Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (2024)

2 Weeks Pre-Op

Pre-Op Diet

Leading up to surgery you will first meet with a dietitian who will guide you through your eating journey. Your new diet actually starts two weeks before your surgery date. Believe it or not, the main reason you are put on a diet so far in advance is to shrink the size of your liver. Being overweight will also mean your liver is too. Over the years you have acquired fatty liver disease in which fat cells accumulate around and inside your liver. A large liver during gastric sleeve surgery would increase your risk of complications. By following the gastric sleeve diet that is recommended by your dietitianwill cause your liver to shrink in size, and allow for safer surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (1)

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (2)

Day 1 – 2 Post-Op

Gastric Sleeve Diet • Stage 1 • Clear Liquid

For the first day after surgery, you will only be allowed to eat ice chips or even very small sips of water. For the next day or two, you will be on a clear liquid diet, such as apple juice, broth, popsicles, and Gatorade (sugar-free). You must record what and when you drink. Remember to take small sips, not gulps, no straws , and keep sipping throughout the day to stay hydrated- your body is used to getting a lot of fluids from food which it will no longer be getting.


  1. 1oz every hour for 4 hours • 2oz every hour for 4 hours • 3oz every hour for 4 hours • 4oz every hour for 4 hours

Day 3 – 13 Post-Op

Gastric Sleeve Diet • Stage 2 • Full Liquid

After a couple of days post gastric sleeve diet, you will be able to introduce liquids such as vegetable juice and milk. This diet consists of low-fat blended and full liquids. The portions are very small to help prevent vomiting. These small high protein meals will help your new stomach heal. You are to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.

Total fluids: • 6-8 cups /day; more if tolerated. • Drink 1⁄2-3⁄4 cup fluids every hour. • Protein: 40 – 50+ grams/day; more if tolerated • Number of meals: 4 – 6 meals. Most meals average 1/4 cup – 1/2 cup. You will be drinking throughout the day

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (4)

Weeks 2 – 3 Post-Op

Gastric Sleeve Diet • Stage 3 • Pureed Food

This diet is blended foods with one new solid food added daily. The portions are very small to help prevent vomiting. You will need to avoid spicy foods, raw fruits, raw vegetables, rice, and crackers. The moister the food is, the better it will blend. An example would be, yogurt pureed with frozen strawberries, or low-fat cream of chicken soup blended with canned, drained chicken breast. You still need to drink plenty of water in between the 6 mini-meals per day.

Total fluids: 6-8 cups /day; more if tolerated. •Drink 1⁄2-3⁄4 cup fluids every hour. •Protein: 40 – 50+ grams/day; more if tolerated •Number of meals: 3 small meals + 3 small snacks every 2 hours.

Weeks 4 – 6 Post-Op

Gastric Sleeve Diet • Stage 4 • Soft Food

After a few weeks of soft, pureed foods it’s time for a change. With your nutritionist’s approval, you can typically add soft, solid foods to your diet. These would typically include: soft fruits, finely diced moist meats, cooked vegetables.

Total fluids: •7-8 cups /day; more if tolerated. •Drink 1⁄2-3⁄4 cup fluids every hour. •Protein: 50 – 60+ grams/day; more if tolerated •Number of meals: 3 small meals + 3 small snacks every 2 hours.

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (5)

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (6)

Weeks 7 – 8 Onwards

Gastric Sleeve Diet• Stage 5 • Regular Diet

After about 2 months, your surgeon will probably approve you to eat solid foods. While this is very exciting- start slowly. You may find that spicy and/or crunchy foods can be difficult to tolerate. Eat one new food at a time and give yourself time to digest. You’ll be surprised at how full you will feel. This is a great opportunity to start new eating habits. Enjoy every bite of your food.

Total fluids: 8 + cups /day; more if tolerated. •Drink 1⁄2-3⁄4 cup fluids every hour. •Protein: 60 – 80+ grams/day; more if tolerated •Number of meals: 3 small meals + 3 small snacks every 2 hours.

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Protein is necessary for proper healing of your incision and your new stomach. It is also important for keeping muscle mass during weight loss. Not enough protein in your diet results in poor healing, hair loss, and an overall decrease in energy. Because you will be eating smaller amounts with your new stomach, it is important to choose foods that are high in protein. Meat and dairy foods are high in protein. Try to include at least one serving from one of these groups at each meal and snack.​

Your first goal is 50 grams a day after surgery then aim for daily goal protein intake of 60 -90 grams a day.

