The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It) (2024)

The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It) (1)

With so many “new” and exotic herbs on the market it’s easy to forget about the everyday plants that have traditionally been used to support our health. And that’s why this article is all about using stinging nettle for hormones.

Stinging nettle (latin name urtica dioica) is a weed that is native to Europe, but grows worldwide these days.

When you brush up against fresh nettle leaves, they release a chemical that stings.

But luckily that stinging effect goes away once they’re dried, cooked or basically processed in some way!

And that allows us to benefit from the many benefits that nettles have to offer.

So, in this post you’re going to discover all the ways in which stinging nettle could support your energy, thyroid, hair growth and so much more.

And then we’ll wrap things up by looking at one of the single best ways to add nettles to your diet.

Note: this post contains affiliate links and I earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) if you use them to make a purchase.


1. Good Source of Iron for The Thyroid And Entire Body

Did you know that iron deficiency can impair the production of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and contribute to hypothyroidism?

Yep, thyroid health isn’t just about iodine; you need iron too.

But what exactly is TSH? Well, it’s a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

The pituitary is always in communication with the thyroid.

As a result, without proper TSH production, your thyroid won’t receive the signals that are necessary for the production of T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine).

In fact, some reports indicate that patients undergoing thyroid hormone replacement therapy get better results when they’re given iron (as opposed to thyroid hormone therapy by itself).

Now, not only is stinging nettle leaf rich in iron it has has traditionally been used in the treatment of anemia (source).

So, adding nettles to your diet might be a good way to naturally boost iron and support the thyroid.

2. Balances Blood Sugar Levels

One of the most interesting benefits of nettle is its potential effects on blood glucose levels.

In fact, some experts state that nettle has three distinct effects related to insulin (1, 2):

  • Insulin-mimetic: it contains compounds that mimic insulin, thus enhancing glucose uptake.
  • Insulin-sensitizing: improves the cells’ sensitivity to insulin.
  • Insulin-secretagogue: stimulates the secretion of insulin.

With insulin resistance playing a major role in many different hormone-related symptoms, nettle has the potential to be a worthy ally for anyone who wants to bring more balance to their body.

3. Supports Liver Function

Glutathione is a major detoxifier that your body relies on for getting rid of toxins.

And glutathione is made in the liver.

Some animal studies show that the compounds in stinging nettle can increase glutathione levels, while also protecting the liver from toxins and inflammation (3, 4).

Given that a healthy liver is an important piece of the hormone balance puzzle, this benefit of nettle could be very helpful.

That said, more studies are necessary to confirm this glutathione-boosting effect in humans.

4. Fights Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s natural way of fighting off stress.

That stress could be emotional or from our diet (refined sugar, hydrogenated fats, pesticides, dyes and so on).

Regardless of the source, stress always triggers the inflammatory response,

During the inflammatory response, various things happen in the body, such as:

  • the adrenals release cortisol
  • blood sugar goes up
  • thyroid function goes down

This is fine in the short-term, but if stress lingers for a long time, that means we have chronic inflammation.

And chronic inflammation means everything I just listed above becomes your body’s new “normal.”

So, lowering inflammation is essential to balancing your hormones naturally.

And nettles can be a great ally because they are anti-inflammatory.

Nettle leaf lowers inflammation in two ways:

  • First, nettles support the liver which means your body can get rid of toxins. Less toxins equals less inflammation.
  • Furthermore, research shows that nettle can relieve joint pain and inflammation, including the pain associated with conditions like arthritis (source)

5. Major Source of Important Nutrients

Generally speaking, herbs are very nutrient dense.And stinging nettle is no exception!

It’s an excellent source of:

  • Vitamins A, C and K
  • Fatty acids (raw material for making sex hormones and adrenal hormones)
  • Minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and manganese.
  • Proteins

In addition, nettles are high in chlorophyll (which gives it its dark, green color). And chlorophyll is great for detoxification!

Furthermore, stinging nettle is loaded with various types of antioxidants including carotenoids, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

Within those antioxidant categories, some notables ones are:

  • Lutein: great for eyes.
  • Beta carotene: supports immune system, vision and healthy skin.
  • Quercetin: anti-inflammatory, improves allergies, lowers blood pressure.
  • Rutin: improves circulation, prevents blood clots, lowers pain

Oh, but wait…there’s more!

Nettles also provide you with B-vitamins, vitamin E, proteins and a whole lot more.

This weed is a nutritional powerhouse and one research paper even states:

“We recommend fresh or processed nettle as a high-protein, low-calorie source of essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins particularly in vegetarian, diabetic, or other specialized diets.” (source)

6. Helps With Hair Loss and Skin Health

Many of the nutrients and hormones that affect our hair and skin can be positively affected by nettle leaves.

