Multishot Marksman Last Epoch Build Guide - (2024)

Last Epoch

Build Guides

Multishot Marksman Guide

Last Updated: March 24th 2024

Patch 1.0

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Welcome to the Multishot Marksman build guide. Turn into a DPS turret and cover the screen with a deadly barrage of Physical projectiles. Watch your enemies die as they struggle to approach you! This Marksman fills the battlefield with arrows while staying out of the range of enemies. Is one of the easiest and most beginner friendly builds the Marksman Mastery has to offer.

This Marksman utilizes channelled Flurry to proc as many Multishots as possible thanks to Fusillade and Arrow Storm. The fact that you have to stand still while channelling Flurry is fully embraced with this build and enhance it with every component, making full use of the Grand Patience of Herkir Blessing, Pavise Passive Node and All Resistances While Channelling Suffix.

This Marksman has incredible range and AoE and deals good Damage even without any Uniques. However with items like Drelkor's Compass and Somnia it can scale Stuns to the point where mobs can barely move.

Overall Multishot Marksman is a great build for fully clearing Echoes in the Monolith of Faith. It can Stun Dungeon Bosses with ease and is great at applying Ailments like Critical Vulnerability in party play. If you are looking to fill the screen with arrows and kill enemies off-screen, this is a great build for you!

This build guide assumesyou have a Level 70 Character.
Reach Level 70 with ourMarksman Leveling Guide.
If you are looking for a different Marksman playstyle check all our Marksman Guides.


  • Widescreen AoE
  • Perma Stun Bosses
  • Easy Mana Management
  • Great Ailment Spreader for Party Play


  • Can't AFK Facetank
  • Can't DPS While Moving
  • Stationary While Attacking
  • Vulnerable to Persistent AoE Damage



Channelled Flurry procs an insane amount of Multishots thanks to Fusillade, bypassing its high Mana cost. Sap Willpower recovers a ton of Mana per hit allowing you to channel for longer and focus on scaling Bow Attack Speed for more Multishots.


Multishot is your main Damage Skill. Since its procced through channelled Flurry with no Mana cost we can take Nodes like Strong Pull, Large Quiver and Readied Arrows without any downsides. Piercing Shots is crucial for good AoE.


Shift is your main Movement Skill. Use it to move around quickly and time it properly to prevent incoming damage thanks to Shadowslip. This setup also provides a short Movement Speed buff and procs 5 Shurikens after each use.


Don't equip Shurikens on your Skill Bar, instead equip unspecced Decoy and use it as a panic button to Taunt enemies. Shurikens automatically proc every time you use Shift and Bladed Armor provides a substantial %Armour buff.

Smoke Bomb

Use Smoke Bomb for its great defensive buffs and utility. Cleansing Steam provides a Cleanse, Moonlight Bomb grants 3 Silver Shrouds on use and Thick Smoke leaves a persistent Slow. Stay inside of the fog to gain a stack of Dusk Shroud per second.


Passives provide powerful effects that dictate the playstyle of a Class and its Masteries. Remember that you can allocate Passives on the first half of all Masteries regardless of the one you chose.

  1. Take the Dexterity, Bow Attack Speed, Glancing Blow, Critical Strike Multiplier and Critical Vulnerability Nodes.
  2. Draining Arrows and Perfect Aim are crucial for sustain; grab them as soon as possible.
  3. Sharpshooter and Death from Afar boost your Damage tremendously.
  4. Grab Master Archer to gain more Arrows for Multishot.
  5. Invest 5 points into Pursuit for the Movement Speed.
  6. Don't take Sniper's Gambit if you are playing Hardcore.
  7. Evasion and Agility are useful while mapping but not mandatory.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Passive Points.


The gameplay is simple; stay in place while shooting in all directions until all enemies are dead. This Marksman wants to position itself on a safe spot, far away from its enemies before channelling Flurry. Make sure you are familiar with enemy mechanics to know when to use your Support Skills to stay alive. Paying attention to the telegraphs of your enemies and staying out of their range is critical with this build.

