Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)

Last updated on Mar 18, 2024 at 00:00by EMP1241

Welcome to our Last Epoch Spellblade Shatter Strike build guide for the Mage class.Here you will learn everything about the Spellblade play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknessesto conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

Slaughter packs of enemies using the power of ice to shatter their hopes and dreams.We are a Mana-hungry monster that plows down enemies in a wide area, using Mana Strike toempower our attacks from Shatter Strike. This build is Armor-focused with massives gains in Warddue to fast attacks and the use of Flame Ward. With massive Critical Strike Multipliers andalmost 100% Critical Strike Chance, we will make short work of packs and rip bosses down.

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (1)Strengths

  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2)Strong Armor Layering
  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (3)High HP
  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (4)Great Damage

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (5)Weaknesses

  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (6)Low Ward Retention
  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (7)Idol Farming is difficult
  • Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (8)LP Required for Ideal Pushing


Skill Selection

Our skill selection for this Shatter Strike build focuses on quickly cycling between Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (9)Mana Strikeand Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (10)Shatter Strike. We will utilize Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (11)Enchant Weapon to gain massive amounts ofdamage and Attack Speed. Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (12)Flame Ward will be our go-to get out of jail card, which willautomatically cast when we are stunned. We can also use it freely when prepping for a big hit orrunning into any trouble we find. Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (13)Teleport will be used as a Traversal Skill, but will notbe specialized in.

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (14)

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (15)

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (16)

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (17)

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (18)

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (19)


Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class PassivesSkill Passives


Mana StrikeFlame WardEnchant WeaponFrost ClawShatter Strike

Our base class is Mage, which fills the role of a caster in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has threepossible Masteries to choose from. For Mage, you can choose between Passive Trees for Spellbade, Runemaster, and Sorcerer. Uponselecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Mage Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this build we capitalize on several nodes to take adavantage of large chunks of Ward in the Mage tree. We also utilize alarge gain in Attack speed as well as Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike. Most of our points will be spent in the Spellblade Tree.We grab several points that increase our base damage, and many nodes that increase our damage output. Runemaster will be used to round offour defenses, as well as increases to Critical Strike Chance.


Mage Passive Points

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (20)

  • 5 points in Arcanist: This node gives us Intelligence, which increases our damage and Ward Retention.
  • 6 point in Reactive Ward: Dropping below 70% Health will grant Ward, scaling off our total Health pool.
  • 5 points in Mage Flurry: This increases our Attack Speed, which we will be relying on in order to apply Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (21)Spark Charge.
  • 5 points in Warden: This node adds a nice chunk to our Ward Retention at 50%.
  • 10 points in Knowledge of Destruction: Increased Critical Hit Chance and Multiplier.
  • 3 points in Silver Rune: Increases the amount of Ward gained from the previous nodes, and decreases the cooldown of the effect by 6 seconds.

Our base class is Mage, which fills the role of a caster in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has threepossible Masteries to choose from. For Mage, you can choose between Passive Trees for Spellbade, Runemaster, and Sorcerer. Uponselecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Mage Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this build we capitalize on several nodes to take adavantage of large chunks of Ward in the Mage tree. We also utilize alarge gain in Attack speed as well as Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike. Most of our points will be spent in the Spellblade Tree.We grab several points that increase our base damage, and many nodes that increase our damage output. Runemaster will be used to round offour defenses, as well as increases to Critical Strike Chance.


Spellbade Passive Points

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (22)

  • 8 points in Arcane Warden: We gain a large portion of Ward every time we hit an enemy with this node.
  • 8 point in Infused Weapon: Increased Cold Melee Damage.
  • 5 points in Frozen Steel: Further improves Melee Cold Damage and adds Freeze Rate Multiplier.
  • 5 points in Arcane Shielding: This node is to reduce the damage taken by enemy attacks.
  • 5 points in Shattered Aegis: This node converts Arcane Shielding to now give us significant gains in Armor.
  • 5 points in Essence Duel: This node further pushes our Attack Speed and Ward generation when you hit with Shatter Strike.
  • 5 points in Mana Reaver: Additional Health, and adds a chance to gain Mana on melee hit.
  • 1 point in Gemini: Allows dual-wielding, but increases damage taken from enemies by 9%.
  • 8 points in Prismatic Blade: Increased Dexterity and more added Cold Melee Damage.
  • 10 points in Volka's Razor: Increases Elemental Melee attacks for any skill that costs more than 10 Mana.
  • 5 points in River Blade: Additional Melee Cold Damage.
  • 4 points in Blade Weaver: Using a Melee attack that costs less than 10 Mana grants stacks of Blade Weaving.Using a Melee skill that costs 10 or more Mana consumes all stacks and deals 15% more Elemental Damage per stack.

