Victorian chef Auguste Escoffier was a culinary pioneer who changed the way we approach food (2024)

He may have inadvertently paved the way for McDonald’s, but great Victorian chef Auguste Escoffier was so slight a man that he couldn’t even reach the stove. He had platform shoes made and went on to cook his way into culinary history. In a time before Twitter or even phone service, Escoffier, who was born in 1846, quickly rose to become known as the Ambassador of French cuisine and eventually was knighted for it.

Kaiser Wilhelm II once remarked to Escoffier: “I am the emperor of Germany, but you are the emperor of chefs.”

Escoffier not only was an astonishing chef, but he simplified French food, co-created the Ritz Hotel chain and wrote classic cookbooks (“Le Guide Culinaire” and “Ma Cuisine”) that inspired Julia Child and changed the way we look at cooks, cooking and food forever.

Open a jar of tomato sauce for dinner recently? Escoffier was the first to commercially can tomatoes. Is your favorite gravy enriched with fresh mushrooms and bouillon? As a consultant, he helped create both dried soups and the cultivated mushroom industry. Ever dine a la carte? That was Escoffier’s idea. He also lobbied to make it legal for women to dine in public.

Escoffier created hundreds of dishes named after both the lowly and famous (though not for his own wife), including Peach Melba (for Australian opera star Nellie Melba), Cherries Jubilee (for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee) and Dauphine Potatoes (for the French court of the Dauphine, which included Marie Antoinette).

But his most important culinary contribution was the creation of veal stock. When mixed with foods, it imparts natural MSG (monosodium glutamate), which enhances natural flavors and creates what Escoffier named “deliciousness.” At the same time the chef was working on his theory of what is now called the flavor of “umami,” a Japanese chemist was proving it.

Modern restaurants, where anyone can order food — as opposed to taverns and inns that serviced travelers only — began in 18th-century France. It wasn’t a very popular idea; most had no reason to eat anywhere except at home.

And so, when Escoffier became a chef, the industry was still in its infancy. Cooks worked in small windowless rooms filled with coal and wood smoke. Wine kept them hydrated. Add sharp knives, stress and shouts over the din of clanging pans, and you can begin to imagine what a brutal place kitchens were.

Escoffier changed that. In his kitchen, no anger or shouting was allowed. His staff drank a malt brew that kept them hydrated and sober. Chaos was lessened by Escoffier’s “brigade system.” Unlike the old model where chefs cooked everything and then moved to the next order, in the brigade there were stations — fish, meat, sauce, vegetable — and the plate moved from station to station. This newfound system created an assembly line akin to Henry Ford’s industrialization of automobile manufacturing. At the Ritz Hotel’s lunch service, he could do 500 plates an hour.

Most colleagues called him “Papa” because he treated his staff like family. He fought for the rights of all kitchen workers to receive medical care and pensions. It was his staff that perished in the Titanic; he had designed the elaborate menus for that ill-fated voyage. After the tragedy, he saw to it that the widows and children of that staff were well taken care of.

“A cook is a man with a can opener,” Escoffier once said. “A chef is an artist.”

Cooking is what brought him fame at an early age. Truffles, foie gras and caviar were his trinity, but he also knew nearly 600 ways to make eggs. “Le Guide Culinaire” includes recipes for 256 of them. While he wanted to be a sculptor and studied with the great Gustave Dore (where he met actress Sarah Bernhardt, a fellow student), he knew that sculptors were often paupers. Food became his medium.

The original Peach Melba was encased in spun gold leaf and served on the back of a swan made of ice. No request was too large or opulent. He once sculpted a table and chair out of shrubs so that a diner could eat in a garden.

Escoffier slept four to five hours a day; he never drank or smoked. When he died in 1935 at age 88, he was working on his memoirs. Despite the fact that he spent decades in England, with many visits to the United States, he never learned English, out of fear that it would cause him to think like the English, and then, unfortunately, cook like them.

His personal life was not without drama. His wife, poet Delphine Daffis, whose hand in marriage he won in a pool game, left him before the birth of their third child. Yet he returned to her after more than 30 years of separation, only to die within days of her passing. His reputed lover Sarah Bernhardt, for whom he cooked a meal of scrambled eggs and Moet until the day she died (according to rumor), could never be his alone.

And then there was the matter of missing money at the Savoy Hotel in London and charges of extortion. Both he and Cesar Ritz were dismissed in 1898 for using hotel property (wines, liquor, food and luxury items) to court investors for their own venture, the Ritz Hotel Development Co. They were also accused by hotel owner Richard D’Oyly Carte (Gilbert & Sullivan’s producer and founder of the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company) of extorting commissions from suppliers, reselling and repurposing of goods, and accepting short weights on food deliveries. The firing of Escoffier and Ritz made headlines worldwide.

While Escoffier was far from a saint, he considered himself a devout Catholic and spent a great deal of time and money fighting hunger in London alongside the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Escoffier is the father of our current foodie nation. Julia Child took his simple approach and made it accessible for Americans — and set off a revolution. And then, there’s that McDonald’s connection.

