WireGuard Road Warrior Setup — OPNsense documentation (2024)

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  • WireGuard Road Warrior Setup


WireGuard is a simple, fast VPN protocol using modern cryptography. It aims to be faster and less complex than IPsec whilst also being a considerably more performant alternative to OpenVPN. Initially released for the Linux kernel, it is now cross-platform and widely deployable.

This how-to describes setting up a central WireGuard Instance (server) on OPNsense and configuring one or more client peers to create a tunnel to it.

Step 1 - Configure the Wireguard Instance

  • Go to VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ Instances

  • Click + to add a new Instance configuration

  • Configure the Instance configuration as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):




    Call it whatever you want (eg HomeWireGuard )

    Public Key

    This will initially be blank; Press the cogwheel to auto-generate new keys.

    Private Key

    This will initially be blank; Press the cogwheel to auto-generate new keys.

    Listen Port

    51820 or a higher numbered unique port


    1420 (default) or 1412 if you use PPPoE; it’s 80 bytes less than your WAN MTU

    Tunnel Address

    For example, See note below


    The (client) peers will be specified here; leave it blank initially until the Peer configuration is created in Step 2

    Disable Routes



The tunnel address must be in CIDR notation and must be a unique IP and subnet for your network, such as if it was on a physically different routed interface. The subnet should be an appropriate size that includes all the client peers that will use the tunnel. For IPv4 it should be a private (RFC1918) address, for example For IPv6, it could either be a unique ULA /64 address, or a unique GUA /64 address derived from your prefix delegation. Do not use a tunnel address that is a /32 (IPv4) or a /128 (IPv6)


Leave the DNS Server field (which appears if advanced mode is selected) blank. Otherwise WireGuard will overwrite OPNsense’s DNS configuration

  • Save the Instance configuration, and then click Save again

  • Re-open the Instance configuration

  • Copy the public key that has been generated in the configuration. This will be needed for the client device - see Step 6

  • Save or Cancel to exit the configuration

Step 2 - Configure the client peer

  • Go to VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ Peers

  • Click + to add a new Peer

  • Configure the Peer as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):




    Call it whatever you want (eg Phone )

    Public Key

    Insert the public key from the client; if needed skip ahead and start Step 6 to generate the client public key

    Allowed IPs

    Unique tunnel IP address (IPv4 and/or IPv6) of client - it should be a /32 or /128 (as applicable) within the subnet configured on the WireGuard Instance. For example,

  • Save the Peer configuration, and then click Save again

  • Now go back to VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ Instances

  • Open the Instance configuration that was created in Step 1 (eg HomeWireGuard)

  • In the Peers dropdown, select the newly created Peer (eg Phone)

  • Save the Instance configuration again, and then click Save once more

  • Repeat this Step 2 for as many clients as you wish to configure

Step 3 - Turn on/restart WireGuard

  • Turn on WireGuard under VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ General if it is not already on (click Apply after checking the checkbox)

  • Otherwise, restart WireGuard - you can do this by turning it off and on under VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ General (click Apply after both unchecking and checking the checkbox)

Step 4 - Assignments and routing


The steps outlined in Steps 4(a) and 4(b) below may not be required at all in your circ*mstances. Strictly speaking, if you only intend for your clients to use the tunnel to access local IPs/subnets behind OPNsense, then neither step is actually necessary. If you intend to use the WireGuard tunnel to also access IPs outside of the local network, for example the public internet, then at least one, and perhaps both, of the steps will be required. This is explained below

However, it is useful to complete Step 4(a) anyway, for the reasons explained in that step

Step 4(a) - Assign an interface to WireGuard (recommended)


This step is not strictly necessary in any circ*mstances for a road warrior setup. However, it is useful to implement, for several reasons:

First, it generates an alias for the tunnel subnet(s) that can be used in firewall rules. Otherwise you will need to define your own alias or at least manually specify the subnet(s)

Second, it automatically adds an IPv4 outbound NAT rule, which will allow the tunnel to access IPv4 IPs outside of the local network (if that is desired), without needing to manually add a rule

Finally, it allows separation of the firewall rules of each WireGuard instance (each wgX device). Otherwise they all need to be configured on the default WireGuard group that OPNsense creates. This is more an organisational aesthetic, rather than an issue of substance

