Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (2024)

Just thinking about Morocco makes my nostrils flare. Maybe that sounds a bit odd, but the mere mention of the word sends my senses in to a frenzy. If I close my eyes I can smell orange blossom and rose, cumin and mint. I can taste almonds, dates and lamb. I can see dishes in saffron yellow, henna orange and cinnamon brown, all presented in brightly coloured ceramics.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (1)

I’ve headed to Morocco. For 11 days. To taste my way around a country I’ve long wanted to visit. My knowledge of Moroccan food is fairly average, but I do know it’s not all tajine and cous cous. It’s a cuisine that has been influenced over the centuries by the indigenous, mainly Muslim Berber population. But the Spanish, French, Middle eastern, Mediterranean and African have also helped shaped the food and flavours today.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (2)

I’m interested to see how dishes vary in different areas – Chefchaouen in the far north, the Berber villages of the Atlas Mountains, big cities of Marrakech and Fez, the southern coast in Essaouira and the Sahara desert. But wherever I go, one thing remains constant – in Morocco, the pleasure of eating food is equal to the pleasure of sharing it. So we’re going to good friends.

If Moroccan cooking had a mantra, it would be ‘Fresh is Best’, so season and geography will come in to play with what I’ll be eating. The market will be the source of all inspiration, with most of the fresh food likely to be locally grown or homemade. Most ingredients are cultivated the old-fashioned way, without chemical fertilisers, pesticides or GMO’s. Then harvested by hand when ripe and brought directly to the medina’s and souks. Knowing that, has me so excited. Seasonal cooking and eating is something Elizabeth David made famous, and the way we should always approach food.

The most widely used vegetables in Moroccan cooking are onion, tomato and root vegetables like potato, carrot, sweet potato and turnips.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (3)

And I’m in luck, because right now figs, pomegranates, grapes, peaches, pears, melons and plums are the fruits in season.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (4)

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (5)

For all the wonderful sights and smells of the spice souqs. There are only a few main seasoning and spices that are a must in any Moroccan kitchen; olive oil, Argan oil, salt, pepper, ground ginger and ground cumin, fresh parsley and coriander. There are plenty of other spices that feature like cinnamon, turmeric, sweet paprika, ras el hanout etc. but these are usually for specific dishes.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (6)

What surprised me the most, is just how simple Moroccan cuisine is – using fresh produce, simple seasoning and basic cooking techniques.


I know I’ll want to say something about almost everything that passes my lips in Morocco. But I’ll start with breakfast, because it’s the first meal of the day and one that offered plenty of variety.

The French influence is most present here in all the croissants, pain au chocolat and other pastries on offer. Oh, and nearly everything comes with, or is, some kind of baked good. So be prepared for some serious carb-loading!

Waking up in Morocco, my first breakfast in Rabat is light – just some fresh dates and a pot of homemade runny yoghurt with a little bit of orange flower water. Beautiful. (note to self for leftover bottle of orange blossom water in cupboard at home)

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (7)

At Riad Zamane in Fez, I have a ‘baghrir’. A Moroccan pancake that’s a cross between a pancake and a crumpet – flat and toasted on one side, and airy sponge on the other. Eaten cold with butter and jam. Not sure I’ll be rushing back for another one – maybe it needed to be toasted with enough butter and honey dripping through to the other side.

And that square toasted thing is ‘rghaif’- a flat flaky pastry, like a squashed croissant or thick piece of roti. I’m was hoping there might have been some ‘ta halout’, date syrup, to have with it. But alas.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (8)

One day, I eat two breakfasts…

Bread is everywhere in Morocco. At every table, for every meal, bread is served.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (9)

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (10)

Most communities have a communal bakery where you can take your own dough and bake it in the giant oven, for a small fee. You can see the smoke and smell the fire for miles. People sit around inside the big stone room surrounding the oven, chatting (oh how the Moroccans love to chat, about anything, all the time) while they wait for their bread to bake or leave it for the baker. What a brilliant idea. It gets confusing with all the loaves, so be sure yours has some kind of signature on it.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (11)

