What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (2024)

Posted on Apr 4, 2024 by Naiyie Lamb

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (1)

VPN protocols are sets of rules determining how data is encrypted and securely transferred to the VPN server. They can differ in performance, simplicity, and security. Before the WireGuard® protocol was introduced in 2015, OpenVPN was widely considered the most secure protocol.

The open-source WireGuard® protocol was created after years of heavy research, and it aims to condense the benefits of other protocols and minimize their disadvantages. Due to its speed, performance, and high level of security, WireGuard® is now recognized as the one of the best VPN protocols on the market.

You might already know the benefits of using a VPN and wonder “What makes WireGuard® so special?” Well, its most defining characteristic is how simple its code is. WireGuard® consists of only 4,000 lines of code. That’s a big difference compared to OpenVPN’s 70,000 lines. It also turns out that using fewer lines of code benefits speed and security – by quite a lot.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the WireGuard® VPN protocol. We’ll even provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up WireGuard® with PIA VPN.

PIA is the best all-around VPN. We use powerful encryption to fortify your internet traffic against intrusion. Our no-logs policy is supported by RAM-only servers and entirely open-source apps, as well as protocol options like WireGuard® and OpenVPN. A single PIA subscription lets you connect unlimited devices simultaneously and gives you access to high-speed 10-Gbps servers around the world.

Table of Contents

What Is the WireGuard® VPN Protocol?
WireGuard® VPN Protocol: Pros and Cons
WireGuard® Compared to Other VPN Protocols
How to Change VPN Protocol to WireGuard® on the PIA App
WireGuard® Making Waves

What Is the WireGuard® VPN Protocol?

WireGuard® is a relatively new VPN protocol that made waves throughout the VPN industry when it was made available to the public. It’s now widely recognized as one of the best protocols out there, mainly because it offers better performance and security – two things you need in a VPN.

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (2)

One of WireGuard®’s biggest advantages comes from its relatively simple source code, making it easier to debug and audit. Less code also means less space for vulnerability. It’s more difficult for attackers to find weaknesses with a smaller attack surface. Since WireGuard® is open source, anyone can scrutinize the protocol’s code, and help eliminate potential vulnerabilities.

WireGuard® is the result of a lengthy academic process and its design underwent intense scrutiny. The researchers who designed it wrote a detailed technical whitepaper outlining the considerations and ideas behind it. Their main aim was to replace IKEv2/IPSec and OpenVPN with a faster and more secure alternative. So far, they’re succeeding.

While many already consider the WireGuard® VPN protocol to be at the top of the proverbial food chain, it’s still under heavy development. The Linux version got a stable production build release in March 2020, but it’s unclear when other platforms will get stable build releases.

How Does WireGuard® Work?

WireGuard® uses an advanced cryptography technique it calls “CryptoKey Routing.” It associates a public and private key pair with your IP address and the VPN server’s IP address – similar to asymmetric encryption.

When data travels between your VPN client (app) and the VPN server, WireGuard® instructs the VPN to scramble the data, making it essentially indecipherable – unless you have the correct IP address and encryption key pair. Only your device and the server have these keys. This prevents unauthorized parties from accessing any data about your online activity.

So far, though, this sounds somewhat similar to how all VPN protocols work. What makes WireGuard® stand out is that it uses ChaCha20-authenticated encryption. ChaCha20 has much shorter encryption keys, which allows for faster encryption and decryption, resulting in a much smoother experience for you. This makes WireGuard® a popular choice among people who like to use streaming platforms or play games online.

Which Devices Support WireGuard®?

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (3)

Even though it was released for the Linux kernel first, WireGuard® is now also used on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. It’s designed as a general-purpose VPN protocol, and it’s suitable for most uses.

You can easily use the WireGuard® protocol just by connecting to PIA VPN – it’s our default protocol! If you’d like to try any other VPN protocols, you can easily switch between them in our app settings.

WireGuard® VPN Protocol: Pros and Cons

Like everything else in life, WireGuard® has pros and cons – but mostly pros. Here’s a quick overview of its benefits and drawbacks:


What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (4)
  • Lightweight and efficient. Since WireGuard® uses ChaCha20 encryption and less code than other protocols, the encryption and decryption process is much faster. This means you enjoy better speed and performance.
  • Minimal attack surface. Less code means fewer threats as attackers have fewer opportunities to find vulnerabilities. Its minimal attack surface makes it one of the most secure VPN protocols.
  • Stable and reliable. WireGuard®’s code is optimized to provide the best performance, meaning your VPN connection stays stable with minimal packet loss.
  • Open source. Tech experts can easily audit the code to fix faults and improve the general performance of the protocol.
  • Well-researched. WireGuard® is the result of a lengthy research process aimed at creating a protocol that’s lightweight and secure.


