Update Log (2024)

This page is a list of updates from the game news channel in the official World//Zero Discord server. Major updates are typically released on Fridays around 22:00 UTC.


May 31st, 2024


  • Golden Egg Hunt - Contribute total 100B golds to release the Dragon Mount in the future.
    • All Players can contribute, progress is shared globally.
    • Introducing Golden Eggs, which can hatch certain basic pets but with gold cosmetics. You can get 1 Golden Egg every time you contribute 1 million golds.
    • To make way for the Golden Egg Statue, The "Town" Waystone in World 10 has relocated next to the Dungeon Portal.
  • New Code "PRIDEFUL" for Rainbow Title and a Developer Gift.
  • Pride Cosmetics available in Daily Cash Shop for a limited time.
  • Pet Skill rebalances:
    • Poison Breath:
      • x1.33 -> x2.5 damage
      • Cooldown reduced from 40s to 28s.
    • Dire Blast:
      • x5 -> x9 damage
    • Shining Crystal Pro:
      • Cooldown reduced from 30s to 25s.
    • Glacier Whirlpool:
      • Cooldown reduced from 30s to 28s.
      • Now applied Super Frost instead of Basic Frost.
    • Meteor Mortar:
      • First shot: x5 -> x9 damage
      • Rest of the shots: x0.5 -> x1.5 damage

Bug Fixes

  • Outfits should show up for everyone again.

May 24th, 2024


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • Battlepass XP are doubled.
  • All Crystal Purchases are 20% off.
  • Daily Cash Shop are all white colored.
  • Darkmoon Sit Emote and Dark Matter Ball Mount on sale for a limited time.
  • Extended the Alien orb hunt in World 4.

All contents above will last until May 28th.

Bug Fixes

  • Hunter Class should no longer be obtainable until official release.
  • Spirit Archer's Spirit Bomb is no longer invisible.

May 17th, 2024


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • World 4 is now taken by Aliens:
    • New limited Side Quest: Find all 20 orbs in World 4 for Techbreaker helmet.
    • Player's jump boost massively increased.
    • Ravine area are now flooded by acid and currently unavailable, Happy Cacti spawnpoints are moved to Crossroad area.
  • New limited Alien Meteor mount in Cash Shop.
  • Blue, Black, Purple, Pink and #DEC0DE colors are available in Daily Cash Shop.

Bug Fixes

  • Duels should now ends properly upon death.

May 10th, 2024


  • New Galactic event:
    • All open world NPCs are now aliens.
    • Galactic Battlepass released.
    • Galactic Chest and Antimatter Chest are available.
    • New limited items in Cash Shop. With a new hexcode - #DEC0DE.
    • Content Creator giveaway on Twitch.
  • Elite Mobs now spawns in open world.
  • Recycler now resets weekly, and no longer contains event items.
  • Player stats now also tracks total egg hatched.

Bug Fixes

  • Locked items now show in trade when unlocked.
  • Kandrix now properly spawns in Arcane Tower.
  • Daily Quests should no longer resets on teleport.
  • Item popups should allow you to click through and not get the mouse stuck.
  • "Outfit Delete" button resized for mobile.
  • "Find Party" is no longer spammable.
  • HP UP perk now properly renamed to "Vitality".
  • Fixed the giant invisible hitbox in World 1.

May 3rd, 2024


  • New Limited Side Quest in World 10: Clear 500 floors in Infinite Tower to receive Techbreaker Costume/Title rewards. Lasts 2 weeks.
  • New modified Elite mobs in Infinite Tower:
    • Lightning - x2.5 movespeed.
    • Poisonous - Inflicts 3s Poison upon hit.
    • Exploding - Self destruct upon death, dealing damage equal to 25% of mob's max HP. Similar to Green Scarab.
  • Formal Shirt and Noble Outfit added to both Permanent and Daily Cash Shop.
  • Perk Changes:
    • Ferocious:
      • When damaged, increases attack damage by #% for 3s.
    • Fortress:
      • Now reduces #% healing instead of -20% walkspeed.
      • Perk Range increased from 10-35% to 10-40%.
    • Master Thief:
      • After killing an enemy, gains 5s Swiftness and can stack until 10s.
      • Swiftness speed boost is affected by Perk range.
    • Elemental Resistance:
      • Now reduces Debuff effects duration instead of chances to ignore it.
      • Perk Range increased from 5-10% to 5-15%.
    • Rough Skin:
      • Now pops up "Reflected" when activated.
      • Perk Range increased from 4-9% to 4-10%.
    • Bonus Ult Charge:
      • Renamed to "Energized".
    • Bonus Pet Food Chance:
      • Renamed to "Lucky Looter".
      • Now increased the drop chance of all mob drops (Unravel Stone, Empowering Stone, etc)
      • Perk range increased from 2-8% to 2-10%.
    • Bonus Gold:
      • Renamed to "Gold Hoarder".
      • Perk range increased from 5-15% to 5-20%.

Bug Fixes

  • Restored the lost Daily Quest Strikes after resetting.

April 26th, 2024


  • Upgrade station now has the option to fully upgrade an equipment instantly for Update Log (1) Crystals.
  • Recycler now has the option to purchase points with Update Log (2) Crystals.
  • Cosmetic Hex Pool range increased to allow lower Saturation and Brightness values.
  • Cogwork Armor and Cheerleader Costumes are removed from Daily Cash Shop rotation.
  • Casual Shirt #1 and #2 are added back to Daily Cash Shop rotation. Casual Shirt #2 also added to permanent Shop.
  • Perk Changes:
    • Mob Boss/Elite Boss/Boss of the Boss:
      • Renamed to "Mob Slayer/Elite Assassin/Boss Bane".
      • Mob Slayer/Elite Assassin/Boss Bane now also cause players to take #% extra damage from Mob/Elite/Bosses.
      • Mob Slayer no longer works against Elite mobs.
    • Vampiric:
      • Functionalities completely revamped: Now has #% chance to inflict Vampiric Effect for 3 seconds.
      • Perk range increased from 5-10% to 5-15%.
    • Self Destruct:
      • Explosion damage increased from 0.75+#% to 1+#%.
      • Ranged increased from 10 - 15 studs.
      • Cooldown increased from 45s to 120s.
      • When triggered, you'll survive with 1 hp instead of dying.
    • Bonus Walkspeed:
      • Renamed to "Agility".
      • Perk range increased from 2-5% to 2-10%.
    • Burn Chance:
      • Perk range increased from 2-7% to 2-15%.
    • Poisonous Thorns:
      • Perk range increased from 5-20% to 5-60%.
      • Poison Duration increased from 2s to 4s.
    • Resist Frost:
      • Now also work against Frozen.
    • Resist Knockdown:
      • Now also work against Slowness.
    • Resist Poison:
      • Now also work against Inked.

Bug Fixes

  • Daily Quest now properly reset on all character slots.
  • Fixed the visual bugs of the Recycler Menu.
  • Old players should now have their proper class unlocked.
  • Fix the boss spawn issue in Atlantis Tower.
  • Fixed the Controller input for main menu.

April 19th, 2024


  • World // Zero's 5th anniversary celebration:
    • Code "WORLDZERO" for "Zero Player" Title and a Developer Gift.
  • New Code "750KLIKES" for Crystals.
  • New limited Zero Crystal Chest that lasts for a week.
  • Cash Shop Sales:
    • Wrath/Envy/Greed Energy Board mount on sale for a week.
    • All other energy boards will be off-sale after a week as well.
  • Introducing Cosmetic Recycler.

Bug Fixes

  • Complete dungeons in world quest now opens the dungeon menu.
  • Players will no longer getting flung by bosses.
  • Atlantis Tower should no longer get stuck between floors.

April 12th, 2024


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • All Spring Battlepass items are now tradable.
  • Dungeon menu and Quest menu separated.
  • World 1 improvements.
  • New dungeon hub in world's town.
  • Character Customizer UI scaling adjusted.
  • New starting line for World 2 and World 3 dungeons.

Bug Fixes

  • Teleport screen now properly fit mobile screens.
  • Dungeon's starting line now show the correct dungeon difficulty.
  • Fixed the incorrect price in Robux Shop menu (e.g: Extra items is now 1299 instead of 1699).

April 6th, 2024


  • Daily Cash Shop now sells black colored cosmetic for the weekend.
  • Jeff the Ghoul Knight Mount is now tradable.
  • HP UP Perk now scales with upgrades.
  • Attack UP Perk now matches the Perk value instead of 20% + perk value.
  • Using Pet ability while the pet is far away will immediately teleport the pet back to player's location.
  • Dungeon loot screen now allows player to fast-equip it if it's better than current equipment's power.
  • When returning from a dungeon, players will be spawned at the nearest Waystone from where they left.
  • Waystone menu now shows in a consistent order instead of based on relative location.
  • Hotbar scaling adjusted to show bigger spell buttons on higher resolutions.
  • New starting line for World 1 dungeons. Similar to the final dungeon/Tower's theme.
  • Temple of Ruin (2-1)'s difficulty decreased:

Bug Fixes

  • Item details no longer glitch out for the last few columns in the inventory.
  • Item pictures no longer clip out of the item tile border.
  • Boulder's sound in Dire Problem (1-3) is no longer deafening.
  • Celestial Tower no longer glitched out at floor 30 with a full party.
  • Elemental Resistance Perk now works properly.
  • Ferret Mount is now properly tradable.
  • Changing scale in avatar editor will no longer flashes the screen.
  • Pyramid Dungeon (4-3)'s starting line now shows "Pyramid Dungeon" instead of "Desert Dungeon".

March 29th, 2024


  • Easter Egg hunt returns. Find 10 eggs from each world for accessory reward.
  • Cash Shop sales:
    • White/Chocolate Bunny Mount and Purple Bunny cosmetics is available for a limited time.
    • Dyeable Bunny Onesie and Bunny Tail will be available in daily shop.
    • Ferret Mount is permanently available.
  • Mobs will flash red when being attacked.
  • Play Menu, Dungeon UI, Pet nametag and Battlepass UI refreshed.

Bug Fixes

  • Item preview should no longer got stuck on the mouse in certain situations.
  • Sold item should no longer fall off the player's Cash Shop stalls.
  • Fixed a glitch that Necromancer's Undead Army Ultimate can activate while not fully charged.
  • Players should no longer get pushed by invisible forces during dungeon runs.
  • Vane, Aether Dragon (Boss) now applies Aether Burn effect properly.
  • Trying to feed a pet beyond player's level will now show a warning prompt.

