How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (2024)

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and romance is in the air. When was the last time you had a romantic dinner at home with your spouse? It doesn’t matter if you can’t cook. Put that excuse away. If you are culinary- challenged, you can still plan a delicious romantic meal. Just drop by B & A Warehouse for carry out. Now let’s take a look at the steps for putting together your perfect evening.

How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (1)

Steps for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner at home

1. Set the stage of your romantic dinner by making sure the two of you will be alone. If you have children, arrange for a babysitter, ideally at someone else’s home. This is the perfect job for Grand Pa and Ma.

2. Plan your romantic dinner on an evening of a week that you are sure your spouse won’t have other time commitments already scheduled. Not only will this give you the time you need, it will prevent stress and show your spouse just how thoughtful you are.

3. Do you want the romantic dinner to be a surprise? If so,light candles in the entrance of your home to surprise your spouse. If not,consider giving your spouse an invitation that you write yourself.

You can send the invitation by mail, leave it on your mate’s pillow, send it with a bouquet of flowers or leave it on the dash of your spouse’s car.

Your invitation needs to be specific as to when the dinner is scheduled.

How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (2)

4. Set the table with a tablecloth, cloth napkins, nice dinnerware, crystal, unscented candles, and flowers. The napkins can be rolled or folded in a pretty way.

Sprinkle the table with rose petals or sparkly heart shaped sprinkles. You can set floating candles in small glasses filled partly with cranberry juice.

5. Decide on your romantic dinner menu. Keep it simple, but don’t forget the appetizers or dessert. Plan on serving foods that your spouse likes. This isn’t a time to experiment with a new recipe or discover a food allergy.

6. If you are going to order your romantic dinner, make sure you have time to pick it up and transfer the menu items to attractive bowls and platters.

7. Choose the music you want to listen to ahead of time, and have it playing in the background. Selection matters. Try to make it soft romantic music.

How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (3)

8. Create an atmosphere by dimming the lighting for the room where you will be dining. Small, white Christmas light strings can have the desired look. So can a fire in a fireplace.

9. Focus on each other. Be sure to turn off any distractions like the television, computers, and especially cell phones.

10. Enjoy!

Remember if you’re picking up your food, that one of our catering and planning professionals can assist with menu selection. Our team has the experience necessary to make your evening perfect. Don’t forget to look your best. All this planning might not be received as well if you greet your spouse at the door in sweat pants. You might also consider having after dinner plans like a walk or a romantic movie. Dinner can just be the beginning of your evening.

How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (4)

No matter what you select, you spouse will be delighted that you put forth the extra effort. You might even try celebrating Valentine’s Day for the rest of the year.

How To Plan A Romantic Dinner | B&A Warehouse (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.