Our base class is Mage, which fills the role of a caster in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has threepossible Masteries to choose from. For Mage, you can choose between Passive Trees for Spellbade, Runemaster, and Sorcerer. Uponselecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Mage Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this build we capitalize on several nodes to take adavantage of large chunks of Ward in the Mage tree. We also utilize alarge gain in Attack speed as well as Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike. Most of our points will be spent in the Spellblade Tree.We grab several points that increase our base damage, and many nodes that increase our damage output. Runemaster will be used to round offour defenses, as well as increases to Critical Strike Chance.


Runemaster Passive Points

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (23)

  • 5 points in Sphere of Protection: Provides 8% reduced damage taken from Chilled enemies.
  • 5 points in Runeword: Cataclysm: This node increases our Critical Hit Chance, and on crit grants Runeword: Cataclysm.This allows you to deal more damage to Low Health enemies.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlightthe key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build.While some of these skills do allow for some variation to existdepending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skilltrees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Mana Strike

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (24)

Mana Strike is one of the two primary attacks we will use. To captilize on our Blade Weaverwe will be attacking four times with Mana Strike in between our attacks with Shatter Strike. This will beessential to use this often to keep our massive Mana requirements met.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Swift Sap: Increases Attack Speed by 20%.
  • 1 points in Sprite Blade: Small increase to the area Mana Strike hits. Pathing node.
  • 4 points in Mana Drain: Mana Strike generates more Mana.
  • 5 points in Critical Mana: Mana gained when Mana Strike lands a critical hit.
  • 3 points into Arcanist's Blade: Mana Strike grants additional Mana if it hits an enemy.
  • 2 points into Mana Spark: Pathing node.
  • 1 point into Bountiful Victory: Mana Strike generates more Mana on kill or when it hits a Rare or Boss enemy.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the keypassives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build.While some of these skills do allow for some variation to existdepending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skilltrees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Flame Ward

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (25)

Flame Ward is used purely defensive in nature. When triggered it will give us 1000 armor,and a massive gain to Ward. It will automatically trigger when we are stunned, and get us outof any serious jams.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points in Dilation: Increases the duration and lowers the Mana cost.
  • 1 point in Fire Aura: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Frost Ward: Converts the skill into Cold.
  • 5 points in Frostguard: Adds 1000 Armor while Flame Ward is active.
  • 3 points in Stalwart Defense: Adds Ward on cast.
  • 3 point in Desperate Defense: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Astonish: Flame Ward will now cast when you get stunned as long as it is not on cooldown and you have positive Mana.
  • 2 points int Fuel The Flames: More Ward, and a slightly longer cooldown.
  • 1 point in Dual Aegis: Adds a charge to Flame Ward.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build.While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skilltrees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Enchant Weapon

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (26)

Enchant Weapon should be used when fighting more difficult packs or boss fights.It is a bad day if you're caught without the massive boost to Attack Speed and basedamage. Because of this, we elect to not have it auto cast, although one could decideto do this if they absolutely hated triggering the skill.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points in Celerity: Increases Melee Attack Speed while active.
  • 2 points in Shivering Blade: Passive; adds Chill chance to Melee attacks.
  • 5 points in Frostbrand: Increases Melee Cold Damage while active.
  • 4 points in Concentration: Enchant Weapon lasts an extra 4 seconds when activated.
  • 4 points in Efficacy: Enchant Weapon costs less Mana, and while active you will deal increased damage with Elemental attacks.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build.While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skilltrees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Frost Claw

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (27)

This skill will not be on our bar, and instead Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (28)Teleport will be put in its place for movement.This skill will add some damage, but more importantly will give us access to free Ward. Because of ourblazing fast attack speeds, we will throw out Frost Claw in quick succession, each gaining us 12 Ward per cast.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points in Gift of Winter: Reduces Mana cost.
  • 1 point in Fen of the Frozen: Pathing node.
  • 3 points in Shiver Shell: Allows Frost Claw to be cast by retaliation, or when you take a hit from enemies. Frost Claw, whenused by any method, now grants Ward.
  • 1 point in Reowyn's Veil: More Ward is generated depending on the Freeze Rate of Frost Claw.
  • 3 points in Macuahuitl: Frost Claw has a 30% chance to cast when you hit an enemy with a melee attack.
  • 3 points in Glamdring: Frost Claw now scales one-for-one off Melee Damage.
  • 4 points in Rending Cascade: Adds base Critical Hit Chance.
  • 1 point in Frozen Reign: Reduces Mana cost and more damage to Frozen enemies.
  • 1 point in Cold and Calculating: Increases Freeze Rate Multiplier, scaling off Critical Hit Chance of Frost Claw.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlightthe key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build.While some of these skills do allow for some variation to existdepending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skilltrees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Shatter Strike

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (29)

Shatter Strike will be our primary damage dealer. It will cleave hordes of enemies in a single cast. Since we takeWhiteout, one attack actually be three in large AOE. This scales our existing Critical StrikeMultiplier by another 120%, with max values topping 530%. Be sure to use your Mana Strike in between thecasts of Whiteout. This is where alternating between the two attacks becomes paramount.