Here are just a few of the ways in which nettles could be beneficial for hair loss and the skin:

  • First, we have the protein, collagen, which is a major component of hair and skin. Not only does nettle contain amino acids (the building blocks of collagen) but it’s also rich in vitamin C (which stimulates collagen production).
  • Second nettle is abundant in various trace minerals that are needed for hair growth and preventing wrinkles. And in particular, nettles contain silica which is used for collagen production and is responsible for making hair shiny and resilient.
  • Next there’s the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is an androgen (male hormone) that contributes to alopecia, as well as baldness in both women and men. And one promising animal study shows that stinging nettle is able to block the enzyme that makes DHT, thereby improving hair growth.
  • High androgens are also a factor in PCOS symptoms acne and excessive facial hair growth. So, once again nettles can help provide some relief when consumed regularly.
  • Lastly nettles contain B-vitamins which work together with collagen to keep hair and skin healthy.
  • Since nettles help with detoxification and reducing systemic inflammation, they can be helpful for inflammatory skin conditions like acne, rosacea and eczema.

By the way, if you do a quick search on Youtube, you will find quite a few videos from women who use nettle tea internally, and as a hair rinse, to regrow hair.

7. Natural Energy Booster

When our hormones are out of whack, fatigue and exhaustion usually follow.

Nettles might be able to provide a natural boost of energy thanks to their iron and amino acid content.

You see the body uses iron and amino acids to make hemoglobin, which is a protein that transports oxygen throughout the body.

So, by ensuring that you have enough hemoglobin (which is low when you’re anemic) you get more oxygen.

More oxygen leads to more energy.

In addition, the body uses amino acids to produce energy.

If you’re not getting enough of the essential amino acids, you can experience more fatigue.

Basically, stinging nettle could help to naturally increase your energy, without having to rely on strong stimulants.

NOTE: my personal experience is that nettle definitely makes me more alert and awake, without any type of jitteriness. It’s one of my favorite things about this herb!

8. Natural Remedy for Heavy Periods

Herbalists often use stinging nettle – together with other herbs – to help women who lose a lot of blood during menstruation.

One reason for this traditional use is because nettle is rich in iron. More blood loss means iron stores get depleted. So nettles are used to help rebuild those iron stores.

In addition, nettle contains vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting (learn more about the benefits of vitamin K for heavy periods here).


The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It) (3)

When it comes to making herbal tea, the basic formula to use is:

  • 1 tsp dried herb (1 tbsp) fresh herb
  • 1 cup boiling water

Steep for up to 15 minutes and that gives you a basic, pale tea like the one shown above.

However, there’s a much more powerful way of making nettle tea. It’s a method many herbalists use and it’s one that I’ve been using for many years: overnight nettle infusion.

An overnight infusion produces a significantly darker tea as a result of the higher concentration of nutrients.

Here’s what the infusion looks like:

The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It) (4)

Quite different from the regular tea, right? 🙂

The infusion recipe comes from Susun Weed, who’s a well known herbalist and expert on women’s health. She’s been doing this for about 50 years so the lady knows her stuff!

Here’s her basic formula for making a nettle tea or rather, nettle infusion, for hormonal imbalance:


1 ounce dried nettle (fresh isn’t recommended for this)

1 quart jar

Boiling water


  1. Place the herbs in the jar.
  2. Fill the jar with water.
  3. Cover and seal the jar.
  4. Allow to sit on counter top for at least 4 hours, or preferably overnight.
  5. Strain out the herbs.
  6. Store in the fridge and drink within 24 hours.

Below is Ms Weed’s video on making nettle infusion.

She recommends this strong infusion over a regular tea because the long steeping time gives you significantly higher amounts of the nutrients, such as:

  • 1000mg of calcium.
  • 15000 IU of vitamin A.
  • 760mg of vitamin K.

Not too shabby for simply letting herbs sit in a jar overnight!

A few things to keep mind about this nettle tea:

  • When you strain the leaves through a sieve, use a spoon to press down on the leaves. There’s always extra liquid in those leaves and you don’t want to waste it!
  • It has an earthy, grass-like flavor. So, I strongly recommend sweetening it with raw honey. I’m always amazed at how much honey completely changes it!
  • You can drink it cold or warm.
  • Aside from making you feel more energized, I’ve noticed this infusion gives me a greater sense of clarity. Especially after a long day. Great for clearing the mind and unwinding.

Now, to try this for yourself, just make sure to buy your herbs from a quality provider like Mountain Rose Herbs. You can find their organic nettle here (organic is preferable so that you avoid pesticide residue, which isn’t always a friend to our hormones!).