Skill Usage/Rotation

  • Choose a spot where it's safe to stand for a short duration.
  • Cast Smoke Bomb and stay inside of its fog if it's a dangerous combat.
  • Use Shift to proc Shurikens and gain their buffs.
  • Aim at your enemies and start channelling Flurry.
  • If the Bladed Armor buff expires, use Shift again.


  • Cast Multishot manually from time to time while mapping to aggro mobs off-screen and to proc Haste from Agility for the bonus Movement Speed.
  • When enemy density is high, use Decoy and redirect their aggro. Wait for them to group while you run towards your objective and then channel Flurry.
  • Multishot's projectiles have a pretty long range. You can use this greatly to optimize your clear and mapping speed, especially if you are familiar with map layouts in the Monolith of Faith.


  • Take advantage of all your defensive buffs and keep them active.
  • Stay close range to Bosses to ensure Sap Willpower gets full value and you can channel Flurry for longer. Thanks to the Stun end game scaling of this build, it can be done safely while the Bosses are Stunned.
  • Use Decoy to distract the Boss. Use this window to reposition and DPS.
  • Shift can save you from incoming damage. Time it against dangerous telegraphed Boss attacks.

Learn more about how to maximize your gameplay in the Build Scaling section of this guide.


Gearing in Last Epoch revolves around finding Items and then using the powerful Crafting System to enhance them. As long as an Item has Forging Potential left, players can upgrade or modify their Affixes up to Tier 5. However, the powerful Exalted Tier Affixes are drop only and can't be modified by players.

Using the correct Item Bases allows you to make use of their amazing Implicits, this is fundamental for gearing efficiently. Combine Implicits, Passives, Idols and Blessings to cap your Resistances and other defensive layers, while fitting as much Health related Affixes or Endurance Threshold into your gear as possible. Plan ahead for your next upgrades and consider the final Empowered Blessings of your build while gearing. Finish up by farming Uniques with Legendary Potential and Sealing Affixes into Exalted Items to unleash all of your build's power!

Here are the Stat Goals for this build:

  • Capped Resistances
  • Capped Critical Strike Avoidance
  • Capped Endurance
  • 2000 - 3500 Health
  • 20% - 40%+ Dodge Chance
  • 50%+ Armour (while channelling)
  • 80% - 100% Glancing Blow
  • 600% - 1200%+ Increased Damage
  • 300% - 400%+ Bow Critical Strike Multiplier
  • 50% - 100%+ Movement Speed

Gear Progression

Starting Gear

Advanced Gear

End Game Gear

BIS Gear

Milestone 1
Aim for good Item Bases with two valuable T5 Affixes. The Defensive rolls on T5 Suffixes are very important at this stage as they can easily cap all your Resistances when combined with Item Implicits, Idols, Blessings or Passives. Get a Weapon with double T5 offensive Prefixes as soon as possible.

Milestone 2
Make sure your Critical Strike Avoidance is capped. Remember that Woven Flesh is always an option early on. It can be farmed by killing the Abomination in the Fall of the Outcast Monolith Timeline.

Milestone 3
Get T5 All Resistances While Channelling on your Relic.

Milestone 4
Ft as much Health into your gear as possible. Hybrid Health and Health are extremely valuable, but can be hard to find early on. Use regular flat Health until you find them.

Milestone 5
Make sure you have a source of Slow chance to always benefit from Pinning Shots. Aim for T5 Level of Multishot on your Helmet to invest more points into Sniping. Items with Increased damage per arrow with Multishot are also a great find at this stage.

Milestone 6
While you look for this basic set of gear, start farming your Empowered Blessings and look for any Idols that can help you cap all your Resistances momentarily or increase your Damage output.

Milestone 1
Once you cover your Void Resistance with a well rolled Grand Echo of Solarum Blessing, replace your Crusader Gauntlets with Engraved Gauntlets for their Endurance Implicit.

Milestone 2
Get Chance to Apply Frailty on Hit on your Antidote Vial to decrease the Damage enemies deal to you. This Ailment is really important and should always be kept in mind.

Milestone 3
When all your core Defenses are covered, start working on your Damage. Get Chance To Shred Armour on Hit on your Engraved Gauntlets. Dexterity, Physical Damage and Critical Strike Multiplier are also great for the build's Damage.

