USD Composer 2023.1 Beta — Omniverse USD Composer latest documentation (2024)

Table of Contents
Extension Changes omni.anim.graph.bundle omni.anim.retarget.core omni.anim.retarget.ui omni.anim.skelJoint omni.anim.window.timeline omni.curve.manipulator omni.flowusd omni.genproc.core omni.graph.visualization.nodes omni.graph.window.action omni.graph.window.core omni.graph.window.generic omni.graph.window.particle.system omni.kit.agent.watcher omni.kit.asset_converter omni.kit.browser.asset omni.kit.browser.asset_provider.actorcore omni.kit.browser.asset_provider.local omni.kit.browser.asset_provider.sketchfab omni.kit.browser.asset_provider.turbosquid omni.kit.browser.asset_store omni.kit.browser.core omni.kit.browser.deepsearch omni.kit.browser.folder.core omni.kit.browser.material omni.kit.browser.sample omni.kit.browser.texture omni.kit.capture.viewport omni.kit.core.collection omni.kit.environment.core omni.kit.extension.reports omni.kit.graph.delegate.modern omni.kit.graph.editor.core omni.kit.mesh.raycast omni.kit.ngsearch omni.kit.painter_link omni.kit.pointclouds omni.kit.profiler.tracy omni.kit.profiler.window omni.kit.scripting omni.kit.splash.carousel omni.kit.stage_column.payload omni.kit.stage_column.variant omni.kit.thumbnails.mdl omni.kit.thumbnails.usd omni.kit.tool.asset_importer omni.kit.tool.remove_unused.controller omni.kit.widget.calendar omni.kit.widget.extended_searchfield omni.kit.window.environment omni.kit.window.material omni.kit.window.material_graph omni.kit.window.movie_capture omni.kit.window.section omni.kit.window.usddebug omni.paint.brush.attributes omni.paint.brush.scatter omni.paint.brush.scripting omni.paint.system.bundle omni.paint.system.core omni.paint.system.ui omni.particle.system.bundle omni.particle.system.core omni.particle.system.ui omni.ramp omni.scene.visualization.core omni.slangnode omni.usd.fileformat.e57 omni.usd.fileformat.sbsar omni.usd.schema.destruction omni.usd.schema.flow omni.vdb_timesample_editor omni.warp omni.usd omni.kit.window.file omni.kit.welcome.learn omni.graph.core omni.graph omni.kit.window.filepicker usdrt.scenegraph omni.kit.usd.layers omni.usd.core omni.kit.manipulator.transform omni.kit.widget.graph omni.kit.widget.toolbar omni.ui.scene omni.timeline omni.ui omni.usd.libs omni.kit.usd.collect omni.kit.widget.stage omni.kit.registry.nucleus omni.kit.viewport.menubar.render omni.graph.ui omni.kit.viewport.ready omni.kit.material.library omni.kit.viewport.menubar.core omni.kit.widget.filebrowser omni.kit.window.cursor omni.kit.renderer.core omni.kit.window.splash omni.kit.window.extensions omni.kit.window.toolbar omni.kit.window.about omni.kit.tool.collect omni.rtx.window.settings omni.kit.welcome.window omni.kit.window.preferences omni.kit.renderer.imgui omni.rtx.settings.core omni.graph.scriptnode omni.kit.widget.layers omni.kit.viewport.window omni.kit.manipulator.prim omni.kit.clipboard omni.mtlx omni.graph.nodes omni.usd.config omni.usd.schema.anim omni.graph.exec omni.activity.profiler omni.kit.window.console omni.kit.primitive.mesh omni.kit.renderer.init omni.resourcemonitor omni.activity.ui omni.debugdraw omni.graph.action omni.kit.widget.viewport omni.kit.widget.searchfield omni.kit.stage.copypaste omni.kit.widget.versioning omni.client omni.kit.viewport.actions omni.hydra.pxr omni.kit.viewport.menubar.settings omni.kit.hotkeys.window omni.videoencoding omni.kit.widget.prompt omni.hydra.rtx omni.graph.examples.cpp omni.activity.core omni.kit.window.stage omni.kit.widget.settings omni.kit.documentation.builder omni.kit.livestream.core omni.kit.renderer.capture omni.kit.commands FAQs

Release Date: June 2023

Extension Changes

  • Add extension omni.anim.curve.bundle 1.2.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.curve.ui 1.2.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.graph.schema 105.0.7

  • Add extension omni.anim.motion_path.bundle 1.1.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.motion_path.core 1.1.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.motion_path.ui 1.1.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.navigation.bundle 105.0.2

  • Add extension omni.anim.navigation.core 105.0.38

  • Add extension omni.anim.navigation.schema 105.0.5

  • Add extension omni.anim.navigation.ui 105.0.23

  • Add extension omni.anim.shared 105.3.6

  • Add extension omni.anim.shared.core 105.6.0

  • Add extension omni.anim.timeline 105.0.14

  • Add extension omni.anim.widget.timeline 0.1.8

  • Add extension omni.asset_validator.ui 0.6.1

  • Add extension 0.5.0

  • Add extension omni.blast 0.13.0

  • Add extension omni.entity.spawn.bundle 0.2.0

  • Add extension omni.entity.spawn.core 0.1.3

  • Add extension omni.entity.spawn.ui 0.4.0

  • Add extension omni.flowusd.bundle 1.0.0

  • Add extension omni.flowusd.ui 105.0.3

  • Add extension omni.genproc.bundle 105.0.9

  • Add extension omni.genproc.ui 105.0.14

  • Add extension omni.isaac.onshape 0.6.5

  • Add extension omni.kit.browser.showcase 1.0.3

  • Add extension omni.kit.converter.geojson 0.0.10

  • Add extension omni.kit.converter.ogc 1.1.19

  • Add extension omni.kit.data2ui.core 1.0.6

  • Add extension omni.kit.data2ui.usd 1.0.6

  • Add extension omni.kit.graph.delegate.neo 1.0.5

  • Add extension omni.kit.graph.editor.example 1.0.20

  • Add extension omni.kit.livestream.core 1.0.2

  • Add extension omni.kit.livestream.webrtc 1.0.2

  • Add extension omni.kit.manipulator.selection 104.0.7

  • Add extension omni.kit.manipulator.tool.mesh_snap 1.4.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.manipulator.transform 104.6.14

  • Add extension omni.kit.manipulator.viewport 104.0.8

  • Add extension omni.kit.playlist.core 1.1.8

  • Add extension omni.kit.preferences.animation 1.1.0

  • Add extension omni.kit.prim.icon 1.0.10

  • Add extension 104.0.3

  • Add extension omni.kit.stagerecorder.bundle 105.0.2

  • Add extension omni.kit.stagerecorder.core 105.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.stagerecorder.ui 105.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.streamsdk.plugins 2.0.3

  • Add extension omni.kit.text3d 1.3.0

  • Add extension omni.kit.tool.measure 105.0.33

  • Add extension omni.kit.usd_presenter.conn.manager 0.1.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.variant.editor 105.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.variant.presenter 105.0.8

  • Add extension omni.kit.viewport.menubar.display 105.0.2

  • Add extension 105.0.5

  • Add extension omni.kit.viewport.menubar.waypoint 104.2.12

  • Add extension omni.kit.viewport.registry 104.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.waypoint.bundle 1.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.waypoint.core 1.3.33

  • Add extension omni.kit.waypoint.playlist 1.0.4

  • Add extension omni.kit.widget.spinner 1.0.5

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.advertise 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.core 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.profile.common 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.profile.tabletar 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.profile.vr 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.sceneview_utils 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.system.cloudxr 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.system.openxr 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.system.playback 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.system.simulatedxr 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.system.steamvr 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.config.common 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.config.generic 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.config.htcvive 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.config.magicleap 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.config.metaquest 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.stage.common 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.window.profile 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.kit.xr.ui.window.viewport 105.0.1

  • Add extension omni.no_code_ui.bundle 1.0.6

  • Add extension omni.ocean 0.4.1

  • Add extension omni.product_configurator.panel 1.0.14

  • Add extension omni.product_configurator.utils 1.0.6

  • Add extension omni.scene.optimizer.bundle 105.0.15

  • Add extension omni.scene.visualization.bundle 105.0.3

  • Add extension omni.scene.visualization.ui 105.0.7

  • Add extension 0.4.0

  • Add extension 1.0.0

  • Add extension omni.simready.explorer 1.0.26

  • Add extension 105.0.4

  • Add extension omni.usd.metrics.assembler 105.1.4

  • Add extension omni.usd.metrics.assembler.physics 105.1.2

  • Add extension omni.usd.metrics.assembler.ui 105.1.7

  • Add extension omni.usd.schema.metrics.assembler 105.1.2

  • Add extension omni.usd.schema.scene.visualization 2.0.2

  • Add extension omni.warehouse_creator 0.2.2

  • Remove extension omni.anim.camera_tool 105.1.4

  • Remove extension omni.kit.activity.model.cache_status 1.0.5

  • Remove extension omni.kit.activity.model.file_status 1.0.5

  • Remove extension omni.kit.activity.model.usd_status 1.0.5

  • Remove extension omni.kit.activity.progress.bundle 1.0.3

  • Remove extension omni.kit.activity.widget.monitor 1.0.6

  • Remove extension omni.kit.livestream.websocket 2.6.5

  • Remove extension omni.kit.recorder 1.2.3

  • Remove extension omni.kit.thumbnails.images 0.2.3

  • Remove extension omni.kit.widget.searchfield 1.0.7

  • Remove extension omni.paint.brush.modify 104.3.2

  • Remove extension 0.1.3

  • Remove extension 0.2.0


  • Update from 105.0.1 -> 105.0.3

  • Add schema extension


  • Update from 105.0.0 -> 105.0.14

  • Fix retarget tag assignment.

  • Fix retarget tag error.

  • SkelJoint V2 support.

  • Improve retargeting issue when the spine/clavicle joints are very aligned

  • RetargetController API change : supports different stage by providing stage_id for target skeleton

  • Fabric update.

  • Remove auto mapping file to read Up/Forward Axes

  • Improve a popping issue when retarget pose contains twist

  • Add a warning if the bind/rest pose is invalid

  • Fix issue the retarget pose is not visible when it said “visible”


  • Update from 105.0.1 -> 105.0.9

  • Fix retarget tag assignment.

  • Use production samples location.

  • SkelJoint V2 support

  • RetargetController API change


  • Update from 105.0.5 -> 105.0.122

  • Temporarily switched back to non-vectorize API to fix crash when using fabric vectorized API.

  • Changed Joint Visualization.

  • Menu update.

  • Color and rendering fix.

  • Switch to animation mode when timeline moves or start play.

  • Fix scaled joint visualization.

  • Supported independent OmniJoint rotation order change.

  • New Animation Mode UI.

  • Changed Joint selection behavior and visualization.

  • Fix some undo problems for ResetToBindingCommand, ApplyJointRetargetPoseToSkeleonCommand, ApplyJointRestPoseToSkeleonCommand and SwitchSkeletonTransformMode commands.

  • Changed Retarget Pose and RestPose not update when joint authoring to show the pose in skeleton.

  • Changed Using UsdGeomXformable Attribute API for OmniJoint.

  • Changed OmniJoint UI.

  • Renamed OmniSkel UI to SkelJoint.

  • Remove JointLimit UI.

  • Move anim drag/drop to omni.anim.skelJoint from omni.anim.shared

  • Changed SetPose interface.

  • Changed retarget/rest transform mode switch/apply UI logic.

  • Add apply animation pose to retargetTransforms.

  • Add Rest Transform Apply and Populate.

  • Add Retarget Transform Apply and Populate.

  • Temp disable fabric input fetch for all skelanimations.

  • SetPose interface.

  • Changed - skeljoint can detect fabric/usdrt skelanimation data.

  • Optimized animQuery validation.

  • RetargetController API change


  • Update from 105.10.4 -> 105.11.11

  • Add FixedTimeStepping back in option menu

  • Fix FPS model again

  • Fix zero view end issue

  • Support custom FPS with single click

  • Support custom FPS

  • Change the autoKeyAllXform, timeDisplay, snapToFrame key locations along with the preference changes

  • Introduce the seconds display mode and change the Timecodes to SMTPE mode

  • Remove timeline dependency on preferences

  • Move Checkmarks to left side of timeline option menu

  • Replace recorder icon, increase addkey icon size

  • Add FixedTimeStepping in option menu


  • Update from 104.7.2 -> 105.1.5

  • Fix issue where curves are not visible when first created

  • Assigning a default width value to newly-created curves

  • Fix performance issue in Curve CV widgets when multiple CVs are being manipulated.

  • Changed how periodic curve is created, manipulated and visualized. It now conforms to UsdBasisCurves standard without repeating the start vertex.

  • Changed curve editing context menu styling to VP 2.0 style.

  • Hide omni.kit.manipulator.prim when curve CV manipulation is in action.

  • Add function to convert old incorrect periodic curve data to correct one.

  • Minor fixes for tangent drawing.

  • Fix red-dot not visible when inserting new vertex to existing curve segments.

  • Fix snap visual indicator and minor cleanups.

  • Update toolbar for editing curves

  • Update for upstream dependencies.

  • Add support for other extensions to override control point properties

  • Fix issue where array elements that had a None value were not showing up as the default value

  • Showing control point properties when selected

  • No longer skips RTX render during curve editing.

  • Fix pencil tool cannot create curve longer than 1024 points.