When possible, swap out high fat protein for healthier lean protein.

• Lean cuts of red meat
• Skinless chicken breast
• Tofu
• Lentil and legumes
• Low-fat dairy
• Fatty cuts of red meat
• Bacon
• Pork sausages
• Battered and fried meat
• High-fat cheese

The 360 Sleeve Experience

We are here for you every step of the way!360 Sleeve provides a 6-Year After-Care Program, one of the longest and most comprehensive after-care programs in Canada.

Learn More

Water & Fluid

It is very important to stay hydrated before and after surgery. Water is the preferred choice of fluid.

It is found in every cell of your body and functions in many important ways.


  • Helps break down stored fat
  • Promotes kidney function and helps rid the body of waste
  • Is the best treatment for fluid retention
  • Maintains proper muscle tone and helps prevent sagging skin
  • Helps relieve constipation


  • Sip water and other fluids often between meals for the first few weeks
  • Wait 30 minutes before and after a meal to drink
  • Keep a record of your fluid intake. Daily target fluid intake 8 cups fluids (all fluids i.e. water, milk, juice, soup)
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages are not permitted after surgery.
  • Choose decaf coffee and herbal tea.

Micronutrient Supplements

  • Take 1-2 Chewable tabs or liquid Multivitamin supplement daily for a lifetime
  • Serving size will depend on individual products.
  • MVI must provide at least 200% RDA for iron (36mg), folic acid (800mcg) and thiamine (3mg), and 2 mg of copper Separate and take with meal, protein drink, or milk to improve tolerance
  • DO NOT TAKE with calcium to improve iron absorption. Separate calcium and iron by 2-4 hours
  • DO NOT TAKE ANY supplements in gummy form. Gummies do not have all the vitamins and minerals you need, are not well absorbed & can get stuck.

Gastric Sleeve Diet Portion Plate

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (8)

A gastric sleeve portion plate is a great tool to help patients with portion control.

The sections on the gastric sleeve portion plate reflect post-surgery diet recommendations to help patients maintain a healthy diet.

These plates are usually small, around 7 -9 inches in diameter, which gives patients the illusion of a “full” plate despite smaller portions.

Protein – 3 oz.

Choose Lean Protein:•Lean cuts of red meat •Skinless chicken breast •Tofu •Lentil and legumes •Low-fat dairyEat Protein first – Eating the protein portion of your meal first helps you to get enough protein even if you are too full to finish the entire meal. Your body needs 60 to 80 grams⁣ of protein each day. Because of the small amount of food you are eating it is⁣important to make sure half (50%) of the food you eat is protein.⁣

Vegetables – 1/3 Cup

Choose Non-Starchy Vegetables:
•Artichoke •Asparagus •Arugula •Brussels •Sprouts •Broccoli •Cabbage •Carrots •Cauliflower •Celery •Cucumber •Eggplant •Leafy Greens •Lettuce •Mushrooms •Peppers •Spinach •Sprouts •String Beans •Tomato •Zucchini

Healthy Carbs – 1/4 Cup

Choose Complex Carbs:
•Vegetables •Quinoa •Barley •Legumes •Oat •Potatoes •Whole Grains

Gastric Sleeve Diet - 360 Sleeve Clinic (2024)


What do I say to get approved for gastric sleeve? ›

Bariatric Surgery Requirements
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher, or have a BMI between 30 and 35 and an obesity-related condition, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea.
  • Weigh less than 450 pounds, the maximum weight that hospital radiology equipment can accommodate.

How much weight do you lose on a 2 week pre-op diet? ›

On the Pre Bariatric Surgery Liquid Diet, most patients will lose somewhere between 10-15 pounds on average. Remember, the main reason why you are undergoing bariatric surgery is to lose weight. The Low Carbs, Low Fat, High Protein, Low-Calorie nature of this diet will start that process for you.

How much can you eat 2 years after gastric sleeve? ›

Portion Size 2 Years After Gastric Sleeve

Most people often find that their portion sizes have stabilized two years after the procedure. A common serving size tends to be around 8-12 ounces or roughly 1 to 1.5 cups of food per meal.

