"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is the Late Late Show on Amazon Prime?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Prime Video: The Late Late Show with James Corden, Season 8."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does Hulu have Colbert?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"9:15 AM -- Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA) is pulling The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and other Comedy Central shows from Hulu LLC next week, The New York Times reports."}}]}}

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert : WTKR : February 7, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

10:00 pm

captioned by charlie, come on! (sonic boom) there he is. yeah. larry just reentered the earth's atmosphere. welcome me. millie: come on, come on. weather's forcing them to land at edwards air force base. road trip. let's drive the desert and pick him up. yeah, you know, we can rent a convertible

10:01 pm

oh, yeah, right, now that you're a poker champ, too. oh. hey, listen, i hate to break it toou, but i believe nasa requires a couple of days of debriefing. well, that's okay, well get him on the phone. yeah, mean, it's not everyday that your friend flies in on a rocket at 17,000 miles an hour. one small step for dr. fleinhardt, one giant leap for cal sci. oh, look, there he is! hey! that's him! (glasses clink) what's he got in his hand? is that macram\? who you going to see? pony fues. you escorting him to san quentin for the execution? no. ausa brickle. pony finally decide to rat? it's funny how death will make a man want to clear his conscience. doesn't sound like pony. pony fues has never cooperated until now. yeah, well, how do you know he is cooperating? how do you know he's not? this guy was a hit man for all the mobs,

10:02 pm

he's got hard-core information on all of them. yeah, or he's just playing us. i mean, the guy's got six days to live, right? exactly. nothing to lose. he might as well come clean. yeah, well, that's what we might do, but i'm saying a guy like this wants something, and i'm not cutting some hired gun any slack. this way. where's he at? shu prisoners are not allowed human contact. you'll interview him like this. brkle: can he hear us? yeah, i can hear you. what, but he can't see us? no. hardly seems fair, right? yeah, go figure. mr. fues, i'm ausa brickle withthe department of justice. with me is special agent don eppes of the fbi. i understand you're interested in cooperating with us on several unsolved murders. check it out, man, i ain't no rat. is that right? first of all, let's get that straight. uh, i'm only going to talk to you all about what i myself have done. okay. how many? well, i'll give you all five bodies so those families can get some peace. so they can bury their dead properly. yeah, how do we know you're not just taking credit

10:03 pm

details no one else knows. i also have a... photographic memory of my work. okay, fine. let's, uh, let's go ahead and get started. just slow down, not so fast, friend. you got to give me something. i want a visit with my daughter i ain't never seen my daughter before. i want to talk to her in person. o-okay. i'm gonna have to see about that, but i don't think it'll be not in here. a problem. not in no damn cage. i'm talking about outside of a prison. don: no way. ain't gonna happen. i'll give you five dead. that's a fair trade okay, okay, you know what, mr. fues, give me one second i'll be right back. don. don, hey, hey, hey. hey, hey. what? five bodies, that's... that is a lot of unsolved murder. come on, the guy's a con, he lying through his teeth. well, yeah, he's a con that's going to be dead on tuesday, you know, this is it. this is our... this is our last shot on this one. yeah, and what if he's just using his own kid

10:04 pm

what if he has to give us a body to prove good faith. you think he'd go for that? so, what y're saying just to clear one case? yeah, take it one step at a time, (phone rings) see where it goes. i don't know. all right, let me take a shot at this. all right. hey, what's up, man? it's me. epps? so, larry's back, we saw him land this morning. ah, cool. yeah, i haven't gotten him excellent. on the phone yet, but i'm thinking of throwing him a welcome home dinner when he shows, you want to come by? uh, i don't know, buddy, i got a problem here. what's the problem? well, we just got this death row guy who's trying to talk me into getting him off site, but i don't know. i think we're being set up. well, to do that... wouldn't he have to colle with someone on the outside? yeah, well, i mean these guys are faster than the post office getting info in and out. yeah but, you know, the prison is designed with obstacles to his communication. look, i can perform a vulnerability analysis on the prison system... wait, i gotta call you back. (dial tone) he's giving us benny wong. the chinese gang leader.

