Should You Have a VPN at School? The Answer is Yes (Find Out Why) (2024)

Browsing the web at school can be more confusing than wrapping your head around trigonometry. You can’t access all the websites you want, or watch videos on YouTube and chat with your friends on Facebook. You might not even be able to download anything. The internet should be a place filled with infinite information, but your school blocks half the web!

Thankfully, you can have access to all the websites you want to visit. Get CyberGhost VPN and regain your freedom to use the internet as it was always meant to be – without restrictions.

Let’s take a quick look at why schools block some websites and how a VPN helps overcome those limits.

Why Do Schools Block Certain Websites?

Schools have valid reasons for limiting your activities on their network, including protecting the school’s computers against malware. While necessary, these firewall blocks can also keep you from accessing helpful websites. That might not be the school’s intention, but they probably won’t do anything to change it.

Here are some of the top reasons why schools have firewall blocks in place.

1. To Limit Bandwidth Usage

Much like your brain can only handle studying for so long, school networks can also only handle so many devices clogging up their bandwidth at a time. Things like streaming, downloading, and using image-laden websites are bandwidth-heavy activities. Some schools decide to block websites that use a lot of data to avoid slow connections. Unfortunately, they’ll also block useful websites if they use too much bandwidth, even if they’re related to education.

2. To Protect Students

The internet is a dangerous place, and if you’re not careful you can run into disturbing people, graphic content, and risky situations. Schools block many websites to protect their students from these malicious parts of the web just like parents do. Social media, forums, and peer-to-peer sharing sites are usually included in that list.

Schools for underage kids aren’t the only ones implementing firewall blocks – it happens in colleges and universities too. In those cases, it isn’t generally about protecting the students, rather it’s about limiting socially unacceptable or sensitive topics or content on campus.

3. To Adhere to the Law

Countries and states have different laws for protecting students. Some also have internet-related laws that force schools to block different types of websites deemed “harmful to minors and adolescents”. That includes topics that lawmakers decide are unacceptable based on their own beliefs or views, even if you don’t feel the same way. Unfortunately, these laws are often broad and in many cases, the laws dictate that parts of history, current news, scientific journals, and even books can be harmful. That means your school might be blocking your access to useful, educational information.

4. To Keep Students Focused

Despite offering unrivaled access to information and educational sources, the internet is also great for wasting time. Schools block distracting websites to curb procrastination. Yet, these websites may have legitimate uses, outside of entertainment purposes. You may like to stream music to help you study or need to use Facebook to share a survey.

What is a VPN?

Simply put, a virtual private network (VPN) is an app that encrypts the internet traffic on your device and reroutes it through a secure server. It can get around blocks because the encryption keeps the firewall from seeing which websites you visit. It’s like when you sneak a snack into class, but you don’t want to share – everyone knows you’re eating something, but they can’t see what it is.

You’ll want to make sure you get a trustworthy VPN with strong encryption protocols. A good VPN ensures your connection stays private without limiting your speeds or bandwidth. You should still be careful online when using a VPN, though. We can’t keep you from downloading malware or from harassment on shady websites.

Download CyberGhost VPN now and stay safe while you access the world wide web!

How Does a VPN Help?

Even if you have a valid reason for visiting a blocked website, your school’s network administrator can’t grant access to every person who asks. They likely wouldn’t want to either. A VPN allows you to choose which websites you can visit and take charge of your own online experience. That way, you can get access to educational content and important information that your school otherwise blocks.

A VPN also provides an added layer of security on your device so outsiders can’t track who or where you are through your connection. Targeted online attacks against schools and students are rising, and many schools aren’t doing enough to bump up their security.

A VPN changes your device’s IP address and increases your online privacy. That means any cyberattackers won’t know who or where you are and won’t be able to harass you. Just make sure the VPN has a No-Logs policy and other security measures like an automatic Kill Switch to ensure your safety and privacy.

In short, here are the reasons why a VPN can help:

          • Bypasses firewall filters
          • Gives you back control over what you do and see online
          • Provides access to previously blocked educational resources
          • Adds a layer of extra security to your device
          • Makes you safer online to avoid stalking and cyber-bullying
          • Unlocks study tools like YouTube Music and Spotify

Why CyberGhost is the Best VPN for School Wi-Fi

CyberGhost VPN offers a range of benefits in and outside of school. We have 116 server locations across 91 countries, so you won’t have trouble finding a server in a location that suits you, whether near your school or in another country.We don’t pose any bandwidth limits–you’re free to watch every educational video on the web or stream hours of music while you study.