Not only did Escoffier, the Henry Ford of cooking, create the brigade system (the McDonald brothers called it the “Speedee Service System”), but he also created the secret behind their wonderful fries.

A few years ago, it was revealed that the chain included beef fat and beef flavorings in the frying fat. The beef imparted a background note, just as Escoffier’s stock did, a “deliciousness” that silently gave the product a distinctive taste.

And what was the plight of Escoffier’s customers? The same as for those who eat at McDonald’s: the disease of kings, gout, and obesity.


Scrambled Eggs … la Escoffier

You’ll need a double boiler or two pans, one of which sits inside the other. Brioche are small French buns. No brioche? Serve over toast. Serves 2.


3 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided

1 large garlic clove, peeled

6 eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten

3 tablespoons heavy cream

Chopped chives, for garnish

Salt and pepper to taste

2 brioche


Gently melt 1 tablespoon butter over very low heat in a double boiler (with simmering water in the lower compartment) or a frying pan sitting in a larger pan of simmering water.

Cut a thin slice off the garlic to expose the flesh; discard the slice. Add the garlic clove to the pan with the butter. Once the butter is just melted, pour in the lightly beaten eggs (which need to be at room temp so they don’t curdle). Very slowly, stir the eggs with a wooden spoon over the barest of heat.

Be careful that the eggs don’t clump. Your finished product will resemble a very soft custard. When the eggs are nearly set, about at the 15- to 20-minute mark, remove the pan from the heat. Discard the garlic. Sprinkle the eggs with 2 tablespoons (finely diced) butter, the cream and chives. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the top off of a brioche and scoop out the center. Gently whisk the ingredients to incorporate them. The eggs should be set in creamy curds. Spoon them into the brioche case. Top with lid and serve.

Variation: You can add ½ ounce of foie gras and ¼ ounce of truffles to the end of the cooking process instead of the chives. Place the eggs in the brioche and add a generous shaving of truffles. Escoffier called this version “Scrambled Eggs a la Bohemienne.”

Per serving: 795 calories, 65 g fat, 314 mg sodium, 28g carbs, 34g saturated fat, 122 mg calcium, 24 g protein, 720 mg cholesterol, 1 g dietary fiber.

Simple Raspberry Souffle Omelete in Style of Escoffier

This dish is baked in a deep-dish pie pan or ovenproof clay casserole. Be sure the eggs are at room temperature. Vanilla sugar can be made by adding a vanilla bean to 1 cup sugar and placing it in a sealed jar for at least a week to flavor the sugar. Serves 2.


2 tablespoons butter, cut into pieces

6 eggs, at room temperature

Grated zest of an orange

3 tablespoons vanilla sugar (see note at top)

Powdered sugar, optional

Raspberry Sauce (below)

Clotted cream (commercial or homemade; see recipe)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Place butter in a pie pan or ovenproof clay dish and put in oven until the butter melts.

Separate eggs. Beat the egg yolks, orange zest and vanilla sugar until light and fluffy, on medium-high to high speed, for about 3 minutes.

Whisk egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Gently fold yolks into whites a bit at a time. Don’t over-incorporate; streaks of white in the yellow are fine.

Open oven. Slide eggs into the hot pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until set. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired. Serve with raspberry sauce and clotted cream.

Per serving (with 2 tablespoons each of sauce and cream): 526 calories, 33 g fat, 300 mg sodium, 37 g carbs, 16 g sat fat, 116 mg calcium, 20 g protein, 610 mg cholesterol, 5 g dietary fiber.

Raspberry Sauce

Makes about 1 cup


10 ounces frozen raspberries or 2 pints fresh, divided

¼ cup sugar, or to taste

2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 teaspoons Grand Marnier (orange-flavored liqueur)

1 teaspoon orange zest


In a saucepan, combine half the berries with the sugar, lemon juice, Grand Marnier and orange zest.

Mash berries in the pan. Add remaining berries and cook over medium heat until mixture thickens. Cool.

Clotted Cream

If you can’t find clotted cream at the store, here’s a good substitute. Makes about 2 cups.


1 cup heavy cream 1/3 cup sour cream


Whip cream until it forms peaks and then quickly fold in sour cream. Incorporate well. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Salute to escoffier

The Broadmoor hotel presents its 10th Annual Salute to Escoffier, Feb. 3-5, a benefit for the Education Foundation of the Colorado Restaurant Association and the hotel’s Culinary Apprenticeship Program and Scholarship Fund. The weekend includes a Friday evening reception, cooking demonstrations, wine luncheon, co*cktail class and the “grand buffet,” a five-course dinner with more than 100 dishes, paired with wine and champagne. Packages start at $323; buffet-only tickets are $180 per person. Info:

Originally Published:

Victorian chef Auguste Escoffier was a culinary pioneer who changed the way we approach food (2024)


How did Auguste Escoffier change the culinary world? ›

Escoffier revolutionized how kitchens operate, streamlined menus, and championed the training of future generations of chefs. Today, his legacy lives on at Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, where his methods and techniques continue to be passed on to aspiring chefs.

