Proto-Gravemind (2024)

Proto-Gravemind (1)Proto-Gravemind (2)

Proto-Gravemind (3)

The Proto-Gravemind, also known as the Proto-Compound Intelligence,[1] is an advanced Flood form created from the biomass of the most intelligent living organisms available, with the ultimate goal of creating a fully-functional Gravemind.


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Creation and Physiology
    • 1.2 Further Development
  • 2 Appearances
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 Appearances
  • 6 References
  • 7 Sources


Creation and Physiology[]

Proto-Gravemind (4)

Proto-Graveminds are a coagulation of multiple other Flood forms all merged. It appears that when an advanced task is at hand for the Flood, such as piloting a starship, they will create a Proto-Gravemind to do that task by merging as many hosts as possible with that knowledge, such as former pilots and officers. Rather than completely destroying a victim's consciousness, as a normal Flood form generally does, it interrogates its victims slowly, allowing their consciousnesses to feed it information. The form tortures the host's mind with a loud buzzing sound, thus erasing all thought. Only after the host is stripped of all knowledge is the host killed by the Proto-Gravemind, although it is sometimes possible for a host to die before the Flood form has a chance to assimilate all of its memories.[2]

A notable feature in the creation of a Proto-Gravemind is that San'Shyuum are often used to form the core "mind" of the Brain Form, such as Regret, or the Minister of Etiology.[3] The biggest difference between the infected San'Shyuum and that of the conventional Combat Form is that examples seen thus far have maintained their personalities to an extent. Other infected forms are subjected completely to the control of the Infection Form within them and generally display none of the former personality traits of their hosts. On the other hand, infected Prophets have demonstrated the ability to act the same way that they did before they were assimilated. As the Prophet species are considerably weaker and frailer than many other Covenant species, the Prophet would not be a suitable creature to create a Combat Form and their intelligent nature likely make them more suitable candidates as the main host of a Proto-Gravemind.

Proto-Graveminds are only seen piloting more complex vehicles that require trained pilots. While Combat Forms can easily, albeit clumsily, pilot smaller vehicles like Warthogs, Scorpions, Wraiths, and Ghosts (at least once the Flood infection has reached the Coordinated Stage), Proto-Graveminds are needed for larger vehicles such as a spaceship. Since the Proto-Gravemind does not appear to move at all, it is likely that it directs nearby Combat Forms to pilot the ships, similar to the way a fully-formed Gravemind will direct Flood forms to perform complex tasks or use the Flood Super Cell to pilot the ship.

Unlike all other known Flood forms, it is apparently immobile and passive in combat. They have never been observed to move on their own, even when other Combat Forms are fighting nearby. In fact, even when John-117 physically punched through the side of the Proto-Gravemind present aboard the Truth and Reconciliation during the Battle of Installation 04, the Flood form did not react at all; it is likely that locomotion is only gained after the transformation into a true Gravemind is complete. Proto-Graveminds have also never been observed to keep any of their hosts' weapons. They use some of their hosts' legs as a means to support themselves, and one can slightly see some of the recent hosts' bodies embedded in the Proto-Gravemind's mass, albeit deformed.

Further Development[]

The Proto-Gravemind must grow incredibly in size to reach its next stage of development, known as a Gravemind, a near-omniscient Flood form made of thousands of host bodies infused with the knowledge of each host that was used to make the Gravemind.[4] Graveminds are created once a Proto-Gravemind reaches a certain "critical mass" and develops a centralized intelligence. This happens only on extremely rare occasions, usually because the Flood is seldom loose on a large enough scale to allow Proto-Graveminds to grow large enough to become a Gravemind. Only two Graveminds are known to have ever been created; however, they seem to have the same memories, since the Gravemind present during the Human-Covenant war possessed detailed knowledge concerning the Forerunner-Flood war and even described the actions of the previous Gravemind during that time period as if they were his own. In essence, because it shares all the knowledge of the previous Gravemind and considers them both to be the same being, the Gravemind of the games is the Gravemind that fought the Forerunners, simply been reborn from another Proto-Gravemind.


Proto-Graveminds have been observed several times, each time taking on a different appearance to match the different hosts that made up the form.