10:05 pm

bullet hole in the cranium. don, we found the body right where fues said. one shot to the skull. look at that. looks like wong's jacket. bullet hole right here in the chest. i tapped benny once in the head, once in the chest. he had on a... black and red leather coat. tough guy, benny, very, very bad taste in clothing, though. uh... i got four more for you all, but i got one that i know you're really gonnlike. 'cause it's a big one. what's the big one, mr. fues? you remember that congressman's kid that went missing? randal amato's son? yeah. i know where that boy is. brickle: are you, are you telling me he's alive? i'm telling you...

10:06 pm

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10:07 pm

the rich taste that pure can bring. because pure tastes better. i don't know why they make these barrettes so complicated for guys. my dad's giving me a dad-do. deangelo williams laughs. a dad-do comes from the heart. there's probably not a whole lot of style. who knows, i mean maybe there's a post-career here. grace watson giggles what you giggling about? i love you, dad. benjamin watson and grace watson laugh. you look in the mirror, who do you see? me. that's strong is beautiful. not having a good breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. get going with carnation breakfast essentials. with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d, to help your family be their best.

10:08 pm

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10:09 pm

mmmm mmmm, yoplait it was ten years ago, mafia, they tried to buy off freshman congressman randal amato-- he refused, they attempted to persuade him by taking his five-year-old son. yeah, yeah, i remember that. they could never prove murder, could never find the boy's body. now, i, i would love to hang this on phil berelli where it belongs. the guy's a shot caller. why, how's he get his hands dirty with this? ten ars ago he was an up and comer, and he bragged on a wiretap about teaching amato a lesson. yeah, and how does pony factor in? that's what i need to find out. i don't know, i got to tell you, i got a bad feeling about this guy. larry (on answering machine): greetings, gravity-bound hom*o sapiens. i am orbiting your lovely blue planet until the middle of earth year 2007. you may leave a message here or simply call out to the heavens. i will be listening. (beep) hey, larry, uh, so it's me again. i saw you set foot on terra firma, buddy.

10:10 pm

i'll come break you out-- whatever you need. just call me, okay? call me, all right? hey. hey. i want you to meet al brickle. he's ausa. this is my brother, charlie. oh, yeah and it's, it's alvin. good to meet you, your reputation proceeds you. oh, well... so... so, i, i, uh... i analyzed the secure housing unit at the prison. it's a hyper-secure system, but... prisoners have nothing to do except sit around and think about how to break it, right? right. nice suit there, ickle. nice face. it's like two opposing armies. where one army tries to get a spy past enemy lines. now, calculating the ratio of points of vulnerability versus resources required to defend those points determines probabilities of penetration. now, my model indicates that in this shu there are fewer than two percent of prisoners that can sustain illicit communications. now, that's three times less than at your average high-security prison. 98%, that's pretty good. maybe pony's on the up and up.

10:11 pm

that doesn't fit into my model. guards. and lawyers. that's the human factor. guards are squeaky clean, though. prison oversight on shu guards is much harsher than normal. what's the deal with pony's lawyer? no, he's been representing himself for the last two years. which is why he's riding the express train to execution. well, that means with over 90% assurance that he is not communicating with the outside world. colby: so we transport him here to meet his daughter... or not? i don't care what he did; he's my only father. you'd better care what he did. let's just take it easy. they're gonna kill him! do you know how many people he killed? lucy! damn it. (door slamming) i understand you don't want youraughter to see him. it's all she thinks about. the execution's on the news every day-- lethal injection or not, doctors present or not, will the governor stop it or not? he's requested a firing squad like gary gilmore. we don't do that in california, ma'am.

10:12 pm

i'm sorry, i don't mean that, i'm not like that. it's just watching my daughter go through this... i can't even imagine, mrs. fues. moreno. i went back to my maiden name when i divorced him. ms. moreno, has he been in touch with you or lucy, at all? through the mail... uh, telephone, maybe some old friends? no. he doesn't know where we are. can you give this to him? no, lucy, please. can you? i really think that's up to your mom. give him the photo, but i won't allow her to be in the same room with him. david: understood. (handcuffs jangling) you won't regret this. yeah.

