TCP vs UDP Protocols (2024)

In digital communication, networking protocols, such as TCP and UDP protocols, play a crucial role in ensuring seamless data exchange. Choosing the right protocol is essential to influence performance, data integrity, and user experience (UX).

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are two key components in the Transport Layer. TCP ensures reliable, ordered data transmission, which is crucial for applications prioritising data integrity. Meanwhile, UDP prioritises speed and efficiency, accepting occasional packet loss.

This article explores the difference between TCP and UDP protocols when to use UDP vs TCP, and their mechanisms, strengths, and key features.

Table of Contents

  1. What is TCP protocol?
  2. Use cases of TCP protocol
  3. What is the UDP protocol?
  4. Use cases of the UDP protocol
  5. What is TCP vs UDP: comparison between TCP and UDP protocols
  6. Performance considerations
  7. Security considerations
  8. How to choose between TCP and UDP?
  9. Experience secure and frictionless meetings with Digital Samba video conferencing API

What is TCP protocol?

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a communication protocol that provides a reliable and ordered pathway for data transmission. As part of the Transport Layer, TCP ensures secure and accurate information delivery across networks.

Its working mechanism involves connecting two devices, a sender and a receiver before data exchange commences. This connection is a virtual circuit, ensuring a reliable and orderly data flow.

Here is a list of key features of the TCP protocol.

Connection-oriented communication

TCP operates in a connection-oriented manner, meaning a dedicated channel is established before data transfer. This ensures a reliable link between sender and receiver, similar to a virtual conversation.

Connection-oriented communication

Flow control

TCP employs a flow control mechanism to prevent overwhelming the receiver with data. The sender adjusts its transmission speed based on the receiver's ability to process data, preventing congestion and optimising performance.

Flow control

Congestion control

TCP dynamically adapts to network conditions to prevent congestion. Through mechanisms like slow start and congestion avoidance, TCP ensures a smooth and efficient data flow, even during network challenges.

Congestion control


TCP is designed for high throughput, facilitating the efficient transfer of large volumes of data. Its robust error-checking mechanisms and retransmission policies contribute to maintaining optimal performance.


In-order delivery

Maintaining the order of data packets is crucial for many applications. TCP guarantees in-order delivery, ensuring the information received at the destination reflects the intended sequence from the source.

In-order delivery


One of TCP's defining features is reliability. It employs a sequence numbering mechanism, enabling the receiver to arrange incoming packets correctly.


TCP vs UDP Protocols (1)

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Use cases of TCP protocol

TCP's connection-oriented approach and robust features make it the protocol of choice for several use cases. Some of them include:

Web browsing

When you enter a URL in your web browser, TCP takes the lead. The reliability of TCP ensures that the web pages you request are delivered accurately and in the correct order. Each webpage element, from text to images, travels through TCP to enable a seamless browsing experience.

Web browsing


Email relies on TCP for its dependable data delivery in electronic communication. Whether you're sending a concise text message or a large attachment, TCP guarantees that your emails reach the intended recipients intact and in the order they were sent.


Media streaming

Streaming services, such as music or video, demand a consistent and reliable data flow. TCP's in-order delivery and congestion control mechanisms make it indispensable for media streaming platforms, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted playback experience for users.

Media streaming

Online banking

Security and accuracy are crucial in online banking. With its reliability and ordered delivery, TCP, along with additional security layers like TLS, strong encryption, etc., ensures the secure transfer of financial data between your device and the bank's servers. This maintains the precision and integrity of every transaction.

Online banking

Online gaming

In online gaming, where split-second decisions matter, TCP plays a vital role. The protocol's reliability ensures commands and updates are transmitted without loss or disorder, providing a stable and fair gaming experience.

Online gaming

What is the UDP protocol?

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a communication protocol that operates in the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite. Unlike TCP, UDP takes a connectionless approach to data transmission.

UDP facilitates the exchange of information between devices without establishing a dedicated connection beforehand, making it a lightweight and fast alternative.

Here is a list of features of the UDP protocol.


UDP is connectionless and eliminates the overhead of establishing and maintaining a connection before data transfer. Its connectionless approach streamlines the process, making it ideal for cases where speed is crucial.


Low overhead

With minimal protocol overhead, UDP is a lightweight option for data transmission. This efficiency is beneficial for applications where a swift exchange of information takes precedence over the reliability ensured by connection-oriented protocols.