March 25th, 2024 (Small Patch)


  • Spring Battlepass extended to April 8th.
  • Necromancer rebalanced:
    • Spirit Burst:
      • Orbs now moves much faster.
      • Ability still charges even if the orb is not absorbed.
    • Spirit Cavern now inflicts a new "Hexed" status effect.
    • Undead Army:
      • Increased the attack range of Death Knight.
      • Scythe now deals damage.
      • Disabled auto aim.
      • Inflict "Hexed" effect.

Bug Fixes

  • Vampiric perk now works on Necromancer.
  • Necromancer' tombstone are no longer collidable.
  • "Resist Burn" and "Resist Frost" perks now works against Aether Fire and Super Frost.

March 22nd, 2024


  • The second mastery class - Necromancer released. Players can unlock by completing 150 Nightmare difficulty dungeons as Demon.
  • New code "NECRO" for Necro Aura.
  • Cash Shop sales:
    • Necro Horse Mount is available for a limited time.
    • Necromancer Armor is permanently available.
  • Improved Hotbar UI size for large screen devices.

Bug Fixes

  • Certain cosmetic will no longer be casting glitchy shadows.
  • Fixed an issue where the dungeon menu doesn't scroll past special dungeons properly.
  • Demon's hit effect on basic attack now matches the hitbox size.

March 15th, 2024


  • As being participated in "The Hunt" Roblox Event, a special limited-time quest: "Collect 35 Easter Eggs" is available for players to obtain the event badge.
    • Each mob has a high chance of dropping an Easter Egg when defeated.
  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • Daily Cash Shop colors are GOLD and #FFAABB for the weekend.

Bug Fixes

  • Summoner's Summons no longer hit bosses twice per hit.

March 8th, 2024


  • Daily Cash Shop colors are Valentines Pink and Shamrock green for this week. With Black, White, #FFAABB, and 3D4AF37 (Golden) mixed in.
  • Spider Pets is added to Crystal Egg from World 3.
  • Elementalist rebalanced:
    • Icicle Field:
      • Now deals all damage at once.
      • AoE shape changed to semi-circle.
      • Range increased
      • Visual update
      • Damage increased from x3.5 - x4
      • Now applies 2s Super Frost instead of basic Frost.

Bug Fixes

  • Party Chat will no longer show message to non-party players.
  • Characters creation now works on console.

March 1st, 2024


  • New Pink Shamrock UGC Staff released. Obtain by defeating 1000 mobs with top hat on it.
  • You can now use "/p" to talk with party members privately (need to be in same server).
  • Hexcode "#FFAABB" and "#D4AF37" now has higher chance to show up in daily Cash Shop for a limited time.
  • Elementalist rebalanced:
    • Ice Needle:
      • Now inflicts 0.5s Frost
      • Range increased from 45 - 50
      • Projectile speed increased from 50 - 75
    • Fireball:
      • Cooldown reduced from 10s - 7s
      • Projectile speed increased from 50 - 75
    • Lightning Strike:
      • Now inflicts 1s shock on hit
      • Cooldown reduced from 15s - 10s
      • Radius increased from 5 - 12
      • Visual improvements
    • Storm:
      • Meteor blast radius increased from 18 - 25
      • Meteor now spawns immediately when casting
      • Visual improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the glitch with Guild Creation.
  • Vampiric Perk now works properly with Paladin's Lightsword.

February 23rd, 2024


  • New code "GUILD ARUA" for a new weapon Aura.
  • New Code "725KLIKES" for Crystals.
  • Spring Battlepass released.
  • Cash Shop sales:
    • New Hat o' Gold Mount and Pink shamrock themed weapon skins are on sale for a limited time.
    • Imagination and Flower Throne emote returns for a limited time.

Bug Fixes

  • Cash Shop UI now appears in front of the quest menu when clicking "Learn more" on VIP quests.
  • Crystal gifting UI will scroll to the top when a user is selected to gift to.
  • Cinematic Camera and Patch Note adjusted to fit the new Roblox UI.

February 16th, 2024


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • Cash Shop sales:
    • White Suits, White Special Dresses, Love Heart Suits/Dresses with daily dye rotation.
    • Daily Shop now features Valentines Red Pink and Purple with Black White and new hexcode "FFAABB" mixed in.
  • Guardian rebalanced:
    • Basic Attack spped increased by 10%.
    • Rock Spikes range increased by 3 each hit (2 for last hit).
    • Slash Fury visuals now match with the hitbox.
    • Sword Prison range increased from 20 - 25
  • Demon rebalanced:
    • Scythe throw now only hit 1st target once if it targets multiple enemies.
    • Life Steal damage decreased from x3.5 - x3.25, efficiency is halved.
  • Warlord rebalanced:
    • Pile Driver:
      • Allows slow movement during the ability.
      • Attack speed increased by 50%
      • 2nd hit damage increased from x2 - x3
    • Counter Block Shock duration increased from 2s - 4s
    • Chains of War cooldown reduced from 12s - 11s. Damage increased from x3 - x4
    • Yggdrasil Shock duration increased from 2s - 4s
  • Berserker rebalanced:
    • Aggro Slam radius increased from 16 - 25, allows slow movement during the ability.
    • Giga Spin now allows slow movement during the ability.
    • Fissure's burn duration increased from 1s - 5s. Splash radius increased from 8 - 10
    • Rage ability now has 25% extra damage buff.
  • Defender rebalanced:
    • Both abilities' movement are slower.

Bug Fixes

  • Archer's bowstring now matches the original bowstring color when attacking.
  • Fixed the lag issues with Guild Data.
  • Mage of Shadows no longer does extra damage with other MoS players in the same server.

February 9th, 2024


  • Valentines Event started.
    • Heart Hunt - Find 5 hearts in all worlds for limited prize.
    • Heartbreak and Lovestruck Teddy Bear Mount on sale in Cash Shop.
    • Spread Love Emote and Heart Mount is back on sale for limited time.
    • Maid Outfit #2 released and available in permanent Cash Shop.
  • Demon rebalanced:
    • Basic Attack increased from 14 - 17
    • Dark Binding damage buff increased from 20% - 25%
    • Scythe Throw:
      • Max Chain increased from 3 -9
      • Single target damage increased from x1.8 - x2
      • Multiple target damage increased from x1.35 - x2.5
    • Life Steal initial damage increased from x3 - x3.5, cooldown decreased from 9s - 8s, healing halved
    • Demon Prince:
      • Damage buff increased from 20% - 35%
      • Now targets all enemies in range
      • Life steal damage increased from x1.875 - x3.75
      • LMB range increased from 14 - 40, LMB Size increased from 10 - 30

Bug Fixes

  • Guild logs will properly show all party members during dungeon runs.
  • Mage of Shadows bugfix:
    • Now unlock at 500 floors properly instead of 501.
    • Pet abilities now works during Shadow Form.
    • Chain ability now counts towards quest and allows perk buffs.

February 3rd, 2024


  • Guild Season 9 started.
  • Introducing Mastery class:
  • New Fire Eyes cosmetic in Cash Shop.
    • New code "SHADOWS" for a free purple-colored Fire Eyes.
  • Mage of Light rebalanced:
    • Splash damage will no longer deals the same damage with direct hits.
    • Regular orb damage nerfed from x1.65 - x1.45
    • Infused orb damage nerfed from x3.6 - x2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Pet Skills no longer reset visual cooldown when mounting.

January 26, 2024


  • Holiday Event ended. All items from the event are now tradeable.
  • All classes of the same tiers will be unlocked at once when reaching respective level requirement, instead of prestige progress.
  • Defender Class improvements:
    • Spin ability now last longer.
    • Groundbreaker ability now performs faster.
    • Both abilities allow player movement.

Bug Fixes

  • Daily quest will no longer give quest on disabled dungeons.

January 19, 2024


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • Candy Canes and Prize Tickets are doubled until January 22.
  • All Crystal Purchases are 20% off until January 22.
  • The daily section of the Cash Shop now uses special colors until January 22.
  • "Complete 10 dungeons of any difficulty" weekly quest added.
  • Endgame players will receive weekly quest from all worlds instead of only World 9 and World 10.
  • Shock Debuff renamed to "Chained" and given its own unique icon.

Bug Fixes

  • Cavalry Horse mount now shows the player's Guild logo properly.
  • Fixed the Weekly quest bug fix from January 12, 2024.
  • Perk Swap indicator no longer glitches when sheathing or mounting.

January 12, 2024


  • Added the Loyalty system, allowing players can gain 10 extra inventory spaces and 20 extra Bank spaces by favoriting the game and joining the Roblox group.
  • Added promotional code "700KLIKES" for Update Log (3) 150.
  • Added Glacial Aura to the Holiday Shop for 2000 Glacial Prize Tickets.
  • Added the "Perk Swap" skill for Dual Wielder, Paladin, Berserker, Warlord, and Shadowblade, which can be activated by pressing 2 on desktop or the Perk Swap button on mobile.
  • Weekly quests now reset consistently on Fridays at 22:00 UTC.
  • Cavalry Horse mount now shows the player's Guild logo on the side.

Bug Fixes

  • Korrupted Klaus' cutscene no longer glitches the player's camera under the map.
  • Blast indicators for Korrupted Klaus' Ice Block and Blizzard Fall attacks now match the explosion.
  • Purchasing a class with Robux now permanently unlocks it.

January 05, 2024


  • Challenge mode is now supported in the North Pole.
  • Double XP weekend enabled through January 08, 2024.
  • The daily section of the Cash Shop now uses the following colors through January 12, 2024: #4EFFB8, #11CCEE, #166991, #960DBB, #E6E6E6, #1E1E1E
  • Twilight Deer and Arctic Fox mounts are now tradable.

Bug Fixes

  • North Pole arena spawnpoint changed to prevent players from spawning in the Ice Wall.

December 29, 2023


Bug Fixes

See Also

  • Fixed a memory leak in highly-populated worlds.
  • Particles on the Candy Cane and Void Cane mounts now follow the mounts' animations.

