Websites Blocked in China - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Explore the intricacies of Internet censorship in China with a comprehensive list of Websites blocked in China. Discover Banned social media platforms in China and how to Check if a website is blocked in China.

Websites Blocked in China: The internet is a vast digital landscape connecting people across the globe, but the online experience can differ significantly depending on where you are. Nowhere is this contrast more apparent than in mainland China, where the government enforces one of the most extensive and sophisticated online censorship systems in the world, colloquially known as the “Great Firewall of China.” This virtual barrier restricts access to a multitude of websites, from social media platforms to news outlets, all carefully curated by the Chinese authorities.

Here in this article, we will talk about the List of websites not allowed in China by the Chinese Government, a list of these websites, the reasons for their ban, and how to access these websites in China.

Websites Blocked in China - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Websites Blocked in China

Table of Content

  • Which websites are blocked in China?
  • List of Websites Blocked in China
  • How To Access Blocked Sites In China
  • VPN For Blocked Websites In China
  • Chinese Great Firewall
  • Blocked International Websites In China
  • China’s Internet Restrictions
  • Popular Apps Banned In China
  • News Websites Blocked In China
  • Online Services Censored In China
  • Testing Website Accessibility In China
  • China’s Banned Website List
  • Why are these websites blocked in China?
  • How to access websites in China?

Which websites are blocked in China?

The Chinese government imposes stringent regulations on the availability of information sources inside China, extending its jurisdiction to encompass a range of websites and applications. Apps and websites are frequently restricted based on the user’s willingness to cooperate with Chinese authorities.The purpose of this compilation is to shed light on how accessible major websites and apps are in China. Here is the list of blocked websites in China

Social Media

Social media use has ingrained itself into our everyday routines, enabling us to interact, share, and connect with people everywhere. However, this digital world appears very differently in mainland China. Social media platforms are subject to the government’s strict control over information flow, which has led to the blocking of numerous international social networks. Here is the list of blocked social media in China:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat
  • Linkedin (restricted local version)
  • Quora
  • Tumblr
  • Picasa
  • Clubhouse
  • Blogspot
  • Blogger
  • Medium
  • Flickr
  • SoundCloud
  • Google Hangouts
  • Hootsuite
  • Badoo
  • Disqus
  • Tinder
  • Github

News and information

In China, news and information are frequently restrictedto manage public opinion and enforce stringent control over what the Chinese people may access. To preserve its hold on social order and public opinion, the government seeks to restrict the spread of information that questions its legitimacy, encourages dissent, or deviates from its official position. The following is a list of China’s restricted news and information:

  • New York Times
  • The Financial Times
  • The Economist
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Bloomberg
  • Google News
  • Wikipedia

Media sites

China has tight censorship regulations that aim to control the flow of information and limit access to anything that may be critical of the Chinese Communist Party, promote dissent, or give unconstrained news coverage. As a result, a number of media websites are blocked in the country. These policies are a reflection of the government’s aim to preserve power and a specific narrative while reducing exposure to outside influences and viewpoints. The following is a list of China’s restricted media sites:

  • The New York Times
  • The Financial Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Economist
  • Bloomberg
  • Reuters
  • The Washington Post
  • The South China Morning Post
  • The Independent
  • The Daily Mail
  • LeMonde
  • L’Equipe
  • Google News
  • Many Wikipedia pages
  • Wikileaks

Search engines

Search engines like Google are blocked in China because they don’t comply with the Chinese government’s strict regulations on censorship. The Chinese authorities closely monitor online content and seek to control the information accessible to their citizens. Foreign search engines often refuse to cooperate with these censorship demands, leading to their blocking in China. As a result, Chinese users are directed to use domestic search engines that adhere to government restrictions.

  • Google
  • Duck Duck Go
  • Yahoo
  • Various foreign versions of Baidu

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps are blocked in China primarily due to the Chinese government’s stringent internet censorship policies. These apps often use end-to-end encryption, which makes it difficult for authorities to monitor and control the flow of information. The government aims to maintain control over digital communication channels and prevent the spread of information it deems sensitive or threatening to its authority.

  • Whatsapp
  • Messenger
  • Viber
  • Telegram
  • Line
  • Periscope
  • KaKao Talk
  • Discord
  • Clubhouse

Read More:

  • Strange things banned in China
  • Indian Govt Issues Order To Ban 54 Chinese Apps

List of Websites Blocked in China

Read about the long List of websites not allowed in China. It is useful for people who want to know how much internet censorship exists in China because this resource gives a quick reference to the platforms that are prohibited by the government.

List of Websites Not Allowed In China

Banned Social Media Platforms in China

News and Information

Media Sites

Search engines

Messaging apps






Linkedin (restricted local version)










Google Hangouts






New York Times

The Financial Times

The Economist

The Wall Street Journal


Google News


The New York Times

The Financial Times

The Wall Street Journal

The Economist



The Washington Post

The South China Morning Post

The Independent

The Daily Mail



Google News

Many Wikipedia pages



Duck Duck Go


Various foreign versions of Baidu







KaKao Talk



How To Access Blocked Sites In China

  • VPN Solutions:
    • Utilize Virtual Private Network (VPN) services to bypass restrictions.
    • Many international VPN providers offer solutions to access blocked content.
  • Proxy Servers:
    • Explore proxy servers that can act as intermediaries, allowing access to blocked sites.
  • TOR Browser:
    • The TOR (The Onion Router) browser can provide anonymous access to blocked websites.

