The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (2024)

Did somebody say cheese? Cream cheese is one of my all-time favorite foods. This super versatile soft cheese is generally on my weekly grocery list for either my sweet or savory recipes. Cream Cheese adds flavor to so many different recipes, from frostings to a spread, so you know how up in arms I was when I went to the fridge and found I was out.

I really, really did not feel like getting out and going to the grocery store. So you know what I did? (if you’ve been around here, you know) I headed to the internet to see what I could use as a substitute for cream cheese. Guess what! I found more than 30 cream cheese substitutes!

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (1)

If you're new here and want to always be in the know of what you can use as a substitute for some of your favorite in-house ingredients, check out these handy posts:

Tomato Paste Substitutes

Coconut Flour Substitutes

We all have a favorite way we use cream cheese: the sweet taste of cream cheese frosting atop a cake or for my Italian Cream Cake Cookie Bars or mixed in to add flavor to a savory recipe such as my Creamy Beef and Noodle Casserole. So let’s get into all things cream cheese.

What is cream cheese?

Most people enjoy cream cheese as a spread on their favorite bagel. Cream cheese can be bought either plain or flavored. It can also be used as an ingredient to make creamy desserts or savory casseroles.

Despite what some may think, cream cheese IS actually cheese. Yep, it’s generally soft and smooth in texture with a tad tangy in flavor. Cream cheese is made with fresh cream or milk. The cream or milk is heated, then lemon juice is added. The lemon juice is what makes the mixture curdle. The curdled liquid is then strained to remove the whey. Place in a blender to create that smooth texture we all love and enjoy.

While I'm looking for a replacement for cream cheese due to not having it on hand at home, there are many reasons you may need to make the cream cheese change. The most common reason one would replace cream cheese would be the fat content; yet, fat equals flavor, so I've found more than a few alternatives that don't change the flavor profile of your dish. (There is even a vegan option).

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (2)

What is its origin?

Nearly 150 years ago, in 1873, William Lawrence of Chester, NY, discovered "cream cheese" while trying to re-create Neufchâtel cheese. It was quite by accident the dairyman invented the now-famous Philadelphia cream cheese. The things we learn about the food we love are so fascinating! For even more intriguing information, read The History of Cheesecake and Cream Cheese over at

How is cream cheese made?

Cream cheese is created when you add lemon juice or lactic acid bacteria to milk or cream to lower the pH, which causes the curds to form. The whey is strained and drained as much as possible. The next step is to heat the curds and add salt. Unlike some other cheeses, cream cheese does not require aging and can be eaten right away.

Can you make cream cheese at home?

Yes! Actually, it's quite easy to make your own cream cheese. There are many different methods involved. I like this one How to Make Cream Cheese from Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baker.

I thought through this a couple of times, and while it seemed a little daunting, after learning the above method, I felt confident enough to take on the challenge. You should try it!

What are some recipes?

There are so many recipes you can use cream cheese for; I mean, anything that has cheese almost meets the criteria. Cream cheese is known to be in recipes for cheesecake, dips, cheeseballs, frosting, and so many more. Do any of these recipes make your mouth water?

Low Carb Strawberry Cheesecake

Blueberry Muffin Mix Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Loaded Cauliflower Casserole

Bacon Jalapeno Cheeseball

What is the shelf life of cream cheese?

An unopened, refrigerated container of cream cheese will last for about 1-2 weeks after the expiration. Once opened, it'll stay fresh for about a week.Cream cheese doesn't stay in my fridge very long. I've been known to go to the refrigerator with a spoon and eat just a spoonful.

Quick recipes for your almost expired cream cheese

Here are a couple of recipes you can whip together with those few opened cream cheese packages in your fridge. You can create these recipes with a few ingredients from your pantry and refrigerator (you’ll know cream cheese has gone bad due to the smell, or you may see mold on the cheese).

Low Carb Keto Pizza

Why choose an alternative to cream cheese?

There are so many reasons we may need to find an alternative for cream cheese. Suppose you need a quick substitute because you forgot to grab some on your last grocery trip.

Or if you have an allergy but still crave the same flavor profile you love so much. You could also be trying to avoid the heavy fat content cream cheese has.

You may be wondering, “what can I substitute for cream cheese?” If you are indeed in need of a cream cheese alternative, you are in luck. There are numerous other foods that make a pretty good substitute.