December 22, 2023


  • Glacial Event released:
    • Holiday Village returns, with revamped map.
    • Added promotional code "GLACIAL" for x15 Glacial Prize Tickets.
    • Icy Tophat, Icy Bow Tophat, Glowing Snowflake, Snowflake Background, Ice Wings, Back Snowboard, Snowflake Circle, Festive Lantern (Silver, Gold, Black), Frost Breaker Helmet, Frost Breaker Wings accessories added.
    • Frostpunk, Snowboarder Outfit #2, Frost Dress, Snowman (2023), and Frost Breaker Armor costumes added.
    • Cheerful, Chill, Yet, Blizzard, Frostbreaker, Cold Blooded, Frost King, Frost Queen, Aurora, Santa Slayer, and Ice Monarch titles added.
    • Candy Cane, Frost Rose, Frost Unicorn, Frost Deer, Festive Deer, Snowflake, Anti Deer, and Void Cane mounts added.
    • Frost, Darkfrost, Evergreen, and Scarlet weapon skins added.
    • Glacial, Anti, and Vintage Chests added to the Crystal Chest Shop.
    • Pet Frost Spider added.
  • The Guilds leaderboard can now be viewed in dungeons.
  • Aether Penguin and Frost Penguin mounts are now tradable.

Bug Fixes

  • Top 5% guild rewards for Season 8 can now be claimed properly.

December 15th, 2023


  • The Ice Wings limited UGC released. requires 1000 snowman-headed mobs.
  • Double XP weekend enabled.
  • Icy blue mixed with black and white color will be starred in Cash Shop for one week.
  • New special hexcode "11CCEE".

Bug Fixes:

  • Further fixed Kraken's tentacles.
  • Multi equipment upgrade now upgrades the correct amount.
  • Scrolling through the dungeon list should no longer accidentally select a dungeon on mobile.
  • Health scaling on dungeon objects (such as Ice wall in Winter Cavern) now scales properly.

December 8th, 2023


  • New limited time side quest: Complete 1000 floors in Infinite Tower for an Aether Penguin Mount.
  • Frost Penguin Mount added in Cash Shop for a limited time.
  • Dye Boxes now has a inspect option to preview the contents.

Bug Fixes:

  • Further fixed Kraken's tentacles.
  • Salon now works properly for changes that is free.
  • Guild point reset timer now updates while dungeon menu is open.
  • Guild point leaderboard should now count points properly.
  • Dungeon menu no longer glitches when scrolling between World 10 and special dungeons.
  • Celestial Tower should no longer be glitched when leaving.
  • Fixed various dupe exploits.
  • Removed the sphere.

December 1st, 2023


  • Holiday Present Hunt begins.

Bug Fixes:

  • Guild Point in Infinite Tower now saves properly when leaving.
  • Nightmare dungeons now give proper reward when the dungeon is switching.
  • Unranked Guilds now has a rank properly.
  • Fixed Kraken's tentacles.
  • Client memory leak no longer crashes the game.
  • Fixed "Could not load purchases" error.
  • Pet Hat should now works properly on Skeleton King.
  • Traveling beams no longer randomly kills players.
  • Hotbar now updates properly when changing emotes/pets.

November 24th, 2023


  • Guild Season 8 started.
  • Black Friday Sales:
    • Crystal purchases are 20% off this weekend.
    • Daily Cash Shop now has black colored cosmetics.
    • Turkey Rhea Mount returns for a limited time.
  • Harvest Event ended. Related items are now tradeable.

Bug Fixes:

  • General improvement for Play Menu UI.
  • Improve the UI for mobile users.

November 17th, 2023


  • Demon-themed items available in Cash Shop.
  • Dungeon Menu revamped:
    • Dungeon and Quest menu merged into one option.
    • Keybind for Quests will still open to the Quest menu.
    • All World Dungeons can be accessed through the new dungeon menu again.
    • Nightmare Portal dungeons shown in "Special Dungeons" category.
  • Dungeon Discovery removed, all dungeons are now unlocked by default.
  • Daily Quest menu updated and rewards updated.
  • Completing a daily quest will give you a bar in your Daily Quest progress bar.
  • Daily Quest progress bar does not reset if you don't complete all 3 dailies.
  • Event Hubs accessible through new Dungeon Menu.
  • Towers and dungeons with special drops will now show the reward on the Dungeon Selection screen.

Bug Fixes:

  • Hovering over an item in all menus now always shows the item details.
  • Fixed the incorrect descriptions in Daily Quest.
  • Pumpkin Blast aura updated to replace one of the deleted textures.
  • Angel Armor updated so the armor itself is the dyable part, not the transparent parts.
  • Removed the inter-dimensional black hole from World 7.

November 10th, 2023


  • The Vampiric Greatsword limited UGC released.
    • All mobs except bosses have a chance to spawn with a Pumpkin Head.
    • An extra side quest released as seen in Spooky Courtyard. With the same requirement as UGC.
  • Specialized Hex codes now has a chance to appear in Cash Shop during this weekend.
  • The Wildfire Horse mount is now tradeable.
  • Major improvement with Fallen King's Challenge mode:
    • Ticket rewarded increased from 10 -> 15
    • Skeleton Egg drop rate increased from 0.03% -> 0.04%
    • Weapon Skin drop rate increased
    • The skulls damage reduced by 30%, decreased spawnrate and halved lifespan.
  • Daily Quests with high requirements such as "kill 40 mobs" are reduced.
  • Increased timer for Kandrix, Crystal Dragon in Infinite Tower.

Bug Fixes:

  • Bosses in Treetop Trouble (9-1) now does damage normally and has more engaging mechanics.
  • Killing 2-3 boss too early no longer breaks the dungeon.
  • Day 5 Daily reward is now claimable normally.
  • Fixed the issue that players cannot be able to teleport to the world event by clicking already-existed boss mark.
  • Cerberus' attacks are no longer invisible in Infinite Tower.
  • Vampiric perk now properly activates on all classes.
  • Outfit changing now properly equips ALL items in the outfit.
  • Fixed the Mobile orientation in dungeons from World 8-10.
  • Hair now comes back after unequipping an item that hides hair/head.
  • Swapping a #DDEADD dyed item with the same item type no longer keeps the glowing effect.
  • Cinematic Camera now properly hides the name of your own pet.
  • Aether Tower quest now properly rewards World 9 loot instead of World 8.

November 3rd, 2023


  • Challenge mode is available for Fallen King Battle.
  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • The Daily Shop is now themed with Spooky Reds and Monochrome colors.

Bug Fixes:

  • Battlepass XP reward now shows properly in quest tracker and after quest completion.
  • Mobile landscape mode fixed for Worlds 2, 8, 9, and 10.
  • Paladin Light Sword ability should works properly after death.
  • Renamed guilds should now show their new name in guild chat.
  • Trading with a large inventory no longer causes lag.

October 31st, 2023 (Small Patch)


Bug Fixes:

  • Paladin Light Sword ability now works properly after death.
  • Shadowblade animation cancel bug fixed.
  • Hotbar Skills no longer show ready when they're still on cooldown.
  • Celestial Tower now properly spawns World 10 mobs.
  • Renamed guilds should now keep their new name.

October 30th, 2023 (Small Patch)

  • Fallen King arena now properly spawns all players at the start.
  • Hidden Pumpkins should no longer appear invisible.
  • Character Preview in the Halloween Ticket Shop now works properly.
  • Pet Skill visuals no longer delayed (ex: blackhole).
  • Floors 91-100 in Celestial Tower now spawn World 10 mobs.
  • Celestial Tower now gives the correct level loot.
  • Crystal Enforcer & Archer now can damage Summons.

October 27th, 2023


  • The Fallen King returns.
  • Skeleton Egg added and has a low chance to drop from Fallen King.
  • Ghost Egg added and available in ticket shop.
  • New emotes and cosmetics added to the Cash Shop!
  • The Daily Shop is now themed with Autumn colors and Monochrome colors.
  • You can now click the egg in your inventory to inspect the droprates of the pets.
  • Crystal Wolf pet ability adjusted, both now explode with the stronger one leaving a status effect.
  • Music and Sound FX added to Arcane Tower.
  • Cash Shop menu performance increased.

Bug Fixes:

  • Infinite and Celestial towers now properly drop tickets.
  • Infinite and Celestial towers no longer overlap UI on mobile.
  • Daily Quests should now reset on all slots daily.
  • Arcane Egg now shows up properly in the Pet Master menu.
  • World 9 dungeons now show up in Nightmare Portals.
  • Character Customizer on the main menu now works properly.
  • Console selection no longer gets stuck at the end of dungeon screen.
  • Pet hats fixed for Crystal Wolf pets.

October 22nd, 2023 (Small Patch)

  • Battlepass currency requirement per rank reduced to 500.

October 20th, 2023


  • Tower 6 - Arcane Tower released.
  • Claim code "HARVEST" for 15 Prize Tickets.
  • Spooky Courtyard returns.
  • Harvest Battlepass released.
    • Harvest Aura Chests and Halloween items added in Cash Shop.
  • New rare hexcode showing up in the Daily Shop for a limited time. #DDEADD will make cosmetics glow a ghoulish green.

October 19th, 2023 (Small Patch)

  • Player/NPC rendering should be way smoother now, Marketplace servers should feel way more performant.
  • Console fixed up, the selection box shouldn't get stuck randomly.
  • Halloween related stuff added to the game in preparation of the Halloween Event.

October 13th, 2023


  • The Pumpkin Hunt begins. Find 10 Pumpkins in each world for a limited time prize. (check World 1 side quests)
  • Daily Shop is now themed with Spooky Reds, Purples, and Monochrome colors.
  • Headless Head is now back on sale for a limited time.
  • Guild Season 8 pushed back to start November 24th.
  • Data saving methods updated, players should no longer get kicked for not loading data.

Bug Fixes:

  • Locked items should no longer unlock at random.
  • Aether Eggs can now be hatched properly.
  • Infinite Tower no longer refers to "World 11".

October 6th, 2023


  • Dungeon 10-2: Astral Academy released.
  • Tropical Battlepass items are now tradeable.
  • Daily Quest streak rewards improved. Rewards will go back to Day 1 after Day 5.
  • Countdown for Tower 6 added.
  • Countdown for Halloween Event added.
  • World 10 mobs and bosses added to Infinite Tower.
  • Decreased dodge cooldown time on all classes.
  • Poison Thorns stat range increased 4-15% -> 5-20%.
  • Prestige menu now shows the level required for Prestiging.