VPN For Blocked Websites In China

  • ExpressVPN:
    • Known for its fast and reliable services in bypassing censorship.
  • NordVPN:
    • Offers robust security features along with effective unblocking capabilities.
  • Surfshark:
    • Emphasizes privacy and can be effective in accessing blocked content.

Chinese Great Firewall

  • Overview:
    • China’s Great Firewall is a sophisticated system of internet censorship and surveillance.
  • Purpose:
    • Implemented to regulate and control the flow of information within the country.
  • Techniques Used:
    • DNS filtering, IP blocking, and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) are among the techniques employed.

Blocked International Websites In China

  • Google Services:
    • Google, including Search, Gmail, and YouTube, is often restricted.
  • Social Media Platforms:
    • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp are commonly blocked.
  • News Websites:
    • Access to various international news websites may be restricted.

China’s Internet Restrictions

  • Government Control:
    • The Chinese government regulates online content to align with its policies.
  • Keyword Filtering:
    • Content containing sensitive keywords may be blocked or filtered.

Popular Apps Banned In China

  • WhatsApp:
    • The popular messaging app is often restricted.
  • Facebook Messenger:
    • Access to Facebook’s messaging service may be limited.
  • Instagram:
    • Restrictions may prevent the use of Instagram in China.

News Websites Blocked In China

  • BBC:
    • The BBC’s website may face restrictions.
  • The New York Times:
    • Access to The New York Times online may be limited.
  • Reuters:
    • The Reuters news platform could be subject to blocking.

Online Services Censored In China

  • Google Services:
    • Search, Maps, and other Google services may be censored.
  • Wikipedia:
    • Access to certain Wikipedia pages may be restricted.
  • Western Online Platforms:
    • Various Western online platforms may face censorship.

Testing Website Accessibility In China

  • Use Online Tools:
    • Employ online tools that check if a website is accessible in China.
  • VPN Trials:
    • Test accessibility using VPN trials to gauge effectiveness.

China’s Banned Website List

  • Government Transparency:
    • China does not disclose an official list of banned websites.
  • Dynamic Restrictions:
    • The list of banned websites can change dynamically based on government decisions.

Why are these websites blocked in China?

Chinese internet blocks are implemented for a variety of reasons. With the notorious “Great Firewall,” the Chinese government imposes stringent online censorship in an effort to manage information flow and hold onto power. Political censorship is a major factor; websites critical of the Chinese government that address subjects like human rights abuses, political opposition, or historical events like the Tiananmen Square demonstrations are frequently blocked to keep Chinese citizens from learning about opposing viewpoints. Concerns about national security also come into play since websites that could be targets of cyberattacks or pose security dangers to China are subject to restrictions. Another concern is regulatory compliance; international websites and services must frequently abide by local rules and regulations. Refusal to comply may result in blockage.

The restriction of foreign platforms that compete with domestic ones, especially in the social media and messaging domains, is blatantly discriminatory. Other motivations include economic protectionism, ideological control, and information flow management. One could argue that social media and international news sources pose a challenge to the government’ ability to manage information. Restrictions may also apply to websites that propagate ideologies at odds with the core values of the Communist Party; occasionally, blocking is done to safeguard home businesses or restrict access to imported goods and services. Due to the dynamic nature of these factors, websites may suddenly become available or prohibited, making internet use in China a strictly regulated and supervised area.

How to access websites in China?

There are ways to access websites and apps that are restricted in China; this is accomplished through the use of a technology called virtual private networks, or VPNs.Almost every foreigner who has spent more than six months living in China utilizes a VPN on a regular basis. To put it briefly, a VPN operates by encrypting the data you send to a server located in a different nation (like the US). In contrast to China, when you use the internet, it appears as though you are in that nation without censorship.

List of Websites Blocked in China – FAQs

Are VPN illegal in China?

In China, using a VPN is permissible. Nevertheless, the Chinese government only accepts VPNs that meet its standards, prohibiting those that don’t. Compared to foreigners, Chinese nationals are more likely to be charged for using unapproved VPNs.

What internet is blocked in China?

China has severely imposed internet restriction and monitoring, blocking social media sites such as Gmail, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others. The VPN service providers are currently being affected by the Great Firewall of China’s draconian censorship policies.

Is Google blocked in China?

In China, Google Search is only partially accessible., the company’s Hong Kong servers, receives requests for Google Search made from the mainland, including requests for and The results of your search on the Hong Kong version could or might not be restricted when you’re in China.

Is Youtube blocked in China?

YouTube is blocked in China. The Chinese government imposes strict internet censorship, and several popular international websites and platforms, including YouTube, are inaccessible from within mainland China. The blocking of YouTube is part of the broader efforts to control and regulate online content in accordance with the government’s policies and ideology.

