· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (2024)

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (1)

Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014

Broadcasting, radio, Audio

















Antennas and Accessories

Antenna Masts

MFJ-1908 FIBER GLASSTELESCOPING MASTSuper-strong, 43 Feet Fiberglass Mast with Hose Clamps

This is a super-strong heavy duty telescoping MAST, not a fl imsy pole! Madeof .125 inch thick wal l fiberglass tubing. 2-inch O.D. bottom section, 3/4 inchO.D. top section. Supports real weight including small yagis, verticals, loops,ful l-size dipoles, G5RVs. The MFJ-1906 sections are secured together usingStainless Steel hose clamps 43 feet extended, 8 feet col lapsed, six 8-ft.sections, 16 lbs.

1 pc: 4 790 Kč

HF Magnetic Loop Antennas

MFJ-1786X LOOP MAGNETICALAUTOMATICAL ANTENNA10-30MHz Super Hi-Q Loop; 36"diam.; Autotuner + Cross-NeedleWattmeter; 150W

MFJ's tiny 36 inch diameter loop antenna lets you operate 10 through 30MHz continuously - including WARC bands. Ideal for l imited space -apartments, smal l lots, attics or motor homes. Enjoy both DX and localcontacts mounted vertically. Get both low angle radiation for excel lent DXand high angle radiation for local, close-in contacts. Handles 150 Watts.Super easy-to-use! Only MFJ's super remote control has Auto Band Selection.It auto-tunes to desired band, then beeps to let you know. No control cableneeded. Needs no-grounded power supply (we recommend any type MW 12V). Fast/Slow tune buttons and buil t-in two range Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeterlets you quickly tune to your exact frequency. All welded construction, nomechanical joints, welded butterfly capacitor with no rotating contacts, large1.050 inch diameter round radiator - not a loosy thing flat - gives you highestpossible efficiency. Each plate in MFJ's tuning capacitor is welded for low lossand pol ished to prevent high vol tage arcing, welded to the radiator, has nylonbearing, anti-backslash mechanism, limit switches, continuous no-stel DCmotor - gives smooth precision tuning. Heavy duty thick plastic housing hasultraviolet inhibitor protection.

1 pc: 11 930 Kč

MFJ-1788X LOOP MAGNETICALAUTOMATICAL ANTENNA7-21MHz Super Hi-Q Loop; 36"diam.; Autotuner + Cross-NeedleWattmeter; 150WMFJ's tiny 36 inch diameter loop antenna lets you operate 15 through 40Meters continuously - including WARC bands. Ideal for l imi ted space -apartments, smal l lots, attics or motor homes. Enjoy both DX and localcontacts mounted vertically. Get both low angle radiation for excel lent DXand high angle radiation for local, close-in contacts. Handles 150 Watts.Super easy-to-use! Only MFJ's super remote control has Auto Band Selection.It auto-tunes to desired band, then beeps to let you know. No control cableneeded. Needs no-grounded power supply (we recommend a type MW 12V ).Fast/Slow tune buttons and built-in two range Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeterlets you quickly tune to your exact frequency. All welded construction, nomechanical joints, welded butterfly capacitor with no rotating contacts, large1.050 inch diameter round radiator - not a loosy thing flat - gives you highestpossible efficiency. Each plate in MFJ's tuning capacitor is welded for low lossand pol ished to prevent high vol tage arcing, welded to the radiator, has nylonbearing, anti-backslash mechanism, limit switches, continuous no-stel DCmotor - gives smooth precision tuning. Heavy duty thick plastic housing hasultraviolet inhibitor protection.

1 pc: 13 250 Kč

HF Wire Antennas

MFJ-1777 MULTIBAND ANTENNAAllband wire antenna 160-6m, only 32m long, 1500W, ladder line31m

Needs a ballanced l ine tuner ( MFJ969 or MFJ974HB or MFJ976 for 160-6m,MFJ902H or MFJ904H or MFJ962 for 80-10m and many others MFJ types or astandard 50 Ohm tuner wi th suitable 4:1 current balun (such as MFJ912 ).See chapter Amateur radio - Tuners.

1 pc: 1 595 Kč

MFJ-1778 G5RV ANTENNAG5RV (160m) 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m antenna, feederinclusive; 1500W

The popular antenna is a multi-band center-feed dipole antenna for HF10-80m. Works on 160m as a Marconi antenna - the bottom end of the feederand any vertical coax should be connected together. Consists of a 102"(31.2m) flat top fed wi th a 32.5" (9.9m) 450 Ohm ladder matching sectionending in a SO-239 coaxial connector. Typical SWR is 2:1, any good antennatuner is necessary. A good automatical tuner or a standard tuner you find inchapter Amateur radio - Tuners. A ferrite choke type balun (FEC) should beused with this antenna to eliminate or reduce undesirable parallel feed lineRF currents. Failure to use a choke may result in RFI, RF feedback, or othersymptoms of RF "in the shack".

1 pc: 1 285 Kč

MFJ-1778M JUNIOR G5RVANTENNAJunior G5RV 40-10m antenna, feeder inclusive; 1500W

The shorted version of the popular G5RV antenna is a multi-band center-feeddipole antenna for HF 10-80m. Consists of a 52' (15.9m) flat top fed with a17'(5.2m) 450 Ohm ladder matching section ending in a SO-239 coaxialconnector. Typical SWR is 2:1, any good antenna tuner is necessary. A goodautomatical tuner or a standard tuner you find in chapter Amateur radio -Tuners. A ferri te choke type balun (FEC) should be used with this antenna toeliminate or reduce undesirable parallel feed line RF currents. Failure to usea choke may result in RFI, RF feedback, or other symptoms of RF "in theshack".

1 pc: 990 Kč

HF Omnidirectional Verticals

AV-12AVQ TRAPED VERTICALANTENNA 10-15-20MHY-GAIN traped vertical 10/15/20m; 50 Ohm; max.1500W PEP;h=4m; 4kg; 130km/h

When mounting the antenna more than 1m above ground, a resonant radialsystem must be used, such as HY-GAIN's AV-14RMQ Radial System Kit.

1 pc: 3 695 Kč

AV-14AVQ TRAPED VERTICALANTENNA 10/15/20/40MHY-GAIN traped vert10/15/20/40m;50Ohm;max.1500WPEP;h=5,4m;5kg;130km/h

1 pc: 4 990 Kč

MK-80 SET 80M FOR AV14AVQHY-GAIN 80m set for AV14AVQ (for SWR 2:1 band-width40kHz/80m)

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

AV-18AVQII TRAPED VARTICALANTENNA 10/15/20/40/80MHY-GAIN traped 5band vertical 10/15/20/40/80m, 1500W PEP max.

When mounting the antenna more than 1m above ground, a resonant radialsystem must be used, such as HY-GAIN's AV-14RMQ Radial System Kit.

1 pc: 6 890 Kč

AV-18VS MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNAHY-GAIN vertical, manually tuned from 10 to 80m; max1,5kW PEP;h=5.4m;2kg

Antena is manual ly tuned to desired band by a simple adjustement of thefeed point on the base inductor. When mounting the antenna more than1.5m above ground, a resonant radial system must be used, such asHY-GAIN's AV-14RMQ Radial System Kit.

1 pc: 3 290 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (2)













1 pc: 2 390 Kč

AV-18HT MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNAHY-GAIN 5band vert.tower 10/15/20/40/80m;max.2kWPEP;h=16.2m;120km/h

Ground mounted vertical antenna. Automatic band selection through aunique stub decoupling system. Extendable to 160m band with the HY-GAINbase loading coil LC-160Q.

1 pc: 26 490 Kč

LC-160Q BASE COIL FOR AV18HTHY-GAIN 160m base loading coil for AV18HT (150W CW max.)

1 pc: 2 915 Kč

MK-160A SET 160M FOR AV18HTHY-GAIN 160m set for AV18HT (1kW CW max.)

1 pc: 3 180 Kč

AV-620 MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 6-BANDS 6-20MHY-GAIN 6-band vertical 6/10/12/15/17/20m; 3dBi; 1500WPEP; 7m;6kg; 125km/h

The HY-GAIN AV-620 vertical need no external radials.

1 pc: 9 290 Kč

AV-640 MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 8-BANDS 6-40MHY-GAIN 8-Band vertical 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40m; 3dBi; 1500WPEP; 7.6m; 11kg; 125km/h

HY-GAIN's new AV-640 Patriot HF Vertical is the best buil t, best performing,low radiating angle and best priced multiband vertical available today. Needno external radials. Hy-Gain is proud to deliver the AV-640 Eight BandVertical. Drawing on our many years of Amateur Radio HF and VHF antennadesign experience, we have produced a wel l-engineered antenna capable ofmaximum efficiency, unmatched performance, and superior construction.Computer optimization of the AV-640 design yields the most efficient 3/8wavelength electrical design wi th maximum gain and low angle of radiationfor long distance communication. No traps are used to achieve eight bandperformance. The AV-640 is resonant on 6, 10, 12, 15 and 17 meters withindividual 3/8 wavelength radiators. The center radiator resonates on 20, 30and 40 meters using paral lel end loaded Teflon wire coils. Capaci ty hats onthese bands give wide 2:1 VSWR bandwidth and the antenna is kept to aheight of 26 feet by the low inductance coi ls. There are no "tricks" or "mysteryresonances" used for impedance matching on any band. No long-wire radialsor counterpoise ki ts are necessary for operation of the AV-640. The AV-640 isself contained for simple, convenient portable or fixed operation. Mechanicalconstruction of the AV-640 is designed for extreme l ight weight and high windsurvival. Aircraft grade 6063-T832 aluminum and high strength fiberglass areused for the entire radiator. The trap-free design presents a very low windsurface area. Bulky tubing is not required to support unwieldy traps. Thebroad 2:1 VSWR bandwidth on all bands lessens large frequency shifts seenin other antennas when the antenna is wet or iced.The AV-640 is covered byour Hy-Gain Warranty and supported by our customer service team. We wouldlike to thank you for purchasing this product from us and ask that you let usknow of any suggestion you may have. With proper assembly, installation, andmaintenance, your AV-640 will provide years of fai thful service. Theory ofOperation The AV-640 HF Multiband Vertical antenna consists of an end fedradiator that is resonant in the 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40 meteramateur frequency bands. Resonances on each band are the resul t ofimpedance matching a 3/8 wavelength element with a broadband RFtransformer. The characteristic impedance at the base of the 3/8 wavelengthradiator is in the order of a few hundred ohms. To match this impedance twotools are employed. First a counterpoise of 72" spokes is mounted at theAV-640 base. The capaci tance from this ground plane helps lower the baseimpedance. Second, a 4:1 toroidal transformer (voltage balun) steps the baseimpedance down to 50 ohms. This transformer uses (2) ferrite cores for highpower capabi lity. Also, the windings are made of twisted pair wire to improvecoupling and reduce loss. A second high power transformer is configured as a1:1 current balun to help stop RF from travel ing back on the feedline shield.The radiator of the AV-640 is at DC ground potential for static drain. This isaccompl ished by a radio frequency choke in The center radiator of theAV-640 supports 1/4 wavelength stubs for 6 , 10, 12 and 17 meters. The stubsare placed approximately one tenth of a wavelength (electrically 1/8wavelength) above the AV-640 base. At the top of each stub the impedance isvery high at the frequency the stub is tuned. This high impedance stops,(chokes) RF at this point creating a resonant 3/8 wavelength radiator. There isminimal loss using this method as compared to standard trap circuits. Also,VSWR bandwidth is not restricted by the °Q" of trap components. On 15meters, the center radiator is terminated with a capaci ty hat to form a 3/8wavelength radiator. No stub or coi l is used on 15 meters. For 20, 30 and 40meters, a coil and capaci ty hat are used on each band to create a 3/8wavelength radiator. The coils are mounted at the top of the center radiator.These three coils are connected in parallel. Parallel connection separateseach band to allow individual band tuning and has less loss than does seriesconnection. Also, the AV-640 coils have significantly less loss than a standardtrap because the AV-640 capaci ty hats exhibi t greater capacitance than atypical trap, therefore, less inductance is required. AV-640 SpecificationsVSWR at Resonance: Less than 1.5:1 at antenna typical Gain: 3 dBi nominalHeight: 25 ft 10 in Weight: 22 lbs Horizontal Radiation Angle: 360 degreesVertical Radiation Angle: 16 degrees at 1/4 wavelength high Wind SurfaceArea: 2.5 sq ft Wind Survival: 80mph

1 pc: 11 980 Kč

R8 MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 8-BANDS8-Band vertical 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40m; 3dBi; 1500W PEP (750WCW); 8.7m; max 80mph; 11kg

HF Cushcraft Multiband Vertical Antenna. This multiband vertical designprovides 8 band coverage encompassing the 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40meter bands. Cushcraft achieved a major breakthrough in the development ofan HF multiband vertical antenna that has been specifically designed for usewith a tuner and amplifier. As a result, the antenna more accurately addressesthe needs of the contemporary ham shack. Multiband vertical antennas havealways been complicated designs with components as likely to be damagedby high levels of mismatched transmit power as the rigs they are attached to.Before the use of tuners became widespread, the antenna was protected bythe same safety mechanisms that protected the rig. Now, the automatic powerreduction circuits of the past have actually become a second layer ofprotective ci rcuitry. Although the auto-tuner provides the ham with a moreversatile device as wel l as protecting the rig’s components, the antenna ismore vulnerable than ever. With the press of a button, very high loads can beimposed on the antenna. The result to the antenna can be catastrophicfailure in some instances. The R8 is the first multiband vertical designed forthe rigors of contemporary operating conditions. Al though the antenna is bestoperated within it’s 2.0:1 VSWR bandwidth,it can sustain a 3.0:1 VSWRmismatch at full power for typical operating intervals. Now radio amateurs cantake full advantage of the versatil ity that a tuner used in conjunction with amultiband HF vertical antenna can give them. For high wind environments,add the R8GK Guy ki t-three point non-conductive guy system. The R8provides 360 degree (omni) coverage on the horizon and a low radiationangle in the vertical plane for a better DX.

1 pc: 14 290 Kč

AV-680 9-BAND HF VERTICALANTENNA 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6MHY-GAIN 9-Band vertical 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80m; 1500W PEP;8.1m; 12kg

Hy-Gain Multi-Band PATRIOT Vertical Antennas 9-band vertical covers80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 Meters • No radials • No traps • No ground • Notuning • Handles 1500 Watts hy-gain’s PATRIOT HF vertical antennas are thebest built, best performing and best priced multiband verticals on the markettoday. Make ful l use of your sunspot cycle wi th PATRIOT’slow angle signal.Instead of typical traps, hy-gain’s resonators are placed in parallel not inseries. End loading of the lower HF bands allows efficient operation wi th amanageable antenna height. Introducing the new Hy-Gain PATRIOT-PLUSAV-680 with a fully tunable 3.5-4.0 MHz coverage! With the AV-680, you getthe same great tradi tional performance of the AV-640 on 6 through 40 Metersplus top-to-bottom capabil ity on 80 and 75 Meters. It's a great way to join newlocal nets and roundtables, explore the 75-Meter DX window, or add excitingdigital frequencies to your operating repertoi re. Simply pick the bandsegment you wish to use, set the 80/75 Meter resonator, and you're inbusiness. • No ground orradials needed -- Effective counterpoise replacesradials, end fed with broadband matching uni t. • Automatic bandswitching --Single coax cable feed, each band is individual ly tunable, wide VSWRbandwidth. • Sleek and low-profile -- Low wind surface area, small arearequired for mounting, mounts easily on decks, roofs and patios. • Bui lt-to-last-- Hy-gain’sPatriot series antennas boast ahigh wind survival due to i ts sleek,but sturdy frame. The matching unit is made from all Teflon insulated wire. •Top Loading: Parallel resonators -- best vertical -element efficiency • Fullground independence: No unsightly wire add-on radials • Top-to-bottom 3.5to 4.0 MHz coverage: Pin-point fine-tuning accuracy for rock-bottom SWR onany frequency you choose. • Single coax feed . . . and with 100% automaticband selection! • Low profile: Most compact ground-independent antennaavailable! • Legal-limi t 1500-Watt PEP: Power handling on SSB and CW*Adding 75/80 Meter coverage without compromising the Patriot's classicperformance, ground independence, and tiny footprint was no smal l task. Yet,the AV-680 size, weight, and wind loading are nearly identical to the AV-640with no unsightly radial extensions, traps, or top heavy vertical structures torender it less attractive or unsafe. Band selection remains fully automatic, allcomponents handle maximum legal power, and you won't need a tuner wi thyour solid-state rig. The AV-680's Expanded-Frequency MatchboxTM circuitensures low SWR readings on every band, along with an upgraded balundesign that concentrates all of your power in the antenna where it belongs! Ifspace is a premium at your QTH and appearance matters, let Hy-Gain openthe door to one of ham radio's most attractive and popular bands with thenew AV-680. This is your best choice for unparal leled versati l ity and bandcoverage from 6-80 Meters!

1 pc: 14 575 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (3)


















DX-77A MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 7-BANDS 10-40MHY-GAIN 7-band vertical 10/12/15/17/20/30/40m;3dBi;1500WPEP;8.8m;12kg

No external radials needed.

1 pc: 11 990 Kč

DX-88HY-GAIN 8-Band vertical 10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80m;1500W;50Ohm;7.6m;9kg

Radials needed (no shipped wi th DX-88). You may construct your own radialsystem (see manual), or purchase the optional ground radial kit GRK-88, orthe resonant roof radial ki t RRK-88 for roof mounting. For the 160m band theoptional KIT-160-88 is available (for ground mounted installation only).

1 pc: 9 795 Kč

GRK-88 RADIAL SET FOR DX88HY-GAIN Ground Radial System for DX88

1 pc: 2 690 Kč

RRK-88 ROOF RADIAL SET FRODX88HY-GAIN Roof Radial System for DX88

1 pc: 2 690 Kč

KIT-160-88 SET FOR DX88HY-GAIN 160m set for DX88 (750W CW max.)

1 pc: 5 345 Kč

HF + VHF Omnidirectional Verticals

VEC-896 MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 6-BANDSVECTRONICS 6-band vertical 2/6/10/15/20/40m;1500WPEP;50Ohm;10m;8kg

1 pc: 4 990 Kč

MFJ-1798 MULTIBAND VERTICALANTENNA 10-BANDSMFJ 10-band vertical 2/6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80m; 1500WPEP;50Ohm; 6m

High performance 10-band vertical antenna with low radiation angle with noground radials. Just 20feet (6m) tal l. Full size radiators for 2m to 20m. Needs70feet (21m) free space. Good for near ground and roof mounting.

1 pc: 7 990 Kč

HF Monobanders

80M1LL 1el. DIPOLEMSQUARE 3,5-3,565MHz / 3,75-3,82MHz; 1el./32m; 2.0dBi; 3kW;50Ohm.; 38kg; 50Ohm

The 80M1L is a reduced sized dipole with great versati l ity. It has beenupgraded both mechanically and electrically. When used as a rotatabledipole, i t wil l easily outperform all fixed wire dipoles. It can also be used as abuilding block for future expansion to a 2 or 3 element beam antenna. Thedipole can also be separated in half and used as phased 1/4 wave verticals.Element halves start with 3” diameter tubing and taper through 2”, 1-3/4”,1-1/2”, 1-1/4”, 1”, 3/4” & 1/2” sections to the 3/8 tips. The 3” and 2” sectionsare separated by a rugged fiberglass insulator to allow for the linear loading(3/8” aluminum tubing). A solid 2” O.D. x 36” fiberglass rod, sleeved to the 3”elements, serves as the center insulator. This is the same element used in our80M2L and 80M3L Yagis. Let your imagination go wild. You may come upwith something real different! The linear loading terminates above the boomand out of the element plane to reduce inductive cancellation and provideelement support. Tip droop is typically 3-4 feet and looks better than some 40meter elements. The 3 kW, 1:1 balun and phone / CW power swi tching relayare housed in a water proof fiberglass Hoffman enclosure allowing access formaintenance and tuning at the center of the element. Relay switchingrequires 12 VDC @ .15a supply. The system defaults to phone when notenergized.

80M2LLA 2el. YagiMSQUARE 3,5-3,565MHz / 3,75-3,82MHz; 2el./32m; 6.0dBi; 3kW;50Ohm.; 100kg; 50Ohm

The recently computer upgraded and improved 80M2L is now even better,both mechanically and electrically. Gain is up by .6 dB over older versionsand efficiency is now over 95%! This is accompl ished by using low loss 3/8”aluminum tube for the linear loading elements. Element halves start wi th 3”diameter tubing and taper through 2”, 1-3/4”, 1- 1/2”, 1-1/4”, 1” and 3/4”, 1/2”sections to the 3/8” tips. Machined saddle clamps have replaced the U-boltspreviously used. A solid 2” O.D. Fiberglass rod, sleeved to the 3” elements,serves as the center insulator. The new, highly efficient 3/8” tube l inearloading system is supported above the boom and out of the element plane toreduce inductive cancellation, provide element support, and minimizeexcessive element droop. New, rugged l inear loading shorting bars now al loweasier assembly and adjustment. A weather proof fiberglass housing nowprotects the 5 kW 1:1 balun, the relays for phone-CW switching and the highQ (600+) CW band coi ls. These top quality components are now accessiblefor frequency adjustments in the 3.5 to 3.6 MHz section of the band. Relaysrequires 12 VDC at 0.3A supply. Look forward to outgunning even the best ofthe 4 squares! Parts are avai lable for upgrading older 80M2’s.

80M3LLA 3el. YagiMSQUARE 3,5-3,565MHz / 3,75-3,82MHz; 3el./32m; 7.3dBi;5-10kW; 29m; Boom 18m; 150kg

The 80M3L Yagi is a computer refined and improved performer, bothmechanically and electrically. A low loss hairpin match provides perfect 1:1match capabi lity. Element halves start wi th 3” o.d. 1/8” wall tubing and taperthrough 2” sleeved, 1-3/4”, 1-1/2”, 1- 1/4”, 1”, 3/4”, 1//2” &3/8” tips. The 3” and2” sections are joined by a custom fiberglass insulator to section eachelement half for the linear loading (3/8 alum. tube). A solid 2” O.D. Fiberglassrod, sleeved to fit inside the 3” elements, serves as the center insulator foreach element. The center boom section is 4-1/2" O.D. x 20' with nearly 1/4"wal l thickness. The two outer boom sections are 4" O.D. x 20' x 1/8” wal l. Thenew, highly efficient 3/8” tube linear loading terminates above the boom andout of the element plane to reduce inductive cancel lation, provide elementsupport, and reduce excessive droop. The new, heavy duty 1:1, 5 KW balun ,now housed inside the phone / cw switch enclosure provides plenty of powerhandling margin. The standard phone / CW band switching relays and high Q(over 600) coils are housed in a fiberglass housing. The whole assembly isnow field serviceable and small frequency adjustments can be made in theCW part of the band. On the air, you’ll find little or no competition for the80M3L. Upgrade parts are available for older 80M3’s.

40M1L 1el. tunable elementMSQUARE tunable el. 6.9-10MHz; 1el./14m ; E=83°; 1.75dBi;F/S=15-20dBtyp; SWR=2.0max.; 11.5kg; 50Ohm

This simple antenna combines 15 years of design and field experience wi thCNC machined parts to become the worlds best rotatable, reduced sizedipole. Everything we have learned about linear loaded dipoles andstructural rel iabili ty has been designed into the 40M1L. We just stretched it abit and broad banded it to cover at least 250 kHz or more. We also haveadded an option to make i t a dipole on 17 meters as well . The centerinsulator is a sol id 1-1/4 inch fiberglass rod. There is nothing here to weakenor break from the effects of sun, wind or ice loading. The linear loadingelements have been lifted slightly above the main element to eliminate thetension/compression problems of other designs. The l inear loading also l iftsthe whole element slightly vi rtually el iminating droop. Newly designedshorting bars make assembly and adjustment easier and quicker. If desired,optimizing inside the 40 meter band is done with 1/2” tip adjustment. A Husky1:1 balun delivers all your transmit power to the antenna with no feedlineradiation or pickup. Since this IS the driven element from our other loaded 40meter beams, it can be used as a beam by simply adding more dipoles. If youcan't rotate a long boom, consider the advantages of stacking dipolesvertically for more gain and low radiation angle. The possibili ties areintriguing!!

1 pc: 18 990 Kč

40M2L 2el. YagiMSQUARE 6.9-10MHz/150kHz; 2el./16m; 5.5dBi; F/B 13-15dB;E=74°; SWRmax=1.2; Boom 6m; 31kg; 50Ohm

The recently upgraded, computer optimized, linear loaded, 40M2L Yagi hasbeen designed to outperform and outlast all the “others”. It is now strongermechanical ly and easier to assemble. Only the tips of each element aredifferent as all the l inear loading settings are the same for each element. Theshorting bars are now 2 piece, clamp type making sol id long lastingconnections. The boom sections have been reconfigured to reduce shippingcost. Now every 40ML element in our 40 meter line util izes identical,standardized components. This makes upgrading easier and tuningadjustments easy and consistant. The elements are butt sleeved and thenjoined wi th a SOLID rod of fiberglass or aluminum as the center coupling.Designed withstand continuous winds of 100 mph or just the constantbattering of high winds, this antenna WILL frustrate Mother Nature! The linearloaded 3/16” diameter rods anchor at the center, 10” above the mainelement. This feature reduces inductive cancel lation, element stress anddroop. The 3/4” square 11” support riser is now 1/8 wall, further increasing thestrength and lifetime of the Yagi. The Driven element is matched wi th anefficient hairpin and the the 3 kW continuous, 5 kW peak, :1 balun is suppliedwith the antenna. Four tuning options are provided to allow peakperformance in your favorite part of the band. All hardware is stainless orgalvanized except the U-bolts and remember every M2 40ML Yagi is alsoavailable in our ruggedized, 125 mph “SURVIVOR” Series.

1 pc: 41 565 Kč

40M3L 3el.YagiMSQUARE 7.0-7.3MHz/150kHz; 3el./15.5m; 6.6dBdi; F/B 23dBtyp.;E=62°; SWR=1.3typ.; Boom 9m; 50kg

The 40M3L antenna is available in the 40M3FS Survivor Series version (windup to 125MPH). The 40M3L is a linear loaded 40 meter Yagi designed wi th20 years of experience and listening to customer’s needs. The result is apowerful package of clean mechanical design, quality materials, andoutstanding performance that wi ll deliver years of enjoyment on the 40 meterband. Mechanically the elements are mounted between 1/2” thick, machinedaluminum clamp plates! The Driven element is split and insulated with a1-1/4 inch solid fiberglass rod and fed with a weather sealed 1:1 balun. Allelements use linear loading of 3/16" 6061-T6 aluminum rod to reduceoverall length, wind load, and turning radius. The l inear loaded sectionsanchor 10" above the element to reduce inductive cancellation (requiringLESS loading), reduce mechanical stress, and minimize element droop (inthe ai r the antenna is easily mistaken for a 15 or 20 meter Yagi!). Compareperformance, construction and durability.... This is not just another 40 meterYagi!!

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (4)


















40M4LLDD 4el. YagiMSQUARE 7.0-7.3MHz; 4el./15.4m; 7.5dBi; 22dB F/B; E=60°; Boom13m; SWRtyp=1.2:1; 71kg

The recently upgraded, computer optimized, l inear loaded, dual driven40M4LLDD gets the bandwidth and maintains performance across the bandlike no other 40 meter Yagi. This was a huge challenge requiring the latesttechniques in computer optimization. Gain, Front to Back and VSWR aremaintained nearly flat across the whole band! In addition, it is now bettermechanically and easier to assemble. Only the tips of each element aredifferent as al l the linear loading settings are the same for each element. Theshorting bars are now 2 piece, clamp type making solid long lastingconnections. For foreign amateurs, two tuning options are available; FULLBAND and LOW END ACCENTUATED, but sti l l broadband. The resultingdesign is head and shoulders above the competi tion in strength, durabili tyand performance. This antenna has been designed to meet your crossbandSSB contesting needs and give you years of enjoyment on the 40 meter bandregardless of future band plan changes. Mechanically, the elements are buttsleeved to withstand continuous winds of 100 mph or the constant battering ofhigh winds . This antenna WILL frustrate Mother Nature! The Driven elementsare split in the center and insulated with a sol id 1-1/4” fiberglass rod. Theparasi tic element also have solid 1-1/4” center aluminum center section. The3 kW continuous, 5 kW peak, 1:1 balun completes the package. All hardwareis stainless or galvanized except the U-bolts. Options include parts to add 4elements for 17 or 20 meters.

30M3L 3el. YagiMSQUARE 10,1-10,15MHz ; 3el/15.5m; 4.4dBi; 20dB F/B; 50Ohm;CSV<=1,2; Boom=9m; 63kg; 50Ohm

This antenna real ly l ights up band! Sun spots up or down: who cares. Day ornight 10 MHz is always open somewhere! The 30M3 lets you have all the funyou deserve. And because of it’s 100 mph rating you won’t lose any sleep onthose stormy nights. The 30M3 provides performance and durabi lity.Physically, the Yagi is a medium spaced, managable 3 element of veryrugged construction. A pair of machined, 1/2“ thick aluminum boom-to-element plates secure each element with double cradle clamps to the 3“ x.125“ wall boom. Elements taper in size from 1-1/2“ to wind area reducing3/8“ tips. Each inner section is double walled at critical points to achieve a100 MPH wind survival rating. All hardware, except U-bolts, is stainless steel

10-15M1DX Singlle Band RotatableDipoleMSQUARE 20-30MHz; 1el./max. 7.6m; 2,14dBi; Beamwidth 90¨;SWRmax.=2:1; Pmax=3kW; 3kg

The 10-15M1DX is a single-band dipole antenna designed wi th performanceand affordabili ty in mind without skimping on quali ty. Originally designed byradio pioneer Heinrich Hertz in 1886, the dipole antenna was original lycalled the “Hertz” antenna. It stands the test of time as the basis of most highperformance antennas today. Built to the demanding specs of our “DX” seriesyagis, this antenna uses 6061-T6 aluminum tubing and 6061-T6 aluminummachined hardware for its durable, l ightweight elements. A solid fiberglasscenter insulator, machined aluminum mast mounting components andstainless steel hardware will keep this in the air for years. Versatil ity is key forthis antenna—equal ly suited as a fixed or rotatable dipole. Lightweight andlow-profi le, it’s the perfect HF antenna for your QTH, whether you want asimple, unobtrusive, no-compromise radiator on a tower or mast, or in astealthier appl ication such as in an attic. “Uni-cradle” mounting allows i t tosecurely grip a wide range of masts. With element sections of 48 inches (122cm) or less in length, its l ight, simple and compact design makes it an idealcandidate for Field Day, SOTA, DXpeditions and EMCOM use. It can easi lybe configured and reconfigured for any frequency from 20-30 MHz simply bychanging the tip length.

1 pc: 6 885 Kč

LJ-203BAHY-GAIN Long John 14MHz 3el Monobander; 5.0dBd; F/B=23dB;1kW AM; l=5.1m; 15kg

1 pc: 8 745 Kč

LJ-204BAHY-GAIN Long John 14/18MHz 4el Monob.; 6.0dBd; F/B=20dB; 1kWAM; l=7.9m; 23kg

1 pc: 14 310 Kč

LJ-205CAHY-GAIN Long John 14/18MHz 5el Monob.; 6.5dBd; F/B=25dB;1kWAM; l=10.4m; 28kg

1 pc: 20 395 Kč

20M4DX 4el. YagiMSQUARE 14-14.35MHz; 4el./10.6m; 7.3dBd; 23dB F/B; E=58°H=75°; Boom=10.5m; SWRtyp=1.1; 18kg

The 20M4DX is the fi rst in a NEW SERIES of mid-sized, UPS shippable HFantennas for all bands from 20 meters to 10 meters. Computer designed andVERIFIED with NEC, you wi ll soon see the GAIN and other characteristicsadvertised in QST magazine. That should separate the players real fast! Avery clean pattern makes it ideal for STACKING (3 dB OF STACKED GAIN!).We now spec FRONT TO REAR which defines the pattern from 90 to 270degrees. On your request we can supply E and H patterns in free space orover ground. Careful, computer aided mechanical design for LOW WINDAREA, yet long term electrical and mechanical integrity are assured with CNCmachined element-to-boom ring clamps and other key components. TheTeflon coax 1:1 balun and rugged, low loss hairpin match insure al l youpower gets to the airwaves! With a little thought, you WILL choose M2.Contact us for pricing.

1 pc: 28 790 Kč

20M5LD 5el. YagiMSQUARE 14.0-14.35MHz; 5el./11m; 10.2dBi; 23dB F/B; E=50°H=66°; Boom 13.6m; SWRmax=1.5; 42kg

The 20M5 antenna is avai lable in the 20M5 Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 20M5L (LITE) is BRAND NEW! It features the same on airperformance as it’s very popular, heavy weight brother, the 20M5, but i t ismuch l ighter weight. We l istened to our customers and have carefully reducedit’s weight significantly while reducing the wind survival rating by only 10MPH. The 20M5L has the same clean pattern and great gain across theband. We have also made it a “di rect feed” Yagi requiring no matching, onlya 1:1 balun. It is easier and quicker to assemble as well as easier to install.Stacking a pair wi ll cost less and put less stress on your tower! Mechanically; apair of machined, 3/8” x 4” aluminum boom-to-element plates and saddlesground each parasitic element and keep elements aligned perfectly for yearsto come. Elements taper in 1/4” steps from 1- 1/4” to the adjustable 1/2” tips.The re-designed 44 foot x 3“ dia. boom is a full 1/8 in wall in the centersection but the tips are hal f the weight at 1/16” wall . Al l critical hardware isstainless steel . The 20M5L is available through our fine distributors,worldwide. For you 100 mph+ hi ll toppers, we make a SURVIVOR SERIESsold factory di rect only! See our web site for more details on all ouroutstanding products.

1 pc: 32 385 Kč

20M6 6el. YagiMSQUARE 14.0-14.35MHz; 6el./11m; 16.6dBi; 25dB F/B; E=46°H=60°; Boom=18m; SWRmax=1.2; 83kg

The 20M6 antenna is avai lable in the 20M6 Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 20M6 is a medium spaced, high performance, full bandcoverage 6 element Yagi, computer optimized to squeeze the last drop ofperformance from this boom length. The design provides virtually flat gain,exceptional front to back and excel lent VSWR never exceeding 2:1 at theupper band edge. Large, sleeved elements and boom provide the 100 mphwind survival factor. Construction includes machined boom to elementmounting plates and a rugged, efficient hairpin match. Predri l led holes forthe stainless bolts and locknuts will keep you on the top of the pileup for yearsto come in spite of Mother Nature! The 20M6 is our “top of the line” 20 meterYagi. A 125 mph version of this design is also available in our “SurvivorSeries“

17M3DX 3el. YagiMSQUARE 18.05-18,2MHz; 3el./8.3m; 14,3dBi; 20db F/B; E=60°H=90°; Boom 5,8m; SWR= 1; 15kg

Not a compromise or makeshift redesign, the 17M3DX is computer optimizedfrom the ground up for gain and pattern on 17 meters. The broadband 1:1Teflon Coax Balun and low loss hairpin match maintains high efficiency.Element ring clamps, and other important components are CNC machined formaximum strength and electrical integri ty. The 84” boom sections are 2” O.D.x .065” wall 6063-T832 drawn aluminum tubing. All hardware is stainlesssteel except the U-bolts. All elements are DC grounded. The 17 Meters isopen despite the sunspot null and offers very good DX in a less competi tiveatmosphere. Explore this opportunity with the 17M3DX It delivers veryrespectable performance on a boom length that most towers and rotators canhandle.

1 pc: 20 390 Kč

17M5DX 5el. YagiMSQUARE 18.08-18.18MHz; 5el./8.2m; 16.3dBi; 24db F/B; E=50°H=64°; 5el; Boom 11m; SWRmax 1.2; 19kg

The 17M5DX antenna is available in the 17M5DX Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 17M5DX is a great performer for its size. It was designed forlow wind area but rugged and l ightweight and it wil l save you a bundle onshipping. IT ’S UPSABLE! l ike all our “DX” series. The computer optimizeddesign al lows full band coverage with good gain and front to back.Performance is excellent on both the CW and phone! Mechanically, CNCmachined aluminum (6061-T6) ring clamps ground the elements to the boomand make assembly a snap. The central boom sections are 2-1/2” O.D. x .058”wall 6063-T832 aluminum tubing with 2” O.D. tips. An overhead guy systemis suppl ied. A hairpin type match couples the 3 kW 1: balun to the feed line.The antenna is completely DC grounded. The 17M5DX is also great forstacking, providing 3 dB increased gain not to mention the lower angle ofradiation. The 17M5DX is a perfect stacking partner for our other “DX seriesYagis like the 20M4DX, 12M4DX, and 10M4DX. Put the 17M5DX to the testin any conditions and see what good design can do for you!

LJ-153BAHY-GAIN Long John 21MHz 3el Monobander; 5.3dBd; F/B=25dB;1kW AM; l=3.7m; 10kg

1 pc: 6 095 Kč

LJ-155CAHY-GAIN Long John 21MHz 5el Monobander; 7.6dBd;F/B=25dBmax; 1kW AM; l=7.9m

1 pc: 11 395 Kč

15M4DX 4el.YagiMSQUARE 21.0-21.45MHz; 4el.; 15.5dBi; 24db F/B; E=52° H=70°;4el; Boom 8.2m; SWR<=1.2:1; 16kg

The 15M4DX is a great performer for its size. It was designed for low windarea but rugged and lightweight and it will save you a bundle on shipping.IT’S UPSABLE! like all our “DX” series. The computer optimized designallows full band coverage wi th good gain and front to back. Performance isexcellent on both the CW and phone. Mechanically, CNC machinedaluminum (6061-T6) ring clamps ground the elements to the boom and makeassembly a snap. A hairpin type match couples the 3 kW 1: balun to the feedl ine. The antenna is completely DC grounded. The 15M4DX is also great forstacking, providing 3 dB increased gain not to mention the lower angle ofradiation. The 15M4DX is a perfect stacking partner for our other “DX seriesYagis like the 20M4DX and 10M4DX. Put the 15M4DX to work in the newcycle!

1 pc: 23 990 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (5)















15M6DX 6el.YagiMSQUARE 21.0-21.45MHz; 9.4dBd; 25db F/B; E=48° H=53°; 6el;Boom 13.5m; SWR<=1.5:1; 25kg

The 15M6 antenna is avai lable in the 15M6 Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 15M6DX design joins our quali ty series of SUPER GAIN Yagismade possible by careful computer optimization. Full band coverage,combined with excellent overall VSWR, allows total frequency agi lity whilemaintaining excel lent gain and pattern. It is also ideal for stacking.Mechanically, the 15M6DX features our CNC machined aluminum elementto-boom ring clamps which ground all the elements for static and lightingprotection. Elements are sleeved and double bolted to each clamp withstainless hardware. A rugged and versatile hairpin match and high power 1:1coaxial balun keep the efficiency high. All hardware is stainless steel exceptthe U-bolts. The 15M6DX Yagi is designed to be a trouble free, DX pileuptopper for years to come.