Bug Fixes:

  • Arcane Crystal Chest auras are now tradeable.
  • Clicking "Leave Alone" after a dungeon will properly remove you from the party.
  • Pet Hats no longer cause lag everytime a player joins the server.
  • Items will no longer show multiple things equipped at once. (not confirmed)
  • Nightmare Portal quests properly refer to World 10 instead of World 9.
  • Infinite Tower and Celestial Tower no longer end up on a broken floor number.
  • Waystone menu should now load properly on mobile.
  • Vampiric should now work properly with Paladin and Mage of Light.
  • Dragon Mode status effect should no longer end early.
  • Dragoon Infinity Strike should no longer fling the player.

September 29th, 2023


  • World 10 - Crystal Cascade released.
  • Level Cap increased to 150.
  • New code "WORLD10" for 150 Crystals.
  • Dungeon 10-1: Crystal Chaos released.
  • Arcane Crystal Chest added.
  • New Perks for equipment:
    • Basic Perks: "Elemental Resistance" and "Poisonous Thorns".
    • Tier 5 Perks exclusive for World 10 equipments: "Vampiric", "Ferocious" and "Self Destruct".
  • New Empowering Stone type exclusive to World 10.
  • Zero Altar and Nightmare Portals have moved to World 10.

Bug Fixes:

  • Aether Fire status effect now works properly with Resist Burn.
  • Celestial Tower no longer gets stuck at Floor 5.
  • Dragoon's abilities will no longer fling the player into the sky.
  • Zero Greatsword holding position fixed.

September 22nd, 2023


Bug Fixes:

  • Saved Outfits should now fully change your equipped cosmetics when swapping between outfits.

September 15th, 2023


  • Tropical Battlepass released.
    • Related feature such as Tropical Chests and Cash Shop items are included.
  • Use code "TIKI" for a Torch Hat with a random dye color.
  • 675K Like Goal reached. The code "675KLIKES" is now available.

Bug Fixes:

  • PVP Arena weekly quest timer now properly counts down.
  • Fixed a Dragoon bug that would cause the player to clip/fling into the ground.
  • Guilds that changed their guild tag now properly show on the leaderboard.
  • Fixed bugs with items not showing properly when switching between cosmetics/gear.
  • Dying with the knockdown status no longer soft locks your character.

September 8th, 2023


  • Zero Staff limited UGC released.
  • Guild Leaders can now update their Guild Tag in the Guild Configuration. Original Guild Tag will always be available to take back.

Bug Fixes:

  • Dye colors will now show properly in all Character Previews.
  • Fixed any status effects being before their duration is over.
  • Changing mounts while mounted will now load the proper animations.
  • Falling off the ship in Rough Waters (6-1) will now teleport you back onto the ship.
  • Siren boss now properly deals damage.
  • Pets with hats now properly respawn after player death.
  • Certain pets hat alignment fixed.

September 1st, 2023


  • The Monochrome items returns in Cash shop for a limited time.
  • New Double Outfits Gamepass - Purchase this pass to double the outfit slots.
  • Newly saved outfits will now save changes to player's avatar.
  • Outfit names can now be changed.
  • Character customizer now shows Hexcode values when using the Color Wheel.
  • Nightmare Portals now show in the dungeon menu when currently in a Nightmare Dungeon.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that would show multiple items equipped at the same time.
  • Pets should no longer disappear when respawning inside dungeons.
  • Outfits no longer confuse dyed/undyed versions of the same item.
  • Certain pets updated to have better hat positioning.
  • Player Stats will now show properly in all worlds.
  • The Cannon in Rough Waters (6-1) will no longer trigger twice, causing the player to launch off the map.
  • Roblox Groups linked to Guilds will now display the proper name.
  • Fixed a bug with Shadowblade basic attacks using wrong animations.
  • Further improvement for Paladin's status effects.

August 25th, 2023


  • Code "SEASON7" for 750 Crystals and a title.
  • Hats accessories can now be equipped to Pets.
  • Outfit Saving added. Players can save up to 4 outfits currently.
  • Pets now show pet skill cooldown times.
  • Weekly Quest about PVP Arena now gives the option to Teleport to the PVP Arena from the quest menu.
  • Boss Health bars now show damage over time, similar to regular mobs.

Bug Fixes:

August 18th, 2023


  • Double XP weekend enabled.
  • Guild Season 7 resumed.
  • "Captain" guild rank updated and can no longer kick guild members.
  • Celestial Tower gives 15 guild points on completion.
  • Pet Fusion now lets you lock in ONE perk during fusion, a locked in perk will stay after rerolling.
  • World Events teleport markers now spawn right after the last boss defeated, and a countdown of 5 minutes will be shown.
    • The notification will occur at 1 minute left.
  • Party member list now displays status effects under member health bars.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed pet eggs not showing "Hatch Egg" button after fully feeding.
  • Celestial Tower now properly teleports players back to the world after tower completion.
  • Teleport failure should put you back in-game properly.
  • Character scaling issues in the Salon fixed.
  • World 9 salon hitbox is no longer visible.
  • Dungeon blockers like the "Ice Wall" in Winter Cavern (3-2) now scale health with party sizes properly.

August 11th, 2023


  • Celestial Tower released.
  • Towers 1-5 updated to match the mob spawning flow of Infinite Tower.
  • Infinite Tower daily quests and weekly quests added to quest pool.
  • Kingslayer Longsword weapon skin now tradeable.

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated data saving methods to stop "Data Load Error" message.
  • Teleport failure should put you back in-game properly.
  • Updated incubator menu ring text in all worlds.
  • Cerberus laser attack now deals damage at a slower interval.
  • Sand Scorpion laser attack fixed.
  • NPC and Player model names should no longer show above heads.

August 7th, 2023 (Small Patch)


  • Pet food feeding is now instant done (Except Feed All).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a gold dupe exploit.
  • Fixed getting kicked after data saving disabled error.
  • Guild points visual bug fixed.
  • Fixed item popup perk percentage being off.
  • Fixed class menu scaling for mobile.
  • Fixed a bug where the salon sometimes didn't save.

August 4th, 2023


  • Grand Battlepass items are now tradeable.
  • Character level, class, and prestige now show on Main Menu.
  • Classes Menu refreshed and optimized.
  • Added Stats Menu in settings to track player stats.
  • Lesser Summons's explode cooldown decreased from 1.25s to 0.5s.
  • Slowdown effect increased from 50% to 65%.
  • Aggro Defense effect's max lifetime increased from 8s to 12s.
  • Guardian Improvements:
    • Basic Attack - Range increased by 12.5%
    • Slash Fury - Animation speed increased by 12.5%. Casts 8 hits rather than 16, total damage stays normal.
    • Rock Spikes - Ability damage increased by 15%. Spikes are now an Area of Effect ability and deal damage to all monsters nearby. Updated VFX.
    • Aggro Draw - Instantly pulls monster aggro, rather than making you a bigger target.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a dupe bug with Sell Shops.
  • Fixed a dupe bug with Trading.
  • Sand Scorpion Boss will now despawn any minion scorpions on death.
  • Rough Waters (6-1) will no longer teleport players ontop of the bubble room
  • Mage of Light orbs should now properly despawn after attacking.
  • Flower mob ranged attacks no longer hit instantly at close range.
  • Character render in inventory screen will now show hands closed/open properly.
  • Reindeer Onesie no longer removes player hair.
  • Shadows removed from Barrier FX for optimization.
  • Fixed spears and staffs that were held/orientated incorrectly.

July 28th, 2023


  • After voting, Guild Season 7 will be temporary halted in order to fix the point saving issue.
  • VIP Gamepass now comes with 500 Crystals, and is being shown on the Crystal Purchase menu.
  • Stackable items in the Cash Shop can now purchased in multiple quantities.
  • Transmog gold costs lowered by 25%.
  • Rough Waters (6-1) refreshed to make the bubble room more user friendly.

Bug Fixes:

July 24th, 2023 (Small Patch)


  • Guild Points can now be obtained from both Nightmare and Normal Dungeons.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Guild Point counter not changing color after completing a dungeon.
  • Fixed text spacing between Update Logs.
  • Fixed Sell Shops not working.

July 21st, 2023


  • Guild Season 7 started.
  • Infinite Tower now awards points once a day - 5 points for each boss floor completed.
  • Infinite Tower now records completion if the player leaves the tower mid playthrough.
  • New Transmogging System - You can use a Transmog Stone and some Gold to turn any equipment into a cosmetic.
  • Advanced Stats setting toggle now shows boss health amounts.
  • New Code "300MIL" to celebrate 300 million visitors of the game.

Bug Fixes:

  • Daily quests should now reset on all characters.
  • Paladin light sword ability fixed.
  • Switching or unequipping pets during pet renaming will now decline the prompt.
  • Stacked items that are locked no longer get unlocked when being placed in the bank.
  • Player characters should load in consistently.

July 13th, 2023


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • More Anime inspired Weapon Skins are in the Cash Shop.
  • Purchase the Kingslayer Longsword for a limited time, on sale until 7/17.
  • New loot screen allows you to sell items when you obtain them. (Not suitable for quest rewards)

Bug Fixes:

  • Status effects now apply to Target Dummies properly.
  • Status effects no longer break randomly.
  • Glyph Pet abilities now work properly.
  • Pet Fusion now treats positive and negative aggro separately.
  • Summoner ability effects now clean up properly.
  • Pet's Blackhole ability effects now clean up properly.

July 11th, 2023 (Major Patch)


Bug Fixes:

  • Healing status effects now work properly.
  • Damaging status effects now work properly on mobs.
  • Player health bars now show accurate health values.
  • Trading will no longer lag with large inventories.
  • Trading will no longer freeze players in place after trading.
  • Trading stacked items will no longer flag them illegal.
  • Dragoon players will no longer fling with the "Infinity Strike" ability.
  • Paladin Light Sword buff now works properly.
  • Dye Remover can no longer be used on dye bottles.
  • Cerberus & Ignis attacks now show indicators properly.
  • Class skills that rely on weapon models will now show weapon skins.
  • Rough Waters (6-1) fall teleport bug fixed.
  • Aether Fortress (9-2) audio bug fixed.