Milestone 4
While they are not mandatory, Drelkor's Compass and Xithara's Conundrum have insane synergy with this build and you should start farming for them now.

Milestone 5
Also keep an eye for any Arrowguard that drops. The defenses of the build greatly increase with the Glancing Blow provided by this Quiver. It's really common and easy to get just by playing regularly.

Milestone 6
As you finish up your Empowered Blessings keep a decent Health pool, capped Resistances, Endurance and Critical Strike Avoidance. Your goal is to have items with 4 valuable T5 Affixes, also known as T20.

Milestone 1
Upgrade your T20 set up with Exalted items, high value Sealed Affixes or ideally both. Obtain the Affixes included in the Planner, but prioritize the indicated Item Bases for their Implicits. Make sure to Seal highly efficient low tier Affixes. Ward and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use is a must have for Belts.

Milestone 2
Farm Drelkor's Compass, Arrowguard and Xithara's Conundrum with Legendary Potential. Aim for the indicated Affixes in the Planner for each slot.

Milestone 3
Somnia is a great addition to this build to scale its Stun capabilities. It can be target farmed in the Temporal Sanctum Dungeon. Don't equip this Item over your regular Helmet until you manage to get a Legendary version with at least T5 Level of Multishot.

Milestone 4
Focus on finishing your Idol set up. Prioritize well rolled Increased damage per arrow with Multishot Prefixes. Use Chance to Slow on Bow Hit to always benefit from Pinning Shots with Multishot.

Milestone 1
Keep upgrading your gear with Exalted Items with Sealed Affixes. Get every stat in the right place and in the correct Item Base. Min/Maxing your gear in Last Epoch can be pushed to the extreme as Items with multiple Exalted Affixes are technically possible.

Milestone 2
Get as close to perfect rolls for all your Empowered Blessings and find all your desired Idols with the best in slot Prefixes and Suffixes.

Milestone 3
Seal all the %Armour and Strength you can to maximize the value of the Grand Patience of Herkir Blessing and drastically increase your Armour Mitigation.

Milestone 4
Continue farming Drelkor's Compass, Somnia, Arrowguard and Xithara's Conundrum with the maximum Legendary Potential you can find. Remember that some of these Items are extremely hard to get with multiple Legendary Potential. Good luck with the chase!

Learn the basics for crafting gear with our Beginner Crafting Guide.
Check our and learn how to get them!
Want to know more about Legendary Items? Check our Legendary Guide!


Completing a Timeline in the Monolith of Fate lets you choose one of several randomized Blessings from its unique pool. Their benefits are permanent and persist even outside of the Monolith of Fate.

Empowered Blessings are a fundamental part of all builds, so getting the correct ones for each is key.

The sooner you reach Empowered Monolith, the faster you can start farming your desired Blessings!

Normal Blessings

Empowered Combat Blessings

Empowered Drop Rate Blessings

Normal Blessings are not important as they are eventually replaced by Empowered Blessings. However they can still be a great source of Resistances, Critical Strike Avoidance or Life Leech for your build early on.

Pick up these Normal Blessings on your way to Empowered:

  • Echo of Solarum
  • Bastion of Divinity
  • Survival of Might
  • Persistance of Will
  • Protection of Heorot
  • Resolve of Grael
  • Heart of the Caldera
  • Embers of Immortality
  • Patience of Herkir

Note: Don't target farm Normal Blessings. Get to Empowered Monolith as fast as you can.

Reaching Empowered Monolith unlocks all the level 100 Timelines and the ability to farm Empowered Blessings. Unlike Normal Blessings, these need to be farmed until you get the desired ones for your build. It is extremely important to get this set up as fast as possible to free up affix slots on your gear. Remember, the more value you get from your Blessings, the easier it is to craft efficient gear!