12M4DX 4el.YagiMSQUARE 24.89-24.99MHz; 4el./6.4m; 10.7dBi; 20db F/B; E=48°H=58; Boom 8.2m; SWR<=1.2:1; 14kg

The 12M4DX antenna is available in the 12M4DX Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 12M4DX is a great performer for its size. It was designed forlow wind area but rugged and lightweight and it wi ll save you a bundle onshipping. IT’S UPSABLE! like al l our “DX” series. The computer optimizeddesign allows full band coverage with good gain and front to back.Performance is excellent on both the CW and phone. Mechanical ly, CNCmachined aluminum (6061-T6) ring clamps ground the elements to the boomand make assembly a snap. A hairpin type match couples the 3 kW 1: balunto the feed line. The antenna is completely DC grounded. The 12M4DX isalso great for stacking, providing 3 dB increased gain not to mention thelower angle of radiation. The 12M4DX is a perfect stacking partner for ourother “DX series Yagis like the 20M4DX and 10M4DX. Put the 12M4DX to thetest in the new cycle!

1 pc: 23 590 Kč

LJ-103BAHY-GAIN Long John 28MHz 3el Monobander; 5.3dBd; F/B=24dB;1kW AM; l=2.5m; 7kg

1 pc: 4 770 Kč

LJ-105CAHY-GAIN Long John 28MHz 5el Monobander; 8.6dBd;F/B=36dBmax; 1kW AM; l=7.4m

1 pc: 7 685 Kč

10M4DX 4el. YagiMSQUARE 28.0-28.8MHz; 4el./5.6m; 10.1dBi; 22db F/B; E=53°H=68°; Boom 7.2m; SWR<=1.2:1; 19kg

The 10M4DX was designed for high performance while keeping weight, windarea and costs low. Using computer optimization techniques, we havesqueezed for excellent performance on both the CW and phone. The10M4DX is a great antenna to stack with more 10M4DX Yagis or wi th other HFantennas. Mechanically, CNC machined aluminum (6061-T6) ring clampsground the elements to the boom and make assembly a snap. A hairpin typematch couples the 3 kW 1: balun to the feed line. The antenna is completelyDC grounded. Great effort has been put into making sure this antenna stays inthe ai r for years to come while providing enjoyment and satisfaction alongthe way.

1 pc: 21 390 Kč

10M7DX 7el.YagiMSQUARE 28-28.75MHz; 7el./5.6m; 12.4dBi; 25db F/B; E=43°H=50°; Boom 13.6m; SWR<=1.4:1; 25kg

The 10M7 antenna is avai lable in the 10M7 Survivor Series (wind up to125MPH). The 10M7DX was designed for the DX’er using computeroptimization techniques. Performance is excel lent on both the CW andphone. The pattern is sharp and clean reducing noise and QRM. The10M7DX is a band opener and closer. It makes 100 watts sound like a kW!Mechanically, CNC machined aluminum (6061-T6) ring clamps ground theelements to the boom and make assembly a snap. A hairpin type matchcouples the 3 kW 1: balun to the feed line. The antenna is completely DCgrounded. Great effort has been put into making sure this antenna stays in theair for years to come while providing enjoyment and satisfaction along theway. The 10M7DX is destined for the DX antenna HONOR ROLL!

6M3-SSMSQUARE 50-50.6MHz; 8.1dBi; E64°,H96°; 28dB F/B; CSV1.5 typ;Boom 1,8m; 2kg; 500W; 50Ohm

Model 6M3-SS Frequency Range 50.0 To 54.0 MHz Tunable Gain 8.1 dBiFront to Back 28 dB Typical Beam Width E=64° H=96° Feed Type GammaMatch Feed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.5:1 InputConnector SO-239 Boom Length / Dia 5’ 8“ / 1“ Max Element Length / Dia77-3/8“ Turning Radius 5’ 5“ Stacking Distance 14’ High & 18’ Wide Mast Size1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 0.7Sq. Ft. / 75 MPH Weight / Ship Wt 4Lbs. / 5 Lbs. # of Elements 3 FEATURES: New licensed Hams wi ll find the6M-3SS a low cost, medium performance antenna to be a great choice for astarter antenna without compromising quality. A single heavy duty mountingcradle and stainless steel hardware, give you the confidence of quali tyconstruction you have come to expect from M2. Built with size and portabili tyin mind, this antenna is great for Field Days, Mountain Topping, Fox Huntsand DXpedition use. The antenna breaks down to no more than 40“ long,making i t a natural for trips.

1 pc: 5 090 Kč

6M3MSQUARE 50-50.6MHz; 8.2dBi; E64°,H90°; 20dB F/B; CSV 1.1 typ;Boom 2,1m; 3kg; 50Ohm

Model 6M3 Frequency Range 50.0 To 50.6 MHz 51.0 To 54.0 MHz Gain 8.2dBi Front to Back 20 dB Typical Beam Width E=64° H=90° Feed Type “T“Match Feed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1:1 @ 50.75 MHzInput Connector SO-239 Boom Length / Dia 6’ 9“ / 1-1/2“ Max ElementLength / Dia 9’ 8“ Turning Radius 6’ 3“ Stacking Distance 14’ High & 18’ WideMast Size 1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 1.2 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPHWeight / Ship Wt 6 Lbs. / 7 Lbs. FEATURES: The 6M3 is a light but ruggedcomputer optimized Yagi offering low wind load and great performance for itssize. It will compliment the rest of your antennas and tower system. Quick andeasy to assemble, i t is also great for mountain topping, grid expeditions andDXpeditions. The 6M3 features the same machined aluminum mountingblocks and sealed ’T’ match block that its big brothers use. The 6M3 is perfectfor the ham trying 6 meters for the first time or the the seasoned vet who maystack them for improved gain. For the serious 6 meter enthusiast, it providesand effective, inexpensive bui lding block for vertical stacks andMOONBOUNCE arrays. A tuning chart is included for the FM band.

1 pc: 5 865 Kč

6M5XHPMSQUARE 50-50.5MHz; 11.54dBi; E42° H52°; 21dB F/B; CSV 1.2typ; Boom 5,5m; 6kg; 50 Ohm SO239

SPECIFICATIONS Model 6M5XHP Frequency range 50-50.5 MHz Gain 11.54dBi Front to back, Typical 21 dB Beamwidth E=42° / H=52° RecommendedStacking 15-21' High 19-23' Wide Feed impedance 50 Ohms / SO-239unbalanced VSWR 1.2:1 @ 50.1 MHz typical Power Handling 1.5 KW MatchType Hairpin Match Lightening Protection All Elements Grounded Boomlength 1216" (549cm) Max. Elem. Lenght 113" (287cm) Turning Radius 134"(341cm) Mast Size 1-1/2 to 2" nom. Wind Area / Survival 2.2 sq. ft. / 100 MPH(0,22m2 / 180km/hod) Weight / ShipWt. 12 lbs / 14 lbs (6kg / 7kg) FEATURES:The 6M5XHP is the latest computer optimized version of our popular 6M5X.The 6M5XHP has been re-designed to use a hairpin type direct feed. We justmade a good thing better, maintaining a low wind load and greatperformance for its size. The 6M5XHP wil l compliment the rest of yourantenna system and not overload your tower. The 6M5XHP is perfect for theHam trying 6 meters for the first time or the seasoned vet who may stack themfor lower angle of radiation or even some EME use.

1 pc: 11 985 Kč

6M7JHVMSQUARE 50.0-50.4MHz; 13.0dBi; E40° H42°; 25dB F/B; SWR 1.2typ; Boom 9,5m; 9,5kg; 50Ohm

Model 6M7JHV Frequency Range 50.0 To 50.4 MHz Gain 13.0 dBi Front toBack 25 dB Typical Beam Width E=40° H=42° Feed Type “T“ Match FeedImpedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.2:1 Typical Input Connector“N“ Female Boom Length / Dia 30’ 8“ / 1-1/2“ Max Element Length / Dia 9’ 6“Turning Radius 17’ 2“ Stacking Distance 25’ High & 27’ Wide Mast Size 1-1/2“to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 2.5 Sq. Ft. / 85 MPH Weight / Ship Wt 19Lbs. / 21 Lbs. FEATURES: The 6M7JHV is a mid-sized 7 element antennadesigned originally for the late Dave Batcho, N5JHV. The JHV’s excellentgain is coupled wi th a very clean pattern for reducing local noise, making itideal for longhaul terrestrial and EME communications. An outstandingperformer by itself, the JHV also produces 17 dBd in an 4-bay array.Mechanical features include machined aluminum element-mounting blocks,O-ring sealed connectors and balun, sil icone-gel sealed T- match block, andstainless steel hardware. Elements are 3/8 tube and DC grounded. The 1-1/2“boom breaks down into 5 ft sections for easy portabi lity. An overhead guysystem provides additional boom support. It has become the standard ofchoice for HF/50 mHz DXpedi tions.

1 pc: 12 750 Kč

6M9KHWAMSQUARE 50.0-50.4MHz; 14.8dBi; E34° H39°; 23dB F/B; SWR1.2typ; Boom 15m; 24.5kg

SPECIFICATIONS Model 6M9KHWA Frequency range 50.0 - 50.4 MHz Gainover a dipole 14.8 dBi Front to back, Typical >23 dB Beamwidth, degreesE=34° / H=39° First sidelobe -18 dB Stacking (Horiz Pol)) 30' W, 27' H VSWR1.2:1 Input Connector 'N' Female Power Handl ing 1500 Watts Element Type3/8 x .049" Tubing Boom Length/dia /support 49' 4" / 1-1/2, 2 & 2-1/2" /Dacron Wind Area / Survival 4.3 SQ. FT. / 100 MPH (0,43m2 / 180km/hod.)Turning Radius 27.7" Weight / ShipWt. 49 / 52 LBS FEATURES This antennawas inspired by Ray Grenier, K9KHW. Countless hours of computeroptimization, range confi rmation and on the air testing have resul ted in atruly remarkable antenna. The 6M9KHW is capable of producing moonechoes when pointed at rising or setting moon and running the legal powerl imit. If you can hear your own moon echoes over a one half mi ll ion mi lepath, just think what it could do for your signal on long haul tropo, meteorscatter or just an ordinary E or F2 opening. And for the adventurous, imaginewhat four would do. The 6M9KHWA boom center sections are 2.5“ dia. & therest of the sections all telescope in 1/2“ or 1/4“ increments. It wil l survivehorrible condi tions (100 MPH). This antenna is fed wi th a new hairpin designto optimize VSWR and new 1:1 balun, designed more rugged than theprevious feed. Rugged 1/2“ X 40“ element center sections and 3/8“ dia. tipsmounted on machined, “slip on“ element to boom clamps guarantees thisantenna wil l stay up for years to come.

1 pc: 26 490 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (6)




















HF Multibanders

KT34M2 HF MULTIBANDERMSQUARE Tribander 14/21/28MHz; 6.5-7.6dBi; 17-25dB F/B; 4el.;SWRtyp 1.5:1; 22kg; 50Ohm. SO239

The M2 KT34M2 is now the best and strongest short tribander avai labletoday. All four elements are resonant on each band. A dual driven elementallows a beauti ful flat match, broad gain, and high front to back curves across10, 15 and 20M. A 3kW 4:1 balun efficiently matches the antenna to 50Ohms. All sheet metal parts have been upgraded to our new machinedshorting bars, sti ffening and strengthening the antenna noticeably. The longterm performance is enhanced by the total contact machined joints. Thisantenna wil l be competitive wi th most monobanders ! Be surprised, get theNEW KT34M2.

1 pc: 41 990 Kč

KT36XA TRIBAND YAGIMSQUARE HF Multibander 14&21&28MHz; Gain 9.1-10.5dBi;17-29 dB F/B; 6el.; SWRtyp 1.5:1; 38kg

1 pc: 59 925 Kč

KT34A TO KT34M2 Upgrade Kit(2578)KT34A TO KT34M2 Upgrade Kit (2578) KLM to M2 4 Element

Model KT34A TO KT34M2 UPGRADE KIT Frequency Range 14-14.35 MHz21-21.45 MHz 28-29 MHz Max VSWR <1.5:1 Input Connector SO-239 Weight/ Ship Wt 14 Lbs. / 16 Lbs. FEATURES: The M2 KT34(A)-KT34M2 UPGRADEKIT provides all the parts to bring up your old KT34(A) to current ‘34M2speci fications and keep it that way. Over the years i t has become evident thatthe original sheet metal straps loosen wi th time and the connections becomesintermittent and / or lossy. The new close tolerance, CNC machined shortingBARS produce solid, low loss connections for years. The machined bars alsoadd mechanical sti ffness to the element. In addition, all new hardware hasbeen suppl ied as well as new UV stabilized Capacitor Caps and tubes neededfor the new ‘T‘ match. Why not upgrade today and see what M2 can do foryou.

EXP-14HY-GAIN Tri-Bander 4el; 10/15/20m; 8.1dBi; F/B=21-27dB;1,5kWAM; l=4.2m; 21kg

1 pc: 16 695 Kč

QK-710HY-GAIN 30/40M Kit for EXP-14

1 pc: 4 770 Kč

TH-2MK3HY-GAIN Tri-Bander 2el.;10/15/20m;3dBd;F/B=15-20dB;1,5kWPEP;l=2m;10kg

1 pc: 10 335 Kč

TH-3JRSHY-GAIN Tri-Bander 3el.;10/15/20m;5.8dBd;F/B=25dB;600WPEP;l=3.7m;12kg

1 pc: 10 070 Kč

TH-3MK4HY-GAIN Tri-Bander 3el.;10/15/20m;5.8dBd;F/B=25dB;1.5kWPEP;l=4.3m;16kg

1 pc: 13 250 Kč

TH-5MK2HY-GAIN Tri-Bander 5el;10/15/20m;7.8dBi;F/B=19-25B;1,5kWPEP;l=6m;29kg

1 pc: 20 935 Kč

TH-7DXHY-GAIN 7el 10/15/20m;8,0-9,6dBi;F/B=18-22dB;4kWPEP;7,3m;34kg;160km/h

1 pc: 23 850 Kč

TH-11DXHY-GAIN 11el 10/12/15/17/20m;7,5-9,2dBi;F/B=19-27dB;4kWPEP;7,3m;40kg

1 pc: 31 790 Kč

HF Log-Periodic Antennas

7&10-30LP8 LOGPER ANTENNAMSQUARE 7&10-30MHz; G=3-6dBd; 6-15dB F/B; E65° H75°; 8el;Boom 9m; SWR 1.8:1; 55kg

The 7&10-30LP8 antenna is available in the 7&10-30LP8 125MPH SurvivorSeries (wind up to 125MPH).

1 pc: 69 890 Kč

10-30LP8 LOGPER ANTENNAMSQUARE 10-30MHz; 6dBd; 15dB F/B; E=65°; 8el; Boom 7.1m;SWR typ 1.5:1; 180km/h; 43kg

The 10-30LP8 antenna is available in the 10-30LP8 125MPH Survivor Series(wind up to 125MPH).

1 pc: 60 990 Kč

10-30LP8-125 LOGPER ANTENNASURVIVOR SERIESMSQUARE 10-30MHz; 6dBd; 15dB F/B; E=65°; 8el; Boom 7.1m;SWR typ 1.5:1; 225km/hSurvivor Series construction for wind up to 125MPH.

LP-1010AN LOGPER ANTENNAHY-GAIN Log-Per 14el; 10-30MHz; 7dBi; F/B=17dB; 1.5kW PEP;l=8.5m; 43kg

Version wi th N-female connector

LP-1009AN LOGPER ANTENNAHY-GAIN Log-Per 12el; 13-30MHz; 7.2-13.2dBi; F/B=10-22dB;4kWPEP; l=9m; 43kg

Version wi th N-female connector.

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (7)


















CLP5130-1N LOGPER ANTENNA50-1300MHzCREATE 21el.log-per antenna 50-1300MHz; Gain 10-12dBi; F/B10-15dB; SWRmax.2:1, Nfemale

Log-per antenna, boom lenght 2.0m, element lenght 3.0m, for H and Vpolarisation, impedance 50 Ohm, max. 500W PEP, for mast size 48-61mm,weight 5kg, max. wind speed 40m/sec., recommended rotator CREATE RC5-1or RC5-3 series.

1 pc: 7 995 Kč

CLP5130-2N LOGPER ANTENNA105-1300MHzCREATE 17el.log-per antenna 105-1300MHz; Gain 11-13dBi;F/B10-15dB; SWRmax 2:1, Nfemale

Log-per antenna, boom lenght 1.4m, element lenght 1.3m, for H and Vpolarisation, impedance 50 Ohm, max. 500W PEP, for mast size 42-50mm,weight 3kg, max. wind speed 40m/sec., recommended rotator CREATE RC5-1or RC5-3 series.

1 pc: 5 495 Kč

VHF Mobile Car Antennas and MagnetMounts

MFJ-1412 Mobile Antenna 102cmfor 2m bandRuffRiderTM 40" 2M Mobile. Not approved in the Czech Republic.

1 pc: 795 Kč

MFJ-1438RuffRider, quad 10/6/2/440 mobile. Not approved in the CzechRepublic.

1 pc: 2 650 Kč

VHF Base and Repeater Verticals

EB-144/RK-2MMSQUARE 144-146(135-150)MHz; SWR1.2:1; Omni; 50Ohm; 1kW;160km/h; H87cm,W72cm

Del ivered with base RK-2M.

1 pc: 6 590 Kč

MFJ-1516 BASE REPEATERANTENNAPulsarTM Base/Repeater Antenna 144MHz, length 4.5m, 200W,SO-239

1 pc: 2 650 Kč

MFJ-1750 GP GP ANTENNA5/8LAMBDA 2MMFJ 5/8 wave Ground Plane 2-Meter Antenna

Easy installation to any 25 -38mm mast, with SO-239 connector

1 pc: 930 Kč

MFJ-1754 DUAL BAND BASEANTENNA 2M/70CMMFJ Dual Band Base Antenna for 144 / 440 MHz Band

Easy installation to any 25 -38mm mast, with SO-239 connector , stainlessradiator 49cm (19") long (lambda/4 for 2m) has a buillt-in integral phasingcoil for 70cm

1 pc: 1 055 Kč

VHF Beams

2M4 4el. YagiMSQUARE 144-148MHz; 4el.; 9.6dBi; E54° H74°; 20dBF/B;SWR1.5max; Boom1,2m; 1,5kg; 50Ohm

Model 2M4 Frequency Range 144 To 148 MHz Gain 9.6 dBi Front to Back 20dB Typical Beam Width E=54° H=74° Feed Type “T“ Match Feed Impedance50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.5:1 Input Connector “N“ Female BoomLength / Dia 48“ / 1“ Max Element Length / Dia 40-1/2“ Turning Radius 55’Stacking Distance 64“ High & 72“ Wide Mast Size 1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area/ Survival 0.50 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH Weight / Ship Wt 3 Lbs. / 4 Lbs.FEATURES: Clean mechanical design, full band coverage and computeroptimized performance make the 2M4 an exceptional antenna. A total lysealed and grounded driven element design with a unique internal balunprovides the heart that will beat for years to come. It is perfect for base andportable use, with FM, Packet or SSB. Every station needs one!!

1 pc: 3 795 Kč

2M7 7el. YagiMSQUARE 144-148MHz; 7el.; 12.3dBi; E43° H50°; 20dBF/B;SWR1.3typ; Boom 2,5m; 2kg; 50Ohm

Model 2M7 Frequency Range 144 To 148 MHz Gain 12.3 dBi Front to Back20 dB Typical Beam Width E=43° H=50° Feed Type “T“ Match FeedImpedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.2:1 Typical Input Connector“N“ Female Boom Length / Dia 8’ 10“ / 1“ Max Element Length / Dia 40-1/2“Turning Radius 63-1/2“ Stacking Distance 6’ 8“ High & 7’ 3“ Wide Mast Size1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 0.50 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH Weight / ShipWt 3 Lbs. / 4 Lbs. FEATURES: The 2M7 is a computer optimized yagi thatwill outperform longer old design antennas. The 2M7 covers the whole bandwith only slight performance degradation at the band edges. Side lobes arevery low and i t is perfect for stacking 2 or more. Its l ight weight and durabilitymake it great for portable hill topping. The 2M7 is buil t for long termelectrical and mechanical integrity. The CNC machined “T“ Match Blockfeatures Oring sealed connectors and is internally sealed with a space-agesi licone gel with nearly 4 times the dielectric strength of air. Elements are6061-T6 3/16“ aluminum rod, mounted through the boom on UV stabilizedbutton insulators. Al l hardware is stainless steel except U-bolts. Other keyelectrical and mechanical parts are CNC machined for accuracy anddurability.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

2M9FM 9el. YagiMSQUARE 145-148MHz; 9el.; 14,1dBi; E35°,H38°; 24dB F/B;SWR1.4typ; Boom 4,5m; 3kg; 50Ohm

Model 2M9FM/2M9SSB Frequency Range 144 To 146 MHz Gain 14.1 dBiFront to Back 20 dB Typical Beam Width E=35° H=38° Feed Type “T“ MatchFeed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.2:1 Typical InputConnector “N“ Female Boom Length / Dia 14’ 6“ / 1“ To 3/4“ Max ElementLength / Dia 40-5/8“ Turning Radius 8’ Stacking Distance 9’ 6“ High & 10’Wide Mast Size 1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 1.2 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPHWeight / Ship Wt 5 Lbs. / 7 Lbs. FEATURES: Up to the minute design using astate-of-the-art computer optimization program to deliver the most gain forboom length of any antenna on the market. Each model’s performance isoptimized for a specific mode and frequency range, with no compromises toachieve unneeded bandwidth: the 2M9SSB covers 144-146 MHz and the2M9FM covers 145-148 MHz. Where do you want to make yoursel f heard?Both models are ideal building blocks for a small turning radius, high-gainstacked array. Two horizontally polarized, vertical ly stacked 2M9SSB’s yieldthe same gain (14.8 dBd) as M2’s 33 ft 2M5WL, but with about 1/2 the turningradius (8’ - great for QTH’s that won’t permit a long boom Yagi). The 2M9FMcan be stacked on a crossboom for the same gain increases, and the turningradius is sti l l a very manageable 10 ft. The heart of these antennas is a drivenelement module originally designed for maritime ATS satell ite service. Allconnectors are O-ring sealed to the CNC machined block. Internalconnections are sealed wi th a space-age sil icone gel with nearly 4 times thedielectric strength of air. The balun connectors are triple sealed on the coaxand nut-sealed at the block connectors. The type “N“ feed connector uses agold-plated, beryl lium copper center pin. Elements are 6061-T6 3/16“ sol idrod with UV stabilized polyethylene Button insulators and stainless steelkeepers. Thousands of these type elements are in amateur and commercialservice wi th NO failures! Booms are constructed of 6063-T832 aluminumalloy tubing with close-tolerance swaged joints. Other key electrical andmechanical components are CNC machined for accuracy and durabil ity. Allhardware is stainless steel except the U-bolts. For uncompromisingperformance and long term electrical / mechanical integrity, the 2M9SSBand 2M9FM are unmatched.

1 pc: 6 890 Kč

2M9SSB 9el. YagiMSQUARE 144-146MHz; 9el; 14,1dBi; E35° H38°; 20dBF/B;SWR1.4typ; Boom 4,5m; 3kg; 50OhmModel 2M9FM/2M9SSB Frequency Range 144 To 146 MHz Gain 14.1 dBiFront to Back 20 dB Typical Beam Width E=35° H=38° Feed Type “T“ MatchFeed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.2:1 Typical InputConnector “N“ Female Boom Length / Dia 14’ 6“ / 1“ To 3/4“ Max ElementLength / Dia 40-5/8“ Turning Radius 8’ Stacking Distance 9’ 6“ High & 10’Wide Mast Size 1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 1.2 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPHWeight / Ship Wt 5 Lbs. / 7 Lbs. FEATURES: Up to the minute design using astate-of-the-art computer optimization program to deliver the most gain forboom length of any antenna on the market. Each model’s performance isoptimized for a specific mode and frequency range, with no compromises toachieve unneeded bandwidth: the 2M9SSB covers 144-146 MHz and the2M9FM covers 145-148 MHz. Where do you want to make yoursel f heard?Both models are ideal building blocks for a small turning radius, high-gainstacked array. Two horizontally polarized, vertical ly stacked 2M9SSB’s yieldthe same gain (14.8 dBd) as M2’s 33 ft 2M5WL, but with about 1/2 the turningradius (8’ - great for QTH’s that won’t permit a long boom Yagi). The 2M9FMcan be stacked on a crossboom for the same gain increases, and the turningradius is sti l l a very manageable 10 ft. The heart of these antennas is a drivenelement module originally designed for maritime ATS satell ite service. Allconnectors are O-ring sealed to the CNC machined block. Internalconnections are sealed wi th a space-age sil icone gel with nearly 4 times thedielectric strength of air. The balun connectors are triple sealed on the coaxand nut-sealed at the block connectors. The type “N“ feed connector uses agold-plated, beryl lium copper center pin. Elements are 6061-T6 3/16“ sol idrod with UV stabilized polyethylene Button insulators and stainless steelkeepers. Thousands of these type elements are in amateur and commercialservice wi th NO failures! Booms are constructed of 6063-T832 aluminumalloy tubing with close-tolerance swaged joints. Other key electrical andmechanical components are CNC machined for accuracy and durabil ity. Allhardware is stainless steel except the U-bolts. For uncompromisingperformance and long term electrical / mechanical integrity, the 2M9SSBand 2M9FM are unmatched.

1 pc: 6 890 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (8)













2M12 12el. YagiMSQUARE 144-148MHz; 12el.; 14.9dBi; E32° H36°; 22dBF/B;SWR1.2typ; Boom 6m; 4kg; 50Ohm

SPECIFICATIONS: Model 2M12 Frequency Range 144 To 148 MHz Gain14.9 dBi Front to Back 22 dB Typical Beam Width E=32° H=36° Feed Type“T“ Match Feed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.5:1 InputConnector “N“ Female Boom Length / Dia 19.5’ / 1-1/2“ To 1“ Max ElementLength / Dia 40-1/4“ Turning Radius 10’ Stacking Distance 11’ High & 11’Wide Mast Size 1-1/2“ to 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 1.5 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPHWeight / Ship Wt 8 Lbs. / 9 Lbs. # of Elements 12 FEATURES: The 2M12features the latest computer techniques for optimization of pattern and gain.Clean patterns allow you to hear more and interfere less. Clean patterns areessential for stacking. The 2M12 is ideal for stacking in either polarization.Two 2M12’s side by side vertical ly polarized are a dynamite FM DX packageand 4 or more are perfect for long haul tropo DXing or moonbounce.Structurally the 2M12 is sturdy and clean, requiring no boom support.Elements are 3/16“ 6061-T6 aluminum rod mounted through the boom onUV stabilized “button“ insulators. The boom is a full 1-1/2 inch diameter inthe middle tapering through two 1-1/4 inch sections to sti ff 1 inch tips. Theheart of the 2M12 is the unique Driven Element Module: connectors areO-ring sealed to the CNC machined block and balun connectors feature tripleO-ring seals. Internal module connections are sealed in a space-age siliconegel (wi th nearly 4 times the dielectric strength of air) to enhance powerhandling. The 2M12: superior performance, long term electrical andmechanical integrity. Options include power dividers, phasing lines ’H’ framesand rotators.**Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd

1 pc: 5 990 Kč

2M5WL 17el. YagiMSQUARE 144-148MHz; 17el.; 16.84dBi; E26° H29°; 22dBF/B;SWR1.2typ; Boom10m; 7kg; 50Ohm

Model 2M5WL Frequency Range 144 To 148 MHz Gain 16.84 dBi Front toBack 22 dB Typical Beam Width E=26° H=29° Feed Type “T““ Match FeedImpedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced Max VSWR 1.2:1 Input Connector “N“Female Boom Length / Dia 33’ / 1-1/2“ to 3/4“ Max Element Length / Dia40-5/8“ Turning Radius 18’ 9“ Stacking Distance 14’ High & 14’ Wide MastSize 2“ Nom. Wind area / Survival 2.7 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH Weight / Ship Wt 13Lbs. / 14 Lbs. FEATURES: The 2M5WL is designed wi th the SERIOUS “WeakSignal“ enthusiast in mind. It provides excellent gain for minimum weightand wind load yet is strong enough to survive 100+ mph winds. The modifiedfolded dipole driven element is also unique as it’s center is a CNC machinedblock of aluminum fitted with 'O' ringed connectors and access cap. Afterfactory assembly, the block is fi l led with a space age sil icone gel which furtherseals and increases dielectric breakdown and arc-over protection. The 3/16“rod elements mount through the boom on UV stabilized button insulators. Allhardware is stainless steel except for U-bolts. A vertical riser and an overheadDacron cord guy system is supplied for boom support. This antenna is widelyused in EME (W5UN’s 48 2M5WL’s and many others) and large Tropo scatterarrays. Several optional i tems are available to provide more gain from your2M5WL’s. 2 and 4 port power dividers are available for matching stacks of 2 or4 antennas. 50 Ohm phasing lines model VHF-50-2M5WL2 andVHF-50-2M5WL4 can be ordered for phasing 2 or 4 antennas together. “H’frames, OR-2800 and MT-3000 AZ and EL rotators are also available as wellas Rohn and US towers.

1 pc: 10 990 Kč

2M18XXX 18el. YagiMSQUARE 144-146MHz; 18el.; 17.14dBi; E26° H28°; 26dBF/B;SWR1.2typ; Boom11m; 7kg; 50Ohm

Model 2M18XXX Frequency Range 144 To 146 MHz Gain for 1 / 2 / 4 ant.17.14 / 20.14 / 23.14 dBi Front to Back 26 dB Typical Beam Width E=26°H=28° Feed Type "T" Match Feed Impedance 50 Ohms Unbalanced MaxVSWR 1.2:1 Input Connector "N" Female Boom Length / Dia 36.5' / 1-1/2" To3/4" Max Element Length / Dia 41" Turning Radius 19' 6" Stacking Distance14' High & 14.5' Wide Mast Size 2" Nom. Wind area / Survival 2.9 Sq. Ft. /100 MPH Weight / Ship Wt 14 Lbs. / 16 Lbs. FEATURES: The 2M18XXX hasbeen extensively used by many moonbouncers and other weak signalenthusiasts for the last eight years. The clean, sharp pattern yields a verygood G/T (gain/temperature in K) which, in everyday language, means youhear more signal and less noise. It is ideal as a single antenna or in stackedarrays of 24 or more antennas, yielding a full 6 dB of stacking gain for fourantennas! Mechanically, the boom is strong in the middle and tapered in 1/4”steps to reduce weight and wind area. M2 has integrated the computeroptimized design with the unique driven element module. The aluminumCNC machined housing features “O” ring seals on all three connectors andinternal connections are potted in sil icon gel than enhances the powerhandling capability. That is important to those who feel l ife is too short forQRP (Low power)! All hardware is stainless except the U-bolts. By allstandards the “18XXX” is a true thoroughbred among VHF antennas!

1 pc: 11 985 Kč

420-50-11 11el. YagiMSQUARE; 11el.; 13.44dBi; E34° H43°; 20dBF/B; SWR1.2typ;Boom1,5m; 2kg; 50Ohm

The 420-50-11 has been computer designed to cover the enti re amateur 70CM band. It is ideal for repeater linking or any point to point application.Comparing it to a common reference, the KLM 420-450-11, it has the sameusable bandwidth with a full one dB more gain and the pattern is muchcleaner. Clean patterns in most applications provide more rel iablecommunications wi th less intermod. An optional stacking harness is avai lablewhen more than one antenna is required for reduced beamwidth oradditional gain. Because the antenna covers the whole band, many usersfind it a natural for ATV and general repeater use. Users are surprised by theperformance of this compact but potent antenna. Construction is classic M2for long term electrical and mechanical integrity. Elements are 3/16“ 6061-T6rod, mounted through the boom on UV stabilized insulators and locked inplace with stainless steel shaft retainers. The driven element module is CNCmachined and all connectors O-ring sealed. Internal connections areencapsulated in a spaceage sil icone gel with nearly 4 times the dielectricstrength of air. Balun connectors are triple-sealed to the coax.

1 pc: 4 390 Kč

432-12EME 12el. YagiMSQUARE 430-436MHz; 12el; 16.4dBi; E26° H29°; 23dBF/B;SWR=1.2typ; Boom 2,95m; 1,5kg; 50 OhmModel 432-12EME Frequency range 430-436 MHz Gain 16.4dBi Front toback 23 dB VSWR 1.2:1 Typical Beamwidth E=26°, H=29° Stacking Distance54"-56" Feed impedance 1.2:1 Typical Input Connector 'N' Female PowerHandl ing 1 KW Boom length 116" Wind Area / Survival 875 SQ. FT./ 100MPH Weight / ShipWt. 4 lbs / 5 lbs FEATURES This is the latest addition tothe high performance M2 family of weak signal antennas. As the nameimplies, the 432EME-12 has been specifically designed as a potent yetcompact EME (Moon bounce)array. It is ideal for home and trips (DXpeditions). Its l ight weight and rear mount capabi lities keep phasing linesshort and mounting simple. When used only for terrestrial and stacked 4 highthe azimuth beamwidth is sti l l 26 degrees, but the gain is over 20 dBd! EMECW or JT65B, you’ll be amazed! POLARITY DIVERSITY is possible byadding 4 more in the opposite polarity to a slightly extended “H” frame. Notealso that i t covers the satellite band! What a nice extra. Construction is classicM2 for long term electrical and mechanical integrity. Elements are 3/16”6061-T6 rod, mounted through the boom on UV stabilized insulators andlocked in place with stainless steel shaft retainers. The driven elementmodule is CNC machined and all connectors O-ring sealed. Internalconnections are encapsulated in a space-age silicone gel . Balun connectorsare triple-sealed to the coax. Our “H” frame used for the above specs is 2” x.125 x 60” cross boom and 2” x .065 x 60” risers. Ask about specialconfigurations for your special project. And don’t forget we make the MT1000elevation rotator. It easily handles 4X2M9SSB AND 4X or 8X 432EME-12”s.WHAT A KILLER SYSTEM

1 pc: 3 990 Kč

440-18 18el. YagiMSQUARE 420-453MHz; 18el.; 16.64dBi; E27° H32°; 23dBF/B;SWR1.2typ; Boom4,1m; 2kg; 50Ohm

The 440-18 is a computer optimized broadband yagi featuring an excellentpattern and good gain across its bandwidth. It can be mounted vertically orhorizontally and is ideal for stacking two or more for additional gain. Its l ightweight yet sturdy construction keep the cost low and the performance high.Use it for ATV, OSCAR, FM, LONG HAUL TROPO, ETC. We guarantee youwill be impressed. The heart of the 440-18 is a unique Driven ElementModule with superior weather resistance and power handl ing abili ties. Allconnectors are O-ring sealed to the CNC machined block and internalconnections are sealed in a spaceage sil icone gel with a dielectric strengthnearly 4 times greater than air. The Balun coax connectors are triple O-ringsealed. Other key mechanical and electrical parts are CNC machined from6061-T6 aluminum and all hardware except Ubolts is stainless steel. The440-18 offers you uncompromising performance, enduring mechanicalconstruction, and long term electrical integrity. Where else but M2.

1 pc: 5 090 Kč

432-9WL 28el. YagiMSQUARE 420-440MHz; 28 el.; 19.44dBi; E20° H22°; 24dBF/B;SWR=1.2typ; Boom 6,4m; 4kg; 50Ohm

The 432-9WL is a lot of dynamite in a smal l package. The patterns speak forthemselves. The antenna has been optimized for use in an array of two ormore antennas, but individual ly, for its size, it beats anything out there inboth pattern and gain ! Mechanical ly simple, the boom, 1-1/2 inches in themiddle, tapers through swaged ends to 1-1/4 and then 1“ diameter tips.Polyethylene button insulators wi th stainless keepers secure the 3/16“ rodelements and of course all our antennas feature the CNC machined and ’O’ring sealed Driven Element Module ensuring rel iabili ty through weather andtime

1 pc: 6 990 Kč

432-13WLA 38el. YagiMSQUARE 430-436MHz; 38el; 20.50dBi; E16° H18°; 22dBF/B;SWR=1.2typ; Boom 9,2m; 5kg; 50Ohm

While the 432-13WL produces over 23 dBd gain in a four Yagi array, its alsoan excellent stand alone antenna. And, for the serious amateur it would makea sensational 16 Yagi 432 array. The driven element is a modified andadjustable folded dipole. Its heart is a unique machined aluminum DrivenElement Module. All three connectors on the module are threaded in andfeature ’O’ ring seals. Internal connections are encapsulated in a space agesi licone gel with nearly 4 times the dielectric strength of air. Each parasiticelement is a sol id 3/16“ rod, mounted through the boom on a UV stabilized,black polyethelene button insulator and locked in place with stainless steelshaft retainers. The 432-13WL has been designed for outstandingperformance and long term electrical and mechanical integrity.

1 pc: 10 690 Kč

23CM22EZA 22el. YagiMSQUARE 1250-1300MHz; 22el.; 18.2dBi; E24°/H24°; 28dBF/Btyp.;SWR1.1typ; Boom 2,1m; 0.5kg; 50Ohm

The 23CM22EZ is a true product of the computer age. The recently updatedelement design is stamped out holding spacing and element lengths to .003”tolerance. The original fiberglass boom has been replaced with 1/2” dia.aluminum. The metal boom shortens the elements for peak gain at 1296.Each antenna performs as perfectly as the next and the gain tops any otherantenna of comparable boom length. With excellent directivity and a veryclean pattern, it is perfect for high gain stacked arrays. Applications are longhaul tropo, EME, ATV, Repeater, base station and OSCAR operations. The'EZ' is handy for ‘hil l -topping’ and portable uses because of its modest size,weight, simple construction and rear mounting. Structurally, the 22EZelements are fabricated in just TWO sets, el iminating ALL measurement andassembly errors. The Broad band folded dipole driven element design isunique, with a balun and matching inside the folded dipole i tsel f. Externalconnections are limited to a single O-ring sealed “N” feed. Internalconnections are sealed in a machined and aluminum brazed housing. Whenother designs are deteriorating from environmental factors, the '22EZ will sti l lbe as good as new and performing to 'spec'!