Let’s get into our list of substitutes! Below you’ll find a cream cheese substitute fit for any dish.

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (3)

Cottage Cheese

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (4)

Uses: Cottage: Generally used for mixing with fruits or to add a smooth flavor to our favorite dish.

Texture Similarities: Creamy, grainy

Not recommended: For recipes high in salt

Flavor Similarities: Tart

Where can I get it? Local grocery store.

Health benefits: High in nutrients, including protein, B vitamins, and minerals

Substitution Instructions: 1:1


Uses: Usually used for adding flavor to a dish or to atop a bowl of fruit.

Texture Similarities: Smooth, creamy

Flavor Similarities: Lightly sweetened, creamy, rich flavor

Not recommended Low-fat recipes

Where can I get it? Commonly available in grocery stores with high-end cheese.

Health benefits: Phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Cashew Cream Cheese

Uses: Spread for bread, flavor booster, or ingredient to smooth a savory or sweet dish.

Texture Similarities: Creamy, smooth

Flavor Similarities: Lightly sweetened, tangy, nutty

Not recommended: For desserts

Where can I get it? Typically found in Whole Foods or stores with Vegan options

Health benefits: good fats, copper, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Almond Cream Cheese

Uses: Spread, flavor booster, or smoothing agent

Texture Similarities: Smooth, creamy

Flavor Similarities nutty, sweet

Not recommended: savory recipes

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Walmart, Target, Walmart, Kroger

Health benefits: Good fats, copper, magnesium, iron, and zinc

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Hung Curd

Uses. Flavor agent

Texture Similarities: Paste, Grainey

Flavor Similarities: Sour, Tart

Not recommended: For desserts

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: Helps in digestion as it has very good bacteria

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (5)


Uses: Protein substitute added texture

Texture Similarities: Firm, Soft cheese

Flavor Similarities: Bland, Sour

Not recommended: Recipes with longs baking time

Where can I get it? Target, Whole Foods, Walmart

Health benefits: Good source of protein and contains all nine essential amino acids

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Ricotta Cheese

Uses Spread, Mixture

Texture Similarities: Soft, a tad grainy

Flavor Similarities: Milky, Sweet

Not recommended: frosting or sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: excellent source of calcium and provides a range of other essential nutrients including vitamin A

Substitution Instructions: 1:1


Uses: Spread, Dip,

Texture Similarities: Soft, Spreadable

Flavor Similarities: Tangy, rich, sweet

Not recommended: Low-Fat Content recipes

Where can I get it? Generally sold as a specialty item

Health benefits: Calcium

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Sour Cream

Uses: Dip, flavor profile

Texture Similarities: Smooth, creamy

Flavor Similarities: Tart, lightly sweet

Not recommended: High Heat recipes

Where can I get it? Local grocery store

Health benefits: fat-soluble vitamins, probiotics to boost your digestion and immune health.

Substitution Instructions: 1:1


Uses: Spread, frosting

Texture Similarities Flavor Similarities

Not recommended: recipes involving heat

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: combat several conditions, such as allergies, candidiasis, and gastrointestinal problems.

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Vegan / Vegetarian Cream Cheese

Uses Spread, dip, flavor additive

Texture Similarities: smooth

Flavor Similarities: Light, tangy

Not recommended: For sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: good source of vitamin A and contributes some riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Little Swiss

Uses: Spread, flavor additive

Texture Similarities: Yogurt-like texture, creamy

Flavor Similarities: Bland, tart

Not recommended: Low-fat recipes

Where can I get it? Any Local Grocery Store

Health benefits: Nutrients that are good for your bones, your eyesight, and your immune system

Substitution Instructions: 1:1


Uses Spread, Flavor Booster

Texture Similarities: Semi-Soft, Grainey, Spreadable

Flavor Similarities: Lightly sweet

Not recommended: For recipes with high heat

Where can I get it? Whole Foods ( hard to find)

Health benefits: high in calcium to aid for better bone health

Substitution: 1:1

Goat Cheese (Chevre)

The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (6)

Uses: A thickening agent or additive for a dip

Texture Similarities: Firm

Flavor Similarities: Tart, Strong

Not recommended: Sweet dishes

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: calcium, an essential nutrient for your bones, teeth, and organs