  • Update from 105.1.6 -> 105.1.33

  • Fix leak in V2 USD prim tracking

  • Free stage reference sooner. Point voxelization.

  • Timesampled Xform fix

  • Global preset copy fix

  • Add support for emitterPoint to point to N UsdGeomPoints by relationship

  • Fix dependencies

  • Add NanoVDB readback OGN node

  • Separated UI code into omni.flowusd.ui

  • Add Point cloud streaming preset

  • Fix layer id of referenced presets for the stage window

  • Fix layer id of referenced presets

  • Fix ReadUsdAttributeRange prim changed callback

  • Fix drag and drop of Flow presets

  • New setting /exts/omni.flowusd/vdb_cache_size default is 8GB

  • Scalar ramp widget shows range on y axis

  • Add ReadUsdAttributeRange OG node

  • Point cloud preset defaults to bunny if no point is selected

  • FlowPointCloud property sheet UX

  • Non point cloud global preset also uses increased layer ID

  • Property sheets won’t reorder schema attributes


  • Update from 105.0.3 -> 105.0.18

  • Remove Flora.

  • Check nullptr of texcoord data from bundle.

  • Add cycle flag in motion path node.

  • Update PhysX usage.

  • Add group name in texture filter.

  • Add group visibility in ScatterPointsGroup node.

  • Add LoadTexture2D node for generic texture(s) loading and output data into bundle.

  • Add the ability to assign texture filter to Flora system to filter point scattering.

  • Add ScatterPointsGroup node for Flora.

  • Add ScatterPointsModifier node to post modify omni.particle.system.core.PointInstancer data.

  • Align cublas and cusparse dlls from cuda 11.7.0 with omni.pip.torch on Windows.

  • Remove redundant cuda libs on Linux.

  • Scatter Points crash.

  • Support the new Fabric system.

  • Re-add cuda libraries to extension.

  • Reduce cublas and cusparse dynamic libraries.


  • Update from 2.0.0 -> 2.1.1

  • Fix broken DrawScreenSpaceText node.

  • NOTE: this node must be in an ActionGraph configured for “pipelineStageSimulation” (the default) and not used todrive a Character (SkelRoot).

  • DrawLine in omni.graph.visualization.nodes has rotted

  • Fix DrawLine

  • Fix DrawLabel


  • Update from 1.4.0 -> 1.8.0

  • Enable double-click to enter compound nodes

  • Action and hotkey support

  • Action Graph window once again opens as soon as it is created, or shown for the first time.

  • The Action Graph window now toggles correctly in the Window -> Visual Scripting menu and selecting themenu item while it is checked will cause the window to close.versions are suffixed with last kit version they worked for.

  • Merged all of the _get_kit_version() functions in og.window.* into one.

  • Remove all the debugging prints that I added earlier.

  • Don’t cache a new connection until both of the connected nodes have been cached.

  • Disable display of the viewport HUD, grid, and axis gnomon.

  • Add modern viewport as dependency

  • The window turns to black when it is closed when it’s moved to become an external window


  • Update from 1.38.0 -> 1.61.0

  • Move force_regenerate = True to omni.kit.widget.graph

  • Add RMB menu option to edit a compound

  • Prim drop menu was always dropping ReadPrims.

  • OmniGraphView.screen_to_view(), .mouse_to_view() and .mouse_to_screen()

  • Dialog windows in the graph editor not appearing at mouse pointer.

  • Invisible zombie dialog boxes never being destroyed.

  • Collapse nodes to a subgraph compound node

  • Add deprecation warning for bundle attributes without ‘allowMultiInputs’ metadata

  • Deprecated commands: OGSetUsdUINodeGraphNodeAttrCommand, OGRemoveUsdUIPositionAttrCommand

  • too many refreshes when attribute values change

  • Ability to double-click and open up compound nodes

  • Add subgraphs to the list of graphs that can be switched to in the drop-down

  • Fix issue where connections were always removed when making multiple connections.

  • The node help icon only appears when hovering over the header now and only after a half-second delay.

  • Only clicking with the left mouse button will bring up node help now.

  • Dragging on the help icon won’t bring up help.

  • Type conversion context menu to nodes

  • Add more general way to handle relationship connections

  • Remove implicit multi-connection support for target types. Now relies on allowMultiInputs metadata.

  • Add test_delete_target_connection

  • Call rebuild node when attributes are resolved

  • ActionGraph Subgraphs created in code or in older versions can be opened without exceptions in the editor.

  • Dragging a prim into the editor and reading bundles now brings in a ReadPrims node in 105 and greater.

  • Fix some invalid type hinting.

  • The node context menu now appears even when there is no selected node

  • Add better check for newest mouse position functions

  • Add Actions and Hotkeys for Copy & Paste in OmniGraphs.

  • Variable type changes handle authoring layer mismatches

  • Variable appearance refreshes on type change

  • graph_operations.show_help_for_node_type()

  • Have the node menu and the help icon use the new method.

  • Restore support for a help page to open up when the user clicks on the node type icon

  • Add support for target attributes in editor

  • double-clicking on the empty canvas will now select the Graph

  • Action and hotkey support.

  • Add a context menu for nodes.

  • New connections to bundle ports will remove existing connections.

  • Replaced asyncio.ensure_future() call with the new omni.kit.async_engine.run_coroutine() method.

  • Attempts to create connections between incompatible attributes no longer remove the existing connections.

  • Node types now sorted by name in catalog

  • Adds new category and icons for animationGraph and characterSystem.

  • Remove support for the node help icon until some issues can be resolved.

  • OmniGraphNodeTypeCatalogModel init: removing passing of ‘args’ to super init.

  • Remove hardcoded subclass and self arguments in super() init call in the following classes: OmniGraphSelectorItemDelegate, OmniGraphSelectorItem and OmniGraphSelectorModel

  • Support for a help page to open up when the user clicks on the node type icon

  • View -> Layout Nodes works again. Or at least as well as it used to.

  • Fix issue where hidden ports would be shown when node is first created.

  • Merged all of the _get_kit_version() functions in og.window.* into one.

  • Don’t let OmniGraphNodeTypeCatalogModel build the node list until after its __init__() has returned.

  • Don’t cache a new connection until both of the connected nodes have been cached.

  • Filter prop changes from removed prims instead of changed prims.

  • Context menu on ports

  • Promote to Constant, Promote to Variable and Set to/from Variable options

  • Handle the deprecation of the useSchemaPrims preference.

  • Context menu for compound creation

  • Support for compound node styles


  • Update from 1.3.10 -> 1.6.0

  • Ability to double-click and enter compounds

  • Add filter_fn to Generic Graph, to specify valid prims to paste into the graph.

  • Action and hotkey support.

  • Add additional dependencies

  • Generic Graph window once again opens as soon as it is created, or shown for the first time.

  • The Generic Graph window now toggles correctly in the Window -> Visual Scripting menu and selecting themenu item while it is checked will cause the window to close.

  • Ensure outstanding futures are canceled on object destruction.

  • The window turns to black when it is closed when it’s moved to become an external window


  • Update from 105.1.1 -> 105.1.17

  • Fix ParticleGraphDelegate constructor.

  • Dropping a Solver node from the node list adds two nodes.

  • Add work-in-progress support for unified dynamics and optional dependency on dynamics schemas.

  • Correctly removing the identifier attribute when removing a schema

  • Not showing the identifier as an input on OmniGraph nodes

  • Fix graph model mistreating newly created bundle output as legacy prim node.

  • Implementing context menu callback function when the schema is selected

  • Adding “Add Operator” widget and context menu of available operators

  • Fixing drag and drop for constant path


  • Update from 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1


  • Update from 1.2.38 -> 2.0.8

  • OM-97203: Ability to preserve original skeleton when converting from FBX to USD

  • Fix the gltf not export correct mesh color issue.

  • OM-86820: Fix the fbx animation’s order rotation value.

  • OM-86820: Filter the fbx animation’s horizontal/reverse rotation value.

  • Add writeTarget.python into config to ensure py tag appended to package name.

  • OM-77842: Fix normal issue with left-hand.

  • OM-74787: Fix gltf vertex colors.

  • Fix issue to convert assets in parallel.

  • Fix issue to save layer to Nucleus when there are spaces in the path.

  • Fix export non skinned skeleton bone missing.

  • keep the points index for obj file import.

  • Improve path utils to handle local paths.

  • Add FBX and OBJ into extension list as format plugin is case-sensitive.

  • Add asset_converter_native_bindings to python modules list

  • 10x speed up to usd exporter.

  • Fix default prim issue after importing from File menu.


  • Update from 1.1.18 -> 1.3.5

  • Remove duplicated run_warmup argument

  • Cache new root folders during warmup

  • OM-96989: Default not build ui when startup

  • OM-88159: Change collect default folder to content folder which set in launcher.

  • OM-84608: When double click on asset item to add into viewport, respect payload options in Preferences

  • OM-85649: support of lazy load workflow in Create

  • Add properties for window and browser widget

  • OM-75191: For folders in default settings, hide file without thumbnail, otherwise show all files

  • Do not show window immediately after docked

  • Use TreeFolderBrowserModel


  • Update from 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6

  • Reduce startup time


  • Update from 1.0.8 -> 1.0.9

  • OM-77818: Only refresh when whole folder collected instead of refresh every subfolder collected


  • Update from 1.0.9 -> 1.0.10

  • Reduce startup time


  • Update from 1.0.8 -> 1.0.9

  • Reduce startup time


  • Update from 1.0.8 -> 1.1.2

  • OM-96989: Default not build ui when startup

  • OM-88278: Fix error when display download dialog

  • OM-85649: support of lazy load workflow in Create

  • New setting exts.”omni.kit.browser.asset_store”.show_window to show/hide window after startup. Default true to show.

  • Move browser widget arguments from window to widget

  • Add properties for window and browser widget

  • OM-66717: Hide file name input when downloading asset

  • Force file name to empty when downloading asset

  • Do not show window immediately after docked

  • Remove initial window size when creating browsers so window.frame.build_fn will not be called unless window is docked and selected


  • Update from 2.1.5 -> 2.3.9

  • OM-95405: Make spinner height to fit item

  • OM-88159: Add item right click function for tree category delegate.

  • OM-93878: Fix issue when changing thumbnail size for items without thumbnail

  • OM-75191: Make spinner faster (1.5x speed)

  • OM-75191: Make spinner bigger

  • Right-click does not select the clicked item

  • When multiple selection, only select visible items

  • Notify selection changed while right click on items

  • OM-86101: New argument “multiple_drag” to support multiple drag. Default False.

  • OM-75191: Show loading animation while category in loading progress

  • OM-83328: Tree lines for multi level categories

  • OM-82767: If options menu item appended, always refresh menu

  • Use content_clipping and frame build_fn to reduce drawing detail items

  • Add function for CategoryDelegate to get item count

  • Add TreeBrowserWidget/TreeCategoryDelegate for treeview mode


  • Update from 1.0.12 -> 1.0.35

  • OM-74998: token expired error fix

  • Update find similar functionality to send the base64 encoded string instead of the omniverse url
    • allows to easier to implement multi-server searches on the client side.

  • Possibility to select S3 buckets with DeepSearch

  • Fix Go To Item functionality when working with S3 buckets

  • OM-87677: fixed me button appearance

  • focus on search window, when clear search window button is clicked

  • Add flags to the main window to make unscrollable

  • Update icons

  • Reset Search button

  • OM-85168: No results found message, when the resulting list is empty

  • Fix window does not close properly when switching layouts

  • Add ‘similarity_threshold’ to the list of supported prefixes

  • Add omniverse logo to the Omniverse Folder on the side pannel

  • Omniverse folder on the side panel is collapsible

  • Show tokens in the search bar (the same way it is in Content Browser)

  • Fix search to have the same behavior as in Content browser

  • Fix import of asset_types with latest Kit 105 filepicker

  • Add explicit [[python.module]] for “deepsearch”

  • Remove unneeded get thumbnail operation, as omni.kit.ngsearch extension returns proper URL

  • Sets top translation of prims to 0 on execute.

  • Adds menu items to rt-click menu to load at selection.


  • Update from 1.5.4 -> 1.9.6

  • Enable caching new root folders during warmup

  • Make category count right to add new folder to a existed category item

  • If different url found in cache file, should set has_cache to False

  • Replace “%20” with space in category(folder) and detail(file) name

  • When register external folder, check duplicated by name in existing category items

  • use “setting_folders_hide_in_category” to define folders hide in category view instead simple “hide_root_folder”

  • FolderBrowserModel: Add argument to load and watch a setting for custom root folder paths

  • “hide_root_folder” does not take effect to folder with “/” in name

  • Add new argument “hide_root_folder” to not show root folder in category tree

  • OM-94780: Added the ability to register and unregister root folders with the FolderBrowserModel

  • OM-96228: Remove warning of “python.pipapi”

  • OM-95536: Support wild char when filter folders by name

  • OM-88159: Add collect menu for folder category item’s right click.

  • OM-88151: Fix issue that traverse folder with invalid url again and again

  • Fix error without “omniverse.toml” in GFN

  • OM-86101: New argument “multiple_drag” to support multiple drag. Default False.