On top of giving you ground-breaking connection speeds, we also have servers optimized for streaming and gaming (for when you need a study break). CyberGhost VPN doesn’t limit how you access anything either. You can connect up to 7 devices simultaneously on one CyberGhost VPN account with easy-to-use apps for every device. Put all of this to the test with our unrivaled 45-day money-back guarantee.

At a glance, here’s what CyberGhost VPN offers you:

          • Unrestricted access to your favorite websites
          • Multiple simultaneous device connections
          • User-friendly apps for all your devices
          • Unlimited bandwidth for every device
          • Lightning-fast connection speeds
          • Global access with 116 server locations over 91 countries.
          • Affordable prices with no account limitations
          • Generous 45-day money-back guarantee
          • Strong encryptions and No-Logs policy for increased online privacy
          • Optimized streaming and gaming servers
          • Thorough protection against online threats
          • Excellent 24/7 customer care

How to Use a VPN at School

You’re going to wish studying calculus was this easy! Just create an account and download the app for your device. Buy CyberGhost VPN and use our apps for every popular operating system, including iOS and Android smartphones, Windows, macOS, Linux computers, and you can even get it to work with smart TVs. Make sure to turn the VPN on and choose a server in your desired location before you start browsing the web.

Note: It’s not wise to download any unauthorized apps on school property, like tablets and computers.

When to Be Cautious With Using a VPN at School

Some schools have strict rules for their computers/Wi-Fi network usage. Your school may have policies that ban students from using a VPN on school property in some way. These policies often mention school computers but could even include your personal devices while you’re connected to their Wi-Fi. It’s a good idea to be cautious if your school has usage policies like these because you don’t want to risk getting into trouble.

The Bottom Line

Your school has many reasons to set up firewall blocks on its network. Don’t let these restrictions hinder your studies! Get CyberGhost VPN today to access all blocked content and enjoy complete online privacy, even on your school’s restrictive and unsafe network.


Can I use a VPN at school?

If your school doesn’t have a usage policy against VPNs, then you’re technically free to use one. It’s still a good idea to use the VPN on your personal devices instead of on the school’s computers or tablets. School administrators often don’t appreciate students installing software on school property.

We have apps that are easy to install and use for all your devices, including your iOS or Android phone and your Windows, macOS, or Linux computer.

Is using a VPN at school illegal?

It’s not illegal to use a VPN at school. Yet, the country you live in may ban VPNs which makes them illegal at schools too. Many schools also have rules that might prevent you from using a VPN while connected to the school’s network. If your school allows VPNs, it’s important to choose a trustworthy VPN like CyberGhost. Especially if your school’s Wi-Fi network is public, as it can attract cybercriminals.

Why do schools block certain websites?

Schools block websites for many reasons, including to adhere to the law, to protect students from inappropriate content, and to keep students focused on their studies. The problem is these blocks can prevent you from visiting useful and educational websites too.

VPNs like CyberGhost give you access to those websites because they encrypt and reroute your connection. The school’s firewall can’t see what you’re doing, so it can’t automatically block anything. Contact our 24/7 customer support team if you have any questions about how this works.

Why do schools block VPN websites?

Some schools have rules against using a VPN on campus, and they will generally block VPN websites as well. You can still download a VPN on your phone or laptop at home and then use it at school, but you should be mindful of your school’s rules. CyberGhost VPN uses strong encryption protocols to keep your school’s firewall out of your business, but they may still catch you using a VPN when you shouldn’t.

Can I use a free VPN at school?

You can, but you shouldn’t. Free VPNs are like that person in a group project that does none of the work but takes all the credit. They aren’t safe because they often sell your data to make money. You’ll likely also feel your connection slowing down when using a free VPN because they have small server networks and low bandwidth capacity.

A premium VPN like GhostVPN gives you the best chance to access the websites you want while staying safe online. Have a look at all of the benefits you get with a CyberGhost subscription.

Should You Have a VPN at School? The Answer is Yes (Find Out Why) (2024)


Should You Have a VPN at School? The Answer is Yes (Find Out Why)? ›

A VPN can make you safer and more private online by hiding your IP address and encrypting your traffic. However, some schools limit the use of VPNs for various reasons. If your school policy doesn't allow them, refrain from using a virtual private network — or you could get in trouble.