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Greek Yogurt

Uses: Dip, Spread, Flavor

Texture Similarities: Creamy, Smooth

Flavor Similarities: Sweet, tangy

Not recommended: Savory Recipes

Where can I get it? Target, Whole Foods, Walmart

Health benefits: calcium

Substitution Instructions 1:1 (must be strained)


Uses Spread, Dip

Texture Similarities: creamy, gritty

Flavor Similarities: sweet, tangy

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it? Target, Walmart, Whole Foods

Health benefits: Nutrients like vitamin B and iron

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Dry Curd Cottage Cheese

Uses: Flavor additive

Texture Similarities: thick, firm

Flavor Similarities: Tangy, light ( pending maker)

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: nutrients, including protein, B vitamins, and minerals like calcium, selenium, and phosphorus

Substitution Instructions: 1:1 (pending recipe)

Pureed Silken

Uses: Versilate use

Texture Similarities: creamy, soft (once strained)

Flavor Similarities: light flavor

Not recommended: sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: iron, calcium, and other micronutrients

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Buttermilk cheese

Uses Spread, Flavor

Texture Similarities:

Flavor Similarities: Sour, Tangy

Not recommended: Sweet Treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: buttermilk contains vitamins, minerals, and probiotics

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Tofu Spread

Uses: Spread

Texture Similarities: Firm, thick

Flavor Similarities: Bland

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits protein and contains all nine essential amino acids

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Boursin Cheese Spread

Uses: Spread

Texture Similarities: Soft

Flavor Similarities Light ( pending maker)

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: Vitamins, Minerals

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Alouette Cheese Spread

Uses: Spread

Texture Similarities Soft

Flavor Similarities: Strong ( pending maker)

Not recommended: sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: Full Of vitamins

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Rondele Cheese Spread

Uses: Spread, dip

Texture Similarities: Soft

Flavor Similarities: Strong

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it?: Whole Food

Health benefits: Vitamins, nutrients

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Creme Fraiche

Uses: Spread

Texture Similarities: Creamy. Smooth

Flavor Similarities: Sweet, light

Not recommended: High heat dishes

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: Vitamins, minerals

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Strained Yogurt

Uses: Dip

Texture Similarities: Smooth, creamy

Flavor Similarities: Lightly sweet

Not recommended: Savory dishes

Where can I get it? Whole foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: Vitamins, Minerals

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Coconut Cream Cheese

Uses: Spread, dip

Texture Similarities: Creamy, smooth

Flavor Similarities: Light, sweet

Not recommended: High Heat recipes

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: Vitamins, minerals

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Tofutti Brand

Uses: Spread, dip

Texture Similarities: Creamy

Flavor Similarities: Sweet

Not recommended: Savory dishes

Where can I get it: Whole Foods

Health benefits: Vegan, dairy-free, kosher parve, gluten-free, lactose-free, milk-free

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Petit Suisse (Double Suisse)

Uses: Spread, dip

Texture Similarities: Creamy, firm, thick

Flavor Similarities: Sweet, smooth

Not recommended: Savory recipes

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: Vitamins, Minerals

Substitution Instructions 1:1

Boursin Brand Gournay Cheese or Alouette Garlic Herb Cheese Uses

Texture Similarities: Soft, creamy

Flavor Similarities: Strong

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods, Target, Walmart

Health benefits: Vitamins, Minerals

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Butter Beans

Yes, you read that right! Butter beans are the main ingredient for nut free, soy free, Vegan cream cheese. Check out this recipe from Make it Dairy Free for the recipe.

Uses: Flavor additive

Texture Similarities: Firm

Flavor Similarities: Light, tangy

Not recommended: Sweet treats

Where can I get it?: Wholefoods

Health benefits: fiber, protein, B vitamins, and many other essential vitamins and minerals

Substitution Instructions: 1:1 (once made for cream cheese)

Yogurt Cheese

Uses: spread

Texture Similarities: Creamy, soft

Flavor Similarities: Sweet, tangy

Not recommended: Savory treats

Where can I get it? Whole Foods

Health benefits: Vitamins, Minerals

Substitution Instructions: 1:1

Can You Make Your Own Cream Cheese?

Yes! Making cream cheese at home is easier than you think. Check out Cultures for Health recipe for homemade cream cheese.

Is There A Dairy-Free Cream Cheese?

There's a vast array of dairy-free cream cheese replacements available. Here are a few you should try. ( also listed above)

  • Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese
  • Vegan Cream Cheese
  • Vegetable cream cheese
  • Nut Cream Cheese
  • Tofu Cream Cheese

There are more. But here are a few to get you started.