The first Proto-Gravemind encountered in the Halo Series was in the Halo: Combat Evolved level, Keyes. John-117 found this form in the control center of the Truth and Reconciliation. It is possible that the Proto-Gravemind would have allowed the Flood to use the Truth and Reconciliation to spread beyond Installation 04. This Proto-Gravemind assimilated Captain Jacob Keyes and attempted to learn from him the coordinates of Earth. Keyes fought with every ounce of willpower he had to prevent the Flood from gaining this information, burying the knowledge deep down within him and forcing the Proto-Gravemind to systematically discard every other memory he possessed. John-117 arrived at the Proto-Gravemind just before the Flood form was about to finally extract the memory it wanted, and punched through the Captain's skull in order to retrieve his neural implants, thereby robbing the Proto-Gravemind of the knowledge of Earth's location for good. The Proto-Gravemind was destroyed shortly thereafter by the Covenant Special Ops.[5]

Another Proto-Gravemind was observed on the Covenant ship Infinite Succor at around the same time. This one appeared to be made up of Unggoy, Sangheili, Human Combat Forms, and even animals from the ship's hunting preserve. The form was constructed in the ship's Engine Room, near the core, probably because the command center of the ship was not accessible to the Flood. This form was destroyed by Rtas 'Vadumee before it could pilot the Infinite Succor out of the system.[6]

Yet another Proto-Gravemind was present on the UNSC prisoner ship Mona Lisa, shortly after the destruction of Installation 04. Flood on board the ship were attempting to access the ship's FTL drives by collecting and absorbing the knowledge of UNSC pilots into this Proto-Gravemind. It was destroyed when Ngoc Benti threw grenades into its interior and blew it up.

A Proto-Gravemind was also present on a Forerunner Shield World, Shield 0459, during a mass Flood outbreak in 2531. Judging by its huge size and its connection to several Flood colonies, it is likely that this Proto-Gravemind was on the verge of becoming a Gravemind. This Proto-Gravemind was destroyed by UNSC forces led by John Forge and Spartan Red Team.

A massive Proto-Gravemind was also formed on Installation 00 in 2559, near the crash site of High Charity. Unlike the other forms of the Proto-Gravemind, this one possessed large, very long tentacles connected to a central mass, which was located in a crater. The Banished were able to put down this Proto-Gravemind with the assistance of several Retrievers. Like the Proto-Gravemind encountered in Shield 0459, it is likely that this Proto-Gravemind was also on the verge of becoming a Gravemind, given that it was nearing critical mass.


  • If one listens carefully when next to the Proto-Gravemind on the level Keyes, you can hear the Flood form making raspy growling noises.
  • Jacob Keyesand Burgundyarethe only notable humans to become part of a Proto-Gravemind.
  • In Halo: Combat Evolved, ithas also been observed that Plasma Grenades do not stick onto its surface, although sometimes they will land on one of its humps, exploding shortly after, but with no visible effect to the creature. It is unknown why the grenades do not stick on it in the same manner they do to the other Flood forms, although it may be because in Halo: Combat Evolved, the Proto-Gravemind is actually programmed as part of the map.
  • In Halo: Combat Evolved, if one looks carefully, the Proto-Gravemind does move slightly in its place, but not enough to show up on the motion sensor.
  • Little bits of liquid will fall off of one of the tentacles sticking from the ceiling.
  • The Proto-Gravemind in Halo: Combat Evolved has seven tentacles.
  • If you examine a Proto-Gravemind carefully, you will see the outlines of different bodies that were used as biomass. This includes Captain Keyes' tortured face. In Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, one can clearly make out several humans in the upper left corner of the biomass.
  • It is known that Keyes' Pipe can be found on one of the Proto-Gravemind's tentacles in Keyes.
  • When the Proto-Gravemind in Halo Wars is destroyed, it will spurt liquid everywhere. It is possible that Flood biomass functions like a water balloon, having a solid exterior and being filled with liquid. This is why Sniper Rifle rounds have little effect on Combat Forms: the rounds simply pass straight through the liquefied insides, dealing no harm to the Combat Form, like when John-117 tried to snipe a Combat Form in Halo: The Flood.
  • The Proto-Gravemind was originally called "The Librarian."[7]
  • It is unknown if the Flood would ever build more than one Proto-Gravemind, if the situation arises. It is possible that this occurred on Installation 04.
  • It is unknown what would occur if a Proto-Gravemind was being created when a Gravemind was already present, it is assumed that it would be under the directive of the Gravemind.
  • In Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, the Proto-Gravemind appears to glow in certain areas.
  • In Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, when scanned into the Library, the Proto-Gravemind is called the Proto-Compound.


Proto-Gravemind (5)

Early concept art of a Proto-Gravemind.

Proto-Gravemind (6)

A Proto-Gravemind in Halo: Combat Evolved.

Proto-Gravemind (7)

The Proto-Gravemind featured with the Halo: CEA Kinect Library.

Proto-Gravemind (8)

Jacob Keyes Proto-Gravemind form in the Halo: CEA Terminal.

Proto-Gravemind (9)

A Proto-Gravemind as seen in Halo Legends' Origins.

Proto-Gravemind (10)

The Proto-Gravemind as it appears in Halo Wars.