10:13 pm

prisoner: good luck, pony. nice knowing ya. all right. prisoner 2: you getting the firing squad? hellnah, the needle. hey, shut up, all right? prisoner 3: why you leaving with the feds, fues? decided to rat, you wimp? no, i ain't no rat, pinhead bastard. he told you to shut up, man. i ain't no rat. oh, man. years. it's been years in that hole, man. pony, shut your mouth

10:14 pm

okay, okay, all right, boys. this is a nice day. where's my son? david: this is congressman randal amato. all right, i understand. i want to know where my son is! don: sir, just as soon as i know something, you'll be the first person i tell, all right? director's office okayed it. fues's ex-wife won't let the kid see him. well, this just keeps getting better and better, isn't it? the kid gave this for her dad, though. all right, well, just make sure he's all right.

10:15 pm

i am orbiting your lovely blue planet until the middle of earth year 2007. you may leave a message here or... hey. hey. hold him. so, what's up? , i may not be able to read this guy's mind, but i can offer you the best strategy in a confrontation like this. all right, what is it? tit for tat. say what? tit for tat-- it's the most winning strategy in game theory for the prisoner's dilemma. it dominates in every tournament against far more complex methods. let's say, you're in a race climbing a mountain against another climber. you can't scale the rock face alone, but you do want to be the first person to get to the top. your first move should be cooperative, then you mimic all your opponent actions. so, if he aggresses, you aggress; if he cooperates, so do you. so, if he attacks, and, and then cooperates, you're still supposed to cooperate? yeah, it's, totally counterintuitive, but forgiveness is necessary for the optimal result. what do you mean forgiveness? i mean people don't often forgive betrayal,

10:16 pm

so do you. that way, he learns that he gets more if he works with you. yeah, but, charlie, the guy's a sociopath; i can't trust him. well, that's, that's the beauty of it. you don't have to trust this guy. just mirror his actions. he gave me a body, i brought him here. so based on what you're saying, it's his turn? that's right, so let's see if he aggresses or if he cooperates. all right, i'll see what happens. how're you doing? everything all right? don: where's the congressman's son? i gave you benny wong on good faith. yeah, i took you out of the shu, so it's your turn. so i lay you out another body, do i get to see my kid? it depends how good your information is. i can give you jimmy morales. no, i want the kid. i don't trust you, man. the bottom line, i don't trust you 'cause you ain't gave me nothing. give me your word. all right, look, pony, here's the way it is.

10:17 pm

i promise you, i will cooperate with you. okay. you got to know i ain't want to do that to that kid. you know, belli just didn't have the nerves to do it. he was scaring the kid. i could just see it was going to be a mess. yeah, so? pony: i walked the kid down the hillside. i was talking to him about the man in the moon and when he looked up, i snapped his neck. yeah... he never felt a thing. where's this hillside? my wife and i have imagined the worst for ten years. nothing is wor than not knowing. hey, guys. this is not a child's body.

10:18 pm

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10:19 pm

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10:20 pm

look close, werther's is making sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. that are so smooth, rich andreamy you won't believe they're sugar free. discover werther's original sugar free. [ salesman ] congrats on the new car. [ woman ] thanks. the dealership reviews on cars.com made it easy, but... [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. you miss the drama? yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. okay. do you think my sister's prettier than me? elps you

10:21 pm

(sizzling, coughing) oh! charlie! oh, shoot! i'm sorry, are they ruined? i don't know. the smoke got in my eyes. are you all right? maybe we can save them. (both groaning) no. it looks like the petrified forest, huh? yeah. i put them on and then i got preoccupied with a problem in the garage. where is larry? so much for the celebration.

10:22 pm

i guess he's still being debriefed by nasa. i don't know why he can't call. don: hey. alan: hi. whoa, what's up? charlie was trying to barbecue, so, uh... we're going to have to order in now. thai food? i'll get the menus. charlie: don't even bother. grab the gas. thanks. barbecue ribs. not anymore. hey, are you sure about all this tit for tat stuff? teams have spent years trying to defeat it. even by cheating, yet it still remains the best way to achieve optimal results for both parties. you know, some theorists believe it gives insight to how groups of animals, how groups of humans, have come to live in largely cooperative societies. how about this: the gulied to us about where the kid was. right, so we find another body in its place. now how do you factor that in, aggression or cooperation? well, if he lied, that's aggression, you need to aggress on him. yeah, all right, well, that i can do. is that all you came by for? no, where's larry? he's not here yet. all right, well, i'm going to have to come back or i'll call you later, okay? okay. so we got the chi..