  • OM-75191: Show loading animation while category in loading progress (require omni.kit.browser.core v2.3.0)

  • Expose more functions for SimReady

  • Change some functions to be overridden for SimReady

  • Decrement parent counts when samples are deregistered

  • Add property for detail selections in browser widget

  • OM-75630: If folder url redirected, do not load from cache

  • OM-75623: Replace url if alias defined in omniverse.toml

  • OM-75623: Continue traversing folder even for an invalid URL (stat failed and not omniverse server)

  • update docs

  • OM-70692: Use omni.kit.widget.nucleus_connector to connect nucleus server when traversing folder while not connected

  • Use TreeFolderBrowserModel/TreeFolderBrowserWidget for treeview mode

  • If cache file enabled, only traverse collection when selected

  • Do not traverse into sub folders if not necessary

  • Filter sub folders/files during traverse to reduce cache and memory size

  • After traverse, compare to cache, if nothing changed, do not refresh views


  • Update from 1.2.20 -> 1.4.1

  • Cache new root folders during warmup

  • OM-98241: New default folder

  • Add more default arguments to MaterialBrowserModel

  • Add “Select Bound Objects”

  • OM-63093: Remove dialog when “Apply To Selected” is chosen and instead simply assign the material to all of the selected objects

  • OM-74540: Create materials in default prim instead of always “/World”

  • Use new tree style



  • Update from 1.0.6 -> 1.2.0

  • OM-85649: support of lazy load workflow in Create

  • OM-81142: Change UI to new tree mode


  • Update from 1.1.17 -> 1.2.2

  • Set animation timeline play start and end frame range for capture to fix the issue that when capture’s start frame isout of the timeline’s start and end frame range, the first captured frame will be the start frame of the animation

  • Fix the iray capture’s samples per pixel could be capped at 512 issue

  • Add support to Path Tracing adaptive sampling to save performance in Path Tracing capture when the samples per pixel number is big

  • Fix the Iray capture failure happening when Iray renderer plugin hasn’t been loaded yet.

  • Fix the XR Output Alpha in composited images is not correct issue

  • Set Fill Viewport to false during capture so that it can capture in the resolution specified in movie capture UI

  • Update the progress report when there are existing frames to skip

  • Update from 1.0.5 -> 2.0.11

  • Fix issue that resizes viewport will clear follow user menu.

  • Supports multiple viewport for follow user menu.

  • Fix issue that camera properties except transform are out of sync during live.

  • Replace direct access to with presence layer APIs.

  • Improve follow user functionality.

  • Add supports to follow user.

  • Replaced asyncio.ensure_future calls in with omni.kit.async_engine.run_coroutine function.

  • Fix issue that camera label cannot be seen sometimes.

  • Hide peer user’s cameras from viewport list.

  • Optimize refresh performance of camera label/offscreen pointer.

  • Support offscreen pointer.

  • Improve performance by replacing omni.ui widgets into omni.ui.scene widgets for camera label.

  • Fix lag issue of camera label.

  • Supports camera label for new live session.


  • Update from 0.1.1 -> 0.1.5

  • store EditTarget when creating Collections so undo undoes the correct layer

  • Remove debug prints

  • Replaced error prints with carb warnings


  • Update from 1.1.8 -> 1.3.3

  • OM-97507: When ground material changed, bind it again with cloned material in same layer as old binding

  • OM-89354: Change “roughness amount” to 0.0 in default ground material

  • OM-66083: Restore all render settings to default before applying new render settings with scene templates.

  • OM-54602: Use sub layer to apply scene template to make variants work

  • OM-96740: Prevents _update_fog() from throwing an exception for a missing texture.

  • OM-66083: Apply render settings with float array value

  • OM-66083: Update message when applying template with render settings

  • OM-66083: Support templates with sub layers

  • OM-95581 & OM-95470: Do not always save ground type to stage file

  • OM-66083: Try loading render settings when applying a scene template

  • OM-93823: Do not create /Environment for a empty stage

  • OM-93590: Support payload in payload

  • OM-89354: Change default ground material

  • OM-91494: Reset ground type when ground prim deleted

  • Use texCoord2f[] for primvars:st type.

  • Use texCoord2d[] for primvars:st type.

  • Fix bug OM-84062: Create crash to open a file if sunstudy is playing on the previous one.

  • OM-79422: set ground size when stage opened

  • OM-80044: Only check prims under Environment root for better scene load time

  • OM-79609: Do not make stage dirty after stage opened

  • Update api usage for create_filepicker, use show_file_importer instead

  • OM-75837: Custom notification for View to indicate Sun Study only works with dynamic skies, no buttons to add one.

  • OM-73228: There may be an empty sky prim. Also need to clean up before creating new sky

  • OM-71227: Handle error in broken stage file

  • OM-36606: Show warning dialog if extra lights already exist when applying environment

  • OM-66383: Set /Environment to be Xform by default

  • Enable sky parameters for weather (cumulus enabled, cloud coverage and haze)

  • Make actions be optional


  • Update from 0.3.7 -> 0.3.10

  • Add try/except around Jira login, add new SVC account

  • Fix missing output path


  • Update from 1.6.4 -> 1.6.6

  • Add bigger margin for long port names

  • icon size does not consider sub-ports been expanded (OM-74025)


  • Update from 1.4.7 -> 1.5.1

  • Add ability to pass style_type_name_override to items used in GraphEditorCoreWidget __on_build_toolbar function.

  • Move _get_graph_view_hovered_position() here from Material Graph’s GraphWidget class


  • Update from 105.0.3 -> 105.3.1

  • Update Kit Version

  • Add setHitFilterFn

  • Supported double side raycast

  • Update for latest USD and Python version.

  • Update SplineCurve to correctly handle periodic Cubic Bezier BasisCurves.

  • closestRaycastMesh now sets the face_index when hitting a mesh.

  • enable bvhBuildOnFirstRequired by default.

  • Fix when added mesh is child of a non-xformable.

  • Add setting bvhBuildOnFirstRequired.

  • Add stage load activity.


  • Update from 0.0.5 -> 0.1.5

  • Fix returned URL in Search Gen 2 method

  • Support for S3 DeepSearch backends

  • Websockets 10.3 pip dependency

  • Close connection functionality

  • ‘search_gen_2’ method - Add a check on response status before URLs are being processed

  • Add hierarchy retrieval functionality to the client

  • IDL and NGSearch packman package update

  • Add explicit [[python.module]] for “idl”

  • Keep alive service transport context

  • Bugfix: return URLs with the same host as the search request was made

  • Bugfix: try reconnecting to NGSearch, when connection was not successful


  • Update from 201.0.2 -> 203.0.9

  • Error when retrieving material input texture paths (OM-93012)

  • Remove package.writeTarget.kit = true

  • Switch packman-transports

  • Remove OmniSurface shader support

  • Use compositedNormalDX_tex for OmniSurface normal map input

  • Set package.writeTarge- from - Improvet = true in extension.toml

  • Support for OmniSurface shaders

  • “connector” tag for service endpoints

  • Add omni.kit.stage_templates dependency

  • Support for USD exports from Substance Painter (OM-73683)

  • Support for USDPreviewSurface shaders (OM-82993)

  • Stage will reference USD geometry file exported from Substance Painter (OM-45600)

  • Stage builds shaders based on USD material file exported from Substance Painter (OM-73699)

  • Rotating texture export folders no longer used (OM-73696)

  • Validation for compatible Substance Painter version and Painter Live Link extension version (OM-82998)

  • Remove protocol version validation (OM-82998)

  • Correct material names will be used if texture set is renamed in Substance Painter and mesh or textures are re-exported (OM-67024)

  • Delay in environment map displaying removed when included with mesh export (OM-83009)

  • Texture paths are converted to URLs

  • Texture set update http post protocol updated from version 2.2 to 2.3 to support arbitrary mesh types on import and enabling environment map when importing mesh

  • All other Dome Lights in stage are set to invisible when importing Environment map (OM-66396)

  • “Use Environment Map” and “Show” checkboxes work on initial mesh import (OM-67723)


  • Update from 0.0.14 -> 1.0.5

  • No rendering option

  • RTX on/off option

  • Import options UX

  • Add selection of point cloud preset

  • Async and multithreaded import

  • Point transforms are kept in scan’s xforms (OM-52424)

  • Improve UX: import progress, option to cancel import

  • Display color interpolation set to vertex (OM-72158)

  • PTS importer viewport error fix


  • Update from 1.0.4 -> 1.1.3

  • Update to newer tracy_bin which uses newer MSVC libs

  • OM-93598: Don’t load carb.profiler-tracy.plugin until right before we start profiling with tracy.

  • Build against Kit 105.0 instead of 105.1

  • Ability to launch Tracy and have it immediately connect to the running Kit process.

  • Update Tracy to 0.9.1


  • Update from 2.0.3 -> 2.1.2

  • Disabled menu_legacy as its will always be off in kit-sdk

  • Fix the profiler window to work when the cpu profiler is running under the multiplexer profiler.

  • Add average wall time per span name.

  • Display only available perfsdk node keys

  • Add an option to adjust perfsdk’s sampling interval in ms.

  • Fix column size for perfsdk report generator checkbox.

  • Update from 1.0.15 -> 1.1.5

  • OM-55925: Slider Should move with the mouse at the same rate

  • OM-55924: Environment min and max for latitude should be -90 and 90

  • OM-55927: Latitude and Longitude should have a slide bar Like Orientation

  • Enable sky parameters for weather (cumulus enabled, cloud coverage and haze)

  • Update from 0.9.5 -> 105.0.3

  • USD attribute model constructor behavior

  • Ensure metadata is synchronized with reference opinions to correct dynamic payload attributes

  • Store edits in Root layer instead of Session layer

  • Drag-drop duplicated material

  • Fix depreciated warning

  • Remove async drag-drop handling.

  • Make drop_accepted explicitly do selection it wants rather than use pickable=True.


  • Update from 104.0.16 -> 105.0.9

  • Fix a bug where it would always error if you tried to save a script to a nucleus location via the edit button

  • parameter ui script edit button shows an error message and aborts when it fails to create a file

  • changed timeline event order to 1000000 so script events always get executed last

  • Add an edit button for python scripts in the parameter ui

  • Add a feature for copying python scripts to a location on your machine if they’re http paths, and remapping paths in the scene

  • Fixes for higher fidelity for on_update that is not linked to stage updates.

  • Fixes Create script menus not showing up.

  • Fixes for not being able to attach local BehaviorScript when the stage usd is on an omni server.

  • Fixes for break in omni.client library api breaking changes.

  • Do not show edit/new python scripts option in read-only context.

  • Fixes warning message dialog on remote USD files.

  • Fixes for remote script subfolder load.

  • Fixes support for relative from .. imports back to root assigned scripts folder.

  • Fixes for remote script dependencies

  • Adds new BehaviorScript overrides for on_play, on_pause, on_stop

  • Adds new BehaviorScript helper properties.

  • Fixes reload on local dependencies script changes.

  • Fixes recovery from on_init and on_update script errors

  • Fix to windows so they don’t require closing to open new script files.

  • Fix to ensure scripting omnicache/pycache does not lock up extension on startup.

  • Update from 0.1.5 -> 0.1.8

  • show only one warning per server connection failure

  • Update search service and idl packages.

  • Update get_prefixes to work for nucleus search service


  • Update from 1.0.3 -> 1.1.6

  • splash window isn’t movable/resizable

  • Fix blur box (back) and overlays for high DPI displays

  • Fix blur box for high DPI displays

  • Made blur bg box width and height use settings

  • Propagate all settings as arguments to the splash process

  • Remove burn in text and icons and instead using settings to pass the information (OM-63582)

  • Make the images stay longer by default (OM-71030)

  • Fix slides_file_patterns setting was not propagated to the child process


  • Update from 1.0.8 -> 1.0.10

  • Remove python tag for publish to work for any python versions.


  • Update from 1.0.6 -> 1.0.12

  • A blank variant has been added to the top of the dropdown to match the variant dropdown in the property panel.

  • Remove python tag for publish to work for any python versions.

  • Show the variants even when the prim is not Imageable.

  • Fix style issue when variant column is focused.

  • Fix widget scrolling issues for both kit & create


  • Update from 1.0.19 -> 1.0.22

  • Switch to use pxr render delegate instead of rtx

  • Isolate thumbnail generation in separate context and viewport


  • Update from 0.5.2 -> 1.0.1

  • Use pxr instead for rtx renderer, will remove ~300 seconds of compiling ray tracing shaders


  • Update from 2.3.24 -> 2.4.14

  • Fix upload files and asset import when they are called from context menu.

  • OM-97203: Ability to preserve original skeleton when converting from FBX to USD

  • Update menu Import to after “Open Recent”

  • Add ignore flip rotation to options.

  • Update menu Import as Reopen as been moved

  • Fix issue when selected filebrowser item is not directly under current directory, the result file pathdidn’t include the folder paths in between.

  • Disable apply button if filename is not specified

  • Update file picker apply button label to “Import/Export”

  • Remove debug log.

  • Replace prompt to omni.kit.widget.prompt.

  • Do not show upload options in read-only context.


  • Update from 0.1.1 -> 0.1.3

  • Wait Materials window becomes visible to add menu item

  • OM-72406: Make sure append menu item to material window only when its stage options menu created

  • Update from 0.1.18 -> 0.1.23

  • Update to numpy1.22

  • Add omni.usd as dependency

  • Regenerate repo_pip_cache

  • Update to USD22/Py310/numpy1.24/scipy1.10

  • Add renderer and multi gpu settings to args


  • Update from 1.0.5 -> 1.0.7

  • Add a first weekday parameter to allow user config the first day of week.


  • Update from 1.0.14 -> 1.0.20

  • Limit on the maximum token length

  • Deepsearch helper package

  • Show an error when search dates are out of order.

