5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

If you want to learn everything about the 5 Tibetan Rites and the Five Tibetans you have come to the right place.

This article will show you all you need to know about the ancient secret anti aging series of yoga poses like movements performed by the Tibetan Monks.

I'll show you everything you need to get started at home including links to additional resources and a free copy of the original Eye Of Revelation book by Peter Kelder!

I'm a teacher of the 5 Tibetan rites and I've been doing the Five Tibetans for over 20 years. I have heard countless stories like mine about how the Five Tibetans have changed their lives.

So read on! You'll be surprised about just how easy it is to get started with this exercise with these instructions.

Table Of Contents

What are the Five Tibetan Rites?

The Five Tibetan Rites are an ancient, once-secret anti aging ritual of five yoga sequence like movements that you perform 21 repetitions a day.

The Five Rites are:

  • First Rite – The Spin
  • Second Rite – The Leg Raise
  • Third Rite – The Kneeling Back Bend
  • Fourth Rite – The Tabletop
  • Fifth Rite – The Pendulum

What are the benefits of the Five Tibetan Rites?

The Five Tibetans Rites are great for all types of people. They are known as a way to reverse the many of the physical impacts of aging.

The anti-ageing benefits of the 5 Tibetan Rites have lead to them to often being referred to as the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth.

Some writers report benefits that sound too good to be true, but here's what you can truthfully expect:

  1. Increased energy
  2. Improved vitality or zest for life
  3. Reduced Stress
  4. Better sleep
  5. Improved mental clarity and focus
  6. Improved breathing
  7. A toned stomach and upper arms
  8. A stronger, more flexible body
  9. Better Posture
  10. Less muscle tension
  11. Stronger Core and Better Gut And Digestion
  12. Improved Libido
  13. Increased awareness and mindfulness

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (1)

What are they? |How they work | Why practice?| How To Do | Safety

Where did the Five Tibetan Rites come from?

The Five Tibetan Rites were discovered in a remote Tibetan monastery by a British Colonel named Colonel Bradford. They are thought to be more than 2500 years old.

The Colonel revealed the tibetan monks (tibetan lamas) secrets to a long and happy life to western culture for the very first time in 1939, with the publication of The Eye of Revelation (Free Download) by Peter Kelder.

More than a simple exercise routine, The Five Tibetan Rites activate and harmonize the spin rates of the bodies seven major energy centers, or vortexes. In Indian culture, they are called chakras or 'wheel' in Sanskrit.

The monks left further instructions for a6thRitefocused on breathing, ananti-aging diet,mantras, vocalized sound, and the power of the subconscious mind.

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (2)

Rare 1939 copy of the original 5 Tibetan Rites, 'Eye of Revelation' by Peter Kelder

How do the Five Tibetans work?

The Five Tibetan Rites are not exercises in the physical culture sense like normal yoga practice, but are energy-raising practices that the monks call Rites.

The lamas from the Tibetan monastery explained that the vortexes spin rapidly when we are healthy, but when they slow down, old age, ill-health, and decline set in. The quickest way to restore health, youth, and vitality is to get the chakra vortexes spinning rapidly again.

It is thought that the location of the vortexes above the bodies' major organ and gland systems help regulate many body functions, including aging.

Research on the Rites is limited to the opinions and experiences of practitioners, including yoga teachers, medical and fitness professionals.

Modern science lacks the tools to measure the subtle energy system of the body. However, several yoga scholars are engaged in research to map and explain the function of the chakras.

How to do The Five Tibetan Rites

First Rite – The Spin

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (3)

The purpose of the 1st Rite is to speed up vortexes.

  1. Choose a clear space where you won't bump into anything.
  2. Stand up straight, with your legs hip-width apart.
  3. Spread your arms out wide at shoulder height, palms facing downwards.
  4. Taking small, smooth steps, spin in the clockwise rotation.
  5. Don't jut your chin forward, or look at the floor.
  6. Soften the focus of your eyes and look straight ahead.
  7. Your breathing pattern is important so remember to breathe! Inhale and exhale smoothly as you rotate.
  8. Start with 3 repetitions and build up to 21, as recommended by the Tibetan lamas.