1 pc: 6 590 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (9)














23CM35 35el. YagiMSQUARE 1250-1300MHz; 35el.; 20.94dBi; E17°/H18°;25dBF/Btyp.; SWR=1.2typ; Boom3,1m; 2kg; 50Ohm

The original 23CM35 has recently been re-designed and optimized for 1269(satell ite) and 1296 (terrestrial and EME) use. A 1” diameter center boomsection has been added to strengthen and stiffen the boom and make theshipping box smaller, saving costs. The driven element has been modified tomake matching easier and hold more securely. Perfect balance is achievedwith balun 'inside' the folded dipole itself. This eliminates connectors andcable and, as always with M2 driven elements, the whole assembly is sealed.When other designs will have succumbed to wind and weather, the 100MPH-rated 23CM35A wi ll be as good as new and sti l l performing to 'spec'!The '23CM35' is an outstanding performer for “hi l l-topping" or base stationapplications. Gain is relatively flat across the band so no matter yourapplication, weak signal EME or troposcatter, ATV, FM repeater use, or futureOSCAR appl ications, you wil l find the 23CM35A to be an outstandingperformer. The directivi ty, gain and the clean pattern wi ll astound you.Phasing cables, power dividers and stacking kits are available for building asuper-gain system

1 pc: 7 090 Kč

VHF Beams, Circual Polarisation

2MCP14MSQUARE 143-148MHz; 14el.; 10.2dBic; 52°Circ; 24dBF/B; SWR1.3typ; Boom 3,2m; 3kg; 50Ohm

For polarization swi tching use the PS-2M GES 255 012 83 (extra order). The2MCP14 is a light, medium performance circularly polarized antennadesigned to work across the two meter amateur band. Optimum match andgain are between 144 & 147 MHz for the satellite band. Computer designtechniques help keep spurious side lobes low down for optimum signal tonoise ratios. This antenna features the same CNC machined, O-ring andsilicone-gel sealed, driven element assemblies common to all M2 Yagiantennas. This insures years of trouble free performance regardless ofweather. Optional i tems include a heavy duty fiberglass 2“ O.D. x 1/4“ wallboom with a 1-1/2“ solid alum center section to fi t through the Yaesu 5400and 5600 series az-el rotator (model HDFG boom ki t), 2M2PORT powerdivider and vhf-50- 2MCP14-2 phasing lines. We also can provide ’H’ framesand larger rotators, OR-2800DC (az) and MT-1000 (el). A 136R-14C and a149T-14C model are also avai lable for the ATS satellite users. Higher gainantennas wi th 22 elements are also available for al l VHF satellite frequencies

1 pc: 7 890 Kč

2MCP22MSQUARE 144-148MHz; 22el.; 14.39dBdic; 38°Circ; 25dBF/B;SWR 1.4typ; Boom 5.5m; 4.5kg; 50Ohm

For polarization switching use the PS-2M GES 255 012 83 (extra order). Thiscross polarized Yagi was computer designed for the serious OSCAR user. Theaverage side and back lobes power have been reduced by approximately 10dB over any previous design, enhancing signal to noise ratio and putting allyour power where it wil l do the most good. The 2MCP22 is ideal for generaluse over the ENTIRE two meter band from FM to SSB and CW DX. Arrays oftwo or more will even permit moonbounce contacts using the old rel iablepassive repeater in the sky. The unique Driven Element Modules are CNCmachined and feature O-ring sealed connectors. Internal connections areencapsulated in a space age silicone gel wi th nearly 4 times the dielectricstrength of air. The 2MCP22 is our finest circular polarized antenna. We areconfident you will be impressed with the 2MCP22 from the moment you openthe box unti l you’ve worked DXCC and beyond! Optional items include HDFGfiberglass crossboom kit compatible with Yaesu 5400 and 5600 series az-elrotators, power dividers 2M2PORT and 2M4PORT, polarity switch, phasinglines VHF-50-2MCP22(2) or (4), ’H’ frames, OR-2800 azimuth and MT-1000and MT-3000 elevation rotators / positioners.

1 pc: 11 985 Kč

PS-2MMSQUARE Polarization Switch for 2MCP14, 2MCP22

See 2MCP14 , 2MCP22 FEATURES This handy tool provides a polari tyswtch, from right hand circular to left hand circular and back in the case ofsatelli te reversal. Made specifically for those avid AMSAT users, and forothers egar to get up on the newly launched Phase 3-D satellite. It providesTRUE RF switching at up to 250 watts! The kit is perfect for upgrading yourexisting antenna or adding i t to a newly ordered one, and installation is asnap. All you have to do is unbolt the old driven element and plug in the newone. Just dont switch it while keyed - they don't respond well to hot swi tching.

1 pc: 4 990 Kč

2MXP20MSQUARE 144-146MHz; 20el.; 15.3dBi; E30° H34°; 25dBF/B; SWR1.5max.; Boom 6.5m; 5kg; 50 Ohmů

This dual polarized yagi was computer designed for the seriousMoonbouncer. The very good G/T is a result of low side and back lobes andthe design has been optimized for stacking. This antenna is remarkable inthat the stacking gain for four antennas exceeds 6 dB. Even using a singleHorizontal /Vertical relay, you have a moonbounce package that canoutperform larger, l inear arrays. Additional relay switching providing 4different types of signals. Losses from special polarity and Faraday rotationvirtually disappear. EME rel iabili ty approaches 100%. M2’s new 2MXP20antennas, power dividers and phasing lines (using T imes’ new light-weight,low-loss LMR400 and/or LMR600 cable) coupled with ’T ’ brace kits, fiberglassH-frame packages, OR2800P Azimuth Rotator, and our New MT-1000Elevation Motor provide the building blocks for a whole new generation ofhigh performance EME arrays.

1 pc: 8 890 Kč

2MXP28MSQUARE 144-145MHz; 28el.; 17.2dBi; E25° H26°; 22dBF/B;SWR=1.4max; Boom 10.3m; 9kg; 50 Ohmů

This dual polarized yagi was computer designed for the seriousMoonbouncer. The very good G/T is a result of low side and back lobes. andthe design has been optimized for stacking (see patterns). This antenna isremarkable in that the stacking gain for four antennas exceeds 6 dB. Coupledwith various Polarity Diversity Switching schemes, you have a moonbouncepackage that easily outperforms larger, conventional arrays in receivecapabi lities. Simple relay switching can provides 4 di fferent types of discretereceiving polarizations: Horizontal , Vertical, Right Orthogonal , and LeftOrthogonal. You are always within a few 10ths of a dB of the peak signal youare seeking. Signal losses from spacial polarity and Faraday rotation virtual lydisappear. EME reliability approaches 100%. M2’s new 2MXP28 antennas,power dividers and phasing lines (using Times’ new light-weight, low-lossLMR400 and/or LMR600 cable) coupled with ’T’ brace ki ts and fiberglassH-frame packages, provide the bui lding blocks for a whole new generation ofhigh performance EME arrays

1 pc: 13 990 Kč

2MXP32MSQUARE 144-144.6MHz; 32el.; 17.9 / 23.9dBi; 24°; V+H;24dBF/B; SWR=1.4max; Boom12.3m; 10kg; 50 Ohm

Frequency range 144 to 144.6 MHz Typical gain 15.8 dBd Front to back,Typical 24 dB Beamwidth 24 Degrees Feed impedance 50 Ohms VSWR1.4:1 Max Stacking Distance 4,6m až 4,8m / H & E Input Connector "N"Female Power Handl ing 1.5 KW Boom length and diameter 40' 11" (12,3m) /2", 1-1/2", 1-1/4" & 1" Maximum element length 42" (1,07m) Turning radius24' (7,2m) Wind Area / Survival 4.2 sq. ft. (0,42 m2) / 100MPH (180km/hod.)Weight / ShipWt. 10 kg / 11 kg

1 pc: 15 790 Kč

436CP30MSQUARE 432-440MHz; 30el; 15.50dBic; Circul.; 22dBF/B;SWR1.6max; Boom3m; 2,5kg; 50Ohm

For polarization switching use PS-70CM GES 255 012 84 (extra order) The436CP30 is a practical sized, yet high performance ci rcular polarizedantenna with a remarkably clean pattern. The pattern is important in order tomatch the antenna’s noise temperature with modern low noise preamps. Thisantenna is ideal for satelli te work but is also excellent for terrestrial uses l ikeATV, repeater operation, and long haul tropo DX. The CNC machined drivenelement module is O-ring sealed and weather tight for low maintenance andlong-term peak performance. Internal connected are encapsulated in aspace-age silicone gel that seals out moisture and improves power handling.The 3/16“ 6061-T6 rod elements are centered to minimize interaction andmaintain good elliptici ty. Insulators are UV stabil ized and locked in place wi thstainless keepers. Rugged construction, uncompromising performance for theboomlength: thats the M2 436CP30

1 pc: 7 890 Kč

436CP42UGMSQUARE 430-438MHz; 42el.; 18.9dBic; 21°Circ; 25dB F/B; SWR1.5max; 4kg; 50Ohm

For polarization switching use PS-70CM GES 255 012 84 (extra order). The436CP42UG (Ul tra-Gain) sets a new performance standard for UHF circularpolarized antennas. Gain and F/ B are excellent. The boom length ismatched to the 2MCP22, and together they form an unbeatable satelli tecommunications package. The extremely clean pattern maximizes forwardgain and F/B. The pattern is important in order to match the antenna’s noisetemperature with modern low-noise preamps. The CP42 is also excellent forATV, repeater operation, and long haul tropo DX and EME around 432 MHz.The driven element and ’T’ blocks are CNC machined, with connectors O-ringsealed for low maintenance and long-term peak performance. Internalconnections are embedded in a space-age sil icone gel that seals outmoisture and improves power handling. The 3/16“ 6061-T6 rod elements arecentered in the boom to minimize interaction and maintain low ell ipticity.Insulators are UV stabi lized and locked in place with stainless retainers. Thecentral boom section is 1-1/2“ dia., tapering, front and rear,through 1-1/4“sections to 1“ ends.If you are looking for rugged construction and top-notchperformance, For EME use, M2 can supply an optional polarity switch andparts needed to convert these to dual polarity Yagis. Contact us for moredetails.

1 pc: 11 190 Kč

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PS-70CMMSQUARE Polarization Switch for 436CP30, 436CP42UG

See 436CP30 , 436CP42UG FEATURES This handy tool provides a polari tyswtch, from right hand circular to left hand circular and back in the case ofsatelli te reversal. Made specifically for those avid AMSAT users, and forothers egar to get up on the newly launched Phase 3-D satellite. It providesTRUE RF switching at up to 250 watts! The kit is perfect for upgrading yourexisting antenna or adding i t to a newly ordered one, and instal lation is asnap. All you have to do is unbolt the old driven element and plug in the newone. Just dont switch it while keyed - they don't respond well to hot swi tching.

1 pc: 4 590 Kč

Coax cables, rf connectors

Connectors, coax cablesSee please " Coaxial cables , RF connectors "

Baluns, Duplexers, Isolators, PowerDividers


BN-86 BALUNHY-GAIN Balun 1:1, 3-30MHz/+-1dB, 1500W for SWR max.2:1,50Ohm, SO-239

1 pc: 2 150 Kč

BN-4000N BALUNHY-GAIN / Beam, Dipole Current Balun, 1-54MHz, 4kW, N-female

1 pc: 3 180 Kč

MFJ-911 BALUNBalun 4:1, flat response 1.8-30MHz, 200 Ohm/50Ohm, 300W

This transmission line transformer uses low-permeability ferrite cores.Dimensions 64 x 121 x 26mm.

1 pc: 665 Kč

MFJ-911H BALUNSwitchable balun 1:1 or 4:1, flat response 1.8-30MHz,200Ohm/50Ohm, 300W

1 pc: 930 Kč

MFJ-912 BALUNHigh power W9INN 4:1 Balun Box, 1500W full legal limit

Uses giant cores, wound with Teflon wire. Heavy duty ceramic feedthruinsulators. Dimensions 83 x 58 x 178mm.

1 pc: 1 860 Kč

MFJ-913 BALUNBalun 4:1;300Wmax; 200/50Ohm; 160-10m; Centr.Insulat.Weatherproof; dia.51x115mm

1 pc: 790 Kč

MFJ-919 CURRENT BALUN4:1 Balun; 1,5kWmax; 200/50Ohm; 160-10m; Centr.Insulat.Weatherproof; 89x89x64mm

The MFJ-919 is a 1500 Watt true current baluns/antenna center insulatorsthat transforms 200 ohms to 50 ohms. Transmission Line Transformerconstruction using 100 ohm characteristic impedance transmission l ine givesflat 160-10 Meter response. Large low permeability ferrite cores easily handleful l power. SO-239, stainless steel hardware with direct 14 gauge strandedcopper wire connection to antenna. Heavy duty weather housing. Measures3-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 2-1/2 inches.

1 pc: 990 Kč

Power Dividers

POWER DIVIDER 6M 2PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 6m Band, 1IN/2OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kWHard style power divider. Made from aluminium alloy tubing brazed intomachined junction blocks. Center conductor are cooper, held in place withTeflon spacers. All connectors are o-ring sealed.

1 pc: 4 590 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 6M 4PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 6m Band, 1IN/4OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 5 355 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 2M 2PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 2m Band, 1IN/2OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 3 060 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 2M 4PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 2m Band, 1IN/4OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 70CM 2PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 70cm Band, 1IN/2OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 3 060 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 70CM 4PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 70cm Band, 1IN/4OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 23CM 2PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 23cm Band, 1IN/2OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 1 490 Kč

POWER DIVIDER 23CM 4PORTMSQUARE Power Divider for 23cm Band, 1IN/4OUT, N-female,50Ohm., 1.5kW

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

Antenna Isolators

MFJ-16C01 ANTENNA INSULATORGlazed Ceramic Dipole end Insulator

1 pc: 29.00 Kč

MFJ-16C06 ANTENNA INSULATOR6-Pack - Glazed Ceramic Dipole end Insulator

1 pckg.: 119.00 Kč

MFJ-16C100 ANTENNA INSULATOR100-Bulk Pack Glazed Ceramic Dipole end Insulator

1 pckg.: 2 090 Kč

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MFJ-16D01 ANTENNA INSULATORCenter Insulator for coaxial cable or line 450 Ohm

Robust, weather resistant, UV stable central antenna insulator for heavyantenas (dipole etc.). .

1 pc: 185.00 Kč

Rotators and Accessories

CREATE Rotators and accessories

RC5-1 Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, variable speed

Antenna rotator 110/230VAC 90VA, maximum vertical load 400kg, horizontalload 800kg, rotating torque 60Nm, brake torque 780Nm, worm gear at motor,variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 1sec., mast diameter 48-63mm,360° scale, weight 4kg rotator and 2kg controler, needs 7 core cable(0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80m lenght).

1 pc: 13 565 Kč

RC5-1DC Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator 12VDC, max. angle 380°, variable speed(max.360°/1min.)Antenna rotator with DC motor, power supply 12-15VDC, max.3A, maximumvertical load 400kg, rotating torque 50Nm, brake torque 880Nm, worm gear atmotor, variable speed 60-160 sec., reversing delay 0sec., mast diameter48-63mm, 360° scale, weight 5kg rotator, 2kg controler, needs 5 core cable.

1 pc: 13 990 Kč

RC5-3 Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearingAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 90VA, maximum vertical load 400kg, horizontalload 800kg, rotating torque 60Nm, brake torque 880Nm, worm gear at motor,variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 1sec., mast diameter 48-63mm,360° scale, preset, weight 4kg rotator and 2kg controler, needs 7 core cable(0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80m lenght).

1 pc: 16 990 Kč

RC5-3P Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing, PCcompatibleAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 90VA, maximum vertical load 400kg, horizontalload 800kg, rotating torque 60Nm, brake torque 880Nm, worm gear at motor,variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 1sec., mast diameter 48-63mm,360° scale, preset, weight 4kg rotator and 2kg controler, needs 7 core cable(0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80m lenght). Interface forexternal control unit (RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or other) or a PC interface -see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 17 995 Kč

RC5A-3 Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing

Antenna rotator 110/230VAC 150VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 155Nm, brake torque 1960Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght).

1 pc: 21 995 Kč

RC5A-3P Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing, PCcompatibleAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 150VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 155Nm, brake torque 1960Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght). Interface for external control unit (RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or other)or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html orwww.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 24 995 Kč

RC5B-3 Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing

Antenna rotator 110/230VAC 200VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 210Nm, brake torque 2480Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght).

1 pc: 34 995 Kč

RC5B-3P Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing, PCcompatibleAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 200VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 210Nm, brake torque 2480Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght). Interface for external control unit (RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or other)or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html orwww.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 35 995 Kč

RC5B-4 Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearingAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 200VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 210Nm, brake torque 2480Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 94-144 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght).

1 pc: 34 990 Kč

RC5B-4P Antenna Rotor CreateCREATE antenna rotator, AZ angle 370°, motor snail gearing, PCcompatibleAntenna rotator 110/230VAC 200VA, maximum vertical load 700kg,horizontal load 1000kg, rotating torque 210Nm, brake torque 2480Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 94-144 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 48-63mm, 360° scale, preset, weight 7kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to 80mlenght). Interface for external control unit (RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or other)or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html orwww.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 39 995 Kč

CREATE 7-25J conector 7PIN maleSpare connector for CREATE RC5 rotor (7 PIN, Jack=male)

1 pc: 290.00 Kč

CREATE 7-25P conector (7 PIN,Plug=female) for cableSpare cable connector for CREATE RC5 rotor (7 PIN, Plug=female)

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

RC10S Antenna Rotator CreateCREATE antenna rotor for large commercial antennas (Log-Per)

Antenna rotator for large antenna systems. Maximum vertical load 1000kg,horizontal load 1500kg, rotating torque 280Nm, brake torque 3700Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 66-77mm, 360° scale, preset, 230VAC/170VA, weight 27,5kg rotatorand 2kg controler, needs 7 core cable.

1 pc: 69 900 Kč

RC10SP Antenna Rotator CreateCREATE antenna rotor for large commercial antennas (Log-Per)Antenna rotator for large antenna systems. Maximum vertical load 1000kg,horizontal load 1500kg, rotating torque 280Nm, brake torque 3700Nm, wormgear at motor, variable speed 75-110 sec., reversing delay 3sec., mastdiameter 66-77mm, 360° scale, preset, 230VAC/170VA, weight 27,5kg rotatorand 2kg controler, needs 7 core cable. Interface for external control unit(RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or other) or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 69 900 Kč

MC-2 Mast clamp CreateCREATE Lower Mast Clamp w/Coupling Adaptor

1 pc: 2 595 Kč

UC-1 Universal couplerCREATE Universal Coupler

Absorber-junction UC-1 compense rotator's swings and avoids rotator beforedamage. Absorber is mounted between rotator and rotator base. Absorberbesides tension caused by not perpendicular mounting. Absorber has norubber silent blocks. Rugged upper plate l ies on massive central spike of lowerplate. Both plates are fixed by screws fix mounted to lower plate and passingthru oval holes of upper plate. Plates material is galvanized steel. Both plateshave necessary mounting holes for CREATE rotators.

1 pc: 1 995 Kč

CK46 Thrust bearing CreateCREATE Conical thrust bearing for antenna mast dia.40-65mm

1 pc: 1 795 Kč

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AER-5 Azimuth-Elevation AntennaRotator CreateCREATE rotor AZ/EL; 35sec360° / 25sec90°; Rot.66/77Nm;Brake980/1100Nm; Weight12kg

AER-5 is both azimuth and elevation combined rotator made of combining 2rotators, ERC51 and RC5-3P in one solid set. Although the mountable sizeand weight of antenna is limited below within 50kg, such an antennaspopular among Satel lite lovers, l ike those antennas commonly used such as 5to 32 element 2m single Yagi with 5 to 42 element 70cm single Yagi willexactly be most suitable and meet the request. AER-5 is computercompatible. Perfect high performance antenna is a type from M2 (USA), forexample www.ges.cz/en/broadcasting-radio/antennas-and-accessories/vhf-beams-circual-polarisation/SRAX.html? Rotator is ful ly controlled withCREATE RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 38 990 Kč

ERC51 Elevation Antenna RotatorCreateCREATE elevation rotor; 25-55sec/90°; Torque - rotation 180Nm /brake 980Nm; RAC825 compatible

Elevation antenna rotor. Vertical load 50kg max., horizontal load 200kg.max., rotating torque 190Nm, brake torque 980Nm, variable speed25-55sec/90°, reversing delay 0sec., mast diameter 48-63mm, motorconsumption 150VA, rotation angle preset, weight 7,5kg rotator and 2kgcontroler, needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to80m lenght). Perfect high performance antenna is a type from M2 (USA), forexample www.ges.cz/en/broadcasting-radio/antennas-and-accessories/vhf-beams-circual-polarisation/SRAX.html? Rotator is ful ly controlled withCREATE RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 15 990 Kč

ERC51D Elevation Antenna RotatorCreateCREATE elevation rotor 12-15VDC; 18-60sec/90°; Rotat.50Nm /brake 100Nm torque; RAC825 compatibleElevation antenna rotor wi th DC motor. Vertical load 50kg max., horizontalload 200kg. max., rotating torque 50Nm, brake torque 100Nm, variable speed18-60sec/90°, reversing delay 0sec., mast diameter 48-63mm, motor voltage12-15VDC, rotation angle preset, weight 7,5kg rotator and 2kg controler,needs 6 core cable. Perfect high performance antenna is a type from M2(USA), for example www.ges.cz/en/broadcasting-radio/antennas-and-accessories/vhf-beams-circual-polarisation/SRAX.html? Rotator is ful lycontrol led with CREATE RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or a PC interface - seeschmidt-alba.de/Engl ish/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 18 990 Kč

ERC5A Elevation Antenna RotatorCreateCREATE elevation rotor; 75-110 sec/90°, rotat. 480Nm / brake2800Nm torque, RAC825 compatible

Elevation antenna rotor for large system. Vertical load 330kg max., horizontalload 600kg. max., rotating torque 480Nm, brake torque 980Nm, variablespeed 75-110sec/90°, reversing delay 0sec., mast diameter 48-61mm, motorconsumption 150VA, rotation angle preset, weight 17kg rotator and 2kgcontroler, needs 7 core cable (0.75mm2 up to 50m lenght, 1.25mm2 up to80m lenght). Perfect high performance antenna is a type from M2 (USA), forexample www.ges.cz/en/broadcasting-radio/antennas-and-accessories/vhf-beams-circual-polarisation/SRAX.html? Rotator is ful ly controlled withCREATE RAC825 GES 089 017 04 or a PC interface - see schmidt-alba.de/English/ERC/erc.html or www.ea4tx.com

1 pc: 36 995 Kč

RAC 825 Satellite and EME AZ-ELTrackerCREATE Satellite and EME Tracker for AZ-EL control of CREATErotors

Sofisticated control unit. Satel lite tracker for control ling an antenna forauto-tracking a communication satell ite, EME communication, and forreceiving a noise sources of other orbi t planets etc. Most standard AZ and ELrotors can be interfaced. Bui lds in CPU and firmware. Two operation type: 1)Terminal Mode - RAC 825 works standalone 2) Host Mode - connected to PCwith running tracking software (Nova). CPU: I8031, 32kB with l ithium batterybackup, 64kB ROM, ADC: MPD7004C 10Bit / 8Ch, RTC62421B, PPI 8255, 24Input/Output, RS 232 9600Bps, CAT Radio Interface 4800/9600/19200 forIcom (IC275, IC375, IC821, IC970 etc. with CAT), Kenwood (TS711, TS790,TS811 etc. with CAT) and Yaesu (FT736, FT847 etc with CAT).D250mmxW200mmxH80mm. Weight 2kg.

1 pc: 20 990 Kč

HY-GAIN Rotators and accessories

AR-303X Light Beam / TV RotatorLight Beam / TV Rotator

Designed for the use of smal l UHF, VHF, 6-Meter, TV and FM nd otherlightweight antennas. Rugged heavy-duty rotator is bui lt in a weather-proofone piece cast aluminum housing. Has precision metal gears and steel thrustbearings for durability. Includes rotator, control ler, mount clamps andhardware. Uses 220/240 VAC.

1 pc: 2 690 Kč

AR-500X Automatic / RemoterotatorRemote Controlled Rotator/Controller for small VHF, UHF or 6mantennas

Remote Controlled Rotator/Controller Designed for the use of small UHF, VHF,6-Meter, TV and FM antennas. Has programmable antenna control ler withremote-control . AR-500X remembers up to 12 antenna directions even after apower outage! Control all functions with the remote control or console. Thecontrol console displays location chosen and relative position. Ruggedheavy-duty rotator is built in a weather-proof one piece cast aluminumhousing. Has precision metal gears and steel thrust bearings for durabi lity.Includes rotator, control ler, mount clamps and hardware. Includes rotator,control ler, 3-device universal remote, mount clamps and hardware. Uses 220VAC

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

Filters (Front, Roofing, IF, AF)

Front-end filters 50 Ohm

Front-end-Filters, which may be used where there are manysignals, such as locations near high power broadcast transmittersor multi-transmitter contest stations. Have 50 Ohm input andoutput impedances, and are designed to go in front of a receiver.They can be transmitted through at very low levels under 0dBm.

INRAD-807 FRONT END FILTER160MINRAD Front-end-filter 4 poles, 1822.5kHz, 5kHz/-1dB,23kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-808 FRONT END FILTER80MINRAD Front-end-filter 4 poles, 3505.0kHz, 10kHz/-1dB,50kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-801 FRONT END FILTER40MINRAD Front-end-filter 6 poles, 7007.5kHz, 15kHz/-1dB,32kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-802 FRONT END FILTER20MINRAD Front-end-filter 6 poles, 14010.0kHz, 20kHz/-1dB,45kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

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INRAD-804 FRONT END FILTER20M RTTYINRAD Front-end-filter 6 poles, 14080.0kHz, 20kHz/-1dB,45kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-805 FRONT END FILTER15MINRAD Front-end-filter 6 poles, 21010.0kHz, 20kHz/-1dB,45kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dBm

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-803 FRONT END FILTER10MINRAD Front-end-filter 6 poles, 28025.0kHz, 50kHz/-1dB,120kHz/-60dB, 50Ohm., <0dB

1 pc: 1 790 Kč


XTAL 8998.5kHz HC49/UCrystal USB carrier, tolerance 25°/+-50ppm (10-70°/+-100ppm),Cl=30pF, HC49/U

1 pc: 325.00 Kč

XTAL 9000.0kHz HC49/UCrystal CW carrier, tolerance 25°/+-50ppm (10-70°/+-100ppm),Cl=30pF, HC49/U

1 pc: 325.00 Kč

XTAL 9001.5kHz HC49/UCrystal LSB carrier, tolerance 25°/+-50ppm (10-70°/+-100ppm),Cl=30pF, HC49/U

1 pc: 325.00 Kč

INRAD-350 CW 9MHZ FILTER9000kHz 600HzINRAD CW Set 4x crystal + 5x SMD capacitor for filter9000kHz/600Hz, Z=200 Ohms

Fil ter kit wi th center frequency 9000kHz and 600Hz wide for CW. Fourspecially cut and color coded crystals with 5 SMD capacitors are supplied witheach kit. Input and output impedance 200 Ohms. Kit is just a ticket for a QRPtransceiver or receiver project.

1 set: 645 Kč

INRAD-351 SSB 9MHZ FILTER9000kHz 2400HzINRAD SSB Set 4x crystal + 5x SMD capacitor for filter9000kHz/2400Hz, Z=200 OhmsFil ter kit with center frequency 9000kHz and 2400Hz wide for SSB. Fourspecially cut and color coded crystals with 5 SMD capacitors are supplied witheach kit. Input and output impedance 200 Ohms. Kit is just a ticket for a QRPtransceiver or receiver project.

1 set: 645 Kč

INRAD-2301 CW 9MHz FILTER8999,3kHz 250HzINRAD CW crystal filter 8999,3kHz / 250Hz

Crystal fi lter CW 8999,3kHz / 250Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 2,1. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <9dB. Good for YaesuFT301, R-530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2303 CW 9MHz FILTER8999,3kHz 500HzINRAD CW crystal filter 8999,3kHz / 500HzCrystal fi lter CW 8999,3kHz / 500Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 2,0. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <7dB. Good for YaesuFT301, R-530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2304 CW 9MHz FILTER9000kHz 500HzINRAD CW crystal filter 9000kHz / 500HzCrystal fi lter CW 9000kHz / 500Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 2,0. Impedance Zin =Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <7dB. Good forExperimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2308 SSB 9MHz FILTER9000kHz 1800HzINRAD SSB crystal filter 9000kHz / 1800HzCrystal fi lter CW 9000kHz / 1800Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 1,5. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <6dB. Good for Yaesu FT7,FT7B, FT301, R530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2309 SSB 9MHz FILTER9000kHz 2100HzINRAD SSB crystal filter 9000kHz / 2100HzCrystal fi lter CW 9000kHz / 2100Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 1,5. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <6dB. Good for Yaesu FT7,FT7B, FT301, R530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2310 SSB 9MHz FILTER9000kHz 2400HzINRAD SSB crystal filter 9000kHz / 2400HzCrystal fi lter CW 9000kHz / 2400Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 1,5. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <6dB. Good for Yaesu FT7,FT7B, FT301, R530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2311 AM 9MHz FILTER9000kHz 6000HzINRAD AM crystal filter 9000kHz / 6000HzCrystal fi lter AM 9000kHz / 6000Hz, 8-pole. Shape factor 1,5. Impedance Zin= Zout = 500 Ohms // 30pF. Typical Insertion Loss <6dB. Good for Sienna,Yaesu FT7B, FT301, R530 and for Experimenters.

1 set: 3 190 Kč


INRAD-724 AOR 455kHz 3800Hz AMAR5000INRAD 3800Hz/455kHz AM 7-pole Collins filter

Filter 3800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, AM. Impedance Zin = Zout = 2000 Ohm // 30pF.Typical Insertion Loss < 6dB. Collins 7 pole Mechanical fi lter. For AORAR5000

1 pc: 3 490 Kč


INRAD-724 COLLINS 455kHz3800Hz AM 75S-3B/CINRAD 3800Hz/455kHz AM 7-pole Collins filter

Filter 3800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, AM. Impedance Zin = Zout = 2000 Ohm // 30pF.Typical Insertion Loss < 6dB. Col lins 7 pole Mechanical fi lter. For Coll ins75S-3B/C

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-723 455kHz 7000Hz AMINRAD 7000Hz/455kHz AM 8-pole Collins filterFilter 7000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, AM. Impedance Zin = Zout = 2000 Ohm //30pF+560uH series. Typical Insertion Loss < 6dB. Collins 8 pole Mechanicalfi lter.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč


INRAD-2600.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 125HZ CWINRAD 125Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi l ter 125Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, CW, 8 pole, Shape Factor 2.5. Fi lter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ul timate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <9dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2601.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 250HZ CWINRAD 250Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi l ter 250Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, CW, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.9. Fi lter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ul timate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <9dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (14)



















INRAD-2603.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 500HZ CWINRAD 500Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi lter 500Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, CW, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.9. Filter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2608.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 1800HZ SSBINRAD 1800Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi lter 1800Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, SSB, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.7. Filter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2609.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 2100HZ SSBINRAD 2100Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi lter 2100Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, SSB, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.7. Filter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2611.1 DRAKE R4C5645KHZ 6000HZ GUF1INRAD 6000Hz/5645.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 1st IFCrystal fi l ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 5645.0kHz, GUF-1, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.7.Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB.Zin=Zout=1000 Ohms. Dimensions: 40x20x21 mm. This fi lter (also known asGUF-1) is a superior replacement for the original 4-pole uni t in the DrakeR-4C. Exceptional improvement. Instal lation requires dril l ing three smallholes in the radio chassis.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2611.2 DRAKE R4C5695KHZ 6000HZ AMINRAD 6000Hz/5695.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 2nd IF

Crystal fi l ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 5695.0kHz, AM, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.7. Filter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB. Zin=Zout=50 Ohms. Dimensions:57x24x21 mm.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-2612.1 DRAKE R4C5645KHZ 8000HZ GUF1INRAD 8000Hz/5645.0kHz DRAKE R4C for 1st IF

Crystal fi lter 8000Hz/-6dB, 5645.0kHz, GUF-1, 8 pole, Shape Factor 1.7.Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB.Zin=Zout=1000 Ohms. Dimensions: 40x20x21 mm. This fi lter (also known asGUF-1) is a superior replacement for the original 4-pole uni t in the DrakeR-4C. Exceptional improvement. Installation requires dri l l ing three smallholes in the radio chassis.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč



Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 250Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. TypicalInsertion Loss <9dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 490 Kč


Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. TypicalInsertion Loss <8dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

INRAD-728 ELECRAFT KFL3A-5008215KHZ 500HZ CWINRAD 500Hz/8215kHz. ELECRAFT KFL3A-500Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 500Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. TypicalInsertion Loss <7dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 190 Kč


Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. 1000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. TypicalInsertion Loss <7dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 190 Kč


Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 1800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1,5. TypickýInsertion Loss <5dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč


Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 2100Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1,5. TypicalInsertion Loss <6dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 490 Kč


Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 2800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1,5. TypicalInsertion Loss <6dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 190 Kč


Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 6000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, AM, shape factor 1,5. TypicalInsertion Loss <6dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-725 ELECRAFT KFL3B-FM8215KHZ 13000HZ FMINRAD 13000Hz/8215kHz. ELECRAFT KFL3A-FMCrystal fi lter 8-pole. 13000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, FM, shape factor 1,5. TypicalInsertion Loss <6dB. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. .

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (15)


















INRAD-306 ICOM 455kHz 125Hz CWINRAD 125Hz/455k ICOM

For IC740, IC745, IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Filter 125Hz/-6dB,455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Filter is soldered on custom PC board and iswired at place. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss:<8dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 55x25x15 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-122 ICOM 455kHz 250Hz CWINRAD 250Hz/455k ICOM

For IC703, IC707, IC718, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751,IC751A, IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781, R8500. Better replace fororiginal ICOM FL53A. Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, ShapeFactor 1.8. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 55x25x15 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-121 ICOM 9010,6kHz 250HzCWINRAD 250Hz/9010.6kHz ICOM

For R70, R71, R75, R7000, IC701, IC720A, IC725, IC726, IC728, IC729,IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC746, IC751, IC751A, IC756, IC761, IC765,IC775, IC781. Better replace for original ICOM FL-101. Crystal fi lter 8-pole.250Hz/-6dB, 9010.6kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.2. Fil ter is soldered on customPC board and is wired at place. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 40x18x20mm.

1 pc: 1 490 Kč

INRAD-116 ICOM 455KHz 400Hz CWINRAD 400Hz/455k ICOM

For IC703, IC707, IC718, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751,IC751A, IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781, R70, R71, R75, R7000, R8500.Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Filter issoldered on custom PC board. Drop In. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions:55x25x15 mm. Much better stopband, less ripple and better shape factor thanoriginal FL52A (500Hz, 455kHz).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-111 ICOM 9010,6kHz 400HzCWINRAD 400Hz/9010.6kHz ICOM

For R70, R71, R75, R7000, IC701, IC720A, IC725, IC726, IC728, IC729,IC735, IC736, IC737, R70, R71, R75, R7000, IC701, IC720A, IC725, IC726,IC728, IC729, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC746, IC751, IC751A, IC756,IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Better approximated replace for original ICOMFL-100 (FL100 has bandwidth 500Hz) or for FL-32 (FL32 has bandwidth500Hz and shape factor only 3.2). Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB,9010.6kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.2. Fil ter is soldered on custom PC board andis wired at place. Ul timate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical InsertionLoss: <8dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 40x18x20 mm.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-112 ICOM 9011,5kHz 400HzCW IC 730, IC740, IC745INRAD 400Hz/9011.5kHz ICOM

For IC730, IC740, IC745. Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 9011.5kHz, CW,Shape Factor 2.8. Fil ter is soldered on custom PC board and is wired atplace. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 40x18x20 mm.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-115 ICOM 10749,3kHz 400HzCW IC271, IC471, IC1271INRAD 400Hz/10749.3kHz ICOMFor IC271, IC471, IC1271. Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 10749.3kHz, CW,Shape Factor 3.0. Fil ter is soldered on custom PC board and is wired atplace. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-322 ICOM 455kHz 1800HzSSBINRAD 1800Hz/455kHz ICOM

For IC718, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751, IC751A,IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Filter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, ShapeFactor 1.5. Fi lter is soldered on custom PC board. Drop In (Wire In for IC735).Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 55x25x15 mm. Better approximatereplace for original ICOM FL-222 (1900Hz).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-320 ICOM 9011,5kHz 1800HzSSBINRAD1800Hz/9011.5kHz ICOM

For IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751, IC751A, IC756,IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Fi lter 1800Hz/-6dB, 9011.5kHz, SSB, ShapeFactor 1.8. Filter is soldered on custom PC board and is wired at place.Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 40x18x20 mm. Better approximatereplace for original ICOM FL-223 (bandwidth 1900Hz).

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-314 ICOM 455kHz 2100HzSSBINRAD 2100Hz/455kHz ICOM

For IC718, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751, IC751A,IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, ShapeFactor 1.6. Fi lter is soldered on custom PC board. Drop In (Wire In for IC735).Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 55x25x15 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-110 ICOM 9011,5kHz 2100HzSSBINRAD 2100Hz/9011.5kHz ICOM

For ICOM IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751, IC751A,IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 2100Hz/-6dB,9011.5kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.6. Filter is soldered on custom PC board andis wired at place. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical InsertionLoss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 40x18x20 mm.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-113 ICOM 10750kHz 2100HzSSB IC271, IC471, IC1271, IC701,IC720INRAD 2100Hz/10750kHz ICOM

For IC271, IC471, IC1271, IC701, IC720. Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 2100Hz/-6dB,10750kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.6. Filter is soldered on custom PC board andis wired at place. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical InsertionLoss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-109 ICOM 455kHz 2400HzSSBINRAD 2400Hz/455kHz ICOM

For ICOM IC718, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751,IC751A, IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Crystal fi lter 8-pole.2400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.6. Fi lter is soldered on customPC board. Drop In (Wire in for IC735). Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 55x25x15mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (16)

























INRAD-124 ICOM 455kHz 2800HzSSBINRAD 2800Hz/455kHz ICOM

For IC718, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC740, IC745, IC746, IC751, IC751A,IC756, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781. Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. 2800Hz/-6dB,455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Filter is soldered on custom PC board. DropIn (Wire In for IC735). Ul timate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. TypicalInsertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 55x25x15 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-IC781 ICOM 46.5115MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 46.5115MHz/4-5kHz/6poles, w.High DynamicAmplifier, for IC781 IcomThe Icom IC-781 roofing fi lter mod consists of a 6-pole, 4 to 5 kHz wide fi l terfol lowed by a high dynamic range, feedback amplifier. The ampl ifier providesenough gain to override the fi lter insertion loss. The IMD dynamic range willbe improved 7 to 14 dB for some signal spacings. The main receiver audioresponse wi ll be reduced about 100 Hz in the SSB mode. Operating thenoise blanker wi ll not result in as much degradation of the dynamic range.The mod inserts a narrow band crystal fi lter in between the pin attenuatorfol lowing the first mixer and the grounded gate first IF amplifier. Reducing thebandwidth at this point in the radio helps to keep strong off-frequency signalsout of the second mixer where they can cause intermodulation. Transmissionis not changed as i t does not pass through the roofing fi lter.

1 pc: 4 890 Kč

INRAD-IC756PROII ICOM64.4550MHZ ROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 64.4550MHz/6poles, w.High DynamicAmplifier, for IC756PROII IcomThis Roofing Fi lter works wi th IC756PROII model only and help to reduce thethi rd order IM products from multiple strong signals in the 2 to 20kHz regioneither side of the tuned frequency. IMD dynamic range wi ll be improved 10dBor more for some signal spacing. Filter is assembled on PCB with HighDynamic Range Feedback Amplifier, which cover the Filter loss plus a dB ortwo. This mod is significantly more chal lenging to perform than other INRADroofing fi l ters and requires removal of some SMT components and otherspecial knowledges. It should be performed by those with consiredabletechnical skil ls. GES-ELECTRONICS can do i t - contact us please for details.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-IC756PROIII ICOM64.4550MHZ ROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 64.4550MHz/6poles, w.High DynamicAmplifier, for IC756PROIII IcomThis Roofing Fi lter works with IC756PROIII model only and help to reduce thethi rd order IM products from multiple strong signals in the 2 to 20kHz regioneither side of the tuned frequency. IMD dynamic range wi ll be improved 10dBor more for some signal spacing. Filter is assembled on PCB with HighDynamic Range Feedback Amplifier, which cover the Filter loss plus a dB ortwo. This mod is significantly more chal lenging to perform than other INRADroofing fi l ters and requires removal of some SMT components and otherspecial knowledges. It should be performed by those with consiredabletechnical skil ls. GES-ELECTRONICS can do i t - contact us please for details.