Order of Skill Points

  • 2 points in Lingering Chill: If used recently, you now have increased global Cold Damage and Freeze Rate.
  • 1 point in Breadth of Cold: Pathing node.
  • 2 points in Whiteout: Recasts Shatter Strike twice, but lowers Attack Speed and greatly increases Mana consumption.
  • 5 points in Iceblink: Massively increases Attack Speed, but Shatter Strike can no longer be used with a two-handed weapon or wand.
  • 5 points in Icy Flow: Shatter Strike now grants Ward and costs less Mana.
  • 4 points in Absolute Zero: More Damage dealt, but lowers Attack Speed.
  • 2 points in Shiver: Increased Area and Cold Penetration.
  • 4 points in Cold Steel: With our gear, this adds 240% more Critical Multiplier to Shatter Strike.

Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools


Build Mechanics and Playstyle

The build has the playstyle of a classic brawler. Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (30)Shatter Strike should be used alongsideSpellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (31)Mana Strike. Although it is possible to quickly wipe trash packs with a single cast ofShatter Strike, one should be careful not to burn excessive amounts of Mana in any engagement.

Be sure to have at least one cast ofSpellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (32)Flame Ward available if blinking into a pack or into an uncleared area with Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (33)Teleport. We generate Ward ata tremendous rate due to our Idols and passives. With this, if we are not attacking, we are susceptibledue to our low Ward Retention rate. Also keep in mind that we generate massive amount of Armor fromShattered Aegis, which we only generate when attacking.

All in all, this build is active, and requires you to be fighting in order to maximize your defenses,but do not be afraid to reset a fight with Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (34)Flame Ward.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for eachpiece of non-unique gear, as well as working towards acquiring the specific Uniques neededto make this build operate correctly. Our equipment will focus on thesespecific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.

Gear SlotImplicitsModifiers
One-handed SwordMelee Damage
Increased Melee Elemental Damage
Increased Melee Elemental Attack Speed
Increased Melee Attack Speed
Melee Critical Strike Chance

Chance to Shred Armor on Hit
Health Gain on Hit

One-handed SwordMelee Damage
Increased Melee Elemental Damage
Increased Melee Elemental Attack Speed
Increased Melee Attack Speed
Melee Critical Strike Chance

Lighting Penetration
Chance to Shock

Critical Strike Avoidance

Needed Resistances
Increased Health

AmuletPhysical Resistance
Necrotic Resistance
Increased Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier

Needed Resistances

Critical Strike Avoidance
+4 Levels to Shatter Strike, Increased Cold Damage

Added Health
Increased Health

Increased Cold Damage
Increased Mana Regen

Physical Resistance
Hybrid Health

Armor Mitigation Applies to Damage over Time
Critical Strike Chance

Hybrid Health
Needed Resistance

RingSpellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (35)Siphon of AnguishLegendary Potential
Increased Critical Strike Chance
RingIncreased Critical Strike ChancePrefixes
Increased Critical Strike Chance

Needed Resistances
Critical Strike Avoidance

BootsSpellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (36)Suloron's StepLegendary Potential
Hybrid Health
RelicElemental Critical Strike ChancePrefixes
Critical Strike Multiplier

Needed Resistances

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once inthe Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard

Press the Copy 📋 button to copy the following text to your clipboard



The uniques for this Shatter Strike build push the build to very high damage numbers. While not mandatory for the buildto function, these items will scale our damage high in order to climb Corruption.


Siphon of Anguish

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (37)Siphon of Anguish: Applies Doom, and gives us up to 16% more Melee Damage on enemieseffected by it. This can be aquired from killing Orobyss. This ring has an extremelyhigh drop rate, falling to the ground on 50% of all Orobyss kills.


Suloron's Step

Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (38)Suloron's Step will add up to 105% Melee Critical Strike Mulitiplier at the cost of -75% PhysicalResistance; be sure to plan for this loss in advance. It can be farmed in the Timeline "Spirits of Fire"at the Unique or Set Boots echo rewards.



Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses andunique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screenconsists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sizedIdols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2,1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

We are targeting two Large Arcane Idols (1x3) and two Huge Arcane Idols (1x4). The Large willhave a prefix of Ward Gain on Portion and a Suffix of Chance to Gain 20 Ward on Melee Hit. Forthe Huge Idol, we are putting Increased Critical Strike Chance on the prefix, with Chance to GainWard on Melee hit again for the suffix. With our rate of attack, we should be gaining Ward very quicklyusing these Idols. The remaining Idols should be used to add base Health, Ward Retention, or top off someResistances.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are applied to your character. These comein two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantlystronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, onefor each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss youwill be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.

Blessing NameAffixTimeline
Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (39)Grand Echo of SolarumVoid ResistanceThe Black Sun
Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (40)Grand Bastion of DivinityIncreased Lightning ResistanceEnding the Storm
Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (41)Grand Bulwark of the Tundra#% Increased ArmorThe Age of Winter
Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (42)Grand Body of ObsidianArmorSpirits of Fire
Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (43)Grand Dream of EterraNecrotic ResistanceReign of Dragons



  • 18 Mar. 2024: Guide added.

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Spellblade Shatter Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)


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Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build is the fastest build in the game because of its high movespeed and short cooldowns on the core skills. But it is not only about speed; this build is a lethal combination of damage and defense and is a force to be reckoned with in any fight.

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The Last Epoch Falconer is at the top of this Last Epoch tier list thanks to its high versatility and sheer damage potential. You can build the Falconer in many different ways, ranging from a Falcon-focused playstyle with Dive Bomb attacks to a more calculated playstyle with Smoke Bomb evasion and Ballista placements.

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Can You Dual Wield in Last Epoch? Yes, but only after you level up and unlock a specific passive skill for certain character classes. Normally, you can only use shields or magical items in your off-hand slot. However, once you earn enough levels, you'll be able to dual-wield one-handed weapons like in any other ARPG.

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The Spellblade offers a melee-focused Mastery for the Mage in Last Epoch. With the ability to wield two swords, the Spellblade casts spells at melee range, imbuing his blades with magical energy to empower his attacks.

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The Warlock mastery takes the top spot as the strongest class in Last Epoch for high corruption builds.

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Players in Last Epoch discuss the tedious journey from level 90 to 100 and share contrasting views on the grind. Players in Last Epoch are voicing their opinions on the challenging path from level 90 to 100, sparking debates around the endgame grind experience.

What is the highest DPS mastery in the Last Epoch? ›

And, as explained in our guide to the best Last Epoch Mage builds, the Runemaster mastery has the highest potential for damage because it's so versatile. This is done by generating elemental runes as you attack, as long as you spec into the right Runic Invocation nodes.

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Excluding a handful of leveling Uniques, every Unique in Last Epoch can drop with 1-4 Legendary Potential. This number represents how many affixes a Unique can steal from an Exalted item. The higher the number, the more affixes that Unique can obtain when it becomes a Legendary.

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Endgame in Last Epoch is ever-evolving as we continue to steadily release updates to existing endgame systems and introduce new ones.

Why is the Spellblade set good? ›

Despite what the ingame description set says, it increases the damage of Magic dealing ashes of war/skills by 2% per piece. Such as Ice Spear, the magic beam skill of the Sword of Night and Flame (but not the fire skill), or any Ash of War on the Horn Bow, not just Glintstone Ashes of War.

Is Spellblade on hit? ›

Unique Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack (on-hit) deals 100% base AD bonus physical damage (1. 5 second cooldown).

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The Spellblade Set is a complete set of Attire that's found in Roundtable Hold during Rogier's side quest. This set includes the Spellblade's Pointed Hat, Spellblade's Traveling Attire, Spellblade's Gloves, and Spellblade's Trousers.

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Primal Molten Spellblade are created with Dragon Isles Blacksmithing (25); taught by [Plans: Primal Molten Spellblade].

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Spellblade is a legendary melee weapon in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands manufactured by Swifft. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Wastard located in Karnok's Wall.

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Skill Specialization Slots are unlocked as your character levels up, to a maximum of 5 (to match how many skills can be equipped on the Action Bar). Upon unlocking a Skill Specialization Slot, you can choose to Specialize in a skill that your character currently knows.

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The base skill point cap is 20 on every ability, however, this cap can be increased through affixes. By equipping BiS affixes, some highly-refined builds are able to push their skill points cap as high as 30 with optimal gear.

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Legendaries in Last Epoch, Explained

Clearing the Temporal Sanctum dungeon will give you access to the Eternity Cache. In it, you must put Unique and Exalted items that meet the conditions described above. As a result, you will get a Legendary Item that will receive between one and four affixes from the Exalted item.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.