July 7th, 2023


Bug Fixes:

  • Trade window no longer creates blank tiles when changing pages.
  • Weapon Skin loading improvements.
  • Scrap Canyon (4-1) particle errors fixed.

July 4th, 2023 (Small Patch)

Bug Fixes:

  • Party Teleporting issue fixed.
  • Trading softlock fixed.
  • Pet names now hide with Cinematic Camera Mode.
  • Characters on main menu screen no longer shake.

June 30th, 2023


  • Anime themed update:
    • The anime inspired Grand Battlepass released.
    • Berserk Chest added along with the pass.
    • Limited time items in Cash Shop.
  • Daily Cash Shop is now a mix of Red, White, and Blue colors until July 5th.
  • All Crystal purchases are 20% off until July 5th.
  • New code "GRAND" for 100 Crystals
  • Battlepass XP gained from Daily Quest increased from 350 to 500.
  • Infinite Tower release countdown in Dungeon Menu.
  • Nightmare Dungeon bosses now drop purple Empowering Stone instead of orange.
  • Failed teleports will retry and put you back in-game if it continues to fail.
  • New Waystones UI, preview the area around the Waystone before teleporting.
  • New Quest navigation arrow with a beam in the sky pointing players in the right direction.
  • Cinematic Camera now hides Menu Ring text (Sell, Bank, Teleport, etc)

Bug Fixes:

  • Paladin Ultimate status effects now apply properly.
  • Cerberus meteor strike attack fixed.
  • Ignis attacks burn durations reduced.
  • Trade window should no longer show items previously traded away.
  • Auras should now always load on Weapon Skins.
  • Fixed typos in Pet Fusion UI.
  • Dragon mob wings now disappear properly with death effect.
  • Quests no longer auto navigate if you have the Quest Tracker hidden.
  • World Event popup no longer mentions guild points if no guild season is active.
  • Winter Dungeon (3-3) softlock fixed.
  • Scarecrow Defense (1-2) visually improved.

June 13rd, 2023


  • Double XP Weekend enabled.
  • New Code "650MLIKES" for Crystals.
  • Katana Longsword weapon skin added to Cash Shop.
  • "Defeat 30 Earth Crabs" Daily quest requirement changed to ALL World 1 crabs.
  • Resizing character in the Salon is now free.
  • Major improvement in World 8's obby area:
    • Additional Checkpoints
    • Fall teleports improved

Bug Fixes:

  • Cerberus laser attack no longer a guaranteed hit.

June 17st, 2023 (Small Patch)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the damage count in end game summary.

June 16th, 2023


  • Leaderboard title reward announced.
  • New Cogwork Cosmetics in the Cash Shop.
  • Nightmare Portal leaderboards now show both Daily and All Time stats.
  • Pet perk rerolling reduced to 25 Crystals.
  • Pirate Crab jumping AOE ability damage reduced.

Bug Fixes:

  • Players can no longer obtain super fast DPS by spam opening UI.
  • Players no longer get pushed by an invisible force in dungeons like Rescue in the Ruins (8-1).
  • Bank no longer shows multiple copies of a single pet.
  • Shadowblade no longer flings off the map when using Shadow Leap on tentacles.
  • Cerberus laser attacks fixed.
  • Crabbage properly does damage with exploding cabbages.
  • Root of Ignis now has attack indicators for all of its attacks.
  • RGB dye armor preview properly gets removed when a shop is closed.
  • All cosmetics should no longer fall off Sell Shop stalls.

June 9th, 2023


  • Nightmare Portal Leaderboard added in World 9. Unique Tier 5 titles will be rewarded to "All times" 1st place next Friday.
  • The Rainbow Rhea mount is now available in the Cash Shop for a limited time.
  • Superhero Battlepass items are now tradeable.
  • World 1 updated with higher quality assets.

Bug Fixes:

  • The vulnerable time for Kraken Arms during Kraken Boss fight is now locked at 5 seconds. Instead of 3 or 10 seconds.
  • Summoner abilities can now properly attack Kraken Arms.
  • Spirit Archer no longer looks at the ground when targeting mobs.
  • Kraken Arms in Rough Waters no longer fall out of the map.
  • Fixed the Fairy and Skeledile Pet's size scaling.
  • Bank no longer shows multiple copies of a single pet.
  • Sell shops now properly show RGB dye on items.

June 3rd, 2023


  • Pride Cosmetics added for a limited time.
  • Claim code "PRIDE" before 7/1 for Rainbow Shades.
  • Rainbow Dye hexcode added. You can obtain hex #FF1337 in the Cash Shop for Rainbow cycling cosmetics.
  • Hex #FF1337 will show up more often during the Pride Month event.
  • Pet Fusion perk rerolling formula adjusted to exclude consecutive duplicate rolls.
  • Confirmation prompt added to Pet Candy purchasing.

Bug Fixes:

  • Item drop physics changed completely (see patch below).
  • Fused pets no longer show wrong tier color in inventory after fusion.
  • Kraken Boss fight optimized for a smoother experience.

June 1st, 2023 (Small Patch)


  • Loots will stop moving if they're too far away, such as rolling down a hill.

May 26th, 2023


  • All crystals purchases are 20% off until May 30th.
  • x3 Crystal Chests option is now 16% cheaper than buying three individual chests.
  • New world teleportation screen added with world completion stats. (Similar to the old version)
  • Pet Fusion allows a free perk reroll per pets.
  • Perk reroll calculation adjusted.
  • Item sell gold prices now scales with item tiers, levels and upgrades.
  • Pet can now be sold for golds.
  • New dashed line attack indicators for players/pets added to differ from enemy abilites. (e.g: Mortar Strike and Black Hole)
  • Added "Show player attack indicators" option.
  • For pets that doesn't have damage abilities, leveling up them will buff certain stats such as but not limited to:
    • Energy Charger: Charges faster
    • Cure/Cure Pro: Increased range
    • Feline Fury/Feline Fury Pro: Increased duration.
  • The daily quest: "Defeat alligators in World 8" now also supports Rapigators.
  • New Tree models for World 1.
  • Pet Fusion, Pet Master and bulk sell added to PvP Arena.
  • Soft shutdown implemented to teleport players back to main menu instead of kicking out of the server.
  • Konoh Heartlands (5-1) completion world quest now gives more XP.

Bug Fixes:

  • Paladin Light sword now properly buffs damage output.
  • Animation style and character height should now properly saved upon exiting Hair Salon.
  • Patch note menu should now scaled better for mobile users.
  • Controller Users can now skip cutscenes normally.
  • Status effect should no longer get stuck at 0 seconds.

May 19th, 2023


  • Double XP weekend enabled
  • Galactic UFO Mount giveaway event in Twitter. (Now Expired)
  • Status Effect revamped:
    • Now consistent game wide. (e.g: Poison and Burn now deals percentage damage)
    • Effect hotbar icon is now clickable to provide information about it.
    • Now has text pop up upon effects inflicted.
  • Hides pet XP bar. Now only shows while feeding.
  • Pet level text size increased.
  • Inventory code cleaned up to optimize large inventories.

Bug Fixes:

  • Pet XP bar now accurately shows XP percentage.
  • King Crab attack indicators updated.

May 15th, 2023


  • Prestiging now properly unequip pet higher than level 1.
  • Added "See pet nametag" option in settings.
  • XP bar now only shows for the pet's owner.
  • Egg shop menu no longer closes after purchasing once.
  • Egg hatch chat messages now only show Tier 5 pets.

Bug Fixes:

  • Walkspeed above maximum percentage can no longer be fused.
  • Pet nametag render distance now matches player nametags.
  • Pets in incubator now scale in size properly.
  • Corrupted Great Tree Ent's Root shield now disappears properly on death.
  • Unequipping a pet while naming menu is on will automatically declines it.
  • Players that lost a pet within the Fusion Machine should not be soft-locked anymore.

May 12th, 2023 (Pet Revamp)


  • Pets now have levels. Pets now level by feeding.
  • Most pets now grow in size as they level up.
  • Pet nametags updated to show Pet Name, Level, and Pet XP.
  • Existing pets will set to level 1.
  • Pet skills will now scale with the Pet Level rather than the Player Level.
  • Pet Hatching is now RNG based, to hatch for a Tier 5 Pet, you can no longer evolve a pet by feeding.
  • Pet Feeding menu updated to allow feeding multiple pet food at a time! x1, x5, x10, and ALL.
  • Pet Incubator XP rates adjusted & now can only level up a pet to your current level.
  • HP UP, ATK UP, Boss of The Boss, Elite's Boss, and Mob Boss can now show up on pets with a new max percentage.
  • Pets can now pick up health orbs.
  • Pet Candy crystal purchasing quantities adjusted.
  • Pet Candy added to Daily Reward Day 2.
  • Server chat message added for hatching a Tier 5 Pet.
  • Pet Master menu updated to show what Worlds each pet comes from.
  • "Decline" button added to Pet Naming menu.

Pet Fusion:

  • Pets can now be fused in any world.
  • Pets must be the same tier to merge them together.
  • Pets with perks higher than the max percentage (particularly the pets back in Beta version) will not be allowed to be fused.
  • Pets that are untradeable cannot be fused.
  • Pet 1 will determine the new pet's appearance.
  • Pet 2 will determine the new pet's ability.
  • New pets perks will be taken randomly between Pet 1 & Pet 2.
  • New pet level will be averaged out between Pet 1 & Pet 2.
  • If Pet 1 and Pet 2 have the same perk, the higher percentage will always be used!
  • Perks can be rerolled after fusing for 50 Crystals!
  • New pet will be final after clicking the "Confirm Fusion" button!
  • Both pets will be destroyed when fused in order to create the new pet!
  • New pet naming will be prompted when equipping the new pet

General Changes:

  • New Player/Mob death effect added for better performance.
  • Cat Pets from Cat Egg moved to Sky Egg.
  • Sky Egg now drops from Mezuvian Tower instead of Cat Egg.
  • Sky Egg can no longer be purchased.
  • Cat Egg will no longer be obtainable.