1 pc: 4 890 Kč

INRAD-IC765 ICOM 69.0115MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 69.0115MHz/6poles, w.High DynamicAmplifier, for IC765 Icom

This Roofing Fil ter help to reduce the thi rd order IM products from multiplestrong signals in the 2 to 20kHz region either side of the tuned frequency. IMDdynamic range will be improved 10dB or more for some signal spacing. Fil teris assembled on PCB with High Dynamic Range Feedback Amplifier, whichcover the Filter loss plus a dB or two.

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

INRAD-IC775 ICOM 69.0115MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 69.0115MHz/6poles, w.High DynamicAmplifier, for IC775 Icom

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

INRAD-905 ICOM 46,5115MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD VHF Bare Filter 46,5115MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX IC781

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-909 ICOM 64,4550MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD VHF Bare Filter 64,4550MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms)

For main RX IC745, IC756PROI, IC756PROII, IC756PROIII

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-911 ICOM 69,0115MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD VHF Bare Filter 69,0115MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms).For main RX IC756, IC765, IC775.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-913 ICOM IC761 70,4515MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD VHF Bare Filter 70,4515MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX IC761

1 pc: 2 990 Kč


INRAD-306 KENWOOD 455kHz125Hz CW TS140, TS680, TS850,TS930, TS940, TS950, R2000INRAD 125Hz/455kHz. KENWOOD TS140, TS680, TS850, TS930,TS940, TS950, R2000

Fil ter 125Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.1. Fil ter is soldered on customPC board. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss:<8dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-306 KENWOOD 455kHz125Hz CW TS450S, TS690INRAD 125Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690Fil ter 125Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Ultimate rejection >90dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions:64x24x22 mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-186 KENWOOD 455kHz250Hz CW TS450S, TS690INRAD 250Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690, R2000

Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.0. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Drop in exactreplacement. Wire in for R2000. Better fi lter than original YG455CN1(=YK455CN1).

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-186 KENWOOD 455kHz250Hz CW TS850, TS930, TS940,TS950INRAD 250Hz/455kHz. KENWOOD TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950Fil ter 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.0. Fil ter is soldered on customPC board. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss:<8dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Better fi lter than original YG455CN1(=YK455CN1).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-22 KENWOOD 8830kHz250Hz CW TS450, TS570, TS690,TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950INRAD 250Hz/8830kHz. KENWOOD TS450, TS570, TS690, TS850,TS930, TS940, TS950

Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.3. Ultimate rejection >90dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Filtersoldered on custom PC board. Better replace for original YK88CN1 (270Hz).

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-97 KENWOOD 8830.7kHz250Hz CW TS430, TS440INRAD 250Hz/8830.7kHz KENWOOD TS430, TS440

Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 8830.7kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.8. Inrad fi l ter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. Zin=Zout=2000 Ohms. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-104 KENWOOD 455kHz400Hz CW R2000INRAD 400Hz/455kHz KENWOOD R2000

Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Wire in fi lter; required soldering shortpigtai ls or miniature coax.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-104 KENWOOD 455kHz400Hz CW TS140, TS680, R2000INRAD 400Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS140, TS680, R2000Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Fi lter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-104 KENWOOD 455kHz400Hz CW TS450S, TS690INRAD 400Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Drop in exactreplacement.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-104 KENWOOD 455kHz400Hz CW TS850, TS930, TS940,TS950INRAD 400Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Dimensions:64x24x22 mm. Filter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (17)























INRAD-103 KENWOOD 8830kHz400Hz CW TS450S, TS690INRAD 400Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690

Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.5. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Drop in exactreplacement.

1 pc: 1 990 Kč

INRAD-103 KENWOOD 8830kHz400Hz CW TS570INRAD 400Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS570Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.1. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Dimensions:50x18x18 mm. Filter soldered on custom PC board. Better replace for originalYK88C1 (500Hz).

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-103 KENWOOD 8830kHz400Hz CW TS930, TS940, TS950INRAD 400Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 400Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.1. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Dimensions:50x18x18 mm. Filter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč

INRAD-98 KENWOOD 8830.7kHz400Hz CW TS430, TS440INRAD 400Hz/8830.7kHz KENWOOD TS430, TS440

Fil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 8830.7kHz, CW, Shape Factor 2.5. Inrad fi lter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Zin=Zout=2000 Ohms. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-528 KENWOOD 455kHz500Hz CW R2000INRAD 500Hz/455kHz CW KENWOOD R2000

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-528 KENWOOD 455kHz500Hz CW TS140, TS680INRAD 500Hz/455kHz CW KENWOOD TS140, TS680Fil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Ul timate rejection >90dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB. Zin=Zout=2000 Ohms.Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Fi lter soldered on custom PC board. Replace theYG455C1 (=YK455C1) Kenwood filter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-528 KENWOOD 455kHz500Hz CW TS450S, TS690INRAD 500Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690Fil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.8. Ul timate rejection >90dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <6dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions:64x24x22 mm. Drop in exact replacement. Replace for YG455C1(=YK455C1) Kenwood fil ter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-528 KENWOOD 455kHz500Hz CW TS850, TS930, TS940,TS950INRAD 500Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950Fil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW, Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimate rejection >90dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <7dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Fil tersoldered on custom PC board. Replace the YG455C1 (=YK455C1) Kenwoodfilter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-93 KENWOOD 455kHz1800Hz SSB TS140, TS440, TS680,R2000INRAD 1800Hz/455kHz KENWOOD R2000, TS140, TS440, TS680

Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Inrad fi l ter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-93 KENWOOD 455kHz1800Hz SSB TS450S, TS690INRAD 1800Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-93 KENWOOD 455kHz1800Hz SSB TS850, TS950INRAD 1800Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS950Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm. Fil ter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-95 KENWOOD 8830kHz1800Hz SSB R820, R5000, TS120,TS130, TS180, TS430, TS440, TS530, TS820INRAD 1800Hz/8830kHz. KENWOOD R820, R5000, TS120,TS130, TS180, TS430, TS440, TS530, TS820

Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Wire in fi l ter; requires soldering short pigtails orminiature coax.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-95 KENWOOD 8830kHz1800Hz SSB TS450, TS570, TS690,TS850, TS950INRAD 1800Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS450, TS570, TS690,TS850, TS950Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm. Plug-in / custom PC board; no soldering required. Fil ter is better thanoriginal YK88SN1.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-96 KENWOOD 455kHz2100Hz SSB TS140, TS440, TS680,TS930, TS940INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS140, TS440, TS680, TS930,TS940

Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Inrad fi lter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-96 KENWOOD 455kHz2100Hz SSB TS450S, TS690INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS440, TS450S, TS690Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000 Ohms.Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-96 KENWOOD 455kHz2100Hz SSB TS850, TS950INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS950Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm. Filter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-96 KENWOOD 455kHz2100Hz SSB TS870INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS870Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Inrad fi lter is wired inwith mini coax. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical InsertionLoss: <5dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22 mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-94 KENWOOD 8830kHz2100Hz SSB TS120, TS130, TS430,TS440, TS830, TS870, TS930, TS940INRAD 2100Hz/8830kHz. KENWOOD TS120, TS130, TS430,TS440, TS830, TS870, TS930, TS940

Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ul timate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Wire in fi l ter; requires soldering short pigtails orminiature coax. Also good for R820, R5000, TS180, TS530, TS820. Betterreplace for original YK-88SN1.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-94 KENWOOD 8830kHz2100Hz SSB TS450, TS570, TS690,TS850, TS950INRAD 2100Hz/8830kHz. KENWOOD TS450, TS570, TS690,TS850, TS950Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ul timate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm. Plug-in / custom PC board; no soldering required. Better replace fororiginal YK88SN1.

1 pc: 1 690 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (18)



























INRAD-92 KENWOOD 10695kHz2100Hz CW TRC80, TS50, TS60,TS2000, TS2000XINRAD 2100Hz/10695kHz. KENWOOD TRC80, TS50, TS60,TS2000, TS2000X

Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, CW and SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Wire in fi lter; requiressoldering short pigtails or miniature coax.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-89 KENWOOD 455kHz2800Hz SSB TS140, TS680, TS930,TS940INRAD 2800Hz/455kHz. KENWOOD TS140, TS680, TS930, TS940

Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Inrad fi l ter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-89 KENWOOD 455kHz2800Hz SSB TS450S, TS690INRAD 2800Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-89 KENWOOD 455kHz2800Hz SSB TS850, TS950INRAD 2800Hz/455kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS950Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 64x24x22mm. Fil ter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-88 KENWOOD 8830kHz2800Hz SSB TS450S, TS690INRAD 2800Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690

Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-88 KENWOOD 8830kHz2800Hz SSB TS570INRAD 2800Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS570Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm. Fil ter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-88 KENWOOD 8830kHz2800Hz SSB TS850, TS950INRAD 2800Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS950

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-88 KENWOOD 8830kHz2800Hz SSB TS930, TS940INRAD 2800Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS930, TS940Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, SSB, Shape Factor 1.5. Inrad fi lter is muchlarger than mfgr's fi lter. Wire in. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-475 KENWOOD 8830kHz4000Hz AM TS450S, TS690INRAD 4000Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690

Fil ter 4000Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Zin=Zout=2000Ohms.Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Drop in exact replacement.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-475 KENWOOD 8830kHz4000Hz AM TS850, TS930, TS940,TS950INRAD 4000Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS930, TS940, TS950Fil ter 4000Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Ultimate rejection>90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18mm. Fil ter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-100 KENWOOD 8830kHz6000Hz AM TS450S, TS690INRAD 6000Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS450S, TS690

Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 6000Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB.Zin=Zout=2000Ohms. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm. Drop in exactreplacement.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-100 KENWOOD 8830kHz6000Hz AM TS850, TS950INRAD 6000Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS850, TS950Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 6000Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Ultimaterejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions:50x18x18 mm. Filter soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-100 KENWOOD 8830kHz6000Hz AM TS930, TS940INRAD 6000Hz/8830kHz KENWOOD TS930, TS940Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 6000Hz/-6dB, 8830kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Drop inbut fi lter sl ightly larger in size than original. Ul timate rejection >90dB. Ripple<2dB. Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-260 KENWOOD 8831,5kHz6000Hz AM TS430INRAD 6000Hz/8831.5kHz KENWOOD TS430 (better replace forYK88A from KENWOOD)Fil ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 8831.5kHz, AM, Shape Factor 1.6. Drop in but fi l terslightly larger in size than original. Ultimate rejection >90dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical Insertion Loss: <5dB. Dimensions: 50x18x18 mm.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-TS930 KENWOOD44.930MHZ ROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter Module 44,9300MHz for main RX TS930Kenwood

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

INRAD-TS950S, TS950SD,TS950SDX KENWOOD 73,0500MHZROOFING FILTERINRAD Roofing Filter Module 73,0500MHz for main RXTS950S,TS950SD,TS950SDX Kenwood

1 pc: 4 890 Kč

INRAD-900 KENWOOD 40,0550MHZROOFING TS950SDXINRAD VHF Bare Filter 40,0550MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) for2nd RX TS950SDX

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-901 KENWOOD 44,9300MHZROOFING TS930INRAD VHF Bare Filter 44,9300MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX TS930

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-903 KENWOOD 45,0500MHZROOFING TS940INRAD VHF Bare Filter 45,0500MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX TS940

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-915 KENWOOD 73,0500MHZROOFING TS450, TS690, TS850,TS870, TS950INRAD VHF Bare Filter 73,0500MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms)For main RX TS450, TS690, TS850, TS870, TS950S, TS950SD, TS950SDX

1 pc: 2 990 Kč



Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 9000.75kHz, CW. Typical Insertion Loss: 250Hz <9dB.8-pole crystal fi lter. Superior selectivity. Shape factor 2.2. Filter is soldered oncustom PCB. Plug in fi lter, exact replace OEM fi lter. For TEN-TEC Corsair I,II,Delta I, Omni B,C,V,VI,VI+, Orion, Paragon, Tri ton IV, Sienna. ReplaceTEN-TEC 219.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč


Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 9001.5kHz, CW. Four-pole crystal input roofing fi lter. Shapefactor 5.2. Fi lter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi lter.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (19)



















Fil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 9000.75kHz, CW. Typical Insertion Loss: <8dB. 8-polecrystal fi lter. Superior selectivity. Shape factor 2.1. Fil ter is soldered on customPCB. Plug in fi lter, exact replace OEM fil ter. For TEN-TEC Corsair I,II, Del ta I,Omni B,C,V,VI,VI+, Orion, Paragon, Triton IV, Sienna. Replace TEN-TEC217.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč


Fil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 9001.5kHz, CW. Four-pole crystal input roofing fi l ter. Shapefactor 5.1. Filter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi lter.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč


Fil ter 2400Hz/-6dB, 6298.5kHz, SSB. Ten-pole crystal fi lter. Superiorselectivity. Shape factor 1.4. Fil ter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi lter,exact replace OEM filter.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-757 TEN-TEC 6298.5kHz2400Hz ARGONAUT ROOFINGFILTERINRAD 2400Hz/6298.5kHz TEN-TEC ARGONAUT, 506, 509, 515Fil ter 2400Hz/-6dB, 6298.5kHz, SSB. Ten-pole crystal fi lter. Superiorselectivity. Shape factor 1.4. Fi lter is soldered on custom PCB. Wire in fi lter,reversible modi fication for the radio.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-359 TEN-TEC ORION II9001.5kHz 2400Hz ROOFINGFILTERINRAD 2400Hz/9001.5kHz TEN-TEC ORION II Roofing Filter

Fil ter 2400Hz/-6dB, 9001.5kHz, SSB. Four-pole crystal input roofing fi lter.Shape factor 4.8. Fil ter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi l ter.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč


Fil ter 2400Hz/-6dB, 9001.5kHz, SSB. Ten-pole crystal fi l ter. Superiorselectivity. Shape factor 1.4. Fil ter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi lter,exact replace OEM filter.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-357 TEN-TEC ORION II9001.5kHz 2800Hz ROOFINGFILTERINRAD 2800Hz/9001.5kHz TEN-TEC ORION II Roofing Filter

Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 9001.5kHz, SSB. Four-pole crystal input roofing fi lter.Shape factor 4.6. Fil ter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in fi l ter.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč

INRAD-902 TEN-TEC 45,0000MHzORION ROOFING FILTERINRAD VHF Bare Filter 45,0000MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms), for2nd RX ORION, ORION II. Filter only

1 pc: 2 990 Kč


INRAD-719 YAESU 455kHz 125HzCW FT847INRAD 125Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Filter 125Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Crystal fi l ter. Shape factor 2.2. Mounted oncustom PC board, drop in. (For FT847 only: This fi lter has much largerdimensions and will not fi t in the socket. Must be wired in with miniaturecoax. In the FT847 TCVR is room for one or two crystal fi lter plus onemechanical fi l ter).

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-719 YAESU 455kHz 125HzCW FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 125Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Filter 125Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.2. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Solder in fi lter;replace OEM fi lter and solder connections.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-719C YAESU 455kHz 125HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BINRAD 125Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BFilter 125Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.2. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. For Main orSub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-704 YAESU 455kHz 250HzCW FT847INRAD 250Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Crystal fi l ter. Shape factor 1.8. Mounted oncustom PC board, drop in. (For FT847 only: This fi lter has much largerdimensions and will not fi t in the socket. Must be wired in with miniaturecoax. In the FT847 TCVR is room for one or two crystal fi lter plus onemechanical fi l ter). Better replace for original YF110CN - XF110CN.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-704 YAESU 455kHz 250HzCW FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 250Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Filter 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Ultimate rejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB.Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Solder in fi lter; replace OEMfilter and solder connections. Better replace for original YF110CN - XF110CN.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-704C YAESU 455kHz 250HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BINRAD 250Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BFilter 250Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.8. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. For Main orSub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in. Better replacefor original YF110CN - XF110CN.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-21 YAESU 455,7kHz 250HzCW FT1000 SUB RXINRAD 250Hz/455,7kHz YAESU FT1000 Sub ReceiverFilter 250Hz/-6dB, 455,7kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.9. For Sub-receiverFT1000. Wire in at place.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (20)























INRAD-708A YAESU 8215kHz 250HzCW FT920INRAD 250Hz/8215kHz YAESU

Fil ter 250Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 1.9. Filter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM filter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when the INRAD-920SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wil l be used.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-708B YASEU 8215kHz 250HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 250Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 250Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. Fil ter is soldered on customPC board. Plug in. Better replace for original XF114CN - YF114CN.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-119A YAESU 8215,9kHz250Hz CW FT600, FT840INRAD 250Hz/8215,9kHz YAESU FT600, FT840

Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 250Hz/-6dB, 8215,9kHz, CW.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-712C YAESU 455kHz 300HzCW FT847, FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKV, FRG100BINRAD 300Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847, FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100B

Fil ter 300Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.2. Collins 7-pole mechanicalfi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board. For Main and Sub-receiver ofFT1000, FT1000MP and MARK-V.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-712F YAESU 455kHz 300HzCW FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000INRAD 300Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000Fil ter 300Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW; Shape Factor 2.5. Collins 7-pole mechanicalfi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board. Better replace for Yaesu fil terYF122CN (YF-122CN).

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-703 YAESU 455kHz 400HzCW FT847INRAD 400Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Fil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.7. Mounted oncustom PC board, drop in. (For FT847 only: This fi lter has much largerdimensions and wil l not fit in the socket. Must be wired in with miniaturecoax. In the FT847 TCVR is room for one or two crystal fi lter plus onemechanical fi lter).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-703 YAESU 455kHz 400HzCW FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 400Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Fil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Solder in fi lter;replace OEM filter and solder connections.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-703C YAESU 455kHz 400HzFT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BINRAD 400Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BFil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. For Main orSub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-99 YAESU 455.7kHz 400HzCW FT1000 SUB RXINRAD 400Hz/455,7kHz YAESU FT1000 Sub ReceiverFil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 455,7kHz, CW; For Sub-receiver FT1000; Wire in at place.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-701A YAESU 8215kHz 400HzCW FT920INRAD 400Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920

Fil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. Filter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM filter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when the INRAD-920SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wil l be used.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-701B YAESU 8215kHz 400HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 400Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 400Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 2.1. Fil ter is soldered on customPC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-705F YAESU 455kHz 500HzCW FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000INRAD 500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000

Fil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW; Shape Factor 2.5. Collins 7-pole mechanicalfi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board. New model to INRAD-705E.Better than original YF-122C (YF122C).

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-705C YAESU 455kHz 500HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847, FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.5. Collins 7-pole mechanicalfi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board. For Main and Sub-receiver ofFT1000, FT1000MP and MARK-V. Better replace original YF115C - XF115C.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-721 YAESU 455kHz 500HzCW FT847INRAD 500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Filter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Crystal fi l ter. Shape factor 1.7. Mounted oncustom PC board, drop in. (For FT847 only: This fi lter has much largerdimensions and will not fi t in the socket. Must be wired in with miniaturecoax. In the FT847 TCVR is room for one or two crystal fi lter plus onemechanical fi l ter).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-721 YAESU 455kHz 500HzCW FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Filter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Solder in fi lter;replace OEM fi lter and solder connections.

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-721C YAESU 455kHz 500HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BINRAD 500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BFilter 500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. For Main orSub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-120A YAESU 8215,9kHz500Hz CW FT600, FT840INRAD 500Hz/8215.9kHz YAESU FT600, FT840Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 500Hz/-6dB, 8215,9kHz, CW. Filter mounted on customPC.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-672 YAESU 10940kHz 500HzCW FT990INRAD 500Hz/10940kHz YAESU FT990

Filter 500Hz/-6dB, 10940kHz, CW. Shape factor 2.2. Ultimate rejection>80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <7dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-713 YAESU 455kHz 1000HzCW FT847INRAD 1000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Filter 1000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Crystal fi l ter 8-pole. Shape factor 1.7.Mounted on custom PC board, drop in. (For FT847 only: This fi lter has muchlarger dimensions and will not fit in the socket. Must be wired in wi thminiature coax. In the FT847 TCVR is room for one or two crystal fi lter plusone mechanical fi lter).

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-729 YAESU 455kHz 1000HzCW FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000INRAD 1000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000Filter 1000Hz/-6dB, 8-pole Coll ins, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 2000Ohms // 30pF. For Main or Sub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PCboard. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (21)
























INRAD-713 YAESU 455kHz 1000HzCW FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 1000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Crystal fi lter 8-pole. 1000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. Solder in fi l ter; replace OEM fil ter and solder connections.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-713C YAESU 455kHz 1000HzCW FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BINRAD 1000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKV,FRG100BCrystal fi lter 8-pole. 1000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 1.7. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <9dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. For Main or Sub-receiver; Filter is soldered on custom PC board. Plugin.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-729 YAESU 455kHz 1000HzCW FT847INRAD 1000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847Fil ter 1000Hz/-6dB, 8-pole Col lins, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 2000Ohms // 30pF. Fil ter is soldered on custom PC board.

1 pc: 2 790 Kč

INRAD-718A YAESU 8215kHz1000Hz CW FT920INRAD 1000Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920

Fil ter 1000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 1.5. Filter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM filter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when the INRAD-920SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wil l be used.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-718B YAESU 8215kHz1000Hz CW FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD 1000Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 1000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, CW, shape factor 1.6. Fi lter is soldered oncustom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-714 YAESU 455kHz 1800HzSSB FT847INRAD 1800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Crystal fi lter. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loos <6dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Shape factor1.5. Much larger dimensions, wi ll not fit in the socket. Wire in fi lter; soldershort pigtails or miniature coax. In the TCVR is room for one or two crystalfi lter plus one mechanical fi lter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-714 YAESU 455kHz 1800HzSSB FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 1800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. Solder in fi l ter; replace OEM fil ter and solder connections.

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-714C YAESU 455kHz 1800HzSSB FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 1800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. For Main and Sub receiver. Filter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in;replace OEM filter.

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-711.1 YAESU 8215kHz1800Hz SSB FT920INRAD 1800Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920. Replace directly OEM2.4kHz filter

Fil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.5. Fil ter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM 2.4kHz fil ter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when theINRAD-920 SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wi ll be used.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-711B YAESU 8215kHz1800Hz SSB FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD 1800Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 1800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.5. Fil ter is soldered oncustom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-720D YAESU 455kHz 2000HzSSB FT847INRAD 2000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Fil ter 2000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Zin/Zout=200Ohm//30pF. Coll ins 8-polemechanical fi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-720F YAESU 455kHz 2000HzSSB FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000INRAD 2000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897, FT2000Fil ter 2000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Shape Factor 1.9. Collins 8-polemechanical fi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-720C YAESU 455kHz 2000HzSSB FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 2000Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 2000Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Zin/Zout=200Ohm//30pF. For Main orSub-receiver; Col lins 8-pole Mechanical Fi lter. Better replace for originalXF110SN - YF110SN.

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-422 YAESU 10940kHz2000Hz SSB FT990INRAD 2000Hz/10940kHz YAESU FT990

Fil ter 2000Hz/-6dB, 10940kHz, SSB. Shape factor 1.6. Ultimate rejection>80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-702 YAESU 455kHz 2100HzSSB FT847INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Crystal fi lter. Ul timate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loos <6dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Shape factor1.5. Much larger dimensions, wil l not fit in the socket. Wire in fi lter; soldershort pigtai ls or miniature coax. In the TCVR is room for one or two crystalfi lter plus one mechanical fi lter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-702 YAESU 455kHz 2100HzSSB FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 2100Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. Solder in fi lter; replace OEM filter and solder connections.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-702C YAESU 455kHz 2100HzSSB FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 2100Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFilter 2100Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. For Main and Sub receiver. Filter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in;replace OEM fi lter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-709.1 YAESU 8215kHz2100Hz SSB FT920INRAD 2100Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920. Replace directly OEM2.4kHz filter

Filter 2100Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.5. Filter is soldered on littleboard called SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM 2.4kHz filter. You can install in FT-920 more fi lters only when theINRAD-920 SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wil l be used.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč

INRAD-709B YAESU 8215kHz2100Hz SSB FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD 2100Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFilter 2100Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.5. Filter is soldered oncustom PC board. Plug in. Better approximate equivalent to originalXF114SN, YF114SN.

1 pc: 1 990 Kč

INRAD-717F YAESU 455kHz 2300HzSSB FT817, FT857, FT897INRAD 2300Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897

Filter 2300Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Shape Factor 1.6. Zin/Zout=200Ohm//30pF. Col lins mechanical 10-pole fi lter mounted on custom PC, plug inboard. This fi lter is much good replace for original XF122S - YF122S.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (22)





























INRAD-706D YAESU 455kHz 2500HzSSB FT847INRAD 2500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Fil ter 2500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, CW. Shape Factor 2.0. Collins 8-polemechanical fi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-706F YASEU 455kHz 2500HzSSB FT817, FT857, FT897INRAD 2500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897Fil ter 2500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Shape Factor 2.0. Collins 8-polemechanical fi lter mounted on custom PC, plug in board.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-706C YAESU 455kHz 2500HzSSB FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 2500Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 2500Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Shape Factor 2.0. For Main orSub-receiver. Col lins 8-pole Mechanical Filter. Good like better replace fororiginal XF115S (YF115S).

1 pc: 2 890 Kč

INRAD-715 YAESU 455kHz 2800HzSSB FT847INRAD 2800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT847

Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB; Crystal fi lter. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loos <6dB. Zin/Zout 500 Ohms. Shape factor1.5. Much larger dimensions, wi ll not fit in the socket. Wire in fi lter; soldershort pigtails or miniature coax. In the TCVR is room for one or two crystalfi lter plus one mechanical fi lter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-715 YAESU 455kHz 2800HzSSB FT890, FT900, FT990INRAD 2800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT890, FT900, FT990Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. Solder in fi l ter; replace OEM fil ter and solder connections.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-715C YAESU 455kHz 2800HzSSB FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 2800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, SSB. Crystal fi lter. Shape factor 1.5. Ultimaterejection >80dB. Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 500Ohms. For Main and Sub receiver. Filter is soldered on custom PCB. Plug in;replace OEM filter.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

INRAD-716.1 YAESU 8215kHz2800Hz SSB FT920INRAD 2800Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920. Replace directly OEM2.4kHz filter

Fil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.6. Fil ter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM 2.4kHz fil ter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when theINRAD-920 SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wi ll be used.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-716B YAESU 8215kHz2800Hz SSB FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD 2800Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 2800Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, SSB, shape factor 1.6. Fil ter is soldered oncustom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-726F YAESU 455kHz 2900HzSSB FT817, FT857, FT897INRAD 2900Hz/455kHz YAESU FT817, FT857, FT897Fil ter 2900Hz/-6dB, 8-pole Collins, 455kHz, SSB. Ultimate rejection >80dB.Ripple <2dB. Typical insertion loss <6dB. Zin/Zout 2000 Ohms // 30pF. Fil teris soldered on custom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-724 YAESU 455kHz 3800HzAM FRG100INRAD 3800Hz/455kHz AM 7-pole Collins filter

Fil ter 3800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, AM. Impedance Zin = Zout = 2000 Ohm // 30pF.Typical Insertion Loss < 6dB. Col lins 7 pole Mechanical fi lter. For YaesuFRG100.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-707C YAESU 455kHz 5800HzAM FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVINRAD 5800Hz/455kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 5800Hz/-6dB, 455kHz, AM. Shape Factor 1.7. For Main or Sub-receiver.Col lins 8-pole Mechanical Filter.

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-710A YAESU 8215kHz6000Hz AM FT920INRAD 6000Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT920

Fil ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, AM, shape factor 1.5. Fil ter is soldered on littleboard cal led SSB ADAPTER BOARD. You can instal one filter, replacing theOEM 2.4kHz fil ter. You can instal l in FT-920 more fi lters only when theINRAD-920 SWITCHBOARD MOD ( GES08901740 ) wi ll be used.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-710B YAESU 8215kHz6000Hz AM FT1000, FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD 6000Hz/8215kHz YAESU FT1000, FT1000MP, MARKVFil ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 8215kHz, AM, shape factor 1.5. Fi lter is soldered oncustom PC board. Plug in.

1 pc: 3 490 Kč

INRAD-2311 YAESU 9000kHz6000Hz AM FT7B, FT301, R530INRAD 6000Hz/9000kHz YAESU FT7B, FT301, R530

Fil ter 6000Hz/-6dB, 9000kHz, AM, 8 pole, shape factor 1.5. ImpedanceZin=Zout= 500Ohm // 30pF

1 pc: 3 090 Kč

INRAD-904 YAESU 45,7050MHZROOFING FILTER FT847INRAD VHF Bare Filter 45,7050MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX FT847

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-906 YAESU 47,0550MHZROOFING FILTER FT980INRAD VHF Bare Filter 47,0550MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX FT980

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-907 YAESU 47,2100MHZROOFING FILTER FT1000MP,MARKVINRAD VHF Bare Filter 47,2100MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles 50 Ohms) for2nd RX FT1000MP, FT1000MP MARK-V

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-908 YAESU 48,6400MHZROOFING FILTER FT1000DINRAD VHF Bare Filter 48,6400MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) for2nd RX FT1000D

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-910 YAESU 68,9850MHZROOFING FILTER FT920INRAD VHF Bare Filter 68,9850MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX FT920

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-912 YAESU 69,4500MHZROOFING FILTER FT2000INRAD VHF Bare Filter 69,4500MHz (>4kHz, 6poles, 50 Ohms)main RX FT2000

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD-914 YAESU 70,4550MHZROOFING FILTER FT1000MPINRAD VHF Bare Filter 70,4550MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX FT1000MP

1 pc: 2 990 Kč

INRAD IF Noise Reduction ModuleFT1000MP, MARKVINRAD Receiver Sensitivity/Noise Reduction IF Modul FT1000MP,MARKV FT1000MP

IF Modul for FT-1000MP, FT-1000MP MARK-V, FT-1000MP MARK-V FIELD.This mod kit adds a few dB gain after the 70.455MHz IF amplifier and beforethe mixer to the 8.215MHz. This reduce the background noise and hiss in theMP audio output, coming from the 8.215MHz and 455kHz IF stages. The gainat the lower frequency IFs is then reduced through a menu item, and the netresult is a noticeable reduction in the annoying IF hiss and a reduction in thenoise floor of the receiver of 3 or 4dB. The net result is a more sensi tivereceiver which has a better, more pleasing sound. If the INRAD ROOFINGfilter with enough IF gain is installed in the radio, this IF Modul can not beinstalled.

1 pc: 1 390 Kč

INRAD-916 YAESU 73,6200MHZROOFING FILTER FT1000DINRAD VHF Bare Filter 73,6200MHz (>4kHz, 6 poles, 50 Ohms) formain RX FT1000D

1 pc: 2 990 Kč


The FT1000MP (MARK-V and FIELD inclusive) Roofing Fil ter help to reducethe thi rd order IM products from multiple strong signals in the 2 to 20kHzregion either side of the tuned frequency. IMD dynamic range wil l beimproved 10dB or more for some signal spacing. Fi lter is assembled on PCBwith High Dynamic Range Feedback Ampl ifier, which cover the Filter loss plusa dB or two.

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

INRAD-FT1000&FT1000D73.6200MHZ YAESU ROOFINGFILTERINRAD Roofing Filter 4kHz/73.6200MHz for FT1000, FT1000D

This Roofing Filter for older YAESU models FT1000 and FT1000D help toreduce the third order IM products from multiple strong signals in the 2 to20kHz region either side of the tuned frequency. IMD dynamic range will beimproved 10dB or more for some signal spacing. Fi lter is assembled on PCBwith High Dynamic Range Feedback Ampl ifier, which cover the Filter loss plusa dB or two.

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (23)

















INRAD FT-920 SWITCH BOARDMODINRAD Board for FT920. Allows the use of one filter or two incascade

The FT920 Switch Board Mod allows the use of one fil ter or two in cascade.The switching is done by a mini toggle switch mounted on an L bracket undera screw in the bottom cover. Two of these boards may be mounted in theFT-920, providing fi lter selection from one switch for both CW and SSB. Theboards are supplied pre-wired so the customer need do only a minimum ofsoldering. Please specify the mode when ordering. (Fi lters not included.) TheFT-920 Switch Board Mod is pin compatible wi th our fi lters, so when orderingfilters for this product please specifiy the "bare fi l ter -- no board" option. TheFT-920 Switch Board Mod is pin compatible with INRAD filters, so whenordering fi l ters for this product please speci fiy the "bare fi l ter -- no board"option.

1 pc: 1 990 Kč

Measure Equipment


MFJ-762 ATTENUATORAttenuatr 81dB in 1dB step, 50Ohm, up to 170MHz, BNC-female

1 pc: 2 390 Kč

Antenna Analyzers

MFJ-208 ANTENNA ANALYZERVHF SWR Antenna Analyzer 138-156MHz. 178x51x51mm

1 pc: 2 650 Kč

MFJ-259B ANTENNA ANALYZERHF/VHF 1.8-170MHz Antenna/SWR/RF Analyzer w/ LCD, Counter &Meters

The World's most popular SWR/RF analyzer just got incredibly better andgives you more value than ever! MFJ-259B gives you a complete pictures ofyour antenna's performance. You can read antenna SWR and ComplexImpedance 1.8 to 170MHz Read Complex Impedance as series resistanceand reactance (R+jX) or as magni tude (Z) and phase (degrees). You candetermine velocity factor, coax cable loss in dB, length of coax and distanceto a short or open in feet. You can read SWR, return loss and reflectioncoefficient at any frequency simultaneously at a single glance. Also readinductance in uH and capacitance in pF at RF frequencies. Largeeasy-to-read two line LCD screen and side-by-side meters clearly display yourinformation. Built-in frequency counter, Ni-Cad charger circui t, battery saver,low battery warning and smooth re-duction drive tuning and much more. Veryeasy to use. Just set the bandswitch and tune the dial - just l ike youtransceiver. SWR and Complex Impedance are displayed instantly. Here'swhat you can do - find your antenna's true resonant frequency, trim dipolesand verticals. Adjust your Yagi, quad, loop and other antennas, changeantenna spacing and height and watch SWR, resistance and reactancechange instantly. You'll know exactly what to do by simply watching thedisplay. Perfectly tune cri tical HF mobi le antennas in seconds for super DX -without subjecting your transceiver to high SWR. Measure your antenna's 2:1SWR bandwidth on one band, or analyze mul tiband performance from 1.8 to170MHz. Check SWR outside the ham bands without violating FCC rules.Take the guesswork out of building and adjusting matching networks andbaluns. Measure distance in feet to a short or open in faul ty coax. Measurelength of a roll of coax, coax loss, velocity factor, impedance. Measureinductance and capacitance. Measure resonant frequency and approximateQ of traps, stubs, transmission lines, RF chokes, tuned circuits and baluns.Adjust your antenna tuner for a perfect 1:1 match without creating QRM. TheMFJ-259B is a complete ham radio test station including - frequency counter,RF signal generator, SWR Analyzer, RF resistance and Reactance Analyzer,Coax Analyzer, Capaci tance and Inductance Meter and more. As externalpower supply we recommend our MW 12V/0,5A GES07506809 or other.

1 pc: 6 990 Kč

MFJ-269 ANTENNA ANALYZERHF/VHF/UHF 1.8-170/415-470MHz Antenna/SWR/RF Analyzer w/LCD, Counter & Meters

MFJ-269 covers 1.8 to 170 MHz and 415 to 470 MHz. It includes al l thefeatures of the MFJ-259B, the world's most popular SWR Analyzer plus muchmore. Large easy-to-read two l ine LCD display and side-by-side meters clearlydisplay your information Built-in Ni-Cad/Ni-MH charger circui t, battery saver,low battery warning, smooth reduction drive tuning. Use as signal source fortesting/alignment. Built-in CoaxCalculator - calculates coax line length infeet given coax length in electrical degrees and vice versa for any frequencyand any veloci ty factor (great for building matching sections and phasinglines). New 12-bit A/D converter gives much better accuracy and resolutionthan common 8-bit A/D converters. Very easy to use. Just set the bandswitchand tune the dial - just l ike your transceiver. 1.8 to 170MHz range featuresMFJ-269 gives you a complete picture of you antenna. Read antenna SWRand Complex Impedance 1.8 - 170 MHz. Buil t in frequency counter. ReadComplex Impedance as series equivalent resistance and reactance (Rs+jXs) oras magni tude (Z) and phase (degrees). Also read parallel equivalentresistance and reactance (Rp+jXp). You can determine velocity factor, coaxloss in dB, length of coax and distance to short or open in feet. You can readSWR, return loss and reflection coefficient at at any frequency simultaneouslyat a single glance. Also read match efficiency. Also read inductance in UHand capacitance in pF at RF frequencies. You can measure SWR and loss ofcoax with any characteristic impedance from 10 to over 600 Ohms, including50, 51, 52, 53, 73, 75, 93, 95, 300, 450 Ohms. For more information seeMFJ-259B. New 415 to 470 MHz Range features. Just plug in your UHFantenna coax, set the frequency and read SWR, return loss and reflectioncoefficient simultaneously. You can read coax cable loss in dB and matchefficiency. You can test and tune stubs and coax l ines. You can manual lydetermine veloci ty factor and impedances of transmission l ines. You canadjust and test RF matching networks and RF ampli fiers wi thout applyingpower. Has easy-to-read LCD logarithmic SWR bargraph and SWR meter forquick tuning. Take it anywhere Fully portable take i t anywhere - remote si tes,up towers, on DX-pedi tions. Built in "N" connector Free N-to-SO-239 adaptor.Use 10 pcs of alkaline batteries (not included) - R3 ALKALINE SANYO or AANi-MH or AA Ni-Cd rechargable types UM 3 GES07602643 . Their capaci tywill suffice for 3 to 15 hours type depending. For external power supply werecommend our type MW 12V/0,5A GES07506809 or other.

1 pc: 10 350 Kč

MFJ-39C CARRYING POUCHCarrying Pouch with window for MFJ269

Tote Your MFJ269 anywhere. This custom carying case has pocket wi thsecuri ty cover for carying dip coils (MFJ66), adaptors and accessories.

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

MFJ-66 ANALYSER COIL SETAnalyzers dip meter coils (HF/VHF). ForMFJ209,MFJ249,MFJ259,MFJ269

Dip-Meter Adapter (coils set) for SWR analyzer MFJ-209, MFJ-249, MFJ-259B,MFJ-269.

1 pc: 660 Kč

Dummy Loads

MFJ-260CN DUMMY LOADDummy Load 0-650MHz/50Ohm; 90Wcont. (300W/30sec.max);N-female connector

1 pc: 1 330 Kč

MFJ-264N DUMMY LOADDummy load 0-650MHz 100W/10min.(1.5kW/10sec.max.),N-female connector

Dummy Load 50 Ohms. VSWR less than 1.3:1 at less than 650 MHz. Powerdissipation 1500W for less than 10 seconds or 100 Watts for 10 minutes.Vol tage gradient 10 kV/inch (390V/mm). Operating temperature up to 350°C.Frequency range 1-650 MHz, usable to 750 MHz.