  • Add search_grammar to python modules

  • Do not show hint container when building search field ui if there are already search tokens.

  • Add more image file formats.


  • Update from 1.2.1 -> 1.6.7

  • OM-98241: New default folder

  • Add ability to pass custom root folder path into EnvBrowserModel

  • OM-96989: Default not build ui when startup

  • OM-66083: Support templates with sub layers

  • OM-95536: Hide “props”, “SubUSDs”

  • OM-66083: Do not show render setting of scene templates

  • OM-92888: Fix property button missed in Composer when startup

  • OM-85649: support of lazy load workflow in Create

  • Remove unused print

  • OM-83124: Save env templates to cache file and load in next startup

  • Make sure environment model created before navigating to dynamic skies

  • OM-72818: the threshold at which it goes to stacked could still be narrower

  • Update template with async and new template API if possible

  • Change default layout to horizontal instead of vertical since default dock changed to Content

  • Do not show window immediately after docked

  • Use action when applying environment

  • OM-36606: Add show light warning to options menu

  • Use new treeview style

  • Make actions be optional

  • Avoid exception if file url is None


  • Update from 1.0.21 -> 1.3.6

  • OM-98241: New default folder

  • Add ability to pass custom root folder path into MaterialBrowserModel

  • OM-97348: Fix search error when stage mode not enabled

  • OM-96989: Default not build ui when startup

  • Make stage_options_menu in extension instance work

  • Export MaterialBrowserWidget to use in other window or ui.scene

  • OM-85649: support of lazy load workflow in Create

  • OM-83662: Only create stage widget in stage mode

  • OM-72818: Adjust layout since default docked to Content

  • Do not show window immediately after docked


  • Update from 1.6.7 -> 1.8.7

  • Got rid of force_regenerate = True line that was unnecessary.

  • Fix typo resulting in UsdUVTexture not being included in list of UsdPreviewSurface shaders.

  • Clean up node connection logic

  • Only permit UsdPreviewSurface nodes to connect to other UsdPreviewSurface nodes

  • MaterialGraphView.__serialize_positions: skip invalid nodes.

  • Replace pause/resume icons.

  • Update tool-tips for pause, resume and refresh buttons

  • Add custom MaterialGraphView

  • Refactor framing operations

  • Remove hotkey for pause, resume

  • Additional cyclical graph connection changes.

  • Include hotkeys in tooltips

  • Fix focus when creating new materials and importing selected.

  • Add toolbar + mechanism to pause/resume shader compilation.

  • Don’t allow cyclical graph connections.

  • Refator importing logic.

  • Include “color” in the 3-component connection types if both nodes are UsdPreviewSurface.

  • Add better check for newest mouse position functions

  • Add actions and hotkeys for copy & paste in the graph

  • Move _get_graph_view_hovered_position out of GraphWidget, to

  • Don’t close material graph on file save

  • Fix population of Quicksearch model.

  • Add support for range annotations of compound types.

  • Add support for UsdPreviewSurface

  • Fix “custom” material search paths were not read

  • Add missing omni.kit.material.library dependency

  • Add tooltips to catalog items

  • Fix “Add Compounds Directory” picked up wrong path

  • Refresh compound lists after “Clear Compounds Directories”

  • Update MdlRegistry to use omni.client library for file operations

  • Remove setting of shader property order by NewUsdShadeNodeCommand

  • use helper function to get stage via UsdShadeGraphModel update_dirty() method

  • Update code in MdlRegistry.load_mdl_function to use pymdlsdk.IFunction_definition.Semantics.DS_UNKNOWN for Kit version > 104

  • The window turns to black when it is closed when it’s moved to become an external window

  • Fix error in UsdShadeGraphModel.type() due to undeclared variable.

  • Fix error condition when extension version is dynamically changed via Create extension manager.

  • Update caching mechanism in UsdShadeGraphModel class

  • Refactor path gathering code so that the search paths are regenerated upon reload.


  • Update from 2.1.4 -> 2.1.12

  • Changed HDR output option to True by default

  • Lower the file options message to info level

  • Add UI components to enable optional generation of shader cache for remote rendering jobs (actual generation still pending task availability).

  • Fix the issue that the last batch is not included when the frames can be evenly distributed to the batches

  • Fix the render product related errors at ui layout restore

  • Update the Farm Queue management URL to be the /dashboard page if it’s supported, otherwise still direct to the /ui page

  • Add two sections for known issues and limitations for movie captures in doc, so that users can have more ideas about the most frequently asked questions about movie capture


  • Update from 104.0.0 -> 105.0.2

  • OM-93367: Decoupled manipulator visibility and section slice enabled states.

  • OM-92222: Added a toggle to only change the display of the manipulator plane and buttons while keeping the slice.

  • OM-90916: Fixed Section tool appearing in next stage if open in previous stage

  • OM-90917: Fixed Section tool prims only appearing in Layers panel.

  • OM-90919: Fixed the ability to delete the section tool prims.

  • OM-85959: Fixed Moving to Selection. Required Computing world bound versus local bound.

  • OM-88315: Fixed Rename issue when name change is made as a part of an upcoming sequence ID number.

  • OM-85153: Fixed Section cloning. Additional case where cloning was broken after deleting a section.

  • Fix identifying unsupported characters in section rename. Automatically convert spaces to “_”.

  • OM-85955: Fixed using the Delete hotkey. Using this is not the intended way to remove a section.

  • Fix IndexError issue trying to delete a section after multiple are added.

  • Fix IndexError after deleting sections and pressing previous/next.

  • Fix ability to resize the section window when undocked.

  • OM-85152: Fixed serialization of the section transforms

  • Fix Deleting a section auto creating a new one, and not transitioning to the next available section

  • OM-84284: Fixed Snap to selected functionality

  • Prevented removal of section if it is the only section available. The tool relies on a section existing to operate.

  • Changed to using auto_resize which means we don’t have to prebuild the UI during startup.

  • Remove frame scroll window as it was causing issue drawing the window at full size.

  • OM-82357: Section creation is now created based on the center view vector of the camera

  • OM-82356: Transform gizmo now appears immediately after creation of a new section

  • OM-82355: Updated ui scene visuals and made picking more responsive for the section

  • Do not make stage dirty after stage opened

  • Delay create window until show it, make extension startup faster


  • Update from 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1

  • Fix omni.usd dependency now that it is a separate extension


  • Update from 1.1.2 -> 1.3.0

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom

  • Update to latest Paint Core.

  • Config changes.


  • Update from 104.2.8 -> 105.1.1

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom

  • Add asset not work with new asset browsers

  • Update asset paths.


  • Update from 104.7.0 -> 105.0.0

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom

  • Update from 104.3.2 -> 105.0.0

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom


  • Update from 105.0.8 -> 105.6.0

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom


  • Update from 104.5.8 -> 105.7.0

  • Add compatibility for Warp-0.7

  • Bugfix for Warp Paint crashing when computing neighboring triangles

  • Warp Paint updates

  • Fix a bug that caused Kit to crash when using omni.ramp

  • Fix a bug where the Toolbutton sometimes did not activate.

  • Fix stat_with_callback to work with latest Kit-SDK.

  • Add support for uint8 vectors for Warp Paint.

  • Add support for int32 and int64 for Warp Paint.

  • Fix a bug that caused empty xforms to be created.

  • Fix a bug in the Warp Paint where parent transformations were not treated correctly.

  • More early exit when ALT/CONTROL is down.

  • Pass more information to brush from painter.

  • lazy update mesh paths.

  • Fix generating paint ray through time sampled camera.

  • Fix a bug when painting on a newly created attribute

  • Add a new PainterEventType for rebuilding the parameter UI

  • Warp Paint updates.

  • Fix an issue when using Warp Paint with indexed primvars.

  • Warp Paint updates.

  • Fix paint with user camera in viewport

  • Add Warp Paint system

  • update to viewport 2.0

  • Changed some warning to info message

  • Handle possibility that legacy Viewport is loaded, but no Window exists.

  • Set default lock_selection to False.

  • Reported collisions_faces and collision_vert_positions in overlap_vertices mode.

  • Add BrushSettingsFullVectorModel

  • Fix brush live-reloading not refreshing current brush.

  • Split from omni.paint.system


  • Update from 104.3.11 -> 105.1.2

  • Fix falloff combobox

  • Fix a paint mode state

  • remove dependence of omni.kit.widgets.custom

  • Fix warning messages when removing assets from scatter brush.

  • Fix stat_with_callback to work with latest Kit-SDK.

  • reduce a redundant active set

  • Bugfix for undo/redo issue.

  • Fix an issue where the Paint window had no title bar when not docked.

  • Remove the undesired omni.kit.hotkeys.core dependency.

  • Use actions and hotkeys.

  • Add a brush setting to always require a selection

  • Update the brush configs to support changing size for vectors and colors

  • Update the brush configs to support picker buttons for string parameters

  • Update the brush configs to allow to specify color picker ui

  • Fix create new brush issue when no default brush type loaded

  • Migrated to Tools menu

  • update to viewport 2.0

  • Fix layout issue in Create

  • Set default lock_selection to False.

  • Cleanups for button on collapsible header.

  • Made helper function to get/set brush setting into a path with separators.

  • Add ability to override standard parameter default value.

  • Update standard parameter functions

  • changed menu to ‘Paint’

  • Fix missing @classmethod decorator for build_int_drag_setting2.

  • Split from paint tool implementation


  • Update from 105.0.2 -> 105.0.6

  • Update for upstream dependencies.


  • Update from 105.0.5 -> 105.0.25

  • Remove warning on startup, moved to first node drop.

  • Remove unnecessary dependency on omni.graph.nodes.

  • Add impending change warnings.

  • Fixing compile issues with Kit upgrade

  • Update PhysX usage.

  • Improve Point Instancer OGN performance.

  • Address deprecation warnings from ITimeline.

  • Respect emit along axis setting for meshes.

  • Update for upstream dependencies.

  • Support the new Fabric system.

  • PointInstancer and GeometryReplicator may now stream dynamic values to Session Layer

  • Clear particles when playback is stopped.


  • Update from 105.0.4 -> 105.1.8

  • Add omni.graph.nodes to dependencies.

  • Update samples/templates URLs to new location for release.

  • No longer upgrading particle systems on stage open

  • Removing invalid particle system state relationships

  • Add samples path to samples browser, if available.

  • Handle collections.

  • Remove unnecessary property panel.

  • Add stage load activity.


  • Update from 104.1.2 -> 105.1.10

  • Remove unnecessary dependency on

  • Update for upstream dependencies.


  • Update from 105.1.0 -> 105.4.6

  • Remove unnecessary dependency on

  • Add DrawLineLoop to draw line segments with last vertex connected to first vertex.

  • Correctly draw periodic UsdBasisCurves that does not have the first vertex repeated.

  • Use schema to track prims with visualization attributes.

  • Add (experimental, default false) option for metadata prim.

  • Add hasVisualization flag attribute to speed up large scene initialization.

  • Perform scene traversal in parallel.

  • Small optimization for initialization of large stages.

  • One more case of overwriting an attribute value from USD.

  • Fix bug where the visualization attribute in USD was not in-sync with the visualization flag.

  • Update for upstream dependencies.

  • Support the new Fabric system.

  • Fix bug that was creating unnecessary active layer edits of sceneviz attrs.

  • display color/opacity, normal, and width visualizations for BasisCurves prims.

  • Avoid needlessly adding sceneviz attributes to instance prims.

  • Support visualizing types that derive from UsdGeomMesh / UsdBasisCurves.

  • Update from 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1

  • OM-67607: No case sensitive when searching by keywords

  • Update from 0.4.0 -> 0.5.1

  • Fix route matching to be exact match instead of partial.

  • Update from 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0

  • Update BaseUploadCollector class to work with latest omni.kit.tool.collect-2.1.27 due to interface updates on the Collector class.- make use of CollectorTaskType, update _configure_task to use those types.- update add_copy_task with new kwarg skip_if_existed per omni.kit.tool.collect.Collector- update open_or_create_layer with new kwarg clear=True per omni.kit.tool.collect.Collector- update remove_all_materials_and_bindings to _remove_all_materials_and_bindings per omni.kit.tool.collect.Collector

  • pin omni.kit.tool.collect to 2.1.27 in dependencies.

  • add ignore_missing_assets param to /collect/process/s3 endpoint, defaulted to True (the current existing behavior).

  • Update from 1.2.0 -> 1.4.5

  • Add support for declaring prefixes and tags in the ServiceAPIRouter directly

  • Add support for setting metadata directly on the app

  • Auto-initialize openapi_tags to avoid needing checks on empty lists

  • Add support for dotted prefixes

  • Update from 1.4.0 -> 1.5.2

  • Retrieves Api Url from launcher, not hard-coded setting

  • More thorough error handling

  • Update from 0.4.1 -> 0.6.0

  • Add zeroconf package.

  • Bump aiohttp to 3.8.3.

  • Update from 0.1.2 -> 0.1.5

  • Remove lru_cache.

  • Update from 1.4.5 -> 2.0.0

  • Deprecated the extension in factor of

  • Update from 0.3.5 -> 0.3.8

  • Update desired render settings for streaming to handle rendering changes in Omniverse Kit 105.0.

  • Update from 1.2.1 -> 1.3.2

  • Thumbnail service refactor.

  • Update from 1.0.4 -> 1.1.1

  • Add async_engine dependency with negative ordering (first loaded) to fix kit extension loading order issues

  • Update from 1.1.2 -> 1.3.0

  • Add support for CORS. See README for details.