Why Some websites are banned in China?

The Chinese government employs a comprehensive system of internet censorship often referred to as the “Great Firewall of China” to control and regulate online content within the country. The reasons for banning certain websites in China are primarily rooted in the government’s desire to maintain strict control over information, preserve social stability, and uphold the ruling Communist Party’s ideology.



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Websites Blocked in China - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Websites Blocked in China - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Are VPNs in China illegal? Short answer: VPNs are not illegal in China, but their use is heavily restricted. Long answer: Using a VPN in China is not officially illegal. China allows VPN providers to operate as long as they cooperate with the state, which defeats the privacy purpose of having a VPN in the first place.

Are VPNs illegal in China? ›

Are VPNs in China illegal? Short answer: VPNs are not illegal in China, but their use is heavily restricted. Long answer: Using a VPN in China is not officially illegal. China allows VPN providers to operate as long as they cooperate with the state, which defeats the privacy purpose of having a VPN in the first place.

What things are censored in China? ›

The PRC bans certain content regarding independence movements in Tibet and Taiwan, the religious movement Falun Gong, democracy, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, Maoism, corruption, police brutality, anarchism, gossip, disparity of wealth, and food safety scandals.

How do I know if my URL is blocked in China? ›

With the Internet Censorship Check, you can find out if a website is blocked in China. Just enter the desired page in the field above and press Start Test. operates servers in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen and tries to connect to the website from them.

Does China ban Discord? ›

The short answer is yes, it is. If you live in the Middle Kingdom or are visiting the country, you'll be unable to use the highly popular voice and text app. This is a little ironic, considering there are lots of Discord servers for learning the languages there and immersing yourself in the Chinese culture.

Can China track VPN? ›

To protect your privacy — The Chinese government regularly spies on the web traffic of its internet users. Well, if you use a VPN, it encrypts your web traffic, which basically means it makes it 100% unreadable. If Chinese authorities try to monitor your web connections, they'll only see gibberish.

What happens if you set your VPN to China? ›

The Chinese government works hard to prevent the usage of VPNs, so don't be surprised if one day you won't be able to connect to your favorite server. In China, VPN traffic can be detected by the Great Firewall, which will block the server you're connected to.

Is TikTok allowed in China? ›

CHINA. TikTok has never been available in mainland China, a fact that CEO Shou Chew has mentioned in testimony to U.S. lawmakers. ByteDance instead offers Chinese users Douyin, a similar video-sharing app that follows Beijing's strict censorship rules.

Why is Winnie the Pooh banned in China? ›

Chinese Internet users have frequently compared Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh: the comparisons serve to satirize Xi's publicly projected image. Xi attempts to portray himself as serious, whereas Winnie-the-Pooh is a comedic cartoon character for children.

Is Snapchat banned in China? ›

Snapchat is completely banned in all of Iran, China, Cuba, and North Korea. Many workplaces, schools, and universities also block access to Snapchat and other social media platforms on their networks.

Is Gmail blocked in China? ›

Its system of firewalls is called the Great Firewall, and it restricts access to not just Gmail, but all Google services (including Google docs, Google Maps, Google Translate, and more). The Chinese government blocks these services to limit their users' internet freedom.

Is Amazon blocked in China? ›

Similarly, Amazon isn't blocked in China.

Does iMessage work in China? ›

iMessage and FaceTime are end-to-end encrypted and work in China. There's different rules for Apple. >iMessage and FaceTime are end-to-end encrypted and work in China. There's different rules for Apple.

Is PayPal blocked in China? ›

Yes. PayPal can definitely work in China. The service of PayPal is now available in 200 countries and regions, including Hong Kong China, Taiwan China, and Mainland China¹.

Is Zoom blocked in China? ›

"Zoom has confirmed that the website is now accessible in China in addition to As such, local users in China should now be able to start and join Zoom Meetings and Zoom Video Webinars via the website.

Is Spotify banned in China? ›

Spotify restricts access based on where you sign up for your account, so once you've moved to another country, it won't allow you to use it there. To bypass this blocking and access Spotify in China, you can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to connect to a server in your home country [2].

Is TikTok banned in China? ›

In China, there is no TikTok. There is only Douyin. After President Biden signed a bill on Wednesday forcing Chinese company ByteDance to sell its ownership of TikTok, the United States moved one step closer to an internet without the short video app.

How many Chinese citizens use a VPN? ›

Leading markets for VPN usage among internet users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2017
CharacteristicShare of internet users
Saudi Arabia29%
6 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

Is Google banned in China? ›

Google's ban in China has generated attention and debate ever since it was implemented in 2010. The ban is a topic of intense discussion among academics, decision-makers, and tech aficionados because it represents a complex interaction of political, economic, and ideological forces.

Why is China blocking the internet? ›

The reasons behind the Internet censorship in China include: Social control: the Internet is a means for freedom of speech, and dissemination of campaigns could lead to protests against the government. Sensitive content: to control information about the government in China.

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