New pet perk rates:

  • HP UP 1% - 7%
  • ATK UP 1% - 5%
  • ELITE'S BOSS 5% - 10%
  • MOB BOSS 5% - 10%
  • BOSS OF THE BOSS 5% - 10%

Pet Cool-down changes:

  • Black Hole 25s -> 30s
  • Boulder Stance 40s -> 25s
  • Dire Blast 40s -> 30s
  • Dragon Breath 45s -> 30s
  • Feline Fury 27s -> 25s
  • Feline Fury Pro 42s -> 25s
  • Fire Beam 50s -> 35s
  • Fire Protection 40s -> 35s
  • Glacier Whirlpool 40s -> 30s
  • Icy Spikes 30s -> 18s
  • Lightning Strike 30s -> 25s
  • Meteor Mortar 65s -> 35s
  • Poison Splash 30s -> 18s
  • Poison Pierce Pro 40s -> 25s
  • Psion Beam 50s -> 30s
  • Pumpkin Patch 25s -> 30s
  • Quill Strike 38s -> 25s
  • Rolling Sheep 50s -> 30s
  • Soul Splitter 40s -> 35s
  • Steel Wool 40s -> 25s
  • Whirlpool 40s -> 30s
  • Wicked Smash 40s -> 30s

Updated pet skills:

  • Boulder Stance defense 30% -> 60%
  • Meteor Strike damage reduced
  • Poison Pierce damage increased
  • Rolling Sheep damage increased
  • Snowstorm 20 spikes -> 15 spikes
  • Steel Wool defense 18% -> 36%
  • Wicked Smash damage increased

Bug Fixes:

  • Root of Ignis's root hitboxes fixed.
  • Falling tiles in Pyramid Dungeon (4-3) no longer fall too fast (you can simply run past).
  • Dual Wielding classes will no longer have double pet damage.
  • Easter Egg hunt quest now properly disabled.
  • Crystal code promocodes will now tell you how many crystals you gained.

April 28th, 2023


  • New hairstyles added.
  • New World Zero themed Cheerleading Outfits added to the Cash Shop. Cheerleading Outfits will show in the daily rotation.

Bug Fixes:

  • Booster menu can now be scrolled down all the way.
  • Battlepass "Purchase Ranks" UI adjusted to fit screens better and properly show purchase amounts.
  • Selling items in bulk through the Sell Menu should no longer freeze clients.
  • Root of Ignis in Konoh Inferno (5-2) should now properly do damage with all attacks.

April 21th, 2023 (Superhero Battlepass)


  • Started the Superhero Battlepass.
  • The Radioactive Chest added for exclusive weapon skins and auras.
  • Social area added below World 7 town.
  • Added sound effects for Geysers and all Goblin mobs.

Bug Fixes:

  • Battlepass XP bar will now properly show progress between tiers.
  • Inventory Hexcode sorting now properly sorts by item type first, and then by color.

April 14th, 2023


  • Double XP Weekend until 4/17.
  • Added confirmation button to World Event teleport.
  • Server Browser now shows color coded servers to help differentiate servers.
  • Unravel stone usage is now a flat rate of gold.
  • Locked items will now show a lock icon on the item tile.
  • Perks can now be searched in the inventory. Search !perknamehere to look for a specific perk.
  • Mythic Mage Robes dragon eyes now dye with the costume.
  • Cinematic Camera now hides user health bars.
  • Sit emote added to Emote Bar.
  • Sit "Y" keybind removed.
  • Breakdance Emote moved to Cash Shop. ㅤ

Bug Fixes:

  • Shadowblade Ultimate now respects the "Screenshake toggle" setting.
  • Ruined Essence Aura particles will no longer change direction per weapon.
  • "Full Inventory Warning" now shows properly when trading with a full inventory.
  • Sound added to falling pillar in Volcano's Shadow (2-3).

April 7th, 2023 (Easter Egg Hunt)


  • Easter Egg hunt - Find eggs across the 9 Worlds for special rewards.
  • Fabergé Egg mount added to the Cash Shop for a limited time.
  • Purple Bunny cosmetics, A Dyeable Bunny Onesie and Bunny Tail added to the Cash Shop for a limited time.

Bug Fixes:

  • Hit indicators added to Winterfall's Dragon Breath attack.
  • Nightmare Portal weekly quest will now properly count completion.
  • Nerfed Winter Cavern (3-2) boss - Alpha & Beta raptors for Solo Play.
  • Kraken Tentacles in Atlantis Tower should no longer fling players.
  • Roblox footsteps will no longer be heard alongside our custom footstep sound.
  • Rough Waters (6-1) will now spawn you back at the boss fight if you die (both phases).
  • Rough Waters (6-1) softlock & collision issues fixed.
  • World 7 will now teleport you back on land after falling off the map.
  • World 7 terrain improvements.

July 30th, 2021

  • World 2 revamp.
  • Fixed some settings not saving or working properly.
  • Tower 3 Badge is now active.
  • Added promo code- FAVMILLION (expired).

July 9th, 2021

July 2nd, 2021

  • New users had character render setting set to 0, we are fixing this (and if yours is still 0 it will be reset).
  • Added sitting mechanic.
    • Press Y to sit anywhere.
    • Seats in various locations.
  • Reduced towers to a max of 5 players (used to be 10).
  • Scaled the bosses HP in towers based on the number of players (like dungeons).
  • Towers now have 10 floors.

June 26th, 2021

  • World 1 revamp.
  • New mount colors in the cash shop.
  • New costume: Sorcerer Robe.
  • Overqualified quests should now be automatically completed instead of soft-locking the player's progression.
  • Nerfed the laser attack of Armored Goblins.

June 23rd, 2021

  • There shouldn't be any more cases of the same dungeon happening twice in daily quests anymore.
  • Blue Transport Beams in World 7 shouldn't kill your character anymore.
  • When viewing the tower dungeon menu, there should now be a back button to go back to other dungeons.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't scroll all the way down in the dungeon select menu when on mobile.

June 19th, 2021

  • Daily cosmetics now supports 9 different items instead of 3.
  • Equipment chests obtained from daily quests now reward the gear of the world that the quest belongs in.
  • Added Archers footstep noises.

June 12th, 2021

  • The Kraken boss now gives you more time to deal damage and the floor tiles don't fall anymore.
  • Dungeon drops now only show items for your class and show bigger percentage text labels.
  • Quests to play dungeons will have a "Play" button instead of navigating to missing entrances.
  • Performance improvements to how characters are loaded & rendered.
  • To clear World 5 & 6 you will no longer need to beat their full tower, but instead just the first boss.

June 9th, 2021

  • Fixed accounts who abused the 1R$ bug.
  • Added trading for cash shop cosmetics.
  • Performance improvements to how characters are loaded & rendered.
  • To clear World 5, 6 & 7 you will no longer need to beat their full tower, but instead just the first boss.
  • Added Side quests to beat each boss in the individual towers.

May 29th, 2021

  • Added Daily Quests in World 7.
  • Dungeon daily quests aren't restricted to one difficulty now.
  • Fixed the sounds and attacks of Hades.
  • Sounds should reflect players intent with volume now.
  • Fixes to the endgame pass.
  • Castle Knights spawn all around World 3 now.
  • Ignah shouldn't lag when loading in.
  • Tweaks and fixes to the Cerberus Mount.
  • Other players' character rotation fixed.
  • Leveling fixes with Scrap Canyon and the Pyramid Dungeon.
  • World Event boss UI now teleports you to the spot.
  • Mounts are now in the cosmetics inventory tab.
  • Cosmetics tab is now sorted by category.
  • Added Starter pets.
    • New characters pick a Fox / Boarwolf / Owl as a starter pet.
  • Fixed a bug where players couldn't kick party members.
  • Mobs in dungeons will scale up 70% per extra player (used to be 100%).

May 22nd, 2021

  • Added World 7.
  • Level cap has been increased to 95.
  • Added The Underworld dungeon.
  • Spirit Archer's skill effects have been adjusted to look cleaner and take up less screen space.
  • Piercing Arrow skill cooldown is now longer and will not debuff bosses.
  • New cash shop cosmetics, including a Cerberus mount.
  • New main menu theme.

April 28th, 2021

  • Added Badges.
  • The quest tracker will prioritize your current world when displaying quests.
  • Nametags will now display your Display Name. We will be supporting this for other screens in the future.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the menu for the first time on Xbox will remove the selector.
  • Perks should now say Perk 1 through 3 instead of all of them just saying Perk 1.

April 25th, 2021

  • Xbox users should now be able to properly use the metaverse menu (Fey's Quest).
  • Exiting out of the PvP Arena menu on Xbox wont make you stuck anymore.
  • The teleport button in daily quests should now be able to be used by Xbox users.
  • Your Spirit Archer ultimate swords wont drift and split apart anymore.
  • Dungeon mob health per-difficulty was reduced from 100% to 60%.
  • Fixed an issue where some users couldn't start the metaverse event on their client.

April 17th, 2021

  • Daily quests now give dungeon difficulty quests around your level.
  • Daily and regular quests will offer a teleport button when available.
  • On PC, hover over your skills in the hotbar to view a description.
  • The level requirement for purchasing Dragoon and Spirit Archer was lifted.
  • Valentine event items are now tradable.
  • Hints will now display in the loading screen about the game.
  • World Event spawn rate reduced from 7 minutes to 5 minutes.
  • Spirit Archers should be able to gain ultimate energy from damaging in PvP now.
  • HP Up perk on pets should be fixed!
  • You will now be warned when joining a dungeon invite that the party is full.
  • Mobs should be aiming exactly where their target indicator is at now.

April 3rd, 2021

April 1st, 2021

  • Promo codes added.
  • Dual Wielder's Tempo ability should be able to stack on mob kill again.
  • The quests button in the World Teleport menu should work again.

March 23rd, 2021

  • New Tier 5 Perks.
    • Master Thief - Gain a short increase in movement after destroying an enemy (max is 35%).
    • Glass - Increased max critical attack, but -35% health (max is 100%).
  • Both accessory rewards in tower 2 are now tradable.
  • Both accessory rewards in tower 2 have had their drop rates dramatically reduced.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't sprint when you spawn in on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bonus HP perk was being applied twice.

March 20th, 2021

  • Tier 5 equipment will now be guaranteed to drop tier 5 perks in the perk 3 slot (excluding pets)
  • Battlepass heart drops will now drop from mobs 15 levels or less lower than your own level (used to be 10)
  • New fluffy cat mount available in the cash shop.
  • Pyramid dungeon's normal difficulty adjusted to level 55 (was level 60).