I’m particularly interested in the large round flat bread made from semolina called ‘harsha’ that’s the size of a family pizza, in Fez. People are eating wedges of it with cream cheese and honey. Early one morning, this is my take-away breakfast, on the way to the beautiful blue city of Chefchaouen. It’s a buttery, gritty fried bread – like a slightly thicker South American arepas. I love it and I’d like to find a recipe.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (12)

I ask my driver, Jawad, if he would also like one, but he tells me he’ll wait and have a traditional breakfast when we get to Chefchaouen. Traditional Moroccan breakfast? That’s what I want… and thought I was having. But apparently I’m eating a city Moroccan breakfast – you can’t get traditional Moroccan breakfasts in the big cities anymore, only the mountains, where we are headed. I tell him I’ll eat my city sandwich now and also a traditional breakfast with him (in about 3 hours). He laughs “Two breakfasts?”. But he doesn’t know me well enough yet. “Inshallah” he says – if God wishes.

We stop just outside the new city of Chefchaouen, at what could be considered a truck stop. This is a place where people – well, men – come to drink mint tea and coffee on plastic tables and chairs that all face the road. Watching the passing traffic. I am the only woman in there and I’m sure Jawad thinks I’m mad.

Traditional Moroccan breakfast is a fried egg served in olive oil with a wedge of cream cheese and a couple of olives. Then ‘jiben’ – a little softer and more sour goats milk cheese – that’s eaten on its own. Followed by sweet mint tea.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (13)

The Moroccan way of eating is with your hands. No cutlery, just bread. Break the egg yolk with some bread, mix it around a little then add some zataar (cumin, sesame seeds and salt). Totally delicious.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (14)

After my second breakfast in Chefchaouen, I get talking to Jawad – somehow our broken English, French and Arabic works. And I ask him where I can find ‘bessara’.

Bessara is a white bean or fava bean soup served with olive oil, cumin and chilli. Usually eaten at breakfast, especially during Ramadan, because it’s supposed to be like concrete in your stomach – so filling that you won’t be hungry until dinner time. This is another dish he tells me I won’t find in the big cities. It’s more of a traditional and peasant style of food that’s only common in the northern parts of Morocco – which is where we’re headed today! He promises to take me for the best bessara, but not for my third breakfast… for late lunch

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (15)

This is the man that makes the best bessara, or so I’m told. He’s got three pots of the stuff bubbling away, a stack of bread and some olive oil and cumin to garnish. There is a version of this soup that can come with cow’s head and eyes, but today it’s strictly vegetarian.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (16)

Again, more bread. Oh dear. But a spoon thankfully. I add extra chilli to mine. It’s boiling hot. Very simple flavours with a similar texture to split pea soup. Hearty and definitely filling. But I’ll let you know if it kept me going until dinner.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (17)

After a night under a billion desert stars at Erg Chigaga. The boys are in the kitchen (this is unusual), cooking up some fried goodness for breakfast to have along with our fruit, boiled egg, bread and cream cheese. I’m not sure of the name of it, in Arabic it sounded something like ‘memsa’. But essentially it was a fried pastry, like a churros. They were full of air, perfect for filling with a big dollop of fresh fig jam in.

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (18)

Tasting Morocco: Breakfast - Lucy Stewart Nutrition (2024)


What is a typical Moroccan breakfast? ›

Traditional Moroccan breakfast is a fried egg served in olive oil with a wedge of cream cheese and a couple of olives. Then 'jiben' – a little softer and more sour goats milk cheese – that's eaten on its own. Followed by sweet mint tea. The Moroccan way of eating is with your hands.

What vegetables are eaten in Morocco? ›

Popular fruits and vegetables are: apricots, artichokes, cabbage, cardoons, cauliflower, fennel, grapes, lemons, olives, oranges, peaches, peppers, plums, pomegranates, pumpkins, quinces, tomatoes, turnips, and zucchini. Moroccan cuisine uses many spices and herbs, especially cilantro.

What is the food trend in Morocco? ›

Current culinary trends in Moroccan cuisine include the marriage of flavors, aromas and spices to create a lighter chermoula, and the introduction of gluten-free dishes for celiacs, such as baddaz – a Moroccan couscous with cornmeal.

