Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (2024)

Do a little Internet research on weight loss and you’ll probably find yourself neck-deep in a sea of unfamiliar words and phrases like “macros,” “amino acids,” “weight-loss plateaus,” “metabolism,” and “BMI,” and on and on.

Those are all important things to learn about, but if you want to focus on eating healthy foods in the proper amounts, that’s where portion-control containerscome in.

The program’s color-coded container system makes meal planning and portion control easy and intuitive.

(Vegan? There’s a plan for you, too!)

What Is the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan?

First things first: The 21 Day Fix Eating Plan — it’s a common-sense method for planning and eating healthy meals that you can sustain well beyond 21 days.

It’s a portion-control eating plan, so no elaborate calculations or weighing — that’s what the containers are for.

Each color-coded container corresponds to a type of food (more details on the containers below).

If it fits in the container and it’s on the approved food list, then boom, you’re done.

You’re not going to feel deprived or hungry because each meal is roughly 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat — a balanced combination that won’t leave you craving junk food or empty calories.

Here’s the plan in a nutshell:

1. Calculate your caloric target. There’s a simple formula in the guide; all you have to do is plug in some numbers.

2. Find the calorie plan that corresponds to your caloric target. Each plan tells you how many of each container you can have per day.

3. Start shopping and cooking.

There are different calorie plans and each plan is flexible — you don’t have to hit an exact number of calories; you just have to stay within your plan’s caloric range.

If you don’t know where to start, check out the FIXATE cookbook and watch Autumn and her brother Bobby prepare Fix-approved meals on their FIXATE cooking show.

You can also find meal-prep guides for every calorie plan on the Beachbody Blog.

Bonus: Allthe meal preps and recipes include container equivalents, so all you have to do is check them off your list.

Why the 21 Day Fix Container System Works

You’re not counting calories

You only count containers — it’s a lot easier to keep track of three green containers than calculating the number of calories in everything you eat.

The only time you have to do any kind of math is when you figure out which calorie category you fall into. That’s it.

You’re eating real, filling foods

When you first see the containers, you might be thinking, “What? That’s not enough food!

But once you start the program, you may actually find yourself feeling full before you’ve finished all your containers for the day. That’s because healthy food has more volume — and is more filling — than junk food.

If you can’t finish all your containers for the day, just eat what you can. Just make sure you’re eating a little from all the containers instead of filling up on what you like and avoiding what you don’t like.

It’s flexible

You can mix and match foods in the same category. So if you don’t want to eat a whole green container of spinach, fill it with whatever combo you want, like half spinach and half carrots.

That still counts as one green container.

And as convenient and transportable as the containers are, you don’t have to eat out of them.

You can simply measure out portions in the containers, then put your portions on a plate or in a bowl.

What Foods Go into Each 21 Day Fix Container

Now that you know how and why 21 Day Fix works, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: which foods go into each container.

The guide includes lists of “approved” foods that are arranged according to nutritional value — the higher the food is on the list, the more nutritious it is.

The first rule of Fix containers is: As long as the lid fits, it counts.

Now that doesn’t mean you can squash an entire chicken breast into a red container, but don’t feel like you have to be polite about leaving room — pack it in.

Below, we’ve listed just a few examples of the foods that go into each container; check out the guide to see all the foods you can eat.

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (1)

Green Container = Vegetables

Your veggies can be cooked, raw, sliced, or chopped. It can be all one veggie or a mix of different kinds.

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (2)

Purple Container = Fruits

Berries, grapes, and cherries are the perfect size to pop into your purple container, but you’ll want to cut larger fruits, like watermelon, apples, or peaches into smaller chunks.

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (3)

Red Container = Protein

Don’t limit yourself to animal proteins like chicken or red meat. You can fill your red container with any kind of protein, like yogurt, eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, tempeh, or a scoop of Shakeology.

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (4)

Yellow Container = Carbs

These are foods like brown rice, beans, sweet potatoes, and whole-grain pasta. For foods that don’t fit into the container, the guide provides equivalents.

For example, if you love a morning whole-grain English muffin, then half a muffin is the equivalent of one yellow container.

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (5)

Blue Container = Healthy Fats

Hello, nuts, cheese, and avocado! You can also put in foods like hummus and coconut milk.