1 pc: 2 280 Kč

DL-650MDummy Load 0-650MHz 100W cont.(1500W/20sec); SWRmax=1.5;UHFfemale

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (24)















DL-300MDummy Load 0-150MHz 300W(20sec); 50Ohm; SWRmax=1.5:1;0,25kg; UHFfemale

1 pc: 1 325 Kč

MFJ-250X DUMMY LOADMFJ Dummy Load 1kW without oil

Before operating fi l l the ADL-1500X with transformer oi l. DO NOT USE ANYTYPE OF MOTOR OIL. Proper oil is the type "Transformatorovy olej N"supplied by the company Ecolube s.r.o. The Ecolube web-shop is on the webaddress www.oleje.cz

1 pc: 1 390 Kč

Power and SWR Measure Equipment

MFJ-267 DUMMY LOAD,SWR/WATTMETERDummy Load with SWR/Wattmeter up to 54MHz; Dumy Load100W/10min - 1,5kW/10sec

1.5 kW Dry Dummy Load has built-in precision, true peak-readingSWR/Wattmeter switchable to external antenna. World's most versatile 1.5 kWdummy load has a built-in true peak reading SWR/Wattmeter that you canswitch and use independently. You'll find tons of uses. Tune up yourtransceiver, l inear amplifier, or antenna tuner into a safe 50 Ohm dummyload at full power. Then instantly switch to your antenna and monitor SWR,forward, and reflected power. Use for testing/tuning transmitters, transceivers,ampl ifiers, antenna tuners, baluns, transformers, fi lters, matching networks,coax, stubs, transmission lines, and antennas. The 50-Ohm dry dummy loadworks DC to 60 Mhz. SWR is below 1.3:1 at 30 MHz. Can handle 100 Watts forten minutes or 1500 Watts for ten seconds. Comes with power derating curve.Extra-large three-inch lighted Cross-Needle Meter reads SWR (1:1 to 8:1),forward, and reflected power simultaneously. Reads true peak PEP or averagepower on 300/3000 Watts forward and 60/600 Watts reflected power ranges1.8-54 MHz. High accuracy comes from a carefully designed directionalcoupler, an accurate active-peak reading circui t and a precision d'Arsonvalmeter movement. RF tight perforated aluminum cabinet. 4 W x 3 H x 10 Dinches

1 pc: 4 240 Kč

MFJ-844 SWR/WATTMETRCompact Dual Band 144/440 SWR Meter

This new compact VHF/UHF SWR and Power meter is perfect for mobilehams. Handles 200 Watts and measure SWR and Power in three powerranges: 15W, 60W, and 200 Watts. A multi-colored white, orange and blackmeter makes for easy reading. Meter is extra large and highly visible. Covers144 and 440 MHz. Insertion loss is 0.3dB or lower with 50 Ohm impedance.Has SO-239 connectors. Compact size lets you put it just about anywhere inyour operating posi tion. 3.75Wx3Hx1.25D inches. Great for HTs or mobilerigs. Made of die cast metal with qual ity connectors. It'l l give you years of use.

1 pc: 1 890 Kč

MFJ-873 SWR/WATTMETR125-525 MHz Grandmaster SWR/Wattmeter (AVG, Peak)5W/20W/200W

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

PM-30UVWattmeter 144/220/440MHz;30W and 300W;average/peakpower;135x146x89mm

Has UHF-female connectors.

1 pc: 2 650 Kč

PA - RF Power Amplifiers

AMERITRON - Solid State PA

ALS-500MXCEPA 500Wout / 70Win; Model 160-10m; Mobile Solid State; 13.6 VDC/ 80A

Version 160-10m.

1 pc: 27 800 Kč

ALS-500MRXCEPA 500Wout / 70Win; 160-10m; Mobile Solid State; 13.6VDC/80A;with remote controlSol ide State mobile PA wi th Remote Control

1 pc: 28 590 Kč


AL-811XCE PA 600W 160-10M WITHTUBESPA 600Wout (75Win); 3x811A tbs; full QSK; 160-10m; 41x35x21cm;15kg; 230VAC

Ameritron Al-811 linear ampl ifier gives you plenty power to bust thru QRM.You get a quiet desktop l inear thats so compact itl l sl ide right into your station-- youl l hardly know i ts there ... unti l QRM sets in. Conveniently plug it intoyour nearest 120 VAC outlet -- no special wiring needed. Three tough 811Atransmitting tubes, extra heavy duty power supply, all HF band coverage,pressurized ventilation, tuned input, dual i l luminated meters, adjustable ALC& more. The fi rst 600 watts make the difference The Al-811 gives you 600watts PEP output -- thats nearly 2 full S-units over your barefoot rig. Thatcould mean the difference between hearing, "Youre Q-5 armchair copy" and,"Sorry cant copy you, too much QRM." Now you wont have to stand asidewhile the "big guns" steal your DX. Youll be able to log some of those stationsfirst. Going from 600 watts to the ful l legal l imit gives you less than one S-unitincrease. But is that fraction of an S-uni t worth the 3 or 4 times more moneyi tl l cost you? AL-811 gives you a powerful punch at a price thats easy on yourwallet. All band, Al l mode coverage The AL-811 covers al l HF bands. Theresno compromise on WARC and most MARS bands -- you get 100% ratedoutput. You can operate the AL-811 on all modes. Get 600 watts output PEPSSB and 500 watts output CW. You even get 400 watts on demandingcontinuous modes like RTTY, SSTV, FM and AM. How the low cost 811A tuberesists premature failure -- even when your amplifier is mistuned First theyreconstructed with widely spaced elements that minimize the chance oftouching and causing a short -- even i f the plate gets hot enough to melt.Second they use a di rectly heated thoriated tungsten fi lament cathode thatprevents the electron emitting layer from instantly stripping off -- even ifmistuning causes a sudden, sever current overload. The Ameri tron AL-811 isexcellent for the newcomer because its tough enough to withstandmomentary mistuning. And the tubes are so inexpensive that you can replaceone for mere pocket change. The Ameritron advantage: Extra heavy dutypower supply gives you peak performance year after year The heart of theAL-811 power supply is its heavy duty power transformer with high sil icon steelcore weighing a hefty 17 pounds. A full wave bridge using 52.5 ufd of totalcapaci tance (four 210 ufd, 470 volt capacitors) produces 1500 volts under fullload and 1700 volts no load. Thats excellent high voltage regulation! Fullheight computer grade filter capacitors with screw terminals are used -- notshort stubby. l ight duty soldered-in "high technology" capacitors that cantdissipate the heat generated by high current. Rectifier diodes are rated for amassive surge current of 200 amps. They wont blow even if you accidentallyshort the high voltage supply. Wire wound, 7 watt, 50 K ohm equalizingresistors safely protect each filter capacitor -- not 2 watt, 100 K ohm carboncomposi tion resistors that can open and cause your fi lter capacitors toexplode or fail. The Ameritron AL-811 power supply is built tough so you getpeak performance year after year. Tuned input provides excel lent load for anyrig A Pi-Network tuned input provides a 50 ohm load for your rig. Even fussysolid state rigs can deliver their full drive to AL-811. Low loss slug tuned coils-- tunable from the rear panel -- let you optimize performance. High qualitylow dri ft silver mica capacitors maintain proper tuning. Output tank: optimumQ on each band the low loss pi-network output tank of the AL-811 has beencarefully designated for optimum Q on each band and built with quali ty RFcomponents. The result is peak performance over each band, wideimpedance matching range and exceptionally smooth tuning wi thefficiencies close to 70%. Even a 3:1 SWR load wont damage the tubes ortank components. A ball bearing vernier reduction drive makes plate tuningprecise and easy. Quiet pressurized venti lation keeps your tubes safely cooledA quiet blower pressurizes the cabinet with a large volume of air flow. It keepsthe 811A tube temperature well below the tube manufacturers rating -- evenwith a key down carrier at 400 watts output -- without the overwhelming noiseof oversized fans. Two il luminated meters Two il luminated meters give you aclear picture of your AL-811 operating condi tions so you can tell right away ifsomething is wrong. the Grid Current meter continuously check for improperloading. The other meter switches between high vol tage and plate current towarn of abnormal conditions. Ameritron exclusive Adapt-A-Volt powertransformer Too high line voltage stresses components and causes them towear out and fail. Too low line voltage causes a "soft-tube" effect -- lowoutput and signal distortion. Ameri trons exclusive Adapt-A-Volt powertransformer has a special buck-boost winding that lets you compensate forstressful high line voltage and performance robbing low line voltage. Thismakes your components last longer and gives you peak performance --regardless of your line voltage. QSK Compatible For l ightning fast QSKoperation, use the optional external QSK-5, electronic PIN diode switch. PlusMore... An Operate/Standby switch lets you run barefoot, but you caninstantly swi tch to full power if needed. A transmit LED tel ls you when your rigis keying your AL-811. A 12 VDC keying relay makes it compatible with sol idstate and tube rigs. Buil t-in back-pulse canceling diode protects your rigskeying circuit. Shielded RF compartment. One year limited warranty. UPSshippable. Shipped with transformer installed and wired for 220/240 VAC.This ampl ifier is CE certified. Made in USA Made in the USA. At Ameri tron,we dont just ship amplifiers we build them to last! Ameritron AL-811 Variants600 W output (3 x 811A tubes) 800 W output (4 x 811A tubes) 800 W output (4x 572B tubes) Output 600W / 800W / 800W US 120V AL-811 / AL-811H /AL-811HD Export 220/240V AL-811X / AL-811HX / AL-811HDX Export220/240V CE certified AL-811XCE / AL-811HXCE / AL-811HDXCE Export120V w/10 Meters AL-811Y / AL-811HY / AL-811HDY It's perfect wi thAmeritron MFJ-962D Antenna Tuner.

1 pc: 21 995 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (25)







AL-811HXCE PA 800W 160-10MWITH TUBESPA 800Wout (75Win); 4x811A tbs; full QSK; 160-10m; 41x35x21cm;16kg; 230VACOnly the AMERITRON AL-811H gives you four fully neutralized 811Atransmitting tubes. You get absolute stabil ity and superb performance onhigher bands that can’t be matched by un-neutralized tubes. AMERITRONmounts the 811A tubes vertical ly, not horizontally, to prevent hot tubeelements from sagging and shorting out. Others, using potentially damaginghorizontal mounting, require hard-to-find 811A tubes to retard harmfulsagging and shorting. Powerful 20 CFM computer grade fan, not an openframe phonograph motor, draws in cool air to pressurize the cabinet andefficiently cool your 811A tubes for an extra long l ife. You also get efficientful l-size heavy duty tank coils, computer grade capacitors, heavy duty highsilicon core power transformer, slug tuned input coils, operate/standby switch,transmit LED, ALC, dual meters, QSK compatibil i ty with QSK-5 option andmuch more! SPECIFICATIONS: • Output power: 800 Watts PEP, 600 WattsCW. • All Band Operation: Covers 160-15 Meters including WARC bands. Canbe user modified for12 and 10 Meters. • Four 811A Tubes: Uses four rugged,ful ly neutralized low cost 811A PA tubes. • Vertical Tube Mounting: Preventsshorting of tube filament/grid, prolongs tube l ife. • Fully Neutralized:Improves stabil ity and performance on higher bands. • Input Tune Circuit:Adjustable rear panel slug tuned input ci rcuit. • ALC Control : Built-inadjustable ALC control. • Vernier Reduction Drives: Tuning and loadingreduction drives make tuning smooth and easy. • Dual Il luminated Meters:Moni tor vital operating functions. • Heavy Duty Power Supply: 17 pounds,high sil icone steel core transformer and computer grade filter capacitor gives1700 Volts high voltage at no load and 1500 Volts at full load. Multi-VoltageOperation: User selectable for 100/110/120/210/220/230 VAC operation.Shipped with transformer installed and wired for 120 VAC for domestic modelor 240 VAC for export model. • Air-Cooled: Quiet pressurized ventilationkeeps tubes safely cooled. QSK Compatible: Optional external electronic pindiode Transmit/Receive swi tch. QSK-5 • Attractive Lexan front decal • OneYear AMERITRON warranty. • Dimensions: 8 Ľ" x 13 ľ" x 15 ˝". • OperatingWeight: 32 lbs. • Made in USA Made in the USA. At Ameritron, we dont justship ampli fiers we build them to last! Ameritron AL-811 Variants 600 W output(3 x 811A tubes) 800 W output (4 x 811A tubes) 800 W output (4 x 572B tubes)Output 600W / 800W / 800W US 120V AL-811 / AL-811H / AL-811HD Export220/240V AL-811X / AL-811HX / AL-811HDX Export 220/240V CE certifiedAL-811XCE / AL-811HXCE / AL-811HDXCE Export 120V w/10 Meters AL-811Y/ AL-811HY / AL-811HDY It's perfect with Ameritron MFJ-962D Antenna Tuner.

1 pc: 21 990 Kč

AL-80BXCEPA >1kW SSB PEP(800W CW)/85Win; 3-500 tube; 160-10m;230VAC

AMPLIFIER, 1KW, ONE 3-500Z TUBE, EXPORT, CE Ameritrons legendaryAL-80A kilowatt ampl ifier has been completely redesigned and extensivelyimproved. The all New AL-80B kilowatt output desktop linear can double youraverage SSB power output with high-level RF processing using Ameritronsexclusive Dynamic ALC. You get cooler operation because the AL-80Bsexclusive Instantaneous RF Bias completely turns off the 3-500ZG tubebetween words. It saves hundreds of watts wasted as heat. You get up to a fullkilowatt PEP output from a whisper quiet desktop linear. Its a compact 8.5" x15.5" x 14.5" and plugs into your nearest 120VAC outlet. Covers all bands160-15 meters, including WARC and MARS (user modified for 10/12 meterswith license). You get up to 1000 watts output on SSB, 800 watts output onCW, 500 watts output on RTTY, an extra heavy duty power supply, genuine3-500 tube, nearly 70% efficiency, tuned input, Pi /Pi-L output, inrush currentprotection, multi -voltage transformer, dual Cross-Needle meters, QSKcompatibil ity, Two Year Warranty, Made in USA, plus much more. DynamicALC doubles average SSB power The AL-80Bs exclusive Dynamic ALC givesyou high-level low-distortion RF processing. When activated, it can more thandouble your average SSB power and produce up to 6 dB improvement inintell igibil ity. It maximizes your talk power without distortion and splatter. Aconvenient front panel control lets you adjust your output power level.Instantaneous RF Bias eliminates heat The AL-80Bs exclusive InstantaneousRF Bias completely turns off the 3-500 tube (except fi laments) between wordsand dots and dashes. it eliminates hundreds of watts wasted as heat to giveyou cooler operation and longer component li fe. Guts Heavy-Duty PowerSupply The guts of the AL-80B is its heavy duty power supply. A 26 poundtransformer using a high sil icone steel core, computer grade capacitors, heavyduty bleeders and ten 3 amp, 1000 V power recti fiers give you a stiff 2700volts fully loaded. Many amplifiers using two 3-500s use such small powersupplies they dont deliver much more power output than the AL-80B.Genuine 3-500ZG Tube The AL-80B uses a genuine 3-500ZG tube warrantedby the manufacturer -- not cheaper, less reliable 3-500s used by somecompetitors. 70% efficiency The AL-80B is built on a rugged steel chassis. Ithas a separate RF compartment thats fully shielded to keep RF from leakingout. This keeps RFI and TVI to a minimum. Superb RF design and layout,Hi-Q tank ci rcuit and commercially rated RF power components give younearly 70% plate efficiency over most of the amateur bands. You power goesinto your antenna instead of heating up your ampl ifier. A whisper quietinternal fan draws in cool air over power supply components and pressurizesthe 3-500 tube compartment to remove heat for longest li fe. Tuned Input letsyour rig deliver full output A 50 ohm broadband Pi-Network tuned input isused. Even the fussiest sol id state transmitter wi ll deliver full power to yourAL-80B. Low loss slug tuned coils -- tunable from the rear panel -- let youoptimize performance. Pi/Pi-L Output Network A careful ly designed Pi/Pi-Loutput network using the optimum Q for each band gives you exceptional lysmooth tuning, extremely wide matching range, ful l band coverage and peakperformance at all power levels. Bal l bearing venier reduction drives withlogging scales on both the plate and load controls make tuning precise andeasy. It also lets you rapidly retune to your favorite frequency. Step-StartInrush Protection When you first turn on your amplifier, a massive inrushcurrent flows. Your house lights fl icker as you hear a load "thump" from yourampl ifier. This terrible inrush current stresses all your power supplycomponents to their l imits. Your cold tube filament suffers abusive thermalshock. Eventually, this massive inrush current will damage your amplifier. TheAL-80B special Step-Start Inrush Protection stop damaging inrush current. Bystarting your AL-80B through a 10 ohm current l imiting resistor, then shortingthe resistor wi th a relay, the AL-80B gives you a start up sequence thats easyon your tube and power supply components. Mul ti-Vol tage Power TransformerExcessive line voltage stresses components and causes them to wear out. Lowline vol tage causes a "soft-tube" effect -- low output and signal distortion.Ameri trons exclusive Multi-Voltage Power Transformer lets you optimize fordifferent l ine voltage. Select from 14 different primary vol tages from 90 - 140VAC and 205 to 250 VAC. The high voltage secondary can be wired toreduce plate voltage for efficient operation below 400 watts for use outsidethe USA. Dual Il luminated Cross-Needle Meters Ameritrons dual i l luminatedcross-needle meters give you four separate meters to moni tor your operatingconditions -- you can tell right away i f something is wrong. Grid current, platecurrent and forward PEP output power are continuously monitored to tel l youof improper loading and abnormal conditions. The fourth meter can beswitched to monitor you 3-500 tube DC plate voltage, reflected PEP powerand the SWR of your antenna, ALC voltage to your rig and the grid currentthat starts ALC action -- you get a clear operating picture of your AL-80B.QSK Compatible For l ightning fast QSK operation use the optional Ameritronelectronic PIN diode QSK switch. Get the external QSK switch (QSK-5) or theInternal Switch (QSK-5PC). Plus More... An Operate/Standby switch lets yourun barefoot, but you can instantly switch to full power if you need i t. Hastransmit LED; 12 VDC, 200 mA accessory jack; 12 VDC keying relay for solidstate and tube rigs; tough, nearly indestructible Lexan front panel . Shippedwith transformer installed and wired for 120 VAC. Draws 12 amps at 120 VAC.Two Year Warranty: In the unlikely even that there are defects in materials orworkmanship Ameritron will fix it free for 2 years. The 3-500 tube is coveredby the tube manufacturers warranty.

1 pc: 43 590 Kč

AL-80BXQCEPA >1kW SSB PEP(800W CW)/85Win;3-500 tube;QSK-5PC;160-10m;230VACAMPLIFIER, 1KW OUTPUT,3-500Z, QSK, 240V CE Ameritrons legendaryAL-80A ki lowatt ampl ifier has been completely redesigned and extensivelyimproved. The all New AL-80B kilowatt output desktop linear can double youraverage SSB power output with high-level RF processing using Ameritronsexclusive Dynamic ALC. You get cooler operation because the AL-80Bsexclusive Instantaneous RF Bias completely turns off the 3-500ZG tubebetween words. It saves hundreds of watts wasted as heat. You get up to a fullki lowatt PEP output from a whisper quiet desktop l inear. Its a compact 8.5" x15.5" x 14.5" and plugs into your nearest 120VAC outlet. Covers all bands160-15 meters, including WARC and MARS (user modified for 10/12 meterswith license). You get up to 1000 watts output on SSB, 800 watts output onCW, 500 watts output on RTTY, an extra heavy duty power supply, genuine3-500 tube, nearly 70% efficiency, tuned input, Pi /Pi-L output, inrush currentprotection, multi-voltage transformer, dual Cross-Needle meters, QSKcompatibi l ity, Two Year Warranty, Made in USA, plus much more. DynamicALC doubles average SSB power The AL-80Bs exclusive Dynamic ALC givesyou high-level low-distortion RF processing. When activated, i t can more thandouble your average SSB power and produce up to 6 dB improvement inintelligibil i ty. It maximizes your talk power without distortion and splatter. Aconvenient front panel control lets you adjust your output power level.Instantaneous RF Bias eliminates heat The AL-80Bs exclusive InstantaneousRF Bias completely turns off the 3-500 tube (except fi laments) between wordsand dots and dashes. it eliminates hundreds of watts wasted as heat to giveyou cooler operation and longer component life. Guts Heavy-Duty PowerSupply The guts of the AL-80B is its heavy duty power supply. A 26 poundtransformer using a high si l icone steel core, computer grade capacitors, heavyduty bleeders and ten 3 amp, 1000 V power recti fiers give you a stiff 2700volts fully loaded. Many amplifiers using two 3-500s use such small powersupplies they dont deliver much more power output than the AL-80B.Genuine 3-500ZG Tube The AL-80B uses a genuine 3-500ZG tube warrantedby the manufacturer -- not cheaper, less reliable 3-500s used by somecompetitors. 70% efficiency The AL-80B is built on a rugged steel chassis. Ithas a separate RF compartment thats fully shielded to keep RF from leakingout. This keeps RFI and TVI to a minimum. Superb RF design and layout,Hi-Q tank circuit and commercially rated RF power components give younearly 70% plate efficiency over most of the amateur bands. You power goesinto your antenna instead of heating up your ampli fier. A whisper quietinternal fan draws in cool air over power supply components and pressurizesthe 3-500 tube compartment to remove heat for longest li fe. Tuned Input letsyour rig deliver full output A 50 ohm broadband Pi-Network tuned input isused. Even the fussiest solid state transmitter wi ll deliver full power to yourAL-80B. Low loss slug tuned coils -- tunable from the rear panel -- let youoptimize performance. Pi /Pi-L Output Network A careful ly designed Pi/Pi-Loutput network using the optimum Q for each band gives you exceptionallysmooth tuning, extremely wide matching range, full band coverage and peakperformance at all power levels. Ball bearing venier reduction drives wi thlogging scales on both the plate and load controls make tuning precise andeasy. It also lets you rapidly retune to your favorite frequency. Step-StartInrush Protection When you first turn on your ampl ifier, a massive inrushcurrent flows. Your house l ights fl icker as you hear a load "thump" from yourampli fier. This terrible inrush current stresses all your power supplycomponents to their l imits. Your cold tube filament suffers abusive thermalshock. Eventually, this massive inrush current will damage your amplifier. TheAL-80B special Step-Start Inrush Protection stop damaging inrush current. Bystarting your AL-80B through a 10 ohm current l imiting resistor, then shortingthe resistor with a relay, the AL-80B gives you a start up sequence thats easyon your tube and power supply components. Multi-Voltage Power TransformerExcessive line voltage stresses components and causes them to wear out. Lowl ine voltage causes a "soft-tube" effect -- low output and signal distortion.Ameritrons exclusive Multi-Voltage Power Transformer lets you optimize fordifferent l ine voltage. Select from 14 different primary voltages from 90 - 140VAC and 205 to 250 VAC. The high voltage secondary can be wired toreduce plate voltage for efficient operation below 400 watts for use outsidethe USA. Dual Il luminated Cross-Needle Meters Ameri trons dual i l luminatedcross-needle meters give you four separate meters to monitor your operatingconditions -- you can tell right away if something is wrong. Grid current, platecurrent and forward PEP output power are continuously monitored to tell youof improper loading and abnormal conditions. The fourth meter can beswitched to monitor you 3-500 tube DC plate voltage, reflected PEP powerand the SWR of your antenna, ALC voltage to your rig and the grid currentthat starts ALC action -- you get a clear operating picture of your AL-80B.QSK Included For lightning fast QSK operation this ampl ifier includes theAmeritron electronic PIN diode QSK switch Internal Switch (QSK-5PC). PlusMore... An Operate/Standby switch lets you run barefoot, but you caninstantly swi tch to full power i f you need it. Has transmit LED; 12 VDC, 200mA accessory jack; 12 VDC keying relay for sol id state and tube rigs; tough,nearly indestructible Lexan front panel. Shipped with transformer installedand wired for 120 VAC. Draws 12 amps at 120 VAC. Two Year Warranty: In theunl ikely even that there are defects in materials or workmanship Ameritronwill fix it free for 2 years. The 3-500 tube is covered by the tubemanufacturers warranty.

1 pc: 51 540 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (26)








AL-800XCE HF AMPLIFIER, 1.25KW,800 TUBE, EXPORT, CEPA >1.25kW SSB PEP (1kW CW) / 70Win; 3CX800A7 tube;160-10m; 230VAC

Ameri tron’s compact AL-800 / AL-800H amps are both desktop linears withplenty of muscle! At 14.25" x 8.5 x14.5", the more compact AL-800 uses asingle 3CX800A7 to provide 1250 Watts PEP SSB and 850 Watts CW with 85Watts typical drive level . And the AL-800 will even run from a 20-Amp 120VAC line source i f desired. AL-800 typically draws 17 Amps peak current at120 VAC, or 8 Amps at 240 VAC and weighs just 51 lbs. For more power andheadroom, the AL-800H uses a pair of 3CX800A7 tubes to easily provide1500 Watts PEP/CW with a typical drive level of just 55 Watts. The AL-800Hdraws 14 Amps peak current at 240 VAC (1500 Watts CW output) and weighsjust 52 lbs. Other than power differences, these amplifiers are very simi lar infeatures and operation. Both cover 160-15 Meters, and are modifiable tocover 12/10 M with proof of your FCC license. Both include a Step-Start™input power circuit, a time delay circui t to allow for tube warm-up, thermaloverload protection, grid current l imiting to protect your tube(s), aDynamicBias™ circui t and a buil t-in mul ti-voltage (14 user-selectable AC linevoltages from 90-140; 200-250 VAC) heavy duty power transformer. Hefty 32lb. grain orientated sil icone steel core transformer. Front panel monitoringand tuning functions are also virtually identical . Both amplifiers include aStandby/Operate swi tch for barefoot or full power operation, an ALC SETcontrol , Transmit and Faul t LEDs. Dual LED i lluminated Cross-Needle metersprovide detailed monitoring of amplifier performance. The left metercontinuously measures grid and plate currents, and the right metercontinuously measures peak RF output power on one scale, and platevoltage, Reflected power and SWR, ALC vol tage, and ALC adjustment set.Quiet pressurized ventilation keeps tubes safely cooled. A Pi /Pi-Loutputnetwork gives you smooth tuning and wide matching range. Vernier reductiondrives make tuning and loading adjustments smooth and easy. Output Power:1250 Watts PEP, single 3CX800A7 Al l band operation: 160-15 metersincluding WARC bands. User modifiable for 12 and 10 meters. GenuineEimac tube: Single Eimac 3CX800A7. Tuned input circuit: Adjustable slugtuned input ci rcuit. Output network: Pi/Pi-L gives you smooth tuning and widematching range. Tube protection: Grid current l imiting circui t protects yourtubes. ALC control : Front panel adjustable, true ALC control . VernierReduction drives: Tuning and loading reduction drives make adjustmentssmooth and easy. Heavy Duty power supply: Uses 32 lb. grain orientate sil iconsteel core transformer and high capacitance computer grade fi lter capacitors.Multi -voltage operation: 14 user selectable AC l ine vol tage from 90 - 140VAC; 200-250 VAC. Air cooled: Quiet pressurized ventilation keeps tubessafely cooled. Dual i l luminated cross-needle meters: Two cross-needle metersthat read peak forward power, reflected power, SWR, high vol tage, grid currentand plate current. Step-Start Inrush Protection: Stops damage to yourampl ifier from inrush current. Attractive Lexan front panel decal CompactDesktop Size One Year Warranty CE certi fied: This product is CE certified andis compliant with all EU legislation for use in the European Economic Area.

1 pc: 62 150 Kč

AL-572XQPA 1.3kW SSB PEP (1kW CW)/75Win; 4x 572B tube; 160-10m;QSK; 230VAC

HF AMP, 1300W, (4) 572B, QSK, 200/220/240,EXPORT Ameritrons new classof Near Legal Limi t Amplifiers give you nearly full legal SSB power output for65% of the price of a ful l legal l imit amplifier... and no one will ever know thedifference! You get 1300 Watts PEP SSB nominal power out on amateurbands 160-15M. Four rugged 572B tubes give you near legal l imit power andinstant 3 second warm-up time. This whisper quiet, desktop linear plugs intoyour nearest 120 VAC outlet - no special wiring needed. You get ...Ameri trons exclusive Instantaneous RF Bias, dynamic ALC, ParasiticKiller,Step-Start Inrush Protection...heavy duty power supply... ful ly neutral izedtubes...Pi /Pi-L network...tuned input...pressurized venti lation... dual l ightedCross-Needle meters... multi-voltage power transformer... front panel ALCcontrol ....6:1 vernier reduction drives... much more! Four rugged Tubes TheAL-572 uses four rugged fully neutralized tubes. Each tube has a heavy dutyGraphi te Anode, low loss which Ceramic Base, superior T itanium Getter andlegendary quality. Ameritrons exclusive ParasiticKi ller effectively suppressesall parasitic oscillations. Near Legal Limit Power Output Youll typically get1300 Watts PEP SSB, 1000 Watts CW continuous, 1000 Watts 1/2 hour PEPtwo-tone test on all amateur bands from 160 through 15 Meters (WARC bandsand 10 Meters with reduced performance -- user modified for 10/12 Meterswith license). Instantaneous RF Bias el iminates heat Ameri trons exclusiveInstantaneous RF Bias completely turns off the 572B tubes between wordsand dots and dashes. it eliminates hundreds of watts wasted as heat to giveyou cooler operations nd longer component li fe. Dynamic ALC doublesaverage SSB power Ameritrons exclusive Dynamic ALC gives you high level,low distortion RF processing it can more than double your average SSBpower. Front panel control lets you adjust output power. Heavy duty PowerSupply A heavy duty power supply using a high sil icon steel transformerdelivers 2500 volts 0.7 amps with good regulation. The plate supply uses aful l wave doubler, 200 amp peak surge current diodes, 7 watt, 50 K ohm wirewound bleeder resistors and a bank of high quality computer grade capaci torstotaling 26 ufd. Step-Start Inrush Protection When you turn on your ampl ifier,a massive inrush current flows. Eventually this current wil l damage yourampl ifier. Ameritrons Step-Start Inrush Protection l imits damaging inrushcurrent to your power supply and tube filament. This greatly extends the l ifeof your amplifier components and tubes. Pi/Pi-L Output Network The AL-572Pi/Pi-L output network gives you exceptionally smooth tuning, wide matchingrange, full band coverage and peak performance at all power levels. Ballbearing vernier reduction drives on plate and load controls make tuningprecise and easy. Detailed logging scales let you quickly return to yourfavorite frequency. Tuned Input lets your rig del iver ful l output A Pi-Networktuned input using slug tuned coils provides a good 50 ohm load for your rig.Even the fussiest sol id state rig wi ll del iver full power to your AL-572. WhisperQuiet pressurized cooling A whisper quiet internal fan draws in cool ai r overpower supply components and pressurizes the tube compartment to removeheat for longest life. To lighted Cross-Needle Meters Gride current, platecurrent and forward PEP output power are continuously monitored to tel l youof improper loading and abnormal conditions. A fourth scale switches amongpeak reflected power (and SWR), high voltage, ALC threshold and ALC outputvoltage. Multi -Voltage Power Transformer Ameritrons Mul ti-Vol tage PowerTransformer has a unique buck-boost winding. It lets you select from 14primary vol tages centered on 115 and 230 VAC. You can match your AL-572to your AC line vol tage so youll get peak performance and long componentlife -- regardless of your line vol tage. QSK Included For l ightning fast QSKoperation this amplifier includes the Ameritron electronic PIN diode QSKswitch Internal Switch (QSK-5PC). Plus More! An Operate/Standby switch letsyou run barefoot, but you can instantly switch to full power i f you need it.Transmit LED; 12 VDC, 200 mA accessory jack; 12 VDC keying relay for solidstate/tube rigs; tough, nearly indestructible Lexan-over-aluminum front panel.Shipped with transformer installed and wired for 220 VAC. Ameritron WarrantyIn the unlikely even that there are defects in materials or workmanship,Ameri tron will fix your AL-572 free for a full year. Made in the USA

1 pc: 57 990 Kč

AL-800HXCEPA >1.5kW CW,SSB PEP/55Win; 2x 3CX800A7; 160-10m;QSK-5PC; 230VAC

HF AMPLIFIER, 1.5 KW+, 2X800 TUBES, EXPORT, CE Ameri tron’s compactAL-800 / AL-800H amps are both desktop l inears wi th plenty of muscle! At14.25" x 8.5 x 14.5", the more compact AL-800 uses a single 3CX800A7 toprovide 1250 Watts PEP SSB and 850 Watts CW with 85 Watts typical drivelevel . And the AL-800 wi ll even run from a 20-Amp 120 VAC line source ifdesired. AL-800 typically draws 17 Amps peak current at 120 VAC, or 8 Ampsat 240 VAC and weighs just 51 lbs. For more power and headroom, theAL-800H uses a pair of 3CX800A7 tubes to easi ly provide 1500 WattsPEP/CW with a typical drive level of just 55 Watts. The AL-800H draws 14Amps peak current at 240 VAC (1500 Watts CW output) and weighs just 52 lbs.Other than power differences, these ampl ifiers are very simi lar in features andoperation. Both cover 160-15 Meters, and are modifiable to cover 12/10 Mwith proof of your FCC l icense. Both include a Step-Start™ input powercircuit, a time delay circuit to allow for tube warm-up, thermal overloadprotection, grid current l imiting to protect your tube(s), a DynamicBias™circuit and a bui lt-in mul ti-voltage (14 user-selectable AC line voltages from90-140; 200-250 VAC) heavy duty power transformer. Hefty 32 lb. grainorientated sil icone steel core transformer. Front panel monitoring and tuningfunctions are also virtually identical . Both ampli fiers include aStandby/Operate switch for barefoot or full power operation, an ALC SETcontrol, Transmit and Fault LEDs. Dual LED il luminated Cross-Needle metersprovide detailed monitoring of amplifier performance. The left metercontinuously measures grid and plate currents, and the right metercontinuously measures peak RF output power on one scale, and platevoltage, Reflected power and SWR, ALC voltage, and ALC adjustment set.Quiet pressurized ventilation keeps tubes safely cooled. A Pi/Pi-Loutputnetwork gives you smooth tuning and wide matching range. Vernier reductiondrives make tuning and loading adjustments smooth and easy. Output Power:1500 Watts PEP, double 3CX800A7 All band operation: 160-15 metersincluding WARC bands. User modi fiable for 12 and 10 meters. GenuineEimac tube: Two Eimac® 3CX800A7. Tuned input circui t: Adjustable slugtuned input circuit. Output network: Pi /Pi-L gives you smooth tuning and widematching range. Tube protection: Grid current l imiting ci rcuit protects yourtubes. ALC control: Front panel adjustable, true ALC control. VernierReduction drives: Tuning and loading reduction drives make adjustmentssmooth and easy. Heavy Duty power supply: Uses 32 lb. grain orientate sil iconsteel core transformer and high capacitance computer grade fil ter capacitors.Multi-voltage operation: 14 user selectable AC line voltage from 90 - 140VAC; 200-250 VAC. Air cooled: Quiet pressurized venti lation keeps tubessafely cooled. Dual i l luminated cross-needle meters: Two cross-needle metersthat read peak forward power, reflected power, SWR, high voltage, grid currentand plate current. Step-Start Inrush Protection: Stops damage to yourampli fier from inrush current. Attractive Lexan front panel decal CompactDesktop Size One Year Warranty

1 pc: 89 900 Kč

AL-82XCE PA 1500W 160-10M WITHTUBESPA >1.5kW CW,RTTY (>1.8kW PEP)/100Win; 2x 3-500Z tubes;160-10m; 230VAC

AMPLIFIER, 1500W, EXPORT, CE, TWO 3-500Z Ameritron's Dual 3-500ZAmplifier The Ameri tron AL-82 Linear Ampli fier is designed to give you yearsof trouble free service at the full legal output power limit. An 1800 wattcontinuous commercial rated Hypersil transformer is standard with heavy dutyrectifiers in a full wave bridge supply with computer capaci tors. Two biassettings al low ei ther high efficiency RTTY and CW operation at 1500 watts ofoutput at nearly 70% plate efficiency or low distortion 1500 watts PEP, SSBor SSTV output. Silver plated tank components provide high efficiencyoperation above 20 meters. The Pi-L tank circui t permits full impedancematching capability over the enti re 160 meter band. The tuning capacitorsand bandswitch have a 35% safety factor to virtually eliminate tank circuitcomponent failures, even under adverse operating condi tions. The coolingsystem keeps the components and tube safely below the manufacturersratings, even while operating at 1500 watts output wi th a steady carrier. Thefilament supply has inrush current l imiting to insure maximum tube life.Shielding and by-passing help prevent TVI and RFI at the high power levelsin the AL-82. The AL-82 has two il luminated meters. One is the Grid CurrentMeter that provides a continuous reading of the 3-500ZG grid current. This isan Ameritron fi rst. Grid current indicates proper amplifier performance betterthan any other parameter. The other is a mul ti-meter that displays platevoltage, plate current, peak R.F. output power and drive power/ALC detectorvoltage. Some competing amplifiers using two 3-500ZGs cant del iver asmuch power as the AL-82. Why? Because the lightweight power suppl ies theyuse dont del iver enough high voltage to permit use of the ful l capabi lity ofthe two 3-500ZGs. The AL-82 corrects this problem while stil l keeping theprice at a reasonable level . The power supply in the AL-82 has a commercialservice rated 32 pound tape wound Hypersil transformer and heavy dutyrectifiers in a full wave bridge circui t with computer grade capacitors. No loadvoltage is 3600 V; full load voltage 3300V -- better than most competing dual3-500ZG ampl ifiers. Examine the features and component ratings of theAL-82 is a well engineered amplifier, bui lt to give you years of power houseservice. AL-82 Specifications: Frequency coverage: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 MHzand WARC bands. Export/User modified models include 28MHz. InputCircui t:Adjustable pi-network, VSWR 1.2:1 or less at resonance. Output circuit:Pi-L/Pi network. Input Bandwidth: 20% for 2:1 VSWR or better. Efficiency:CW/SSB nearly 70% Operating Weight: 76lb. Dimensions: 18 1/2"D x 17"W x10"H Power Requirement: 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 15 Amperes. High Voltage:3300 V full load, 3600 V no load.

1 pc: 80 690 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (27)

















AL-82XQCE PA 1500W 160-10MWITH TUBESPA >1.5kW CW,RTTY (>1.8kW PEP) / 100Win; 2x 3-500Z; 160-10m;QSK-5PC; 230VAC

AMPLIFIER, TWO 3-500Z, QSK, EXPORT, CE Ameritron's Dual 3-500ZAmpli fier The Ameritron AL-82 Linear Ampl ifier is designed to give you yearsof trouble free service at the ful l legal output power limi t. An 1800 wattcontinuous commercial rated Hypersil transformer is standard with heavy dutyrecti fiers in a full wave bridge supply with computer capacitors. Two biassettings allow either high efficiency RTTY and CW operation at 1500 watts ofoutput at nearly 70% plate efficiency or low distortion 1500 watts PEP, SSBor SSTV output. Si lver plated tank components provide high efficiencyoperation above 20 meters. The Pi-L tank circuit permits full impedancematching capabili ty over the entire 160 meter band. The tuning capaci torsand bandswitch have a 35% safety factor to vi rtually eliminate tank ci rcuitcomponent failures, even under adverse operating conditions. The coolingsystem keeps the components and tube safely below the manufacturersratings, even while operating at 1500 watts output with a steady carrier. Thefilament supply has inrush current l imiting to insure maximum tube li fe.Shielding and by-passing help prevent TVI and RFI at the high power levelsin the AL-82. The AL-82 has two il luminated meters. One is the Grid CurrentMeter that provides a continuous reading of the 3-500ZG grid current. This isan Ameritron first. Grid current indicates proper ampli fier performance betterthan any other parameter. The other is a multi-meter that displays platevoltage, plate current, peak R.F. output power and drive power/ALC detectorvoltage. Some competing amplifiers using two 3-500ZGs cant deliver asmuch power as the AL-82. Why? Because the l ightweight power supplies theyuse dont deliver enough high vol tage to permit use of the full capability ofthe two 3-500ZGs. The AL-82 corrects this problem whi le sti l l keeping theprice at a reasonable level. The power supply in the AL-82 has a commercialservice rated 32 pound tape wound Hypersil transformer and heavy dutyrecti fiers in a ful l wave bridge circuit wi th computer grade capaci tors. No loadvoltage is 3600 V; ful l load vol tage 3300V -- better than most competing dual3-500ZG amplifiers. Examine the features and component ratings of theAL-82 is a wel l engineered ampli fier, built to give you years of power houseservice. AL-82 Specifications: Frequency coverage: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 MHzand WARC bands. Export/User modified models include 28MHz. InputCircuit:Adjustable pi-network, VSWR 1.2:1 or less at resonance. Output circuit:Pi-L/Pi network. Input Bandwidth: 20% for 2:1 VSWR or better. Efficiency:CW/SSB nearly 70% Operating Weight: 76lb. Dimensions: 18 1/2"D x 17"W x10"H Power Requirement: 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 15 Amperes. High Vol tage:3300 V full load, 3600 V no load.