  • Go to Interfaces ‣ Assignments

  • In the dropdown next to “New interface:”, select the WireGuard device (wg1 if this is your first one)

  • Add a description (eg HomeWireGuard)

  • Click + to add it, then click Save

  • Then select your new interface under the Interfaces menu

  • Configure it as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):






    Same as under Assignments, if this box is not already populated

    IPv4 Configuration Type


    IPv6 Configuration Type



There is no need to configure IPs on the interface. The tunnel address(es) specified in the Instance configuration for your server will be automatically assigned to the interface once WireGuard is restarted

  • Save the interface configuration and then click Apply changes

  • Restart WireGuard - you can do this by turning it off and on under VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ General (click Apply after both unchecking and checking the checkbox)


When assigning interfaces, gateways can be added to them. This is useful if balancing traffic across multiple tunnels is required or in more complex routing scenarios. To do this, go to System ‣ Gateways ‣ Configuration and add a new gateway. Choose the relevant WireGuard interface and set the Gateway to dynamic. These scenarios are otherwise beyond the scope of this how-to


If Unbound DNS is configured with all interfaces registered it requires a reload of Unbound DNS to get the new Wireguard interface added. This is necessary to get DNS working through the VPN tunnel.

Step 4(b) - Create an outbound NAT rule


This step is only necessary (if at all) to allow client peers to access IPs outside of the local IPs/subnets behind OPNsense - see the note under Step 4. If an interface has already been assigned under Step 4(a), then it is not necessary for IPv4 traffic, and is only necessary for IPv6 traffic if the tunnel uses IPv6 ULAs (IPv6 GUAs don’t need NAT). So in many use cases this step can be skipped

  • Go to Firewall ‣ NAT ‣ Outbound

  • Select “Hybrid outbound NAT rule generation” if it is not already selected, and click Save and then Apply changes

  • Click Add to add a new rule

  • Configure the rule as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):



    TCP/IP Version

    IPv4 or IPv6 (as applicable)



    Source invert


    Source address

    If you assigned an interface under Step 4(a), select the generated alias for the interface subnet(s) (eg HomeWireGuard net ) - see note below if you didn’t assign this interface

    Source port


    Destination invert


    Destination address


    Destination port


    Translation / target

    Interface address


    Add one if you wish to

  • Save the rule, and then click Apply changes

  • Restart WireGuard - you can do this by turning it off and on under VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ General (click Apply after both unchecking and checking the checkbox)


If you didn’t assign an interface as suggested in Step 4(a), then you will need to manually specify the source IPs/subnet(s) for the tunnel (for example, It’s probably easiest to define an alias (via Firewall ‣ Aliases) for those IPs/subnet(s) and use that. If you have only one WireGuard Instance and only one WireGuard Peer configured, you can use the default WireGuard net, although this is generally not recommended due to unexpected behaviour

Step 5 - Create firewall rules

This will involve two steps - first creating a firewall rule on the WAN interface to allow clients to connect to the OPNsense WireGuard server, and then creating a firewall rule to allow access by the clients to whatever IPs they are intended to have access to.

  • Go to Firewall ‣ Rules ‣ WAN

  • Click Add to add a new rule

  • Configure the rule as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):









    TCP/IP Version

    IPv4 or IPv4+IPv6 (as desired, depending on how you want clients to connect to the server; note this is distinct from what type of traffic is allowed in the tunnel once established)



    Source / Invert




    Destination / Invert



    WAN address

    Destination port range

    The WireGuard port specified in the Instance configuration in Step 1


    Add one if you wish to

  • Save the rule, and then click Apply Changes

  • Then go to Firewall ‣ Rules ‣ [Name of interface assigned in Step 4(a)] - see note below if you didn’t assign this interface

  • Click Add to add a new rule

  • Configure the rule as follows (if an option is not mentioned below, leave it as the default):






    Whatever interface you are configuring the rule on (eg HomeWireGuard ) - see note below



    TCP/IP Version

    IPv4 or IPv4+IPv6 (as applicable)



    Source / Invert



    If you assigned an interface under Step 4(a), select the generated alias for the interface subnet(s) (eg HomeWireGuard net ) - see note below if you didn’t assign this interface

    Destination / Invert



    Specify the IPs that client peers should be able to access, eg “any” or specific IPs/subnets