But before you go, well, nuts with your nuts, the guide provides specific amounts: 12 whole raw almonds, 14 peanuts, eight cashews, etc. — so don’t try to pour a whole bag of nuts in there!

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (6)

Orange Container = Seeds and Dressings

This wee container is for calorie-dense foods like shredded coconut, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and 21 Day Fix-approved dressings.

The guide includes recipes for dressings like Dijon vinaigrette, lemon-tarragon vinaigrette, and creamy herb dressing, so no bland salads for you.

There’s also a teaspoon measurement for oils and butters, such as olive oil and peanut butter. A teaspoon isn’t provided with the containers, so you can just use your own.

Can I Drink Coffee or Tea on 21 Day Fix?

Yes! But (there’s always a “but,” right?)… here are the rules about coffee and tea:

Unlimited: You can drink all the coffee and tea you want, as long as you only use these Fix-approved add-ins: cinnamon, lemon, pumpkin spice, and nutmeg.

One or Two 8-Ounce Cups: If you like a little milk and sweetness with your caffeine, you can have one or two eight-ounce cups with these Fix-approved add-ins: one or two tablespoons of low-fat or nonfat milk and one or two tablespoons of raw sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, agave syrup, or stevia.

Can I Still Eat Chips, Cookies, and Drink Alcohol?

Yes! But (sound familiar?)… here’s the rule: You’re allowed three indulgences per week.

Some of the treats you can eat include kettle chips, tortilla chips, banana-oatmeal cookies, dried fruit, and chocolate. (Hallelujah!)

If you prefer to drink your treats, you can sub in a beverage instead, like wine, beer, 100 percent real fruit juices, and kombucha.

And once a day, you’re allowed a Shakeology base such as milk, almond milk, or coconut water, allowing you to jazz up Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition!

Free Foods

You also get “Free Foods,” which don’t count against your container count. (No “buts” here!) Freebies include:

  • Water
  • Seasonings/condiments (like garlic, lemon/lime juice, herbs, ginger, etc.)
  • Spices (except salt)
  • Vinegar

You can also “hack” your containers with modifications: Instead of using a yellow container for a treat, use a purple and a blue to mix walnuts, green apple, and cinnamon. It’ll taste like apple pie, without all the unhealthy added sugar.

How to Avoid Plateaus on the 21 Day Fix

Stepping on the scale and not seeing proof of all your hard work can be frustrating. While plateaus are common, there are ways to avoid them.

Autumn first approaches plateaus with tough love:“First and foremost, I always start with the tough-love portion of this. I have people tell me all the time, ‘I’m really following it to a T, I swear. I’m also not even eating one of my yellow containers, so shouldn’t I be losing weight faster, ’cause I took one of my carbs out?’”

“You’re not following it to a T,” Autumn says. “Because if I wanted you to have one less carb, I would have given you one less carb.” The 21 Day Fix Eating Plan is designed to be followed exactly as it’s written to obtain optimal results. If you fall into a category that calls for three yellows per day, you are meant to eat them all. And who doesn’t love carbs? It’s a win-win for everyone.

Next, Autumn stresses the importance of drinking enough water and getting enough sleep every day. Staying hydrated helps flush your system while getting the right amount of shut-eye helps your body recover and repair.

“Eight hours, aim for it,” Autumn recommends. “Nine, if you’re lucky, but you’ve got to make sure you’re getting sleep.”

“The other thing to remember is that you are toning your body. You’re building lean muscle; you’re reshaping it. So I know we all love to get on the scale. I hate that darn thing, get rid of it,” she adds.“Look at your body, look at the way your clothes fit. Have you lost inches? That’s really important, take your measurements. It’s not just about the number on the scale.”

Autumn admits that she can get on the scale in the morning and weigh 109 pounds, then weigh herself again in the afternoon and weighs 113, because she’s eaten, consumed water, and her blood volume changes after she works out.

“If you’re doing something really healthy for your body, like exercising and eating right, be proud of yourself, stay on the course, and your body will eventually respond,” she says.

Pin, share, and print out this 21 Day Fix Container guide!

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (7)

Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers (2024)


Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers? ›

With the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, you'll use color-coded Portion-Control Containers: Green Container for veggies, Purple Container for fruit, Red Container for proteins, Yellow Container for carbs, Blue Container for healthy fats, Orange Container for seeds and healthy dressings, and teaspoons for oil and nut butter.