1 pc: 88 640 Kč

Transmitting Tube 811A TUBETube 811A from Ameritron - spare part 380-0811A

1 pc: 748 Kč

Transmitting Tube 811A - MATCHEDPAIR OF TUBESMatched Pair of 811A Tubes from Ameritron - spare part380-0811A-2M

1 pc: 1 545 Kč

QSK-5PCPCB KIT 2.5 KW, Pin Diode T/R QSK SwitchThis self-contained AMERITRON QSK-5 Transmit/Receive Switch useselectronic PIN diode switching to give you lightning fast QSK operation fromnearly any HF linear amplifier. It lets you use your linear ampli fier for highpower QSK CW, for packet, AMTOR and any mode requiring extremely fastswitching between transmit and receive. Installation is simple. Just plug in afew cables to start enjoying QSK. There is no complicated internal wiring.The world’s most advanced QSK switch has new technology that’l l make yourampl ifier last longer and prevent TVI, RFI and key clicks. AMERITRON’sexclusive AmpSaver™ (available in QSK-5PC and QSK-5PCI) completelyturns off your power ampl ifier tube current between dots, dashes and words!This new QSK technology gets rid of unwanted power dissipation that causesdamaging heat. Your expensive amplifier runs cooler so every component inyour ampl ifier lasts longer. Our exclusive SureSwitchTM handshakingprevents “hot switching” RF power. Prevents TVI, RFI, key cl icks and possibledamage to your amp. The QSK-5 is six times faster than a typical mechanicalvacuum relay “QSK” switch that can just barely keep up with QSK transceivers.As radios get faster and better, mechanical swi tching just won’t be able toswitch fast enough. Unlike noisy mechanical vacuum relays, the QSK-5 isextremely quiet. There’s no relay chatter keeping you from enjoying QSK.You won’t have to pay for QSK again if you buy another ampl ifier. Unplug theQSK-5 and use it wi th your new amp. Handles 2500 Watts PEP and 2000Watts CW in normal amateur service when SWR is below 1.5:1. Handles 750Watts on continuous carrier modes such as RTTY, SSTV, and FM. Optionalcooing fan (CF-5) allows sustained operation at 1500 Watts in any mode. Usewith positive voltage keying up to +25 Volts. 6" x 4" x 9 ˝". Internal QSKAvailable for the following AMERITRON models: AL-80B, AL-1500, AL-1200,AL-82, AL-800, AL-800H.

1 pc: 7 950 Kč

QSK-5X2.5 KW, Stand-alone Pin Diode T/R QSK Switch, 230V

Use this QSK-5X Ameritron PIN TX/RX switching unit to give you lightningfast QSK operation from nearly any HF linear amplifier for extra quickswitching. Extremly fast (six times faster than a typical mechanical vacuumrelay). For Packet Radio, AMTOR, CW and any mode requiring extremly fastswitching between transmit and receive. Prevents TVI, RFI and key cliks.Handles 2500W PEP or 2000W CW when SWR is below 1.5:1. Handles 750Won continuous carrier modes such RTTY, SSTV and FM. The optional coolingfan sustained operation on 1500W in any mode.

1 pc: 10 590 Kč

Accessories for PA

OKB-1Interface cable for control of PA AMERITRON with YAESU FT857,FT897

1 pc: 300.50 Kč

ARB-704Amplifier-Transceiver Interface for all transceiver

1 pc: 1 590 Kč

Microphones, Headphones, Headsets


DM-045Dynamic microphone 50-16000Hz, 250Ohm., 1.3mV/Pa/1kHz

Nostalgic dynamic microphone, in the look of the 50s/60s. For stage, speechand vocals. Of cardioid characteristic, neodymium magnet, chromium-platedversion. Including foam-padded plastic case. Technical Facts MicrophonesSystemdyn./cardioid Frequency range50-16,000Hz Impedance250?Sensitivity1.3mV/Pa/1kHz Max. SPL130dB Bodymetal, si lverDimensions71x179x55mm Weight670g Connection, microphoneXLR

1 pc: 1 099 Kč

DM-065Dynamic microphone 50-16000Hz, 250Ohm., 1.3mV/Pa/1kHz

Nostalgic dynamic microphone, in the look of the 50s/60s. For stage, speechand vocals. Of cardioid characteristic, low-noise on/off switch, chromium-plated version. Including foam-padded plastic case. Technical FactsMicrophones Systemdyn./cardioid Frequency range50-16,000HzImpedance250? Sensitivity1.3mV/Pa/1kHz Max. SPL135dB Bodymetal, si lverDimensions54x175x68mm Weight550g Connection, microphoneXLR

1 pc: 1 159 Kč

DM-2800Dynamic microphone 50-18000Hz, 250Ohm., 1.5mV/Pa/1kHz

1 pc: 1 295 Kč

DM-70/SWDynamic microphone 100÷10000Hz; 600Ohm.; black

1 pc: 99.00 Kč

DM-88/BCDynamic microphone 80-12000Hz, 500Ohm., anthracite

1 pc: 399.00 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (28)


















PA desk microphones ECM-200Table microphone, JACK 6,3, supply 1,5V (AA)

General Information Frequency range 60-12,000Hz Sensitivity 6mV/Pa/1kHzImpedance 1kOhm S/N ratio > 40dB Admiss. ambient temp. 0-40 °C Powersupply 1 x 1.5V batt. AA size Dimensions console housing only75x25x110mm Total length of gooseneck 200mm Weight 380g Connections6.3mm plug

1 pc: 730 Kč

HM-30Dynamic headband microphone 300-16000Hz, 1mV/500Ohm.,black

1 pc: 399.00 Kč

Microphone shields

WS-100Microphone windshields, clamp for stand

1 pc: 299.00 Kč

WS-200/SWMicrophone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.2-4mm

For microphones with dia. 2-4mm Dimensions: dia. 7mm x 15mm Sui tablee.g. for HSE-200

1 pc: 85.00 Kč

WS-200/SKMicrophone wind shields of skin-coloured foam, for microphoneswith dia.2-4mm

1 pc: 85.00 Kč

WS-150/SWMicrophone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.4-6mm, set 4pcs.

For microphones with dia. 4-6mm Dimensions: dia. 11mm x 12mm Sui tablee.g. for ECM-500L/SK, ECM-501L/SK, HSE-60/SK, HSE-150/..., HSE-152/...

1 set: 95.00 Kč

WS-150/SKMicrophone wind shields of skin-coloured foam, for microphoneswith dia.4-6mm, set 4pcs.

1 set: 77.00 Kč

WS-300/SWMicrophone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.4-6mm

For microphones wi th dia. 4-6mm Dimensions: dia. 17mm x 29mm Sui tablee.g. for HSE-300...

1 pc: 109.00 Kč

WS-300/SKMicrophone wind shields of skin-coloured foam, for microphoneswith dia.4-6mm

1 pc: 85.00 Kč

WS-100/SWMicrophone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.6-8mm

For microphones with dia. 6-8mm Dimensions: dia. 18mm x 32mm Suitablee.g. for HSE-100

1 pc: 115.00 Kč

WS-10Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.7-9mm

For microphones with dia. 7-9mm Dimensions: dia. 14mm x 15mm Suitablee.g. for ECM-300L

1 pc: 29.00 Kč

WS-30Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.11-15mm

For microphones with dia. 11-15mm Dimensions: dia. 30mm x 51mmSuitable e.g. for ECM-200, PAM-10

1 pc: 25.00 Kč

WS-20Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.12-14mm

For microphones with dia. 12-14mm Dimensions: dia. 20mm x 22mmSuitable e.g. for ECM-3003, ECM-3005

1 pc: 20.00 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (29)

















WS-40Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.21-26mm

For microphones with dia. 21-26mm Dimensions: dia. 39mm x 55mmSuitable e.g. for DMG-600

1 pc: 29.00 Kč

WS-50Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.21-26mm

For microphones with dia. 21-26mm Dimensions: dia. 42mm x 65mmSuitable e.g. for ECM-100, ECM-600ST

1 pc: 29.00 Kč

WS-950Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.21-26mm

For microphones with dia. 21-26mm Dimensions: dia. 40mm x 154mmSuitable e.g. for ECM-950

1 pc: 85.00 Kč

WS-3Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.40-50mm

For microphones wi th dia. 40-50mm Sui table e.g. for DM-2500 andmicrophones of the same design

1 pc: 129.00 Kč

WS-60Microphone wind shields of black foam, for microphones withdia.40-50mm

For microphones with dia. 40-50mm Dimensions: dia. 60mm x 70mmSuitable e.g. for DM-2500

1 pc: 49.00 Kč

WS-5Set of 5 microphone wind shields black, red, green, yellow, blue,for microphones with dia.40-50mm

Set of 5 microphone wind shields, black, red, green, yellow and blue foam.For microphones with dia. 40-50mm. Sui table e.g. for DM-2500 andmicrophones of the same design.

1 set: 199.00 Kč

HEIL SOUND - Microphones foramateur radio

GM-4 GOLD MICROPHONEFULL-RANGE/HC4HEIL The Gold Standard of Microphones. Broadcast Full-Rangeand HC4 (DX Dream)

GM-4 has Cardioid Polar Pattern, impedance is 1000 Ohms. Microphone hasPTT switch and WIDE/NARROW switch. Frequency response WIDE is50Hz-16kHz/-3dB (+4dB/2000Hz, HC-4 element), NARROW is 600Hz-8kHz/-3dB (+4dB/2000Hz, HC-5 elemnt). Microphone has a XLR 4PIN maleconnector and the CC-1-XLR4 adapter is required to interface microphonewith your TCVR.

1 pc: 3 995 Kč

GM ELITE - GOLD ELITE DUALELEMENT MICROPHONEHEIL The Gold Elite Microphon with two microfon elements andPTT switch

The new Gold Eli te microphone is designed and crafted speci fical ly foramateur radio communications. It contains two distinctly di fferent highperformance dynamic elements that are available at the fl ip of a switch tomeet the di fferent types of communications. The WIDE posi tion has the HEILElite full range element producing smooth articulate 60Hz – 16 kHz audiowith the tradi tional Hei l +4 dB peak centered at 2 kHz. This gives the newGold Elite excellent voice articulation along with its ‘big bottom’ low end thatis so important for producing a well balanced, studio qual ity SSB signal . TheNARROW position features the new Hei l HC-5.1 dynamic element. In 1982Hei l Sound revolutionized amateur radio audio with their tailored responseHC-4 and HC-5 as the radios had no transmit tone adjustments. All of today'stransmitters have so. New mic technology to meet today’s new DSPtechnology. The ‘soft touch’ PTT switch is wired to pins 3 and 4 for transmitcontrol . The microphone audio is fed to pins 1 (shield) and 2 of the four pinXLR. The Gold El ite uses the HEIL CC-1-XLR4 Connecting Cables. The GoldElite microphone comes to you with a foam windscreen and a 5/8”-27microphone clip that is designed for our booms and desk stands.

1 pc: 4 320 Kč

GM-VINTAGE MICROPHONEHEIL The Gold Standard High Impedace Microphone for VintageRadios

GM-VINTAGE Microphone has Cardioid Polar Pattern, impedance is 30.000Ohms (buil t-in impedance transformer XT-1). Microphone has PTT switch andWIDE/NARROW switch. Frequency response WIDE is 60Hz-16kHz/-3dB(+4dB/2000Hz), in the NARROW position the low end response rolls off.Microphone has a XLR 4PIN male connector and the CC-1-XLR4 adapter isrequired to interface microphone with your TCVR.

1 pc: 4 270 Kč

HM-IC HANDI MIC iC MICROPHONEICOMHEIL Handy Microphone with IC electret (ICOM only) and PTT

The Heil Handi Mic Pro Plus represents completely new dynamic microphonetechnology designed for a wide range of professional applications such asl ive sound, commercial broadcast, and sophisticated recording. Its widefrequency range outperforms the tired, 30+ year old industry technology andcan withstand huge amounts of SPL. The end result is a microphone that cananswer the cal l to any appl ication. The Handi Mic Pro Plus is ideal for usewith tom drums where smaller microphones are needed, as well as insideLesl ie speakers. The Handi Mic is perfect for an interview microphone wherei ts small size makes i t a very low profi le microphone wi th great sound. Since1982, Hei l Sound has been the leading manufacturer of communicationsmicrophones and has a paramount understanding of phasing. When properlyapplied, this knowledge creates outstanding cardioid patterns wi thunbel ievable rear rejection that removes unwanted sounds that try to enterfrom the off axis rear. The pattern control of the Heil Handi Mic Pro Plus isoutstanding. This exceptional performance is achieved by using the idealcombination of materials for the large low mass diaphragm and a specialmixture of neodymium, iron, and boron that gives the Handi Mic Pro Plus thestrongest magnet structure available. Special attention has been paid to thephasing plug assembly wi th equally placed ports that sense audio frombehind, entering them out of phase. Thus, the Handi Mic Pro Plus produces avery linear cardioid pattern and reduces the proximity effect while achievingperfect articulation. This new Heil element is usable in extreme high soundpressure levels and is immune to overload condi tions making it perfect forvocal and live sound applications. The Handi Mic Pro Plus is supplied with astandard 5/8" -27 mic cl ip and a foam windscreen. CC-1-XLR4 or CH-1-adapter required to interface HM series microphone with your TCVR.

1 pc: 1 695 Kč

HM-12 HEIL GENESISHEIL Dynamic mcrophone for radiocommunications, with PTTswitch

CH-1 adapter required to interface HM series microphone with your TCVR.The new HM-12 microphone is designed speci fical ly for amateur radiocommunications. The high output full range ‘Genesis’ dynamic element isdesigned to work with just about every amateur radio low impedancetransmitter. The element is mounted in a unique internal shock mount andexhibits nearly –35 dB of rear rejection, which reduces background andambient noise from the transmitted signal. The Heil HM–12 exhibi ts a verynatural audio response from 80Hz – 14 kHz. The traditional Heil +4 dB peakcentered at 2 kHz gives the new HM-12 excel lent voice articulation balancedwith clean, clear low-end response producing a high quality AM, FM or SSBsignal. The ‘soft touch’ PTT switch is wired to pins 3 and 4 for transmittercontrol with the microphone signal fed to pins 1 and 2 of the four-pin XLR.The Heil HM -12 uses the HEIL CC-1-XLR4 Connecting Cables. The HM-12microphone has an internal foam windscreen and includes a 5/8”-27microphone cl ip that is designed for our booms and desk stands.

1 pc: 1 880 Kč

iCM HEIL microphone for ICOMHigh-performance microphone specially designed for owners ofearlier Icom transceivers

The iCM answers the audio problems for early iCOM transceiver owners. Aftera year of studying the mic preamps and working closely with iCOM America,Heil Sound introduced their iCM microphone. It is not the inexpensiveelectrets so common today, but a high performance condenser. It has veryhigh output to drive the low gain front ends of the early iCOMs and exhibi ts awide frequency range. The Heil iCM also works beautifully with the highergain PRO and 7800 series. The iCM simply makes iCOM radios come to life.The iCM Microphone contains the new Hei l iC, a high performance electretelement, in a beauti ful new platinum finish body. It is perfect for hand helduse or mounting on a desk stand or microphone boom. It is supplied wi th awindscreen and universal mic clip that will interface with a variety of standsand booms. The iCM comes complete with a self attached 8’ length of the‘Heilwire’ cable and terminates in the famil iar 8 pin Foster connector wired tomate with all early 8 pin iCOM front ends. The frequency range of the newhigh performance Hei l iC element is 35 Hz to 12 kHz. Perfect for the early(pre PRO) as wel l as current production (PRO 1,2,3 and 7800) iCOM rigs. TheHSTA 706 Adapter may be added to use this mic on iCOM 8 pin modularradios. A 1/4” female pig tail exits this 8 pin connector that allows theinterface of a foot switch or hand switch to control the PTT l ine. A ‘Soft touch’PTT switch is mounted on the body of the iCM. The iCM with the travelerHTA PC adapter also makes your computer come to l ife.

1 pc: 3 130 Kč

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PR781 DYNAMIC MICROPHONEHEIL Professional quality dynamic cardioid microphone for eliteclass transceivers

The amateur radio division of Heil Sound, Ltd. presents the PR 781, aprofessional quality dynamic cardioid microphone for amateur radio that isspeci fical ly designed for use wi th most makes of Eli te tranceivers of Kenwood,Yaesu, Ten Tec and iCOM. This is a truly remarkable dynamic microphone.Hei l engineers were requested by ICOM to develop a very specialmicrophone package for their new iC 7800 radio. They didn't want just amicrophone; they wanted a SUPER microphone for a super radio. The HeilPR 780 was born. The PR 781 is an improvement on the popular PR 780.The PR 781 is a beautiful performer into just about any microphone input,such as TS870, TS950, Pro 1, 2, 3, Yaesu Mark-V, FT1000MP, FT2000,FT5000, FT9000, IC7800 etc. Using one of the dynamic elements from theHei l broadcast division, the PR 781 offers beautiful wide frequency responsewhi le keeping that traditional Heil Sound articulation of the speech patternsomething ALL microphones seem to lack and that has been the mainstay ofthe Heil Sound line up. Parameters Generating Element: Heil PR DynamicFrequency Response: 50 Hz to 16,000 Hz Impedance: Balanced 600 OhmsOutput, 3 pin Polar Pattern: Cardioid Output Level: -55 dB Diaphragm:Low-mass aluminum Finish: Black Satin Epoxy Net Weight: 14 oz. The PR781 comes with the SM 1 GES08901460 mount. A CC-1-XLR K Y or i(K=Kenwood, Y=Yaesu and i=iCOM) is necessary to order for interface withany transceiver. Optionally you can order the microphone topless boomPL-2T GES08901459 , microphone shock mount SM-2C GES08901655 orthe classic base CB-1-PTT GES08901653 .

1 pc: 5 275 Kč

CC-1-XLR-I ADAPTER CC-1-XLR3 /ICOM 8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic-Pro,GM-Pro,Herritage (3PIN XLR) toIcom (8PIN), 2,5m

Cable for connecting balanced Proline microphone to TCVR. Cable has a3PIN XLR connector on microphone side, and a 8PIN ICOM microphoneconnector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector forHS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-XLR-K ADAPTER CC-1-XLR3 /KENWOOD 8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic-Pro,GM-Pro,Herritage (3PIN XLR) toKenwood (8PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting balanced Proline microphone to TCVR. Cable has a3PIN XLR connector on microphone side, and a 8PIN Kenwood microphoneconnector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector forHS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-POD ADAPTER CC-1-XLR3 /PC 1/8"HEIL Adapter cable for microphone (3PIN XLR) to PC (1/8" Stereo),2,5mCable for connecting microphone to personal computer.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-XLR-Y ADAPTER CC-1-XLR3 /YAESU 8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic-Pro,GM-Pro,Herritage (3PIN XLR) toYaesu (8PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting balanced Proline microphone to TCVR. Cable has a3PIN XLR connector on microphone side, and a 8PIN Yaesu microphoneconnector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector forHS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-XLR-YB ADAPTER CC-1-XLR3/ YAESU BALLANCEDHEIL Adapter cable for microphone (3PIN XLR) to Yaesuballanced, 2,5mCable for connecting balanced Proline microphone (PR 781, Heri tage, TheFin, PR 20, PR 30, PR 4, GM-5.1, HM-12, Handi Mic 4) to TCVR. Cable has a3PIN XLR connector on microphone side, and a 8PIN Yaesu microphoneconnector at TCVR side. Yaesu FT9000, FT2000, FT5000, FT-950. Cable hasa PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 footswitch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-XLR-3 Mikrofonní kabelCC-1-XLR3 / XLR3HEIL XLR 3PIN male to XLR 3PIN female Balanced ConnectorCable, 2.5m

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-C ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /COLLINS 3/16"HEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Collins (3/16"), 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 3/16" microphone connector at TCVR side. Cablehas a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 footswitch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 270 Kč

CC-1-D ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /DRAKE 4PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Drake (4 PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 4PIN microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable hasa PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 footswitch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-I ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 / ICOM8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Icom (8PIN) 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN ICOM (IC751, IC775, IC781, IC756PRO etc.)microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mmconnector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-IM ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /ICOM RJ8 MODULARHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Icom Modular (RJ 8PIN) 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN Modular (IC706 IC7000) microphone connectorat TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 handswitch or a FS-3 foot swi tch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-KM ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /KENWOOD RJ8 MODULARHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Kenwood Modular (RJ 8PIN) 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN Modular microphone connector at TCVR side.Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or aFS-3 foot swi tch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-K4 ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /4PIN KENWOODHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Kenwood (4PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 4PIN Kenwood (TS440, TS570, TS870, TS2000etc.) microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-K ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /KENWOOD 8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Kenwood (8PIN) 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN Kenwood (TS440, TS570, TS870, TS2000etc.) microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT female Jack6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-T ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /TEN-TEC 4PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Ten-Tec (4 PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 4PIN microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable hasa PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 footswitch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-Y4 ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /YAESU 4PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM, HM-12(4PINXLR) to Yaesu (4PIN) 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a older 4PIN Yaesu microphone connector at TCVRside. Cable has a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch ora FS-3 foot switch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-Y ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /YAESU 8PINHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Yaesu (8PIN), 2,5mCable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN Yaesu (FT847, FT920, FT950, FT990, FT1000,FT2000, FT5000, FT9000 etc.) microphone connector at TCVR side. Cablehas a PTT female Jack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 footswitch at TCVR side.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CC-1-YM ADAPTER CC-1-XLR4 /YAESU RJ8 MODULARHEIL Adapter cable Classic, GM, GOLD ELITE, HM-10,HM-12(4PIN XLR) to Yaesu RJ Modular (8PIN), 2,5m

Cable for connecting a microphone with a 4PIN XLR connector onmicrophone side, and a 8PIN flat RJ-Modular Yaesu (FT450, FT817, FT857,FT897 etc.) microphone connector at TCVR side. Cable has a PTT femaleJack 6,3mm connector for HS-2 hand switch or a FS-3 foot swi tch at TCVRside.

1 pc: 1 035 Kč

CH-1-I8 ADAPTER XLR4 / ICOM8PINHEIL Adapter Coil Cable for HM Microphone Series with ICOM8-PIN microphone connector

1 pc: 690 Kč

CH-1-IM ADAPTER XLR4 / ICOMMODULAR 8PINHEIL Adapter Coil Cable for HM Microphone Series with ICOMmodular microphone connector

1 pc: 690 Kč

CH-1-K8 ADAPTER XLR4 /KENWOOD 8PINHEIL Adapter Coil Cable for HM Microphone Series withKENWOOD 8-PIN microphone connector

1 pc: 690 Kč

CH-1-KM ADAPTER XLR4 /KENWOOD MODULARHEIL Adapter Coil Cable for HM Microphone Series withKENWOOD modular microphone connector

1 pc: 690 Kč

CH-1-YM ADAPTER XLR4 / YAESUMODULAR 8PINHEIL Adapter Coil Cable for HM Microphone Series with YAESUmodular microphone connector

1 pc: 690 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (31)




















HEIL SOUND - Microphones forbroadcasting

FIN BlueHEIL The Fin traditional dynamic microphone for live sound,recording and broadcast with Blue LED

Hei l Sound is pleased to introduce The Fin, exhibi ting a remarkable, natural,clear sound and designed especially for l ive sound, recording and broadcastapplications. The exceptional performance is achieved by the use of aspecial magnet structure with a large 1 1/8” aluminum low mass voice coilassembly simi lar to the Heil PR 20. The frequency response is 50 Hz - 18 kHzwith that traditional Heil Sound mid range ‘bouquet’ at 4 kHz, which presentsincredible bril l iance and presence. The Fin exhibits a tight l inear cardioidpattern. The chrome finish is a special ‘showchrome’ where the steel body iscopper plated and then double chrome plated producing a deep chromefinish. A blue molded internal foam windscreen inside the gril l covers the Heildynamic microphone element mounted in a specially tooled rubber shockmount. The fun part of the new Heil The Fin is the four blue L.E.D. lampsmounted inside. These can only be il luminated when using the FIN into oneof the 3 pin balanced XLR inputs of a professional mixing console thatsupplies a + 48 volt d.c. phantom vol tage down the balanced mic line.Standard 5/8” – 27 microphone stand threads allow the The Fin to bemounted on booms or floor stands. The microphone audio will also work intoan unbalanced low impedance input used on amateur radios,communications audio or simple public announcement systems. None ofthese wi ll have the proper voltage to il luminate the lamps but themicrophone wi ll work perfectly. Should you want to il luminate the lampswhen used for amateur radio, etc. The FIN can be used into one of thebalanced inputs of a small Behringer UB 802 (or similar) mixer or the 3 pinXLR balanced of a W2IHY 8 band equal izer, with their phantom poweractivated. The FIN is terrific for vocals, instrument amplifiers, harmonica, andspeech, and puts the FUN back into the dynamic microphone. For amateurradio use, a CC-1 XLR is needed to interface with your transceiver.

1 pc: 5 830 Kč

PR20 COMMERCIAL PROLINEDYNAMIC MICROPHONEHEIL Proline Cardioid Dynamic Voice and Instrument Microphone

The PR20 has been designed for commercial recordning and live soundreinforcement applications. Use a special magnet structure and a largealuminium 1-1/8" low mass voice coi l assembly. Frequency range is 50Hz to18kHz. Is usable in extrem high sound pressure levels and is immune tooverload condi tions maging perfect for vocals. This is one great l ive vocalmicrophone that has finally replaced the "ball mic" of the 1970s. Hei l PR20come in a leatherette carrying bag wi th mic clip, one gold+one black+onesilver microphone screen and acoustical foam windcsreen. For amateur radioa CC-1 XLR3 cable is needed to interface with your TCVR. PR-20 has a XLR3male connector. Impedance is 600 Ohms ballanced.

1 pc: 4 110 Kč

PR30 DYNAMIC PROLINE STUDIOMICROPHONEHEIL Proline Large Diameter Dynamic Studio Microphone

1 pc: 6 685 Kč

PR40 PROLINE BROADCASTSTUDIO MICRPHONEHEIL Proline Broadcast and Recording Studio Microphone

1 pc: 8 870 Kč

HEIL SOUND - MicrophoneManagement Hardware

HB-1 MICROPHONE ALL STEELBOOMHEIL quiet, freely moving, balanced, articulated, all steel mic boom

To answer the many requests for an economy microphone boom, Heil Soundpresents the Hei l HB-1. The HB-1 is an articulated arm which is of verysubstantial steel channel structure and balanced by four external springs.Capable of supporting microphones up to 2.5 lbs. The HB-1 is shipped with abrass l ined 'C' clamp mount that accept up to a 1.5" thick table. The HB-1 willfit al l of the brass l ined Heil mounting accessories: * DT-1 Flush Mount thatmounts through a 1.5" hole in the desk top * FL-2 Flange Mount secures toany flat surface * WM-1 Wall Mount * RS-1 12" Riser Mount The HB-1 Boomaccepts al l of the standard 5/8" -27 threaded microphone hardware. Thethreaded chrome stem can be secured into it's needed position by tighteningthe thumb screw.

1 pc: 1 855 Kč

PL2T MICROPHONE TOPLESSBOOMHEIL Microphone Topless Boom with Brass inserts in supplied CClamp

Suppl ied Accessories is C CLAMP 1,5" desk mount. On optional order is DT-1desk Toop flush mount, FL-2 Flange Mount, RS-1 Riser and WM-1 WallMount.

1 pc: 3 180 Kč

SB-2 MICROPHONE BOOMHEIL Small Boom Extendeable to 20", with Nylon Stern

Suppl ied Accessories is C CLAMP mount.

1 pc: 1 680 Kč

DT-1 DESK MOUNT FLUSHHEIL Desk Top Mount Flush with Brass Insert

1 pc: 930 Kč

WM-1 WALL MOUNTHEIL Wall Mount with Brass Insert for PL2T or SB2

1 pc: 585 Kč

RS-1 RISERHEIL Riser 12" (30,5cm)

1 pc: 740 Kč

FL-2 FLANGE MOUNTHEIL Flange Mount with Brass Insert and thumb screw

1 pc: 740 Kč

CB-1-PTT HEIL CLASSIC BASEHEIL Classic Base with PTT switch

1 pc: 2 070 Kč

SM-1 MICROPHONE SHOCKMOUNTHEIL 1" Mic Shock Mount for 1" mics GM, iCM, HM, PR20, PR781

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

PRSMC MICROPHONE SHOCKMOUNTHEIL 2" Mic Shock Mount in champagne for PR40

1 pc: 2 785 Kč


SE-90STEREO headphones 10-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., 2x0,05W, Jack3,5mm, weight 8g

1 pc: 319.00 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (32)



















These in-ear headphones CRONOE-12BSTEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., Jack 3,5mm,weight 14g

1 pc: 139.00 Kč

These in-ear headphones CRONOE-13BSTEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., Jack 3,5mm,weight 14g

1 pc: 109.00 Kč

These in-ear headphones CRONOE-14RSTEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., Jack 3,5mm,weight 14g

1 pc: 149.00 Kč

These in-ear headphones CRONOE-14MSTEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., Jack 3,5mm,weight 14g

1 pc: 149.00 Kč

SE-80STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,015W, Jack3,5mm, weight 2g

1 pc: 195.00 Kč

SE-62STEREO headphones 10-20000Hz, 2x16Ohm., 2x0,05W, Jack3,5mm, weight 4g

1 pc: 189.00 Kč

These in-ear headphones CRONOE-11WSTEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., Jack 3,5mm,weight 14g

1 pc: 90.00 Kč

SE-50STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,06W, Jack3,5mm, weight 17g

1 pc: 45.00 Kč

SE-20STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,02W, Jack3,5mm, weight 12g

1 pc: 39.00 Kč

MD-39STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,1W, Jack3,5mm, weight 28g

1 pc: 99.00 Kč

MD-302STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,05W, Jack3,5mm, weight 50g

1 pc: 270.00 Kč

MD-306STEREO headphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 2x0,05W, Jack3,5mm, weight 50g

1 pc: 270.00 Kč

MFJ-392B Lightweight RadioCommunication and SWLHeadphonesRadio Communication and SWL Headphones 16 Ohm / 450mW /100Hz-24kHz; Volume control; 3.5mm Jack

Impedance 16 Ohms / 1kHz, sensi tivity 102 dB/mW. Weight 230 gram (8ounces) only MFJ-392B is perfect for amateur radio and shortwave listening.Great for all modes -- SSB, FM, AM, data, and CW. Each earphone has anindividual volume control. Superb padded headband and ear cushioneddesign makes listening extremely comfortable. Youl l forget theyre even thereas you listen to stations all over the world! High-performance driver unitreproduces enhanced communication sound. Signals never sounded socrystal clear! MFJ-392B will bring out speech fideli ty you never knew existed.Has free 1/4 inch phono adapter. Near zero loss on signal transmission fromthe gold plated plug and cord. Super l ightweight earphones (8 ounces) comewith 9 feet of cord -- lets you easi ly move about and stil l l isten to your radio.MFJ-392B handles 450 mW and has a frequency response of 100-24,000 Hz.Impedance is 16 Ohms at 1 KHz, sensi tivity is 102dB/mW. Works in mono orstereo mode. The MFJ-392B also comes with MFJs No Matter What Warranty.

1 pc: 595 Kč

EP-302Set of foam cushions for earphones, 4pcs

1 set: 45.00 Kč

EP-4Set of small foam cushions for earphones

1 pc: 59.00 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (33)















EP-6/SWSet of miniature foam cushions for earphones

Consisting of 3 pairs (black) for earphones.

1 pc: 49.00 Kč


HM-15BStereoheadphones with volume control 18-22000Hz, 2x32Ohm.,with microphone 2,2kOhm,

1 pc: 89.00 Kč

HM-52BStereoheadphones 18-22000Hz, 2x32Ohm., with microphone2,2kOhm, 125g

1 pc: 119.00 Kč

HM-53BStereoheadphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., with microphone2,2kOhm, 168g

1 pc: 189.00 Kč

BH-003Stereoheadphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 30mW, mic. electret50-12500Hz, 170g

1 pc: 339.00 Kč

HM-54WStereoheadphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., with microphone2,2kOhm, 144g

1 pc: 339.00 Kč

BH-005Stereoheadphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 50mW, mic. electret50-12500Hz, 24

1 pc: 769 Kč

BH-004Stereoheadphones 20-20000Hz, 2x32Ohm., 100mW, mic.50-12000Hz, 150g

1 pc: 848 Kč

HEIL SOUND - Headsets for AmateurRadio

PS-3 PROSET 3 - ProfessionalHeadphoneHEIL SOUND professional headphone with exceptionalarticulation and clarity

A professional headphone with exceptional articulation and clarity, beautifulsonic accuracy in a closed back, l ightweight headset for moni toring inrecording and broadcast studios, podcasting and computer outputs. TheBasics accuracy in a closed back, l ightweight headset for monitoring inrecording and broadcast studios, amateur radio stations, podcasting andcomputer outputs. The HEIL Pro Set 3 features high quality 40 mmneodymium magnets and voice coils, l ightweight, ergonomically designedcushioned headband adjustable for maximum comfort while significantlyreducing outside noise. Supplied with three detachable cables. 1.8 M flexiblestraight cable. 1.8 M straight cord with mating iPhone/iPod compatible3.5mm plug. 3 M coil cord - all twist lock terminating in a 1/8" (3.5 mm)professional gold plated screw-on 1/4" (6.3mm) adapter. HEIL PRO SET 3Features: 10 Hz. – 22 kHz extended frequency response for exceptional clear,balanced sound reproduction Convenient folding construction for compacttransport and storage Ergonomic design with soft, adjustable cushionedheadband. Serious acoustical outside noise reduction Mid size design wi thinternal steel headband Soft padded, replaceable ear cushions Three twistlock detachable cables Gold-plated stereo and screw-on 1/4" adapter DriverDiameter: 40 mm Rare Earth Neodymium magnets Aluminum Inlay Ear CupSensitivity: 102 dB Extended Frequency Response: 10 Hz-22 kHz MaximumInput Power: 1,000 mW at 1 kHz Impedance: 32 ohms

1 pc: 2 915 Kč

PSE6 PROSET ELITE Elite Headsetwith Microphone Element HC6HEIL SOUND Elite Class Head Set with verry high degree ofoutside noise rejection.

Heil Sound is pleased to introduce the exci ting new Pro Set Eli te high-endboomset for the Amateur and Broadcast industries! The Pro Set Eli te offershighly efficient speakers mounted in acoustically-tuned enclosures, to providea very high egree of (passive) outside noise rejection. The Pro Set Eli teincludes Heil Sound's exclusive Phase Reversal system, which allows theoperator to put the incoming signals in and out of phase between the left andright ears, yielding on-the-fly creation of spatial separation of signals indynamic pile-up situations on today's crowded bands. The Pro Set Elite'sheadphones fold up for easy transportation and storage, and the Pro Set Eli teis unbelievably l ight in weight and comfortable. . .ideal for long operatingsessions. The Pro Set Elite's ear cushions are field-replaceable, and theycome with washable cotton covers. The Pro Set Eli te includes a six-footcoiled cable, which terminates in two plugs: one is a 1/8" (3.5 mm) stereo,which is the headphone plug (a 1" adapter is supplied). The other plug is a1/8" mono plug, which carries the microphone signal. Therefore, the Pro SetElite wi ll interface to the current AD-1 microphone adapter HEIL cables, asused with the Pro Set, BM-10, etc. The Pro Set El ite, in addi tion to beingspectacular for Amateur Radio use, also is outstanding for commercialbroadcast and podcast use. Includes Hei l Sound new HC6 dynamic element.The Pro Set Elite 6 includes Heil Sound's new HC-6 dynamic element. TheHC-6 is a full-range element, with the -3 dB points at 100 Hz on the low sideand 12.5 kHz on the high side, but addi tionally with a rise of +6 dB in the2000-3000 Hz range to enhance articulation on SSB circui ts (or during noisysportscasting applications). The HC-6 element sounds beauti ful on i ts own,but it also lends itself to the "equalization" features found on many modernDSP-based transceivers. An excellent demonstration of the capabilities of thenew HC-6 element, found on the new Pro Set El ite, is now up on our Websi te. Here is the link: www.heilsound.com/amateur/press/hc6.mp3 This briefdemonstration fi le shows the effect of simple DSP mic equalizer adjustments,performed in the transceiver's menu, allowing the HC-6 element to behave asa broadcast-qual ity microphone, an SSB all-around microphone, or a pile-upbusting DX microphone.

1 pc: 4 850 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (34)























PSEiC PROSET ELITE Elite Headsetwith Mic Element iC for ICOMHEIL SOUND Elite Class Head Set PSEiC for Icom with verry highdegree of outside noise rejection.Hei l Sound is pleased to introduce the exciting new Pro Set El ite high-endboomset for the Amateur and Broadcast industries! The Pro Set El ite iC offershighly efficient speakers mounted in acoustical ly-tuned enclosures, to providea very high egree of (passive) outside noise rejection. The Pro Set Elite iCincludes Hei l Sound's exclusive Phase Reversal system, which al lows theoperator to put the incoming signals in and out of phase between the left andright ears, yielding on-the-fly creation of spatial separation of signals indynamic pi le-up situations on today's crowded bands. The Pro Set Elite'sheadphones fold up for easy transportation and storage, and the Pro Set El iteis unbelievably light in weight and comfortable. . .ideal for long operatingsessions. The Pro Set Eli te's ear cushions are field-replaceable, and theycome with washable cotton covers. The Pro Set El ite includes a six-footcoiled cable, which terminates in two plugs: one is a 1/8" (3.5 mm) stereo,which is the headphone plug (a 1" adapter is supplied). The other plug is a1/8" mono plug, which carries the microphone signal . The Pro Set Elite, inaddition to being spectacular for Amateur Radio use, also is outstanding forcommercial broadcast and podcast use. Includes Heil Sound iC electretelement. The Pro Set El ite iC util izes Heil Sound's exclusive "iC" electretcondenser element, with the higher output that is so important on many(mostly earl ier) Icom transceivers. The -3dB points on the "iC" element are at80 Hz and 12.5 kHz, and the "iC" element does not have the pronounced riseabove 2000 Hz. The "iC" element requires +5 Volts of DC to power thecondenser element. The Pro Set Elite iC includes the AD-1-I8 adapter cablefor the Icom radios with 8-pin round microphone jacks. An excellentdemonstration of the capabi lities of the new HC-6 element, found on the newPro Set Eli te, is now up on our Web site. Here is the l ink:www.heilsound.com/amateur/press/hc6.mp3 This brief demonstration fi leshows the effect of simple DSP mic equalizer adjustments, performed in thetransceiver's menu, al lowing the HC-6 element to behave as a broadcast-quali ty microphone, an SSB all-around microphone, or a pile-up busting DXmicrophone.

