XML - CDATA Sections - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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XML - CDATA Sections - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 13 May, 2024


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CDATA sections are a mechanism in XML for handling character data that might otherwise be misinterpreted by the XML parser. CDATA stands for Character Data. These sections include blocks of text within an XML document that the parser should treat literally, without interpreting any characters as XML markup. This is helpful when the text contains characters that would normally have special meaning in XML, such as < (less than sign) > (greater than sign) and & (ampersand).


characters with markup


  • <![CDATA[: CDATA Start section
  • ]]>: CDATA End section

Rules for CDATA

  • No Nesting: You cannot have CDATA sections nested within other CDATA sections as it will be invalid.
  • No “]]>” Inside: The string sequence “]]>” cannot appear within the CDATA section itself, as it would be misinterpreted as the closing delimiter and can cause parsing errors.

Example: The example below shows an example of CDATA, each character written inside the CDATA section is ignored by the parser. everything between <message> and </message> is treated as character data and not as markup.

<script>  /* <![CDATA[ */  let message = "This is a message with < and > symbols";  /* ]]> */  console.log(message); </script>


This is a message with < and > symbols

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XML - CDATA Sections - GeeksforGeeks (3)

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XML - CDATA Sections - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is the CDATA section in XML? ›

A CDATA section contains text that will NOT be parsed by a parser. Tags inside a CDATA section will NOT be treated as markup and entities will not be expanded. The primary purpose is for including material such as XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.

Should I use CDATA in XML? ›

If the data is designed to be viewed/editied by a person and the data contains chunks of data which contain symbols, formatting and XML control characters that would normally need padding, then CDATA is a good choice as it allows data to be typed in without the need for the user to escape the input.

What is <![ cdata] used for? ›

CDATA sections are useful for writing XML code as text data within an XML document. For example, if one wishes to typeset a book with XSL explaining the use of an XML application, the XML markup to appear in the book itself will be written in the source file in a CDATA section.

What does a CDATA section look like in XML? ›

CDATA Sections

The first CDATA section wraps the following text: <data>some embedded xml <! [CDATA[<text>with xml</text>]] . Note that this CDATA section does not contain the > character that would turn the last three characters into the CDATA terminator. Then comes a single character > .

What is the CDATA limit? ›

The CData Connect rate limit is 100 requests per user per minute. This limit is shared across all data sources, so if a user issues 70 requests in a minute to one connection, that user can only issue 30 more requests to another connection in the same minute.

How to parse CDATA in XML? ›

Configuring the XML parser
  1. Go to Tools > Options > ezParse.
  2. Select "XML based files" in the file groups list > Select *.xml in the file extensions list.
  3. Click Add and enter a new rule name. ...
  4. Click Edit Methods... ...
  5. Double click the elements to be localised. ...
  6. Double click the #cdata-section element.

Can we use CDATA in XML attribute? ›

Using a CDATA Section within an attribute value is not well-formed XML. The reason is that attr values are not allowed to contain open angle brackets.

What is the difference between CDATA and Pcdata in XML? ›

CDATA means the element contains character data that is not supposed to be parsed by a parser. #PCDATA means that the element contains data that IS going to be parsed by a parser. The keyword ANY declares an element with any content. If a #PCDATA section contains elements, these elements must also be declared.

What are the CDATA entities in XML? ›

CDATA is defined as blocks of text that are not parsed by the parser, but are otherwise recognized as markup. The predefined entities such as &lt;, &gt;, and &amp; require typing and are generally difficult to read in the markup. In such cases, CDATA section can be used.

Why is <![ CDATA added? ›

A CDATA section within a script tag is used to include data within a script element that should not be parsed as JavaScript. CDATA stands for Character Data, and it allows you to include characters that might otherwise be interpreted as HTML or XML markup.

How do I get rid of CDATA? ›

Windows. The uninstaller for any CData product is located in the product installation folder. Run the uninstaller to remove the binaries and configuration files used by the product.

Does HTML support CDATA? ›

Note: CDATA sections should not be used within HTML they are considered as comments and not displayed.

How to create CDATA in XML? ›

There are two ways to make the XML well-formed:
  1. Use character entities: <element>&lt;text&gt;&lt;content&gt;</element>
  2. Use a CData section: <element><![ CDATA[<text><content>]]></element>

What are the two main sections of an XML document? ›

An XML document contains two major sections -- the prolog and data structure sections. The prolog identifies the document as an XML document and includes other optional entries for specialized processing. The data structure section includes the hierarchy of data elements representing the document's information content.

What are the three parts of an XML document? ›

XML documents must contain a root element (one that is the parent of all other elements). All elements in an XML document can contain sub elements, text and attributes.

What is Cdata software used for? ›

CData Software (www.cdata.com) is a leading provider of standards-based drivers and data access solutions for real-time integration with online or on-premise Applications, Databases, and Web APIs.

What are CDATA and Pcdata in an XML document? ›

CDATA means the element contains character data that is not supposed to be parsed by a parser. #PCDATA means that the element contains data that IS going to be parsed by a parser.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.