How Much Cream Cheese Substitute Should I Use?

Most of the cream cheese replacements call for a one-to-one ratio in recipes. But of course, just like the use of, let’s say, tomato paste, you have to test the amount you put in any recipe. As the taste will vary based on which substitution you put in.

Are There Health Benefits To Using A Replacement Cream Cheese?

If you’ve eaten regular cream cheese, you know there are a few health benefits to eating traditional cream cheese. So, yes, there are a few benefits if you use a replacement. Here are a few:

  • Less Fat
  • Dairy-free options
  • Gluten-Free
  • Nutrition benefits

Can You Freeze Cream Cheese Substitutes?

Each cream cheese substitute provided will have different storage time frames. But as a rule of thumb, you can use these guidelines to keep your cream cheese fresh.

  • Freeze up to two months
  • Ensure your cream cheese is in an air-tight container.
  • If opened- move to an air-tight container, then freeze.


The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (7)

Can I Just Use Milk Instead of Cream Cheese?

Yes, you can use milk to replace cream cheese, but you have to watch out for things like curdling, flavor, and consistency. Be sure to continually check the temperature you're cooking on and the time you need to ensure the consistency you need to achieve for your recipe.

Can I Use Mayo Instead of Cream Cheese?

Yes, you can. Mayo has a creamy texture, is spreadable, and has a sweet flavor like cream cheese. This will come down to the flavor profile you're looking for, as well as the consistency you need for the recipe.

Can I Use Greek Yogurt Instead of Cream Cheese?

Yes, yogurt can also be used as a substitute for cream cheese. You will have to work with yogurt a bit to get it to need cream cheese consistency. Greek Yogurt is an excellent choice for a spread or dip.

Practical Steps To Take:

  • Save this for later use
  • Ensure you know the flavor profile of your dish
  • Check your ratios to ensure which substitution you need.

Quick Answers To Your Questions

What is a cream cheese substitute?

Cream cheese substitutes are other ingredients that can mimic the flavor or use of cream cheese.

What is a good substitute for cream cheese in a cheesecake recipe?

The best replacement is Mascarpone cheese.

When baking, can I substitute ricotta for cream cheese?

Yes, Its smooth texture is a winner.

Is Philadelphia cheese the same as cream cheese?

Philadelphia is a brand that makes cream cheese.

What does cream cheese taste like?

Cream cheese is a tad tangy and just a little bit sweet.

How can I make Oreo balls without cream cheese?

You can use a cream cheese replacement from above. Mascarpone cheese would be a good pick.

How do you make a cream cheese frosting without cream cheese?

You can use a cream cheese substitute from the list above—ricotta cheese.

Can goat cheese be a substitute for cream cheese for most recipes?

Goat cheese can be made into cream cheese, but it has a very different flavor profile.

What will be the substitute for cream cheese for a red velvet cake?

Mascarpone Cheese.


Cream cheese is always on my grocery list; it’s full of flavor and can be used in many recipes. While you can still pick it up, you also know if both the fridge and the stores are out, you have a complete list of substitutions to use.

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The Absolute Best 31 Cream Cheese Substitutes (2024)


What is the best substitute for cream cheese? ›

Cream Cheese Substitutes:
  • Neufchâtel. ...
  • Mascarpone. ...
  • Silken Tofu. ...
  • Cottage Cheese. ...
  • Hummus. ...
  • Quark. ...
  • Cashew Cheese. ...
  • Homemade Cream Cheese. If you don't need cream cheese immediately and can wait a few days, you can make your own cream cheese from yogurt and kosher salt.
Oct 18, 2023

Is Neufchâtel the same as cream cheese? ›

Neufchâtel cheese has a slightly lower fat content than cream cheese and a slightly higher moisture content. For use as a spread, this difference will be unnoticeable, and you can make substitutions in a 1:1 ratio. But if you're planning to bake with your Neufchâtel cheese, it could be problematic.

What is the closest thing to quark? ›

So what are the best quark substitutes? Cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, ricotta cheese, Greek yogurt culture, mascarpone cheese, and crème fraîche are all good alternatives to quark cheese, though you really owe it to yourself to try making this fantastic cheese yourself to find its own unique cheese voice!