1 pc: 5 140 Kč

PS-6 PROSET 6 - Headset withMicrophone Element HC6HEIL SOUND Highest Class Headset. With HC-6 MicrophoneElement

The Pro Set 6 util izes the new ful l-range HC-6 mic element, so popular onthe high-end Pro Set El ite 6. The HC-6 brings basically the samehighfrequency response as was found on the Pro Set 5's HC-5 mic element,but wi th a wider response on the bass side (down to about 150 Hz). Thisprovides greater fidelity for local operations, and modern DSP-based ham rigshave transmitter adjustments that can easily allow this bass response to berol led off, if desired. The Pro Series Boomsets are designed to meet the highstandards of the most critical Contester and DX Chasers. Rugged butlightweight headset reduces listening fatigue, reduces noise and enhanceintell igibil ity. Headset has special microphone element HC-6. Added aspeaker Phase Reversal switch alows to change the sound field between thetwo high quality speakers. "In Phase", the signal is centered in your head soyou can "see" it better. "Out of Phase", the signals are spatially widened sothey are easier to pick out of a pileup up. Use an AD-1 Series HEIL Adapter(not included) depending on your TCVR type. Therefore, the PS-6 willinterface to the current AD-1 microphone adapter HEIL cables, as used withthe other Pro Set.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

PS-iC PROSET ICOM - Headset withiC Microphone Element for ICOMHEIL SOUND Highest Class Headset. With iC Mike Element. ForICOM only.

The Pro Series Boomsets are designed to meet the high standards of themost critical Multi-Op Contester and DX Chasers. The Pro Set iC (PS iC)uti l izes the Heil Sound "iC" condenser element specially designed by HeilSound for compatibil ity with the low gain found on many Icom transceivers'mic amp stages. The PS iC is also shipped with the AD-1 iC adapter cable(the PS 4 requires an optional adapter cable so as to match the Pro Set toyour transceiver's mic jack requirements). PROSET ICOM is international lyapproved product of extra class. Rugged but l ightweight headset reduceslistening fatigue, reduces noise and enhance intell igibil ity. Headset hasspecial ful l range ICOM microphone element. Added a speaker PhaseReversal switch alows to change the sound field between the two high quali tyspeakers. "In Phase", the signal is centered in your head so you can "see" itbetter. "Out of Phase", the signals are spatial ly widened so they are easier topick out of a pileup up. The AD-1 Series HEIL Adapter for ICOM radio isincluded.

1 pc: 4 150 Kč

PSP windscreen, spare partHEIL SOUND Windscreen for PSP headset, spare part.

1 pc: 238.00 Kč

PSMP Award-winningcommunications headset designedfor use with your personal computerThe Pro Set Media Pro is an award-winning communicationsheadset designed for use with your PC

Based on Heil Sound's popular Pro Set communications headset, the Pro SetMedia Pro util izes a high-level condenser microphone element designedspeci fical ly for the requirements of computer sound card inputs. The result isbeautiful, broadcast-quality audio, with plug-and-play functionali ty. The ProSet Media Pro earphones are acoustically tuned, and they incorporate HeilSound's exclusive phase reversal feature that creates a spatial widening effectthat often makes incoming audio easier to understand. The Heil Sound ProSet Media Pro is terminated in two industry-standard 1/8" male plugs: theRed plug connects to the "Microphone" input jack on your sound card, whilethe Black plug connects to the sound card's audio output ("Headphone" or"Speaker" jack). The Media Pro comes to you with removable cotton ear padcovers that can be washed. The comfortable vinyl ear pads they cover canalso be removed, should they even need to be replaced. A foam wind screenis fitted over the microphone, and it also can easi ly be removed and/orreplaced. For outstanding audio on your computer-based communicationsapplications, choose the Heil Sound Pro Set Media Pro!

1 pc: 3 235 Kč


1 pair: 195.00 Kč

EP-BM-BLACKHEIL Ear Pad 2" (51mm) for BM5, BM10. Black, Pair

1 pair: 159.00 Kč

EP-BM-BLUEHEIL Ear Pad 2" (51mm) for BM5, BM10. Blue, Pair

1 pair: 159.00 Kč

EP-BM-REDHEIL Ear Pad 2" (51mm) for BM5, BM10. Red, Pair

1 pair: 159.00 Kč

BAG-1Special leatherette carrying bag for HEIL headsets PROSET andPROSET PLUS

1 pc: 745 Kč

BAG-2Special leatherette carrying bag for HEIL Quiet Phone, BM andTraveler

1 pc: 585 Kč

HEIL SOUND - Adapter Cables


1 pc: 770 Kč

AD-1-D ADAPTER for DRAKEMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for DRAKE

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-I8 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forICOM 8PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for ICOM with 8PIN round MICconnectorAdapter for ICOM IC730, IC735, IC745, IC751, IC761, IC765, IC720, IC725,IC726, IC756PRO, IC728, IC781, IC901, IC910, IC3200, IC7700, IC7800 etc.with 8PIN round microphone connector. Pin 1: Microphone In* Pin 5: PTTPin 6: PTT Ground Pin 7: Microphone Ground *Pin 1 also carries vol tage forthe electret elements used in Icom mics. This voltage must be blocked for useof Heil Sound dynamic elements.

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-iCM ADAPTER HEIL SOUNDfor ICOM MODULARMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for ICOM with MODULAR MICconnectorAdapter for ICOM IC703, IC706, IC2000, IC7000 etc. Pin 4: PTT Pin 5:Microphone Ground Pin 6: Microphone In* Pin 7: Ground *Pin 6 also carriesvoltage for the electret elements used in Icom mics. This vol tage must beblocked for use of Heil Sound dynamic elements.

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-K4 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forKENWOOD 4PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for KENWOOD with 4PIN MICconnector.Adapter for KENWOOD TS120, TS130, TS520, TS530, TS700, TS820,TS830, TR2200, TR7200, TR7400, TR7500 etc. wi th round 4 PINmicrophone connector. Good also for older Elecraft K3 with 4PIN roundconnector.. Pin 1: Microphone In Pin 2: PTT Pin 3: PTT Ground Pin 4:Ground

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-K8 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forKENWOOD, ELECRAFT 8PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for KENWOOD and ELECRAFTwith 8PIN round MIC connectorAdapter for KENWOOD TS 450, TS 570, TS 870, TS 940, TS 950, TS 2000etc. and for ELECRAFT K2 and ELECRAFT K3 with 8PIN round connector.Pin 1: Mic Pin 2: PTT Pin 7: Microphone Ground Pin 8: PTT Ground

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-KM ADAPTER HEIL SOUNDfor KENWOOD MODULARMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for KENWOOD with MODULAR8PIN MIC connectorAdapter for KENWOOD TS480, VHF/UHF Mobiles TM-V7, 707, 461 etc. Pin3: Ground Pin 4: PTT Pin 5: Microphone Ground Pin 6: Microphone In

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-T4 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forTENTEC 4PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for TEN-TEC with 4PIN MICconnectorAdapter for TEN-TEC (Orion)

1 pc: 609 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (35)


























AD-1-Y4 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forYAESU 4PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for YAESU with round 4PIN MICconnector4-pin Round (FT7, FT101, FT101Z, FT201, FT221, FT223, FT225R,FT227R, FT301, FT901, FT902 etc.) Pin 1: Ground Pin 2: Microphone In Pin3: PTT Pin 4: No Connection (*Ground on FT-221R)

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-Y8 ADAPTER HEIL SOUND forYAESU 8PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for YAESU with 8PIN round MICconnectorAdapter for YAESU with 8-pin Round (FT650, FT736, FT747, FT757, FT767,FT840, FT847, FT920, FT990, FT1000, MARK-V, FT2000, FT5000, FT9000etc.) Pin 6: PTT Pin 7: Ground Pin 8: Microphone In

1 pc: 609 Kč

AD-1-YM ADAPTER HEIL SOUNDfor YAESU MODULAR 8PINMicrophone adapter HEIL SOUND for YAESU with 8PIN MODULARMIC connectorAdapter for YAESU with 8PIN modular microphone connector (FT450, FT817,FT857, FT897 etc.) Pin 2: Ground Pin 3: PTT Pin 4: Microphone In Pin 5:Microphone Ground

1 pc: 609 Kč

HSTA-IM ADAPTER ICOMMODULARHEIL Adapter for ICOM IC703, IC706, IC208H, IC220H, IC2100,IC2720, V8000Adapter for headset HTSS or HTDS and transceiver (Modular conector).

1 pc: 690 Kč

HSTA-I8 ADAPTER ICOM 8PINHEIL Adapter for ICOM IC735, IC746, IC756, IC756PROII,IC756PROIII, IC7800Adapter for headset HTSS or HTDS and transceiver (8PIN).

1 pc: 690 Kč

HSTA-K8 ADAPTER KENWOOD8PINHEIL Adapter for KENWOOD with 8PIN conectorAdapter for headset HTSS or HTDS and transceiver.

1 pc: 690 Kč

HSTA-KM ADAPTER KENWOODMODULARHEIL Adapter for KENWOOD TS480, G707A, V7, V700AAdapter for headset HTSS or HTDS and transceiver (Modular conector).

1 pc: 690 Kč

HSTA-YM ADAPTER YAESUMODULARHEIL Adapter for YAESU with 8PIN MODULAR connector for FT817,FT857, FT897Adapter for headset HTSS or HTDS and transceiver.

1 pc: 690 Kč

ADMY-817 ADAPTER YAESUHEIL Mic Adapter 8PIN-male CC-1 type to 8PIN YAESU (FT817,FT857, FT897)

1 pc: 770 Kč

Traffic, Station, Contests

Contest Voice Keyer

MFJ-434B VOICE KEYERContest and DX Voice Keyer; 5 memories/75sec.; 165 x 64 x165mm

Microprocessor control led Contest Voice Keyer. 5 memories up to 75 seconds.Repeat delay 0,5 to 500 seconds. Transparent to Your microphone. Use 8-pinmodular or 8-pin round microphone plug. Internal jumpers let You customizeMFJ-434B to Alinco, Icom, Kennwood, Radio Shack or Yaesu. Use 9 Voltbattery or 9-15VDC wall charger (MW 96 - GES 075 000 52 fromGES-ELECTRONICS).

1 pc: 5 290 Kč

DC Multi Outlets

MFJ-1112 MULTIPLE OUTLETDC Multiple Outlet (6 pairs of RF bypassed binding posts)

1 pc: 1 190 Kč

VEC-316Deluxe DC Multiple Outlet up to 15A. Voltmeter 0-25VDC. "ON"LED.

1 pc: 1 590 Kč

MFJ-1117 MULTIPLE OUTLETHigh Current DC Multiple Outlet (2x 4 posts). 12-24VDC, 35A max.

1 pc: 1 720 Kč

DC-35Deluxe High Current DC Multiple-Outlet 12-24VDC. 2x(6+2) posts,Meter

1 pc: 2 250 Kč

MFJ-1128 MULTIPLE OUTLETDe Luxe High Current DC Multiple-Outlet 12-24VDC,12outl.,40Amax.,V-Meter 0-25V

1 pc: 2 780 Kč

MFJ-1129 MULTIPLE OUTLETDe Luxe High Current DC Multiple-Outlet 12-24VDC,10outl.,40Amax.,V-Meter 0-25V

1 pc: 3 040 Kč

Switches, PTT

Manual Switches for RF

MFJ-1703 ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna / Transmitter Crossover Switch

1 pc: 795 Kč

MFJ-1702 ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1IN / 2OUT; 1kWCW; <0,2dB; 0÷450MHz; UHF-fem;center ground

1 pc: 530 Kč

MFJ-1702C ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1IN / 2OUT; 1kWCW; <0,2dB; 0÷450MHz;UHF-female; center ground; lightning protection

1 pc: 1 060 Kč

MFJ-1702CN ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1IN / 2OUT; 1kWCW; <0,2dB; 0÷450MHz; N-female;center ground; lightning protection

1 pc: 1 190 Kč

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MFJ-1704 ANTENNA SWITCHAnt.switch 1IN / 4OUT; 1kWCW; <0,2dB; 0÷450MHz; UHF-female;center grnd; lightning protection

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

MFJ-1704N ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1IN / 4OUT; 1kWCW; <0,2dB; 0÷450MHz; N-female;center ground; lightning protection

1 pc: 2 250 Kč

MFJ-1701 ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1IN / 6OUT; 1kW CW; 1.8-30MHz; UHF-female;50-75Ohm; unused inputs grounded

1 pc: 2 120 Kč

MFJ-1700C ANTENNA SWITCHAntenna switch 1-6IN/1-6OUT; 1kW CW; 1.8-30MHz; UHF-fem;50-75 Ohm; unused input grounded

1 pc: 3 180 Kč

Remote Switches, for RF

RCS-10X REMOTE COAX SWITCHRemote Coax Switch, 8-position, 1.8 - 150 MHz; 5kW < 30MHz,2,5kW / 50MHz

The RCS-10 is a versatile antenna switch designed for 50-ohm systems. Ithandles high power, and sealed relays offer excellent l ife and connectionrel iabili ty. It requires only three small isolated control wires, plus a groundreturn that can even can be the coaxial cable shield. The relay box can bemounted indoors or outdoors. The RCS-10 Remote Antenna Switch selectsone-of-eight “antenna” connectors or “ports”, and connects those ports directlyto a single common port for a feedline. The RCS-10 wil l work well in nearlyany system requiring switching of unbalanced or coaxial l ines, especial lythose requiring good qual ity 50-ohm RF switches. The RCS-10 is a remotecontrol led switch using relay contacts. The control head can be convenientlylocated and only requires use of small low-voltage low-current telephone-typefourconductor control cable. Any swi tch port can be used as either an input oroutput, so you can select one-of-eight radios to one feedline or one-of-eightantennas to a radio. The Main Advantages of the RCS-10 are wiring cost,appearance, and convenience. The RCS-10 uses low voltage and lowcurrent, and can use inexpensive and easy-to-route control cables. Bulky andexpensive coaxial and control cables are not required, and wiring is verysimple. Since all cables route through one common point that can begrounded, lightning protection is almost always significantly better thanconventional wiring methods using multiple coaxial l ines into the operatingposition. The RCS-10 Relay Unit reliably handles power levels in excess of5,000 watts below 30MHz, and power levels of 2.5kW at 50MHz. Port-to-portisolation is typically in the 40dB range, but varies with frequency and theports being used. Loss is very low, and this switch can be considered losslessbelow 30MHz. More performance details are in the Remote Relay Unitsection of this manual. The RCS-10 Relay Unit can be used with any BCD(binary coded decimal) 12-16 volt dc 400mA control system, such as theRCS-12C Deluxe Control ler. (This unit is shipped with a standard manualRCS-10 controller.) The RCS-12C Deluxe Controller features push-buttonantenna selection, memory, hot-swi tching protection, and automatic antennaselection with band changes. The RCS-12C al lows manual selection ofmultiple antennas (up to eight possible antennas) on each band while lockingout any potential ly incorrect antenna choice! Ameritron RCS-10 InstructionManual 2 The RCS-10 Indoor Unit (shipped with this unit) has antennaindicator LED’s and a manual rotary selector switch. We have included anarea where you can label each antenna. It normally operates from +12 to +16volt dc power supplies, and consumes less than 600mA. When used wi th otherrelay systems, the RCS-10 (and RCS-12C) control units are capable ofswitching up to 25 volts with one ampere of relay current. The RCS-10 IndoorUni t can be used as an interface to convert standard 1-of-8 control input to aBCD output suitable for driving the RCS-10 remote relay box. The controlhead also outputs standard 1-of-8 control signals, l ike the RSC-8V systemuses. Control inputs must be 12 to 16 volts dc posi tive and capable ofsupplying at least 400mA. This feature allows other mul ti-wire controlsystems, like the RCS-8V system, to interface with the RCS-10 controller. In allcases, zero input or output vol tage selects antenna 1. The same output occurswhen voltage is appl ied to serial port one. Applying voltage to terminal oneilluminates the position one LED, but the BCD output remains 000. See theControl Logic Table on page 3 for swi tching detai ls.

1 pc: 4 770 Kč

RCS-10LX REMOTE COAX SWITCHRemote Coax Switch w/ lighting protection, 8-position,1.8-150 MHz;5kW < 30MHz, 2,5kW / 50MHzThe RCS-10 is a versatile antenna switch designed for 50-ohm systems. Ithandles high power, and sealed relays offer excellent l ife and connectionrel iabili ty. It requires only three small isolated control wires, plus a groundreturn that can even can be the coaxial cable shield. The relay box can bemounted indoors or outdoors. The RCS-10 Remote Antenna Switch selectsone-of-eight “antenna” connectors or “ports”, and connects those ports directlyto a single common port for a feedline. The RCS-10 wil l work well in nearlyany system requiring switching of unbalanced or coaxial l ines, especial lythose requiring good qual ity 50-ohm RF switches. The RCS-10 is a remotecontrol led switch using relay contacts. The control head can be convenientlylocated and only requires use of small low-voltage low-current telephone-typefourconductor control cable. Any swi tch port can be used as either an input oroutput, so you can select one-of-eight radios to one feedline or one-of-eightantennas to a radio. The Main Advantages of the RCS-10 are wiring cost,appearance, and convenience. The RCS-10 uses low voltage and lowcurrent, and can use inexpensive and easy-to-route control cables. Bulky andexpensive coaxial and control cables are not required, and wiring is verysimple. Since all cables route through one common point that can begrounded, lightning protection is almost always significantly better thanconventional wiring methods using multiple coaxial l ines into the operatingposition. The RCS-10 Relay Unit reliably handles power levels in excess of5,000 watts below 30MHz, and power levels of 2.5kW at 50MHz. Port-to-portisolation is typically in the 40dB range, but varies with frequency and theports being used. Loss is very low, and this switch can be considered losslessbelow 30MHz. More performance details are in the Remote Relay Unitsection of this manual. The RCS-10 Relay Unit can be used with any BCD(binary coded decimal) 12-16 volt dc 400mA control system, such as theRCS-12C Deluxe Control ler. (This unit is shipped with a standard manualRCS-10 controller.) The RCS-12C Deluxe Controller features push-buttonantenna selection, memory, hot-swi tching protection, and automatic antennaselection with band changes. The RCS-12C al lows manual selection ofmultiple antennas (up to eight possible antennas) on each band while lockingout any potential ly incorrect antenna choice! Ameritron RCS-10 InstructionManual 2 The RCS-10 Indoor Unit (shipped with this unit) has antennaindicator LED’s and a manual rotary selector switch. We have included anarea where you can label each antenna. It normally operates from +12 to +16volt dc power supplies, and consumes less than 600mA. When used wi th otherrelay systems, the RCS-10 (and RCS-12C) control units are capable ofswitching up to 25 volts with one ampere of relay current. The RCS-10 IndoorUni t can be used as an interface to convert standard 1-of-8 control input to aBCD output suitable for driving the RCS-10 remote relay box. The controlhead also outputs standard 1-of-8 control signals, l ike the RSC-8V systemuses. Control inputs must be 12 to 16 volts dc posi tive and capable ofsupplying at least 400mA. This feature allows other mul ti-wire controlsystems, like the RCS-8V system, to interface with the RCS-10 controller. In allcases, zero input or output vol tage selects antenna 1. The same output occurswhen voltage is appl ied to serial port one. Applying voltage to terminal oneilluminates the position one LED, but the BCD output remains 000. See theControl Logic Table on page 3 for swi tching detai ls.

1 pc: 5 790 Kč

Manual Switches, PTT

HS-2 Ergonomic push to talk handPTT switchHEIL "Magnum" Ergonomic Handswitch

1 pc: 848 Kč

Foot Switches

MFJ-1709 FOOT SWITCH PTTPTT Operator Foot Switch. 2-1/2Wx3-1/2Dx1-1/4H. 1/4in.phoneplug

1 pc: 545 Kč

FS-202 Foot operated push to talkfootswitchFoot switch, for stage equipment switching. Ideally suited for guitaramplifiers .

2 x on/off switching function Metal case, 5 m connection cable wi th 6.3 mmstereo plug

1 pc: 599 Kč

FS-3 Foot operated push to talkfootswitchHEIL Dual Footswitch for PTT controlling

The FS 3 is a single channel foot swi tch to control the transmit/receivefunction of an amateur radio transceiver. An 8' shielded cable is terminatedwith a commercial 1/4" plug connects into the Heil CC-1 and AD-1 cablesystem. The hinge bar is a solid chrome rod running through the top andbottom plates el iminating threaded screws that usually work loose. The hingebar is secured with 'C' fasteners.

1 pc: 690 Kč

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FS-2 Foot operated push to talkPTT dual footswitchHEIL Dual PTT Footswitch for controlling two devicessimultaneously

FS-2 Heil Dual Footswitch is a rugged, ergonomically correct device forcontrol ling two devices simultaneously. Two 10 AMP microswitches key aTCVR (leading, red) and PA (last, black). The Heil FS-2 is a unique productspecially designed for controlling two devices simultaneously. A typicalapplication would be to key a transceiver with the BLACK lead and an RFpower ampl ifier wi th the RED lead. Because of the design architecture, themicro-switch controlling the RED lead keys up first as the foot switch isdepressed, thus the RED lead turns on before the BLACK lead thus insuringthat the amplifier is keyed first before drive is applied from the transceiver thatkeys up last in the sequence. The Heil FS-2 features an ergonomical ly correctfoot switch wi th the hinge under your heel which requires much less effort andrelaxes the shin muscles during long periods of operation, such as contest andDxPedion operations. The hinge is a solid bar running through the entire topand bottom plates, eliminating threaded screws or fasteners that may workloose. The FS-2 has been designed for maximum comfort and reliabil ity. TheHei l FS-2 Dual Channel Foot Switch terminates into a 1/4" and RCA. TheRCA is common wi th many of the amplifier keying input connectors. The REDlead that wi ll control your amplifier can easi ly be fitted in the field with othertypes of connectors. The wire is easily soldered should you need to removethe RED amplifier lead. The 1/4" male BLACK lead connects into the 1/4"female pig tail of the Heil CC-1 connecting microphone cable assembly, thuscontrol ling the push to talk line of the exciter.

1 pc: 1 195 Kč

TVI, RFI, QRM Finding

Anti-TVI Filters for TV, Video etc.


Supress TVI with new 75 Ohm High Pass Filter from VECTRONICS (USA). Usebetween cable and TV or VCR. Reduces signals below 30 MHz. Low loss <0.5dB in TV passband 52-550MHz. Cutoff frequency 50MHz. Attenuation-60dB/10MHz, -55dB/20MHz, -40dB/30MHz. Impedance 75 Ohmunbalanced, 300 Ohm balanced. VSWR <1.5:1. Connectors F-CATV 75Ohms.

1 pc: 795 Kč


Supress TVI with new 75 Ohm High Pass Fi lter od VECTRONICS (USA). Usebetween cable and TV or VCR. Reduces signals below 30 MHz. Low loss <0.5dB in TV passband 54-550MHz. Cutoff frequency 52MHz. Attenuation-90dB/10MHz, -75dB/20MHz, -60dB/30MHz. Impedance 75 Ohmunbalanced, 300 Ohm balanced. VSWR <1.5:1. Connectors F-CATV 75Ohms.

1 pc: 590 Kč

TVIF-1 ANTENNA ANTI-TVI HIGHPASS FILTERHigh Pass TVI Filter. 48x42x22mm. TV-IEC male/femaleconnectors

High Quality Anti-TVI Fi lter for extremly effective RFI suppression from localamateur radio transmitter. Filter has corresponding TV-IEC male and femaleconnectors for connecting between TV receiver and coaxial antenna cable.Impedance 75 Ohm. Typical attenuation 47dB/1.8-30MHz, 41dB/50-52MHz,32dB/144-146dB, III.TV Band 3dB/174-230MHz, IV-V.TV Band3.3dB/470-790MHz.

1 pc: 539 Kč

Filters for transmitter - TX

MFJ-702B ANTENNA LOW PASSFILTERLow Pass Filter 100W, 1.5-30MHz/0.5dB max., 50Ohm, SWR 1.5:1

Be a good neighbor. Plug this Low Pass TVI Fi lter between your transmitterand antenna or tuner and reduce your transmitter harmonics by 50 dB!Harmonics could be the source of interference to your neighbor's TV, radio,VCR, telephone, etc. SWR is below 1.5 to 30 MHz into 50 Ohms. Perfect forbarefoot transceivers -- handles 200 Watts with less than 0.5 dB insertion loss.Attenuation is 50 dB at 54 MHz. SO-239 connectors. 3x2x1 inches.

1 pc: 930 Kč

MFJ-704 ANTENNA LOW PASSFILTERLow Pass Filter (Chebyshev, 9poles) 1.8-30MHz / 52 Ohms / 1.5kW

Anti-TVI Filter MFJ-704 is designed for Your transmitter. It is a Low Pass Fil terChebyshev type, 9 poles, from MFJ (USA). Fi lter reduce TVI from amateurtransmitters by suppressing harmonical products above 30 MHz. Pass Band is0 to 30 MHz. Insertion Loss <0.5dB. Cut frequency 30MHz. Impedance 52Ohms. Accepts up to 1500W. Connectors UHF (SO).

1 pc: 1 590 Kč

LP-30 ANTENNA LOW PASSFILTERLow Pass Chebyshev 9-pole Filter 0-30MHz/0.25dBmax;1500Wmax; 52 Ohms

Anti-TVI new LP-30 filter from VECTRONICS supress TVI from Yourtransmitter. It is a Chebyshev type Low Pass Fi lter, nine pole. Fi lter suppressharmonics appearing in the TV bands and has additional attenuation toTV-IF frequencies typical 70dB. Pass band 0 to 30 MHz. Insertion Loss lessthan 0.25dB. Cutoff frequency 30MHz. Typical attenuation over 65dB above60MHz. Impedance 52 Ohm. VSWR <1.3:1. Power Capacity 1500W.Connectors UHF (PL, SO).

1 pc: 2 385 Kč

LP-2500 ANTENNA LOW PASSFILTERLow Pass Chebyshev 9-pole Filter 0-30MHz/0.25dBmax; 2500Wcont.; 52 Ohm.

Connect new LP-2500 fi lter from VECTRONICS to Your transmitter andsuppress TVI. It is a Chebyshev type Low Pass Fil ter, nine pole. Filter suppressharmonics appearing in the TV bands and has additional attenuation toTV-IF frequencies above 40MHz. Pass band 0 to 30 MHz. Insertion Loss lessthan 0.25dB. Cutoff frequency 35MHz. Typical attenuation over 60dB above60MHz. Impedance 52 Ohm. VSWR <1.3:1. Power Capacity 2500WContinuous, 4000W PEP. Connectors UHF (PL, SO). Dimensions 242 x 108 x61mm. Weight 1.14kg.

1 pc: 3 690 Kč

Low Pass Filter LPS1441kW/144MHzLow Pass Filter 144MHz, 50 Ohms, Ins.loss <0,07dB, SWRinput>30dB, 1kWmax., 40dB/432MHz

Low Pass Filter LPF144 for transmitter 144MHz, 50 Ohms. Use betweentransmiter and antenna. Supress undesired thi rd harmonic product in 432MHzband from transmitter. Massive stable dural box, perfect N-connectors wi thteflon dielectricum and silver plated middle contact, high quality low lossspecial PTFE/woven fiberglass laminate Taconic TLX material for capacitors,CuAg inductors. Impedance: 50 Ohms Input Return Loss 144MHz: >30dBtypical (SWR 1.07) Insertion Loss 144MHz: 0,07dB typical Attenuation432MHz: 40dB typical Maximal power: 1kW (load SWR max 1.8) Dimensions:130mm (138mm with connectors) x 60mm x 30mm

1 pc: 1 990 Kč

RFI and Noise Finders

MFJ-852 NOISE METERAC Power Line Noise Meter. Same as MFJ856, but without Yagiantenna.

Walk or drive around with these handheld power line noise meter to searchout leaky insulators, loose hardware and corroded ground lines quickly. Tracknoise right down to the pole, transformer or insulators. Operates in 135MHzregion where activity is minimum and radiation from corona and arcing is farmore localized. Has 0.3uV sensitivity and wide-range AGC for noise levelmeter - over 70dB. Plug in headphones and hear the noise you'are tracking orplug tape recorder. Use this ul tra-sensitive RFI Detector to track down andeleiminate RFI caused by radiating cables and wires. MFJ-852 tell Youexactly which cable is radiating RFI so you can eliminate it with a simpletoroid or clamp-on fi lter. Use it to find RFI generated by consumer devices,computers and office equipment. When You eliminate the RFI source, hash,birdies, whistles and transient noise miraculousli disappear. Measure 51 x 102x 38mm. Use 9V bui ld-in battery.

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

MFJ-856 NOISE FINDERAC Power Line Noise Meter MFJ852, with 3el.Yagi Antenna

Walk or drive around with these handheld power line noise meter to searchout leaky insulators, loose hardware and corroded ground lines quickly. Tracknoise right down to the pole, transformer or insulators. Operates in 135MHzregion where activity is minimum and radiation from corona and arcing is farmore localized. Has 0.3uV sensitivity and wide-range AGC for noise levelmeter - over 70dB. Plug in headphones and hear the noise you'are tracking orplug tape recorder. Use this ul tra-sensitive RFI Detector to track down andeleiminate RFI caused by radiating cables and wires. MFJ856 tell You exactlywhich cable is radiating RFI so you can eliminate it wi th a simple toroid orclamp-on filter. Use i t to find RFI generated by consumer devices, computersand office equipment. When You eliminate the RFI source, hash, bi rdies,whistles and transient noise miraculously disappear. The MFJ856 is del iveredwith 3 element Yagfi antenna for pinpoint accurary. Use 9V bui ld-in battery(not included).

1 pc: 4 290 Kč

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QRP TCVR's and Accessories

MFJ-9215 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER15m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 15m, output power 5W

NOTICE: MFJ-9215 Includes one band module 15M Additional BandModules Avai lable: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addition to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver l ine, del iveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been smal l in size, but thanks to direct-digi talsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs with an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobuilt-in iambic keying wi th a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control deliversrock-solid stabil ity, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT with10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formoni toring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backl ight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for monitoring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backlight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smallest andlightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compliment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're travel ing light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B light-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage with a "wander-lead" tapped loading coi l andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the collapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home wi th your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete wi th one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intuitive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hall of Fame member Rick Li ttlefield, K1BQT. We all know working rareDX is exci ting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedition to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel , switched backlight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, all bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobackl ight, ~80 mA with backl ight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, all bands, at 12.6 Vol ts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating vol tages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 5 990 Kč

MFJ-9217 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER17m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 17m, output power 5WNOTICE: MFJ-9217 Includes one band module 17M Additional BandModules Avai lable: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addition to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver l ine, del iveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been smal l in size, but thanks to direct-digi talsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs with an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobuilt-in iambic keying wi th a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control deliversrock-solid stabil ity, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT with10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formoni toring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backl ight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for monitoring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backlight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smal lest andlightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compliment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're travel ing light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B light-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage wi th a "wander-lead" tapped loading coil andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the collapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home with your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete wi th one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intui tive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hall of Fame member Rick Littlefield, K1BQT. We all know working rareDX is exci ting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedition to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel , switched backlight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, al l bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobackl ight, ~80 mA with backlight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, all bands, at 12.6 Vol ts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating vol tages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 5 990 Kč

MFJ-9220 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER20m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 20m, output power 5WNOTICE: MFJ-9220 Includes one band module 20M Additional BandModules Available: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addi tion to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver line, deliveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been small in size, but thanks to direct-digitalsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs wi th an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobui lt-in iambic keying with a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control del iversrock-solid stabili ty, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT wi th10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formonitoring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backlight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for moni toring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backl ight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smal lest andl ightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compl iment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're traveling light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B l ight-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage wi th a "wander-lead" tapped loading coil andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the col lapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home with your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete with one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intui tive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hal l of Fame member Rick Littlefield, K1BQT. We al l know working rareDX is exciting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedi tion to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel, swi tched backl ight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, al l bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobacklight, ~80 mA with backlight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, al l bands, at 12.6 Volts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating voltages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 4 990 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (39)













MFJ-9230 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER30m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 30m, output power 5WNOTICE: MFJ-9230 Includes one band module 30M Additional BandModules Avai lable: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addition to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver l ine, del iveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been smal l in size, but thanks to direct-digi talsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs with an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobuilt-in iambic keying wi th a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control deliversrock-solid stabil ity, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT with10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formoni toring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backl ight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for monitoring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backlight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smallest andlightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compliment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're travel ing light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B light-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage with a "wander-lead" tapped loading coi l andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the collapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home wi th your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete wi th one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intuitive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hall of Fame member Rick Li ttlefield, K1BQT. We all know working rareDX is exci ting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedition to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel , switched backlight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, all bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobackl ight, ~80 mA with backl ight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, all bands, at 12.6 Vol ts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating vol tages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 4 990 Kč

MFJ-9240 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER40m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 40m, output power 5WNOTICE: MFJ-9240 Includes one band module 40M Additional BandModules Avai lable: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addition to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver l ine, del iveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been smal l in size, but thanks to direct-digi talsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs with an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobuilt-in iambic keying wi th a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control deliversrock-solid stabil ity, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT with10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formoni toring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backl ight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for monitoring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backlight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smal lest andlightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compliment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're travel ing light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B light-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage wi th a "wander-lead" tapped loading coil andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the collapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home with your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete wi th one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intui tive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hall of Fame member Rick Littlefield, K1BQT. We all know working rareDX is exci ting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedition to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel , switched backlight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, al l bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobackl ight, ~80 mA with backlight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, all bands, at 12.6 Vol ts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating vol tages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 5 990 Kč

MFJ-9280 QRP CW TRANSCEIVER80m / 5WQRP Pocket CW TCVR, band 80m, output power 5WNOTICE: MFJ-9280 Includes one band module 80M Additional BandModules Available: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter Module MFJ-BM17 - 17 MeterModule MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module MFJ-9200 is abold new addi tion to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver line, deliveringunmatched six-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.QRP radios have always been small in size, but thanks to direct-digitalsynthesis and microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantumleap over traditional designs wi th an unprecedented number of features for avery affordable price. The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters usingcomputer-modeled plug-in fi lter modules that yield no-compromise receiverperformance and solid QRP+ transmit power on every band. There's alsobui lt-in iambic keying with a manual-key sensor, a programmable CQmessage, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control del iversrock-solid stabili ty, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels perband. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT wi th10-Hz tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-band-width formonitoring SSB or CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection,and a switched backlight for the LCD display. There's also plenty of receiveroverlap for moni toring international short wave broadcasting. MFJ-9200 runson any power source between 8 and 15 VDC and draws a miserly 40 mA onreceive with the display backl ight turned off -- perfect for prolongedoff-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the QR-Pocket Radio is the smal lest andl ightest backpack transceiver currently available. MFJ also offers a wide rangeof QRP accessories to compl iment the MFJ-9200 QRPocket CWTransceiverTM. For example, the MFJ-561 Miniature Iambic Paddle is aperfect companion when you're traveling light. Also, consider picking up apair of MFJ-392B l ight-weight stereo headphones for cushioned comfort andclear sound during those long QRP contest sessions. For off-road adventure,check out MFJ's line of Walkabout portable antennas that plug directly intothe QRPocket CW Transceiver's BNC connector. MFJ-1899T, (see left) features80 through 6 Meter coverage wi th a "wander-lead" tapped loading coil andcollapsible 52-inch whip. For mono-band coverage, consider the col lapsibleMFJ-1880T, MFJ-1840T, MFJ-1830T, MFJ-1817T, or MFJ-1815T. For randomwire antennas, try the popular MFJ-902 miniature travel tuner. Finally, whenoperating at home with your feet up, plug in the MFJ-4103 miniatureswitching power supply. The MFJ-9200 QRPocket CW Transceiver comescomplete with one band module of your choosing, and modules for the otherbands. Transceiver operation is intui tive, easy-to-master, and clearlyexplained in an easy-to-understand manual written by popular author andQRP Hal l of Fame member Rick Littlefield, K1BQT. We al l know working rareDX is exciting, but being rare DX is a truly indescribable! Given the MFJ-9200QRPocket CW Transceiver's diminutive size, features, wide coverage, andsolid output, all of the ingredients are here to turn your next vacation orbusiness trip into a expedi tion to remember! Specifications: FrequencyControl: DDS, 60-MHz reference frequency Tuning Step: 100-Hz, 1-kHz, and100-kHz RIT Step: 10-Hz VFO Memories: 8 per band VFO Display: LCD,802-pixel, swi tched backl ight VFO Display Frequency Resolution: 100-Hz,10-Hz with RIT activated Operating Modes: Transmit - A1 (CW), Receive - A1,A3J (LSB or USB) CW Offset: ~700 Hz T/R Switching: Full QSK FrequencyCoverage, MHz: Band: 80-M Receive: 3.2-4.9 Transmit: 3.5-4.0 40-MReceive: 5.9-7.5 Transmit: 7.0-7.3 30-M Receive: 9.4-12.1 Transmit:10.1-10.15 20-M Receive: 13.5-15.8 Transmit: 14.0-14.35 17-M Receive:17.4-19.1 Transmit: 18.068-18.168 15-M Receive: 18.5-22.0 Transmit:21.0-21.45 Receiver MDS: 0.1-uV, al l bands AGC Threshold: 3 to 5-uV, allbands Bandwidth: Selectable, 600-Hz CW, 2.5-Hz SSB Audio Output:100-mW, 8-Ohm load, stereo plug Receiver Current Drain: ~40-mA nobacklight, ~80 mA with backlight Transmitter Keying: Iambic automatic,straight-key sensing, CQ memory Speed Range: 3-45 WPM TransmitterPower: 5-W or better, al l bands, at 12.6 Volts Harmonic and spur suppression:-50 dB or better, all operating voltages Typical Transmit Current: 0.9A at 10V,1.2A at 14V Supply Voltage: 8-15 VDC at 1.5A Dimensions: 4.8"x3.15"x1.34",120x80x34-mm Weight: 7.4 oz, 200 gm

1 pc: 5 990 Kč

MFJ-BM15 BAND MODUL 15m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

Additional Band Modules Available: MFJ-BM15 - 15 Meter ModuleMFJ-BM17 - 17 Meter Module MFJ-BM20 - 20 Meter Module MFJ-BM30 - 30Meter Module MFJ-BM40 - 40 Meter Module MFJ-BM80 - 80 Meter Module

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

MFJ-BM17 BAND MODUL 17m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

MFJ-BM20 BAND MODUL 20m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

1 pc: 795 Kč

MFJ-BM30 BAND MODUL 30m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

MFJ-BM40 BAND MODUL 40m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

1 pc: 795 Kč

MFJ-BM80 BAND MODUL 80m -QRP CW TRANSCEIVERBand Module for QRP CW transceiver MFJ-9200 series

1 pc: 495.00 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (40)





















MFJ-9201 QRP Antenna Tuner80-10m / 100WQRP Antenna Tuner specially compact-built for MFJ-9215,MFJ-9217, MFJ-9230, MFJ-9240, MFJ-9280

Custom 12 position inductor switch, tune/bypass switch, antenna andtransmitter capacitors, BNC feedpoints for antenna and transmitterconnections. Handles 100W RF output. It’s a tiny 4" x 2 5/8" x 1 1/2", so it andyour MFJ-9200 (MFJ-9215, MFJ-9217, MFJ-9230, MFJ-9240 or MFJ-9280)transceiver package and antennas can easily sl ide into a backpack or smallbriefcase to take along wi th you on your next field day, DXpedition, vacationor business trip.