These are the core Combat Empowered Blessings for this build:

  • If you are lacking Resistances, start with Grand Echo of Solarum, Grand Bastion of Divinity or Grand Protection of Heorot.
  • If you are lacking Critical Strike Avoidance, start with Grand Survival of Might. A high roll on this Empowered Blessing can be combined with Heightened Senses to completely cap it.
  • Once your core Defenses are sorted, grab Grand Fury of the North for a huge Damage boost. Make sure you eventually get a high roll!
  • Finish up by farming the best rolled Grand Patience of Herkir you can get. It grants an insane amount of Flat Armour while channelling Flurry allowing this build to scale its mitigation immensely, especially for a Marksman.

These Empowered Blessings are flexible and depend on your current needs and goals.

These are valuable Empowered Drop Rate Blessings for this build:

  • Grand Favor of Souls is very valuable to help you find Ornate Majasan Idol with Increased damage per arrow with Multishot and Chance to Slow on Bow Hit. Once you find all your Idols, you can switch to the Grand Winds of Fortune and focus on Uniques instead.
  • Take Grand Apex of Fortune, Grand Right of Conquest or Grand Vision of the Aurora depending on what type of Unique you are looking for.
  • Lastly Grand Vigilance of the Damned helps you find more Exalted Bows.

Learn how to farm Blessings fast with our Advanced Monolith Strategies.


Idols grant your character bonuses when equipped in the dedicated Idol Container. Unlock all the slots of your Idol Container by completing the Campaign and some of its Side Quests. Remember that some Idols are Class specific and you won't be able to equip them with other non-compatible Classes.

These are the Idols recommended for this build:

  • Look for Ornate Majasan Idol with Increased damage per arrow with Multishot and Chance to Slow on Bow Hit. These Idols are great for increasing your DPS and ensure a source of Slow chance.
  • You also want two Stout Lagonian Idols with %Health. Look for flat Health Suffix or Lightning Resistance if needed.
  • Use the rest of your Idol slots to cap the rest of your Resistances. This is especially important before finishing up your Empowered Blessings and getting T5 All Resistances While Channelling on your Relic.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Idol Slots.
Learn how to be efficient with Idols with our Advanced Idols Setups Guide.

Build Scaling

This entire build is designed around turning into a turret that procs Multishot with channelled Flurry. For that reason this Marksman focuses on enhancing this identity and playstyle, turning the obvious downside of having to stand still while attacking into something advantageous with a Damage output not possible with traditional self-casted Multishot.