    Destination port range



    Add one if you wish to

  • Save the rule, and then click Apply Changes


If you didn’t assign an interface as suggested in Step 4(a), then the second firewall rule outlined above will need to be configured on the automatically created WireGuard group that appears once the Instance configuration is enabled and WireGuard is started. You will also need to manually specify the source IPs/subnet(s) for the tunnel. It’s probably easiest to define an alias (via Firewall ‣ Aliases) for those IPs/subnet(s) and use that. If you have only one WireGuard Instance and only one WireGuard Peer configured, you can use the default WireGuard net, although this is generally not recommended due to unexpected behaviour

Step 5a - Create normalization rules

  • Go to Firewall ‣ Settings -> Normalization and press + to create one new normalization rule.

  • If you only pass IPv4 traffic through the wireguard tunnel, create the following rule:


    WireGuard (Group)









    Destination port



    Wireguard MSS Clamping IPv4

    Max mss

    1380 (default) or 1372 if you use PPPoE; it’s 40 bytes less than your Wireguard MTU

  • Save the rule

  • If you pass IPv4+IPv6 - or only IPv6 traffic - through the wireguard tunnel, create the following rule:


    WireGuard (Group)









    Destination port



    Wireguard MSS Clamping IPv6

    Max mss

    1360 (default) or 1352 if you use PPPoE; it’s 60 bytes less than your Wireguard MTU

  • Save the rule


  • The header size for IPv4 is usually 20 bytes, and for TCP 20 bytes. In total thats 40 bytes for IPv4 TCP.

  • IPv6 has a larger header size with 40 bytes. That encreases the total to 60 bytes for IPv6 TCP.


By creating the normalization rules, you ensure that IPv4 TCP and IPv6 TCP can pass through the Wireguard tunnel without being fragmented. Otherwise you could get working ICMP and UDP, but some encrypted TCP sessions will refuse to work.

Step 6 - Configure the WireGuard client


Key generation can be performed on an appropriate device with WireGuard client tools installed. A one-liner for generating a matching private and public keypair is wg genkey | tee private.key | wg pubkey > public.key. Alternatively, WireGuard apps that can be used on some devices can automate key generation for you

Client configuration is largely beyond the scope of this how-to since there is such a wide array of possible targets (and corresponding configuration methods). An example client (and server) configuration is in the Appendix. The key pieces of information required to configure a client are described below:



Refers to the IP(s) specified as Allowed IPs in the Peer configuration on OPNsense. For example,


Refers to the private key that (along with a public key) needs to be manually or automatically generated on the client. The corresponding public key must then be copied into the Peer configuration on OPNsense for the relevant client peer - see Step 2


Refers to the DNS servers that the client should use for the tunnel - see note below



Refers to the public key that is generated on OPNsense. Copy the public key from the Instance configuration on OPNsense - see Step 1


Refers to the public IP address or publicly resolvable domain name of your OPNsense host, and the port specified in the Instance configuration on OPNsense


Refers to the traffic (by destination IPs/subnets) that is to be sent via the tunnel. For example, if all traffic on the client is to be sent through the tunnel, specify (IPv4) and/or ::/0 (IPv6)


If the DNS server(s) specified are only accessible over the tunnel, or you want them to be accessed over the tunnel, make sure they are covered by the AllowedIPs

Appendix - Example configurations


Do not re-use these example keys!

An example client configuration file:

[Interface]PrivateKey = 8GboYh0YF3q/hJhoPFoL3HM/ObgOuC8YI6UXWsgWL2M=Address =, fd00:1234:abcd:ef09:10:2/128DNS =, fd00:1234:abcd:ef09:1:254[Peer]PublicKey = OwdegSTyhlpw7Dbpg8VSUBKXF9CxoQp2gAOdwgqtPVI=AllowedIPs =, ::/0Endpoint = opnsense.example.com:51820

An example server configuration file:

[Interface]Address =, fd00:1234:abcd:ef09:10:1/64ListenPort = 51820PrivateKey = YNqHwpcAmVj0lVzPSt3oUnL7cRPKB/geVxccs0C0kk0=[Peer]PublicKey = CLnGaiAfyf6kTBJKh0M529MnlqfFqoWJ5K4IAJ2+X08=AllowedIPs =, fd00:1234:abcd:ef09:10:2/128
WireGuard Road Warrior Setup — OPNsense  documentation (2024)


How to easily configure WireGuard? ›

WireGuard Road Warrior Setup
  1. Step 1 - Configure the Wireguard Instance. Go to VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ Instances. ...
  2. Step 2 - Configure the client peer. ...
  3. Step 3 - Turn on/restart WireGuard. ...
  4. Step 4 - Assignments and routing. ...
  5. Step 5 - Create firewall rules. ...
  6. Step 5a - Create normalization rules. ...
  7. Step 6 - Configure the WireGuard client.