What is the food like in Morocco? ›

What to Eat in Morocco. Traditional Moroccan food is steeped in rich flavors and includes dishes like couscous, a crushed durum wheat that's typically topped with beef or lamb and mixed with vegetables like onions, olives, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

What is a typical breakfast in Morocco? ›

Moroccan Breakfast – Breakfast Around the World #3
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Moroccan mint tea.
  • Goat cheese.
  • Olives.
  • Amlou.
  • Fried eggs seasoned with cumin.
  • Semolina pancakes with butter honey syrup Baghrir.
  • Bread Khobz.
May 6, 2016

What do Moroccans drink for breakfast? ›

Moroccan Breakfast

You'll always receive a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice as well as a choice of hot Moroccan mint tea or coffee.

Which fruit is famous in Morocco? ›

The Citrus fruit of Orange or the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless - is the Official “National fruit of Morocco” respectively.

Is Moroccan cuisine healthy? ›

Home cooked, steamed or stewed, and using minimal salt, oil, sugar or other additives, it is likely that Moroccan food is better for you than your diet at home. Best of all, it is flavoured with a different range of spices, and herbs such as fresh cilantro, parsley and garlic. So come and try it out.

What is the signature dish of Morocco? ›

Tagine: The Quintessential Moroccan Dish

A chicken tagine with olives and preserved lemon. A trip to Morocco would be incomplete without indulging in the country's most famous dish, the tagine.

What are 2 rules of food etiquette in Morocco? ›

In Morocco, eating in silence is considered rude. It is also bad manners to reach across in front of anyone else. It is important to take food only from right in front of you.

What cheese do they eat in Morocco? ›

"Found on Cooking With Alia, a site that has authentic Moroccan recipes. Alia says; "Today, we are making Moroccan Jben, which is a white cheese that is very popular in the North of Morocco, but you can find it everywhere!

How many meals do Moroccans eat a day? ›

The Moroccan family diet is punctuated by four daily shared mealtimes: breakfast (ftour) (in addition to the morning snack that children take to eat at school), lunch (ghda), afternoon snack at home (cascrot, lgoté: a snack eaten by children after school) and dinner (3cha).

Can I eat salad in Morocco? ›

In Morocco, around the main dish, we often serve hot and cold salads, refreshing, it is a good habit among most Moroccan families because it allows eating a lot of varied vegetables with different cooking methods and different flavors.

What is street food in Morocco? ›

One of the most popular street foods in Morocco is “Babbouche” or “Ghlal”. It's a spicy stew made from over 15 herbs and spices (what do you say about that Colonel Sanders?). The snails are served in bowls, in their shells and diners will use toothpicks or needles to extract the tender meat.

Do they eat rice in Morocco? ›

The staple grains today are rice and wheat, used for bread and couscous, though until the mid-20th century, barley was an important staple, especially in the south. Grapes are mostly eaten fresh, as a dessert; wine consumption is only about 1 liter per capita per year.

What is a typical breakfast in Marrakech? ›

Some common breakfast offerings at Riads in Marrakech may include freshly baked bread, Moroccan pancakes (baghrir or msem*n), traditional pastries (such as sfenj or chebakia), a selection of jams and spreads, fresh fruit, yogurt, eggs, and a choice of hot beverages like mint tea or coffee.

What time do Moroccans eat breakfast? ›

Moroccans tend to eat three meals a day, in similar fashion to the Western world, but usually taken after prayer. Breakfast is usually served from 7am onward, with most cafes opening at this time and serving a small selection of pastries and fresh bread to accompany a mint tea or coffee.

What is the main meal of the day in Morocco? ›

Lunch. Lunch is traditionally the main meal of the day in Morocco, with the family coming home (from work or school) to sit together around a low table in the salon.

What is a Moroccan breakfast spread? ›

Bread is a must on the Moroccan breakfast spread. On breakfast, it is served with oil, butter, honey, olives, and Amlou which is peanut butter with Argan oil. This combination is the most common and it typically goes with Moroccan mint tea. It's mostly known as Four Beldi which means traditional breakfast.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.