March 6th, 2021

  • Fixed Party Healthbars (weren't appearing).
  • Fixed "Join Party" in the dungeon menu (not working properly).
  • Fixed Dyes (either not working or was crashing players).
  • Fixed friends list (was not appearing).

February 24th, 2021

  • Fixed Hand of Ignis' laser beam attack since it was not damaging players.
  • Siren should not use her whirlpool attack immediately now.
  • Replaced the current forcefield effect (given by some buff statuses) with something more friendly for lighter devices.
  • Pet skill will display the cooldown of the older skill (if you just used it) when swapping pets now.

February 13th, 2021

January 28th, 2021

  • Levelling through XP rather than power levels.
  • Trading items of any level
  • World 6 theme revamp + world events
  • Player inspect menu
  • Language support.
  • New damage curve.
    • This means your item stats will change. This change keeps the game balanced the same, however the difference in HP/Damage between levels will be greater (at the higher levels mainly).

December 13th , 2020

  • 2 new pet types- Sharks and Squids
  • New volume customization settings. You can now adjust music and effects.
  • New "show others' damage" setting.
  • Debuffed the "Tethered Heal" pet skill by 30%.
  • Pets now walk beside you, instead of behind.

December 12th, 2020

  • Damage numbers now disabled for other players by default (you can turn them on inside settings).
  • New limited/daily cosmetics in the cash shop.

November 12th, 2020

  • Halloween event items now are tradable.
  • Optimization improvements for opening menus via rings on the ground .
  • Decreased the base volume of feeding pets.
  • Added a "Use" option for class tickets in the inventory, which will open up the Classes menu .
  • Inventory now sorts items based on rarity after sorting based on level.
  • Fixed an issue where resetting before starting the tower dungeon would let you skip floors.
  • Fixed an issue where reviving right before a tower floor is finished would kill you immediately afterwards.

November 7th, 2020

  • Purchased classes will now be permanent across all profiles. If you make a new profile it will have any class your purchased unlocked immediately! This also goes for any existing profiles as well.
  • Inventory will now have a new category that doesn't count towards your inventory space. This includes class tickets and pet food.
  • Halloween dyes now stack! Go get the last of your goodies from defeating the Fallen King.
  • The bank should not appear to lag when opening it anymore.

October 31st, 2020

  • EXCLUSIVE Skeledile Pet. This prize replaced the prize ticket option on the event wheel
  • Fixed an issue where the Fallen King was not dispensing Candy Corn when defeated
  • Heavy optimization improvements for when interacting with items in the inventory UI
  • Heavy optimization improvements for when opening chests at the end of a dungeon
  • Heavy optimization improvements for when acquiring and selling gear
  • Mitigated an issue where you would phase through the floor when teleporting in world 5
  • Exit teleporter in the miniboss room for tower 1 will give a warning that it's about to spawn so you can get off and collect your chests
  • Fixed a couple of updating issues in the Players UI, as well as improved sorting
  • Event timer and end-of-event timers will move to "XX Hours XX Minutes" format when approaching the end

October 24th, 2020

  • You should be able to join your friends in Spooky Courtyard (Please note, this will only appear available within the Spooky Courtyard for now!)
  • Event Spinner sequence per-person reduced from 15s to 8s
  • Fixed an issue where the spinner would halt mid-queue session
  • Players who leave will have their spot in the queue removed
  • Adjusted the positioning of critically displayed text about the event spinner for easier transparency.

October 3rd, 2020

  • Halloween Battlepass
  • Doubled Price of Skip to Endgame pass..
  • World Event Bosses will account for your level when deciding to drop candy corn.
  • Tower minibosses will now generate candy corn (Halloween event).
  • Tower final boss will drop candy corn from the boss himself and from the first chest you collect.

September 30th, 2020

  • Auto-evolving. Once your pet reaches max level from feeding, they will evolve immediately (This still does not apply to pets inside the incubators).
  • The players menu now warns you properly when attempting to trade with someone.
  • The cash shop's character preview now mimics your player's animations for better outfit visibility.
  • Hands now properly open and close in the inventory and cash shop.
  • Gear handed to you from switching classes should no longer affect your power level.

September 26th, 2020 (Free Release)

  • Free Release of the game.

September 25th, 2020

  • You will now stay sprinting as long as you're moving.
  • Friends icons will now appear in the players menu.
  • Your power level will now display in the players menu, the main menu, and next to your XP bar.
  • Added more main quests to World 2 to break up the back-to-back dungeon quests.
  • Added quests for entering a new world.
  • You can't use barrier to stay alive through Ignis' death mechanic anymore.
  • Fixed the scroll for the active pet skill description.
  • The quest to defeat the Pyramid Dungeon now properly rewards an armor chest.
  • Fixed an issue where allowing party invites setting was not saving.
  • Fixed an issue where the enable advanced stats setting was not actually enabling.

September 24th, 2020

  • Pets' active skills now have descriptions under them.
  • There's now a new back button when you're customizing your character in the main menu.
  • A slight cooldown is applied to Demonic when using one of the other Demon abilities
  • Pet skills "Tethered Heal" and "Meteor Mortar" received buffs to account for their use case / cooldown.
  • Made slight tweaks to the Settings menu! It's now much larger for ease of use.
  • Crabby Crusade now has boss music.
  • Chests should now respawn when you revive in towers.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shield of Ignis' raining swords would deal a lot more damage than intended.
  • Entering new sound/lighting zones should respect your current volume settings now - hands weren't closing in the main menu.
  • Tower bug where the final boss would spawn twice should be resolved
  • Fixed issue where in your main healthbar the barrier health would block out the health numbers.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't sell items when you're at the end of a dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue where the healthbar of a mob would reset until you hit them again.
  • Fixed party healthbars not syncing with the members' actual health.

September 23rd, 2020

  • Every floor in the Prison Tower increases the mob level by two, meaning the final boss floor is now LEVEL 90.
  • Ignis now takes an extra 15 seconds before he starts using his death mechanic (the slam-down attack) to account for the higher level.
  • Trap rooms now remove the barriers after 20 seconds automatically.

September 18th, 2020 (Final Beta Update)

September 9th, 2020

  • Bug and Balance fixes.

August 26th, 2020

August 21th, 2020

  • Added daily quests.

July 10th, 2020

  • Adjusted the drop rates of tier 1 to 5 gear to make the higher tiers easier to get.
  • Mystery Dye boxes fixed (they will now give a dye).
  • Item Details frame properly scales down and fit on mobile screens.
  • HP bar snaps up a bit when a player is mounted.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes you wouldn't get both quests done when defeating the Buff Twins.
  • Pressing "U" to open quests should disable the notification in the menu.
  • Sell prices are now based off of the item's displayed level instead of an old internal operation.
  • Removed the last tick in damage for damaging status effects that only dealt 1 damage.
  • Able to claim gold / cosmetic rewards in quests even if your inventory is full (doesn't apply for quests awarding actual items).
  • The Black Butterfly Pets skill (Black Hole) and Meteor Strike (for both the pet skill and part of Berserker's ultimate) shouldn't phase through the ground anymore.

June 8th, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Mages couldn't target healthy entities like the Red Thorns in dungeon 3-3.
  • Fixed an issue where you would be stuck spawning under the map during the Dark Goblin Knight world event.
  • Fixed an issue with Dual Wielder's Combat Rhythm skill where it wasn't activating immediately after the cooldown was over.

June 5th, 2020


  • Character rendering support is now added! You can customize how many players you wish to render in the Settings menu.
  • The distance indicator for World Events should be more understandable now!
  • While in singleplayer, the dungeon end screen will prompt you to do the mission again instead of "Ready Up"

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bridge not wanting to respawn after it collapses in World 2.
  • Elementalist's Ultimate will now work in PvP.
  • Fixed an issue where outsiders can heal a player in a PvP session.
  • Fixed the White Butterfly Pet Skill "Energy Charger" where it wasn't providing a constant energy buildup (you only got energy on kills).

July 3rd, 2020 (Perks and Quests)

Update Details

  • Drops have been overhauled so that one gear is tied to a single rarity (before it would just randomly pick a rarity).
  • Tier 5 gear will only drop from the last dungeon in a world.
  • Gear has been redistributed across the worlds, and all dungeons/world events share the same loot pool of a given world.
  • Quests and side quests were added!
  • Added Boarwolf Mount, obtained by completing a quest.
  • Runes are now inoperable and replaced with perks.
  • The inventory got changed to include a character preview of yourself and properly show gear that is locked.
  • The cash shop now has limited-time cosmetics! It resets with new cosmetics each day!
  • The Worlds UI got a fresh new look and now displays progress you have with each world.


  • Tier 5 gear has a chance of including a Tier 5 Perk, you can identify this in the Perk 3 slot, and the name will be golden. Some Tier 5 perks are exclusive to a specific armor type!
  • Tier 3 gear will drop with 1 random perk, Tier 4 will drop 2 perks, and Tier 5 will drop 3 perks.

May 22nd, 2020 (PvP)

Update Details

  • PvP Duels are added! Currently, only 1v1 is available.
  • World Events now drop gear loot!
  • New costumes were added to the cash shop!

Gameplay Changes

  • World Events drop gear that drop at or +1 of your current level (capped at level cap).
  • Paladin's Block ability no longer reflects damage directly from an attack. You have to be close to inflict the attack back!
  • Pet Skill Barrier and Pet Skill Heal Pulse got increased radial detection from 12 to 35.
  • Damage Resistance Status max lifetime reduced from 12s to 8s.
  • Shortcut added to Dungeons! Press V to toggle the dungeon menu.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Gear that's not affiliated with your class should be more identifiable now.
  • Gear level requirement should be more identifiable now.
  • Barrier Skills got buffed! No more one-shot on barriers at level 60!
  • A distance counter was added to the world event timer.
  • Rune equip text should no longer be overlapping what gets displayed if it's locked.
  • Fixed an issue where switching out of Mage of Light and back prevents you from attacking.
  • Fixed an issue where you can teleport to the bottom of the map in World 4 via a Teleport System.
  • Fixed the lag spike that happens when the bridge collapses in World 2.
  • Fixed an issue with the Dragon Protector and Great Poison Flower where their timed skills would continuously spawn.
  • Dying right at the end of a world event shouldn't bring you back to your last spawn anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where the VIP gamepass was improperly displaying that a user doesn't have VIP when they actually do.