  • No dynamic IP addresses. WireGuard® only uses static IP addresses. This means you’ll always have the same IP address on a specific server. Dynamic IP addresses change every time you connect to the internet, which is better for privacy.
  • Less privacy than OpenVPN. To give you a static IP address, WireGuard® tries to log your real IP address on the VPN server you’re using. While your IP address is still masked to outsiders, some argue this may put your privacy at risk if the server or system were compromised at any point.
  • Not used by all providers. Since WireGuard® is a relatively new technology, it isn’t available with all VPN providers. PIA offers WireGuard® alongside OpenVPN. You can easily switch protocols based on your needs and preferences.

PIA VPN gets around WireGuard®’s privacy issues by running an RSA certificate-protected RESTful API to ensure any data transmitted over the connection stays confidential. We also run a daemon that deletes connection data periodically when the VPN server no longer detects keepalive pings from your connection for three minutes. Finally, our RAM-only servers are set to reboot regularly, which wipes all remaining session data from their temporary memory.

WireGuard® Compared to Other VPN Protocols

WireGuard® sounds great, but is it the right VPN protocol for you? Here’s a quick comparison between WireGuard® and the other two most common VPN protocols – OpenVPN and IKEv2/IPSec – to help you decide.

WireGuard® vs OpenVPN

We’ve already pointed out WireGuard®’s general standing compared to OpenVPN, but let’s sum up the facts.

Having simpler source code makes WireGuard® easier to implement, use, and audit than OpenVPN. While WireGuard® is faster, OpenVPN can be better at hiding the fact you’re using a VPN. This is because OpenVPN automatically applies obfuscation – a feature WireGuard® doesn’t have.

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (5)

People also consider OpenVPN to be more private, since it doesn’t try to log your real IP address. While the difference in privacy is minimal if your VPN provider manages WireGuard® properly, OpenVPN is still a valid choice if you prefer to be sure.

WireGuard® vs IKEv2/IPSec

WireGuard® surpasses IKEv2/IPsec in speed, encryption, and codebase simplicity. It stands as the superior choice for the majority of users. IKEv2/IPsec may be a more appealing choice for those who prefer more traditional encryption protocols with a solid reputation. Many people also prefer using IKEv2/IPsec for better stability on mobile connections.

It used to be easier to find VPNs that offer IKEv2/IPsec as WireGuard® is compatible with fewer encryption algorithms. However, platforms like Apple and many VPN providers are already starting to phase out IKEv2/IPsec. Meanwhile, WireGuard® is still actively being worked on and may improve its compatibility with time.

If you’re looking for a VPN that uses the latest in encryption and provides the best speeds, WireGuard® is the frontrunner here.

How to Change Your VPN Protocol to WireGuard® on the PIA App

We’ve intentionally made the PIA VPN app user-friendly so you can quickly switch between protocols – even if you’re not a tech buff. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to switch to the WireGuard® protocol in the PIA app.

  1. Open the app and click on the menu icon in the top left corner.
What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (6)
  1. Select Settings from the menu.
What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (7)
  1. Choose Protocols from the list of settings options.
What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (8)
  1. From there, tap Protocol Selection.
What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (9)
  1. Select WireGuard® and click SAVE.
What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (10)

You can use WireGuard® with PIA VPN on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. It’s easy to set up and you can protect all your devices with a single subscription.

What VPN Protocols Does PIA Offer?

Aside from WireGuard®, PIA also offers the OpenVPN protocol. You can easily switch between protocols according to your needs. If you want to prioritize performance and security, WireGuard® is your best choice. However, if you need to hide the fact that you’re using a VPN, OpenVPN could be the better option. While WireGuard® doesn’t natively offer this option, PIA has a VPN obfuscation feature you can turn on in the app.

If you need to hide that you’re using a VPN, getting a dedicated IP address is also a good option. VPN detectors rarely pick up dedicated IP addresses since they’re not being shared by hundreds of people simultaneously.

WireGuard® Is Making Waves

It’s normal for technology to get more efficient over time, and that’s exactly what WireGuard® has done in the VPN protocol arena. After a long-winded process of academic research, tech experts created a protocol designed to be lightweight, secure, and efficient.

It combines the best elements of older protocols into one that works well across the board. Despite still being under development, it’s widely recognized as the best VPN protocol for general use.

PIA VPN automatically uses WireGuard® and you can switch between WireGuard® and OpenVPN in our app. Try PIA VPN with a 30-day money-back guarantee and keep all your devices covered with best-in-class security and privacy features!


Is WireGuard® a good VPN protocol?

WireGuard® is widely considered the best VPN protocol in terms of all-around use. Despite being relatively new, it’s built on a simple codebase which is beneficial for performance, speed, and security. The WireGuard® protocol is the result of a lengthy academic research process and has been fine-tuned to outperform other protocols.

Which is better, OpenVPN or WireGuard®?

In most situations, WireGuard® will outperform OpenVPN. While OpenVPN has around 70,000 lines of code, WireGuard® only has about 4,000 lines. This makes it more lightweight and efficient. Less code also means less room for cyber attacks. However, OpenVPN might outperform WireGuard® when it comes to hiding the fact that you’re using a VPN.