  • Update from 0.1.19 -> 105.0.18

  • Slang node uses thread safe flag

  • Slang compilation runs asynchronously

  • Attributes window does not close after adding an attribute

  • Destroying slang session to release memory

  • Fix node’s compilation after attribute was resolved

  • Add support for importing directories and Slang modules with preprocessor defines. Simple modules library included in the extension.

  • Node with unresolved attributes can be compiled but not executed

  • Update documentation

  • Fix code editor not updating after stage reload

  • Fix execution attribute types

  • Fix adding matrix and quat types

  • Execution type for dynamic attributes

  • Generated code version 1: Definition of Token type for slang code instead of uint64_t

  • Slang Node version 2: Code has version metadata

  • Migration from old versions via Upgrade button in the Code editor

  • Add matrix and quat types

  • State support output attributes

  • Invisible attributes does not have generated slang functions

  • Renamed exec out constants passed to exec out variables

  • Initializing resource buffers in slang code is not allowed

  • Update from 104.0.11 -> 105.0.4

  • The Array Tool will now work with objects who have additional unit resolve xform ops such as those added by the Metrics Assembler extension.

  • Update button layout on tool UI

  • Update from 104.0.4 -> 105.0.3

  • Additional Options to Set the Pivot Position:- Bounding Box Base (individual Prims)- Bounding Box Center (Selection)- Bounding Box Base (Selection)- Selection Center- Current Selection Pivot

  • Additional persistent setting options:- Auto-apply current Selection Pivot on Pivot Add- Auto-reset Selection Pivot setting to ‘Authored’ on Pivot Add

  • Move entry point to Pivot Tool in Manipulator menu to Selection Pivot Placement menu

  • Pivot Tool menu from Manipulator menu

  • Objects with timesampled attributes are now excluded from pivot manipulation and bounding box calculations. Previously, we only checked for timesampled transform ops, now we check for timesampled attributes too.

  • Add support for prims with a Transform xform op instead of TRS xform ops.

  • Xforms with nested Xforms can now have pivots added/removed/manipulated.

  • All valid Xformable types can now have pivots added/removed/manipulated by the pivot tool. Some Xformables such as lights, sounds, and cameras were not working with the pivot tool.

  • Xformables without valid bounding boxes can now have pivots added/removed/manipulated, but the pivot will be at the object center and the pivot position must be edited manually in the transform property panel.

  • Users can now add/remove/manipulate pivots on objects with a Transform op instead of TRS ops.

  • Add a new option called “Auto-Center Added Pivots” to the UI menu. This will automatically center added pivots on selected objects. This setting is on by default and persistent between sessions.

  • Add pivots are now automatically centered by default. This applies to the Add Pivot option from the Add Pivot command, tool UI button, and the transform gizmo menu option. Users can pass in a False value or set the option in the UI to False to add pivots at the origin instead.

  • Update from 104.0.7 -> 105.0.2

  • Add a new “Replace” tab to the materials randomizer. Any materials listed in the Replace tab can be replaced by materials in the “Materials” tab. If the Replace tab is empty, the material randomizer will just randomly assign materials in the Materials tab to the current selection (default material randomizer functionality).

  • Add the “Shared Material Replacement” option. While using the Replace feature, any prims who share a material listed in the replace tab, will be given the same randomly assigned material. If false, a new random material be applied per-prim.

  • Add the “Include Children - Materials” option. If enabled, all children of the current selection(s) will be included in material operations. Useful when you need to change materials on a lot of objects - you can just select the top of the hierarchy instead of each individual prim.

  • Update button layout on tool UI


  • Update from 0.1.6 -> 1.0.7

  • Fix reading files from Nucleus (OM-93104)

  • RTX on/off option

  • Report E57 import error to a modal prompt

  • Fix scan combine and centering during USD save

  • Fix carb::tasking not loaded

  • Async and multithreaded import

  • Point transforms are kept in scan’s xforms (OM-52424)

  • Optimization of import time

  • Correct transformation from rotation (OM-79045)

  • Display color interpolation set to vertex (OM-72158)

  • Import normals in e57 files when available


  • Update from 0.9.4 -> 105.0.3

  • Potential internal render key inconsistency

  • Package path parsing when drag+drop .sbsar file from filesystem

  • Enable editing of root layer whilst baking


  • Update from 0.4.0 -> 0.6.0

  • Publishing .pdbs.

  • Update schema and attribute names to match new standards.


  • Update from 105.1.4 -> 105.1.10

  • USD update

  • Basic inheritance to support group layer during multiselect

  • Reordered attributes, added display groups

  • Display name changed


  • Update from 0.1.2 -> 0.1.8

  • Set attribute data on Generate button click

  • Add button tooltips

  • Opt out from rasterization optimization to fix display issues with certain widgets

  • Fix path containing ‘@’

  • Fix model subscription on the asset widget

  • Fix error spam on right click on OG attribute name in Property window

  • Time sample group not displayed in the Property window anymore


  • Update from 0.4.3 -> 0.8.2

  • Add ModelBuilder.soft_contact_max to control the maximum number of soft contacts that can be registered. Use Model.allocate_soft_contacts(new_count) to change count on existing Model objects.

  • Add support for bool parameters

  • Add support for logical boolean operators with int types

  • Fix for wp.quat() default constructor

  • Fix Conditional Reassignments

  • Add Texture Write node for updating dynamic RTX textures from Warp kernels / nodes

  • Add multi-dimensional kernel support to Warp Kernel Node

  • Add wp.load_module() to pre-load specific modules (pass recursive=True to load recursively)

  • Add wp.poisson() for sampling Poisson distributions

  • Add support for UsdPhysics schema see warp.sim.parse_usd()

  • Add XPBD rigid body implementation plus diff. simulation examples

  • Add support for standalone CPU compilation (no host-compiler) with LLVM backed, enable with –standalone build option

  • Add support for per-timer color in wp.ScopedTimer()

  • Add support for row-based construction of matrix types outside of kernels

  • Add support for setting and getting row vectors for Python matrices, see matrix.get_row(), matrix.set_row()

  • Add support for instantiating wp.struct types within kernels

  • Add support for indexed arrays, slice = array[indices] will now generate a sparse slice of array data

  • Add support for generic kernel params, use def compute(param: Any):

  • Add support for with wp.ScopedDevice(“cuda”) as device: syntax (same for wp.ScopedStream(), wp.Tape())

  • Add support for creating custom length vector/matrices inside kernels, see wp.vector(), and wp.matrix()

  • Add support for creating identity matrices in kernels with, e.g.: I = wp.identity(n=3, dtype=float)

  • Add support for unary plus operator (wp.pos())

  • Add support for wp.constant variables to be used directly in Python without having to use .val member

  • Add support for nested wp.struct types

  • Add support for returning wp.struct from functions

  • Add –quick build for faster local dev. iteration (uses a reduced set of SASS arches)

  • Add optional requires_grad parameter to wp.from_torch() to override gradient allocation

  • Add type hints for generic vector / matrix types in Python stubs

  • Add support for custom user function recording in wp.Tape()

  • Add support for registering CUTLASS wp.matmul() with tape backward pass

  • Add support for grids with > 2^31 threads (each dimension may be up to INT_MAX in length)

  • Add CPU fallback for wp.matmul()

  • Optimizations for wp.launch(), up to 3x faster launches in common cases

  • Fix wp.randf() conversion to float to reduce bias for uniform sampling

  • Fix capture of wp.func and wp.constant types from inside Python closures

  • Fix for CUDA on WSL

  • Fix for matrices in structs

  • Fix for transpose indexing for some non-square matrices

  • Enable Python faulthandler by default

  • wp.constant variables can now be treated as their true type, accessing the underlying value through constant.val is no longer supported

  • wp.sim.model.ground_plane is now a wp.array to support gradient, users should call builder.set_ground_plane() to create the ground

  • wp.sim capsule, cones, and cylinders are now aligned with the default USD up-axis

  • Clean-up CUDA disabled build pipeline

  • Remove extension.gen.toml to make Kit packages Python version independent

  • Handle additional cases for array indexing inside Python

  • Add support for arbitrary length / type vector and matrices e.g.: wp.vec(length=7, dtype=wp.float16), see wp.vec(), and wp.mat()

  • Add support for array.flatten(), array.reshape(), and array.view() with NumPy semantics

  • Add support for slicing wp.array types in Python

  • Add wp.from_ptr() helper to construct arrays from an existing allocation

  • Add support for break statements in ranged-for and while loops (backward pass support currently not implemented)

  • Add built-in mathematic constants, see wp.pi, wp.e, wp.log2e, etc

  • Add built-in conversion between degrees and radians, see wp.degrees(), wp.radians()

  • Add security pop-up for Kernel Node

  • Improve error handling for kernel return values

  • Add DLPack utilities, see wp.from_dlpack(), wp.to_dlpack()

  • Add Jax utilities, see wp.from_jax(), wp.to_jax(), wp.device_from_jax(), wp.device_to_jax()

  • Fix for Linux Kit extensions OM-80132, OM-80133

  • Update wp.from_torch() to support more data types

  • Update wp.from_torch() to automatically determine the target Warp data type if not specified

  • Update wp.from_torch() to support non-contiguous tensors with arbitrary strides

  • Add CUTLASS integration for dense GEMMs, see wp.matmul() and wp.matmul_batched()

  • Add QR and Eigen decompositions for mat33 types, see wp.qr3(), and wp.eig3()

  • Add default (zero) constructors for matrix types

  • Add a flag to suppress all output except errors and warnings (set wp.config.quiet = True)

  • Skip recompilation when Kernel Node attributes are edited

  • Allow optional attributes for Kernel Node

  • Allow disabling backward pass code-gen on a per-kernel basis, use @wp.kernel(enable_backward=False)

  • Replace Python imp package with importlib

  • Fix for quaternion slerp gradients (wp.quat_slerp())

  • Fix for non-CUDA builds

  • Fix strides computation in array_t constructor, fixes a bug with accessing mesh indices through mesh.indices[]

  • Disable backward pass code generation for kernel node (4-6x faster compilation)

  • Add support for CUDA streams, see wp.Stream, wp.get_stream(), wp.set_stream(), wp.synchronize_stream(), wp.ScopedStream

  • Add support for CUDA events, see wp.Event, wp.record_event(), wp.wait_event(), wp.wait_stream(), wp.Stream.record_event(), wp.Stream.wait_event(), wp.Stream.wait_stream()

  • Add support for PyTorch stream interop, see wp.stream_from_torch(), wp.stream_to_torch()

  • Add support for allocating host arrays in pinned memory for asynchronous data transfers, use wp.array(…, pinned=True) (default is non-pinned)

  • Add support for direct conversions between all scalar types, e.g.: x = wp.uint8(wp.float64(3.0))

  • Add per-module option to enable fast math, use wp.set_module_options({“fast_math”: True}), fast math is now disabled by default

  • Add support for generating CUBIN kernels instead of PTX on systems with older drivers

  • Add user preference options for CUDA kernel output (“ptx” or “cubin”, e.g.: wp.config.cuda_output = “ptx” or per-module wp.set_module_options({“cuda_output”: “ptx”}))

  • Add kernel node for OmniGraph

  • Add wp.quat_slerp(), wp.quat_to_axis_angle(), wp.rotate_rodriquez() and adjoints for all remaining quaternion operations

  • Add support for unrolling for-loops when range is a wp.constant

  • Add support for arithmetic operators on built-in vector / matrix types outside of wp.kernel

  • Add support for multiple solution variables in wp.optim Adam optimization

  • Add nested attribute support for wp.struct attributes

  • Add missing adjoint implementations for spatial math types, and document all functions with missing adjoints

  • Add support for retrieving NanoVDB tiles and voxel size, see wp.Volume.get_tiles(), and wp.Volume.get_voxel_size()

  • Add support for store operations on integer NanoVDB volumes, see wp.volume_store_i()

  • Expose wp.Mesh points, indices, as arrays inside kernels, see wp.mesh_get()

  • Optimizations for wp.array construction, 2-3x faster on average

  • Optimizations for URDF import

  • Fix various deployment issues by statically linking with all CUDA libs

  • Update to CUDA Toolkit 11.5

  • Add smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) example, see

  • Add support for accessing array.shape inside kernels, e.g.: width = arr.shape[0]

  • Add dependency tracking to hot-reload modules if dependencies were modified

  • Add lazy acquisition of CUDA kernel contexts (save ~300Mb of GPU memory in MGPU environments)

  • Add BVH object, see wp.Bvh and bvh_query_ray(), bvh_query_aabb() functions

  • Add component index operations for spatial_vector, spatial_matrix types

  • Add wp.lerp() and wp.smoothstep() builtins

  • Add wp.optim module with implementation of the Adam optimizer for float and vector types

  • Add support for transient Python modules (fix for Houdini integration)

  • Add wp.length_sq(), wp.trace() for vector / matrix types respectively

  • Add missing adjoints for wp.quat_rpy(), wp.determinant()

  • Add wp.atomic_min(), wp.atomic_max() operators

  • Add vectorized version of warp.sim.model.add_cloth_mesh()

  • Add NVDB volume allocation API, see wp.Volume.allocate(), and wp.Volume.allocate_by_tiles()

  • Add NVDB volume write methods, see wp.volume_store_i(), wp.volume_store_f(), wp.volume_store_v()

  • Add MGPU documentation

  • Add example showing how to compute Jacobian of multiple environments in parallel, see

  • Add support for wp.struct types

  • Make SampleBrowser an optional dependency for Kit extension

  • Make wp.Mesh object accept both 1d and 2d arrays of face vertex indices

  • Fix for reloading of class member kernel / function definitions using importlib.reload()

  • Fix for hashing of wp.constants() not invalidating kernels

  • Fix for reload when multiple .ptx versions are present

  • Improve error reporting during code-gen


  • OM-61029, OM-90027: Disable save during live session

  • OM-97102: Xform op pivot fix for xforms with metrics assembler ops

  • OM-95979: Improve save-as to avoid data loss

  • OM-94564, OM-94562: Fixes to metricsAssembler transform with pivot

  • OM-86236: async fix

  • OM-84443: Fix material watcher to avoid populating default params into current edit target

  • OM-85642: EF: Defer destruction of StageUpdate nodes until after execution.