Solutions & Safety

If you get dizzy, slow down and do less. It is not uncommon for beginners to feel dizzy. For useful tips to reduce dizziness, click here.

SecondRite – The Leg Raise

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (4)

The purpose of the 2nd Rite is to further speed up the spin rate of the seven vortexes.

Breath - Breathe in all the way up into the first part of this movement then breathe out all the way down to the starting position.

  1. For comfort, use a carpeted floor or yoga mat.
  2. Starting position - Lie flat on the floor with your feet together, arms beside your thighs, and your palms against the floor.
  3. Inhale and simultaneously bring your chin towards your chest, and raise your legs straight upwards.
  4. Keep your knees straight and together. Stop when they are positioned over (in line with) your hip bones.
  5. Exhale and breathe out all the way down to your starting position.
  6. Relax and repeat again. Start with 3 repetitions and build up to 21, as recommended above.

Solutions & Safety

If you can't straighten your legs, leave them bent as needed.

Do only as many repetitions as you are able without strain, in the lower back, stomach, groin, thigh, and neck muscles.

If you have previously injured your lower back or neck, or have weak lower back, neck and abdominal muscles, consider using the T5T (The Five Tibetans) step-by-step method.

ThirdRite – The Kneeling Backbend

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (5)

The 3rd Rite is very effective in speeding up the vortexes in the throat, waist, and reproductive areas.

Use the same rhythmic breathing pattern as before. Breathe in all the way up – breathe out all the way down.

  1. Grab a yoga mat or flat, folded towel to kneel on. Don't use a cushion!
  2. Starting Position - Kneel with your legs hip-width apart, and align your hips over your knees.
  3. Place your hands on your thighs beneath your buttocks.
  4. Straighten your back without hollowing your lower back.
  5. Tuck your chin gently towards your chest and firm your buttocks.
  6. Breathe in and arch gently backward, keeping your spine and neck lengthened.
  7. Breath out and return to the starting position.
  8. Relax and repeat again. Start with 3 repetitions and build up to 21, as recommended above.

Solutions & Safety

Option Intermediate Level: In the 1946 update of The Eye of Revelation book, we are told to 'lean forward as far as possible, bending at the waist' before arching backward.

Do only as many repetitions as you are able without strain, in the lower back, neck, groin, thigh, and abdominal muscles.

If you have a previous history of injury, weak core, lower back, or abdominal muscles, consider learning The Five Tibetan Rites using the T5T step-by-step method.

FourthRite – The Tabletop

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (6)

The 4th Rite stimulates the vortexes in the knees, throat, waist, and reproductive areas.

Use the same rhythmic breathing pattern as before. Breathe in all the way up – breathe out all the way down.

  1. Start on a slippery floor if you have one. You can slide your buttocks forward until your strength increases over time.
  2. Starting position - Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, hip-width apart.
  3. Put your palms on the floor beside you, fingers facing forwards.
  4. The legs and arms of your 'Tabletop' remain stationary.
  5. Lengthen your spine, without hollowing your lower back, and lower your chin gently towards your chest.
  6. Breathe in and gently lower your head backward, raising your hips into a tabletop shape, and bending your knees simultaneously.
  7. Align your knees over your ankles and tense all your muscles briefly.
  8. Breathe out and return to the starting position.
  9. Relax and repeat again. Start with 3 repetitions and build up to 21, as recommended above.

Solutions & Safety

If you are moving across the floor, check if you are raising up on your fingertips. If yes, prop your hands with yoga blocks or two equal-sized folded-towels. Don't use cushions as they are too uneven, and avoid books as they slip.

FifthRite – The Pendulum

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (7)

The 5th Rite, like all the other Rites, speeds up and normalizes the spin rate of the body's major energy centers or chakras.