Is WireGuard® VPN secure?

WireGuard® is extremely secure and rivals OpenVPN in terms of security. Due to its simpler code structure and minimal attack surface, it may even outperform OpenVPN in most cases.

What platforms can you use WireGuard® on?

You can use WireGuard® via PIA VPN’s app on all the popular OSes, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. It’s designed to be for general use, so you won’t have to worry about compatibility issues.

How do I set up the WireGuard® VPN protocol?

You can easily use the WireGuard® VPN protocol with PIA. Here’s how:

1- Install the app and get a subscription. Try it with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
2- In the app, click on the menu icon and choose Settings.
3- Select Protocols
4- Choose Protocol Selection
5- Select WireGuard® and click SAVE.

Is WireGuard® TCP or UDP?

WireGuard® uses UDP to avoid possible performance issues stemming from using TCP over a TCP-based connection (TCP-over-TCP). That’s why the protocol always uses UDP and its default port is 51820.

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (11)

What Is WireGuard®? VPN Protocol Explained (2024)


What is the WireGuard VPN protocol? ›

WireGuard is a communication protocol and free and open-source software that implements encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs), and was designed with the goals of ease of use, high speed performance, and low attack surface.

What is the VPN protocol? ›

A VPN Protocol is a set of rules that govern how data is transmitted between your device and a virtual private network (VPN) server. VPN apps use these protocols to establish a secure and stable connection.

How is WireGuard different from VPN? ›

The biggest notable differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN are speed and security. While WireGuard is generally faster, OpenVPN provides heavier security. The differences between these two protocols are also what make up their defining features.

What is the principle of WireGuard? ›

In principle, WireGuard is a decentralized, peer-to-peer VPN protocol. Rather than requiring a server, WireGuard can open a tunnel directly between two computers. A WireGuard “server” is simply a machine that contains the connection configurations for multiple peers.

What are the benefits of using WireGuard? ›

WireGuard consists of fewer lines of code than many other VPN protocols, making it easier to deploy and to troubleshoot. Wireguard VPN providers can find and resolve bugs quickly, because there is just less code to sort through when trying to identify problems. High security.

How do I use WireGuard as a VPN? ›

2. On server machine: configuration
  1. Click on Add empty tunnel from options in Add tunnel button.
  2. Add a name for new tunnel.
  3. Write down the private key and public key generated by WireGuard.
  4. Add an IP address for your interface. ...
  5. Specify listening port number (use an high port number, like between 49000-65000).
Feb 26, 2023

What is the basic explanation of VPN? ›

A VPN, which stands for virtual private network, establishes a digital connection between your computer and a remote server owned by a VPN provider, creating a point-to-point tunnel that encrypts your personal data, masks your IP address, and lets you sidestep website blocks and firewalls on the internet.

What are the 3 most common VPN protocols? ›

The 3 most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2/IPsec.

What protocol does always on VPN use? ›

It uses Windows 10's built-in VPN client and the Internet Key Exchange version 2 protocol. IKEv2 is a reliable and secure protocol that provides robust authentication and encryption standards, making it a viable choice for Always On VPN.

How safe is WireGuard VPN? ›

Is WireGuard secure? WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

Do I need WireGuard VPN? ›

Secure: WireGuard deploys all the latest cryptographic technologies, taking a more modern approach compared with older VPN protocols. Quick Reconnects: Because WireGuard doesn't use handshake authentication like other protocols, it can quickly drop and pick up new connections without a complex reconnection process.

What port does WireGuard use? ›

The port used by the peer for WireGuard traffic. The default port is 51820 if left empty.

What is the WireGuard protocol? ›

WireGuard is a new-generation VPN protocol that radically streamlines secure communication for its end users and network administrators.

Does WireGuard hide IP? ›

When you connect to our VPN server via WireGuard, your device can only see the IP address 10.2. 0.2, and the website you visit can only see the public IP address of our VPN server. Your true IP address remains secure and private, just as it would with OpenVPN.

What is the WireGuard protocol handshake? ›

WireGuard uses the Noise_IK handshake from Noise, building on the work of CurveCP, NaCL, KEA+, SIGMA, FHMQV, and HOMQV. All packets are sent over UDP. The key exchange has these nice properties: Avoids key-compromise impersonation.

Is WireGuard TCP or UDP? ›

By default, WireGuard uses UDP only.

What is the difference between VPN protocol WireGuard and IKEv2? ›

WireGuard is much newer, released in 2015. It's comparable to OpenVPN in terms of security and encryption, but many consider it faster and more reliable. IKEv2 is often paired with IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) to create a secure VPN tunnel. IKEv2/IPSec is lightweight and adequately secure.

What is the default port protocol for WireGuard? ›

The protocol is always UDP, and the default port is 51820 .

Is WireGuard the fastest VPN protocol? ›

WireGuard – The Fastest VPN Protocol

High speeds. Open-source code base. Less bandwidth usage.

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