Should I use a VPN at school? ›

There are numerous advantages to using a VPN in an educational setting. VPNs can: Let users work or learn from home and access a school's network. Let users access a school's resources even when working or learning from a location with changing or poor connectivity.

Why should students use VPN? ›

Students can use a VPN to stay safe when using public Wi-Fi hotspots (in libraries and coffee shops), access resources from across the globe, and browse the net without leaving an identifiable trail.

Can my school see what im doing if I use a VPN? ›

Schools can't detect VPNs because they cannot see inside the encrypted traffic. VPNs work by creating a secure tunnel between your device and the VPN server. This encrypted tunnel masks your real IP address, so schools can't see what websites you're visiting or what files you're downloading.

Is it a good idea to have VPN? ›

Using a reliable virtual private network (VPN) can be a safe way to browse the internet. VPN security can protect from IP and encrypt internet history and is increasingly being used to prevent snooping on by government agencies. However, VPNs won't be able to keep you safe in all scenarios.

Why are VPNs banned at school? ›

Schools, colleges, and universities sometimes block VPNs within their networks to ensure academic integrity and prevent students from accessing inappropriate content.

Can schools block VPNs? ›

School or workplace rules

Sometimes, schools or workplaces don't want students or employees to access certain websites. So, they might block VPNs on their networks. However, some VPNs have better luck getting past school firewalls, so it's important to do your research if you find yourself in this situation.

Should kids have a VPN? ›

Quick Answer: Should kids use a VPN? Tech-savvy kids may use a VPN to get around parental controls. To prevent this, talk to your kids about why your parental controls are in place, and consider preventing them from downloading a VPN using the parental controls on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Do colleges ban VPNs? ›

Some universities may block VPNs, but a quality VPN will be able to get past most restrictions. PIA VPN's Multihop feature obfuscates your connection to hide the fact you're using a VPN. This lets you bypass VPN blocks on any network.

Why is VPN so important? ›

A VPN protects its users by encrypting their data and masking their IP address, leaving their browsing history and location untraceable. This greater anonymity allows for greater privacy, as well as greater freedom for those who wish to access blocked or region-bound content.

Can school Wi-Fi see your history? ›

When connected to school Wi-Fi, the school may have the ability to see your online activities. This includes the websites you visit and the online services you use. However, they typically cannot view content within apps or specific details of your browsing unless they have installed monitoring software on your device.

Can school Wi-Fi see your texts? ›

In summary they can: Read any message sent via their website, but probably not messages sent by other internet services. They can read messages send by some local network messaging apps. They know when you are sending messages using their network.

Can schools see your screen? ›

Your school can see what you do on your phone or laptop

Whenever you connect to Wi-Fi on campus with your phone or your laptop, your school knows which websites you've visited. And, if the sites are not secured with HTTPS, it can also see what you've looked at.

Are VPNs legal? ›

In most jurisdictions, the use of VPNs is legal. Some countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. allow citizens to use these tools to protect their online privacy and access geo-restricted content. In contrast, many countries ban VPNs as part of broader efforts to control internet access and suppress dissenting voices.

Are VPNs safe? ›

A VPN connection is made through highly secure protocols at a level of encryption that has never been cracked. This, coupled with the anonymity of IP masking and location spoofing, renders your online presence nearly untraceable. If you or your organization handle sensitive information, then a VPN is a must.

Is free VPN safe? ›

While using a free VPN may seem like a cost-effective solution, it can expose you to a higher risk of malware. If you want to protect your device and data from potential attacks, use a paid VPN, like Surfshark, with the necessary resources, expertise, and robust security measures.

Should I let my kid use a VPN? ›

Unfortunately, if you don't set up parental controls to keep them in check or teach them how to use a VPN safely, there is a high risk that they'll fall prey to cybercrime. That's why it's a good idea to set up parental controls and educate kids about safe internet practices when you begin using a VPN at home.

Why teachers should use a VPN to access files on school servers? ›

Because your connection is encrypted, it's also more secure. All data transmitted between your computer and the VPN server is encrypted, making it unreadable to someone trying to intercept it.

How to get a free VPN on school chromebook? ›

How to set up VPN apps on Chromebook
  1. Open Google Play Store on your Chromebook.
  2. Use the search bar to find a VPN or enter the name of a VPN you want to use.
  3. Select a VPN extension.
  4. Choose Install in the upper-right corner to download the app.
  5. Select Open to start using the VPN app.
Apr 10, 2024

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.