10:23 pm

oh! you lied! i'm sending you straight to san quentin and they're going to fill your veins with potassium chloride. you hear me?i did not lie... forget seeing your daughter! i did not lie! i don't know what happened. maybe somebody moved the body. who? berelli. he's the only one who knew where the kid was. we found a guy with gold teeth, not a five-year-old. well, you've got to dig deeper, man. give me your wrists. you've got to-- look, man. berelli could've stacked the body on top of the kid. uh-huh. ow! it's a good dumping ground. dig deeper. you make yourself comfortable. (growling) (angry grunt) sinclair. could you id him? yeah, we have a dna match. yeah, who? take a look. that's, that's lorenzo marcellus. yeah, marcellus, he was the west coast boss before berelli, right?

10:24 pm

by killing marcellus and taking his territory. how is pony connected? po would do a hit for the girl scouts as long as they had enough cookie money to pay him. berelli probably hired pony to grab the amato kid. all right, but what about marcellus? berelli did that one himself; at least that's what he said on tape. i've got a wall of rico files just on hi i cannot believe... i'm going to finally get this guy. this is huge. yeah? huge. morning. hey, anything? nope. here, i got you. all right, thanks. we dug all night. didn't find any other bodies. no evidence of reburying. i just don't think the amato kid was ever the. well, you know the guy you found was lorenzo marcellus. hmm. i just don't get why he lies about the kid, though. is it possible that he's still alive? maybe he was hired to kill him and couldn't go through with it? sent him away?

10:25 pm

i don't know, fues was a contract man, strictly professional, hired to hit the bad guys. maybe he just couldn't do the kid. yeah, i don't know. i have a court order for fues to take a polygraph. psst. charles. hey! larry! hey! hey! careful, listen, i've lost considerable bone density in space, so be careful. hey, why didn't you call? amita and i were going to come get you. no, no, i had a most pleasant bus ride from edwards. you took the bus? yeah, well, one can be silent aboard the bus. one can order food, get directions, make friends... i'll tell you, you know, language is in many ways superfluous. so how was it? how are you? and how was your lisa work? were you able to collect new data on gravitational pulls? i can understand if you can't tell me, i won't press. but larry, man, you were in outer space! looking out the porthole, seeing...

10:26 pm

looks like from out there? is it bigger? can you see the burn from the back? what is the difference in perspective on heavenly bodies and phenomena? is it negligible or is there that sense of, uh... of awe. "of awe," right, yeah. what is this? oh, this is an aztec quipu. "quipu"? quu, that's correct. okay. see, back in the glory days of tenochtitlan, these knots represted a code for commerce, and the buying and selling of jaguars and parrots and yuca. yuca. yes, ultimately it served a higher purpose in concealing secrets from the colonizing spaniards. but each braid, each knot-- each one of these tells a story. well, where'd you get it? nasa's so nosy. this was all in the pursuit of privacy. you made that? wow! what does it signify? ah, now charles, would you read my diary? oh, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. well, look, amita is dying to see you. millie wants to throw, like, a school-wide party for you. and i shld tell you that megan... no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

10:27 pm

invite you to dinner. i'm in really no frame of mind for more complex social interaction, not at the moment. yeah, okay. sure, hey, cool. cool, where you staying? oh, i have a place at the beach. nice, hey, man... yeah. ah, man, i missed you. i really... i really missed you, man. amato: why is this taking slong? don: well, congressman, you've got to understand there's a process involved and basically... he just described the location of another body. all right, why don't you send a team over, check it out. did he mention my son? no, they're just getting to that now, sir. n i see you for a second? yeah, sure, excuse me. pony: i walked the boy down the hill. uh, i was talking to him about the man in the moon. he looked up, i snapped his neck. you son of a bitch! hey! hey was only five! congressman... he was only five! tell him-- look, man... the boy didn't feel no pain. i calmed him down.