Low overhead

Adaptive bandwidth support

UDP adapts seamlessly to varying bandwidth conditions, making it well-suited for applications where real-time data delivery is crucial.

Adaptive bandwidth support

Data loss tolerance

To achieve speed, UDP accepts a degree of data loss, making it suitable for applications where occasional packet loss is acceptable without compromising the overall performance.

Data loss tolerance

Broadcasting and Multicasting

UDP supports broadcasting and multicasting, enabling efficient one-to-many or many-to-many communication.

Broadcasting and Multicasting

Low latency

UDP minimises latency, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring swift responsiveness.

Low latency

TCP vs UDP Protocols (2)

Understanding Latency and Bandwidth: Unveiling the Key Differences

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Understanding Latency and Bandwidth: Unveiling the Key Differences

Use cases of the UDP protocol

The UDP protocol's unique characteristics make it the protocol of choice for several applications requiring speed and real-time responsiveness.

Real-time gaming

In online gaming, UDP's low latency and tolerance for occasional data loss make it ideal for rapid-fire updates between players, ensuring a seamless and immersive gaming experience.

Real-time gaming

Voice over IP (VoIP)

Voice communication demands swift and real-time data delivery. UDP's connectionless nature and low overhead make it well-suited for VoIP applications, ensuring that spoken words reach their destination with minimal delay.

Voice over IP (VoIP)

Video streaming

Streaming services benefit from UDP's agility, whether delivering live or pre-recorded content. The protocol's ability to adapt to varying bandwidth conditions and its tolerance for occasional data loss make it a suitable choice for video streaming.

Video streaming

Live broadcasting

UDP's speed becomes invaluable in live broadcasts, where events unfold in real-time. Whether it's a live sports event, news coverage, or an online event, UDP ensures viewers receive updates swiftly without delays.

Live broadcasting

DNS lookup

UDP’s datagram format and speed suit the fast and back-forth exchange involved in Domain Name System (DNS) lookup, translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses.

DNS lookup

What is TCP vs UDP: comparison between TCP and UDP protocols

To facilitate a comprehensive understanding of TCP and UDP, let’s explore a comparison between these protocols.




Connection Type




Guarantees correct delivery order

Doesn’t guarantee the correct delivery order


Reliable data transfer

Lower reliability


Higher overhead due to setup

Lower overhead

Congestion Control



Data Sequence

Maintains data sequencing

No sequencing

Data Retransmission



Bandwidth Usage

Variable, adapts to congestion (Higher than UDP)

Generally lower

Error Checking




Not supported

Supports broadcasting


Slower due to connection setup

Faster due to simplicity


More secure due to reliability and error checking

Less secure, susceptible to attacks

Use Cases

File transfer, email, web browsing

Online gaming, video streaming, DNS lookups


FTP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPs, and Telnet


Performance considerations

When assessing the performance of TCP and UDP protocols, some key aspects influence the efficiency and responsiveness of data transmission.

However, the choice between TCP/UDP protocols should align with the specific performance requirements of the application.

1. Bandwidth utilisation

TCP, with its reliability mechanisms and ordered delivery, tends to have higher bandwidth utilisation than UDP. While TCP ensures data integrity, it comes at the cost of additional protocol overhead, impacting the overall bandwidth efficiency.

On the other hand, UDP, with its lightweight approach, minimises overhead, leading to more efficient bandwidth utilisation but at the cost of lost or out-of-order data.

TCP vs UDP Protocols (3)

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2. Latency and response time

In scenarios where low latency and swift response times are critical, UDP outperforms TCP. The connectionless nature of UDP allows for faster data exchange without the need for connection setup and acknowledgement.

This makes UDP the preferred choice for real-time applications like gaming and VoIP, where instantaneous responses are crucial.

3. Scalability

TCP excels in scalability for applications that demand reliable, ordered data transmission. Its connection-oriented approach ensures that as the number of devices increases, the protocol can manage and coordinate data exchange effectively.

However, UDP's connectionless nature makes it more scalable in scenarios where a vast number of connections need to be handled simultaneously, prioritising speed over reliability.

4. Impact on network resources

TCP's commitment to reliability and ordered delivery often leads to higher resource utilisation, as it maintains connection state information and manages congestion control.