  • Flat Bow Damage: With the amount of Multipliers this build has access to, you want to stack as much Flat Damage as possible. Nodes like Sniper's Gambit grant raw Flat Bow Damage and are extremely valuable for DPS early on.
  • Xithara's Conundrum: Is one of the rare cases where an Item provides a source of Multiplicative Damage. 30% is no joke and the downsides from this Unique Amulet don't affect the build at all.
  • Bow Attack Speed: Channelled Flurry procs a Multishot every 4 arrows thanks to Fusillade while Sap Willpower recovers flat Mana when you hit an enemy. The faster you attack the more arrows, the more Multishots and the more mana recovered!
  • Ethereal Arrows: Since the mana cost of Multishot is bypassed when procced with Flurry, we are able to take all the Nodes that increase its Mana cost without having to worry about sustain while gaining Damage in doing so.
  • Increased damage per arrow with Multishot: This powerful Prefix has insane numerical values; an Exalted T7 of it on a Body Armour grants up to 450% Damage on its own. This is a priority when it comes to scaling the Damage of this build and one of the main reasons we want Drelkor's Compass as our main weapon. Remember that a source of Slow is necessary to benefit from Pinning Shots.
  • Dexterity: Multishot gains 4% Damage per point or Dexterity. Additionally it grants 4 flat Dodge per point, which adds a nice defensive layer for the build.
  • Grand Fury of the North: Since the build attacks so fast and has so many hits, it is extremely easy to apply 10 stacks of Physical Resistance Shred to your targets. 10 stacks increase the Damage enemies take by 50% (20% for Bosses). This Blessing plays a big part on your Damage output, so make sure you roll it nicely (45%+) and as early as possible.
  • Chance To Shred Armour on Hit: Each stack of this Ailment reduces enemy Armour by 100 for 4 seconds and stacks infinitely. Enemies have 0 Armour by default and it can go into the negatives. At -1000 Armour a target takes 23.7% increased Physical Damage, while at -4000 Armour it takes 57.2%. With the amount of hits the build has, the stacks ramp up quickly.
  • Critical Vulnerability: Unique to the Rogue this Ailment adds 2% flat Critical Strike Chance to your targets per stack (max 10 stacks). Get it from Wound Maker.
  • Critical Strike Multiplier: Increases the Damage your Crits deal. Fully stacked Perfect Aim provides 75% on its own. Build as much as you can on your gear.
  • Stun: Its effectiveness is linked to your Damage output. This build is able to perma Stun most enemies, even pinnacle Bosses. Paired with the Knockback chance from Keep Pushing 'em Around it's really hard for enemies to reach you.
  • Glancing Blows: Thanks to Arrowguard and the Marksman Passive Tree, you can easily get 80% permanent Glancing Blow chance, and reach 100% chance when using Smoke Bomb thanks to the Dusk Shrouds it provides. You take 35% less damage from Hits with Glancing Blows.
  • Dusk Shrouds: Each grants 5% Glancing Blow Chance and 50 flat Dodge.
  • Smoke Bomb: Provides Dusk Shrouds while standing on the fog. Additionally it has a Cleanse and gives Silver Shrouds on use.
  • Silver Shrouds: As long as you have one up, the next hit you take is Dodged instead. You also gain 100 Ward per Silver Shroud once they proc to Dodge the incoming attack. They last 10 seconds each, time Smoke Bomb and Covering Fire apart to make sure you always have one Silver Shroud active, or quickly recover them if they proc. If you do this properly you can always have this protection against hits that can be Dodged, including some major Boss mechanics!
  • Ward: A shield above your Health that is generated by certain effects, rapidly decays over time and is protected by Armour Mitigation. This build can have up to 13 Silver Shrouds active at once, providing a burst of 1300 Ward when they proc. On top of that Xithara's Conundrum converts all Health gain on Potion to Ward, allowing you to spam Potions to gain huge amounts of Ward at will.
  • Armour Mitigation: This build can get a ton of Armour. Just with the implicit Armour from your gear, Grand Patience of Herkir Blessing and Shurikens your Armour easily reaches 50%+ Mitigation while channelling Flurry.
  • Channelling: This mechanic provides quite a few defensive advantages. The most important one is gaining Stun immunity while channelling, meaning we can't get interrupted this way while using Flurry. On top of that, the build gets a ton of resistances thanks to the All Resistances While Channelling Suffix and Pavise Node. Combined with the Armour gained from Grand Patience of Herkir the build is quite tanky.
  • Dodge: Dexterity, Dodge, %Dodge and the extra Dodge provided by Dusk Shrouds, allow you to reasonably reach between 20% and 40% permanent Dodge, on top of Silver Shrouds. The Elusive Node on Shift provides a massive Dodge boost for 1 second and can provide up to 70%+ Dodge for the duration.
  • Shift: This dash gives immunity frames while it's used thanks to the Shadowslip node. Time this Skill properly to avoid incoming damage or potential 1 shots. It also provides a massive boost of Dodge on use.
  • Decoy: Crazy support skill that Taunts. While Taunted, enemies focus the Decoy instead of attacking you. Can be used unspecced.
  • Health: This build can stack a decent health pool for a ranged build. It's very effective when combined with all the other defensive layers this Marksman has access to.
  • Health on Hit and Crit: Draining Arrows and Perfect Aim provide the build with insane sustain. With the amount of hits and how easy it is to Crit thanks to Critical Vulnerability, the build can recover all of its HP instantly.
  • Evasion: The Damage Reduction while moving is great while escaping from threats.
  • Chill and Slow: Are Ailments that greatly reduce the Action and Movement Speed of your enemies. They are must haves on most builds, especially once you reach hard content with insane speed modifiers.
  • Frailty: This Ailment reduces the Damage dealt by enemies by 6% for 4 seconds. Stacks 3 times.
  • Ward and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use: Cleanse all Ailments on Potion use.