10:28 pm

sir, you can't do this. all right, sir? let's focus back here, mr. fues, sit down, please. the boy's body was not found where you said. re you lying about that? no. you gonna eat or you gonna play? (short siren blast) (tires screech) fbi, gentlemen. philip berelli, you're under arrest for the murder of lorenzo marcellus. again? don't pull that chain unless you want the whole dog. berelli: i'll be out in three hours. brickle: not this time, berelli. i have lorenzo, gold-capped teeth and all. what do you have to do with the amato child's disappearance? we have a lot to talk about, phil. relli: rat bastard fues. couldn't keep his mouth shut for four more days. guess he figured you can't hurt him if he's going to be dead by the middle of next week.

10:29 pm

what about this guy? this guy's... been through a lot. dogs bring out the good in us. pedigree brings out the good in them. feed the goo pepper discovers jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. an excellent source of protein, it fuels her up with energy to help power through her morning. with jimmy dean delights, good mornings lead to great days. one crest 3d white smile... ...is all it takes... ...to turn the tables. crest 3d white toothpaste... ...removes 5 times more stains... ...than the red box. for a smile like that, crest 3d white... is the way to whiten. i would kill for something sweet. i know... we could have one of those.

10:30 pm

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10:31 pm

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10:32 pm

good morning. have you been out here all night? the sun rose every 90 minutes on the space station, charles. i find night to be exquisitely consoling back here on earth. you were going to wake me before you were ready to go, right? i'm just... i'm not ready for this, charles.. i'm not. not for any of it. larry... larry, this is crazy. this is nuts. you're staying at our house. look, after months of living in a metal capsule, the thought of confined spaces is simply intolerable to me. god, i don't know what's going on. i feel like i'm in some dream with the ghost larry, and i just want to wake up and talk to the real guy. well, perceptive, as always, charles. well, what... what's the matter, man? you can talk to me. come on. well, i suppose it's all there in the quipu,

10:33 pm

there. that's my first telescope. i was three years old. president of the rocket club-- fifth grade. docent at the planetarium-- junior high. then way over here, four months and 12 days on the space station. i entered my dream. i experienced transcendence, charles, okay? i... my being became bigger than my body, it became bigger than my history. you see? and i am loathe to become small again. are we all so bad down here? the beauty and fragility of life on earth, it takes my breath away. so what's your problem? that i will habituate

10:34 pm

(cell phone ringing) they need me at the fbi. come on. hey, spaceman, welcome back to earth. look at you, buddy. come here, give us some love. he just wants to keep a low profile. he was with me when you called, so..sounded urgent. i'm sorry. absolutely. yeah. come on. i got don following an equivalent retaliation protocol. oh, yeah, tit for tat, h? yeah. its inventor anatol rappaport just passed away. i read his obit online in space. that's the guy. and he passed his poly. polygraph is a blunt instrument. right. exactly. so... hey. how are you? can i see you for one second? don: yeah, i'll be right there. what's up? fues is agitated. he wants to see his daughter. nuh-uh, not until he gives us that boy, no way. right, right. listen, i was thinking maybe i could take another run at the ex-wife. yeah? if we have the girl, we have more leverage.

10:35 pm

he's been there before. all right, all right. don: i thought you wanted to see your kid? you're damn right. i gave you everything you asked for. no, you faked out a polygraph test, that's all you did. you gave me your word. now, what more do you want from me? don: i want the truth. pony: i told you the truth! yeah, well, the body wasn't there! you lied to me! i'm tired of this! (knocking) guy's a liar. he should have his head cracked! you're awfully emotional. yeah, you bet. look, you're in a death spiral, all right? it's what we call a grim trigger strategy. mm-hmm. all right, he lied, you're never gonna forgive him, that's it, that's game over. yeah, fine, good, game over. can i tell you the best way to get out of a negative spiral? tifor two tats. are you kidding me? no. you cooperate twice in a row, despite his defection, you give him something he wants. you're at a dead end, man.

10:36 pm

yeah, all right. turn it over. thank you. where's that boy, pony? i told you all i know. david: brickle, this woman doesot want her daughter in the same room with fues, okay? she's made that abundantly clear. if it means he confesses more murder, she may be persuaded. i just want to talk to her. what name's she using now? rene moreno. what are you looking at? got a red suv, it's been following us for a few miles now.