What to eat 1 month after gastric sleeve? ›

Now that you're one month post-surgery, you can start adding solid foods to your diet. This is the time to put your new healthy-eating skills into action, full force. Sugar and fat, including high-fat dairy, should still be avoided, as should hard-to-digest foods such as steak, fibrous vegetables, and nuts.

Is it hard to get approved for gastric sleeves? ›

To qualify, the general requirements are: That you have severe obesity (class III). This is determined by your BMI (body mass index), which is calculated by your weight and height, and your related health conditions.

Can you be denied gastric sleeve? ›

One of the reasons insurance companies deny bariatric surgery coverage is that patients are unable to show that their diet and exercise attempts failed to eliminate obesity. Secondly, some insurance providers may want you to go through a physical and psychological evaluation from their own doctors – and be cleared.

What happens if you cheat on your liquid diet before bariatric surgery? ›

If you consume too many high-calorie liquids, you can gain weight before surgery. This can lead to an increased risk of complications during the procedure and difficulty losing weight afterward.

How do you survive a gastric sleeve pre-op diet? ›

Gastric Sleeve Pre-Op Diet Part 1: 3 Weeks Before Surgery
  1. Eat/drink more protein (lean meats such as fish and turkey, shakes that are low in sugar, etc.).
  2. Eat non-starchy vegetables.
  3. Eat healthy, unsaturated fats (i.e. olive oil, nuts, olives, avocado, etc.).
  4. Stay hydrated (64oz of water per day)
Dec 19, 2023

Will I ever eat normal again after gastric sleeve? ›

After around 7 to 8 weeks you should be able to resume a normal solid food diet. Your gastric sleeve will allow you to eat almost any type or texture of food. You should aim for three well balanced meals each day. Your calorie intake should be between 1000 and 1200kcal per-day.

What are the downsides of gastric sleeves? ›

Longer term risks and complications of sleeve gastrectomy surgery can include:
  • Gastrointestinal blockage.
  • Hernias.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Low blood sugar, known as hypoglycemia.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Vomiting.

What is the hardest thing about gastric sleeve surgery? ›

The hardest part of the surgery is the incisions healing on your abdomen. But after a week or two, the pain is gone. I followed the diet schedule to a tee. The liquid diet didn't bother me because I was on track to get my life back…plus seeing the weight loss was a great encouragement.

Can I eat mashed potatoes after gastric sleeve? ›

In the first, you can continue eating any of the foods from Stage 1, plus pureed fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, and low-fat dairy products. Beginning on day 11, patients may also consume soft foods, including meatloaf, baked fish, tuna and egg salad, cheese, and canned fruits.

Can I have ice cream after gastric sleeve? ›

Eat nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean meats. Do not eat calorie-dense foods such as chips, cookies, crackers, ice cream, fried food, candy, hot dogs, brats, and bologna.

How to qualify for gastric sleeve surgery? ›

In general, sleeve gastrectomy surgery could be an option for you if:
  1. Your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher (extreme obesity).
  2. Your BMI is 35 to 39.9 (obesity), and you have a serious weight-related health problem, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea.

How do you ask your doctor for a gastric sleeve? ›

Start by asking your doctor these questions.
  1. Am I a good candidate for weight loss surgery?
  2. How do the different types of surgeries compare?
  3. Which type of weight loss surgery do you recommend for me?
  4. How is the surgery done?
  5. How will the surgery help me lose weight?
  6. What are the risks of this surgery?
Nov 2, 2022

How do you start the process of getting a gastric sleeve? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Bariatric Surgery
  1. Step 1: Attend a weight loss surgery seminar and consultation with your surgeon. ...
  2. Step 2: Build healthy habits. ...
  3. Step 3: Have your readiness assessment. ...
  4. Step 4: Get preoperative testing. ...
  5. Step 5: Receive committee approval. ...
  6. Step 6: Receive insurance authorization.

How do I become a candidate for gastric sleeve? ›

Who is a Candidate for Bariatric and Weight Loss Surgery
  1. Body weight greater than 100 pounds or 45 kg above ideal weight.
  2. Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with medical complications related to obesity, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and gallbladder disease.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.