How do I figure out my 21 day fix meal plan? ›

Multiply your current weight in pounds by 11. This number is your calorie baseline (basal metabolic rate or BMR). Add 400 (workout calorie burn) to your calorie baseline. The resulting number represents your calorie needs to maintain your weight.

How much does each 21 day fix container hold? ›

here are the 21 Day Fix container sizes. Don't have the containers yet? You can buy them here. Green Container = 1 cup Purple Container = 1 cup Red Container = 3/4 cup Yellow Container = 1/2 cup Blue

What is the red container in 21 day fix? ›

Red Container = Protein

You can fill your red container with any kind of protein, like yogurt, eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, tempeh, or a scoop of Shakeology.

How much protein do you eat on a 21 day fix? ›

The nutritional approach for each Beachbody program varies slightly, but most plans, including the 21-Day Fix, follow a 40/30/30 model. This means you consume 40% of your calories from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.

What is the average weight loss on 21 day fix? ›

A study reports that a single 21-Day Fix round lasting three weeks can help participants lose up to 15 lbs. This may be a high estimate that by no means applies to men and women of all body types, ages, and fitness levels. Most people consider a weight loss of 1 to 3 lbs each week to be safe and reasonable.

What do the containers mean on 21 day fix? ›

With the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, you'll use color-coded Portion-Control Containers: Green Container for veggies, Purple Container for fruit, Red Container for proteins, Yellow Container for carbs, Blue Container for healthy fats, Orange Container for seeds and healthy dressings, and teaspoons for oil and nut butter.

What is a banana on 21 day fix? ›

A banana can cause some debate in the 21 Day Fix circle! So I again investigated the situation and came up with this information: A small-sized banana is one that's less than 6 inches long. A large-sized banana is one between 8 and 9 inches long.

Can you have coffee on a 21 day fix? ›

But in the tea and coffee bar section of the 21 Day Fix program materials, it says you can have 1-2 tsp of sweetener in 1-2 cups of coffee per day. These sweeteners are not, however, counted in FIXATE or Beachbody recipes. I have begun to note it in my newer recipes because I think it's important to keep in mind.

Can you have milk on a 21 day fix? ›

The only kind of canned milk on the 21 Day Fix food lists is canned coconut milk. It is considered a “healthy fat” or a Blue container on the 21 Day Fix. It can be used in so many recipes both savory and sweet.

What is the ultimate portion fix? ›

Portion Fix is for those who are seeking to have control over food instead of food controlling them with a structured, well-balanced and perfectly portioned program without cutting out food groups or starvation, and without taking the fun out of eating.

What does honey count as on a 21 day fix? ›

You may have noticed in the Tea & Coffee Bar section (p. 14) that you can have one to two teaspoons of raw sugar, honey, molasses, or maple syrup in up to two cups of tea or coffee each day. In other words you can have up to a maximum of four teaspoons of honey, molasses, maple syrup, or raw sugar a day.

Why am I gaining weight on 21 day fix? ›

The muscle becomes inflamed and slightly swollen due to fluid retention. This temporary retention of fluid can result in a 3- to 4-pound weight gain within a few weeks of a new program. Make sure you're drinking all of your water. Every function in your body, weight loss and muscle repair included, requires water.

How many eggs is a serving on 21 day fix? ›

Another reason I love to make this recipe is that I ALWAYS have the ingredients on hand. Of course, eggs are the primary ingredient. Two large eggs equal one serving of protein with the 21 Day Fix.

What does ice cream count as on a 21 day fix? ›

Fried foods, ice cream, pastries, candy, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, and soda are not included in 21 Day Fix.

How do I calculate my meal plan? ›

Here is the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation for both men and women:
  1. Males: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) + 5.
  2. Females: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) – 161.

How do I calculate my meals? ›

Go to the USDA National Nutrient Database and look up the calories and nutrients for each individual ingredient in the correct amount. Enter the information into the Meal Calculator spreadsheet including number of servings for each individual ingredient or recipe.

How do I find the right eating plan? ›

Look for these features:
  1. Flexibility. A flexible plan uses a variety of foods from all the major food groups. ...
  2. Balance. Your plan should include the right amount of nutrients and calories. ...
  3. Likeability. A plan should include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for life. ...
  4. Activity.

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.