Proto-Gravemind (11)

The infected Minister of Etiology, before being absorbed into a Proto-Gravemind.

Proto-Gravemind (12)

A Proto-Gravemind in the engine room of the Mona Lisa.

Proto-Gravemind (13)

Proto-Gravemind near the High Charity crash site on the Installation 00 in "Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare".

Proto-Gravemind (14)

The Installation 00 Proto-Gravemind destroyed.




Proto-Gravemind (2024)


What is the difference between a Gravemind and a Proto-Gravemind? ›

Graveminds are created once a Proto-Gravemind reaches a certain "critical mass" and develops a centralized intelligence. This happens only on extremely rare occasions, usually because the Flood is seldom loose on a large enough scale to allow Proto-Graveminds to grow large enough to become a Gravemind.

Is Captain Keyes the Gravemind? ›

Unfortunately for the Captain, however, the Flood caught up to him. Keyes was unable to hold off the onslaught and was promptly captured, infected and turned into a Proto-Gravemind.

Does Gravemind control all floods? ›

It is a near-omniscient creature with complete control over all Flood forms. The Gravemind was the shared consciousness of the entire Flood species which first emerges when it reaches the Coordinated Stage.

Is the Gravemind intelligent? ›

Although multiple Graveminds have existed throughout time - sometimes contemporaneously with one another - they all share the same obscure, complex and highly intelligent personality.

Can a Gravemind be killed? ›

In addition, it appears each Gravemind also retains the memories and knowledge of previous Graveminds. This has made the Gravemind virtually omniscient, and ensures that should the Gravemind be destroyed, its consciousness will never truly die as long as some flood forms are left.

Is the Gravemind a good guy? ›

The Gravemind is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Prophet of Truth) of the Halo franchise.

Is the Gravemind still alive? ›

In the end, the Gravemind was destroyed as Halo's activation destroyed itself and the Flood that had escaped containment. In its final moments, however, the Gravemind addressed the Master Chief telepathically one last time, with an ominous warning: "Resignation is my virtue, like water I ebb and flow.

What did Cortana do to Gravemind? ›

Cortana battled the Gravemind, trying to hold onto the data about the Portal and the Ark (presumably gotten when she was in Alpha Halo's Control Center). She ends up creating multiple copies of herself to distract the Gravemind and twice they apparently chimed in during her conversations with the Gravemind.

Who is Captain Keyes daughter? ›

Miranda is the daughter of Dr. Halsey and Captain Keyes, the latter whom commanded the Pillar of Autumn in the first halo game. Although she is somewhat head strong, she is regarded by many as a brilliant officer with a lot of potential.

Why did Cortana turn evil? ›

Confronting Cortana on Installation 07, the Didact revealed that she had killed more innocent beings than him and implored Cortana to realize what she had become, suggesting that like him, Cortana had suffered corruption at the hands of the Gravemind that was causing her actions.

What did the Gravemind do to regret? ›

Though Regret was killed, the Gravemind captured Regret's body and managed to reanimate him, using his knowledge to determine the location of the portal to the Ark.

Who stopped the Flood Halo? ›

The Flood would threaten ancient humanity and then the Forerunners, who ultimately build and activate the Halo Array to stop the parasite's spread.

How intelligent is atriox? ›

Coupled with his unnaturally high intelligence this allows Atriox to employ strategies that a normal Jiralhanae would not employ. He is also resilient capable of holding his own against an entire unit of Spartan II's. Atriox does not possess many of the prejudices found in many of his kind.

Who is the smartest character in Halo? ›

Cortana is a fictional artificially intelligent character in the Halo video game series. Voiced by Jen Taylor, she appears in Halo: Combat Evolved and its sequels, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 5: Guardians and Halo Infinite.

How powerful is the Gravemind? ›

The Gravemind is a massive, self-aware Flood form with complete control over all Flood forms and all memories of the lifeforms absorbed by the Flood.

Are there multiple graveminds? ›

Though graveminds have usually interacted with humanity one at a time, there can be many graveminds in the galaxy at any one time, which all share the same intelligence. Graveminds have been found by humans on both Delta Halo during the Battle of Installation 05, and on the Ark during the Second Ark Conflict.

What does a Gravemind turn into? ›

Eventually the Gravemind will end up as a mass of knowledge. Over decades, more and more knowledge absorbed through time will turn the Gravemind into a sort of Ancient being that knows everything about whatever race it has chosen to infect.

What does the Gravemind want? ›

The gravemind is hyper intelligent being created from the remains of the fallen prometheans, its only propose is to become more intelligent and apex. The gravemind sees the completion of its biological poragative as it consuming all intelligent life in the Galaxy/universe.

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