10:37 pm

no. you're not kidding. it could be berelli's men, hoping we'll lead them to the ex-wife's house. we have agents guarding them. yeah, i'll call up ahead. hey, it's david sinclair... (crash) (tires screeching) are you serious? go, go, go, go! no, no, no, nono. hey! hey! hold on!

10:38 pm

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10:39 pm

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10:40 pm

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10:41 pm

and the governor's office is saying turn up something concrete or else hand over fues for execution. all right, just give me a minute, would you? look, i mean, i'm out of time. it's so odd-- he wants his daughter back, he seems to cooperate, he's not trying to escape. don: screw it. i'm sick of trying to get in this freak's head anyway. psychology is a step or two behind neuroscience these days. meaning? fmri. functional magnetic resonance imaging. yeah, it's a brain scan. larry: deception requires more energy-- i.e. more blood to the brain-- than truth telling, which is a simpler task. you can tell if he's lying? charlie: the fmri can detect even partial truths. can we get one? oh, it can be challenging. the magnet weighs over two tons. i'm not sure your elevators could handle that. e at cal sci's kept in the basem*nt. (knock at door) i need to talk to you. all right. set it up. david: run! move!

10:42 pm

go! hey, all due respect, sir, you are making this more volatile than it has to be. my wife is tortured night and day with thoughts of my son's death. i understand. i will do anything to give her peace. i don't care if i make a fool of myself, i don't care if i make the situation more volatile. sir, this is our last chance to find out what happened to your son! now, i can only move this prisoner with fbi personnel. if you insist on coming, i'm gonna have to call it off! now, i will call you as soon as i know anything, all right? you'll have to excuse me for one second. hey. we're ready to transport fues. you know where david is? he's with brickle, talking to the ex-wife. get down! you have your cell phone on you? it's in my briefcase. it's not here, it's back in my briefcase. you've been shot in the arm; you're bleeding. (groans) that feel any better? yeah, it's fine. you know how to use a gun? point and click? more or less. you don't waste any shots.

10:43 pm

take it. does this thing have a safety? no. great. (branch snaps) all right, come on, move. that way. go, go! quiet. stay down. brickle: these guys are crazy. they're coming after us now? jeez. i've got all of berelli's rico files. he kills me, his case gets postponed for months while another ausa gets up to speed. meanwhile, his lawyers get him out, and he skips the country. so if i give you up, i can go home? just kidding. let's go. come on. this all seems familiar. larry, you've only been gone four-and-a-half months. larry? he's lost some bone strength. hi. just six percent. oh. it's... (chuckles) it's so wonderful to see you. thank you. i set up the fmri with quartz.

10:44 pm

good thing it's a saturday, or we couldn't pull this caper off, huh? hey, uh, just... i cleared the whole building-- faculty, students-- for two hours, all right? that should give us enough time to explore this convicted felon's neurons and get him out, no? yeah. great. listen, would you mind if we... larry? larry's here? larry! welcome back. millie. oh, so good to see you. oh! bones! bones! bones? just some demineralization of the skeleton due to microgravity. aw... how are you, mildred? i'm good. and look at you; you look great. we are so proud of you. we are going to throw you the party of your life, mister. actually, i think d prefer everyone just kind of pretend i'm not here, which is not altogether untrue. millie: no, no, no, no. it's on us. we're so proud of you. (whispers): down, down. quiet. (loud clank) (whispers): hey, quiet! (screaming) move! no, this way! go!

10:45 pm

stay calm, brickle, all right? i will get you out of here. all right. are you ready? ready for what? what's the plan? you're gonna run and shoot. that's all you have to do. all right, let's go. hold on a second. what? all right, let's go. go! david's ill not answering up on his radio. 30 minutes. find him. ready. look, pony, i want you to describe to me where you were. on a hill off highway 126, near castaic. (beep) truthful. hmm. pony: walking down the hill. could see the moon out. moon was pretty good. (trilling) truthful. what day did the boy go missing?