In contrast, UDP's lightweight design minimises its impact on network resources, making it a favourable choice for applications requiring rapid data transmission.

Security considerations

Network security involves securing the core networking infrastructure from unauthorised access, theft, or misuse.

In network security, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) exhibit distinct features and vulnerabilities.

Let's explore them below:

Security features and vulnerabilities in the UDP protocol

​UDP lacks built-in security features, making it inherently more vulnerable. While Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) can secure UDP communications, the protocol remains vulnerable to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and spoofing.

The absence of connection-oriented features, such as a three-way handshake, makes UDP susceptible to unauthorised access and data manipulation.

Security features and vulnerabilities in TCP protocol

​TCP, with its connection-oriented nature, incorporates robust security features. The three-way handshake, the foundation of TCP communication, ensures a secure connection.

Encryption and secure protocols, like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS), enhance security by introducing an additional layer of protection. These elements are integrated with TCP to offer increased security through authentication and encryption.

However, TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities pose challenges, as attackers may exploit weaknesses in the protocol stack to compromise security.

How to choose between TCP and UDP?

Selecting between TCP or UDP is a critical decision influenced by various factors, including application requirements and network conditions. When to use UDP vs TCP depends on specific considerations to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

Let's explore the factors influencing the choice of TCP vs UDP.

Application requirements

  • Reliability: TCP is connection-oriented and guarantees reliable data delivery. Therefore, TCP is preferred if your application demands error-free and ordered data transmission.
  • Real-time communication: UDP is often favoured for real-time communication due to its low latency. Applications like online gaming or voice-over-IP (VoIP) benefit from UDP's speed, even though it sacrifices some reliability.
  • TCP vs UDP speed: UDP is faster than TCP but does not perform error checking.

Network conditions

  • Packet loss tolerance: UDP is more tolerant of packet loss as it does not retransmit lost packets. In situations where occasional data loss is tolerable, UDP may be suitable.
  • Congestion: TCP adjusts its transmission rate based on network congestion, which can lead to delays. UDP, being connectionless, can perform better in situations with high network congestion.

TCP vs UDP Protocols (4)

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TCP provides a more secure communication channel with reliable and ordered delivery, making it preferable for secure data transfer.


UDP's lower overhead contributes to reduced latency, making it preferable for applications requiring real-time responsiveness, such as live broadcasting, video streaming, etc.

Choosing the right protocol for video conferencing

Now that we have discussed the factors influencing the choice between UDP and TCP, let’s discuss how to choose the right protocol.

Below are evaluation criteria to help you choose the right protocol for video conferencing.

  • Evaluate application characteristics: Consider the sensitivity of the transmitted data. If maintaining the order and completeness of data is crucial, TCP is a suitable choice.
  • Assess network conditions: Evaluate the network’s stability and the bandwidth’s availability. TCP is more adaptive to varying network conditions, making it safer in less stable environments.
  • Consider communication patterns: Assess how the application communicates. If it involves constant data updates and real-time interaction, UDP may enhance the user experience.

TCP vs UDP Protocols (5)

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Understanding Network Speed, Bandwidth, and Throughput

A hybrid approach

Sometimes, a hybrid approach combining TCP and UDP is beneficial. This allows leveraging TCP’s reliability for critical data exchange and UDP’s speed for fast transfer to enhance the efficiency based on specific requirements within the application.

For instance, most web traffic relies on the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with TCP as its transport protocol. However, TCP proves inefficient for brief web conversations, which constitute a significant portion of web traffic. The setup and teardown overhead of the TCP state is less than ideal for these short connections.

A hybrid approach, which employs TCP or UDP as the underlying transport protocol for web traffic, can address this challenge. UDP is used for short transfers like HTTP redirection to minimise TCP overhead while retaining TCP for reliable delivery and congestion control benefits.

TCP vs UDP Protocols (6)

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Optimising Real-Time Communications with Jitter Buffers

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TCP vs UDP Protocols (2024)


TCP vs UDP Protocols? ›

While TCP is more reliable, it transfers data more slowly. UDP is less reliable but works more quickly. This makes each protocol suited to different types of data transfers.

Which protocol is better, TCP or UDP? ›

The main difference between TCP and UDP is that UDP is faster than TCP. UDP has a speed advantage because the user doesn't have to allow or acknowledge receipt of the data to be resent. This lets UDP establish connections faster and transfer data faster.