What is Auguste Escoffier best known for? ›

Auguste Escoffier left behind a legacy in the French culinary industry still enjoyed by professional chefs everywhere. He invented some 5,000 recipes, published Le Guide Culinaire textbook and developed approaches to kitchen management.

How did Escoffier change the way food was served at the table? ›

He changed the dining experiences so that instead of the entire meal coming to the table at once, food came out as it was ordered.

What is the contribution of George Escoffier? ›

Escoffier's contributions to culinary art included founding magazines and writing books; the best-known are guides for the modern chef: Le Guide Culinaire (1903), Le Livre des Menus (1912), and Ma Cuisine (1934). On the social front he organized programs to help feed the hungry and financially assist retired chefs.

What contributions did chefs Careme and Escoffier summarize? ›

Besides organizing the kitchen, Escoffier simplified the elaborate recipes and procedures of his predecessor, Antonin Carême (1784-1833). Carême was a pioneer in French Grande Cuisine. He worked closely with aristocrats like Talleyrand, the future King George IV and Tsar Alexander I, and wrote several cookbooks.

How Escoffier revolutionized cooking with the brigade system? ›

Auguste Escoffier changed dining as the world knew it when he developed the brigade system. By employing different kitchen aides to prepare different components to a menu, the chef allowed diners to select from a larger, more complex array of dishes.

What recipe did Escoffier invent? ›

Escoffier created hundreds of dishes named after both the lowly and famous (though not for his own wife), including Peach Melba (for Australian opera star Nellie Melba), Cherries Jubilee (for Queen Victoria's Jubilee) and Dauphine Potatoes (for the French court of the Dauphine, which included Marie Antoinette).

Who invented chef de cuisine? ›

The idea that great cuisine could be served quickly and cost-effectively for large groups of customers didn't become mainstream before the 1800s. Then along came Georges Auguste Escoffier. The “king of chefs,” as one German magnate called him, invented the brigade de cuisine or “kitchen brigade”.

Who was the first chef in the world? ›

From a historical media perspective, Plato's text situates Mithaikos as the first celebrity chef. Marie-Antoine Carême (1784–1833) is known as the founder of haute cuisine (clas- sical ''high'' French cooking).

What system did Escoffier invent? ›

In addition to his development of the five French mother sauces, Escoffier's legacy lives on in the "brigade de cuisine" system which many modern kitchens adapt today.

Who is the father of cooking? ›

Georges Auguste Escoffier is the father of modern cuisine. Georges Auguste Escoffier was a French chef and a culinary writer who popularized and updated traditional French cooking methods. He is also known as the father of modern cuisine.

Who is the father of restaurant? ›

According to legend, in 1765 a man by the name of Monsieur Boulanger was the first to open an establishment offering a choice of restorative broths and even used the term 'restaurant' on the sign over his door: “Boulanger provides divine sustenance.” Then, in 1782, Antoine Beauvilliers opened his eponymous restaurant, ...

What is Auguste Escoffier known for? ›

Auguste Escoffier (born October 28, 1846, Villeneuve-Loubet, France—died February 12, 1935, Monte-Carlo, Monaco) was a French culinary artist, known as “the king of chefs and the chef of kings,” who earned a worldwide reputation as director of the kitchens at the Savoy Hotel (1890–99) and afterward at the Carlton Hotel ...

What is an Escoffier dinner? ›

Escoffier infused a sense of order and diversity by carefully selecting and matching one or two dishes per course. It is this sequence set forth by Escoffier which is still generally followed today, that we today know as the Classical French 17 Course Dinner Menu.

Who is the most famous French chef? ›

Alain Ducasse: with an impressive collection of Michelin stars to his name, Ducasse is one of the most celebrated chefs in the world. Known for his meticulous attention to detail and his unwavering commitment to excellence, he has brought French cuisine to new heights of sophistication.

Who initiated the change in French culinary? ›

In the 17th century, chefs François Pierre La Varenne and Marie-Antoine Carême spearheaded movements that shifted French cooking away from its foreign influences and developed France's own indigenous style.

Who was called the emperor of the world's kitchens? ›

Georges Auguste Escoffier

Escoffier was called "the emperor of chefs" and “emperor of the world's kitchens” by Emperor William II of Germany. He modernized and codified the elaborate haute cuisine created by Marie-Antoine Carême, and developed the 'brigade de cuisine,' system of kitchen organization.

Who is considered the greatest chef of the period following the French Revolution? ›

In the decades following the French Revolution, Antonin Carême built the world's first culinary empire—with shops, catering for royalty, and best-selling cookbooks. He published his first one in 1815, a combination of the encyclopedic and practical that exemplified his organized approach to cooking.

Who was an important chef in the evolution of modernist cuisine? ›

Two chefs who stepped in to assist were Heston Blumenthal, chef-owner of acclaimed UK restaurant The Fat Duck, and Chris Young, The Fat Duck's head of culinary research and development, both of whom had been tinkering with modernist techniques in the restaurant's experimental laboratory.

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