10:46 pm

'97. don: then what happened? i talked to the boy about the man in the moon. (trilling) when he looked up, i broke his neck. (beeps) truthful. pony: but, you know, he never felt it. never felt a thing. he... he-he wasn't scared. january 13, 1997 was a new moon, meaning there was no moon. rain all throughout l.a. county. his brain activity shows no signs of deception. that's only possible if there's some sort of... confabulation. he's constructed a memory that he believes is real. he's fooling the machines because he's fooling himself. may i? sure. just, uh, hit this button. . fues, it was raining the night randy amato was killed. and there was no moon. pony: whathat...? what-what... what are you saying? (trilling)

10:47 pm

(grunts) (gunfire) (gunshot) (gunshots) (gunshot) (grunts) (gunshots) i'm out. point and shoot! point and shoot!

10:48 pm

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10:49 pm

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10:50 pm

7 days ago, karen wasn't thinking about joining her daughter's yoga class. she was thinking about her joints. but now that she's taking osteo bi-flex, she's noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. with continued use, it supports increased flexibility over time. karen: "she's single." it ao supports wonderfully high levels of humiliation in her daughter. karen: "she's a little bit shy." in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. osteo bi-flex. you were made to move. so move. hey, get up. listen! i need to get you out of here. let's go. we have to get to a phone. there's no phone, there's no help.

10:51 pm

(panting) it wasn't raining. how-how... how can that be? only one body was found on that hill. yeah. lorenzo marcellus was killed in the summer of '94. and on a dry moonlit night, no doubt. he's constructed his memory based on partial truths. pony, did you kill lorenzo marcellus on that hill? no. (beep) that was berelli. me and berelli set up marcellus. berelli hamarcellus thinking they were there to kill me. berelli said, uh, "look up at the moon." i looked up, marcellus looked up. berelli shot him. never saw it coming. (whirring) where's the boy, pony? don: it was raining. there was on moon. uh... look, no. hey, uh, i got to get out of here. you got to get me out of this thing. calm down! no! i got to get out of this thing.

10:52 pm

(overlapping chatter) we have to release him. i'm gonna break this thing! (frantic, overlapping chatter) let me out of here! all right, all right, all right. let me out of this thing right now! relax! i'm going to break it. don: pull him out. just calm down. you remember what happened, don't you? (gasps) huh? (panting) the kid was so scared. that kid was so scared, he was freing out, and, uh... i mean, he peed his pants, and i couldn't do it, man. i could not kill that kid, i couldn't do it. uh-huh. berelli laughed at me, and he shot him. where's the body? i don't know. i don't know\ where the body... i don't know. yeah, you do, pony. where's that body?! it was muddy. mud was everywhere. it-it was raining. berelli... shot the kid... and stuck him in a drainpipe.

10:53 pm

brickle: okay, wait just... look, you can't keep going. just stop, okay? you're hurt. you're losing too much blood. stay still. just stop moving for a second. i got to stop the bleeding. listen, i need to make a run for it. i'm going to go find a phone. i'm going to get help. i'm going to come back, okay? and you're going to be fine. toss it! it's in your best interest. you don't know how much i want to shoot you right now. put it on the ground! i was running out of things to say. grab his weapon. go on. all right. hands on your head. right now. (laughs) no one will ever, ever believe this. (laughing) (laughs)

10:54 pm

hi. i'm don eppes with the fbi. did they move him to san quentin? uh, in a few hours. mom, please let me see him. listen, i, um... i thought you should know that he did something today for someone else, and, you know, despite who he is and what he's done, it was really a decent thing. and he-he did it for your daughter. david: hey, granger, man, next time i don't answer my phone, do me a favor. just call the cavalry. yeah? what if you're having sex, huh? yeah, point taken. yeah. brickle, so, you're kind of the hero, huh? how's that feel? phew! i'm never leaving my office again. that's for sure. (elevator bell dings)

10:55 pm

i go in there? you have about a half an hour. you all right? mm-hmm. don: all right. hi. hi. lucy: um... i'm lucy. pony. pretty. thank you. sorry.

10:56 pm

(exhalesoudly) alan: so, why did fues confess to killing the boy when he didn't do it? he couldn't tolerate the thought of what really happened, so he created a false memory. but wasn't that false memory worse? larry: well, but not for the boy. you know, pony comforted himself with the delusion that he was providing the child a better death. now, granted that... that his death took place all in his own mind, but... alan: hey, larry, it's good to see you back. oh, thank you.