  • OM-85006: Once node is deleted, we can’t reuse its definition

  • OM-82881: Correctly read the setting to apply rotation while ref/payload is created

  • OM-79625: Support for unitsResolve xformOp stack extension

  • OM-81476: Remove private headers from omni/usd headers

  • OM-81327: Refactor/cleanup

  • OM-58328: Add setting to disable rotation during creation of a reference or payload

  • OM-78752: Property Window “Add” context menu fix for custom stage

  • OM-56752: Detect external relationships for instancing command and post notification

  • OM-76410: Add omni.usd and pipapi doc units

  • OM-72819: Fix issue that will open stage as payloads disabled after saving new stage

  • fix usdutils setAttribute does not work for default value.

  • OM-50063: Async hydra engine initialization

  • OM-70603: Audio: deferred the startup of the audio manager.

  • OM-70784: Add renderType metadata to material output ports

  • OM-70536: reorder properties are not serialized correctly

  • OM-97328: Fix Missing User in Payload Live Session

  • OM-97559, OM-97053: Support viewer only mode for live session management widget

  • OM-72355: Prompt if layer is outdate or dirty before live.


  • OM-96962: Delay computation of usd file exts so it doesn’t take up startup time

  • OM-96626: ‘Select’ button is grayed out for some valid screenshot locations

  • OM-91056: File Save As dialog automatically selecting and setting filename

  • OM-91678: fixing extension filtering in file_importer extension

  • OM-60125: “Select Files to Save” window set (W) 600 x (H) 320 as the initial…

  • OM-78341: Fixed issue when apply button is disabled when only showing folders

  • OM-78341: Disable apply button for FileBar if no filename is specified

  • OM-76008: File exporter show folders only option

  • OM-79121: Set file postfix and extension directly rather than restoring from settings

  • OM-76785: file_importer : Fix bug when USD python bindings are not available

  • OM-76785: Quick fixes for file_importer and file_exporter

  • OM-71846: Update docs for content_browser, file_importer and file_exporter extensions


  • OM-99322: Add vertical bar in What’s New and Learn page


  • OM-97313: Properly apply default OGN values if no value is present in the USD file

  • OM-95924: Make sure default node type methods propagate to nodes upon reload of a DLL.

  • OM-86840: Fix for “Once”, + expose “Countdown” node

  • OM-86680: Crash fix (misuse of an API)

  • Do not serialize default OGN values to USD

  • Do not make a deepCopy with a badly typed source variable

  • OM-84784: Fix for updateSimStepUsd_abi to work without a global implicit graph which has been deprecated.

  • OM-84199: Invalidates OGN DBs on every new upstream connection

  • OM-80251 Propagating type resolution over compounds causes bad data to show up in fabric

  • OM-81998: Don’t access missing bucket in DataModel::copyAndWrite

  • OM-79774 Make sure NodeGraphDef is invalidated at the end of OG graph reset

  • OM-79774 Matching bypass as in legacy mode for update loop bypass.

  • OM-79774 Reset cuda device to 0 similar to static scheduler

  • Fixes an assert in debug build

  • Fixes concurrent DB storing on node and initial preparation when using EF

  • OM-79771 Safe dispatch with improvements to serial task scheduling to avoid hangs

  • Node enumeration instead of collected into a container

  • Prevent copy error by not triggering USD notice handler when setting initial value while creating an attribute

  • OM-80018: Fix crash when adding an instance to an empty graph

  • Fix release not called on node deletion in response to USD notice handler

  • OM-79827 Fix OG node definition name in EF

  • Call ABI release when a node is destroyed through the ABIs

  • OM-63425: Groundwork for Action EF executor

  • Missing include that prevent some downstream extensions to compile properly on linux

  • Move “per-graph push back to usd” in the ABI only call

  • OM-77942 Introduce matching profiling instrumentation to computation without EF

  • OM-77898: OmniGraph: enable precompile headers + cleanup includes

  • OM-74160: Optimize action graph handling of large fan-in

  • OM-75582: Fix for write back to usd to not cache BucketId

  • Update Carbonite to v138.0

  • OM-75558: accessing the size of an inexistent array was returning 1

  • OM-75593: DataModel copyAttributeInternal can create connection pointing to itself

  • OM-73280: Deprecate use schema prims

  • OM-63385 Represent ogPostProcessPathToken as string in Fabric

  • OM-63424 lazy dirty push graph with refactoring and abi

  • EF: Fix OG No Schema Support (Fixes OM-72649, OM-72622)

  • OM-50149: Deprecate global implicit graph

  • OM-67678: Fix for OG crash on detach

  • Removes a file that confuses doc generation

  • Add some natvis files for USD types, Fabric types, and OmniGraph types

  • OM-50149: Deprecated settings to errors

  • OM-67557: Add external time to FrameIdentifier and OGN nodes ( !19930)


  • OM-98575: Crash when recreating variables on an empty omni.graph.

  • OM-94470: Integrate 25031 into 23.04-105.0.0

  • OM-79641: new OG node to lock and unlock viewport render

  • OM-64040: Upgrading controller docs

  • OM-86952: Fix deprecated np.float usage that causes omni.graph.core to fail to import

  • OM-86723: Modification to PushGraph and PullGraph executor visitation strategies to ignore cycles.

  • OM-79721: EF: Add Graph Concepts Doc

  • OM-84605: Code generator incremental build fix

  • OM-86231: Compute topological depth, use it for type resolution

  • OM-79721: Add pass concepts doc

  • OM-70763, OM-70764, OM-79778: Another Pass Through Core OG Nodes to Assign Scheduling Hints + Updated Scheduling Hints Docs

  • OM-84442: Reverse cudaPointers default”

  • OM-86367: EF: Add TOC Scaffolding

  • OM-85371: Write prim with an auto converted input was not loading correctly from USD

  • OM-84654: Move nodes out of omni.graph.ui into omni.graph.ui_nodes

  • Vectorized I/O nodes

  • OM-85414: Executing a Graph Does Not Set ExecutionCurrentThread Info For Top-Level Node Graph Def

  • OM-79643: Change default index for static version of internal state to the authoring graph index. Add wrappers to return shared and per-instance state.

  • OM-67857: Added graph traversal utility functions

  • OM-81577: Fix Animation Instance Sample

  • OM-77809: New Bundle Data Model

  • Fix evaluating an instantiated graph through ABI with the legacy framework

  • OM-84900: Add support for compute incomplete

  • OM-77236, OM-80903: Loading of Default Values for Compound Node Types

  • OM-84762: Fix conversion methods

  • OM-84614: Fix some spurious errors

  • OM-83847: Rebuild python Database if input bundles are invalid

  • OM-84129: Fix for loop writing array attribute to prim

  • OM-71827: Expose IGraphContext::getInputTargetBundles() to python bindings

  • OM-83642: Organize by developer type

  • OM-40558: BundleContents delay attribute cache creation until needed.

  • OM-70350: Add ResolveAttrTypeCommand

  • OM-80193: Do not clear OGN db when modifying the graph bucket + Locking bucket reconstruct

  • OM-82751, OM-80250: Timecode inputs as NAN

  • OM-70314: Documented node writing experiences

  • OM-79847: Fix python node not working in instantiated graph / Makes python internal state per instance

  • OM-74291: Variant nodes update

  • OM-79835: Made the interfaces project name unique

  • OM-81771: Documentation rearrangement

  • OM-82005: Adopt “Isolate” Scheduling Constraint for “usd-write” Nodes.

  • OM-70763: Adding “thread safe” Scheduling Hints to Core OG Nodes.

  • OM-67438: soft-deprecate OG path-changed callbacks

  • OM-82891: Remove Py_Bundle and replace it with IBundle and IConstBundle

  • OM-82607: Allow OG token arrays to be edited in property panel

  • OM-79774 Turn EF on by default

  • OM-79855: fix OnGamepadInput for graph instancing

  • OM-79931: New node GetGraphTargetId

  • OM-71827: Deprecate PrimHandle

  • OM-75820,OM-75821,OM-75851: new viewport nodes

  • Gives access to underlying handle in SimpleAttribute

  • OM-77902: Remove use of push change notice from IGenericNodeGraphDef

  • OM-67075: Enable thread safe flag on ReadPrimAttribute

  • OM-80902: metadata API calls for attribute templates.

  • Prevent too many “prepare” in a graph while propagating type resolution

  • OM-78615 CompoundNodeType ABI and Unstable Framework

  • Fix for action graph executor

  • OM-59368 OM-59367 OM-80593 OM-51569 OM-59371: Add support to play sounds

  • OM-75820: Added OgnSetViewportFullscreen which sets the display mode for the viewport(s) and all other panes.

  • Remove workarounds added for initial EF implementation, not necessary anymore

  • Vectorization and Threading

  • Convert some nodes to be vectorization friendly

  • OM-79855: Fix OnKeyboardInput for instancing

  • OM-63425: Add execution framework implementation of action graph

  • OM-60912 Handle inf nan

  • Modify usd AFTER changing internal structure

  • Fixes downstream extensions compile errors following vectorization changes

  • OM-47264 Make build more flexible

  • OM-77524 Let commands raise exceptions

  • OM-29532: OM-35032: OM-72643: OM-62463: OM-63134: Proper OmniGraph vectorization and instancing

  • OM-77076 Fix deferred invalidation

  • OM-70419: Write prims

  • OM-77157 Description and DisplayName metadata for compound nodes

  • OM-76862: ReadPrims sets interpolation token

  • OM-70109 Fix inspection output

  • OM-54618: UsdSkel Support in Read Prims

  • OM-74468: Adding OGN Types to compound inputs and outputs.

  • OM-63425: Quality of life ef improvements

  • OM-75456: Made attribute union definitions load from a configuration file.

  • OM-60068: Fix plugin unload

  • OM-76054: Undo redo crash

  • OM-75756: og.core.Settings.temporary improvements

  • OM-75719: EF evaluation fix

  • OM-74701: Rework metadata for bundle and attribute for dirty ids

  • OM-63425: Add natvis for OG GraphObj and SmallVector

  • OM-73311: Fixed crash when accessing resolved strings through Fabric

  • OM-74490: Fix string defaults

  • OM-73665: Fixed errors when grouping undos.

  • OM-72323: Stage attach OG optimization

  • OM-72650, OM-72645: Fix OmniGraph instance invalidation

  • OM-62097, OM-63097: Added documentation for running an OmniGraph script with minimal Kit dependencies

  • OM-50157: Removed the USD related settings

  • OM-70915: Fix NodeTypeDef references when compounds are deleted.

  • OM-67449: Add AG node OnMessageBusEvent

  • OM-36996: Add gpu access to dynamic attributes

  • OM-70633, OM-58641: Remove the prim node (KPP)

  • OM-70414: Fixed OG Crashed when loading usd with non-zero start time

  • OM-50153: Remove support for direct prim connections

  • OM-67438: Ground work for default-deprecate of INode::registerPathChangedCallback

  • OM-67081: Add get_kit_version() to og utils

  • OM-90720: Wait a few frames before executing open stage to make sure the…

  • OM-95355: There is no options button for sample browser widget


  • OM-96744, OM-98185: File name text at the bottom left in the Remix file location dialog box should be more visible to the user

  • OM-97027: Fix navigate to api performance issue.

  • OM-94624, OM-94622, OM-94626: Improve the context menu of content browser and fix grammatical error

  • OM-63921: Add timestamp in file browsers

  • OM-84704: Copy URL Link in content browser not working under Linux

  • OM-85979: Minor cleanup of filebrowser/filepicker code base

  • OM-66726: Content Browser should edit bookmarks similar to Navigator

  • OM-85202: Update to omni-usd-resolver 1.26.0

  • OM-49484, OM-75018, OM-76995: Replace filepicker change directory popup with a loading pane inside filebrowser widget

  • OM-82815: Update for open page in Welcome window

  • OM-78338: Make the filepicker dialog filebar’s drop down menus stay intact.

  • OM-34407: Creating a new checkpoint doesn’t immediately update the checkpoint list

  • OM-66726: Refactor BookmarkModel for simpler interface

  • OM-66726: Content Browser should edit bookmarks similar to Navigator

  • OM-75883: Don’t show context menu for collection node in Content Browser

  • OM-76015: Do not skip the default item filters when a custom filter is specified

  • OM-76165: Fixes missing file details

  • OM-66270: File explorer list vs thumbnail view mode not persistent

  • OM-73774: Refresh server after successfully making a connection

  • OM-71835: Auto-connect user specified servers at startup

  • OM-52387, OM-65811: Content browser should support all the basic folder operations found in Navigator

  • OM-70383: Fix drive letters Y and Z missing in FilePickerView

  • OM-66785: Improve FilePicker init time

  • OM-98210: load layout twice as 1st time layout can be wrong

  • OM-97956: early out if no menu layouts

  • OM-97472: Keep windows open when load default layout at startup to make sure…

  • OM-96561: Do not keep windows open if reset layout to default

  • OM-94312: Re-add ability to load renderer in background that was removed.