Who decides whether to use TCP or UDP? ›

If you need guaranteed delivery and latency is not an issue, you choose TCP. If you can tolerate packet loss or prefer no state on the server, you might use UDP (which means you might need to handle packet reordering). But given a certain protocol, the transport is defined by its specification.

Which statement are correct about TCP vs UDP? ›

Final answer: The correct statements about TCP vs. UDP are that TCP uses a three-way handshake and acknowledgments for reliable communication and UDP is faster because it prioritizes speed over reliability but is less dependable as a consequence.

What is the biggest difference between TCP and UDP quizlet? ›

What is the major difference between TCP and UDP packets? UDP packets are sent with no verification method while TCP packets require verification of receipt.

Why would you choose UDP over TCP? ›

It depends on what you're doing online and the type of data being transferred. UDP is better if you're gaming online, because its speedy data transfer allows for mostly lag-free gaming. TCP is better if you're transferring files, like family photos, because it ensures the data arrives exactly as it was sent.

Is UDP protocol more reliable than TCP? ›

UDP is efficient for broadcast and multicast types of network transmission. TCP is reliable as it guarantees the delivery of data to the destination router. The delivery of data to the destination cannot be guaranteed in UDP. TCP provides extensive error-checking mechanisms.

Under which condition is TCP preferred over UDP? ›

Under which condition is TCP preferred over UDP? A. UDP is used when low latency is optimal, and TCP is used when latency is tolerable.

What is UDP good for? ›

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a communications protocol for time-sensitive applications like gaming, playing videos, or Domain Name System (DNS) lookups. UDP results in speedier communication because it does not spend time forming a firm connection with the destination before transferring the data.

Who still uses UDP? ›

Streaming media, real-time multiplayer games and voice over IP (VoIP) are examples of applications that often use UDP.

When it is more reasonable to use UDP instead of TCP? ›

Reliability: TCP is connection-oriented and guarantees reliable data delivery. Therefore, TCP is preferred if your application demands error-free and ordered data transmission. Real-time communication: UDP is often favoured for real-time communication due to its low latency.

Why is UDP used instead of TCP for this traffic? ›

Because UDP does not require a 'handshake' or check whether data arrives properly, it is able to transfer data much faster than TCP. However, this speed creates tradeoffs. If a UDP datagram is lost in transit, it will not be re-sent.

What is an example of a UDP protocol? ›

Examples include Voice over IP (VoIP), online games, and media streaming. Speed – UDP's speed makes it useful for query-response protocols such as DNS, in which data packets are small and transactional.

What is an advantage that UDP has over TCP? ›

UDP protocol provides the following advantages: Higher speed than TCP for specific applications. Less overhead than TCP because UDP is a connectionless protocol. It can run over a more fantastic range of network conditions than TCP.

What is one of the major advantages of UDP over TCP? ›

We learned that TCP is a connection-oriented protocol while UDP is a connectionless protocol. The main difference between TCP and UDP is their speed. UDP is a comparatively faster, simpler, and more efficient protocol. On the other hand, TCP is reliable and provides the advantage of retransmission of lost data packets.

Why is UDP faster than TCP? ›

UDP is faster because of its Non-existent acknowledge packet (ACK). The handshaking mechanism is absent in UDP. Thus, UDP is free from overheads. This is the reason why UDP is faster than TCP.

How much faster is TCP than UDP? ›

In summary, UDP is generally a little faster than TCP, sometimes a lot faster, and how much faster depends on what aspect of speed you're interested in. Furthermore, any speed advantage that UDP provides comes with important caveats and the need to reimplement the guarantees that TCP provides.

What are the advantages of UDP? ›

The primary benefits of UDP are speed and efficiency. Since UDP performs no connection setup, data can get from point A to point B much more quickly than with other protocols. Also, the bare-bones approach to sending data reduces bandwidth consumption and overhead on the communicating devices.

Does HTTP use TCP or UDP? ›

Among the two most common transport protocols on the Internet, TCP is reliable and UDP isn't. HTTP therefore relies on the TCP standard, which is connection-based. Before a client and server can exchange an HTTP request/response pair, they must establish a TCP connection, a process which requires several round-trips.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.