10:57 pm

truly i am, more than i can say, and i thank you for indulging my apprehension of walls and ceilings by dining al fresco like this. well, you're going to have to get over that, larry. you have to find a place to sleep, don't you? well, you know, i was rather hoping for a spot over near the koi pond tonight. (laughs) i think i have a better idea. oh, charles, i'm moved. yeah, you know, get you a reading light. maybe a little computer table. how about that? well, you know, i should mention, starting tomorrow, i do have a place to stay. really? where? well, i have secured a small but rather spiritually spacious cell at a monastery in altadena. you're becoming a monk? no, no, nothing so dramatic as that. no. the monastery allows the public to go on retreats there, and i just thought i needed some time to... transition for reentry. that's it. well, you know something, charles?

10:58 pm

and that outward focus-- it's given me quite a ride, but i just... now, i-i feel the need to explore the universe of a single mind. my o. well, altadena's only, what, a... a ten-minute drive from cal sci. well, or a 20-minute walk. of course, no cars. no 1931 ford roadster, but i would like to know what it's like to live without obsessions. white food? oh, that would be difficult. but, yes.

10:59 pm

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Stephen Colbert hosts a late-night talk show.

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Where can I watch old episodes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert? ›

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - watch online: streaming, buy or rent. Currently you are able to watch "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" streaming on fuboTV, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel .

Are tickets to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert free? ›

Stephen Colbert takes over from the venerable David Letterman. The show tapes at 5:30pm Monday - Friday. Tickets are free and the show sells out quickly, please consult their website to see if tickets are available and myriad rules and recommendations for attendance.

Does The Late Show with Stephen Colbert air on Fridays? ›

The #1 late-night series airs Monday through Friday, 11:35 PM-12:37 AM, ET/PT on the CBS Television Network, and is available to stream on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)* and is available in audio ...

How many seasons of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert are there? ›

Where can I watch full episodes of the Colbert Report? ›

Watch The Colbert Report | Prime Video.

How much does it cost to see Stephen Colbert live? ›

$91.36 is the average price you'll pay to attend one of Stephen Colbert hilarious comedy shows. These live shows often have a selection of cheap Stephen Colbert tickets listed for as low as $74.56 a ticket. $121.77 is the most you'll pay to get into one of Stephen Colbert live events.

Where does Stephen Colbert tape his show? ›

The program is taped at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City, the same studio as its predecessor Late Show with David Letterman. It airs new episodes live to tape in most U.S. markets Mondays to Thursdays at 11:35 p.m. ET/PT, as with its competitors Jimmy Kimmel Live! and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

What is the age limit for Stephen Colbert show? ›

You must be at least 18 years old to register for tickets. Guests of the registered ticket holder must be at least 16 years old and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. A government-issued photo ID is required for admission for all guests.

Is Stephen Colbert filmed the same day? ›

Usually, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” episodes are taped the day that they air. Sometimes, two episodes are taped in one day, with the later episode airing the following day. Another thing which the show has done is to shoot additional interviews and other segments to air on future episodes.

What is the highest rated late night show in 2024? ›

Final Q1 2024 Nielsen data has arrived, and a familiar offering has held steady at the top of the late-night ratings heap: CBS' The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Who did Stephen Colbert replace on THE LATE SHOW? ›

From the big screen to the small screen and some huge news in the land of late night. CBS has announced that Stephen Colbert, host of the satirical Colbert Report, will replace David Letterman as the next host of the late show. Letterman recently announced he would retire in 2015.

Who was THE LATE SHOW host before Stephen Colbert? ›

Stephen Colbert is the host of CBS' "Late Show" after succeeding David Letterman in 2015. He previously played a conservative pundit character on the satirical "The Colbert Report," a Comedy Central spinoff of "The Daily Show," from 2005 to 2014.

Where does Colbert live? ›

Is the Late Late Show on Amazon Prime? ›

Prime Video: The Late Late Show with James Corden, Season 8.

Does Hulu have Colbert? ›

9:15 AM -- Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA) is pulling The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and other Comedy Central shows from Hulu LLC next week, The New York Times reports.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.