Was the letter sent?

What is the difference between active voice and passive voice?

In an active voice, the subject is performing the action. It is always known who is doing the action. In a passive voice, the subject is the receiver of the action. It is not always clear who is doing the action. To give the information about the carrier of the action, we use the preposition “by” followed by the agent of the action.

Was the burger eaten by you?Was the homework done by him? Was the letter sent? "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the difference between active voice and passive voice?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"In an active voice, the subject is performing the action. It is always known who is doing the action. In a passive voice, the subject is the receiver of the action. It is not always clear who is doing the action. To give the information about the carrier of the action, we use the preposition “by” followed by the agent of the action."}}]}

Simple Past Tense Passive Voice: Would you like to put into practice what you have learned about using Simple Past Tense Passive Voice in sentences with its explanations, usage, and example sentences? If you wish, you can explore over 20,000 interactive video lessons on EnglishCentral, improve your vocabulary, and practice pronunciation. Alternatively, during live 1-on-1 English lessons, you can review what you have learned with your personal English tutor. How about signing up for EnglishCentral and starting to learn English right away?

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Simple Past Tense Passive Voice: Explanation with Examples (2024) - EnglishCentral Blog (2024)


What is an example of a simple past tense in passive voice? ›

Active: He wrote a letter.

Passive: A letter was written by him. Active: They knew it. Passive: It was known to them.

What are 10 examples of passive voice? ›

Active VoicePassive Voice
I ate the strawberry pieThe strawberry pie was eaten by me
I bought a Honda carA Honda car was bought by me
The sun rises from the eastEast is where the sun rises from
Reema can do skydivingSkydiving can be done by Reema

What are the 20 examples of active voice and passive voice? ›

Active and passive voice
They called off the meeting.The meeting was called off.
His grandmother looked after him.He was looked after by his grandmother.
They will send him away to school.He will be sent away to school.

What is the difference between past tense and passive voice? ›

An important thing to note about passive voice is that it is not the same as past tense. Passive voice refers to who is performing the verb's action, while past tense refers to when the action was performed.

How to teach simple past passive? ›

Tip: The past simple passive is formed by using 'was' or 'were' plus the past participle. The passive is used when the person or thing that did the action is unknown, unimportant or not the focus of our interest. We use 'by' with the passive if we want to identify who or what did the action.

What is the simple past tense of active and passive voice negative examples with answers? ›

Active: You did not listen to me. Passive: I was not listened to by you. Active: She did not write a story. Passive: A story was not written by her.

What is a real life example of a passive voice? ›

Passive Voice Sentence Structure

Note that the verb "be" is conjugated followed by the participle form of the main verb. The house was built in 1989. My friend is being interviewed today. The project has been completed recently.

What is the rule of passive voice? ›

Understanding Passive Voice

Rule 1: The passive voice structure: Object + Be + Past Participle. The focus shifts from the 'doer' to the action done. Active: Ram painted the wall. Passive: The wall was painted by Ram.

How do you identify passive voice examples? ›

First, notice that an active sentence and a passive sentence each state the same idea, but they use a different word order: Active: Kam reviewed my paper. Passive: My paper was reviewed by Kam. Look for the “be” helping verb. One way to spot passive verbs in your writing is to look for “be” verbs.

What are the 100 examples of active and passive voice with? ›

How to identify the passive voice
Active VoicePassive Voice
I am cooking a meal.A meal is being cooked byme.
Someone will walk her dog.Her dog will be walked.
They wore a sweater.The sweater was worn by them.
John flew the kite.The kite was flown by John.

What is an example of active and passive voice in past perfect tense? ›

04) Active : I had worn blue shoes. Passive: blue shoes had been worn by me. 05) Active : they had finished the job by Monday.

What is the rule for simple past tense passive voice? ›

The general rule for sentences in simple past passive is: 'Object + was / were + past participle of main verb (third form)' in an affirmative sentence. 'Was / were + object + past participle of main verb (third form)' in the case of a question.

What is an example of a past passive voice sentence? ›

Simple Past Tense Positive Passive Examples:
  • Active voice: I wrote an amazing book.
  • Passive voice: An amazing book was written (by me).
  • Active voice: I helped Jim a lot .
  • Passive voice: Jim was helped a lot (by me).
  • Active voice: She bought two apples.
  • Passive voice: Two apples were bought by her.
Jul 7, 2023

What is passive voice in present simple past simple? ›

To form a passive sentence, you use the verb 'be' with the past participle of the main verb. You use the passive voice when: you don't know who did the action.

What is passive voice in present simple tense example? ›

Here are some examples for Present Simple Passive voice sentences: The exams are graded. The flowers are cared for. The bananas are eaten.

What is the simple past tense of active voice? ›

The simple past tense is a verb form used to refer to an action or series of actions that were completed in the past. The simple past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding “-ed” to the infinitive form of the verb (e.g., “cook” becomes “cooked”).

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.