Can mayonnaise be used in place of cream cheese? ›

Atypical recipe calls for soft cheese and heavy cream as binding ingredients, but mayo works as a reliable sub. You can also add a cream of mushroom soup mix for extra flavor.

Can I use Philadelphia instead of cream cheese? ›

Yes. Philadelphia Cream Cheese is a brand name for the food cream cheese.

Can I use ricotta in place of cream cheese? ›

Using Ricotta In Baked Goods

The bottom line is: If a baked good calls for cream cheese, then it can be substituted for ricotta. You can stuff it into buttery, flaky croissants or crumbly puff pastry pinwheels for a mouthwateringly delicious treat that's crusty on the outside and luxuriously creamy on the inside.

Which is healthier cream cheese or Neufchâtel? ›

The differences in fat content in these two types of cheese do show up in calorie count. An ounce of cream cheese contains 99 calories, nearly all of them from 10 grams of fat. (The cheese would contain only 2 grams of protein.) The same amount of neufchatel has 74 calories and less than 7 grams of fat.

Can I use Neufchâtel cheese instead of cream cheese for cheesecake? ›

It is not incorrect to say cream cheese is the American version of French Neufchâtel. But the two cheeses are not the same thing, even though they taste similar and you can swap one for the other in most recipes, like in cream cheese frosting and cheesecake.

Can you freeze cream cheese? ›

While cream cheese may not last long in the fridge, you can freeze it for up to two months. To use frozen cream cheese, thaw it in the fridge overnight or defrost it in the microwave. Previously frozen cream cheese will still have the same flavor as its refrigerated counterpart, but its texture may be grainy.

What is quark called in USA? ›

Quark is a soured milk, fresh, unaged cheese product which is gaining popularity in the U.S. because of its versatility. You also will hear it called dry curd cheese, farmer's cheese and sometimes pot cheese.

Does Trader Joe's sell quark? ›

Stores like Lowes Foods and ShopRite carry quark from Wünder Creamery in their yogurt aisles. Different brands of the dairy product can be found at stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods in the yogurt or cheese aisles, whileKroger carries cups of quark from Vermont Creamery in some of its locations too.

What is quark in English? ›

curd [noun] (also curdsnoun plural) the solid substance formed when milk turns sour, used in making cheese.

What replaces cream cheese? ›

Greek yogurt is a great alternative to cream cheese. It also gives your favorite dishes a healthy twist because it's rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin B12 ( 3 ). Use an equal amount of Greek yogurt in place of cream cheese to make dips, spreads, frostings, and baked goods.

Which is healthier, cream cheese or mayonnaise? ›

Is cream cheese healthier than mayo? One tablespoon of regular mayonnaise has 94 calories and 10 grams of fat. A tablespoon of whipped cream cheese has 30 calories and two and a half grams of fat. Cream cheese also is better regarding vitamin A.

What to use on a sandwich instead of mayonnaise? ›

7 Healthy Mayonnaise Substitutes
  • Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is a great healthy substitute for mayonnaise. ...
  • Avocado. Avocados obviously don't have the same flavor as mayo, but the creaminess can replicate mayo in lots of dishes. ...
  • Hummus. ...
  • Sour Cream. ...
  • Tahini. ...
  • Mashed Tofu. ...
  • Cashew Cream.
Jul 17, 2023

What cheese is the same as cream cheese? ›

Neufchâtel Cheese

In this style, it's really just cream cheese with a slightly lower fat content. It's a little less rich, but overall tastes and performs the same. Use Neufchâtel cheese as you would cream cheese: on bagels, in cheese balls, and in desserts—even cheesecakes.

Is sour cream and cream cheese the same thing? ›

While sour cream is made by fermenting cream, cream cheese is made by curdling milk, draining it, and processing it into a smooth, soft cheese. As a result, cream cheese does not have the same sour taste that sour cream has.

What is a low cholesterol alternative to cream? ›

For a lower-fat option, try swapping it for the likes of milk combined with Greek yogurt, olive oil, or cornstarch. For a healthier vegan and dairy-free option, consider coconut cream, cashew cream, or silken tofu and plant-based milk.

Can I substitute butter for cream cheese? ›

Cream cheese, mascarpone, ricotta and even cottage cheese can replace the butter in many recipes. Use high-quality whole milk cheeses in a 1:1 ratio for butter and consider straining ricotta or cottage cheeses through cheesecloth to help ensure they aren't adding too much liquid to your recipe.

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