It is a flowing sequence composed of two familiar yoga postures known as Downward Dog (upside-down 'V' position), and Upward Dog (plank-like position).

Use the same rhythmic breathing pattern as before. Breathe in all the way up – breathe out all the way down.

  1. For comfort and to prevent slipping, do this posture on a carpeted floor or yoga mat.
  2. Your arms remain straight throughout the movement.
  3. Starting Position - Kneel, with your hands and knees on the floor. Knees hip-width apart, hands shoulder-width apart.
  4. Spread your legs out behind you and come up onto your hands and toes into a plank-like position (Upward Facing Dog). Curl your toes under.
  5. Keeping your arms straight, lengthen, then arch your spine and head gently backward.
  6. Breathing in, lift your hips up to the ceiling, forming an upside-down 'V' shape (Downward Facing Dog).
  7. Bring your chin towards your chest and straighten your back.
  8. Breathing out, move back into Upward Dog slowly. Don't collapse your pelvis towards the floor – remain in control.
  9. Relax and repeat again. Start with 3 repetitions and build up to 21, as recommended earlier.


Option: Beginners may choose to leave their heals off the floor in Downward Dog or lower them to the floor. See further information.

Do only as many repetitions as you are able without strain. If you feel any discomfort, stop, review, and adjust. Do fewer repetitions if necessary.

Once again, if you have suffered from lower back, neck, shoulder, or wrist pain in the past (or have weak muscles) - consider learning the safer step-by-step T5T method, which builds strength from the inside out.

For example, we have found it easier, and less strain on your lower back, for students to begin Rite No 5, in Upward Dog instead of Downward Dog. It makes no difference to the outcome or benefits received.

Safety Precautions

The 5 Tibetan Rites, like any new exercise program, should be undertaken with care. Some muscle tenderness is normal, but don't push yourself too hard. Follow the monks' recommendations and build up repetitions slowly.

Check with your doctor if these exercises are safe for you to practice if you suffer from

  • Heart or breathing problems
  • Cancer
  • Neurological disorders like Parkinson's or multiple sclerosis, seizures, etc.
  • Vertigo or Meniere's disease or if you are taking any drugs that cause dizziness
  • Disc disease or severe arthritis of the spine
  • Retinal or eye pressure (glaucoma)
  • Fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back injury, hernia, or ulcers

If you have had recent surgery or are pregnant, check with your medical practitioner as The Five Tibetan Rites may not be safe for you.

Final Notes

TIP: The goal is to reach 21 repetitions of each movement per day. The monks recommended we carry out just 3 repetitions in our first week. Then each week, we add a further 2 until we are doing 21 repetitions in around ten weeks.

Remember to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

Do The Five Tibetan Rites daily or as regularly as possible for the best results.

Once you have learned them, you have The 5 Tibetans for life, and they won't keep on costing you any money.

Most people prefer doing them in the morning to give them a boost to begin their day. Be aware that for some people they can be too stimulating at night.

See the full list of benefits here and the possible detox effects when you first start practicing The Five Tibetan Rites.

For more detailed instructions, common problems and solutions, hints and tips, see The Five Tibetan Rites Masterclass – Workbook & Video Series.

Click links to Download

  1. FREE eBook, The Eye of Revelation
  2. FREE Five Tibetan Posters
  3. Learn The Five Tibetan Rites

© This work is the intellectual property of its author and is fully copyrighted. It may not be copied or republished in any medium (including but not limited to electronic and print media) without the express permission of the author. All rights are reserved.

5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (8)

Carolinda Witt

Author of a number of books about The Five Tibetan Rites, including "The Illustrated Five Tibetan Rites," and her bestselling T5T Five Tibetans DVD. Carolinda has been practicing and teaching the Five Tibetan Rites for 23 years. She is one of the world's foremost experts on the Five Tibetans Rites, and has further developed the original teachings to create a safer, more in-depth method of learning the Five Tibetan Rites called T5T® (The Five Tibetans.) Adding natural full breathing and core stability to increase vitality, and strengthen the lower back and neck.