Our Damage Explained Article covers all you need to know to scale Damage.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Loot Filter

Loot Filters are critical in Last Epoch. Making sure you highlight all the related valuable Item Bases, Affixes, Uniques and Idols is crucial to ensure your character's progression. As your gear gets better, remember to hide the rules that are no longer useful to avoid screen clutter.

Here is the Endgame Loot Filter for this build:

Learn how to load and make Filters with our Loot Filter Guide.

Video Guide



Overall Multishot Marksman is a great build that can deal with all the content in the game. It's beginner friendly, great for party play and a great introduction to this Mastery!

  • Turn into a DPS turret and cover the screen with a deadly barrage of Physical projectiles. Channel Flurry to proc as many Multishots as possible thanks to Fusillade.
  • Fully embrace the playstyle of the build and enhance it with every component, making full use of the Grand Patience of Herkir Blessing, the Pavise Node and the All Resistances While Channelling Suffix.
  • Stay far away from your enemies!
  • Use Decoy to distract and group your enemies. Take advantage of this to reposition and DPS.
  • Stack the defensive buffs that Smoke Bomb and Shurikens provide.
  • Shift can save you from incoming Damage. Time it perfectly for the Damage Immunity!


Written by Lizard_IRL.
Reviewed by Facefoot, McFluffin.

Multishot Marksman Last Epoch Build Guide - (2024)


What is the strongest marksman build in the Last Epoch? ›

1) Shadow HoA Marksman Build

Among all the Marksman builds in Last Epoch, Shadow HoA is one of the most powerful builds in the game.

Is Hail of Arrows good in the Last Epoch? ›

Hail of Arrows Marksman shines as one of the best builds for defeating the Monolith of Fate Bosses and pushing in the Endless Arena , even in Hardcore. If you are looking for a ranged build with a tactical, safe and rotation based playstyle, this build is perfect for you!

What is the strongest marksman? ›

If you're searching for the strongest Marksman hero in Mobile Legends to push your rank, then Melissa is the clear answer.

What is the weakness of marksman? ›

Marksmen are tremendously vulnerable to burst damage, due to their fragility, and tend to be exceptionally weak early in the game, requiring high amounts of gold, mostly via minion kills (or CS: Creep Score) to acquire powerful, but expensive, damage-focused items.

What is the most powerful class in the Last Epoch? ›

The Last Epoch Falconer is at the top of this Last Epoch tier list thanks to its high versatility and sheer damage potential. You can build the Falconer in many different ways, ranging from a Falcon-focused playstyle with Dive Bomb attacks to a more calculated playstyle with Smoke Bomb evasion and Ballista placements.

What is the highest corruption build in the Last Epoch? ›

The Warlock mastery takes the top spot as the strongest class in Last Epoch for high corruption builds.

What is the maximum legendary potential in the Last Epoch? ›

Excluding a handful of leveling Uniques, every Unique in Last Epoch can drop with 1-4 Legendary Potential. This number represents how many affixes a Unique can steal from an Exalted item. The higher the number, the more affixes that Unique can obtain when it becomes a Legendary.

Should I finish the story in the Last Epoch? ›

You don't have a chance to skip the story on your first character, as it's a helpful way to introduce game mechanics, like crafting, before letting you loose.

What is the highest skill level in Last Epoch? ›

The base skill point cap is 20 on every ability, however, this cap can be increased through affixes. By equipping BiS affixes, some highly-refined builds are able to push their skill points cap as high as 30 with optimal gear.

What is an exalted item in the Last Epoch? ›

Exalted Items in Last Epoch are among the most coveted pieces in the game. They offer tremendous stat boosts and unique Affixes, capable of completely changing the gameplay and how your build functions while clearing zones.

What is the best class in the Last Epoch? ›

The Necromancer is undoubtedly the best mastery because you can summon hordes of the undead, as found in our guide to the best Last Epoch Acolyte builds with our Skeletal Mage Necromancer. This lets you sit back and let your minions do the work for you, essentially.

Which marksman has the longest range? ›

Layla has the lowest durability of any hero but has the longest basic attack range in the game, enough to destroy a defensive tower outside its range.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.