May 15th, 2020

Update Details

  • World 2 and World 3 received world bosses!
  • Mage of Light's Cure ability was replaced with a helper skill to bring up their sustained DPS.
  • Berserker's total damage and sustained DPS were way higher than other classes, adjustments were made.
  • Rune drop rate was adjusted!

Gameplay Changes

  • Mage of Light's Cure skill was replaced with Infused Light.
  • Berserker's Primary Attack: -40% DPS.
  • Berserker's Giga Spin: -30% Total Damage Output
  • Berserker's Aggro Slam: -20% Total Damage Output
  • Mobs shouldn't be waiting an unusual amount of time randomly between attacks when completing a cycle of attacks anymore.
  • Healing Status maximum lifetime decreased from 6 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Rune powering XP rate increased by x2.
  • Rune powering cost rate increased by x2.
  • Rune drop rate decreased from 5% to 2.5%.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where loading into a game with a world event in intermission would provide the wrong timer amount.
  • Fixed an issue where Skill Descriptions in the Classes UI weren't displaying the full contents of the description.

May 8th, 2020

Update Details

  • The Easter battlepass has been extended until Sunday at 11:59pm PST.
  • 3 new events are now in Crescent Cove (world 1).
  • World 1, World 4, Mission 1-1, and Mission 1-4 got polished up! 4-1 looks very different than before!
  • Status icons got a new makeover and should be easier to understand.
  • The whole crab mob lineup got a bit of a makeover to coincide with the theme of the game.
  • The pet dex in the Pet Master UI now displays the chances of all the pets!

Gameplay Changes

  • Event bosses gain a x5 health multiplier.
  • Event intermission timer got pushed to 120 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • The items and gold feed UI got pushed to the right side instead of distractingly running into the middle of the screen.
  • The mission objectives UI got repurposed to only display non-combative texts.
  • New mob counter UI will appear around the bottom left of your screen!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where you phase through the floor of elevators .
  • Fixed a lot of issues with the Hog Rider (Wasteland Tyrant) boss; his attacks should work like they used to now!
  • Fixed an issue where status icons displayed the correct time left but the image displayed the wrong percentage.
  • Fixed an issue where the teleport menu ring (and other rings) still displaying their UI when you're too high above or far below the ring itself.
  • Fixed an issue where the level, count, and upgrade text in an item tile do not scale properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI for feeding your pet was too small on tablet.

May 1st, 2020 (World Events)

World Events

  • Events spawn around the open world every 5 minutes. Currently only happens in World 4.
  • Defeat the boss, gain some lots of coins, easter eggs, and xp.
  • Non-boss mobs encountered in these events have a chance of spawning as an elite.

Gameplay Changes

  • Mobs will now prioritize targeting you over where they are wanting to roam towards.
  • Mobs are now slightly smarter when they determine where/when they want to roam around.
  • Mobs in Events will target anyone within the event radius, entirely separate from its own search radius.
  • The Dire Blast pet skill range was increased by 50%.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with mobs in a certain part of 2-1 where they can fall off the edge and become untouchable.
  • Fixed an issue where Mage of Light orbs would stick around until the player resets.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tree Ent boss would stay crouched and not enter his 2nd phase.
  • Fixed an issue where statuses could inflict damage onto a mob that is invincible.
  • Fixed an issue where lava under the Shadow of Cerberus wasn't dealing damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the burn status inflicted from the King Crab would deal no damage.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't see the boss healthbar if you were spectating.
  • Fixed an issue where leaving as the last player alive will stop mission progress.
  • Fixed an issue where the burn status was only dealing half of the true damage value.
  • Mitigated an issue where teleporting between waystones sometimes throws you under the map.

April 24th, 2020

Update Details

  • Battlepass XP gains has been increased.
  • Battlepass time limit has been increased! ends on May 8th!
  • ELITE MOBS have been introduced into missions at level 15+!
  • Mission Bosses now always drop battlepass XP!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where mobs would stop chasing a user if they run too far away.
  • Fixed an issue where the battlepass notifier would pop up on empty slots.

April 23rd, 2020

Update Details

  • Added hat to one of the Tier 5 Goo Pet.
  • Double XP weekend begins!

Bug Fixes

  • Activating dual wielder's Tempo now adds +6 seconds with every use.
  • Berserker's last attack should now actually deal damage.
  • Swordmaster's idle and running animation has been updated to be more refined.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when you land a hit, the hit would not register damage.
  • Fixed an issue where mounts on mobile did not run as fast as a sprinting mount on PC.
  • Fixed an issue where Dual Wielder's Tempo skill can be stacked infinitely.
  • Fixed the trading window to include everything in your inventory and cosmetics.

April 21st, 2020

Update Details

  • Mission 1-4 and 2-2 have been changed.
  • Mama Quillodile boss now has a hit indicator for its sweeping attack.
  • Advanced Debug Stat: displays DPS and Health of all entities.

Bug Fixes

  • The percentage chance in the Aura Chest Shop correctly overlays the icon now.
  • Resolved an issue where hearts displayed to the player can go out of order.
  • Fixed the notification appearing for players who gain more battlepass XP once they completed it.

April 10th, 2020 (Easter + Open World 4)

Update Details

  • Open World 4! Replaced the old hub.
  • 2 new Pets (World 4) with new abilities!
  • Easter Battlepass, with tons of exclusive cosmetics and auras that will only be available during Easter!
  • Dual Wielder [E] (Combat Rhythm) has been fixed so that if you get the last hit on a mob, it extends the time it's active.
  • Cash Shop 2.0! Preview window with rotate + zoom, and it is much bigger!

Bug Fixes

  • Equipping 3 health runes no longer makes you invincible.
  • Fixed invisible egg glitch.

April 3rd, 2020

Update Details

  • In-server matchmaking! When starting a dungeon, you can click "Find Party" and it will send invites to everyone in the server who is the correct level (like a party invite).
  • Pet Master UI overhaul. The Pet Master will now show you the full evolution tree of any pet you place in it. You can also select the "Pet-Dex" to view a list of all pets in-game.
  • Runes will be sellable for Gold
  • Dungeon party balance change.
  • Adjusted mission 3-3 boss and mini-bosses health.

March 30th, 2020

Update Details

  • 2x XP Weekend removed.
  • World 4 mobs will now give ~2.5x XP compared to before.
  • Issue with stacked items in your bank potentially being deleted when creating a new character is patched.
  • World 3 missions now all drop armor!
  • Free re-select of your base class (Swordmaster / Mage / Defender).

March 27th, 2020 (Double XP)

Update Details

  • Double XP Weekend!
  • Changed the design of the wolf mount to resemble a more anime-like style.


  • Missions are now being referred to as "dungeons."
  • Passive skills no longer re-roll on evolution. Once you hatch a pet it will keep that passive skill!
  • Passive stats for pets will still re-roll, since the higher tiers have a chance at higher stat rolls.
  • New tile and rarity design!
  • New item details design! This should make item stats more clear to understand.
  • The mission menu now properly reflects your percentage chance of the listed items.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Paladin Ultimate was ineffective.
  • Minor optimization to the combat flow.
  • The pillar in dungeon 2-3 now falls after you defeat the mobs instead of you dealing damage to the pillar.
  • Fixed an issue where the pet incubator was displaying a timer for pets that already reached max level.
  • Fixed the bug where equipping a mount did not display the mount enable/disable button.
  • Resolved a problem where evolving your pet did not display the correct pet skill afterwards.
Update Log (2024)


What is an update log? ›

The Update Log screen displays information about pattern or program file updates. These are the options available on this screen. Date Range: Select the date range that the update took place. Type: Select the type of update to display.

What is Windows Update log? ›

The Windows Update log is a powerful tool in determining issues with Windows Update. Whether it's simply a patch failing to install or issues connecting to Microsoft Update, this log can provide valuable detail in most cases.

How do I see my update history? ›

Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View update history .

Is it safe to delete Windows Update log files? ›

You can safely delete any *. log files you find within the C:\Windows folder without any consequences. They will be automatically recreated as soon as required.

What do log files tell you? ›

A log file is a computer-generated data file that contains information about usage patterns, activities and operations within an operating system, application, server or another device. Log files show whether resources are performing properly and optimally.

What logs does Windows keep? ›

Windows event logs are detailed records of system, security, and application-related events kept on a Windows operating system. Event logs help track the system and particular application problems and predict possible upcoming issues.

Are Windows upgrade log files important? ›

These log files are essential for troubleshooting upgrade problems.

How do I see Windows Update errors? ›

If you get an error code while downloading and installing Windows updates, the Update Troubleshooter can help resolve the problem. Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional troubleshooters.

How to check Windows Update? ›

To check for updates, select Start > Settings > Windows Update , then select Check for updates. If updates are available, you can choose to install them. If you run into problems updating your device, including problems with previous major updates, see common fixes at Troubleshoot problems updating Windows.

Can I see my updates? ›

Get the latest Android updates available for you

Open your device's Settings app. Tap System. Software update. You'll find your update status.

How to check history on Windows? ›

Checking Windows Activity History

Pressed together, the Windows and uppercase "i" keys open the Settings menu. Click Privacy. It's next to an icon of a padlock. Click Activity history.

Where is Windows Update log stored? ›

In this article
Log fileLocation
Dec 8, 2023

Are Windows log files important? ›

Importance of Windows Event Log Monitoring

Windows event logging provides detailed information like source, username, computer, type of event, level, etc., which helps effectively diagnose and fix issues affecting the system.

How do I delete a Windows Update log? ›

How to uninstall a Windows update
  1. Select Start > Settings > Windows Update > Update history > Uninstall updates . View update history.
  2. On the list that appears, locate the update you want to remove, and then select Uninstall next to it.

Should we delete Windows upgrade log files? ›

These files take space and with time it can affect the installation of Windows Updates and storage space. So it is good to delete Windows update files that are not in use.

What is the meaning of change log? ›

A changelog is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.

Where are Office update logs? ›

The logs are stored under %windir%\temp and %temp% for installation or patching issues, in the format of MachineName-Date-time. log.

What are logs on my computer? ›

A log is a file or record containing information about activities in a computer system. This can include information such as who accessed the system, when it was accessed, what files were opened and what changes were made. Logs are important for troubleshooting computer systems and keeping track of user activity.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.