Does pfSense support WireGuard? ›

To use WireGuard, upgrade to the latest version of pfSense Plus or pfSense CE software then install the WireGuard package from the Package Manager.

Is WireGuard secure? ›

Is WireGuard secure? WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

How do I get the WireGuard config file? ›

To get the config, first select the Location you want to connect to. Then choose a Port (use 443 if you're unsure). Now select New Key Pair (or use an existing key pair if you have them). And finally, press Download Config to get the WireGuard configuration file.

How do I activate WireGuard automatically? ›

Autostart WireGuard in systemd
  1. Generate a valid and working WireGuard configuration file /etc/wireguard/wg0. ...
  2. Add the WireGuard service to systemd: ...
  3. Start the new service immediately: ...
  4. Reboot your computer system to verify the automatic connection on startup works as expected.
  5. Check the service status:

How to tell if WireGuard is working? ›

To view the status of one or more WireGuard tunnels, use the show wireguard [<instance>] command. This command prints the status of all WireGuard tunnels and can optionally limit the output to a specific instance.

How do I setup a manual WireGuard connection on my router? ›

I have a key pair
  1. Go to Surfshark's login page and log in. Then, visit VPN > Manual setup. Choose the Router option and click on WireGuard.
  2. In the next window, click on I have a key pair.
  3. Name your key pair and click Next.
  4. Enter your public key and hit Save.
Jan 26, 2024

Is OPNsense better than pfSense? ›

If you want high customizability and a large support community, pfSense is a good option. If you prioritize an easy-to-use interface and frequent updates, instead, OPNsense may be better. Ultimately, pfSense offers more flexibility for seasoned users, but OPNsense provides a more polished out-of-box experience.

Is anything better than WireGuard? ›

Tailscale does more than WireGuard, so that will always be true. We aim to minimize that gap, and Tailscale generally offers good bandwidth and excellent latency, particularly compared to non-WireGuard VPNs.

What is the best port to run WireGuard on? ›

The port used by the peer for WireGuard traffic. The default port is 51820 if left empty. If the Endpoint is empty, this value is ignored. An interval, in seconds, at which an empty packet is sent to the peer to keep the session active.

Can WireGuard be hacked? ›

Protocols such as OpenVPN, WireGuard, or IKEv2 have no known vulnerabilities and are considered secure.

Why not to use WireGuard? ›

Unreliable Monotonic Counter. WireGuard uses the system time as a reliable monotonic counter. If this jumps forward, a user might DoS their own keys, by making it impossible to later have a value larger, or an adversary controlling system time could store a handshake initiation for use later.

Can WireGuard be cracked? ›

Is the WireGuard VPN protocol secure? WireGuard is a very secure protocol. While it uses shorter cryptographic keys than some previous protocols, it still provides strong encryption. A longer key takes more time to crack, but it would still take millions of years to brute force WireGuard's encryption keys.

How do I activate WireGuard? ›

Start or Stop WireGuard Tunnel on Windows To start a WireGuard tunnel, go to the start menu and type services. msc . Click ``Yes'' to any security warning. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see the available WireGuard tunnels. Right-click and select Start or Stop, as appropriate.

How do I enable WireGuard PiVPN? ›

Run pivpn -qr on the PiVPN server to generate a QR code of your config, download the Wireguard app Android link / iOS link, click the '+' sign and scan the QR code with your phone's camera. Flip the switch to activate the tunnel.

How to install plugins in OPNsense? ›

You can easily and quickly install available plugins by following these instructions:
  1. Be sure that your OPNsense system is up-to-date. ...
  2. Navigate to the System → Firmware → Plugins on OPNsense web UI.
  3. Search for the plugin you want to install, for example, os-rspamd .
Oct 25, 2023

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