1 pc: 1 350 Kč

MFJ-9211 QRP Current Balun 4:1QRP Pocket Balun

1 pc: 530 Kč

RX Accessories


MFJ-1045C RF RX PRESELECTORPreselector for Receiver, tunable 1-54 MHz

Lets you copy weak signals. Rejects out-of-band signals, images. 1.8 to 54MHz. Up to 20 dB gain. Gain control. Dual gate MOSFET, bipolar transistorsfor low noise, high gain. Connect 2 antennas, 2 receivers. Coax and phonejacks. Power supply: replaceable 9V buil t-in battery or an external optionalDC adapter 9 - 18VDC (the MW 300 GES 075 000 61 fromGES-ELECTRONICS) may be plugged in.

1 pc: 2 380 Kč

MFJ-1046 RF RX PRESELECTORReceiver Passive Preselector 1.6-33 MHz

MFJs new Passive Preselector has extremely high dynamic range! It improvesthe performance of nearly any HF or shortwave receiver/transceiver. It vastlyimproves the most expensive receivers. Especially helpful to those withbroadband front-ends that are prone to overload.

Protects your sensitive receiver input from damage (including switchingdiodes and attenuator resistors) caused by very strong signals from multitransmitter, multi-band operation during contests, field day, nearby hams,CBers, TV/FM/AM stations.

It el iminates phantom signals by suppressing strong out-of-band signals thatcause intermod, blocking and cross modulation. Completely el iminatessecond order intermod problems caused by strong out-of-band shortwavebroadcast signals mixing and producing unwanted in band signals.

MFJs unique Hi-Q series tunable circuit gives you superb performance. Thetunable series tuned circui t works into a very low impedance formed bybroadband toroid transformers.

Has narrow bandwidth, excellent stopband attenuation, very low loss, constantbandwidth and gain over each band. Excel lent attenuation in adjacentcontest bands.

The enti re 1.6 to 33 MHz HF band is covered in five overlapping bands. Anair variable tuning capaci tor, 1.8 to 1 tuning range and a vernier reductiondrive gives you precision tuning.

Fully shielded metal enclosure. Tough black finish.

1 pc: 3 180 Kč

Morse (CW)

Straight Keys

MFJ-550 STRAIGHT KEYTelegraph Key

1 pc: 395.00 Kč

MFJ-557 STRAIGHT KEY WITHOSCILATORCode Practice OsciIator with Key

1 pc: 1 060 Kč

Key Paddle

MFJ-561 MINI IAMBIC PADDLESMiniature Travel Iambic Paddle

1 pc: 490.00 Kč

MFJ-561KIT MINI IAMBIC PADDLESMiniature Travel Iambic Paddle Kit

1 pc: 530 Kč

MFJ-564 IAMBIC PADDLESDeluxe Iambic Chrome Paddle

1 pc: 1 850 Kč

MFJ-564B IAMBIC PADDLESDeluxe Iambic Black Paddle

1 pc: 1 850 Kč

BY-I IAMBIC PADDLESBencher Iambic Paddle - Black Chrome

1 pc: 3 450 Kč

BY-II IAMBIC PADDLESBencher Iambic Paddle - Chrome

BY-2 Iambie Paddle. Chrome Base, Chrome Components.

1 pc: 4 190 Kč

Electronic Keyers

MFJ-407D ELBUGMFJ Curtis Deluxe Keyer

The MFJ407D Deluxe Electronic Keyer is a microprocessor controlled keyerthat provides iambic key operation and dot-and-dash memory to makesending perfect code easier. It has tunable code speed, code weight, andsidetone frequency; it suports both direct and grid-block keying outputs. Youalso get to choose Iambic Type "A" and Type "B" keying. Works with MFJ564or Bencher BY-I or BY-II or other iambic paddle. Power supply is a internal 9Vbattery (not included) or a external power supply 12V. We recommend ourMW300 or MW9V/1A or MW501 .

1 pc: 2 090 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (41)















MFJ-490 ELBUG - MEMORY KEYERMemory Keyer/Bencher Combo for traffic, contest and codepractice

The MFJ-490/490X is a full featured memory keyer with an easy to use menudriven interface. The model MFJ-490 is a keyer and Bencher paddle MFJ564combination. The MFJ-490X keyer instal ls on your own MFJ-564 or Benchertype paddle. This uni t has four soft sector stored message memories for a totalof 192 characters. The keyer can repeat messages continuosly, insert timedpauses withis messages, insert an auto-incrementing serial number, and havemessages call other messages. The MFJ-490/490X has adjustable controls forspeed and volume on front of the unit. Also, the speed, weight, and sidetonefrequency are adjustable through menu selection or paddle command. Othermodes such as Hand Key, Semi-auto, Reverse Paddle, Iambic On/Off, IambicA/B, and Queue, are accessed through menu selection or paddle command.The MFJ-490/490X has an output configurable Direct or Grid-Block output.

1 pc: 6 090 Kč

MFJ-490X ELBUG - MEMORYKEYERMemory Keyer for traffic, contest, code practice (needs paddleMFJ564)The MFJ-490/490X is a full featured memory keyer with an easy to use menudriven interface. The model MFJ-490 is a keyer and Bencher paddlecombination. The MFJ-490X keyer instal ls on your own MFJ-564 or BencherBY-I or BY-II type paddle. This unit has four soft sector stored messagememories for a total of 192 characters. The keyer can repeat messagescontinuosly, insert timed pauses withis messages, insert an auto-incrementingserial number, and have messages call other messages. The MFJ-490/490Xhas adjustable controls for speed and volume on front of the unit. Also, thespeed, weight, and sidetone frequency are adjustable through menuselection or paddle command. Other modes such as Hand Key, Semi-auto,Reverse Paddle, Iambic On/Off, Iambic A/B, and Queue, are accessedthrough menu selection or paddle command. The MFJ-490/490X has anoutput configurable Direct or Grid-Block output.

1 pc: 3 450 Kč

MFJ-492 ELBUG - MEMORY KEYERMemory Keyer for traffic, contest and code practice

The MFJ-492 is a full featured memory keyer with an easy to use menu driveninterface. This unit has four soft sector stored message memories for a total of192 characters. The MFJ-492X is the same keyer but has message memoryexpanded to 8 separate 4000 character message memories, giving the unitthe "X" designation. The keyer can repeat messages continuosly, insert timedpauses withis messages, insert an auto-incrementing serial number, and havemessages call other messages. The MFJ-492/492X has adjustable controls forspeed and volume on front of the unit. Also, the speed, weight, and sidetonefrequency are adjustable through menu selection or paddle command. Othermodes such as Hand Key, Semi-auto, Reverse Paddle, Iambic On/Off, IambicA/B, and Queue, are accessed through menu selection or paddle command.The MFJ-492/492X has both Direct and Grid-Block outputs and a port foroptional remote control. Passed paddle is MFJ-564 or Bencher BY-I or BY-II.

1 pc: 3 185 Kč

MFJ-492X ELBUG - MEMORYKEYERMemory Keyer for traffic, contest and code practice

1 pc: 3 580 Kč

Morse Decoders

MFJ-461 LCD MORSE CODEREADERPacket Size Morse Code Reader

Relax and place this tiny pocket size MFJ Morse Code / CW Reader near yourreceiver's speaker. Then watch Morse code signals turn into solid textmessages as they scroll acros an easy-to-read LCD display. No cables tohook-up, no computer, no interface, no other equipment needed.

1 pc: 2 390 Kč

MFJ-462B LCD CW/RTTY/ASCII/AMTOR DECODERCW/RTTY/ASCII/AMTOR decoder with LCD display and printeroutput.

1 pc: 5 290 Kč

Tuners and Transmatchs

Tuners upto 300W

MFJ-902B ANTENNA TUNERTravel Tuner 6-80M, 150W

Tiny 4" x 2" x 3" tuner handles full 150 Watts! Covers 80-6 Meters, has tunerbypass switch, tunes nearly anything! MFJ brings you the world's smal lest fullpower 150 Watt 80-6 Meter Antenna Tuner. Extra wide matching range letsyou tune nearly any antenna. It's no toy -- it's got guts! Built with real airvariable capaci tors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids tohandle real power -- not just QRP. Bypass swi tch lets you bypass tuner whenyou don't need it. You can use nearly any transceiver at full power with nearlyany coax fed or random wire antenna for portable, home, or mobileoperation. It's perfect for compact rigs like the Icom IC706MKIIG, YaesuFT100D, Kenwood TS50, QRP rigs and other wi th a built-in SWR meter.Operate anywhere, anytime with a quick easy set-up! Tune out SWR on yourmobi le whip from inside your car. Operate in your apartment wi th awal l-to-wall antenna or from a motel room with a wire dropped from a windowor from a mountain top with a wire over a tree limb. Great for DXpeditions orfield day. Be prepared for emergencies. The MFJ902B is so small and handy,you'll rely on i t wherever you go! It's easy to pack away in your briefcase,suitcase, backpack, glove compartment, or desk drawer. It's tiny enough toslide in your back hip pocket!

1 pc: 2 920 Kč

MFJ-902H ANTENNA TUNERTravel tuner 10-80M, 150W, with balun

Tiny 5" x 2" x 3" tuner handles full 150 Watts! Covers 80-10 Meters, has tunerbypass switch, tunes nearly anything! MFJ brings you the world's smallest fullpower 150 Watt 80-10 Meter Antenna Tuner - with Balun. Extra widematching range lets you tune nearly any antenna. It's no toy -- it's got guts!Buil t with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stackedpowder iron toroids to handle real power -- not just QRP. Bypass swi tch letsyou bypass tuner when you don't need it. You can use nearly any transceiverat full power with nearly any coax fed or random wire antenna for portable,home, or mobile operation. It's perfect for compact rigs like the IcomIC706MKIIG, Yaesu FT100D, Kenwood TS50, QRP rigs and other with abui lt-in SWR meter. Operate anywhere, anytime with a quick easy set-up!Tune out SWR on your mobile whip from inside your car. Operate in yourapartment with a wall-to-wall antenna or from a motel room with a wiredropped from a window or from a mountain top with a wire over a tree l imb.Great for DXpeditions or field day. Be prepared for emergencies. TheMFJ902H is so small and handy, you'll rely on it wherever you go! It's easy topack away in your briefcase, suitcase, backpack, glove compartment, or deskdrawer. It's tiny enough to slide in your back hip pocket!

1 pc: 3 190 Kč

MFJ-904 ANTENNA TUNERTravel Tuner 10-80M, 150W, with meter

Tiny 7" x 2" x 3" tuner handles full 150 Watts! Covers 80-10 Meters, has tunerbypass switch, tunes nearly anything! MFJ brings you the world's smallest fullpower 150 Watt 80-10 Meter Antenna Tuner - with SWR/Wattmeter. Extrawide matching range lets you tune nearly any antenna. It's no toy -- it's gotguts! Buil t with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and threestacked powder iron toroids to handle real power -- not just QRP. Bypassswitch lets you bypass tuner when you don't need it. You can use nearly anytransceiver at ful l power with nearly any coax fed or random wire antenna forportable, home, or mobile operation. It's perfect for compact rigs l ike the IcomIC-706MKIIG, Yaesu FT-100D or FT-817 or FT-857 or FT-897, KenwoodTS-50, QRP rigs and other with a built-in SWR meter. Operate anywhere,anytime with a quick easy set-up! Tune out SWR on your mobile whip frominside your car. Operate in your apartment with a wall -to-wall antenna or froma motel room with a wire dropped from a window or from a mountain top wi tha wire over a tree l imb. Great for DXpeditions or field day. Be prepared foremergencies. The MFJ-904 is so small and handy, you'll rely on i t whereveryou go! It's easy to pack away in your briefcase, suitcase, backpack, glovecompartment, or desk drawer. It's tiny enough to sl ide in your back hip pocket!The MFJ-904 includes a Cross-Needle SWR/WAttmeter that shows SWR,forward and reflected power all at a glance. Push button selectsforward/reflected power in 300/60 and 30/6 Watt ranges.

1 pc: 3 445 Kč

MFJ-904H ANTENNA TUNERTravel Tuner 10-80M, 150W, with meter and balun

Tiny 7" x 2" x 3" tuner handles full 150 Watts! Covers 80-10 Meters, has tunerbypass switch, tunes nearly anything! MFJ brings you the world's smallest fullpower 150 Watt 80-10 Meter Antenna Tuner - with Balun andSWR/Wattmeter. Extra wide matching range lets you tune nearly anyantenna. It's no toy -- it's got guts! Built with real air variable capaci tors (600Vol t, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids to handle real power -- notjust QRP. Bypass switch lets you bypass tuner when you don't need i t. You canuse nearly any transceiver at ful l power with nearly any coax fed or randomwire antenna for portable, home, or mobile operation. It's perfect for compactrigs like the Icom IC706MKIIG, Yaesu FT100D or FT817 or FT857 or FT897,Kenwood TS50, QRP rigs and other with a built-in SWR meter. Operateanywhere, anytime with a quick easy set-up! Tune out SWR on your mobi lewhip from inside your car. Operate in your apartment wi th a wal l-to-wallantenna or from a motel room with a wire dropped from a window or from amountain top wi th a wire over a tree limb. Great for DXpedi tions or field day.Be prepared for emergencies. The MFJ904H is so smal l and handy, you'll relyon it wherever you go! It's easy to pack away in your briefcase, suitcase,backpack, glove compartment, or desk drawer. It's tiny enough to slide in yourback hip pocket! The MFJ-904H includes a Cross-Needle SWR/WAttmeter and4 : 1 balun for balanced l ines and random wire. Cross-Needle meter showsSWR, forward and reflected power all at a glance. Push button selectsforward/reflected power in 300/60 and 30/6 Watt ranges.

1 pc: 3 990 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (42)















MFJ-971 ANTENNA TUNERMFJ compact minituner 1.8-30MHz; max.200W PEP(100W CW);153x153x64mm

The MFJ-971 is a compact QRP portable minituner estimated for 50 Ohmtransmitter or TCVR with 200W PEP (100W CW) output. Tuner has a specialuser-selectable 6 Watt range for QRP operation (0-6W Forward Power, 0-1.2WReflected Power). Tuner covers 1.8 to 30MHz. It provides a convenient cross-needle type SWR/Wattmeter. Power range is 0-300W for Forward Power(switchable to 0-30W) and 0-60W for Reflected power. The T-Match tunertunes allmost any coax, wire, or balanced-feed type antenna. A 4:1 toroidbalun is built in for balanced line.

1 pc: 3 445 Kč

MFJ-941E ANTENNA TUNERVersa II Tuner 1.8-30 MHz 300/30W PEP, Croos-Needle Meter,Balun 4:1

This universal tuner match virtual ly any transmitter to any antenna, includingdipoles, inverted-vees, verticals, mobile whips, beams, random wires andothers fed by coax lines, balanced lines or single wire. MFJ's l ighted Cross-Needle meter shows SWR, rorward and reflected power all at a glance in300/60 and 30/6 Watt ranges, 8 position antenna switch lets you select 2 coaxlines, random wire/balanced line or dummy load. Has 4 : 1 balun, 1000 Voltcapacitors.

1 pc: 3 980 Kč

MFJ-945E ANTENNA TUNER +SWR/WATTMETERMobile Tuner with Cross-Needle Meter, 1.8-60MHz, 300/30W,203x51x152mm

Don't leave home without this mobile tuner. The Cross-Needle meter showsSWR, forward and reflected power - at a glance. It reads forward/reflectedpower in 300/60 and 30/6 Watt ranges. A mobi le mount, MFJ-20 (GES 089 005 66 ) can be purchased as well.

1 pc: 3 695 Kč

MFJ-948 ANTENNA TUNERAntenna 1.8-30MHz 300W tuner, without Dummy Load

1 pc: 4 495 Kč

MFJ-949E ANTENNA TUNER w.DUMMY LOADAntenna 1.8-30 MHz 300W tuner, built in Dummy Load300W/30sec.max

1 pc: 4 995 Kč

VC-300DLP ANTENNA TUNER300W HF Tuner 1.8 - 30MHz

The VC-300DLP Antenna Tuner optimizes the performance of your antennaand transmitter, receiver, or transceiver by providing adjustable impedancematching. The Cross-Needle meter shows SWR, forward and reflected power -at a glance. It reads forward/reflected power in 300/60 and 30/6 Watt ranges.

1 pc: 4 770 Kč

MFJ-928 AUTOMATICAL ANTENNATUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 200W SSB/CW; 6-1600Ohm.;165x70x191mm; 1.2kg

This Automatic Antenna Tuner automatically matches antennas from 6 to1600 Ohms impedance (SWR up to 32:1) and handles 200 Watts SSB/CW.Tune in less than 15 seconds, usually less than 5 seconds. Over 20000non-volatile memories for tuner settings. Highly efficient switching L-networkmatching circuit. 1.8 to 30 MHz continuous frequency coverage. Has SO-239coax fed antenna connector, and antenna connector for random wire or singlewire antennas. Has SO-239 coax fed connector for transmitter. Built-in biastee (similar to MFJ4116 GES 089 018 66 ) for remote power supply. Anexternal 12V DC/1Amax. power supply (MW9112GS GES 075 066 49 orsimilar from GES-ELECTRONICS) and (i f needed) the MFJ4116GES 089 018 66 bias tee is required. Tuner is superb for small transceiverswith output power up to 100W (FT857, FT897 and others)

1 pc: 5 290 Kč

MFJ-929 AUTOMATICAL ANTENNATUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 200W SSB/CW; 6-1600Ohm.;165x70x191mm; 1.1kg

MFJ-929 automatical ly matches antennas from 6 to 1600 Ohms impedance(SWR up to 32:1) and handles 200 Watts SSB/CW. Tune in less than 15seconds, usual ly less than 5 seconds. Over 20000 non-volati le memories fortuner settings. Four memory banks per antenna with over 2500 memories perbank. Highly efficient switching L-network matching ci rcuit. 1.8 to 30 MHzcontinuous frequency coverage. Adjustable target SWR 1.0 to 2.0. AdjustableSWR threshold 0.5 to 1.5. Lighted cross-needle SWR/wattmeter. Mul tifunctionbackl it LCD display with contrast control. Built-in frequency counter. Numericreadings for SWR, forward and reflected power. Bar meters for SWR, forwardand reflected power. Aural SWR meter wi th volume control . Two SO-239 coaxfed antenna connectors. Connector for random wire or single wire antennas.Bui lt-in bias tee for remote power supply. Optional connector for radiointerface for compatible radios. Power supplying is di rect or remotly viacoaxial cable from transmitter side using optional MJF4116 (GES 089 018 66 ) bias tee. External 12V DC/1A max. power supply isrequired (MW9112GS GES 089 018 66 or similar from GES-ELECTRONICS).This tuner is superb for all 50-100W TCVRs (FT857, FT897 or similar).

1 pc: 6 090 Kč

MFJ-927 AUTOMATICAL ANTENNATUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 200W SSB/CW; 6-1600Ohm.; weatherproof

This rugged Remote Intell iTuner Automatic Antenna Tuner automaticallymatches antennas from 6 to 1600 Ohms impedance (SWR up to 32:1) andhandles 200 Watts SSB/CW. Tune in less than 15 seconds, usually less than 5seconds. Over 20000 non-volati le memories for tuner settings. Highly efficientswitching L-network matching ci rcuit. 1.8 to 30 MHz continuous frequencycoverage. Has SO-239 coax fed antenna connector and antenna connectorfor random wire or single wire antennas. Has SO-239 coax fed connector wi thbui lt-in bias tee for transmitter. At transmitter side the bias tee type MFJ4116GES 089 018 66 with external 12V DC/1Amax. power supply (MW 9112GSGES 075 066 49 or similar from GES-ELECTRONICS) is required. TunerMFJ927 is perfect for smal l TCVRs with output power up to 100W (FT857,FT897 and others).

1 pc: 6 890 Kč

MFJ-933 ANTENNA TUNERHome Station LoopTuner 80-10M. Same as MFJ-935B less RFcurrent meter.

Drape a wire around a bookcase and attach both ends to this new MFJ-933Small High Efficiency Loop Tuner. It instantly turns into a small, highefficiency multi-band transmitting loop antenna! You can operate 3.5 to 30MHz with a full 150 Watts. No ground, radials or counterpoises needed. A13-ft wire formed into a loop operates 30-20 Meters (4-ft for 17-10M; 7-ft for20-15M; 28-ft for 40M). You can tune any shape loop -- circle, square,rectangle, any odd shape. A quarter wavelength wire shaped as a circle is themost efficient. A fixed wire length covers about 1.5 to 1 frequency range (i.e.28-18 or 10-7 MHz, etc.). Exact frequency coverage depends on wire length,loop shape and environment.

1 pc: 5 035 Kč

MFJ-935B ANTENNA TUNERPortable/home LoopTuner 5.3-29.7MHz/150W. Same as MFJ933,with RF current meter

Drape a wire around a bookcase and attach both ends to this new MFJ935BSmall High Efficiency Loop Tuner! It instantly turns into a small, highefficiency multi-band transmitting loop antenna! Same as MFJ933 but wi thbui ld-in RF current meter. Smal l Physical Profi le 159x242x134mm. You canoperate 5.3 to 29.7 MHz with a full 150 Watts. No ground, radials orcounterpoises needed. A 13-ft wire formed into a loop operates 30-20 Meters(4-ft for 17-10M; 7-ft for 20-15M; 28-ft for 40M). You can tune any shape loop-- circle, square, rectangle, any odd shape. A quarter wavelength wire shapedas a circle is the most efficient. A fixed wire length covers about 1.5 to 1frequency range (i.e. 28-18 or 10-7 MHz, etc.). Exact frequency coveragedepends on wire length, loop shape and environment.

1 pc: 5 570 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (43)


















MFJ-936B ANTENNA TUNERDeLuxe Portable/home LoopTuner 5.3-29.7MHz / 150W.

This is the DeLuxe version of MFJ935B with bui lt-in cross-needleSWR/Wattmeter. Small physical profi le 261x242x134mm. Drape a wirearound a bookcase and attach both ends to this new MFJ935B Small HighEfficiency Loop Tuner! It instantly turns into a small, high efficiencymulti -band transmitting loop antenna! You can operate 5.3 to 29.7 MHz witha full 150 Watts. No ground, radials or counterpoises needed. A 13-ft wireformed into a loop operates 30-20 Meters (4-ft for 17-10M; 7-ft for 20-15M;28-ft for 40M). You can tune any shape loop -- circle, square, rectangle, anyodd shape. A quarter wavelength wire shaped as a ci rcle is the most efficient.A fixed wire length covers about 1.5 to 1 frequency range (i.e. 28-18 or 10-7MHz, etc.). Exact frequency coverage depends on wire length, loop shapeand environment.

1 pc: 6 890 Kč

MFJ-934 ANTENNA TUNERAntenna Tuner 1.8-30 MHz 300W HF Artificial Ground / Termination

The MFJ-934 is a 300 watt (175 watts on 160 meters) RF output powerantenna tuner and arti ficial ground system that wil l match any transmitter ortransceiver to virtually any antenna. A special circui t in this tuner cancels thereactance of a ground lead or counterpoise, and reduces problems caused byRF "in the shack". Forward power, reflected power, ground current, and SWRcan be read on the wattmeter's il luminated cross-needle meter. The MFJ-934tuner section uses a "T" network and covers al l bands between 160 and 10meters. This network will work wi th dipoles, inverted-vees, verticals, mobilewhips, beams, random wires, and many other antennas. The MFJ-934 hasrear panel connectors for coaxial, single wire or two wire feedlines. A built-in4:1 balun allows the use of balanced open wire, twinlead, or twin-axialfeedl ines. An il luminated cross-needle meter measures the FORWARD andREFLECTED power, ground current, and the SWR. The meter's full scaleforward and reflected power range is controlled by the right METER RANGEswitch. If your transmitter has more than 30 watts of output power, set thisswitch to the 300W (button in). If your transmitter has less than 30 watts ofoutput, use the 30W switch position (button out). Forward power is displayedon the left-hand FORWARD meter scale when the FORWARD CURRENTbutton is out. Read directly from the scale in the 300 watt position. In the30W position the forward power scale must be divided by 10. Reflected poweris read on the right-hand REFLECTED meter scale. This scale indicates 60watts ful l scale when the 300W power sensitivity is selected, and 6 watts whenthe 30W forward power range is selected. This scale must be divided by 10when using the 30W power range position. The most accurate power readingsoccur in the upper half of the meter scales. To accurately measure power witha less than perfect match, the reflected power should be subtracted from theforward power reading.

1 pc: 5 570 Kč

MFJ-991B AUTOMATICALANTENNA TUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 300W or 150W CW/SSB;257x71x234mm; 1.7kg

Perfect for small 100W TCVRs ( FT857 , FT897 ? and others). Automatical lymatches antennas from 6 to 1600 Ohms impedance and handles 300 WattsSSB/CW or matches 6 to 3200 Ohms and handless 150 Watts SSB/CW. Tunein less than 15 seconds, usually less than 5 seconds. Over 10000 non-volatilememories for tuner settings. Highly efficient swi tching L-network matchingcircuit. 1.8 to 30 MHz continuous frequency coverage. Adjustable target SWR1.0 to 2.0. Adjustable SWR threshold 0.5 to 1.5. Lighted cross-needleSWR/wattmeter with high, low, and auto range options. Multi function backlitLCD display with contrast control . Built-in frequency counter. Numericreadings for SWR, forward and reflected power. Bar meters for SWR, forwardand reflected power. SO-239 coax fed antenna connector. Connector forrandom wire or single wire antennas. Optional remote control. Optional radiointerface for compatible radios. External 12V DC/1A max. power supply isrequired - see our www.ges.cz/en/accumulators-batteries-resources/power-supplies/general-purpose-mains-adapters/universal-mains-dc-adapters-stabilized/SITN4.html

1 pc: 6 090 Kč

MFJ-993B AUTOMATICALANTENNA TUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 300W or 150W SSB/CW;257x71x234mm; 1.8kg

Automatically matches antennas from 6 to 1600 Ohms impedance andhandles 300 Watts SSB/CW or matches 6 to 3200 Ohms and handless 150Watts SSB/CW. Tune in less than 15 seconds, usual ly less than 5 seconds.Over 20000 non-volati le memories for tuner settings. Highly efficientswitching L-network matching circui t. 1.8 to 30 MHz continuous frequencycoverage. Adjustable target SWR 1.0 to 2.0. Adjustable SWR threshold 0.5 to1.5. Lighted cross-needle SWR/wattmeter with high, low, and auto rangeoptions. Multifunction backlit LCD display with contrast control . Built-infrequency counter. Numeric readings for SWR, forward and reflected power.Bar meters for SWR, forward and reflected power. Aural SWR meter withvolume control . Two SO-239 coax fed antenna connectors. Connector forrandom wire or single wire antennas. Built-in 4:1 current balun for balancedline antennas. Optional remote control MFJ-993RC . Optional radio interfaceMFJ-5124 for compatible radios. MFJ-993B tuner is perfect wi th any 100WTCVR, works fine with FT857 , FT897 and others. External 12V DC/1Amax.power supply is required (see www.ges.cz/en/accumulators-batteries-resources/power-supplies/general-purpose-mains-adapters/universal-mains-dc-adapters-stabilized/SITN4.html

1 pc: 7 150 Kč

MFJ-994B AUTOMATICALANTENNA TUNERAutomatic tuner 1.8-30MHz; 600W or 300W SSB/CW;257x71x234mm; 1.7kg

Automatically matches antennas from 8 to 800 Ohms impedance andhandles 600 Watts PEP SSB/300W CW. Tune in less than 15 seconds, usual lyless than 5 seconds. Over 10000 non-volatile memories for tuner settings.Highly efficient switching L-network matching circuit. 1.8 to 30 MHzcontinuous frequency coverage. Adjustable target SWR 1.0 to 2.0. AdjustableSWR threshold 0.5 to 1.5. Lighted cross-needle SWR/wattmeter with high,low, and auto range options. Multifunction backl it LCD display wi th contrastcontrol . Bui lt-in frequency counter. Numeric readings for SWR, forward andreflected power. Bar meters for SWR, forward and reflected power. SO-239coax fed antenna connector. Connector for random wire or single wireantennas. Optional remote control. Optional radio interface for compatibleradios. External 12V DC/1A max. power supply is required (see www.ges.cz/en/accumulators-batteries-resources/power-supplies/general-purpose-mains-adapters/universal-mains-dc-adapters-stabilized/SITN4.html

1 pc: 9 540 Kč

MFJ-4116 BIAS TEEBias Tee 1A/1-50VDC/1-60MHz for Coax Cable 50 Ohm.70x64x32mm.

Ideal for running coax to distant devices allowing then to be placed anywhereregardless of power avai labili ty. Perfect for automatical tuners MFJ927 (GES 089 018 25 ) or MFJ928 ( GES 089 018 24 ) or MFJ929 (GES 089 018 23 ) or other remote devices.

1 pc: 795 Kč

MFJ-993RC REMOTE CONTROLL f.ANTENNA TUNERRemote Control for MFJ991, MFJ991B, MFJ993, MFJ993B,MFJ994, MFJ994B

1 pc: 1 060 Kč

MFJ-5124A INTERFACE ALINCOInterface Cable MFJ991, MFJ993, MFJ994 / ALINCO

1 pc: 530 Kč


1 pc: 1 590 Kč

MFJ-5124Y INTERFACE YAESUInterface MFJ991, MFJ993, MFJ994 / YAESU FT100, FT857, FT897

1 pc: 1 590 Kč

MFJ-5124Y2 INTERFACE YAESUInterface MFJ991, MFJ993, MFJ994 / YAESU FT847

1 pc: 1 590 Kč

Tuners over 300W

MFJ-962D ANTENNA TUNER -ROLLERRoller Ant.Tuner 160-10m (800W CW,500W CW/160m), Watt/SWRMeter, Balun

It's perfect for Ameritron AL-811 power amplifiers.

1 pc: 8 485 Kč

ATR-20X ANTENNA TUNER -ROLLERAntenna tuner w.roller, 1.2kW SSB/600W CW; 1.8-30MHz;33x12x43cm; cross-needle meter

Designed for PA AMERITRON series AL-811, AL-811H, AL-80B, ALS-500M,ALS-600 and similar PA. Powered wi th internal 9V battery or with 12VDCfrom external 230VAC power supply.

1 pc: 12 180 Kč

· Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (44)








MFJ-976 ANTENNA TUNERFully Balanced Tuner,1.5kW PEPSSB/CW,1.8-30MHz,coax.input,symetr.+coax.output

The MFJ-976 is a 1500 Watt full legal l imit fully balanced antenna tuner.MFJ-976 has a coaxial input and ballanced plus coaxial output. You getsuperb balance, very wide matching ranges (12-2000 Ohms) and continuous1.8-30 MHz coverage including all WARC bands! It handles a ful l 1500 WattsSSB and CW. You can tune any balanced l ines including 600 Ohm open wireline, 450/300 Ohm ladder lines, 300/72 Ohm twin lead -- shielded orunshielded. The MFJ-976 also tunes random wires and coax-fed antennas.MFJ's fully balanced extremely wide-range T-network gives you simple, fastthree knob tuning. No complicated switching between high and lowimpedance and switching in additional capacitance of L-networks. Fourseparate 500 pF in two gangs gives you a total of 2000 pF for highly efficientlow loss separation on 160 Meters. You get excel lent 10 Meter performancebecause of MFJ's low minimum capacitance and exclusive Self-ResonanceKiller high-Q AirCore roller inductor with si lver plated contacts. The MFJ-9761500 Watt Fully Balanced Antenna Tuner has a heavy duty 1:1 current balunthat gives you superb balance and stays cool even at 1.5 kW. True active peakreading l ighted Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter lets you read SWR, true peak oraverage forward and reflected power al l at a glance on 300/3000 Wattranges. The MFJ-976 unit measures 12W x 6H x 15-3/4D inches.

1 pc: 13 250 Kč

HFT-1500 ANTENNA TUNER -ROLLERRoller tuner 2kW SSB/1kW CW, 1.8-30MHz, 4:1balun, tune bar,140x318x305mm, 4.5kg

1 pc: 12 720 Kč

ATR-30X ANTENNA TUNER -ROLLERAntenna tuner, roller inductor, 3kW SSB/1.5kW CW, 1.8-30MHz,cross-needle meter

Designed for PA AMERITRON or any other PA with maximal output power1500W CW. Powered with internal 9V battery or wi th 12VDC from external230VAC power supply. - Handles 1500 watts carrier - Super high Current edgewound si lver plated Roller Inductor - 500 pf tuning capaci tors wi th 6:1 vernierreduction drives - 3 core choke balun - 6 posi tion antenna switch True peakreading meter Ameritrons ATR-30X true Legal Limit roller inductor antennatuner is ham radios toughest! Itl l handle 1500 Watts continuous carrier outputon al l modes and al l HF bands into most antennas -- even on 160 meterswhere most antenna tuners fail. Its perfect for Ameritrons most powerfulampl ifiers where the ATR-30X just loafs. All band coverage lets you operate1.8 - 30 MHz including al l MARS and WARC bands. Super High CurrentRol ler Inductor Youll see Ameritrons new super high current air core rol lerinductor. Its edge wound from a thick solid copper strip and silver plated. Thisproduces a large surface area and a massive conductor. It can carry hugecirculating RF currents and wi thstand tremendous heat thatll melt or burnordinary roller inductors. A gear driven turns counters and crank knob givesyou precise inductance control. Two 500 pf Tuning Capacitors Two 500 pf --the highest of any antenna tuner -- variable transmitting capacitors give youno-arc wide range impedance matching for true high power performance. 6:1vernier reduction drives makes capacitor tuning smooth and easy. SuperBalun, 6-posi tion Antenna Switch Super heavy duty three core choke balunlets you match virtually any balanced feedl ine antenna wi thout coresaturation. A 6 position antenna switch lets you select your desired operatingantenna. Read True Peak power Ameri trons active electronic true peakreading meter accurately reads forward and reflected power and SWRsimultaneously on a lighted Cross-Needle meter. Roomy Cabinet maintainsHigh-Q Roomy extra-strong .080 inch think aluminum cabinet gives highestefficiency and lowest loss.

1 pc: 15 890 Kč

MFJ-998 AUTOMATICAL ANTENNATUNERAutomatic Legal Limit IntelliTuner 1.8-30MHz; 1500W SSB/CW

MFJ 1500 Watt Legal Limit IntelliTuner Full 1500 watts SSB/CW…Digital &Analog SWR/WattMeter . . . Al l features of MFJ Intel liTuners-- Ultra-fast, SafeAutomatic Tuning . . . Wide Tuning Range (12-1600 Ohms from 1.8 to 30MHz ) . . . Radio Interfaces . . . Built-in Antenna Switch for two coax/long wire. . . Automatic Bypass protects your amplifier . . . Field Upgradeable Software. . . Very Compact! The MFJ-998 Full Legal Limit 1500 Watt Intel lituner takesyou to the final level in automatic antenna tuners. With a capabili ty of 1500watts SSB and CW, coupled with automatic tuning, your high-power stationcan now operate essential ly hands-free even when frequency and bandchanges are made. Fast Automatic Tuning The MFJ-998 instantly matchesimpedances from 12-1600 ohms using MFJ's exclusive IntelliTune,AdaptiveSearch and InstantRecall algorithms wi th over 20,000VirtualAntenna Memories. When you key your transmitter, MFJ's InstantRecallchecks to see if that frequency has been used before. If so, tuning isinstantaneous. If not, MFJ's Intel liTune algori thm (based on MFJ's efficientSWR Analyzer technology) measures the impedance, snaps the necessarycomponents in place, and then fine-tunes the SWR. If the antennaimpedance is outside the tuner's measurement range, MFJ's Adaptive Searchalgori thm measures the frequency and determines only relevant componentvalues -- which are then searched for fast tuning. Safe Automatic Tuning andAmplifier Protection The MFJ-998 includes MFJ’s Ampl ifier Bypass Control --an MFJ exclusive feature! When used wi th a transceiver interface cable,tuning is safe and "stupidproof"! When a tuning cycle is ini tiated, theMFJ-998 first bypasses any in-line ampl ifier. Next, the MFJ-998 ini tiates alow-power CW tuning carrier from your transceiver. When tuning is complete,the MFJ-998 reverts your transceiver to i ts prior power and mode, andre-enables the ampl ifier. This enti re cycle typically takes less than a second!Finally, i f the MFJ-998 cannot find a match better than a preset amplifierSWR trip-point, the ampl ifier stays bypassed to provide automatic SWRprotection for your ampli fier -- another MFJ exclusive! Analog SWR/WattmeterA large analog Cross-Needle SWR/Watt-meter displays selectable 300/60 wattor 3000/600 watt forward/reflected full -scale ranges. You can even selectautomatic power ranging -- the best power range is automatical ly selected foryou. Digital LCD SWR/Wattmeter A two-line, 16-character backlit LCD meterdisplays SWR, forward/reflected power, frequency, antenna selected, anauto-ranging bargraph power indication, and much more. You can even readthe final matching inductor and capacitor values should you want to bui ldyour own fixed matching network. Simple menus determine displayedinformation - no complex button combinations to remember! MFJVirtualAntenna Memory MFJ new VirtualAntenna Memory system gives you 4antenna memory banks for each of 2 swi tchable antenna connectors. Selectup to 4 antennas on each antenna connector. Each antenna has 2500memories, 20,000 total. Has two coax connectors and a binding post forend-fed long wire antennas. Download and Upgrade Remotely Fieldupgradeable fi rmware via the serial port -- download and upgrade yourMFJ-998 as new features are introduced! Plus Much More! Built-in radiointerface provides control of most amateur transceivers. Automatic bypassingwhen excessive tuning power or power in excess of 1500 watts is applied. Usebalanced line antennas with external MFJ-912, 1.5 kW 4:1 balun. MFJ-998 isthe smallest ful l legal-limit auto-tuner in the world! 13Wx4Hx15D inches fitseasi ly into your ham station. Weighs just 8 pounds -- great portabi lity!External 12V DC/1A max. power supply is required (see www.ges.cz/en/accumulators-batteries-resources/power-supplies/general-purpose-mains-adapters/universal-mains-dc-adapters-stabilized/SITN4.html Pre-wired RigInterface Cables for MFJ-929/998 These cables work with the following MFJAutomatic tuners: MFJ-929, MFJ-928, MFJ-925, and the MFJ-998.MFJ-5114K Prewired Rig Interface cable for Kenwood and compatibles.MFJ-5114I. Prewired Rig Interface cable for Icom and compatibles.MFJ-5114Y. Prewired Rig Interface cable for Yaesu and compatibles.MFJ-5114Y3. Prewired MFJ-929 to FT-1000MP, FT-9000 Yaesu rigs.MFJ-5114Y4. Prewired MFJ-929 to FT2000 Yaesu rigs.

1 pc: 18 550 Kč

Copyright 2014 © GES-ELECTRONICS, a.s. | tel. 377 373 111 | fax 377 373 999 | e-mail [emailprotected] | www.ges.cz

 · Vygenerováno: 25. 3. 2014 Broadcasting, radio, Audio GES08902107 RoHS GES08900509 RoHS GES08900511 RoHS GES08900500 … - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.