  • OM-93646: setup imgui when app ready otherwise there will be crash in Linux


  • OM-98041: Updated to usdrt-7.1.8

  • OM-98011: Updated to usdrt-7.1.7

  • OM-93893: Updated to usdrt-7.1.6

  • OM-87450: Updated to usdrt-7.1.5

  • OM-95955: Update to usdrt 7.1.4

  • OM-95644: Updated to usdrt-7.1.3

  • OM-94354: Updated to usdrt-7.1.2

  • OM-86930: update usdrt package to 7.0.1

  • OM-85970: Update kit to usdrt-7.0.0 package

  • OM-82369: update to usdrt-6.0.9 package to fix warp interop

  • OM-80771: Update Kit to usdrt-6.0.7 package

  • OM-80148: update kit to usdrt-6.0.6 package

  • OM-78315: move Kit to usdrt-6.0.5 package

  • OM-76240: move usdrt 6.0.4 package


  • OM-97135: Fix possible crash caused by moving/re-parent live prims

  • OM-96862: Remove metrics assembler layers from dirty layers (they cant be saved anyway)

  • OM-96085: Fix issue of duplication to avoid duplicating live layer for live prim

  • OM-94289: Fix live sessions discovery for multiple layers that are in the same folder

  • OM-93329: Clear auto-reload settings after stage closing

  • OM-78386: Send event before joining a live session

  • OM-72997: Supports options to auto-load outdated layers

  • OM-83984: Fix more runtime performances caused by subscribing all layer changes except sublayers

  • OM-64368: Improvements and fixes for joining live session of prim

  • OM-83984: Safe check to url scheme to avoid possible crash

  • OM-72997, OM-80704: Add support to join live session for reference or payload prim

  • OM-83984: More improvements to the performance of loading stage with thousands of layers

  • OM-80704: Add supports to detect outdate status for references and payloads

  • OM-73853, OM-66762: Fix merge permission issue for live session of sublayers


  • OM-90220: Add missing refcount release (memory leak)

  • OM-88165: [omni.usd] Fix race conditions added in a55a733, 666bc021, and f5a3e2f5

  • OM-96376: [UsdContext] Fixed startup issue when the present thread is on on startup

  • OM-96952: [omni.usd] Make sure finite values are sent to profiler and avoid some math when not profiling. (105.0)

  • OM-96273: Don’t skip frames in sync rendering.

  • OM-85546: Fix issue to live update new created material

  • OM-86645: Use type when retrieving nodes from the SDR.

  • OM-43540, OM-63699: Fix missing renderProduct frameNumber

  • OM-84154: add rendertype metadata to TK_TEXTURE

  • OM-60083: Add Support for MDL struct member connections in Hydra Delegate

  • OM-83264: Add option to terminate Hydra engine render runloops that have no viewports associated with them (from dev/drivesim)

  • OM-82878: Disable replication of renderProducts from master node to worker node when the Hydra engine RP list is empty

  • Remove - frameToRender.sampleTimeOffsetInSimFrames that was added incorrectly.

  • Fix: out-of-sync SDG bounding boxes due to relative camera offset changing

  • OM-79153: fix materialx support after client library changes

  • Remove imgui link from omni.usd

  • OM-50848: omni.usd.core documentation

  • OM-50848: add extension version and install changelog

  • OM-54798: fix sequencer crash

  • OM-50848: display string parameter default values

  • OM-67814: Remove workaround

  • OM-61335: Enable async rendering with FabricSD

  • OM-65293: [omni.usd] Avoid excessive bounding-box invalidation from queries against a cached sibling without a cached parent.

  • OM-70730: update shader output types and connections

  • OM-47577: Add GPU annotation around OG post processing


  • OM-97320 Changed SnapSettingsListener to better handle array setting

  • OM-73077 Allow context menu to be properly triggered by RMB on prim manipulator toolbar


  • OM-96615: Disable rasterization of dependency graph in extension manager to prevent black screen

  • OM-79226: Sets force_regenerate in layout_all method

  • OM-89344: Fix COLUMNS node layout

  • OM-57352: better snapping for graph connection


  • OM-98239 Replace log warning deprecation by log_deprecation

  • OM-96550 selection icon doesn’t change when toggling prim/model mode

  • OM-79996: Remove the prefix for HDR dragged from environment window

  • OM-95621: Payload Browse button is not working

  • OM-95512: USD Property Widget error when selecting multiple USDSkel meshes

  • OM-54539: fixes to property window floating_point_builder mixed changes

  • OM-82347: Asset file picker does not block selection of invalid file or folder

  • OM-54539: property window floating_point_builder now hides mixed when editing starts

  • OM-84124: widget PyBind11 “fix”

  • OM-81218: Python Crash When Using FilePath Widgets with StringFields

  • OM-76974: Relationship widget bugs and UI improvements, OM-77269: MMRelationshipEditWidget is broken

  • OM-60981: Allows attributes on any USD prim type to set a default value using default

  • OM-63212: Improved relationships widget

  • OM-63212: Improved relationships widget

  • OM-73191: Fix variable widget update problems. Return models created by build…

  • OM-59879: Linux-friendly copy and paste

  • OM-52743: all property window CollapsableFrame user changes are remembered


  • OM-97210 Create a TransformBasis interface class and PrimPathTransformBasis implementation

  • OM-78833: Fix omni.ui.scene.Label from crashing when string is empty

  • OM-86725: Access to raw input from gestures and math improvements

  • OM-85705: Fix issues with SceneView contents being cleared and const correctness of API.

  • OM-74306: Move random seed into setup

  • OM-75825: Fixed a memory leak in DrawList

  • OM-74050: Ability to use custom DrawSystem; DrawBuffer dirty bits


  • OM-95476: Stage Preference Default Animation Rate change

  • OM-77718: Fixed deadlock in timeline event popping

  • OM-61539: changed useFixedTimeStepping behavior

  • OM-73924, OM-77718: Make omni.timeline thread-safe

  • OM-61539: change the default FPS to 30

  • OM-75796: replace dt by zero when manually setting current time back or more than one frame ahead

  • OM-75796: Prohibit start time and end time to be set to the same value in omni.timeline

  • OM-76826: Fix infinite loop in Timeline::recomputeUpdateLoopFramerate

  • OM-76359: Fixed timeline cleanup freeze

  • OM-73924: Timeline frame integrity, looping fixes


  • OM-95973: ui::Stack iteration validation during drawing

  • OM-86649: Fixed external viewport crash

  • OM-96190: Shared Font Resource Fix in FontHelper Widgets and Improved Memory Usage in CanvasFrame

  • OM-92372: [] Do not show sub-menu if parent is disabled.

  • OM-92130: Add support to show text after hash string for omni.ui.Label

  • OM-87990, OM-87257: Detached window position

  • Fix usages of uninitialized values in omni.ui and omni.kit.ui

  • OM-82917: fix crash with invalid font path

  • OM-67689: layout compare improvements

  • OM-82313: ui.Label goes into an infinite loop when visible set to false

  • OM-79100: Cleanup headers, move carb::graphics::Format to carb::Format, and use simple alias for rtx::ResourceManager::RpResource.

  • OM-70184: fix grid crash due to memory leaks

  • OM-47271: Window : Expose moveToNewOSWindow and moveToMainOSWindow

  • OM-79068: Fix assert triggering in imgui on Linux.

  • OM-63266: Fix SVG issues when no texture loader is available.

  • OM-63266: Pass rasterized SVG directly through a memory buffer to the resource manager instead of a roundtrip through a .png file on disc.

  • OM-70184: fix grid crash

  • OM-64360: Add DynamicTextureProvider

  • OM-60522: Fix constantly expanding frame during drag & drop

  • OM-52200: Fixed layout change crashes due to _restore_workspace_asyncs is called simultaneously

  • OM-66069: Add a hover state change callback for ui.Treeview

  • OM-34381: Scroll to last selected item on multiselect

  • OM-71868: fix corrupt images publishing to s3 bucket from omni.ui


  • OM-93326: Update to nv-usd with guard for expired material prim

  • OM-86946: Cleanup extraneous copies of GLEW in kit-sdk

  • OM-49402: Use nv-usd package released via USD-CI

  • OM-70683: Add a way to query nv-usd version to help with troubleshooting

  • OM-72392: Only load the USD libraries that are available on each platform


  • OM-87405: Use sync layer save instead of async one to avoid hang

  • OM-87405: Fix possible hang caused by calling pybind11 bindings from USD boost python


  • OM-98087: Fix issue that coroutine references released treeview

  • OM-96637: Fix drag and drop to stage

  • OM-95462: Remove hotkey for Save Selected Prim

  • OM-84576: Fix stage filtering when new sublayer is inserted if search text is not empty

  • OM-78842: Context menu support actions and display hotkey bindings

  • OM-83179: Fix for stage window opening context menu twice

  • OM-83565: Updates stage icons for character motion library and ability.

  • Integrate omnijoint icon

  • OM-75753: Fix style of search result in stage window

  • OM-64841: Update usd_ext_animation and usd_ext_anim_retargeting schema libraries related…

  • OM-27116: Support to show displayName meta for prim in stage window

  • fix omniskel python error


  • OM-97952: Add a setting to completely disable cache prune

  • OM-96774: Cleanup corrupted local cache

  • OM-96133: Fix extensions cache invalidation

  • extensions: better error for omit version + multiple version installation

  • OM-95915: Fix build time usage with kit-kernel package

  • [ext publishing]: handle authors and repository for public registry

  • Fix installation of debug/release extension with the same hash

  • OM-83221: when installing extensions locked on kitHash keep the target lock updated in extension.gen.toml

  • OM-61512: allow for quick publish verification as part of build

  • Fix double registry sync and slow publish

  • omni.kit.registry.nucleus: fix double registry sync

  • Registry stripping level support

  • Fix registry prune

  • Write package archive path into downloaded extension for thin packaging

  • OM-95618: Fix issue that resizes viewport will clear follow user menu

  • OM-59033: Add support to follow user in a live session

  • OM-86489: Fix to make it work for both Kit 105 and 104


  • OM-96991: [omni.kit.widget.viewport] Auto attach to renderer earlier in startup.

  • OM-77423: Fix incorrect alphabetical order for some render passes in Debug View menu

  • OM-73054: Change display name of Debug Views known to always cause flashing colors


  • OM-97356: Fix for exception in unresolved OG widget

  • OM-91791: Filter problematic graph events

  • OM-85971: Fix bug in ReadViewportPressState logic

  • OM-84598: Handle more exceptions from omni.graph.ui

  • OM-85488: Fix exception in property context menu

  • OM-84598: Check for None to avoid exceptions with mismatched node selections

  • OM-79855: Remove the instancing/node incompatibility warning

  • OM-66421: Hunt down cause of crash

  • OM-82794: Add usdWriteBack to WritePrimAttribute template [Fixed]

  • OM-82623: Change ComputeNodeWidget label to reflect node type

  • OM-82794: Add usdWriteBack to WritePrimAttribute template

  • OM-75851: Runtime initialization for the inputs:renderer attribute of OgnSetViewportRenderer

  • OM-75820: Correct namespace of the OgnSetViewportFullscreen node

  • Fix variable panel not refreshing runtime values

  • OM-72385: Better error logging for UI nodes

  • OM-73191: Make sure variable color widgets use AbstractItemModel. Rollback…

  • OM-74760: Fixed tab not working on Variable widgets

  • OM-48327: Variable values visibility


  • OM-97682: [omni.kit.viewport.ready] Wrap log_message in try/finally block to ensure proper destruction.


  • OM-96940: Material library lib_paths work with omni.client paths

  • OM-96231: Prevent material library logging “mdl_list_cache is not complete” warning

  • OM-91518: Fixed ComboBox settings widget double slash in it’s xpath as shown in inspector

  • OM-18282: Material named enums in property window

  • OM-83870: Make user aware of app restarts when the material config is changed

  • OM-77301: Added app info to material cache version

  • OM-81642: Fix wrong refcounting of mi::neuraylib::INeuray pointer.

  • Prepare for SimPBR support

  • Move renderer material search path settings from kit-kernel to omni.kit.material.library

  • OM-67058 & OM-75244: Change default view to list view and record the last browsed directory for Content Browser


  • OM-87166: Viewport settings fix for “Render Resolution” submenu not always showing

  • OM-90924, OM-94089, OM-70794: Get correct label size with spacer width for IconMenuDelegate

  • OM-77174: Update preference page when viewport menubar item enabled/disabled


  • OM-87075, OM-97503: Bulk Drag-n-Move to New Directory in “Content Browser” Freezes Create Indefinitely

  • OM-35385: Fix the expand issue for FileBrowser’s tree view

  • OM-91073: Check grid view’s card paths to prevent build card more than once in sometimes

  • OM-80056: Filebrowser udim items can have thumbnails

  • OM-70157: Switching between List/different Grid View sizes in the Content Browser, shouldn’t reset your selection

  • OM-66726: Enable expanding/collapsing bookmarks folder

  • OM-67900: Messages prepend in Content Browser on file copy

  • OM-72965, OM-70157: Filepicker / FileBrowser updates

  • OM-70154: Fix subscript issue when dictionary has values.