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5 Tibetan Rites: Benefits, History & Step-by-Step Guide (2024)


How many times a day should you do the 5 Tibetan Rites? ›

How to do the 5 Tibetan Rites. While each rite is meant to be practiced 21 times a day, you can begin by doing them less frequently. During the first week, practice each rite 3 times a day. Add 2 repetitions per rite the following week.

What are the benefits of the Tibetan 5 rites? ›

The Five Tibetans is designed to keep the hormones in balance, thus keeping the body healthy and disease free. Many also claim this exercise keeps a person young and prevents many age related ailments.

What is the history of the 5 Tibetan Rites? ›

The 5 Tibetan Rites are a form of Tibetan yoga said to be more than 2,500 years old, which were brought to light in a publication by Peter Kelder called The Eye of Revelation, written in 1939. Kelder claims this series of exercises was used by Tibetan monks to live long, vibrant and healthy lives.

Can you do Tibetan rites at night? ›

But you aren't going to get the desired effect by just doing this once, you need to do the Five Tibetan Rites regularly to get the maximum benefit. In fact, it is said that you should ideally be practicing them day or night, i.e. morning or evening.

Are the Five Tibetan Rites authentic? ›

Kelder described the rites as having the potential to restore youthfulness through changing one's internal "vortexes". There is no evidence of the rites' being authentic Tibetan practices. The rites have been reprinted in multiple expanded editions and translations, and have been popular among New Age practitioners.

What is the purpose of spinning in Tibetan rites? ›

In a healthy body, these energy centres are said to spin clockwise at the same rate to help prana (energy) to flow effortlessly through the endocrine system. If one or more of these chakras slow down, it's believed that the flow of vital energy becomes blocked and results in a less than optimal functioning state.

What are the spiritual benefits of spinning in circles? ›

The repetitive, organized motion of whirling supports the release of these bound-up tensions and allows them to be transformed and transmuted into meditative, grounded, and restful energy. This brings us healing.

Why are Tibetan rites 21 times? ›

The Five Tibetans are ideally practiced 21 times each. Oddly enough, there is no need to exceed 21 repetitions, as the desired energetic effect of the Five Tibetans is achieved at that number. There is no harm performing a greater number, but it simply isn't necessary.

What is the 15 second Tibetan ritual? ›

Curl your toes under And bend your hips raising your buttocks so that Your body forms an inverted "V". Your knees will lift up off the floor, your legs will be straight, and your outstretched arms will be in a straight line with your back. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

What is the Tibetan monk method? ›

Tummo, which literally means 'inner fire', is an ancient meditation technique practiced by monks in Tibetan Buddhism. Tummo exists of a combination of breathing and visualization techniques, used to enter a deep state of meditation that is used to increase a person's 'inner heat'.

What is the belief of Tibetan? ›

Tibetan Buddhists believe in following the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha in order to achieve enlightenment. Tibetan Buddhists also strive to reach samsara, which is liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth known as reincarnation.

How do you warm up before Tibetan rites? ›


[A] Stretch your arms out and turn your upper body to the right, touching your left hand to your right shoulder. [B] Then turn to your left with your right hand touching your left shoulder. [C] Gently inhale and exhale with every alternate turn, then slowly return back to centre.

How many repetitions are there in the 5 Tibetan rites? ›

The Five Tibetans are ideally practiced 21 times each. Oddly enough, there is no need to exceed 21 repetitions, as the desired energetic effect of the Five Tibetans is achieved at that number. There is no harm performing a greater number, but it simply isn't necessary.

What are the 5 chakras of the Tibetan rites? ›

These are thought to help regulate hormonal function, including the process of ageing. The first chakra is at the base of the spine, the second in the lower abdomen, the third above the navel, the fourth at the heart, the fifth at the throat, sixth between the eyebrows and the seventh at the crown of the head.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.