Besides drinking the overnight infusion, you can also add nettle to your daily routine by:

  • Using a tincture (aka extract): This is a very convenient option if you’d rather skip the process of making an infusion. Here’s a tincture you can use to get started.
  • Adding it to meals: Nettles can be used in the same way that you’d use other leafy greens (like kale or spinach). This means you can add nettles to pasta dishes, salads, soups and anything else you can think of.

NOTE: Fresh nettles sting. You must cook them or dry them really well to deactivate the stinging. Also, make sure to wear gloves while handling fresh nettles.


If you happen to be around a nettle plant, avoid touching it because it has hair-like structures that can cause a rash and itchiness.

Also, pregnant women should avoid this herb because it may contribute to miscarriage.

In addition, nettles can have a diuretic effect which can lead to dehydration. Drinking more water may not always be enough. Just make sure to eat enough other foods to balance minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and so on.

Furthermore, check with your doctor before using stinging nettle with drugs like:

  • blood pressure medication
  • diabetes medication
  • lithium
  • blood thinners
  • diuretics


Stinging nettle is a “simple” herb that has a lot of potential when it comes to boosting energy, supporting hormones and serving as a natural source of key nutrients.

I hope you try this infusion and have a good experience with it.

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The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It) (2024)


The Benefits of Nettle for Hormones (and The #1 Way To Use It)? ›

The roots of the plant are used to make supplements and nettle teas to support a healthy endocrine system and help to manage androgen excess symptoms (among many other benefits). The leaves are often cooked down or brewed into a tea to provide nutrients and kidney support.

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Nettle tea is also a galactagogue or a substance that stimulates milk production in nursing mothers. In young women, it helps avoid bloating and cramping that comes with the start of their menstrual cycle. By processing estrogen, reduces fibroids, regulates menstrual flow, and prevents menopausal symptoms in women.

What does nettle do for a woman? ›

This nutrient-dense herb has a wide-array of uses, but today we want to take a closer look specifically at how it's been used to treat issues of women's health. From treating UTIs and painful menstruation, to mitigating and preventing osteoporosis, the nettle plant is an ally not to be overlooked.

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The dried leaves and flowers can be steeped to make a delicious herbal tea, while its leaves, stem and roots can be cooked and added to soups, stews, smoothies and stir-frys. However, avoid eating fresh leaves, as their barbs can cause irritation. Currently, there is no recommended dosage for stinging nettle products.

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Whether you forage for your own leaves or buy it in a more convenient teabag form, having a cup of nettle tea every day offers a range of health and nutritional benefits, from reducing blood pressure to offering protective anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.

What are the negative side effects of nettle? ›

Stinging nettle is generally considered safe when used as directed. Occasional side effects include mild stomach upset, fluid retention, sweating, diarrhea, and hives or rash (mainly from topical use). It is important to be careful when handling the nettle plant because touching it can cause an allergic rash.

How much nettle should I take daily? ›

There's no one recommended portion size for nettle leaf or nettle leaf products, though the Arthritis Foundation suggests these amounts for arthritis benefits: 1 cup of tea three times a day. Up to 1,300 milligrams a day in capsule form. As a tincture (a solution in alcohol), 1-4 milliliters, three times a day.

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Nettle leaves are known for their diuretic properties -- Which makes the detoxing aspect seamless whenever your body releases waste. Nettles are also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and astringent.

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Stinging nettle features sharp hairs on its leaves . These hairs contain chemicals, such as formic acid and histamine, which can irritate the skin and cause stinging, itching, and redness. Stinging nettle hairs also contain a range of other chemicals that can affect humans, including acetylcholine and serotonin.

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Nettle leaf tea acts as a renal detox by diluting kidney stones and washing out gravel from the urinary bladder. It forces the kidney to discharge higher levels of water, washing out creatinine, toxic waste, and metabolic wastes from the body.

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When taken by mouth: Stinging nettle is possibly safe when used for up to 1 year. It might cause diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach in some people. When applied to the skin: Stinging nettle is possibly safe. Touching the stinging nettle plant can cause skin irritation.

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They discovered that eating nettles activates a hormone in cells known as FIAF (short for fasting induced adipose factor, in case you were wondering), which not only accelerates the conversion of fats into energy, but seems to protect your vital organs from absorbing too many fatty acids.

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It might stimulate uterine contractions and cause a miscarriage. Breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if stinging nettle is safe to use during breastfeeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

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Nettle and SHBG

Much later, the effects of Nettle on SHBG were studied, as it was shown that Nettle improved enlarged prostate issues, but had no change on testosterone. Researchers hypothesized that it might be because there was a relationship between SHBG and Nettle–and in fact there is.

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Did you know, that Nettle is a powerful herb that helps control the symptoms of acne effectively? Nettle is an acclaimed anti-inflammatory herb, having a long history as a treatment for skin conditions such as eczema and other rashes - which is one of the reasons it's a recommended herb for acne as well.

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