  • OM-70154: Add the ability to center the selected item in file browser grid view

  • OM-63433: Use content_clipping to speed up item display in file picker

  • OM-73238: Fixes access flags for filesystem entries

  • OM-66270: File explorer list vs thumbnail view mode not persistent

  • OM-95549: For built-in cameras, always write property value to session layer

  • OM-73295: Be able to override the viewport menu item for render and camera

  • OM-91342: Fix slider and range issues in menu items.

  • OM-84472: Add unique identifiers for camera setting menu items in viewport

  • OM-64798: Make menubar expand status right even collapsed without viewport size changed

  • OM-96811: fix undefined variable error

  • OM-62571: Add “Instance” function to add menu

  • OM-34911: add property command that can be undone

  • OM-65656: Custom Visual Attributes with Placeholders for Property Window


  • OM-95442: Add setting to avoid calls still crashing on OVC.


  • OM-84140: [IRenderer] Fixed crash when toggling present thread

  • OM-81089: Fix crash in compatibility mode when we’re running out of resource descriptors

  • OM-62284: [IRenderer] beginSyncScope should be called in the same thread with waitForFrame; dirty flag for resize


  • OM-90327: Shift splash image down to match omni.kit.splash.carousel placement


  • OM-93226: Extension window filter & sort by button change color when used

  • OM-72961: Smart doc url button

  • OM-72156: Fix toggleable=false to disable the disabling


  • OM-95717: omni.kit.window.toolbar: remove deprecated warning and use

  • OM-60382: Implement Create Kind modifications defined on design page

  • OM-83191: Fix a couple of more hotkeys that should not run when right mouse button is down.

  • OM-86631: Update UsdShade schema attributes

  • OM-85566: Fix material sub-identifier list not populating

  • OM-72888: Material property widget rebuilding with every change

  • OM-70933: Cleanup material properties ui

  • OM-70151: UsdMaterialAttributeWidget updates


  • OM-92880: About window support custom icon images

  • OM-90611: About fix. Added missing app info to clipboard copy

  • OM-82819: New about window

  • OM-82819: Refactor to use about widget in welcome screen

  • OM-61509: Add the USD and MDL SDK version to the Create About

  • OM-72432: About Window : Remove unused omni.usd import


  • OM-87405: Improve collect tool to report progress of collecting dependencies

  • OM-81383: Fix variable reference of collect tool

  • OM-80511: Support exclusion rules to bypass collecting specified url patterns


  • OM-76204: Render Settings Combobox emits a change event.

  • OM-93348: Rtx presets do not reset RTX settings

  • OM-57101: Move rtx.settings bindings in an extension


  • OM-95681: Update Open icon


  • OM-94748: PreferenceBulderUI page frame scrollbar policy to AS_NEEDED

  • OM-94455: [IRenderer] Fixed crash when turning on and off vsync

  • OM-94447: Change default pacing preset for No Pacing

  • OM-80515: Preferences window supports ui.Workspace.show_window()

  • OM-81830: Fix error in preference window when additionalUserPaths/additionalSystemPaths is set

  • OM-81628: Obtain shared dir path from ${shared_documents}

  • OM-79398: Add OMM setting to Preferences/Rendering

  • OM-70605: Refactor to use file_importer for omni.kit.window.preferences to only create FilePickerDialog on demand

  • OM-72669: Added MGPU setting to Preferences/Rendering


  • OM-95442: Continue adding null pointer checks.

  • OM-95442: Fix possible null dereference

  • OM-91998, OM-87462: Add additional startup and window checks.

  • OM-75223: editor_menu bridge fix error in set_on_click as action_name isn’t defined

  • OM-53542: editor_menu re-enabled auto-release for fastShutdown


  • OM-91036: Fix volume getting too much energy after enabling the “ignore volume after a certain rough bounce” optimization.

  • OM-84546: Fix debug view heatmap ui

  • OM-73830: Rename RTX RT/PT AOV display names for clarification, use manual alphabetic sorting

  • OM-72594: FFT Bloom: Physical/Non-Physical combo box selection VS active setting is inverted


  • OM-90901: Fix scriptnode bugs

  • OM-72628: Fix for scriptnode snippets

  • OM-92948: Menu layout improvement. added MenuLayoutItem.source_search

  • OM-81683: remove() will not be called on an item that is not in th self._menu_defs dict.

  • OM-78773: fixed missing import

  • OM-70899: Added menu debug window

  • OM-70614: Optimize rebuilds during startup

  • OM-66817: Renamed some actions & updated message

  • OM-93432: [omni.kit.viewport.actions] Add toggle_global_visibility action


  • OM-86143: Update to client library 2.31.1

  • OM-72995: “Quick start default session”


  • OM-90776, OM-94271, OM-94274: Fix some UI issues.

  • OM-77770: Support delayed renderer and extension load better.

  • OM-76434: Viewport uses


  • OM-93588: xform does not update in ui viewport, OM-93607: Bounding box base doesn’t work for lights and cameras

  • OM-85223: manipulator.prim handles being set to unknown modes

  • Add support for gizmo delta values


  • OM-79857: Check carb_window in case of running headless


  • OM-65494: Omni-Core-Materials-1.0.8


  • OM-53895 Remove anti patterns

  • OM-84545 Make Array: changed the default arraySize

  • 20x perf improvement for vectorized AppendPath node

  • OM-64067 Absolute Value Node

  • OM-78182: Fix write prims

  • Deprecated old node, made new one operate on 1 instance, but vectorization friendly

  • OM-74280,OM-74289,OM-74294,OM-74295,OM-74296,OM-74298,OM-77878 Add OgnHasVariantSet, OgnGetVariantNames, OgnGetVariantSelection,…

  • OM-78009: Shared Xform and BBox Cache for all primitives

  • OM-74168: feat: add bundle hierarchy inspection for BundleInspector

  • OM-54618: replaced a custom interpolation attribute with standard metadata attribute

  • OM-74596: attribute type and data got lost after modifying time code of ReadPrims

  • OM-74884: Forces “WriteVariable” node to copy the value to the variable location in order to prevent reference feedback loop with CoW

  • OM-59439: Optimize type switching pattern of Magnitude node

  • OM-59439: Optimize type switching pattern of Normalize node

  • fix toctree

  • WritePrimAttribute auto conversion compatibility

  • OM-70586: Fix for bug in state initialization for GatherByPath, FindPrims

  • OM-70559: Custom layout for property panel of the GetPrims node

  • OM-57936: A new node for filtering primitives in a bundle by path and type

  • OM-64074 OM-64075 OM-65484 PatternMatcher that adds exclude pattern option


  • OM-93197: Turn off warnings for missing material binding API to avoid warnings spew

  • OM-70448: Updating USD dependency and fixing env var tabulation in usd_config/

  • OM-70448: Preferring translucent over additive shaders for preview shaders with…

  • OM-67688: Hard code MDL paths in config

  • OM-62080: Update to nv-usd with optimized rprim state tracking and usdimaging garbage collection

  • OM-67688: Address comments from previous MR


  • Update animation schema

  • Move animgraphschema bipedschema navschema out

  • OM-86361: Update Open Recent menu to retrieve file list from file_utils queue

  • OM-38905: Move File/Reopen into File/Recent/ submenu


  • OM-79721: Debugging doc

  • OM-79721: Improve Execution Framework Overview docs

  • OM-67076: Add documentation and improvements


  • OM-86759: Set extension to startup asap to allow other extensions to add tasks without deadlocking the app.

  • OM-81978: Fix issue where the activity profiler implementation was not being notified of fiber event start/stops.

  • OM-81978: Added new omni.activity.profiler extension/carb plugin.


  • OM-80084: Invalid raster cache when Console is updated

  • OM-66981: Console: Select All + Copy Messages does not work

  • OM-67447: Fix euler quat widget value synchronization


  • OM-26614: Use texCoord2d[] for primvars:st type

  • OM-73416: Fix import

  • OM-73416: Primitive mesh and graph io to depend optionally on ui


  • OM-82643: Vulkan driver initialization crashes in / libc / getenv()


  • OM-86424: Decouple Resource Monitor from IRenderer

  • OM-84595: Break circular dependency between resourcemonitor and usdrt_delegate


  • OM-81978: Fix console errors by properly initializing some Python variables.

  • OM-73934: Fixed try to open non-existent URL, the spinner is always rotating by using OPEN_FAILED event

  • OM-74609: Updated omni.activity.ui to use

  • OM-74149: Fixed when new stage is created or new stage is loading, the previous stage data should be cleared

  • OM-73085, OM-73934: Fixed force loading completion in the model

  • OM-73620: Make the pinwheel invisible when it’s not loading

  • OM-73341: Fix Activity Monitor results in slowdown upon selection change

  • OM-52478: Activity docs

  • OM-71123: Fix progress bar stuck

  • OM-71123: Clear the status bar instead of sending progress as 0% when new stage is created


  • debug draw extension


  • OM-85604: Ignore pause/resume in OnStageEvent

  • OM-81222: OnStageEvent handles new event - “Hierarchy Changed”

  • OM-81485: Handle dynamic attribute add/remove in ActionGraphDef


  • OM-77007: Support for disabling camera and render settings from being save to the stage

  • OM-81969: Fix possibility of timeline playing/ticking without a stage.

  • OM-73867: Update to usdrt-6.0.1 package

  • OM-57102: Move usdrt.Gf in an extension

  • OM-85600: Fix property window managed_frame

  • OM-83600: Add _window_frame back for backwards compatibility

  • OM-74163: fix for notify not setting schema or payload


  • OM-81777: Buttons to show suggestions instead of Treeview

  • OM-81777: Buttons to show suggestions instead of Treeview

  • OM-82940: sync latest searchfield widget changes from kit-widgets


  • OM-84265: Added new style of hotkeys to copy/paste

  • Add “usd-write” scheduling hint to OgnExportUSDPrim node.

  • OM-84108: Remove

  • OM-78528: Import Usd Prim Data should always import prim type


  • OM-82815: CheckpointCombobox could be used in Modal window with new argument “modal=true”

  • OM-82815: Add more arguments and properties for CheckpointCombobox to use in Welcome window

  • OM-34851: Add checkpoint widget card selected style for card label for better visibility

  • OM-72783: add description for restored checkpoint

  • OM-78762: Fixes an issue where the Omni Graph build fails with filenames over a certain length

  • OM-77241: Modified the Python imports in generated code to be sorted

  • OM-75456: Quick fix for finding the union type configuration file

  • OM-47264: Ogn docs generator path fix


  • OM-80423: Removing legacy omnitrace settings

  • OM-82320: OmniClient : Protect shutdown

  • OM-74741: Fix issues that treat paths as urls for creating payloads and references


  • OM-80197: Fix issues with startup scene display value propagation.

  • OM-80595, OM-61405: Add missing grid, axis, outline actions and hot keys and fix mixed-mode show-by type.


  • OM-82353: Make sure to clear engine instances out when unloading a HydraEngine factory.


  • OM-59447, OM-71977: Move transform manipulator settings; add visible property for omni.kit.viewport.menubar.core.ViewportMenuItem

  • OM-48501: Improve on custom resolution


  • OM-66069: The pencil should appear on hover over the entire lane


  • OM-72782: Fix memory leak in video encoding


  • OM-75466: Add missing carb.input import


  • OM-74286: Fix for aarch64 + cudann

  • OM-72328: Tag Registry for SkelAnimationAnnotation Prims

  • OM-72327: Added the skel_animation_annotation property widget and icon for skel_animation_annotation

  • OM-59763: code coverage


  • OM-76607: Added error checking to avoid crash on empty inputs


  • OM-74612: Fix time unit issue in linux


  • OM-74048: Don’t show context menu for headers of stage widget


  • OM-63204: Fixed omni.kit.widget.settings showing value modified when it wasn’t


  • OM-73367: krd incorrectly detects docbuilder when nested


  • OM-73307: Fix Livestream + Present Thread ‘Ghost’ Frames


  • OM-41127: Fixing a bug in RenderCapture


  • OM-65391: Add support for pre- and post-undo callbacks.

USD Composer 2023.1 Beta — Omniverse USD Composer latest documentation (2024)


What is omniverse usd composer? ›

NVIDIA Omniverse™ USD Composer is an Omniverse app for world-building that allows users to assemble, light, simulate and render large scale scenes.

Does omniverse cost money? ›

The NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise software subscription is $4,500 per GPU per year.

What is the point of omniverse? ›

NVIDIA Omniverse™ is a platform of APIs, SDKs, and services that enable developers to easily integrate Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) and RTX rendering technologies into existing software tools and simulation workflows for building AI systems.

What is the Omniverse in simple terms? ›

Omniverse is a concept that consists of everything from Multiverses to Metaverses. It is the largest existing concept in the technological world that includes all elements of Multiverses and Metaveverses.

What is Omniverse in real life? ›

It is the collection of every universe, multiverse and megaverse. It includes the real universe and every fictional, theoretical universes created. Coming to the question, going beyond omniverse, according to me, is going beyond our imagination.

What is usd in omniverse? ›

Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) is more than just a file format. It's an open and extensible ecosystem for describing, composing, simulating, and collaborating within 3D worlds.

What programming language does omniverse use? ›

Omniverse provides a robust SDK and tools for developers to create custom metaverse applications, plugins, and extensions. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python, C++, and Lua, allowing for flexible and extensible development.

What is the omniverse USD presenter? ›

Omniverse USD Presenter is a simple, powerful reference application for interactive viewing and annotating of 3D design projects in stunning, physically-accurate photorealism.

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.